Why do you need a small pocket. Why you need a tiny pocket on jeans - the history of its appearance and how it was used earlier, modern options. Historical facts of the appearance of a small pocket on jeans

Perhaps today there is no such person who does not have jeans in his wardrobe, because this model of pants is not only very practical, but also stylish. Their laconic design is characterized by convenience, which is created by a special cut and the presence of pockets. Today we'll talk about one of them - the smallest, located on the right side inside the main pocket, because surely many wondered - what is it intended for?

A bit of history

As you know, the first jeans appeared as uniform for workers - gold miners. They prized heavy denim pants for their comfort, durability and durability. Wild West Cowboys who had to be on horseback for a long time also appreciated jeans, and over time they became, along with the cowboy hat, the personification of their era.

It is the period of the gold rush and the reign of cowboys that is associated with the creation of jeans with a small pocket on the right side located inside the main pocket. It appeared in 1873, when Levi's designer Michael Regalo first included this model in the company's catalog.

Major versions

As already noted, jeans served as work clothes, so all their details, including a small pocket, had a practical purpose. And yet, disputes about what exactly it was created for are still ongoing. Let's look at the main versions of the appearance of this element of jeans, because some of them are quite entertaining!

Version one: For cowboys. It is known that they were heavy smokers, but, not having large funds for the frequent purchase of smoking accessories (in particular, the still popular Zippo lighter), they especially needed good location for their storage. A small pocket just held this lighter, and even riding a horse at high speed, the cowboy did not lose it.

Cowboys preferred jeans to other types of clothing because of their practicality and abundance of pockets.

Version two: for watches. At the end of the nineteenth century, small round watches were in fashion, the chain of which was attached to a belt loop, and they themselves fit into this pocket. Over time, the watch “moved” on the wrist, and the jeans remained with a small pocket.

Version three: for ecstasy lovers. Oddly enough, the small pocket of jeans has its own nickname - "Rugs packet" ( from English"Pharmaceutical package"). The police often carried out raids on the working quarters, and in this pocket it was quite possible to hide several tablets of a prohibited drug with a narcotic effect. The version is slightly dubious, but it also has a right to exist.

Version four: for gold prospectors... During the gold rush, workers in the mines found nuggets of various sizes. And since their work was physically very active, there was a risk of losing such an expensive find. Therefore, the designers of denim clothing came up with a way to preserve the gold they found by providing a separate secure pocket for it.

These bars fit well in a small pocket of jeans.

What can you put or how to apply it?

There are ways to use the described pocket great amount... At a time when they were massively using payphones and payphones, it was convenient to put coins in it... Now several metro tokens will easily fit in it, but modern technologies, having introduced into use plastic cards, took this function from the pocket. For those who still prefer to have some cash with them, this pocket will come in very handy - in several paper bills fit without any problems.

Small pocket can serve as a "wallet" for a small amount of cash

Since the period of the sexual revolution, many young people have always carried a condom with them, and this pocket is ideal for a contraceptive in both volume and size.

Jeans from different manufacturers, different styles and different colors are united by one small common detail - a small pocket, the purpose of which has been argued for more than a year. Especially for our readers, there are five pocket denim versions.

Version number 1 "Gold"

There is a version that a small pocket on jeans appeared during the "gold" rush. Lucky prospectors piled the found gold bars into it.

Version number 2 "Financial"

Today it is difficult to imagine, there were times when a few coins were enough to pay for some necessary trifle. It was for coins that an additional very small pocket on jeans was intended. However, it is also very convenient to carry banknotes there.

Version number 3 "Tobacco"

It is believed that the size of the smallest jeans pocket and its shape clearly indicate that it is intended for the lighters of the legendary Zippo brand. When these lighters became popular, many men rushed to get them, and the pocket ensured that the valuable thing would not be lost.

Version number 4 "Hourly"

Another version of the purpose of the smallest denim pocket says that its appearance is associated with the fashion for watches on chains. It was for this accessory that the jeans were "awarded" with a special pocket.

Version number 5 "Non-romantic"

Since its inception, jeans have become the favorite clothing of workers. This is understandable - the new trousers were comfortable and durable. And an additional pocket was intended for workers to keep various small parts in it, for example, nuts or nails.

Fans of sports shoes will find it useful to know.

There are several options for the purpose of the small pocket, which is an integral part of the classic model of Levi ׳ s jeans and other brands. To try to answer the question “Why do you need a tiny pocket on jeans?”, You need to look into the past and understand the history of the emergence of a “mysterious” detail on branded clothing.

Historical facts of the appearance of a small pocket on jeans

Jeans as a wardrobe item for working professions (cowboys, miners, farmers, construction workers, gold diggers and miners) have been worn in America since 1873. The appearance of this clothing was facilitated by the entrepreneur Levi Strauss (Levi Strauss) - an immigrant from Bavaria, who decided to create comfortable and durable workwear from work overalls, removing the upper part. For his invention in the US Patent and Trademark Office, he received a patent No. 139121, allowing sewing "strapless work overalls with pockets for a knife, money and coins."

By 1880, jeans under the world famous Levi's brand had all the distinctive elements that are present in modern models:

  • Well-defined decorative stitching on seams and pockets with orange thread.
  • Reinforcement stitching in vulnerable places - corners of pockets.
  • Rivets and "bolt" buttons for fastening.
  • Leather patch with branded emblem.
  • Small pocket "coin pocket", which is located on the front leg above the right large pocket.

It is this small detail that causes numerous debates and controversies for its direct purpose. There are several versions and they all have a place for existence.

Tiny Pocket Applications

From English the name "coin pocket" is translated as "pocket for coins". Its presence was quite reasonable and rational for the period of invention of jeans, since in America there was a boom in gold diggers working in mines, and a "cache" was used to hide an expensive find. Also, paper banknotes were not in common use, but were mainly calculated in coins. Due to the identical dimensions with the fifth pocket on jeans, the coins were well kept in it, and could not fall out. Today the small pocket has practically lost its purpose.

In their original design, the pockets were sized to match the Zippo knife and lighter used by most Wild West cowboys. Even with a quick ride on horseback, it was impossible to lose such accessories. In the modern version, the parameters of the pocket are adjusted to the well-known and most popular Criket lighter in the world.

There is another common version that is perfectly acceptable and has a rationale for having a small part. Another English name "watch pocket" translates as "watch pocket", so it is likely that the additional element on the jeans was intended for pocket watch on a chain that was attached to the jeans belt with a belt loop.

Today, a small pocket is used to carry a lighter, flash drive, MP3 player, contraceptives and other small items of suitable size. The latest fashion achievement is Levi’s jeans with headphones and a player built into the pocket. Among other things, a small detail also performs a decorative function, and it is already impossible to imagine jeans without this additional element.

Many fashion items go out of style quickly. With jeans, this practically does not happen. If the model is no longer worn, designers will quickly come up with another. Skinny jeans have been replaced by bell bottoms, short jeans have been replaced by skinny ones. But what is known about the clothes that many wear almost daily? To one of the simplest questions about why you need a small pocket on jeans, few can give an answer.

When and why did it appear

There are 2 versions of when a tiny pocket appeared on jeans. The first version says that it was not sewn in a few years after the appearance of the first jeans. Denim pants were invented with him. The history of jeans dates back to the gold rush. Back then, the earners wore overalls. The pockets on the clothes were distributed evenly - some on top and some on the bottom.

The first jeans were invented in 1853 by Leib Strauss, a fabric merchant. He came to California at the height of the gold rush. He began to sell his invention to prospectors.

Jeans were in demand because, unlike leather pants, they could be washed. In those days, jeans were a jumpsuit without a top. Pockets were at the bottom. Large pockets were sewn on 3 or 4. In the first case, 1 pocket was sewn on the back. The need for pockets is understandable - they were intended for storing a knife and other weapons. Why did you need a small pocket on jeans used for creating models? The official and most plausible version is that it was intended to store coins.

But most historians support the version that a tiny pocket was invented after the appearance of the first jeans. Its creator is Michael Regalo, an American designer. There are several assumptions why a small pocket on jeans was needed:

  1. Workers kept nails in small pockets;
  2. The most unusual version says that Michael specially invented a pocket so that people could hide ecstasy at the sight of the police;
  3. There is a version that the creator's name was Mark Lidin. But why did he originally need a small pocket on jeans? It is speculated that he invented this piece in order to store a small talismanic stone in it.

Whichever version is correct, it is clear to anyone why they needed a small pocket on jeans - to store tiny things.

Prohibited Substances (Ecstasy)

Use cases

If a part is invented for specific purposes, it does not mean that it should be used strictly for its intended purpose. In past centuries, people knew how to use a pocket that is smaller in size than the rest. Why did you need a small pocket on jeans in the past centuries:

  1. The cowboys kept lighters in it. There is a version that the size was specially adjusted for the Zippo accessory. Pocket sizes on modern models are more suitable for Cricket lighters;
  2. Previously, the pocket was ideal for carrying a pocket watch with a chain. Now perhaps it would also come up if antique clock were fashionable. Although someone in modern world applies this technique to give the image a touch of antiquity;
  3. With the advent of contraceptives, the pocket began to be used for storing them. Packing size just matched;
  4. Lovers, who hid their feelings from strangers for various reasons, kept messages to each other and wedding rings in their pockets.

But modern people are not inferior in creativity. Why do we need a small pocket on jeans now:

  1. Owners of small phones manage to slip them inside. As a result, the phone is firmly compressed, and this additionally protects it from falling;
  2. Many have seen fashionistas hook sunglasses onto their shirt. Someone uses a device on jeans for this purpose;
  3. Levi's company has developed a new unusual model of jeans. It is notable for the detachable pocket. But it is much more interesting why it comes unfastened. It has built-in headphones, a joystick and contact devices for adjusting the sound and picture. The entire device allows you to change the volume without removing the player. When it is necessary to wash jeans, the pocket with the device can be easily unfastened;
  4. Coins are also kept in large pockets. But some are disturbed by their ringing. In a small pocket, trifles will not ring.

A few ideas for using denim:

  • keys;
  • leaflets with important information;
  • flash drives.

If someone has nowhere to store small things, and it is scary to lose them, feel free to buy jeans with a small pocket.

Surely in the world there are many other unknown ideas for using a mysterious piece of clothing that ordinary people came up with. Why do you need a small pocket on your jeans?
For money

Surely we all are familiar with the classic look of jeans: straight leg and five pockets: one on each side in front and back and another small pocket protruding above the right front pocket. But what this little pocket on jeans is for, not everyone knows.

Why a small pocket on jeans?

For the first time, the fifth pocket on jeans appeared in the Levi's 501 XX model almost 150 years ago, in 1873. By the way, then it was not the fifth, but the fourth pocket, since in classic jeans of that time there was only one pocket in the back, the second appeared later.

There are three main reasons why Levi's designers have added this tiny front pocket. The most probable of them - it was intended for wearing a pocket watch on a chain, which at that time were much more widespread than now. On the jeans model of those times, this small pocket was slightly larger than we are used to seeing it now, and the watch would fit in it.

The second version of the appearance of this pocket is as follows: since jeans were then purely working clothes, it was sewn onto jeans for the convenience of workers. They could store various small things in it that are easy to lose. So, gold diggers could put small nuggets there, and carpenters, for example, carnations.

Finally, there is also a popular version that the pocket was designed to carry a Zippo lighter, which at that time was used by most cowboys, whose main clothes were jeans. This version even explains the decrease in the size of the pocket over time. So, the popular Zippo lighters have been replaced after a while by the Cricket lighters, which fit perfectly into a modern-sized pocket.

Why do you need a small pocket on jeans now?

Over time, the classic shape of jeans with five pockets settled down, and more and more explanations appeared among the people as to what the smallest of them should be used for. So, at one time it was believed that it was adapted for storing small coins, which were then necessary for the use of payphones. Later, a version appeared that this was a pocket for a condom, since its packaging could easily fit there. Many also carried a penknife in this pocket. Now this pocket is more a tribute to the classic cut of old jeans than a truly functional gadget, but many continue to store various necessary trifles in it: paper clips, packs of chewing gum, coins, a small amount of cash on paper.