Poker Value Bet - How To Get The Most Out Of Winning Situations. Everything you need to know about value betting Take value bet on the flop

A value bet in poker is a bet made by a player with strong cards to get called by an opponent with weaker cards.

Any bet that replenishes the pot in a hand where one of the opponents with strong cards increases due to calls by the remaining players who lose with a strong combination in the final of the hand is considered a contribution for value.

Value bet is an important and significant technique that is included in many game and tactical maneuvers. When used correctly, it becomes a way to capture the main value of every game - the bank.

Despite the favorable and promising description, many players, even quite experienced ones, are afraid to make this bet. And although 90% of the players are unlikely to name the reason for their fears, this trend has persisted for a long time. Analysis of the reasons for the appearance of fear will allow you to overcome it and bring the game to a new level.

Reasons for fear of value beta

The result of such a fear is giving up on, when everything says that it will bring the expected result. Not only beginners refuse risk, but also sophisticated players who have done this more than once and received significant pots as a reward.

Players of various levels and experience interviewed for the compilation of the material declare that rejection is a consequence of careful play... But is this caution, or is it an attempt to relinquish responsibility for the fear that makes it impossible to earn money?

Value bet is an opportunity to increase your stack, deposit and performance in the game. Calling caution ignoring an adequate chance of capital appreciation is wrong. This is a blatant mistake of a poker player, costing him not at all cheap.

Poker pros claim that situations in which a player does not value bet on the river can lead such a player to join the ranks of poker losers.

The participants in the hand are not able to assess their chances of winning the hand or the event in general. But this is a key skill, without which there will be no place in high stakes games. Every poker player should be able to assess his strength and achievement of the goal. It turns out that the more calculating players performing the analysis of the potential have the advantage that makes the seizure of the bank more likely.

It turns out the following situation, when the players calculating the perspective, at least sometimes, get the result from value bet, and the rest, out of fear of losing, do not even try to try and lose every time.

The key factor holding the player down and preventing them from making a serious pot is stiffness. Regular repetition of this mistake will lead to the fact that there will be much more defeats than victories and will melt like smoke.

For those. who does not want to leave poker after hard practice and learning its intricacies, being disappointed and lack of performance, a few tips will be useful:

  • Calculate the potential of each action;
  • Study the rules of the competition or event in order to theoretically prepare;
  • Make the necessary contributions when you need them, without fear.

These are the immutable rules of a competent game, following which a poker player can achieve a result. Value bet is a risky move, but in a situation where the chances of its implementation are maximal, the pot received from it will be the envy of it.

Key concepts

Competent implementation of opportunities in poker requires a willingness to use different techniques, which, in turn, have been sufficiently studied by the player. Below are the key concepts and situations when you can value bet:

  • Raise for value... This point is key for the formation of the base of theoretical training. Let's consider the definition using a practical example.

Late position on. The player has a hole card 22. He calls his opponent in the middle. K-7-2 comes on and the aggressive opponent does. What do we need to do in such a situation?

The rest of the participants in the hand will call, fearing to expel the opponent from the game. In such a situation, you should not expect to receive large amounts of money in the bank at the later stages of the distribution.

The opponent will be either with a weak and will not want to fill the pot anymore, or with a strong hand and will continue to make opponents' calls, gradually increasing the rates. This situation is just perfect for raising for value.

  • Thin value bet... A definition that haunts many poker players... Theoretically, this is a situation where we are in an average situation, but there is an opponent who has less strong cards and able to fill the pot with an answer to our bet.

This skill is not possessed by every player and many comprehend it over the years. At the same time, the skill of using it, brought to automatism, brings serious banks at every opportunity.

Hopefully, these examples have opened up situations where you can value bet. Missing opportunities to significantly round up your stack is foolish to miss out of fear or laziness.

Material from the site, the free encyclopedia of poker.

Velu(eng. Value) - the benefit that the player is able to get from his hand. The term value is one of the basic ones for constructing and analyzing all poker strategies.

Extracting value

One of the basic techniques taught to beginners is getting value out of your hand correctly. This skill improves with the progress of the poker player and there is hardly any opportunity to reach the limit of excellence in it. It is the value betting that is the first basic component of the principle "Win more with good hands, lose less with bad".

Consider a situation in which our opponent has $ 100 in stacks. We know our opponent's hand, but he doesn't know our hand:

Our hand: 5 4

Opponent's hand: A ♦ K ♠

Flop (in the bank $ 20): A J 3.

Our opponent got top pair, but we already have a flush in our hands. Now our main task is to win as much money as possible from our opponent, or get maximum value... Obviously, if we go all-in right away, our opponent will probably fold, since he is not ready to risk all his money with only a pair. And our first priority is to determine the maximum bet he is willing to call. There is no definite answer to this question, since everything depends on our opponent. Some will be able to accept a half-pot bet (that is, $ 10), and some will accept a pot-sized bet ($ 20). However, with the nuts, we often get more value by slowplaying. As you can see, there are many ways to extract value and this question is very broad in nature.

Expected value

In theoretical calculations of poker situations, it is very important expected value(eng. Expected Value or EV). More details can be found in

Having best hand, we not only want to win the hand, but also make the opponent pay as much as possible. Bets that are aimed at maximizing profits with a winning hand are called value bets. Good players win a ton of money just by betting for value correctly. Go through ours and you will understand it.

In order for the opponent to put as much money into the pot as possible, it is necessary to bet and raise. Inexperienced players call, check and slowplay too often with strong hands. This game is counterproductive because we want to win money. There are situations when slowplay is effective, but you shouldn't get carried away with it.

Value Betting Early Streets

We are on the button in poker and we have a hand of 33, with which we decided to call a raise from a player in middle position. The flop came A 9 3 and the aggressor bet cbet preflop. It is a mistake for many players to simply call in position. We have a great opportunity to get some extra value by raising from our many Ax draws. For a large number of turns, the opponent's aggression will be greatly reduced and it will be difficult to get paid. And if you are afraid that your opponent will fold, think logically, how often will an opponent who was not ready to call a raise on the flop pay bets on the river or turn? Unless he gets a better hand, for example, a senior set or a flush, which is unlikely to please us. Calling makes sense if your opponent is prone to multi-barreling, but in other situations, a raise is preferable. One of the main theories of poker is: nDon't miss the opportunity to increase the pot with a strong hand.

Value bet on the river

What sets good players apart from mediocre ones is the ability to draw on the river. High-level pros in some situations value bet with third pair and A-high, realizing that they can get called from hands even worse. When in position, do not rush to answer a check with a check. More often than not, when checking river poker, an out-of-position opponent either gives up with no hand at all, or tries to see a showdown with a moderate hand for a cheap price. With top pair with a good kicker in poker, many beginners are afraid to bet. However, just imagine how many top pairs with the worst kicker and second pairs there are in your opponent's range with which he is willing to pay a small or medium bet. Every time you play online poker for free with check behind, you lose money. And many will be surprised how much.

So, take your time when deciding on the river. Estimate how many hands your opponent can have that are worse than yours, and how many are better. And what size bet he can pay with them. And only then make a decision.

How is the success of a tournament poker player measured? Correct answer: ROI. Read about what ROI is in our next article.

A value bet in poker is a bet where a player with a strong set is called by an opponent with a weaker combination.

Thus, any replenishment of the bank can be called a contribution for value, when the participant with the strongest set significantly increases his own profit by calling his opponents, which is left with nothing at the final stage of the set demonstration.

This technique rises in the same rank with the most important and significant techniques, since as a result of its application in practice in the competition, you can take possession of decent amounts by winning the main prize - the bank.

Such prospects sound very tempting, but many poker players are simply afraid to value bet on the river.

What is the reason? Let's figure it out.

Value in poker. The reasons for the formation of fear

Far from being an exception, but rather a rule is a situation where players flatly refuse the opportunity to value bet in poker on the river. This behavior is akin not only to beginners, who only learn the basics and delights of the competition, but also to experienced participants. Some people call this behavior caution. But is it?

Such neglect of opportunities can be fraught with impact on the result and bring significant losses. Therefore, to name the decision not to take advantage of the chance and increase your earnings is nothing more than a player's mistake, which is not cheap.

In terms of the convictions of professional poker players, it should be said that in a situation where the participant does not bet the river for value bet, the moment is not far off when this player will join the ranks of losers.

The effect of such an action is as follows: the participants simply cannot make an assessment of the probability of winning the competition. Without such skill, there is simply nothing to do in poker, because evaluating your own strengths and understanding how high the probability of getting a win is - the skill that every promising poker player should have is the main action.

From which it follows that those players who have the ability to evaluate have a certain bonus - a high probability that they will be able to seize the capital that is at stake.

And just those who flatly refuse to use value in poker, they themselves prejudge their own fate in the game and doom themselves to regular failures.

Without exaggeration, stating the fact, it should be noted that poker does not dare to call it a simple competition. This is a really challenging and intricate game. Those participants who give free rein to consciousness, succumb to provocations and step on the path of gambling have tremendous chances of losing, and no value bet will come to the rescue. But here, too, there is another side of the coin.

Uncertainty greatly constrains, this is exactly the factor that does not allow you to earn an impressive bank. If this continues on a regular basis, then such actions will lead to the fact that the total amount of losses in the corresponding equivalent will significantly exceed the amount of winnings.

The player will drive himself into a corner by such actions and leave no choice but to fully retire and leave the poker room.

For those who do not accept this scenario, it would be correct:

  • calculate each action without exception;
  • study in detail the rules of the competition in order to form a solid theoretical base, which is never superfluous, rather, on the contrary, without it anywhere;
  • overcome the fear of making contributions when needed.

This is the only way to learn everything. This is the only way to guarantee yourself good positions and impressive prospects in the world. card battles... Risky actions like value betting in poker can lead to a decent pot to everyone's envy!

Basic concepts

In order to be good at the game, you need to understand it thoroughly.

Below are some points:

1. What is a raise for value in poker? One of the main issues that worries those who decided to form a base of theoretical knowledge. Let's try to understand the definition using a practical example.

In late position preflop, the player gets 22 and calls his opponent's raise from middle position. At the flop stage in poker, the participant observes K-7-2, and the aggressor at this moment makes a continuation bet. What should be done in this situation?

Most likely, other participants will start calling, being careful not to “ask” the opponent from the hand, but the question arises: will it be realistic to seize large sums of money in such a competition on the following streets? The answer is almost unambiguous - no!

Either the opponent will still have a little competing set, with which he is unlikely to want to invest additional funds in the main capital of the tournament, or he may still come up with a stronger combination, which also does not bode well. In this situation, the best decision is to raise for value.

2. Thin value betting in poker is another definition that haunts many. What is it? Everything is simple, however, only in theory. In simple words- this is the moment when the player is not in the best situation, but from the rally it becomes clear that the opponent can pay the player's contribution with a weaker combination.

Thin value betting is a skill that not everyone possesses; it is akin to an art that novice poker players will have to grow to for a long time.

Value bet is profit.

To miss such opportunities out of fear or overwhelming laziness to study the concept and learn how to use it skillfully is the height of recklessness, such participants have no place in poker.

Poker Value - efficient way push the enemy to ensure that he replenishes the stock of the bank, which you should ultimately take. All that is needed for this is not to drift, but to raise and bet, thereby demonstrating unprecedented determination.

The perfect way to achieve what you want. The success of every poker player is exclusively in his hands! Forward!

Check out how to earn maximum value in the new video from the Poker School - Features and secrets of value bet: