Games for girls 5 years old paw patrol. Paw Patrol games for girls

If you love animals, appreciate mutual assistance and dream of resisting insidious villains, then paw patrol games are designed especially for you. Six adorable puppies and their brave owner are always ready to help and provide first-class protection to anyone who needs it.

This category of games was developed on the basis of the animated series of the same name, in each of the series of which a fearless team saves the city from criminals. You will have to prevent natural disasters, put out fires, catch thieves, remove kittens from trees and perform other functions inherent in real lifeguards. Paw patrol games develop in children such qualities as attentiveness, quick reaction, observation and analytical skills.

Each hero of the paw patrol mini-game has individual characteristics that he copes with perfectly well. Labrador Zuma is a great swimmer, bulldog Krepysh is great at lifting weights, cutie Skye is a great flier, and German Shepherd Racer is the leader of the team and secretly dreams of serving in the police. Choose your favorite category of games and have fun and enjoy!

Each of the puppies is unique in its own way and has a special superpower, but they can help everyone who is in trouble, support at the right time, only by joining forces, acting together. Paw Patrol online games have collected all of our favorite characters.

Marshal is a Dalmatian firefighter who has certain fears that he constantly overcomes: he performs difficult tasks, climbing high ladders and extinguishing fires. Zuma is the most courageous part of the rescue team, a Labrador who loves water and everything related to it. Has his own car with pillows instead of wheels. Robust is an English bulldog with his huge machine called the Excavator. He has his own fears, such as the fear of spiders, despite this he is the strongest member of the team. How could it be without someone who hates cats because of allergies and dentists?

This is the Racer - a German Shepherd, a brave policeman. He often takes leadership positions and makes important decisions himself.

Rocky is a close friend of Zuma. He is terribly afraid of water. The uniqueness of Rocky is finding standard solutions for non-standard conditions.

In times of serious problems regarding flying, Skye's flying car is always in great demand. The most interesting thing is that she is a sky girl, and the only one in the whole group. Ironically, she has a secret admirer named Racer.

Rescuers could not do without a leader - Zeke Ryder. He is very smart: he is impeccably versed in technology, with electricity. Gather all the puppies together for gratuitous help to all those in need.

Paw Patrol games in Russian for free

If you were attracted by a team of brave rescuers, you have a desire to participate in special operations with them, then with the help of our website your cherished dream will come true. All Paw Patrol games for free in Russian are in the catalog, so do not miss the chance to plunge into the world of immense mysteries. In spite of the name, it will be fun for adults to delve into paw patrol games for girls and boys. They do not need to be downloaded, saved, which is a big plus. Try everything in free games Paw Patrol play now! You can start playing Paw Patrol games for free right now, we are waiting for you!

Online games about the adventures of cute puppies under the guidance of a boy named Zeke Ryder cannot but touch. Not surprising, because in the cartoon "Paw Patrol" a team of funny puppies of different breeds awaits us at once. Smart beyond his years, Zeke Ryder founded this squad to carry out rescue missions: help a frightened kitten climb out of a tree, save a boy in trouble, or put out a fire.

Any task is up to them. Each of the four-legged friends has certain skills. So, in the rescue team there is also a policeman, a firefighter, a rescue aviator, a water rescuer, etc.

Now the puppies will keep you company not only while watching the cartoon, but also in the format of a flash game. After all, this section is completely devoted to the adventures of the patrol. For example, in the game Paw Patrol: Paw Mission you have to play the role of a secret agent on a serious mission to save the puppy princess. This is an exciting platform game for children and adults with addictive gameplay and colorful design.

In Jungle Rescue, move into the jungle on an Indiana Jones-style adventure.

Summing up, we can safely say that each game attracts to the gameplay from the first seconds not only with a colorful picture, but also with exciting tasks in which everyone can feel like a hero. There are many new missions ahead of you, sometimes difficult and confusing situations, but being a hero is not easy.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. So be patient. Everything will be uploaded soon :)

And again, our brave and irreplaceable four-legged rescuers are in action. Funny and intriguing game "Paw Patrol 5 Years" will tell you about new adventures that await a courageous team of dogs, including you. Therefore, download an exciting application and get down to doing not difficult, but interesting tasks. You have to prevent a real corn disaster. This year the summer has been terribly hot and not rainy. On the hacienda, one farm had a bountiful harvest of corn. The entrepreneur, without thinking twice, decided to indulge in popcorn right under the open sky. He set up the barbecue and set to work, looking forward to a great breakfast. When the owner of the farm lit a fire and placed a barbecue on the coals, he accidentally touched the device, and it turned over, and several hot coals fell into a common pile with corn. What will happen now? The farmer couldn't imagine, so he urgently called for help from the puppies.

The guys arrived quickly, and the first in the Paw Patrol game is a 5-year-old fireman - the dog Marshal, trying, the faster, the better to put out the fire, which can turn into a large-scale fire. And you, of course, will help him, agree? Then be bold and go! Start extinguishing the corn immediately so that the fire does not spread to the main barn with the harvest and a real popcorn show does not happen on the field. Get a powerful hose and hook it up to a pump, then pump enough water to match the number on the fruit slide and you can hit the pile of corn exactly. Once you complete the first task, another equally important rescue of the Zipoletto chicken awaits you. She also wanted to profit from sweet corn kernels and found herself in a closed barn. Now in the game "Paw Patrol 5 years" the dog Racer grabs the job. You will have to climb the cable ladder to the very top of the barn and go down the roof into the interior of the room and rather catch the naughty.

Be careful and attentive, beware of many different obstacles: feathers, from which the Racer is allergic, open windows and wheels. Go down with the rescued chicken and catch all the colorful Balloons. Be careful and beware of the ravens because running into them will cause your speed to slow down! But no obstacles in the game "Paw Patrol 5 years" will stop the brave and responsible puppies. They can do anything, the patrol will cope with the most difficult task and bring the rescue mission to an end! V gaming processes beautiful hobby, it is interesting and useful to play, especially for kids, who in most cases virtual applications they learn a lot of information about the world around them, get acquainted with the inhabitants of the planet and generally know the meaning of life, and also develop the mental abilities of children the globe, logical thinking and motor skills of fingers. Please your children and have fun with them!