Passage of the game DOORS 38 level

We did not have time to look back as the update of the game 100 doors Incredible escape has already come to our smartphones. And of course we made for you passing these new levels.

The tasks were complicated and more difficult to pass them. However, too easy in my opinion turned out to be 32 levels. A simple example is primary classes. Although he misled many and I saw that in the comments to the application asked for help in passing on this level.

Well, errors happen to everyone, and here you will find the passage of the game 100 doors an incredible escape, which 100% coincides with your application. Because I myself walk the game and write down this whole process for you.

31 level. See the right picture. Drag it instead of white sheet. Now you need to find 10 differences.

32 level. Everything is simple here. Need to collect puzzle (somehow rustic for 32 levels)

33 level. You need to find a pair. If it does not work, then here are all the elements.

34 level. Move the barrel to the right. We hit the brick on the key.

35 level. Code 1778.

36 level. Drag / pass the bag due to the fence. Click to empty. We carry it on a stack of hay. Now we put on the bag, we attach your head, then the hat (hat behind the left blade of the mill).

37 level. Click on the picture on the right and remember the game from childhood - spots. You need to collect a horse (I can not give instructions to give you, all the moves of thoughts different). Now drag the missing item from the left cabinet.

38 level. Over the door on the right there is a dagger. It moves to a red cork in a barrel. Then between the door and the lantern (almost at the top) click to get the end of the rope. After that, pull it out and move it on the barrel. Then endure the lantern on the rope.

39 level. Press the box. Spread the top sash. Turn the handle clockwise. Then push the middle flaps - rotate counterclockwise. And the handle behind the bottom flaps is also counterclockwise.

40 level. Hold and keep your finger on the shadow. She will show you what a beast where should stand.

Another portion of the passage: 36,37,38,39,40,41.42 levels.
36 level

Over the door we see the inscription See ... Often. It does not make any point in this level, but only serves us as a small tip. As can be seen on the left and right side of the door there are numbers, their first letters in the title mean letters in this phrase. So the letter S - SIX (6), E - EIGHT (8) and so on. Consistently press the numbers: 6,8.8,1,5,10,8,9.

37 level

On the doors we see something like bamboo, but around the door of animals. Based on this, we conclude that we need to choose only herbivores, namely, prescribe consistently on: donkey, monkey, elephant, bull, goat.

38 level

To pass this level, first click on the empty box on the left, thereby moving the battery to the left side, then click three times on the top left green button, then move the battery to the right and click five times on the top right button. After again, we move the battery to the left and first click four times in the middle left button and twice the bottom left button, then move the battery to the right and click six times on the bottom right button, the door opens.

39 level

To pass this level, it is necessary to set colors card Masters. We do this as follows: Left row from top to bottom - red, white, red; Right row from top to bottom - red, black, black.

40 level

The main prompts for the passage of this level are signs above the door and drawings on the tile on the floor. Pictures on the tile on the floor are shown wherever we need to press, so on the first square you can see what you need to click on the upper left red button, and then on the left door window. The table from above tells us that you need to refer to the square below. Click on the left door window, and after the middle of the red button on the right. Next, click on the bottom left red button, then on the left window, then on the right window, and after the upper right red button. Next, click on the middle left red button, then on the left window, after the leftmost red button and finally on the right window.

41 level

On the screen we see wooden sticks from which 6 squares are composed. Tips on top and bottom of the door tell us that for the passage of this level it is necessary to make two squares from 6 squares, while one of them should be less than the other. There are several options, but we use it: we take two sticks from the upper left corner, that is, vertical and horizontal, then press four sticks that form a cross on the right side. The level is passed, go further.

DOORS - 100 doors on Windows Phone. + Tips, passage

Compatibility: WP 7.5 / WP8

Popular Door game now and on smartphones Lyumia and other windows background! The purpose is known and easy to go through all the doors, opening them in turn, on the walk of various tips. Solve puzzles to get out of the next room.

You will need intuitive actions such as tilting and shaking the phone. Use all your seamless fully and complete all levels!

Features -
* Many mini-games that are well suited for entertainment in your free time
* To go to the next level, you need to solve the puzzle
* Sometimes you need to shake, peep, turn the phone
* Auto storage

Passage games doors On Windows Phone

How to go through the level 1: just tadam on the door.
How to pass 2 levels: take the key and insert it into the detector.
How to pass 3 levels: I spend your finger on the door to the right left.
How to pass 4 level: turn the phone.
How to pass 5 level: Move the rug, take the key.
How to pass 6 levels: We have colors in circles like on the door. Green, blue, barded.
How to pass 7 level: We are looking for the same drawings.
How to pass 8 levels: have numbers from smaller to more. Code 2579.
How to go through the level 9: Shawk Phone, Move the fallen globe, take the key and open the door.
How to pass 10 level: change the red and white arouses in places. Algorithm: white top, red lower, red in the middle, white top, white in the middle, white bottom, red lower, red in the middle, red top, white top, white in the middle, white bottom, red in the middle, red lower, white bottom.
How to pass 11 levels: Locate the numbers depending on the size of what they are from more to a smaller. Code 71138.
How to pass 12 levels: you need to fill on the door when the time per hour is 9.00 or 9.20.
How to pass the 13 level: arrange colors in mugs in the elements. Red, blue, light blue, green.
How to pass the 14 level: shake the phone, the fire will go out, poke on the fireplace and take the door handle, insert and open the door.
How to pass 15 levels: collect wire in "spots". In total, we have 9 fields of squares, from left to right in each field 1, 2, 3, etc. and move the pictures according to their position (1,2,3,4 ...) algorithm: 6 moving down, 3 down, 2 right, 1 right, 4 up, 5 left, 6 left, 3 down, 2 right, 5 Up, 8 Up, 9 Left, 6 Down, 3 Down, 2 Right, 5 Up, 6 Left, 3 Down, 2 Right, 5 Top, 6 Left, 9 Up, 8 Right, 5 Down, 6 Left, 3 Down , 2 right, 5 up, 8 up, 7 right, 4 down, 5 left, 6 left, 9 up. Hooray!
How to go through the 16 level: Tilt the phone, the angel will move away, press the button and see where to move the arrow.
How to get a 17 level: Quickly click on the buttons to all burn green And quickly poke on the door. It is better to start with the right buttons.
How to go through the level 18: we creep the phone and see the numbers on the door. Code 28359.
How to pass 19 levels: Locate the buttons as on the graph. 1 Somewhere in the middle, 2 below the first, 3 is slightly higher than the first, 4 above the second, but below the first, 5 above all, 6 above the fourth, but below the first.
How to pass 20 levels: move along the shooters how many arrows as much and need to take steps. To go through, you need to start with 2 columns 3 lines.
How to pass 21 levels: push the door of the elevator with your fingers, take a stick, put it between the doors and go further.
How to pass 22 levels: twist the drives so that the arrows everywhere coincided. Algorithm: Turn the right disk before matching the arrows, the bottom disk before the arrow coincide, the left disk before the arrow match, the right disk before the arrow coincide.
How to pass on level 23: Mirror reflection of numbers from above. Code 25802.
How to get through level 24: how many sticks go to a mug, such a figure and put. Figures from above from left to right: 1, 3, 0. 3, 6, 4. 2, 4, 3.
How to get a 25 level: holding the button while all the circles do not become green.
How to go through level 26: Locate in every color circles as on the door. Once pushing on the left below, four times on the left medium, three times on the right upper, twice the right middle, three times on the right lower, three times on the left lower, twice the right upper, four times on the left top.
How to pass level 27: a lantern glows with a green light, take it. We have in circles of sticks to get a cross:\u003e and<
How to pass level 28: arrange colors according to the masta of cards. Black, red, red, black.
How to pass 29 levels: Place the circles as in the picture near the door. In the middle of blue, on the edges are red. We have 6 shooters, correct them from left to right 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Algorithm: Press 2 arrow, 5 arrow, 1 arrow, 5 arrow.
How to pass 30 level: take a handle behind the flower and insert into a black hole. Rotate while the door does not open and poke into the void.

Video Passage Door game on Window Background. Levels 1-30:

How to pass 31 levels: Hold two white sticks near the spikes and tilt the phone to open the doors, and then the third finger poke the door.
How to get a 32 level: on top to connect changing green sticks. It turns out the code: 589635
How to pass 33 levels: Locate the circles in accordance with your color. Package in the following order: Z-K-Z-S-O-R-S-Z-Z-Z-Z-O-Z-O-KJ-O-K-SJ-OK -C-o-k-s-oh-kh-sh-oh-k-sk. (Just, Z-green, K-red, o-orange, p-pink, s-blue)
How to pass 34 levels: If you tilt the phone, then the blue ball will ride, if you do it, then the digits will be visible on the door. Code 2937.
How to pass 35 levels: Display colors in squares on the right mirror left squares. So that the smoke disappeared, it must be pinned with a finger. Algorithm: Click on the fourth right square 1 time, the third right 3 times, the second right 1 time, the first right 1 time.
How to pass 36 levels: taping on the door when they will not move the pieces from above.
How to pass 37 levels: It is necessary that in the middle there are 4 blue divisions. Algorithm: First you move to the middle, then from the middle to the left, from the left to the right, from the middle to the left, from the right to middle, from the middle to the left.
How to pass 38 levels: Tada on the ball, he jershits and we see a heart. We make it red and move the door to the right left until it opens.
How to pass 39 levels: Locate the figures in the puzzle as indicated on the floor. So, then there are 4 squares. From left to right we call them 1,2,3,4. Two square twice twice, 4 square twice, 2 square three times, 1 square once, 2 square once, 1 square four times, 3 square three times, 1 square once.
How to pass 40 level: turn the phone. We see the order of colors. Show now in order on colors: red, green, blue, purple, green, green, purple, blue, green, purple.
How to pass 41 levels: We take a disk from the floor, insert it into the screen from above, scroll and see the numbers. Code: 846025.
How to pass 42 levels: You need to remove all the discs from the left circle to the center. White on top, yellow on right, white on right, green on top, white on left, yellow on top, white on top, blue on right, white on right, yellow on left, white on left, green on right, white on top, yellow on right, white on right, red on top, white on left, yellow on top, white on top, green on left, white on right, yellow on left, white on left, blue on top, white on top, Yellow on the right, white on the right, green on the top, white on the left, yellow to the top, white on the top.
How to pass 43 levels: the amount of diagonals and the edges should be equal to 12. We set the numbers from left to right from top to bottom: 7, 3, 2 ||| 4 ||| 6,5,1
How to go through 44 levels: in squares determine what numbers are suitable on models. Code: 4286.
How to pass 45 levels: Hold the light bulb and when the light goes out, then push the door.
How to pass 46 level: you need to knock on the bells 9 times with a stick in this order as indicated on the doors. To hit the stick you need to turn the phone. Once in 1 bell, second time in 2 bell, the third time in 1 bell, the fourth time in 2 bell, the fifth time in 1 bell, six times in 2 bell, seventh time in 2 bell, eighth time in 1 bell, ninth times In 1 bell.
How to pass 47 level: game in thimbles. It is necessary to guess in which bucket the ball is hidden three times and when we guess, we get a ball with a number. In the end, we will open the code panel. Code: 2530.
How to pass 48 levels: you need to do so that all the keys are pressed. We find out that I find out that I need to poke in this order: 1 - NORTHERSTOK, 2 - Southeast, 3 - South-West, 4 - North, 5 - South, 6 - East, 7 - West, 8 - North-West.
How to pass 49 levels: above the door we have alien hours. We see that the first part is the clock, the second is minutes, and the last second. When a minute retells begin to count the numbers of seconds and find out what the characters are valid for the door. Decoding numbers:

How to pass 50 levels: collect a pyramid so that in each part the amount of the number inside was obtained. Top down, left to right: 4 || 44 || 452 || 2133.
How to pass 51 levels: the number rises up alternately at 5 and 3, and down the same way to 9 and 7. The arrow indicates us that we must get the figure 51. Algorithm: Click the down arrow (go down to 41), click the arrow up and while it did not reach 46 quickly press again the arrow up. If you wait until the figure reaches 46, then according to the algorithm the next time you will raise 3 digits, and we need to 5. Therefore, when the figure is 44 or 45, we click on the up arrow.
How to go through the 52 level: first we creep the phone and climb a broken piece of wallpaper to us. On it a triangle. You need to calculate the sides of the figures. Star - 10, square - 4, rhombus - 4, hexagon - 6, triangle - 3. The clock goes in the opposite direction - it means the number in the reverse order. Code: 364401.
How to pass 53 levels: Collect colors in line in color: red, green, blue.
How to pass 54 levels: 6 stages. It is necessary to spread the square throughout the field so that it is filled. Stage 1: Packing to the right bottom corner, then the right arrow, up, right, etc. Spiral. 2 Stage: Packing into the right bottom cage, left from the red square, left, up, etc. Spiral. 3 Stage: Packing in a cell 5 Stage 4 lines, then down, left, up, etc. 4 Stage: Package in 1 column 4 lines, then down, right, up, right, up, etc. 5 Stage: Tick in 2 columns 2 lines, then upstairs, left, down, right, up, right, down, right, etc. 6 Stage: Packing in 2 columns 3 lines, then down, left, up, right, etc.
How to pass 55 level: time on the clock is always different, but the passage is one. Find out on arrows at the time of the time they show. The sun on the door shows us either at sunrise or at sunset. If dawn, I will enter the code in a day format, for example, on the clock 11:55, then the code will be 1155. If, for example, on the clock 11:15, and the sun shows the sunset, then you need to enter 23:30, which means the code will be 2330.
How to pass 56 levels: twist speedometers so that all the arrows show the maximum. Algorithm: 1 Button, 5 Button, 1 button, 5 Button, 3 Button, 3 Button.
How to pass 57 levels: open a safe door. A combination is drawn on the door. V1 \u003d 6, x4 \u003d 14. The arrows indicate which way to twist. Algorithm: twist counterclockwise at 6, clockwise at 75, against 14, clockwise by 65.
How to go through the 58 level: Rayman when the red dot falls on the rhythm of the heart, while all the light bulbs light up and open the door.
How to pass 59 levels: from above we have a strip with flowers, and below the circles in order arranged. Red - 1, green - 2, blue - 3, pink - 8. Displays them in the order as on a strip with flowers and get a password. Code: 1328.
How to pass 60 levels: replace all cats on the eagles. In total, we have 16 squares, point them from left to right. Algorithm: Press in order for squares at the numbers 10, 6, 11, 7, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 9, 13, 10, 14.
How to pass 61 levels: we need to guess the numbers that are encrypted on the door. There is no universal code, because The solution is constantly different. Algorithm: Click the TEST button. Tighten the first number until the top of it appears on it. We do the same with the rest of the numbers while ticks will not be lit over all three. If you go through all the numbers, but the tick never appeared above the number, then you need a number already occupied.
How to pass 62 levels: At this level, there is also no universal solution. The numbers on the doors are constantly changing, so you will have to go this level yourself. You need to place the numbers on the panel as well as on and doors.
How to pass 63 levels: everything is quite simple here. From the floor we take a flashlight and light on the wall above the door. We see numbers. Each number you need to add the previous number. For example, in order to obtain 21 it is necessary to add 13. As a result, unknown numbers are 13, 34 and 89. It turns out the code: 133489
How to pass 64 levels: we need the desired icons to get into the necessary cells. Stage 1: left, left, 4 times up, left. Stage 2: 2 times up, 3 times right, 4 times down, 1 time to right. 3 Stage: 5 times right, 1 time up, 2 times left, 2 times up, 1 time left, 1 time down. 4 Stage: 1 time up, 4 times right, 2 times down, 5 times left, 1 time to the top. 5 Stage: 4 times right, 3 times down, 2 times upstairs, 1 time left, 2 times down, 1 time to right, 1 time down, 2 times left.
How to pass 65 levels: Light flashlight on the wall. I turn the phone and see that the hidden equality will be true. Then we fold the visible numbers. It turns out 8521. The resulting number turn over 180 degrees and we turn out the code: 2158
How to pass 66 levels: we need to place the numbers in order. Algorithm: 7 right, 7 up, 8 down, 6 left, 5 right, 6 twice upstairs, 8 to the right until it stops, 5 down, 5 left, 3 twice right, 3 up, 3 twice left, 2 twice right, 2 down, 2 left, 1 down, 1 two times left, 4 twice right, 4 upstairs, 3 down, 3 left.
How to pass 67 levels: turn on a flashlight and shine on the wall and on the floor. We see that 6 \u003d 5 and the arrows near 67. Those. Our code is 3 numbers: 66, 67, 68. However, 6 we are equal to 5. So there will be numbers - 55, 57, 58. Code: 555758
How to pass 68 levels: you need to do the moves of the horse (the horse goes the letter "g") so that the figure be on all cells. Algorithm: Prix the squares from left to right from top to bottom. 12 Square, 21 squares, 18 square, 25 square, 14 square, 5 square, 8 square, 11 square, 22 square, 19 square, 10 square, 3 square, 6 square, 17 square, 24 square, 15 square, 4 Square , 7 square, 16 square, 23 square, 20 square, 13 square, 2 square, 9 square.
How to pass 69 level: take a flashlight. Low on the floor and see the number. It is necessary to remember their location and in ascending order to press alternately. First 1, then 2, etc. The location of the numbers from left to right:

1 14 16 4
11 7 6 9
8 12 10 5
13 2 3 15