Foggy Hedgehog - free download. Psychological game and exercise "Hedgehog in the Fog"

The head workout, which is implemented in an original form, is presented by our portal especially for entertainment lovers from the category. This mini is very easy to download and install, and in just a minute you will have an original and colorful toy that you can enjoy for hours. Just install and run it, and you will feel all the delights of such fun on yourself.

Oddly enough, but sometimes even computer games may be of use to us. This is exactly what the leader in user reviews, located in the category of our portal, demonstrates. You just need to download and install the game using a simple algorithm of actions, and the world of cognitive puzzle will be open before you. Moreover, this program can be fun for your little one too.

Bring yourself great pleasure, enjoying a pleasant stay with the mini-game Foggy Hedgehog, which can be installed completely free of charge and without registration from our game portal. Ideal casual game should combine not only excellent graphics, high-quality sound, but also an amusing, captivating plot ..

The beautiful interface and high, clear game details will delight your eyes. Here, the developers took into account all the desires of fans of computer entertainment and created a very attractive program. By playing it, you will receive new level pleasure. His weapons will be an old robe, a kettlebell and a sandwich. The hedgehog fights to its last spine, not knowing fatigue and mercy. He will turn the world upside down until he returns his beloved to his hot embrace. But the mysterious and insidious enemy decided to encroach on hedgehog family happiness. And he will pay in full for it!

Operation Foggy Hedgehog. Objects of observation: Hedgehog. Habitat: a house in the forest. Marital status: Married. Personality: calm, judicious.

The hedgehog is peaceful, loves comfort and is just crazy about his prickly wife - a beautiful hedgehog. Features: Goes wild without a wife! The maddened Hedgehog is cunning, fast and devilishly smart. It cannot be stopped. He will creep in a prickly shadow in the night. It will seep into any crack. He will look under every stone.

Game system requirements:
Pentium II 500 MHz;
256 MB of RAM;
600 MB of free hard disk space;
3D video adapter with 32 MB memory.

Year of release of the game: 2006
Game genre: adventure /

I propose to participate in the psychological exercise game "Hedgehog in the Fog". The game is simple, childish, and the meaning of this exercise can be deep and unexpected for the player. The name of the exercise "Hedgehog in the Fog" is not accidental.

Psychological exercise game.

You will be required to answer 2 questions about your preferences.

The game- because you will need to answer spontaneously, especially without hesitation.

The exercise- because this task will lead you to some realizations about your personality.

Psychological - because it has a deep psychological meaning and leads to self-knowledge.

Psychological workshop "Hedgehog in the Fog".

Are you ready? Let's play and explore ourselves, beloved?

Actually, as you can see from the picture - we are talking about 2 hedgehogs. And I'll let the fog go for mystery.

The sequence of actions in the exercise:

  • Highlight to execute exercises "Hedgehog in the fog" 5 minutes, put everything aside, prepare a pen and a piece of paper.
  • Write down your answer to the first question: "What is your favorite animal since childhood, an animal?"
  • Have you recorded it? Name-write down 3-5 key qualities, properties of your beloved animal, why do you love him so much?
  • Write down the answer to the second question: "What animal do you DO NOT like, causes fear or disgust?"
  • Have you recorded it? Name-write down 3-5 key qualities, properties of your NOT-beloved animal, why do you NOT-love him so much?
  • Write your answers in the comments to this article (provide your comment, name, surname and) to my questions.
  • Wait for the answer-analysis of the psychologist of happiness - the author of this blog.

An example of the answer to the psychological exercise-game "Hedgehog in the Fog".

For example, in response to the first question, my Client answered via Skype session that she loves Horses since childhood, for their gracefulness, hard work, quick learning ability and beauty. And he does not like toads, for their warty skin, ugly appearance and slippery character.

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