Game what is where kindergarten. Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Intellectual game “What? Where? When? Round of general questions

Intellectual game"What? Where? When?" on the topic: "In the footsteps of the heroes of Soyuzmultfilms" for children of the preparatory group.

Kuzmina Natalya Nikolaevna, educator of the I qualification category, State Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum No. 1571" department preschool education"Rays".
Description: Today, the Federal State Educational Standard calls for the development of various joint forms of interaction between children and adults. The project method is one of the most effective and fruitful forms of cooperation between children and adults.
Therefore, the project of our group had the name: "Soyuzmultfilm for Children".
In this regard, an unconventional form was organized educational activities in the form of an intellectual game: “What? Where? When?" on the topic: "In the footsteps of the heroes of the Sozcartoons." This is a kind of consolidation of the knowledge and skills that the children have mastered during the project. The material will be useful for educators, primary school teachers.
Target: To generalize, systematize, consolidate the knowledge gained by children, within the framework of the project of the "Soyuzmultfilm for Children" group.
- continue to teach children to play intellectual games, observe the rules of the game, be able to listen to the teacher, answer questions;
- to generalize and activate the children's vocabulary with words: intellectual game, spinning top, sector, hourglass, treble clef, video question, projector;
- to give the pupils pleasure from the intellectual game;
- continue to develop in preschoolers inquisitiveness, communication qualities, speech activity and thinking abilities;
- encourage children to express an emotional response to completed assignments (delight, joy, satisfaction);
- continue to instill in children an interest in intellectual games;
- to form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team;
- to educate children to love their homeland, people around them, nature; courage, kindness, decency;
- create conditions for fruitful and effective cooperation between children and adults;
Educational area:"Cognitive development".
Integration of educational areas:
- « Speech development»(Coherent speech, generalization of the dictionary with new words, communication skills);
- "Social and communicative development" (game, moral education);
- "Artistic and aesthetic development" (musical dance - warm-up, aesthetic design of the group);
Equipment and materials:
a drum table, a spinning top with an arrow, envelopes with assignments, a "magic house" with a mirror, a TV with images of cartoon characters, a treble clef (for a musical pause), toys, cartoon characters, children's drawings, an hourglass; music screensavers for the game from the program: “What? Where? When? ", Musical backing track from the cartoon" The Bremen Town Musicians "" There is nothing better in the world ... "to introduce the participants of the game; scoreboard, computer, projector, screen; chocolate medals and incentive prizes for game participants; medals with images of cartoon characters (photocopied and laminated) for the audience.
Preliminary work:
Conversation-presentation: "History of the creation of domestic cartoons", questionnaires of parents: "Influence of cartoons on the behavior of children of 6-7 years old", questioning of children: "What cartoons do I like?" , watching domestic cartoons, listening to songs from cartoons, conducting a master class with parents "Heroes of Soyuzmultfilms" (paper plastic), watching the program "What? Where? When?".
Game progress:
- Today is December 23rd and we are starting the live broadcast of the first game of the winter 2016 series.
(music sounds from the program: "What? Where? When?"
- The team of the intellectual club "Know-it-alls" is playing against the "Cartoons" today. And I represent the participants in today's game:
(musical backing track from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" "There is nothing better in the world ...")
- Future performer of folk songs - Maria B.
- The future champion of the Russian national football team is Kirill.
- Erudite, resourceful, comprehensively developed - Victoria.
- The kindest, sympathetic, courageous - Mikhail.
- A future theater and film actor and just a good man - Artem.
- The most active, positive - Maria N.
- The most mysterious, romantic, tender is Daria.
- Athlete, activist - Daniel.
- And the team captain, a leading specialist in paper handling in the origami technique - Alexander.
(participants sit around the table)

- And now, I will introduce you to the rules of the game.
Dear Know-it-alls, this is a game table. There is a top with an arrow in the middle of the table, and there are envelopes. Each participant will rotate the top in turn, at which envelope the arrow will point, we open that envelope and read for you a question sent by someone from the "Cartoons". After listening to the question, the team can answer immediately by ringing the bell, thereby notifying us that the answer is ready, or take 1 minute to think. Your team should answer all of the questions in the envelopes. In addition, the envelopes contain Blitz - questions that participants must answer quickly, without hesitation; "Magic house"; questions to the audience in the hall; video question from the viewer; musical pause; commercial break. If the team does not answer any question, then the question goes to the audience in the hall. And one point is awarded to Cartoons. The scoreboard is invoiced.
So, we start the game “What? Where? When?"
(music from the program sounds: "What? Where? When?" "spinning of the top"). The player spins the top.
The presenter, after indicating the arrow, opens the envelopes with questions.
- (opening the envelope) Dear "Know-it-alls", is playing against you The Snow Queen:
-Attention to the question: “What pierced the very heart of the cartoon character The Snow Queen? What was the name of the hero? "

- Attention, the correct answer: "A fragment of the" magic mirror of the troll "penetrated into Kai's heart, and everything around him appears in a distorted form ..."
- (opening the envelope) Dear Know-it-alls, the Golden Antelope is playing against you:
- Attention to the question: “Where does the Golden Antelope live?
(there is a discussion of the question, the participants give an answer)
- Attention, the correct answer: "I live far away, in the jungle, near a humpbacked mountain where green bamboo is rustling"
-(opening the envelope) Dear "Know-it-alls", the cartoon characters The Wolf and the Calf are playing against you:
- Attention to the question: "What did the wolf help the peasant in the village to do to get food for the calf?"
(there is a discussion of the question, the participants give an answer)
- Attention, the correct answer: "The wolf chopped wood to the man."
-(opening the envelope) Dear "Know-it-alls", the characters from the Monkey cartoon are playing against you:
- Attention, the question: "Where do the monkeys live?"
(the question is being discussed, the participants give an answer)
- Attention, correct answer: "Do monkeys live in a zoo?"
- (opening the envelope) Dear "Know-it-alls", heroes from Prostokvashino are playing against you.
- Attention, the question: "Where does the acquaintance of Uncle Fyodor and the cat Matroskin take place?"
(there is a discussion of the question, the participants give an answer)
- Attention, the correct answer: "Cat Matroskin and Uncle Fedor met at the entrance of the house on the landing"

-(opening the envelope) Dear "Know-it-alls", the kitten Woof is playing against you.
- Attention, the question: "Where is the Woof kitten hiding, together with the puppy, during a thunderstorm?"
(there is a discussion of the question, the participants give an answer)
- Attention, the correct answer: "Kitten Woof, together with the puppy, were hiding in the attic."
Envelope "Blitz - questions":
- Does the cartoon Woof kitten bark or bark? (Meows)
- Whom did the old woman Shapoklyak take on a string? A cat or a dog? (To Larisk the Rat)
- From what cartoon words: "Guys, let's live together!" (Leopold the Cat)
- A fairytale hero with three heads? (Zmey Gorynych).
Envelope "Questions for the audience in the hall":
- Carlson's favorite dish? (jam and buns)
- What is the name of the tale, the main character which is made of flour? (Gingerbread man)
- A means of transportation for Baba Yaga? (mortar)
- In this cartoon, the main character is a doctor. He treated animals, reached the sick on an eagle, on a whale? (Aibolit)
- A fabulous hero with a propeller on his back? (Carlson)
- What is the name of the cat from Prostokvashino? (cat Matroskin)
- What was the name of the wooden boy who was scolded by dad Carlo?

Envelope "Magic House"
(there is a small mirror inside the house)
Question: “The heroes entered the hall and immediately saw this object. The princess looked into him and said: "What a beauty!" Baba Yaga looked into him and said: "What a bogeyman!" This item is in the magic box. What is it? (Mirror).
Envelope with video question:
(screen with a projector, the question is asked by a child of the younger group)
Dear Know-it-alls, answer the question: This insect is a girl. She walked around the field and found some money, bought a samovar for it and had a tea party. One of the guests, a mosquito, saved her from a spider. Who are we talking about and what is the name of the cartoon? (The main heroine is a fly, cartoon - "Tsokotukha Fly").
Envelope with commercial break:
On the screen, pictures of the heroes of the soyuzmovies, parents in poetic form advertise:

"From a smile, kind, pure
Life becomes hassle-free!
Friendship grows stronger with every smile
Little Raccoon will convince you of this! "

"He calls everyone to live together,
Angry, gloomy, does not exist.
I am very proud of this fact,
A cat named Leopold! "

"The dog Sharik advises,
The cat Matroskin recommends:
"Drink, children, cow's milk,
You will be full of strength and health! "

“Carlson is an ardent sweetheart!
Surely you all love him?
He wants peace of mind
To live in pleasure for everyone! "

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Software content;

1)Deliver children the joy and pleasure of developing games.
2) Support interest in intellectual activity.
3) To manifest perseverance, dedication, mutual assistance.
4) Develop attention, memory, ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.
5) Bring up self-control, the ability to prove, ingenuity and coherent speech.

Materials for the lesson:

1) The playing field (a circle divided into 8 colored sectors with white arrows).
2) A large top with an arrow and a small top.
3) Small circles (with the image of fairy-tale characters - 8 pieces).
4) Black "box" (box).
5) Envelopes - 8 pieces.
6) Cards with printed questions and answers (7 pcs. + 1 s - musical pause).
7) Globe, map with materials, lamp.
8) Pictures with animals on magnets (polar bear, penguin, giraffe, kangaroo, zebra, lion).
9) A picture with an image of the gyroscope device. Wheat seeds and ear of wheat.
10) Illustrations of people in traditional Russian costumes with ornaments.
11) A tape recorder and a cassette with a recording of a piece of music "We dance and sing" (excerpt).
12) Prizes for the participants of the game:
- educational books for children;
- Rubik's cube (or any puzzle game)

Preparatory work:

1) Reading encyclopedias and viewing illustrations.
2) Conduct cognitive activities, didactic games and conversations with children.
3) Family visits to art and local history museums, exhibitions at the Center for Folk Crafts.
4) Selection of informative and encyclopedic literature for children in libraries.
5) Research activities with children (conducting experiments).
6) Artistic activities with children (decorative painting and conversations on Russian folk costume).

The course of the lesson;

On the table is a playing field (a circle with 8 colored sectors)
Each sector has an envelope with a question and answer card.
Circle with an illustration of a fairytale hero.
Two sectors are occupied by a black box and a treble clef (denoting a musical pause).
In the center of the playing field there is a top with an arrow.
The leader is an educator.

  • We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, spectators and guests! Our game is called “What? Where? When?". Children will show their knowledge and skills in various fields of science, technology and art. The "Experts" team will fight with the "Fairy Tale Heroes" team, who have already prepared their tricky questions, difficult tasks and hid them in envelopes on our playing field.
  • Are you ready to play? I ask the team of "Experts" to take their places.

I remind you of the rules of the game.

  • The first child spins the top, the arrow stops, I take out a card with questions from the envelope. We start our game. Music sounds. The host spins the top.

1st Question: Why is it day and night?
“Everyone knows that it is light during the day and dark at night. Day happens on that part of the globe that is turned towards the Sun and is illuminated by its rays.
You can prove it experience:
(the light of the lamp, the globe - the rotation of the "Earth" around its axis).
The other half of the globe at this time is turned away from the Sun and is in the shadow. It's night there. Earth all the time spinning like a top, only not so fast. Therefore, day and night follow each other. "
Leading (educator):
- This is the correct answer. And experience proves this to us.
We continue our game.
- I ask the next player to spin the top.
- Attention, experts!
A question from the fairytale hero Emelya.

2nd Question: Why don't polar bears eat penguins?
Answer: “Bears cannot hunt penguins, as these animals live far from each other. Bears live in the Arctic, and penguins live in Antarctica. The main enemies of the penguins are the whale, killer whale and leopard seal (seal).
- I ask connoisseurs to prove their answer at the card.
(The child shows the North Pole and the Arctic on the map, places a magnet figurine there polar bear, then shows the South Pole and Antarctica and attaches a penguin magnet figurine).
- This is the correct answer.
(The top is spinning and the teacher in the direction of the arrow asks the assistant to bring Black box).
- Attention to the team of experts!

3. Task from Thumbelina: what's in the black box? We listen carefully: it contains something that can sleep for a long time, sleep until heat, light, water appears.
Guess what is in the black box?
- The team of experts is given three minutes to think.
Answer: “In the black box, we think there are plant seeds, one seed. In winter, the whole land is covered with snow, it is cold. And the seeds can sleep for a long time, covered with a snow blanket. But spring will come, the sun will warm up, streams will run and the seeds will wake up and come to life. Plant seeds will begin to sprout, because they will have heat, light, and water. "
- A wonderful answer was given by experts. Let's open the black box. Indeed, these are seeds.
- Can experts give an answer, the seeds of which plant are in the black box?
(Seeds of wheat).

4 Lead:
- Let's turn the top again. The arrow points to the card that Cipollino has prepared for us.
- What does the icon on the card mean?
Treble clef!
Cipollino offers a musical break for a team of connoisseurs.
Music turns on and children perform rhythmic movements.
(The host thanks the team and invites the players to take their places).
The top is spinning.
- Attention to the players!
The arrow points to the red sector. Puss in Boots has prepared for you riddle.

5. Riddle:
“What has no form.
But it pricks, molds,
Rises up.
This can burn yourself, but
It is impossible to live without this! "
- The team of Experts is given 3 minutes. for reflection.
- Please give the correct answer.
"This is water. Water has no shape. It takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured. When it's cold, the water freezes, turns into ice. You can prick yourself with a piece of ice and even cut yourself. Snow falls in winter - it's such frozen water. Snow molds well. In summer, when it is hot, the water evaporates, rises up and rains down. Water can be boiled on the stove for tea, soup. But you have to be careful, boiling water can burn! Everyone needs water: people, animals and plants. It is impossible to live without water!
- Well done Connoisseurs! You've solved the Puss in Boots riddle correctly.
- I ask you to turn the top and the arrow points to the green sector.
We are met by a fairytale hero - little girl Little Red Riding Hood. She has prepared pictures for you in which people are depicted in old Russian costumes decorated with ornaments.
Little Red Riding Hood asks her question to the Connoisseur team.

6.Question: Why were the ornaments in the Russian costume located along the edge of the hem, sleeves, and collars?
Answer: The ornament was embroidered on the collar, sleeves, hem of clothing, not just for beauty. The pattern in the ornament goes in a circle. In the old days, people believed that the circle was a symbol of the sun. And the sun gives warmth, light, harvest. Protects from cold, darkness, disease, troubles. That's why the ornament in a circle was a talisman- protected people from evil. That is why the collars, sleeves, hem of clothes, belts, hats were embroidered with ornaments.
- It was a difficult question, but you coped with it and gave the correct answer.
- We continue our game. (The top is spinning. The arrow points to the yellow sector).
- Attention, Connoisseurs! Envelope from Pinocchio, and in it a question for the players.

7. Question; Find an extra word: giraffe, kangaroo, zebra, lion.
a) this is a kangaroo, because lives in Australia and the rest in Africa;
b) or is it a lion, because he is a predator and the rest are herbivores.
(The child shows Australia and Africa on the map - at the request of the leader).
- We have the last sector with the envelope. It is guarded by a fairytale hero - the Steadfast Tin Soldier.

8. Task: (small top without support).
Players are asked to spin the top again.
Pay attention to the main property of the top: while it is spinning, it retains the position in which it was when the top was spun.
- Attention to the question for Connoisseurs.
Where do people use the main property of the top?
Answer: “The property of the spinning top is used by people in devices that control ships, airplanes, even rockets. With the help of a top, a gyroscope was invented. It helps the rocket to fly exactly on a given course, without it you cannot launch a satellite into space. Gyroscope helps combat rolling sea ​​vessels... In a storm keeps the ship in balance. Then the passengers are not afraid of seasickness. And the ship's machine is easier to work with, which means it lasts longer. The gyroscope controls the autopilot on the plane. Will turn the plane away from the course, but the top does not want to turn and gives a signal - it turns on the steering motor. The engine started, turned the rudder of the plane - and he returned to the correct course. This is not a simple toy - a top! ”.
Leading: This is the correct answer.
- Well done, Connoisseurs, you were able to answer all the questions, coped with all the tasks. And we won this game.
The Team of Fairy Tale Heroes rewards you with prizes.
Leading; “We all became friends today for our clever game... And so the game ends, and the friendship continues. "


  1. Encyclopedia “What is? Who it?" (Publishing house "Pedagogika", Moscow, 1975)
  2. Astronomy in Pictures (B. Levin).
  3. Play as a means of developing cultural and moral values ​​in children of 6-7 years old "(RA Zhukova, Volgograd, 2006)
  4. “For a preschooler - about the history and culture of Russia” (GN Danilina, Moscow, 2005).
  5. "Costume Kievan Rus"(Balashov M.E., St. Petersburg, 2002)
  6. Magazine " Preschool education"(No. 5 for 2006).
  7. "In union with nature" L.I. Grekhova (Study guide, Moscow-Stavropol, 2002).
  8. “Transport: land, water, air”. (Skorolupova O.A., Moscow, 2006)
  9. "Mathematics in kindergarten"(V.P. Novikova, Moscow, 2002).
  10. "For preschoolers about technology (I. I. Kobitina, Moscow, 1991)

Intellectual quiz "What? Where? When?" for senior preschoolers of preschoolers.

1. Give children joy and pleasure from developing games. 2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games, showing perseverance, dedication, mutual assistance. 3. Teach children to work in subgroups. 4 Be able to listen to someone else's opinion, defend your answer and justify it. 5. Develop logical thinking. 6. Foster a sense of mutual help and perseverance.
Table with playing field divided into 8 sectors. Rebus, road signs, pictures with syllables, cards with numbers, cards with traffic light colors, audio recordings, chips.

The splash screen of the "What? Where? When?" 4 teams of children come in / 5-6 people / Each team takes a place at its table.
Educator: We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, spectators and guests! Today we will be entertaining - cognitive game"What where When?" During the game, our children will show their knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten. Each team for the correct answer will receive chips in the form of strawberries, because our kindergarten is called?

Children: Strawberry!
Educator: We'll summarize at the end of the game. Whoever collects the most chips will be the winner of the game. Before us is a playing field. Numbers are laid out along the edges. I will twist the arrow, and what task it points to, then you will perform. Are you ready to play?

Children: Yes!
Educator: And so welcome to the four teams! Team number one!
1 command:"Know"!
Educator: Motto!
1 command: We are strong and brave, dexterous, skillful. Our motto: Cheer up! Go through everything and find out everything!
Educator: Team number two!
2 command:"Why Much"!
Educator: Motto!
2 command: We are inquiring minds. We are with questions on "you". “Why?” Is my favorite question! Helps us to grow!
Educator: Team number three!
3 command:"Sages"!
Educator: Motto!
3 command: We are almost sages, we read a lot. Clever and clever - we want to know a lot!
Educator: Team number four!
4 command: Fireflies!
Educator: Motto!
4 command: Let our light be weak and we are small, but we are friendly and therefore strong!
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 8.

Educator: And so task number 8 is "fun tasks". Now I will read the puzzles, you solve them together and you must show me the correct answer .. Cards with numbers are in front of you. It is given 15 seconds for a task.
1 task: The apples in the forest are ripe. We managed to taste them. Five rosy poured, three with sourness. How many are there? (eight)
Educator: Have a consultation. Time has passed.
Music from the program What? Where? When?. Children confer and count. Each team raises an answer card.

Educator: Ok next task.
Task 2: Three lambs lived together, and four more kids. Count them all quickly, how many are there in my family? (7)
Educator: Have a consultation. You must show me the correct answer.

Educator: And the last task. Subtraction problem.
Task 3: Four hares were walking out of school and suddenly bees attacked them, Two hares were saved from evil, and how many did not have time? (2)
Educator: Be attentive, consult.

Children must necessarily confer with each other and come to the correct answer. Summing up the results of the first task. The teams that gave the correct answers receive chips for each answer.
Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 7.
Educator: Task number 7-blitz. 10 seconds are given for discussion and answer. ... These are questions about fairy tales. Do you guys like fairy tales?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then you should know the answers to these questions:
1 question: How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (jam).
2 question: What did the Fairy Godmother turn into a pumpkin for Cinderella? (into the carriage).
3 question: How did the person scattered from Basseinaya Street go to Leningrad? (by train).
After each question, music from the program "What? Where? When?" Sounds. Teams discuss and appoint a representative to respond. A representative of each team is responsible. Then the teacher reads out the correct answer. As a result, each team receives chips for correct answers.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 3.
Educator: Take a look at this picture. Petya thought about it. He's going to school soon. Tell me in one phrase what is a school?

Children: This is where they study, write, consider, make friends, learn, etc.
Educator: Good. But Petya doesn't know what to take with him to school. You have envelopes on your tables. And there are pictures in the envelopes, get them out. What items are superfluous here and you don't need them at school? And why? Minute for discussion. Time has passed.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. Children discuss and choose pictures depicting objects that will not be needed at school. After that, a representative of each team answers the question and explains why this or that subject is not needed at school. According to the team's results, those who answered correctly receive chips.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 6.
Educator: Task number 6. These are the rules road traffic... You have road signs on your tables. I read a poem, and you find a suitable sign for him, show it to me and name it. Attention! Let's listen!
Educator: The boy and the girl were walking, They ran into the triangle. All drivers in the world Understand that they are children. ("Caution, children.") What is this sign?
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Caution children!

Educator: Well done! Next poem, listen!
This sign is of this kind: He is on guard for the pedestrian. We pass with the doll together We are the road in this place! ("Crosswalk.") What is this sign?
Children raise a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Crosswalk!

Educator: Well done! Right. The next poem If the sign hangs like that, It means that the passage here is closed. Maybe they are laying asphalt Or digging a hole. Maybe they are carrying a brick, they are building a tall house. ("No entry.") What is this sign?
Children raise a picture with a road sign
Children: Road up!

Educator: OK! And the last poem, be careful! Look, the sign is dangerous: The man in the red circle is crossed in half. ... Here the cars are rushing fast, It may even be a misfortune. ("Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.")
Children raise a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: No Pedestrians!

Educator: Well done all answered correctly. All teams receive a token. The teacher with the children: In the city, people don't walk down the street just like that. It's easy to get screwed when you don't know the rules. All the time, be careful and remember in advance "The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules."
Educator: We continue the game. I already want to rest!
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 5.
Educator: Guys, and just at number 5 we have a traffic light game. We all leave.
The song "Traffic Light" / Jasmine / sounds. Children are dancing.
Verse 1:
Each of us knows perfectly well
That it is very dangerous to violate
If sometimes you go to the red
You do it in vain
Don't go to the intersection
Red light is on

Yellow blinks a ray of light
Turn on the speed correctly
You will fly like winged
The green will flash soon
Believe it is not in vain here
The traffic light is standing

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
We know for a long time
We need a traffic light
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
My song
Let everyone sing

Verse 2:
Going home or to the sea
Sing a song about traffic lights
Let him know by heart from the cradle
That song every child
Don't go to the intersection
Red light is on

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
We know for a long time
We need a traffic light
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
My song
Let everyone sing

At the same time, the teacher shows the colors of the traffic light. Children are standing on the red one. On yellow, they jump. They walk on green. At the end of the song, the teams take their places.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 4.
Educator: Task number 4. Before you lies a syllabic caterpillar. This caterpillar has syllables written on it. You must now, in one minute, compose words from these syllables and write them down on a piece of paper. Let's see which team has more words. And so the time went on, we started!

The music from the program "What? Where? When?" Was played. Children discuss and write down words. At the end, the teams read out the words and count the number of words.
Educator: You guys have tried everything very well. And they came up with a lot of words. All teams get chips. Well done! Applause from the guests.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at number 2.
Educator: Task number 2 - puzzles. I will now give you 2 puzzles each and you will have to solve them in one minute.

The game “What? Where? When?" for children of the preparatory group in kindergarten


To generalize, systematize, consolidate the knowledge of children of the passed material.

Tasks: 1. Learn to answer questions, guess riddles. Consolidate knowledge about mathematical representations, development of speech, knowledge of Russian folk tales.

2. To develop auditory and visual perception, curiosity, communicative speech of children;

3. To foster in children an interest in activities-games, motivation for learning; independence, benevolence, endurance, the ability to listen to comrades without interrupting them.

4. To form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.

5. To develop the ability to work independently, to follow clearly set instructions. Develop logical thinking based on riddles.
Equipment: a playing field with an arrow, questions in envelopes, a black box, ice, fairy-tale heroes - Carlson, Cinderella, Buratino, Malvina, Dunno; pictures - a jar of jam, a crystal slipper, a briefcase; envelopes with tasks; individual sheets with letters of the alphabet, red and blue pencils for each child; badges, medals

Content of the game

Stage 1. Motivational and incentive (the goal is to set children up for the game, to determine the goals of the game)
Children enter the group, stand in a circle around the teacher.Say hello to the guests,
Smile to everyone around
And get up quickly in the circle.
Give your hand to your friend on the left,
And then to the neighbor on the right
Give him warmth so that you are always lucky everywhere.
- Guys, luck will come in handy for all of you today. I am the most important Diploma in the land of Connoisseurs. I invite you to this country to go, I suggest you play the game “What? Where? When? ”, You will be my helpers. And you can only become connoisseurs by going through the whole game to the end and completing all the tasks. You are a whole team, in order to win the game, you must be attentive, active, show everything that you have learned in our classes.
- Are you ready to start the game? I invite you to take your seats at the gaming tables. (Children sit at tables)

Stage 2. The main - game (music sounds - phonogram from the game "What? Where? When?")
Attention! Attention! Fairy-tale heroes play against my little players, in order to get the task, you must first guess the fairy-tale hero. We start the game. The soundtrack "Volchok" from the game sounds.
There are 6 sector envelopes on the playing field with an arrow, now

the arrow stopped at sector 1 .

The first fairytale hero plays against connoisseurs.
The picture "Jar of jam" appears on the board.
-Tell me, which fairytale hero does this item belong to? (Children answer: Carlson)
Well done. The teacher exposes the image of Carlson
Carlson plays against connoisseurs. We open the envelope with task number 1. The teacher reads: "Dear experts, you must determine with which letter your name is written, find this letter in the alphabet and paint it with the desired colors: blue - if it is a consonant letter, red - if a vowel"
Task 1 "Color the letter" - you need to find the first letter of your name on the alphabet sheet and color it.
The teacher, in the course of execution by the children, monitors the correctness of the execution and asks the questions: What is this letter? (consonant). What else can you say about her sound, what is it? How does it sound in your name?
The soundtrack "Volchok" sounds
Educator: Our arrow goes on to the next task - sector number 2.

Hero # 2 plays against the connoisseurs.
The picture "Crystal Slipper" appears on the easel.
Educator: Tell me, which hero does this shoe belong to? (Cinderella)
Let's listen to the task from Cinderella.
“Dear experts! I really like to solve problems. But today I was confused and I do not know the correct answer. Please help me find it.

Task 2 "Fun tasks".

1. A puppy is sitting on the porch,

Warms his fluffy side.

Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

Who will answer from the guys

How many puppies are there? So the correct answer is: (2)

2. Visiting Alyonka

Two chickens in bast shoes,

Cockerel in boots

Hen in earrings

Drake in a caftan

Duck in a sundress

And a cow in a skirt

In a warm sheepskin coat.

Who will answer us soon,

How many guests are there? So the correct answer is: (7)

3. Somehow four guys

They rolled down the hill.

Two in a sleigh sit

How many fell into the snow? So the correct answer is: (2)

4. Mom bought nine sausages.

Pussy took one hour away!

How many sausages did we get? So the correct answer is: (8)

Points are entered on the scoreboard

Let's continue the game. The soundtrack "Volchok" sounds
The teacher moves the arrow to sector number 3 . A fairytale hero plays against connoisseurs - a riddle sounds:
He walks to school with a primer
Wooden boy.
Hits instead of school
Into a wooden booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the name of the boy himself?
Pinocchio invites you to guess what is in the black box

So attention, a black box is brought in. You have to guess on the question what is in it.

No planks, no axes

The bridge is ready across the river:

The bridge is like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light. So the correct answer is: (ice)

What is ice made of? So the correct answer is:

(out of the water)

What property of water does ice have? So the correct answer is:


Musical pause

So we played and it's time to get back to the questions

We continue the game. The soundtrack "Volchok" sounds.

The arrow goes to sector 4. A hero is playing against you, find out him:
And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself,
Her name is simply, guys, -….
That's right guys, this is Malvina, she is a smart girl and taught her friends. Malvina wants to test you, what you know about geometric shapes Oh

Assignment # 4 " Name the geometric shapes »
Before you are geometric shapes - a circle, a rectangle, a triangle.

Name the items similar to these geometric shapes.

The arrow goes to sector 5
A fairytale hero plays against connoisseurs:
I dress very fashionably
I will beat anyone
I answer all questions:
"Leave me alone, brothers, I don't know!" (Answer: Dunno)
Task number 5 " Attention, Blitz-questions: "

1. The duck laid an egg. Who will hatch out of it? Hen or cockerel.

2. What kind of comb can you comb your hair?

3. Under which tree does the hare hide during the rain?

4. There are 6 large and 2 small cones on the birch. How many cones are there on a birch?

5. Who is in the forest more: bears or animals?

Children's answers.

Correct answers: 1 - duckling, 2 - rooster comb, 3 - under wet, 4 - none, 5 - animals.

The arrow goes to sector 6
Attention question:

"Guess the melody" (Soundtracks from children's cartoons sound. Children guess their names).

Musical pause! Children perform the song "Smile".

Guys, our autumn meeting at the game “What? Where? When?" with a score of 6: 0 in your favor. Well done! We congratulate you!

Connoisseurs, what do you remember most about the game today?

Did you enjoy being connoisseurs?

Thank you for interesting game, and we will meet at the game next season


1. Alyabyev GM "Matinees in kindergarten" Novosibirsk ed. "Rif plus -book", 2004

3. Kuvashova N. G. "Holidays in primary school»Volgograd ed. "Teacher"

Our experts are invited to the club! (MUSIC)

1. Leading specialist in audio and video equipment - G. Roman

4. The most observant - K. Alexandra

7. The most thoughtful - E. Kirill.

8. And the most-most-most - the team captain V. Elizaveta.

And now I will introduce you to the rules of the game!

You see a top with an arrow on the game table and envelopes. A number is written on each envelope, it indicates the number of the question, to which envelope the arrow of our top will point, we open that envelope and read the task. Connoisseurs must answer all the questions that are in 8 envelopes. For each correct answer, connoisseurs are given 1 point.

Target:consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children in all sections of the program.

To consolidate the graphic image of the studied numbers, continue to form the ability to compare numbers by ear, to name the neighbors of numbers, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to consolidate the knowledge of geometric shapes, to consolidate the graphic image of the studied letters, to continue to teach how to differentiate the concepts of "number", "letter", continue to teach to select words for a given sound;

To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, about the days of the week; consolidate knowledge about the animal world;
Continue work on the formation of the arbitrariness of attention, improve visual attention, activate thought processes;
Continue to work in pairs (small subgroups), answer the teacher's questions with a full sentence, form the ability to organize your own workplace, form the skill of self-control and mutual control.

Vocabulary work : number, letter, right, left, top, about

Material and equipment : a set of geometric shapes, pieces of paper, pencils, demonstration material, easel, object pictures.

Game motivation : the game is a competition.

Course of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment.

Children are included in the group, become guides.
- Guys, I have an envelope from Uncle Au in my hands. He invited us to his kingdom, and to which one you will tell me now (the contents of the letter are read out)

Magic Kingdom - Green State.

There are beasts and birds in the kingdom,

Woodpecker and mole, there is a fox and a tit.

There are mosquitoes, ants, nightingales.

Everyone is friends: birds, flowers and animals,

A very rich kingdom is mine!

What kind of kingdom?

Children's answers. (Forest).

That's right - this is the kingdom of the forest. Look around how many inhabitants of this wonderful kingdom meet us. Guys, each resident has a sign with a number in his paws, this number will tell you a chair on which you should sit down. Arrange all the animals in order according to their numbers.

2. Introductory part
Before taking their seats, everyone will have to answer a question for me. Ready?

Chair number 1 will be occupied by the one who finds out what number I have chosen. Who wants to complete this task? (Alyosha Mordashov)

1. This number is greater than 4, but less than 6.

- Chair number 2 will be occupied by the one who hears what number I missed. Who wants to complete this task? (Liza Mordashova)
(Direct or reverse counting)

Chair number 3 will take the letter I write on his palm. Who wants to complete this task? (Nazar Varnakov)

Chair number 4 will be occupied by the one who will name which geometric figure I have in mind. Who wishes to complete this task?

(Misha Katin)

Which geometric shape has no corners?

Chair number 5 will be occupied by the one who names the neighbors of number 4…. Who wishes to complete this task? (Polina Talalueva)

Chair number 6 will be occupied by someone who says what time of year it is? (Masha Ryzhova).

Chair number 7 will be occupied by the one who counts from 1 to 5? (Katya Daryavina).

Chair number 8 will be occupied by someone who says what day of the week is today if yesterday was Thursday? (Vika Sannikova).

Tanya will sit on a large chair, and Lena will sit on a small one.

The guys invited us to the inhabitants of the forest kingdom to an intellectual game

" What? Where? When?"

The rules of the game are as follows, you spin the top, it stops and which envelope the arrow on the top will show to that question and we answer. All questions from forest dwellers.

II. Main part
-Dear players. The tasks that you will complete will be evaluated as follows: for each task correctly completed, the team receives two points, if the team members made one mistake - one point, if the team did not cope with the task, points are not awarded. And yet, if the team members complement and help the players, one additional point will be awarded.

- So, we begin

First round.

(musical accompaniment)
-Dear players. Here are four envelopes with numbers. In each of which a task is prepared for you. To find out which envelope plays with us, you need to get a card with a number from the box (bag). (Cards with numbers from sandpaper 1,2,3,4.) You need to find out the number by touch, then name it, and only then show it to all participants and select the envelope with the desired number.
(envelope under the number 1) The child feels the number, finds an envelope with this number and the children complete the tasks.

The teacher reads out the first task:

Dear players, the Sly Fox is playing with you "The kids are holding one whole apple in my hands, I am sly, but not greedy and I want to share it equally between my children" (2, 4)

1. (prepared gr.)

"Divide into four foxes"

2. (

"Divide the foxes into two"

3. (3rd group)

"Show in the middle of a drawn apple fruit"

There is a paper apple on the table in front of each of you and it must be divided into equal parts.

Round two.

(musical accompaniment).

The Bear is playing with you (an envelope with a picture of a bear, I read the task):

1. (

“Divide the word HONEY-WEDE into syllables, name the first sound in this word, say how soft or hard it is. Tell me more words where there is the M sound at the beginning, in the middle of the word. What is it, consonant or vowel? ".

2. (old Gr.)

“What does a bear do in winter? What is the name of his dwelling? Favorite delicacy bear? "

3. (3 gr.)

"Show the little bears"

Round three.

( musical accompaniment)

Dear players, the learned Owl is playing with you, attention I read out the task “On your tables under the number 3“ Confusion ”. Attention, count the task…. And write down the answer. "

1. (pod. Gr.) “Confusion of 5 letters, name them, what they are Ch. or acc.? ".

2. (st. Gr.) "A confusion of 5 geometric shapes, name the shapes, which figure has 3 corners, which figure has no corners?"

3. (3 gr.) "Show a circle of 4 geometric shapes"

Fourth round.

Musical pause.

Exercising to music in a forest clearing.

Fifth round.

(musical accompaniment) - Dear players, the Long-Eared Hare is playing with you, attention I read the question “An unknown monster has appeared in our forest glade, he has a long neck and a small head. Dear experts, tell me who it is ?! "

(Graphic dictation).

Guys, we need to help the Hare, and for this we take a piece of paper at number 3 and a simple pencil. We listen carefully to the task of the Hare and complete it, and Lena and Tanya will color their friends for our hero of friends so that he is not so scared.

Let's answer our hero who scares him in a forest glade ...


Sixth round.

(musical accompaniment)

Jumping Squirrel is playing with you. I am reading her task “Dear players, since autumn I have prepared stocks of nuts and stuffed them into hollows of trees, it’s already spring and I can’t find the rest of my stocks. Help me please."

The squirrel has prepared nuts for you with tasks, they need to be solved, there are trees with answers in the clearing, you need to find each tree (I distribute nuts and examples within 10, the children solve them and find their own tree)

1. (subgroup)

Tasks from 5 to 10.

2. (st. Gr.)

Tasks from 1 to 5.

3. (3 gr.)

Seventh round.

(musical accompaniment)

Dear players, forest birds are playing with you, attention is a question

1. (

“What is the name of a phenomenon in nature:

When the sun rises over the horizon (SUNRISE)

When the sun sets below the horizon (SUNSET)

2. (st. Gr)

What kind of wild animals do you know?

What are their cubs?

Wolf (cubs), Fox (cubs), Hare (hares), Bear (cubs), Squirrel (squirrels), Fox (Foxes) ...

3. (3 gr.)

Seventh round.

(Musical accompaniment) Question for guests.

A flock of ducks flew south. The hunter fired and killed one. How many ducks are left? (Not at all, the rest flew away).

Eighth round.

(musical accompaniment)

Attention experts, question! The Gray Wolf is playing with you: “Today is Friday and I received an invitation for Fox's birthday, which will be tomorrow. What day of the week will I go to my birthday? "

1. (prep. Gr.)

Name how many days in a week, name them.

2. (st. Gr.)

Name the weekend.

3. (3 gr.)

Ninth round.

(musical accompaniment).

Dear experts play with you migratory birds: “Experts with us flew 4 flocks of migratory birds, two flocks remained on the large lake. How many flocks have returned to their native lands? "

1. (prep. Gr.)

What are the conditions of the problem, question, solution, answer.

2. (

What migratory birds come to our area? Where do they fly away in winter, why?

3. (3 gr.)

Show among the pictures of birds.

Round ten.

(musical accompaniment).

Dear experts, black box. Question:

Joy has a friend, in the form of a half-circle,

She lives on her face, but she suddenly leaves somewhere.

Then suddenly come back. Sadness, melancholy is afraid of it.

Show this friend on your face. " (Smile)

(I take out a smile from the drawer)

Show all the smile on your faces, chagrin, surprise.

3. The final part.

You guys are great, you played with all your heart. And now everyone smiled, a team of experts in kindergarten (children in chorus - the Sun) is awarded with OWL and gold medals. Congratulations.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Sun" Family kindergarten

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

in the older group of different ages.

Developed and carried out:

Mordashova Lilia Ivanovna-

educator of the 1st qualification category

senior group of different ages

Nizhny Novgorod Region

R. D-Konstantinovo