Collecting match labels. Collecting match labels. Who invented the matches

Philumius originated relatively recently, but it turned out to be very popular and fascinating hobbies. In many ways, the simplicity of the collection is facilitated by itself. It was not necessary for special research and significant financial investments, it was enough only to carefully collect that material that was driving everywhere.

The habitat in modern urban civilization does not require daily use of matches, and a few years ago matches were one of the most running goods that was required to everyone. The hostesses who needed to set fire to the gas stove, hunters and fishermen, going to breed the fire in the campaign, summer houses and industrialists, as well as smokers always kept the margin of matches. Matchboxes were sold by millions. Imagine how many labels from match boxes were invented and released.

The name of philums and phymenists turned out to be inverted. Ancient Greek Fileo - I love - often becomes the second part of words denoting lovers of certain objects and those often in the grotescan or even a medical meaning of the majority of themselves, which are certain "films" attach to their passion. But in the philum of love came out in the first place, and Lumen became the second root - light, fire. Due to the repetition of the letter "L" at the end of one root and at the beginning of another, in previous years, the writing of filming was also used, but now writing with one "l".

Collectors-phylumen are usually collecting labels in accordance with some particular theme. Someone chooses geography or labels dedicated to one country. The numerous group of collectors collects labels of technical and military topics.

But one of the most beloved topimeters is Moscow and everything connected with it. In the 20th century thousands and thousands of different labels were printed: "Moscow Kremlin", "Moscow Metro", "Moscow in the past", "Moscow modern", "Outstanding Muscovites" ...

Some collect labels only from souvenir matchboxes. Such labels are glossy, multicolor, very beautiful. Oh other collectible labels solely on the topic "Cosmos". Once souvenir labels were often sold in "Soyuztens" stores, and they were intended specifically for collectors. But neither in the past, nor now, collect all the ongoing match labels is absolutely impossible.

The same, who still wants to become a collector-phillimeist will have to work much. Do you think just make a collection of match labels? After all, it is absolutely not enough to find the boxes with labels of the necessary subject. It will also be necessary to know a lot. You should know, for example, that the labels are better to place in albums, but on separate sheets of thick paper. Such sheets can be quickly changed in places, it is convenient to place in boxes alphabetically or by topics. It will be possible to easily find the required sheet you need. And the exhibition can be arranged by taking several sheets from the collection, with matched labels glued on them, and placing sheets on the stands.

The size of the sheets of thick paper should be close to the international standard: 28 on Santimeters. It is this format that most often see the sheets at the philminarian exhibitions. All sheets must be a single format, different format sheets look quite poorly. It is necessary to know what the labels cannot be glued. Over time, the glue will deteriorate the paint, it will sweat and can disappear in general. Especially loves to "eat" the paint stationery glue. In addition, if you need to change the glued labels in some places, it will be no longer possible to do. Labels are glued with the "legs" - strips of fine transparent paper. Close to each other labels should not be placed. The necessary inscriptions under the labels are made by large letters. Each section of the collection begins, of course, a title sheet with inscriptions explaining the content of the section.

It should also be remembered that the value of every meeting is not in the number of copies, but what is the substantive side of the collection, as its systematization carried out, as in the collection of rare instances. Many have a natural question: how to remove the labels glued to the boxes without damaging? For this, a matchbox with a label must be lowered for 2-3 seconds in steep boiling water. The label will break down and simultaneously disinfected. You can dry the label on the newspaper sheet, then it should be put between two films without an emulsion layer and press the press. The label will smooth and look like a completely new one. So that the paint in boiling water does not water, it is worth dissolving a little salt in the water, on the tip of a knife on one glass of water.

People of different nationalities, despite the mentality of their countries, everyone has a tendency to collect. Collect everything, ranging from all well-known brands, coins and beer cans to exclusive vintage cars. In this article we will get acquainted with another common type of collectibles.

If you have never heard the word "phillmenistry" before in life, it's not trouble. Such a rare name is the area of \u200b\u200bcollecting labels of matchboxes or packages for matches. These igniting sticks are produced in all countries of the world, so Filamenists actually quite a lot.

On the forums there are often correspondence of matches of matches that brag about their collections and expose them to exchange or selling. There is even a Philmenist Club, having come to which, you can get information about rare copies and history of issues of a series of packages.

Who came up with matches?

In the history of medieval China, wooden sticks were used with ends impregnated with gray. But they set fire to burning labor. Then Jean Shansel, a chemist from France, invented in 1805, the matching heads that needed coming with sulfuric acid. These were the so-called chemical matches. Known in world collection of match labels collectors who have the first, released in 1813 in Vienna, chemical matches of Maliard and Vika manufactory.

It is believed that the invention of modern matches belongs to John Waller. Back in 1826, the first packaging of matches with friction was sold according to historical records of his accounting books. This is a pharmacist and a chemist from Stockton-on-Tis in Britain.

First collectors

It is at this time that the mass release of these folk consumption products begins. With the advent of packaging of self-spinning sticks, people who wish to collect them appear immediately. In the same period, the formation of clubs, communities, experts from the Philmenist region begins. These are the first specialists studying manufactured goods.

After World War II, literature is printed dedicated to various types Match, describing different subspecies, which themes are dedicated to certain labels. Now every country has its own communities that have international contacts with clubs from other countries. The British Matchbox Label & Booklet Society is considered the biggest and world famous.

Phillmenism is a term, literally translated from Greek, like Philos - "Love", and Lumen - "Fire". The offer to name this area of \u200b\u200bcollectibles belongs to Marjori Evans. This British collector united the combination of word data in 1943. In the Soviet Union, too, many were fond of this interesting business.

Initially, this area of \u200b\u200bgathering was called Philmenistsky. This is considered to be an old name, now more often called collecting other terms - "philums".

Types of matches

Let's look at what exactly matches attract collectors. In addition to ordinary boxes used in everyday life, there are also special, which are not all people enjoy.

Storm, or differently - hunting, take a sailor or hunters with them. Such matches are well burning in a strong wind and do not spoil from dampness.

Thermal - give a lot of heat during combustion.

Photographic - used to be used as an outbreak.

Fireplace is a lot of big sizes. They burn fire in fireplaces.

Gas - a little smaller size than the fireplaces. They ignite burners operating on gas.

Signal - When combustion, the flame has bright contrasting colors.

Cigar - they have a larger size than ordinary instances. After all, it is not so easy to ride a cigar.

The following type will consider in more detail.

Decorative matches

What collects the philumist? Most of these are matches that are produced in limited quantities. They are dedicated to some memorable Date, significant events in the life of the country or this city. And the wooden sticks themselves have different sulfur colors. They can be green, pink or even blue.

While during the Soviet Union, whole sets for phillmenist lovers were produced. These are gift sets of boxes dedicated to any topic. For example, about space, dogs, railway, Cars, etc. Sometimes released specifically for the philmenists sets of match labels. For example, from 1960 to 1980, the Balabanov Experimental Match Factory produced for collecting sets of 100 labels. Such souvenir products contained both full sets and without gross. These are labels with lids of boxes and side ribbons.

The Baltic label manufacturers were engaged in the release of such gift sets in Soviet times.

Collectors of Russia

The definition of the word "phillmenism" has not yet been known in Russia, and the matches have not yet been made, and the first collectors have already brought interesting boxes from trips abroad. At first it was a simple curiosity, and the desire to boast to the relatives of the unprecedented miracle, but during the first World War I was published in the magazine information about the collection of boxes in 1000 copies.

With the arrival of revolutionaries, such a passion was considered a remnant of bourgeois system. Many collections were destroyed. Only in the 1930s was given a permission officially. And in 1960, the first sections of the philumion were organized.

Furnishing now

In the late 1990s in Russia there were only two clubs of collectors of match labels. With the advent of the Internet, a new round of development received philums. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, the magazines "Moscow Philumnonist", "Sphinx", "Nevsky Philumnonist" are even produced.

There are clubs phymenists in major cities, Organized sites and forums on which interesting collections or individual specimens are exchanged or sold.

Collecting the labels appeared almost with the advent of the first matches. In some collections, labels from "chemical" matches manufactured from 1810 to 1815 are preserved. With the beginning of the mass production of "chirking" matches, invented by the Englishman John Valker (Walker) (John Walker ) In 1826-1827., Collecting labels began to acquire a wide scope. After the First World War in different countries Society of collectors originated, phillmenistic literature began to be published. During World War II, most of the existing phymenistic societies broke up, but after the war they organized new ones. One of the most famous and oldest current phymenistic societies is the British Society of Collectors of Matchbox Labels and Booklet Society (The British Matchbox Label & Booklet Society), uniting collectors not only from the UK and former colonies, but also many other countries of the world.

In Russia collecting match labels It appeared before the production of domestic matches - the Russian travelers brought match boxes from abroad as a kind of souvenirs.

By the beginning of World War I, the press had already mentioned the huge collections at that time (more than 1000 pieces).
After the revolution, collecting in general (and match labels, in particular) was considered a "bourgeois prejudice", and most collections werelost. Already in the second half of the twentieth century, gift and gifts were extremely popular among lovers of this hobby. collectible sets matcheswhich

mostly dedicated to anniversaries and significant dates.
Such sets were released in limited quantities, so they represent a special value for philmenists.

The collecting label was resumed only in the 1930s, withthe pychechnic label has long been one of the ways to report the population of information, warnings. For example, in 1937, the population was notified on the boxes of matches about the upcoming census, because the media was then available not everywhere.
At the same time, matches were a publicly available commodity, they all used in everyday life. The authorities together with the manufacturers of such products decided to make a label more informative.

In the late 1950s - early 1960s in the largest cities of the USSR, sections of philumius were created (under the clubs of collectors or, in many cases, philatelists, Philumius was onefrom six officially allowedcollectibles, Along with (philately, phylocartey,numismatics and bonissic).Officially, the philamenists were supervised by the WFA - (All-Union Filatelist Society). Filumenia in the USSR falls in 1960-1980, when the Balabanovskaya experimental match factory, on which labels were printed for most matches, produced special sets for phymenists (100 ordinary labels in the set and sets of labels of souvenir sets - full or without gross - labels Fixed on the lids of souvenir boxes - and side tapes of souvenir boxes). Similar sets also produced the Baltic factories that have printed their labels independently. In the late 1980s, the production of sets for collectors was discontinued (partly, due to the transition of many factories on the production of matches in cardboard, not with veneer boxes). After 1991, the ponderance of the philoumonium sharply went on the decline, and most of the philmenist sections ceased to exist. In 1995, only two Phueluminian clubs worked in Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg. After 2000, due to some increase in the well-being of the population and the development of the Internet, philumi in Russia began to develop again. The magazines of the Moscow and St. Petersburg clubs began to be published ("Moscow Philloumist", "Nevsky Philmons" from May 2004 and Sphinx since September 2007) and the growth of significantly spoken membership in these clubs began.

Now the collection of matches is considered a trendy direction. Matches on varieties are divided into decorative, fireplace, signal, economic, hunting or storm.The sticks that are used in the production of matches are both wooden and wax, cardboard, even plastic. Collectors are interested in the most unusual copies.

It is worth noting that the cost of matching labelsFor example, the nineteenth century is not lower than banknotes or coins of that period. The beginning of the twentieth century generally has a lot of Soviet rainities in philums. Today, at auctions, you can watch the label collections almost always find buyers, since it is also an antiques. Rare matchboxes or sets can be assessed by several thousand rubles.

Well known names of VIP-collectors of match labels. Among them are the Dutch Queen of Wilhelmina and the President of America Roosevelt. Meanwhile, who for the first time showed interest in tiny paper rectangles of standard size 48x39 millimeters, it is difficult to say.

Collectibles of match labels -Fillmenisti - The case is perhaps no less exciting and informative-useful than collecting brands.

Let's start with the most important thing: what to collect. On the match labels Times of the USSRSupervised in philumen catalogs, depicted:

  • little posters with a call to protect the forest, keep money in savings checkout,
  • miniature posters talking about the conquest of space,
  • colorful series of matchboxes dedicated to the inhabitants of our country with animals and birds, and, as in Filateli, it is possible to choose a lot of various shades here, because the labels were made in many factories in many plants, and each - on their paper and their paint.
  • stories O. new technique and colorful greeting drawings, tourist hiking and monuments of antiquities - all this thematic manifold found its place in philmenistics of the USSR.

In large cities, matchboxes selected by themes sold separately from the boxes in special stores, along with stamps and postcards. One hundred labels lay in the package and cost only 15 kopecks. But buy a whole collection immediately - is it so interesting? It is much better to separate your favorite picture from the box, stroke her with a non-smoky iron, and then put it in my collection.

For example, from the labels coming on sale, it was possible to compile such thematic selection:

"Our country's cities": Leningrad, Yaroslavl, Minsk, Kiev and many other cities. Leningrad, in particular, is devoted to the labels of ten varieties.

Interesting for collecting labels, talking about the conquest of space, about his heroes. Here are portraits of cosmonaut pilots, and images of rockets flying to the moon, Mars and Venus, and four-legged researchers - husky, squirrel, arrow and other "famous" dogs.

"Our country's technique": Images of aircraft and ships, diesel locomotives and agricultural machines.

Phillumnism gives a wide scope for humor lovers. Over the past ten years, labels with many funny pictures have come out.

You can, of course, borrow the experience of philatelists and invest labels in Klyassers. But the labels are usually much more grades, and the Klyassers do not fight. Clear the same labels right onto sheets, as it is often done novice collectors, it is also possible: the paper gradually turns from the glue and the color of the picture is spoiled. And you will not get it off, if you suddenly need to change the composition.

The best - stick the labels on the sheets of white paper of the landscape format on special narrow paper strips (you can use, for example, white creeps of vintage sheets). Do not strive to look like a carpet. After all, our goal is to make each label from the "unclear", which it often happens on the matchbox, bright and noticeable. That is why leave between the pictures a distance of at least one and a half centimeters, and between the series - five or six.

Each section of the collections are encouraged. Write the names with drawing font, more larger, and the names of the series - the same font, but in bed. Here, specify the year of release.

Collecting the labels appeared almost with the advent of the first matches. In some collections, labels from "chemical" matches manufactured from 1810 to 1815 are preserved. With the beginning of the mass production of "chirking" matches, invented by the Englishman John Valker (Walker) (John Walker ) In 1826-1827., Collecting labels began to acquire a wide scope. After the First World War in different countries there were society of collectors, the philmenistic literature began to be published. During World War II, most of the existing phymenistic societies broke up, but after the war they organized new ones. One of the most famous and oldest current phymenistic societies is the British Society of Collectors of Matchbox Labels and Booklet Society (The British Matchbox Label & Booklet Society), uniting collectors not only from the UK and former colonies, but also many other countries of the world.

In Russia collecting match labels It appeared before the production of domestic matches - the Russian travelers brought match boxes from abroad as a kind of souvenirs.

By the beginning of World War I, the press had already mentioned the huge collections at that time (more than 1000 pieces).
After the revolution, collecting in general (and match labels, in particular) was considered a "bourgeois prejudice", and most collections werelost. Already in the second half of the twentieth century, gift and collectible sets of matches were specially popular among lovers of this hobby,which

mostly dedicated to anniversaries and significant dates.
Such sets were released in limited quantities, so they represent a special value for philmenists.

The collecting label was resumed only in the 1930s, withthe pychechnic label has long been one of the ways to report the population of information, warnings. For example, in 1937, the population was notified on the boxes of matches about the upcoming census, because the media was then available not everywhere.
At the same time, matches were a publicly available commodity, they all used in everyday life. The authorities together with the manufacturers of such products decided to make a label more informative.

In the late 1950s - early 1960s in the largest cities of the USSR, sections of philumius were created (under the clubs of collectors or, in many cases, philatelists, Philumius was onefrom six officially allowedcollectibles, Along with (philately, phylocartey,numismatics and bonissic).Officially, the philamenists were supervised by the WFA - (All-Union Filatelist Society). Filumenia in the USSR falls in 1960-1980, when the Balabanovskaya experimental match factory, on which labels were printed for most matches, produced special sets for phymenists (100 ordinary labels in the set and sets of labels of souvenir sets - full or without gross - labels Fixed on the lids of souvenir boxes - and side tapes of souvenir boxes). Similar sets also produced the Baltic factories that have printed their labels independently. In the late 1980s, the production of sets for collectors was discontinued (partly, due to the transition of many factories on the production of matches in cardboard, not with veneer boxes). After 1991, the ponderance of the philoumonium sharply went on the decline, and most of the philmenist sections ceased to exist. In 1995, only two Phueluminian clubs worked in Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg. After 2000, due to some increase in the well-being of the population and the development of the Internet, philumi in Russia began to develop again. The magazines of the Moscow and St. Petersburg clubs began to be published ("Moscow Philloumist", "Nevsky Philmons" from May 2004 and Sphinx since September 2007) and the growth of significantly spoken membership in these clubs began.

Now the collection of matches is considered a trendy direction. Matches on varieties are divided into decorative, fireplace, signal, economic, hunting or storm.The sticks that are used in the production of matches are both wooden and wax, cardboard, even plastic. Collectors are interested in the most unusual copies.

It is worth noting that the cost of matching labelsFor example, the nineteenth century is not lower than banknotes or coins of that period. The beginning of the twentieth century generally has a lot of Soviet rainities in philums. Today, at auctions, you can watch the label collections almost always find buyers, since it is also an antiques. Rare matchboxes or sets can be assessed by several thousand rubles.

Well known names of VIP-collectors of match labels. Among them are the Dutch Queen of Wilhelmina and the President of America Roosevelt. Meanwhile, who for the first time showed interest in tiny paper rectangles of standard size 48x39 millimeters, it is difficult to say.