The silver thread in the game is fidelity. Cheat codes fidelity knights and princesses secrets of passage and free rubies. Loyalty game location maps

Game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses" - how to build a Fairy Tree? What for?

    In the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses for the Tree of Fairies we go to the location of the Lake of Sorrows, where we find this Tree. Healing the Fairy Tree consists of four stages.

    Stage 1 - 2 ladders, 2 scissors, 20 knives.

    Stage 2 - 3 stairs, 15 ribbons, 15 silks.

    Stage 3 - 4 stairs, 15 plates, 10 chintz.

    Stage 4 - 5 ladders, 100 flashlights, 3 amber mixture.

    After recovery in the Fairy Tree, it will be possible to produce the following items: Lantern - bomb, Wind rose, Gold and silver thread.

    If you have an Airship or an Airship, then you can move to a location called Lake of Sorrowsquot ;. Next, you destroy the towers, release the prisoners, restore the portal, after the restoration, go into it and get to the island, the Fairy tree will grow there, so you don’t need to grow it, you need to heal it, this is done in 4 stages:

    1. Ladder x2, Scissors x20, Knife x1;
    2. Ladder x15, Ribbon x15, Shlk x15;
    3. Ladder x15, Plates x15, Chintz x1;
    4. Ladder x100, Flashlights x3, Amber tincture x1.
  • In this game, the so-called Fairy Tree is located in the Lake of Sorrows. Let's go there.

    This tree will be useful to you in order to get the following useful items: Wind rose, Lantern, silver and gold threads.

    But it will be available after you heal the Fairy Tree. This process takes place in four stages.

    So, what do you need for this:

    first stage: two ladders, two scissors and twenty knives.

    second stage: three ladders, fifteen ribbons and fifteen silks.

    third stage: four ladders, fifteen plates and ten chintz.

    fourth stage: five ladders, one hundred lanterns and three amber mixtures.

    The Fairy Tree in the game is needed for the production of some unique materials - see their list below:

    The construction takes place in 4 stages - for each stage we need the following materials:

    • 1st stage: ladder - 2, scissors - 2, knife - 20;
    • at the 2nd stage, 3 stairs are needed, 15 ribbons and silk each;
    • for the 3rd stage you will need 4 ladders, 15 plates and 10 chintz;
    • at the last, 4th stage, 5 ladders, 100 lanterns and 3 bottles of amber mixture are required.

    In the game called Loyalty: Knights and Princessesquot ;, the Fairy Tree becomes available to us in a quest called Lake of Sorrowsquot ;. We can get to this lake by airship. It is located right in the center of the location.

    In order to build a Fairy Tree, you need to go through four stages, each of which requires a combination of certain materials:

    So, as you can see, the Fairy tree is a very necessary thing, as it allows you to produce many unique components.

    Fairy Tree can be found on the island Lake of Sorrow when flying in an airship. It is located in the middle of the location, on an island in the lake.

    You can build a Fairy Tree in 4 stages. What resources will be needed for this - you can see in the picture attached to my answer.

    After building the Fairy Tree on the island of the Lake of Sorrows, you will be able to produce unique materials: silver thread, Golden thread, lantern - bomb, wind rose.

    The Fairy Tree becomes available in the quest Lake of Sorrowsquot ;. At the same time, the Fairy Tree can go through four stages of development, which directly depend on the construction.

    As you can see, the Fairy Tree is quite useful, because it allows you to introduce new components into the game, that is, by attracting already familiar components, we can get a third new substance.

    If you need the Fairy Tree, then for this you need to reach the Lake of Sorrows quest. In total, to create this tree, you will need special materials:

    As written above, there are only four stages in creating the Fairy Tree.

    You will find the Fairy Tree on the island Lake of Sorrowsquot ;, it is located on a small island in the lake.

    The Fairy Tree is built in 4 stages.

    To build the Fairy Tree, you will need the following materials:

    1 stage of construction you need - 2 ladders, 2 scissors, as well as 20 knives.

    Stage 2 of construction you need - 3 stairs, 15 ribbons, as well as 15 silk.

    Stage 3 of construction you need - 4 stairs, 15 plates, as well as 10 chintz.

    Stage 4 of construction you need - 5 ladders, 100 lanterns, as well as 3 amber mixture.

    After you build the Fairy Tree, you will be able to produce the following materials: a lantern - a bomb, a silver thread, a golden thread, a wind rose.

    To build the Fairy Tree, you will need to complete four stages of construction. Each of these stages will require different kinds of resources from you. Below is a picture that shows all the stages and the necessary elements for construction:

    When you build a tree, you will be able to produce the following resources.

To ask the knight remove the hard stone you must have a suitor or a couple. After that, click on the heavy stone in order to send a message asking for help to your knights. You can also ask for a favor using personal correspondence. Then wait until the representative of the stronger sex removes the stone. Usually black (heavy) stones appear every day, if this did not happen, then the location should be cleared. Remember that only you can remove ordinary stones.

Disgusting collection elements you need to look for your friends. They are located in sarcophagi, which you need to knock on.

For, to add a knight to the fans, you need to add the princess to the idols. Thus, you will automatically become her fan.

Try to complete all tasks, in order to increase the level of your character. Using this method, you will not experience difficulties and you can very easily and quickly get a high level and, thereby, increase the functionality.

Do not be afraid or ashamed to invite other players. For each person you will receive freebies, which can later be converted into useful goods.

Befriending a person should not only expect gifts from him, but also render all possible assistance. For this, you will increase your reputation and, if necessary, you will also be assisted.

Advice for knights. The clothes that you get at the beginning of the game bring a lot of fame. Therefore, it is recommended to hide it in a raft until you get higher positions.

Don't waste money on buying amber, emeralds, ordinary feathers, diamonds, diamond dust, pearls and keys. All these items are likely to be given to you by other people.

Check your warehouse periodically, since it can fill up and you will not be able to accept more valuable items. You can send extra items to your friends, especially to those who need these resources the most.

No need to ask friends very valuable and expensive items such as velvet, cambric, armor, etc. because the limit will not miss much, and not everyone has it. It is better to look at what they are made of and put the components.

If you need any resources, but you can’t exchange them, put them in a “begging” and go around the neighbors, giving away non-free gifts, practice shows that a person who received a non-free gift from you will most likely respond in kind out of gratitude.

Try to build all buildings and locations, with which other players can interact, in one place. Since scouring the entire farm in search of a particular building is not very comfortable.

If you accidentally chose the wrong plant for planting, or chose the wrong enemy, which you wanted, then you can undo your decision, by clicking on the cancel button (the cross next to the icons with accelerations of 50% and 100%).

To send a large number of items to another player, for example, 500 units of wood, it is not necessary to click the mouse 500 times. It is enough to enter the required amount from the keyboard, in the appropriate place.

Remove unwanted and useless gifts from the warehouse, in order to restore the limit.

You can not cut trees and stones to the end. Leave about 1 knock, after that, collect more of these trees, and then finish them all at once and get a lot of useful resources and energy.

Sheep and cows can eat grass directly from the plantation. You should not waste energy on collecting grass, you can let animals in there and they will clean everything themselves. This does not apply to weeds.

Before completing the quest, take a few minutes to review all available quests and only complete those that offer the items you need.

There is also a trick about cooking or cleaning quests. No need to wait until everything is ready and you feed the knight. Just ask him to buy some of the cheapest meals himself and eat, and you clean up.

If you need to get a job, for example, 10 spinning wheels, but there are 2, you can send them to a friend, having previously agreed on a return, and send them five times in this way.

Always keep a few golden statues in reserve, they often come across in quest tasks.

Do not forget that Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary can also be added to idols. Aunt increases the limit (this is for those who have few friends), and uncle will dedicate victories to you.

When you clear the area don't try to tile everything, otherwise lose grass, weeds and lava stones.

Clearing the area from trees and stones can be done first with a sawmill and a quarry, but these resources also fly useful resources and experience when interacting with them manually. Therefore, it is recommended to do this: when the resource being processed reaches your current energy limit, you should turn off the sawmill or quarry, after which you should select the next resource.

If your knight regularly fights, then a lot of fertilizers are slowly collected, due to which the rate of maturation of plants doubles. Having accumulated energy, I tried to win a double crop and harvested it twice, speeding up the ripening. But this is only for fast maturing plants.

You can ambush bandits in the watchtower. To collect the maximum number of bandits, gain as much energy as possible, make energy drinks (small as possible) and energy eggs. Chop trees, stones, weed grass and weeds until the ambush expires or until there are no objects blocked by monsters. By doing so, you save a lot of resources on the ambush.

7 Ways to Earn Rubies

Titles. For each title, even the most primitive and weak, a gift is presented from the royal couple, which also contains rubies.

Roulette. During paid roulette spins, you can win up to 25 rubies or even hit the jackpot.

Daily bonus. By visiting the game daily, you can earn valuable resources, for example, rubies will be issued on the fifth day.

Achievements. Some achievements award ruby ​​hearts. After reviewing all of them, you can see what reward is expected for a particular achievement.

Fights for bets. Before the battle, you can bet on the outcome of the fight. By betting rubies you will get them. If you dedicate the victory to some lady, then she will receive part of the winnings.

Shish. Bets on rubies in case of winning add from 3 to 2500 red stones. In addition, there is a chance to hit the jackpot inside the "Shish".

Ruby Chest. If you decide to buy rubies, then by choosing the largest amount at the moment when a chest is visible in the upper left corner from which a ruby ​​looks out. In this case, you will get 2 times more.

Do not rush to complete tasks without quests, then you have to spend rubies.


Any energy drink you can take only when your energy is at least one less than your maximum on the scale.

Use Magic Eggs, which you create in the workshop (special tab). Items of egg collections are collected from decor and obtained from egg clutches, most items are given by a poultry house in which there is a happy rooster.

Use energy drinks, which are made in the workshop, the "special" tab.

Vandalize, visiting your friends' estates (beating Carousels, Gal statues, etc.), you can get 2-5 energy in five hits.

Cut down resources in advance(wood, stones at home location) and when you need energy, collect energy from chests.

Collect bonuses from decor at your location.

Collect energy from flowers(dahlia, stone, military, scarlet), swans, snowman.

Remove lava rocks(knights), ladies - collect chests from lava stones.

Garbage collection(for ladies, energy drops out of garbage from food when cleaning large piles, for knights - when cleaning chests from garbage).

These eerie lanterns, called jack-o'-lanterns, were originally carved from turnips or rutabaga, not gourds. V modern world carving pumpkin lanterns is one of the most common Halloween activities. However, few know that it has its roots in an ancient Irish tradition.

Ancient people believed that on Samhain, or Halloween, the veil separating the world of the living from the world of the dead (the other world) becomes so thin that spirits from the world of the dead enter the world of the living. Like most spirits, they are divided into good and evil. Good spirits were welcomed by people at home and honored with fun and feast.

wheel of the year,

You call it Halloween... we call it Samhain.

Halloween has its origins in the British Isles. Although the modern tradition of begging for treats originated in the United States, it is also based on folk customs that came to this country with Irish immigrants after 1840. Since ancient times in Ireland, Scotland and England, October 31st has been celebrated as a feast of the dead, as well as the day that marks the beginning of the new year. In Mexico, this day is celebrated as the Day of the Dead, as in other world cultures. In Scotland, the Gaelic word "Samhain" (pronounced "sa-main") literally means "end of summer".

Wheel of the Year, Samhain. Rituals and ceremonies

A weight loss spell to speed up your metabolism will help your body burn calories faster. Of course, you should not count on an instant result, but after a while you will notice that the extra pounds have disappeared. If you wish, you can speed up the process by eating a proper and healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Weight loss , PRACTICAL MAGIC , Rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies

You are drawn to people because you lack energy. In fact, you don't need their energy. You look for your energy in them, but you turn to the wrong address. You need your own energy, which can be found in the warehouse of the past.

We leave a lot of energy in the past and future, and in the present we become weaker. When we look forward to some event, strongly desire something, we send our energy into the future.


Lately so many women come to me with the same problem. They complain that a man does not work, does not provide, does not develop, does not show himself as a man. I'm tired of repeating the same thing to everyone, so in this article I will tell everyone at once what's what and how to be. My colleague, Ekaterina Polishchuk, also contributed some thoughts to this article, based on her practice.

Wax is not only a material convenient for various manipulations. Wax also belongs to different elements. When it is melted out of the honeycomb, it becomes solid (earth), when exposed to high temperatures, it first turns into a liquid (water), then it begins to evaporate (air) and these vapors are capable of burning (fire). So how easy is it to make a candle.

Uncategorized , NATURAL MAGIC , Candle magic

Decoction: A decoction is needed to extract the quintessence from solids such as bark, roots and stems. Place the raw material in a saucepan and fill it with water. Simmer over low heat until the water level is reduced by 1/3. Strain the resulting liquid to remove solids, then use as needed.

Infusion: Pour the grass and stems with fresh boiled water, about 200 ml of water per teaspoon of dried plant parts. When using fresh herbs, they require 3 times more.


What is internal negativity? When a person has been programmed, cursed, cursed, damaged, then this essence or program first sits on the field of a person. And this is all external negative. And if a person decides for himself after an unsuccessful love: “all women ...” or “all men ...”, “there is no one decent”? Is the picture familiar?

Lammas is often called Lugansad or Lunaza, in the name of the grain god Lug, many believers believe that this is his holiday. But on this day, the celebrations are not only in his honor. This is one of the most forgotten holidays in the pagan faith, and I hope to shed a little light on this event. Remember that in the Celtic language August is called Lunasa.

Today you will learn a couple of secret codes Loyalty Knights and Princesses that will help you in passing the game and getting new achievements.

First of all, you should choose a character, among women you can be: Energetic lady, Wealthy lady. Among men, the choice is just as interesting: the Cheerful Barbarian, the Daring Knight or the Clear Knight, each of which has its own inheritance item. But you can make a choice based on visual sympathies, because in the future passage Loyalty Knights and Princesses will depend on your level, which in turn depends on the number of rubies that you can get with the Loyalty Knights and Princesses hack.

Your achievements in the passage of the game depends on the skills in the arena, because to win it is not enough to have a lot of money, you need to know all the tricks and counters that you need to win. Using techniques consumes rage, so you need a cold mind to win, and of course a lot of rage, which you can replenish by getting rubies Loyalty Knights and Princesses.

Cheats Loyalty Knights and Princesses:

Rubies in the game play the most important role, because getting them is quite difficult, but some privileges are not available without them, to get a maximum of 2150 rubies, enter - VRiP_a21ds5E

Coins in the game are needed for character development, purchase of items. To get 2,400,000 coins, use the code - VRiP_a24md0E

Energy is needed to perform actions, it is consumed both when planting plants and during battles in the arena. To get the maximum amount of energy, you can purchase an elixir of energy, or enter a code that will increase the amount to 1000 - VRIP_ak10ir0E

But as the adviser says, you won’t be fed up with fights alone, you need to get a wife who will feed, but in the meantime, use an assistant who will help with the housework. When you have these secrets, passing the game becomes much easier, because now you can not only speed up planting or building, but also get maximum rage in battles. This, in turn, will raise your fame and title, which promises new gifts and achievements in the game.