Games with guessing rules. Oral Games Helping Time Last Chinese Warning Time

Games of this kind are convenient because they do not need a details (if necessary, then minimal), they can be used anywhere and at any time. Oral games can be both diversified by the holiday, and just take the clock in the tedious road or in a long line. Such entertainment can become not only interesting pastime, but also a good stimulus for mental and speech Development Child.


This is perhaps the most famous game All the times and peoples of our country. The first player calls any city, the next participant comes up with the city to the ultimate letter of the previous one, for example: Moscow - Arkhangelsk - Kursk.

Alternatively, it is possible to complicate the game: pronounce the names of cities of a certain country.

Another game in the city echoes the game "I know ...", where the continuation of the initial phrase "I know" can be completely different options: five names of cities on the letter R, five cities in Germany, five cities of Siberia, etc. The main thing is to call all five without knocking on and without making a pause.


Here are participating both individual participants and teams. The first player or the team is singing any song (1-2 lines), rivals should pass the answer - a song starting on the last letter of the previous one. This cheerful game Good on holidays and in companies, where they love to sing. Thus, you can arrange a real concert, preparing songs completely.

Three stories (truth or fiction)

Each participant in turn tells two real stories that have happened to him, and one fictional. The task of the rest is to guess which one is not true. It is advisable to tell a fictional story so that it is difficult to immediately guess which of the three is theroid.


The presenter comes out of the room, and the rest of the participants make the name of any player. The task of the lead - guess this person, asking questions-associations, for example:

"Which of the birds look like this: on penguin, on a sparrow or peacock?", "If this man was home, it would be a multi-storey, cottage or hut?", "This person: Mac, Rose or forget-me-not?"

Find color

This is a game of speed. The lead writes on a sheet of players' names and for each quick response puts the score near the name of the responding. The task of participants as quickly as possible to find and show the famous color (in the objects of life, in clothing, in nature, etc.) in the nearest environment.

Complete version of the game: Colors are made with shades, for example, light green, dirty pink. You can also make a rarely pronounced color names: lilac, olive, hacks, etc.

For schoolchildren, such a game in English or other language, which they study will be useful.

Find a riddled subject

Of all that the look is available, the presenter makes one thing. Players in turns ask leading questions to guess it. Only "yes" or "no" can be answered for questions. Each player can do something in his own way: either to ask a leading question, or assume that for the subject of Zagadan. If the player incorrect assumes the subject, the next move he misses. The winning places change with the lead and makes a new item.

This game teaches to listen carefully, analyze and draw conclusions, because with the help of questions asked by other participants, it is possible to guess the subject to your course.

I never…

For this game, you will need matches or other minor items that can be taken and give.

Each participant is distributed in 10 matches (seeds, beads, sticks, etc.). Players in turn say phrase: "I never ..." and continue her in some fact of his life. It is important that this statement is as unique and as few participants as possible can be said about themselves the same. As soon as the player pronounces his phrase, everyone else, who cannot tell about themselves, give him one match.

For example, if you say: "I was never a pilot on the plane," you most likely not get a single match, because None of the players were also a pilot. But, if you say: "I never went on a bike" - Be sure that you will give a lot of matches. Close friends who know each other well will ensure that there is no trick and deception, because Some facts are difficult to check out from unlimited participants of the game.

A bag

This game develops memory and attention. The first participant starts the game by the phrase: "I take a bag and put in it ..." Then he continues, uttering any item, for example, an apple. The next person repeats everything said by the previous one, but adds another item: "I take a bag and put an apple, socks into it." And so on the game continues in a circle. Each woven comes out. The last remaining participant who managed to pronounce without a stick all the chain wins.


This funny gameIf you catch a wave of inspiration, its participants will reallyay. The task is simple: the first player utters the first phrase of the verse, the second is the next and so on. The most important thing is the observance of the rhyme. For interest, you can record the work that is obtained from writers.

It is possible to simplify this game, distribute to everyone according to the word that will be rhymed with the word of the neighbor. Then there will be no voltage with inventing the rhyme: each composes the "filling" of the string. For example, from words: love-carrot, rose tears can work out such a poem:

I have love in my heart

It grows like carrots.

Therefore, I am tears -

For watering cute roses.


This is a game for schoolchildren and their parents. Any word is invented (better - verb). Participants in a circle begin to pronounce its synonyms. Pause should not be, so stopped coming out of the game. Wins the last remaining participant.

The chain of synonyms will be longer if inserting figurative concepts into it, for example: to run - fly, work - hobbies, etc. You can also use not only one word, but also the expressions that will reflect the same meaning: cry - pour tears, gather - wash skis.

Continue word

Option 1. Two people play. The first utters half of any word, the second must continue it and call all the word. For example:

First: "Perem .."

Second: "... rights. Mountains ... "

The first: "OD ... Udo ...", etc.

Wins the one who will be able to hold out without stuffing.

Option 2. Game for the company. Participants are divided into 2 teams, flows three minutes and during this time the teams must come up with as many words as possible from the syllable. The team wins the team that will have more words. For example, you need to come up with a continuation of part of the word "com ...": communism, communalman, room, combine, company, comedian, team, etc.

Decipher the song

The presenter comes out of the hall, everyone makes a famous song. When the presenter enters, he must, asking any questions (not related to the song), to understand what the participants were made. Each participant must insert one word from the song in his answer. The next master becomes the player in which the song was recognized.

For example, the song "Oh, flowes Valina in the field at the stream":

Host: What is the weather today?

The 1st player: Oh, it seems it will rain.

Host: What are you today ate for breakfast?

2nd player: I have sunflower under the window under the window, I ate seeds from it.

Host: What color is your shirt?

3rd Player: If you compare the color of my shirt with plants, it will be about like Kalina. Etc.

It is important to draw up such proposals with which the presenter does not immediately guess what song is in question.

Change the case, number, declination, the lifting of words can not: they must remain in the form in which they stand in the song.

Games on the mixture

In these games, participants should guess what scheme is the leading.

From the cross to parallels

All sit around on the chairs. Phanti (any item) is taken, which will be convenient to transmit. The presenter starts the game, passing the phanta to any participant, with the words: "From the cross to the parallel." The participant must transfer it to any other player, correctly saying: from the cross to the parallel, or from the parallel to the cross. The task of players guess that the system acts in this game: when they are crosses, and when parallels.

In fact, the answer is extremely simple: when a person sits on a chair, putting his leg on his leg, he is a cross, and when both of his legs stand in parallel, he is a parallel. Therefore, the same participant can be tens of times and a cross and parallel.

Warn players to ensure that the first, guessing about the game system, and make sure that they really understood everything rightly, did not tell them immediately about this to other participants. You can only say: "I understand," continue to play and wait for the rest.

I take with me hike ...

The presenter says the initial phrase: "I take with my hike ..." And further says some subject. Players one by one begins to try the same way to take with them and call their items. The presenter must say: You can take it or can not be taken, and participants should be guessing, in what principle you can take things on a campaign.

Options here can be very much (you can come up with themselves): from simple, to complex. Everything will depend on the age of players. For example, you can take it in the campaign:

1. Starting or ending with a specific letter:

Host: "I take with myself a mug."

1st player: "I take with myself a stroller."

2nd player: "I take a stick with me".

2. consisting of a certain material (only metal or only wooden):

Host: "I take a needle with him in a campaign."

1st player: "I take a spoon with me."

2nd player: "I take a coin with me".

3. On the first letter name of the player:

Lead (Vanya): "I take a jam on a campaign."

1st Player (Lena): "I take a skis with me."

2nd player (glory): "I take with him a salt hike."

4. Only edible (or only inedible).

5. Only those that are around the players. Etc.


The lead says that he has a detective story, the plot of which players will find out by asking leading questions. The lead has the right to respond only "yes", "no" and "I do not know", and participants should guess what scheme gives the host's answers.

For example:

1st player: "Was it in a big city?"

Host: "Yes."

2nd player: "In the courtyard stood April?"

Host: "I do not know."

3rd player: "Residents heard shot?"

Host: "Yes."

The secret of this game on the smelter is as follows: when the question ends with the vowel, the host says: "Yes, when - for consonant:" No "when on a soft sign:" I do not know. "

Photo - Photo Bank Laurie

Participants are sitting in a circle. The presenter invites them to choose one of the four phrases: "Cross-Parallel", "Cross-Cross", "Parallel-Cross", "Parallel Paradle." Participants when transmitting some kind of subject say one of the phrases. The host responds, it is true or not, without explaining the reasons. The task of participants can guess what the matter is.

The secret of the game is as follows: Cross are the crossed legs of the participant, parallel not crossed legs. For example, the phrase "Cross-Parallel" means that a person with crossed legs gives a handle to a person with non-crossed legs, etc. etc.

Bunnies. (on the development of attention)

The lead calls part of the body and shows it on himself. Gradually increases the tempo and makes fraudulent movements. (Nozzles, tails, ears, macushki.)

Log, trail, bridge.

Participants get into the circle and turning in one direction begin to move in a circle.

If the master pronounces the word "log", then all participants put hands on the shoulders going ahead. With the word "trail", go squatting. With the word "bridge" - spread their hands to the sides.

Pig game.

The eyes tie the eyes, give a stick and put to the wall (so as not to fall). The remaining players around him semicircle. The leading should be at random to touch someone with a stick and say: "Khrushechka, storm." That which they touched, pulls three times, not distorting the voices. The task of the leading - focusing, guess who grune. The one he learned himself becomes leading.

I myself will not answer.

Participants of the game are in a circle, in the middle of it - the presenter. He asks playing various issues, without observing the oddity. Asked must be silent; For him answers the neighbor on the right side. The one who answers the question itself or is late to respond for a neighbor comes out of the game.

Sensual volleyball. (For junior detachments)

For the game you need the ball. Everyone gets up in a circle. We throw the ball through the center of the circle. At the same time, we call the word - noun. He who catches the ball adds a suitable verb, for example: a cloud - sails, the fire is burning. The one who says nonsense is dropped out of the game.


Prepare some small object: scroll, ring, handle icon. All players with the exception of the lead leaving the room. The presenter puts the subject to the most prominent place. Inviting, in turn, players and explain that you can make only one circle around the room. If he found the subject - sits down to the place, if not, leaves the room again.

Himself is a neighbor.

Players get up in a circle, their hands are elongated. The center has a leading. One hand in players is fixed, and the other they pass the coin to any side in a circle, putting it on the palm of the neighbor. Everyone makes the movement with hand at the same time, regardless of there is a coin there or not. At the same time, they say: "Himself is a neighbor." The presenter must guess who has a coin.

There are three.

There should be complete silence in the room. Three players tie their eyes. Everyone must catch one of the partners, and to escape from another. The participants of the game listen to the steps, breathing each other and, when they think necessary, call the player by name and ask: "Where are you?". The player who is asked should answer the same time: "I'm here!". The first one who managed to catch the "enemy" becomes the winner. After that, three others start the game.

Paul words are yours.

The participants of the game are sitting in the circle and throw each other ball. At the same time, those who are told saying half of any word; The one who catches must call him the second half, for example: couple-WHO, tele-background. You need to answer quickly. For each error or delay, the participant drops out of the game. The condition can be complicated: the presenter speaks half the word to each child sitting in the circle, and everyone should continue the second half. Can't - a penalty point. The presenter begins to speak his half of the word, for example: "body ...". Children continue: telephone, telegram, telescope, trolley, etc. It is better to spend this game in medium and junior detachments.

The exercises proposed further can be carried out as full lights. We must go well in the middle of the shift, when "fatigue" came from impressions, wants home, and the situation in the detachment by this time can "be punished".

Type, hello!

What associations do you have with the word "game"? You believe that all this tops are intended exclusively for kindergartens, and you have already come out of this age for a long time? Let me disagree. If your party is completely zakis, you do not know what to do at a party, and it seems that you have been tired of each other for a long time, this book is for you. If the sun does not warm, the kebab is not set and the Faces of your friends are visiting longing - this book is for you. Or maybe you just want to fit into a new company without any problems? No problem! It is this book that you need. Party, disco, picnic in nature and even a lecture or lesson - everywhere and can always play! Do not trust? Read and go! Believe, very soon you will become a center in any party. It is for you that all the views will be addressed, the people will sweep it. None of you will pass by any cool and pretty character. Why? Because you can easily start, rest and spend time. Of course, it is necessary to lie, but only in order to learn some simple rules. But then you will forget what boredom is. Your parties will become the most advanced, on the disco you will be gripping to sit with you at one desk, the people will begin to line up! Do not understand your parents? Offer them to play! You will see, even the most backward and loaded people with pleasure drawn into the game, and, very might be, you will finally begin to understand each other. Well, if there are no parents at home and "You can already" - all the more do not postpone this book! Want to be closer to your favorite character, but do not know how to tell him about it? Play, and it might be, your relationship will soon become exactly how you want!

Play is cool! Play is fashionable! Play is cool!

Tie a sour, collect friends and play with us!

Prevented, Crosavcheg!
(Want to meet? Play!)

New school, new class, new group at the institute, any unfamiliar company ... what to say, not easy. There are no for conversations, the general memories do not associate, did not really have time to acquaint. Do not know how to occupy yourself, desperately yawning and think, how to quickly get sick? Do not hurry. Suddenly in this company itself, which seems to you someone else, there is your future best friend or second half? Consider - that the character of the wall is pretty interesting. But how to get acquainted closer? Walk and pester to everyone with questions, of course, is not an option. Help the game! There are no complicated devices, no impossible actions - and now you yourself will not notice how the tension went away and everything around almost its own. Now that you know so much about each other, skip something or someone interesting is simply impossible!

MPS (my right neighbor)

You can play the game in any company and in any condition - the quality will not suffer. The only condition is to play 1 time in one composition. You can repeat only if a newcomer joins the company.

The more people will gather - the more interesting game. For a start, two leading and one "victim" is selected. One lead explains the rules of the game "Sacrifice", and the other - everyone else. The "victim" will have to guess the allegedly mounted man from the rest of the company playing by asking questions to which only "yes" or "no" can be answered. The bottom line is that in fact no one comes to anyone, and the players responding in turn focus on the "signs" of their neighbor on the right. The confusion of "sacrifice", which receives some controversial responses to their questions, is guaranteed to raise the mood. The ultimate task of the "victim" is to understand the pattern of the game.

You can make some diversity in the game, changing patterns. For example, the responding players will describe a person sitting opposite, or through two or three people.


This game is also suitable for "one-time use" in one composition of the participants. The more the company - the more interesting there will be a game.

Presenter (man knowing rules) Must find out whether someone else is familiar with the game, and it is these people who take them to allies. The players sit in the circle, in turn call the name of the sitting opposite and say "cross" or "parallel", on the principle of crossed or the legs of Visavi are crossed or not crossed. The task of those who do not know the rules to understand the principle and correctly say that - "Cross" or "Parallel" - can be said about the participant on the contrary. As the postures in the process can change and few of the players look at their feet, it is usually not easy to guess.

Statue of love

A kind of game trap, so it is interesting to play once in the same composition.

To carry out the game, the leading and two participants (preferably of diverse) are needed. The rest of the playing at this time are in another room, from where they are called by leading. The first player is invited to make up the two participants "Statue of Love". This is usually done quite gambling, and the poses are selected the most cleaning. After the "statue" is ready, the lead offers a "sculptor" to occupy one of the participants. The next player is invited to "fix the statue". The action is good to shoot on the camera - a good mood is guaranteed.

Eye Pharaoh

It is rather a draw than the game, but this event will undoubtedly raise your company's mood. For the game you will need: "Pharaoh" - one of the male guests, a girl - a victim of a draw and "guide" - a person who knows the script. "Pharaoh" falls on the sofa and prevents mummy. His headboard put a cup with some cold and viscous fluid (by experience, the source is best fit). At this time, the girl in the next room tie his eyes and declare that now she is a blind girl who came on an excursion to Pharaoh's tomb. The task of the conductor is to strain all his fantasy and attract artistry to create for the girl's effect of presence in the tomb. He must describe their route, help her present ancient stones, feel a century-old dust that covers the tomb. Spectators at the same time can help him with various sounds, imitating the drop of stones, creaking and stuff, as far as fantasy enough. And here the guide brings the girl to Pharaoh. Describe it as color as possible, and then study as it should: "Here we are already near Mummy Pharaoh. This is his leg, it is a thigh ... "At that time, the girl spends his hand on the leg of Pharaoh, climbing everything above. In the words "and this is his eye" the conductor lowers the girl's hand into the cup with sour cream. With sufficient persuade of guide, the effect is indescribable.

Hanging pear

This is also a kind of play game, guaranteed to raise mood. For holding a young man, a girl and two leading. The young man and the girl diverges in different rooms, each with her lead. The young man explains that he will have to go to the room, take a chair and pretend that he screws the light bulb. At the same time, his partner will interfere in every way. Task: explain to her that he makes the right and useful business and will soon be light and good. It is impossible to talk. In the next room, the girl explains that her partner will depict a person who decided to hang. Her task - with the help of facial expressions and gestures to dissuade him from this decisive step. Next, both participants enter the common room, where they are already waiting for grateful spectators who know the essence of the draw.

Question answer

Simple and fun game.

You can play any even number of people, it is desirable to observe an equal ratio of guys and girls, but if it didn't work out - not trouble.

In advance, the inventory must be prepared - two decks of cards. In one deck there will be cards with questions, in the other - with the answers.

One player from a couple takes a card with a question and reads it out loud, the second player - with the answer. Then the respondent player asks the question of the next neighbor.

Combinations are usually the most unthinkable, good mood is guaranteed.


1. Do you enjoy extravagant young people (girls)?

2. Tell me, are you always so cheeky?

3. Did you give a place in transport?

4. Are you friendly?

5. Tell me, your heart is free?

6. Tell me, do you like me?

7. Are you stealing gum in supermarkets?

8. Do you like to make gifts?

9. Do you make mistakes in your life? 10. Tell me, are you jealous?

11. Do you want to have a boyfriend (girl)?

12. Do you often go to public transport without a ticket?

13. Do you want something unusual?

14. Tell me, are you ready?

15. Have you often happened to fall from the bed?

17. Do you often fall into extreme situations?

18. Do you like kissing?

19. Can you go out with alcoholic beverages?

20. Do you often lie?

21. Do you spend your free time in a funny company?

22. Do you hit the surrounding?

23. Do you like to cook?

24. Would you like to get drunk today?

25. Are you a romantic?

26. Pophes - sucks, rock Foreva?

27. When drink, do you have a head?

28. Are you lazy?

29. Are you capable of buying love for money?

30. Do you like to laugh at others?

31. Do you want my photo?

32. Are you a passionate and sensual person?

33. Do you often take a debt money?

34. Have you tried to seduce someone else's guy (girl)?

35. Do you sleep naked?

36. Tell me, do you often eat so much?

37. Do you want to meet me?

38. Have you ever sleep in someone else's bed?

39. Tell me, are you an interesting interlocutor?

40. Do you love salty cucumbers on Mondays?

41. Do you do sports?

42. Do you often wash in the bathroom?

43. How do you feel about striptease?

44. Does that you sleep in the lesson?

45. Tell me, are you cowvily?

46. \u200b\u200bDo you carefully kissing public places?

47. What would you say if I have kissed you immediately?

48. Do you love to dress fashionable?

49. Do you have a lot of secrets?

50. Are you afraid of a policeman?

51. Tell me, do I like me?

52. Do you think that a loved one needs to talk only to the truth?

53. What would you say if we stayed alone with you?

54. Would you go with me at night through the forest?

55. Do you like my eyes?

56. Do you often drink beer?

57. Do you love to interfere in other people's affairs?


1. I can not imagine my life without it.

2. I do not answer political questions.

3. I love, but for someone else's account.

4. No, I am a very shy person.

5. I find it difficult to answer the truth, since I do not want to spoil my reputation.

6. Only when you feel some weakness.

7. Only not here.

8. This is a more sober.

9. Why not? With great pleasure!

10. My redness is the brightest answer to this question.

11. Only when it rest.

12. Without witnesses, this business, of course, will go.

13. Such an opportunity cannot be missed.

14. I'll tell you in bed.

15. Only when you want to lie down in bed.

16. It is already possible to try.

17. If you can arrange this now, then yes.

18. If I am very asked about this.

19. I can clock, especially in the dark.

20. It rarely allows my financial situation.

21. No, once I tried (a) - it did not come out.

22. Oh, yes! It is especially great for me!

23. Damn it! How did you guess!

24. In principle, no, but as an exception - yes.

25. Only on holidays.

26. When I was drunk (a), and I am always drunk.

27. Only away from their (s) beloved (oh).

28. This is what I will say in the evening when you appoint a date.

29. Only at night.

30. Only for decent payment.

31. Only if no one sees.

32. It is so natural.

33. Always when it orders conscience.

34. But something needs to be done!

35. If there is no other exit.

36. Always when you drink healthy!

37. Well, who does not happen?

38. Could you ask a more modest question?

39. If this does not hit the pocket.

40. Do I really look like this (s)?

41. I have a tendency from childhood.

42. These are the best minutes in my life.

43. Although all night.

44. On Saturdays this is me - the need.

45. Without a pair of glass, I can't say that.

46. \u200b\u200bIt has long been my greatest desire.

47. My modesty does not allow me to answer this question.

48. It all depends on the situation.

49. Madly! With great pleasure!

50. Yes, only within the framework of decency.

51. Of course, it is impossible to do without it.

52. This is the main goal of my life.

53. I just can't stand.

54. I will never give up such an opportunity.

55. Nowadays, this is not a sin.

56. Still, I am capable of everything.

57. This often happens to me away.

On the sofa

Cheerful, dynamic way to remember the names of new acquaintances. Game for a company of 8-10 people. You will need a sofa on which half of the players will fit, and chairs. Chairs are placed in a semicircle opposite the sofa. On paper, the names of the participants are written if there are repetitive names in the company - write surnames or nicknames. Half players sits on the sofa, half - on the chairs. One chair remains free. Papers are mixed and distributed to participants. The first makes the player to the left of which is free place. He calls one name, and one who has a piece of paper with this name, transplants empty place And changing with papers with a player who called him. Then the procedure is repeated. The task of the team sitting on the chairs is to transfer to the sofa, having evicted rivals from there.


This game is perfect for the company, whose members want to get acquainted closer. Playing should be at least 8-10 people, the more, the more interesting. The number of guys must correspond to the number of girls.

The rules are very simple: young people go out of the room, and girls at this time choose guys so that they are all distributed between girls. Then the girls sit in a row, the first young man comes into the room and tries to guess what kind of girl chose him. It is done only with the help of your own intuition, nothing can be asked. The girl who chose this young man should try not to give himself and not react to inquisitive views. When the guy is determined with the choice, he must come and kiss the girl who, in his opinion, made his choice in his favor. In the event that the young man guess, the girl kisses a young man and stays in a row, and the guy stays in the room. If the young man was mistaken (what happens most likely), the girl gives him a slap, and he comes out of the room. If the young man chooses a girl who has already been guessing, a young man who stayed in the room must drive him out of the door. Loses the one who finds his girlfriend the last.


This game is an excellent way to understand some personal qualities of your new acquaintances. The presenter causes a couple of players (better if the pair is a mixed, young man is a girl) and invites them to play the situation. Situations may be the most diverse, it all depends on your imagination. For example: "You are on the uninhabited island", "On the street, a drunk girl Emo and persistently pulls somewhere", "My friend calls on a" men's party ", and you have already appointed a date with a girl" and so on. Wins the most Artistic and original steam. Who knows, perhaps they want to continue to meet?

Song Antipess

Many love to sing, but just so sing not interesting. Let's Play! Participants are divided into two teams. One team sings one verse from the song, the other must sing a vestment from such a song, the meaning of which will be contrary to the first. For a start, you can predetermine the topics of songs or offer to sing such songs in which the opposite words will meet. For example: black - white, day - night, water - earth, boyfriend - girl, etc.


It is not always appropriate to ask direct questions, but you want to know about each other. Let's Play! The rules are very simple. Participants are invited to be built in a row on any sign. For example, by date of birth. This means that at the beginning of the ranks there must be people born in January, behind them - February and so on. The complexity is one - it is impossible to talk at the same time. Its position should be conveyed to partners in the game gestures, facial expressions and with the help of various remedies. Signs for which ranks is built, can be any: hair color and eye, weight, age, sociability, activity, etc. The game will help you better know each other, to liberate and rally.

Inscriptions on the back

This game is good because the entire holiday continues, and the more participants, the more interesting. The rules are very simple: before the start of the event, each participant is attached to the paper on the back. In the process of feast, dancing and other entertainment, the participants are suitable for each other and write their opinion on these sheets on these sheets. Closer to the end of the party, the sheets are removed, and the messages on them are read out loud.

We are looking for general

Find in an unfamiliar company related soul is always good and interesting. Make this task facilitate this task. The number of participants in this game is from 8 people. All players are divided into pairs, and for the allotted amount of time, members of the couples must find each other maximum number of common features. These signs can be any: external data, place of work or study, family composition, presence or absence of pets and so on. The pairs are then united in four with the same purpose. Combination occurs until the creation of two commands. That team wins, which will be able to find the maximum number of common features.

True or action

Another way to get acquainted closer. Each participant of the game The lead asks: "True or action?" The one who chose the "truth" must answer any question given by any player (preferably, of course, to answer honestly). The chosen "Action" should somehow hang out the rest of the players - to dance, sing, tell the anecdote, etc.

I never…

This game is an excellent way to learn more about each other. Participants in turn say phrase, which begins with the words "I never ...". For example: "I never saw a crocodile." Those players for whom this statement is incorrectly, that is, they saw crocodile, bend one finger on hand. The task of the player offering a statement is to "knock out" as many participants as possible. It wins a person with the most reluctant life experience, that is, the one who will be the first to fit all the fingers. Loses the most versatile.


The game is good for companies whose members first met each other. Rules Simple: Each player before the beginning of the party on the back is attached to the paper sheet. After a brief acquaintance, the holiday participants write on these sheets their first impression of his carrier. Writing should be briefly and, if possible, witty. Shortly before the end of the party, guests are invited to write on the same sheets the last impression of a person. Compare will be interested, and you will learn about yourself a lot of new and unexpected.

Mark on history

One of the players is removed from the room. At this time, the remaining participants of the game leave autographs on sheets of paper, drawing, track from lipstick, fingerprint - in general, some trace. Then the main player returns. Now he is the "historian" who will have to guess who leaves which imprint. This game is continuous forcing more closely to look at each other.


The game helps tune in to each other, even if you are not familiar. And if one person hears the other, they will be familiar to them much easier!

All players sit in a circle and put their right hands on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left is on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. After that, one of the players (presenter) beat off the right hand on the knee of a neighbor some simple rhythm. The task of the neighbor is to transfer the rhythm further. Everything seemed to be simply, but try - almost never from the first time, the rhythm is not returned to the leading original form. The task can be complicated by putting two rhythms at the same time, to the right and left.

Laying the bride

This is a pretty fun game that can help link communication in an unfamiliar company. All that will be needed for its holding is a few clusters of wool or threads. Participants are divided into pairs (preferably mixed: a young man is a girl), the tangles are unwinding, the ends of one club are handed to members of a couple. After that, the thread of different balls must be carefully confused. The same couple will win, which is the first to free his thread and, having reached her in the tangle, will come to each other.

So, below are presented 4 games:

1) Crosses and parallels

2) Sunny

3) I take with my hike

4) Tyrley Tirl-Tyrley op

I repeat that the essence of these games is to guess their rules. Therefore, Ideally, the rules should know only one person! If the company is large, then a few may know, but most of the people should still not know them (at 10-15 it also goes well).

So if you read the information below, then you will forever lose yourself the possibility of guessing these rules. For information below, it is better to charge only one person in your cell, after finding out if anyone did anyone play the game below.

Last Chinese Warning!

1) Game "Crosses and parallels".

You are a master over the game. To help your ward you play this game along with them, as in the game Mao. But in addition to the usual participation in the game, you must still comment on the transfer of the stroke.


First, you must collect those who want to play people and offer them to grasp in a circle. It is very important that there were no massive objects between you / objects that prevented you to see each other completely.

Do not focus on the fact that you sit down! If someone still got up, then nothing terrible. If already 3-4 people or more rose, ask them to sit back.

How to play

The first presenter is selected. He transmits his turn to any other player, uttering two words. There are four options:

1) Cross Cross

2) Cross Parallel

3) Parallel Cross

4) Parallel Parallel

He becomes the lead and transmits his course as the next any player (including the masters and the one who has just passed the move).

As a master, you comment on the transfer of the progress with the words "right" or "not correct." If you need, remind players (and warn them in advance), which cannot be pronounced out loud. To not spoil the game the rest. But you can, for example, make a happy face and say "I understood!" :-)

Play until everyone guess or not surrender the last remaining players.

The rule that is required to guess:

Transfer words depend on the feet of people. If someone who transfers the move, legs are crossed (at least in the ankles or general leg on foot), the first word will be a cross. Otherwise - parallel. The second word, respectively, also depends on the legs of the one who passes the move. Crossed legs - Cross, otherwise - parallel.

If you wish, those who think that the rule guess may tell you on the eye or throw an SMS / print in the phone's notes and show you the screen. We usually played before the moment when it did not reach everyone. It was very funny to watch the expression of persons)

2) Game "Sunny"

You are the master of the game again. As in the game Mao and Crosses, parallels. From 3 to 10-15 people, but, I think, you can and the large number of people. See only so that it is too noisy. You can accommodate as you like.

How to play

The leading player transmits to any other player (including the one who handed him to this and the master) imaginary sun out of hand to hand, describing it at the same time. Thus, transmitting him a move. You, as a master, comment on the transfer of the stroke, reporting whether it was the right sun.

The game may look like this:

And1: My sunshine is big, bright, beautiful! Keep, please * transfers from hand to the player 2 *

M: Right Sun

И2: My Sun is small, evil, he holds the moon-sickle and there are hamsters-goddalaks, who pray to the fiery god ridge and waiting for the Dragon Mother! Keep

M: Not the right sun

Sun is right if the word "please" was uttered.

Remind everyone (and warn in advance) that guesses about the rules in hearing can not be pronounced.

Game Mode 2: If your company is very fond of the winner, you can play before whose either victory. Condition - three proper transfers in a row.

If you really enjoy the game, the winner (mode 2) or anyone you have chosen (mode1) for next game Selects a new rule for determining the correctness of the sun.

3) Game "I'll take a hike with him"

Each player in turn (sit in a circle or arrange about the order in advance) says 2 short statements.

1) something about yourself in the wording "I - ...". For example, "I am an alcoholic", "My name is Masha."

2) that he will take a hike with him.

You, as a master, comment on whether to take this item. If you want, you can start first to submit an example.

It may look like this:

M: My name is Cyril, and I will take a compass in the campaign. This is a useful thing and it will be useful for us.

And1: My name is Masha. I will take matches with me.

M: No, they will not use us. Following.

И2: I am a programmer, I take the pterodactil.

M: Yes, it is definitely what we need!

The rule that players must guess: Take a subject if the first letter it coincided with how the player called himself. P - Programmer Pterodactyl - take.

Remind everyone (and warn in advance) that guesses about the rules out loud can not be pronounced.

Game Mode 1: Play until you guess all, or while the remaining people do not give up.

Game Mode 2: If your company is very fond of the winner, you can play before whose either victory. Condition - three right objects in a row.

If you really enjoy the game, then for the next game, select a new rule for determining the usefulness of a trip.

4) Game "Tyrley-Tyrley-Tyrley OP"

Notify the players that you need to repeat your sequence of actions correctly:

Expand the hand and the second spend on the fingers any intense scheme, repeating the words "Tyrley-Tyrley-Tyrley OP, Tyrley OP, Tyrley OP."

You can come up with for the game any of your movements with your hands and words.

After you make it, fold your arms on your chest, without focusing on this attention :-) Everyone when they want to take turns (no matter what order) will try to repeat your actions. And you comment on, it was possible or not. Who made the first 3 times in a row correctly - won. Rarely, who immediately understands that folding his hands on the chest is part of the necessary movements. You can come up with do not fold your hands on the chest, but to put them in your pocket or say "like this" or any other inconspicuous action.

I agree that the games above little have a common with board gamesBut they can perfectly complement your pastime with friends. These games occupy little place (in general), they are free, they will not forget to take a visit or in nature. And they can well diversify your trip, get a lot positive emotions. Isn't it valuable?

I hope that someone this entry is useful.

Games for children's camp

Yourself - neighbor

Inventory: Coin, ring or button.

Game traffic:Participants are in a circle and are learning movement: hands on the width of the shoulders, the palm of the left hand is formed with a brush, the fingers of the right palm are collected (as if they keep something). At the same time, repeating the words "to yourself - a neighbor", the players imitate shifting the object from hand to hand (right hand from the left palm in the left palm of the neighbor) a small subject. When the players learned the movement, it is chosen by the leading, it comes out of the circle and turns away. The presenter puts a small object one of the players in the left hand (bucket). Driving returns to the circle, and the game begins. The task of the leading: guess who has a subject in the palm, the task of the remaining players is imperceptible to a leading to transmit the subject.

1-1, 1-2

Game traffic: All players are sitting in a circle. Players are calculated in order of numbers and remember their numbers. The presenter sets the pace: Two cranks cotton, two cotton in your hands. Everyone repeat. As soon as it is possible to establish a single rhythm, words are introduced. Having hit twice the knees, the master pronounces his number "one, one". Then, having slammed the first time on his knees, says its number, after the second cotton - pronounces the player's number to which the word transmits (for example: "one, three"). Now this player (under the number "3"), without leaving the general tempo, leads the game.

Elephant, toaster, monkey

Game traffic: Participants are in a circle. Driving unexpectedly to someone shows and says one of the words (elephant, toaster, monkey, skuns, giraffe, bird). The player on whom also indicated, the neighbor on the right and to the left of it should show certain movements. If someone has been lazy or did not do that figure, drops out of the game or becomes leading.

Figures and movements:

Elephant - the player makes a trunk from the hands, and the neighbors are ears to him.

Toaster - a player jumps in place, and neighbors closure him into a mini-circle, holding hands.

A monkey - a player depicts a monkey, and the neighbors pretend that they are digging in his hair.

Skuns - a player drives foot on the ground and shy, and neighbors depict the emotions of the FUUUY ... ".

The bird - the player himself makes the beak of the hands, and the neighbors fell down one leg, far from the player, and divert the hand.

Giraffe - this player raises both hands up, and his two neighbor - on the right and on the left should squat.


Stroke Game: All participants are sitting in a circle. The presenter sets a certain rhythm (for example, any song) cotton in your hands. The guys should repeat this rhythm in a circle, provided that everyone claps only once.

I will go south

Inventory: Toy.

Game traffic:Participants are seeded with semicircle or circle. The lead says that he will soon go south and take with him the very attentive. The presenter says: "I will go to the south and take with myself ... (calls the subject), take, please" and transfers a toy to the neighbor. Neighbor also begins and continues the phrase. At the end of the circle, the leader calls the one who he will take with him (those who said: "Take, please"). The circle is repeated until everyone contemplated that at the end of the phrase you need to say: "Take, please."


Inventory: Chairs.

Game traffic: Two players sit on the chairs in some unusual poses. Water is invited to remember the poses of the players (for 20-25 seconds), then it comes out of the room or turns away. Two of the remaining players is invited to change poses sitting on chairs. Driving, returning to the room, should restore the initial posts of players. By the way, players themselves must remember their initial postures.


Game traffic:Players stand in a circle. The first player (usually leaded) transfers to someone with the help of a directional cotton and slip the word "Zipp", the one who sent the word should continue to transfer the word "ZEPP", the following transmits the word "zap". Each time is transmitted sequentially "zipp-zepp-zapp". Gradually, the pace accelerates, and who was mistaken (for example, instead of "Zapp," said "ZEPP") or did not see that he passes the move, dropping away. The game continues to one winner.

Who am I guess?

Game traffic: All sit in the semicircle. The counselor calls any three subjects and asks who he migrated. Participants are trying to understand what principle the leader makes one or another person and how the items are connected, but it turns out that one who first will say at least a word. The game continues until everyone guess.

What number?

Inventory:Several handles.

Stroke Game: The counselor laying out on the flat surface in front of the players several pens and asks what number he fucked. Players are trying to find the connection of the decomposed items. The randral is simple: Having a handle, the leader imperceptibly shows a certain amount of fingers, which is a guess, it should notice players.


Stroke Game: This is a mystery game. The counsel says that there are four provisions: cross-parallel, parallel-cross, cross-cross, parallel parallel. The task of players to solve what matters about. For this, each in a circle, starting with the lead, says a neighbor left one of the provisions, trying to guess about their meaning. The presenter defines "true" or "incorrectly" it was said. The game continues until the unguard will not be found each of the players.

Riprage: The cross indicates the crossing of the leg or the hands of the neighbor, and the parallel is unsolved legs or hands. Accordingly, it is necessary to call the position that the legs and the hands of the neighbor would designate. For example, a neighbor is crossed, and there are no hands, I tell him: "Cross-Parallel".

Bang Bang

Game traffic: Players are in a circle. The lead calls the name of any player by folding his hands with a gun, "shoots" in one of the participants. Named should sit down, evading the shot. Its neighbors on the right and on the left begin a duel. It is necessary to pull out a hand in the form of a gun toward the enemy and say "PIF-PAF" or portray other shooting sounds. Loses the one who will do this a little later than his opponent. If the player, whose name was named, did not sit on time, then he was killed, as it turns out between two shooting. Killed (loser) comes out of the circle. Two remaining winners become winners. You can arrange a duel and between them.


Stroke Game: Participants are in a circle. It is selected by the leading, which moves and turns away. At this time, the rest agree who will show dance movements. After that, the driving returns and gets up in the middle of the circle, and the rest, creating a dance pace from the words "Sitalka-candy-lipompo", repeat the movement shown by the selected player, which is imperceptibly for a leading changes. Players must quickly rebuild from one movement to another so that the leading does not calculate the showing. The purpose of the leading is to guess the showing.


Game traffic: The presenter pronounces two random words ("orange" and "suitcase"). One of the participants aloud describes the image that connects the second word of the master with the first one (for example: orange rolled out from the suitcase). Then the participant who created the image conveys his word to the next player, who sits from him on his left hand. For example, the word "coffee". This player connects the third word with the second word of the lead (the orange hit the coffee and left a track on clothes), and his own word is already the fourth in this chain - passes to his neighbor on the left.


Game traffic: Cards with role names.

Description:There is a certain city. Playing are residents of this city. Everyone plays its role: Commissioner, Doctor, Peaceful People and Mafia. Roles are distributed secret before the start of the game. The presenter is also selected.

The lead is leading the game, announces the change of day and night (when "night" - everyone closes his eyes), introduces the mafia among himself, reports to the commissioner, faithful or not his suspicion of the involvement of the city's inhabitants to Mafia (all dating occurs at night, eyes open only at the request The leader), leads a day discussion of possible candidates for "Exile from the city."

Mafia every night "removes" any of the honest people (as a last resort, you can remove your own). Mafia's Day on a par with fair residents, participates in the discussion of possible candidates for "Exile from the city"; Calculate and "remove" the Commissioner, Doctor, as well as all honest people.

The doctor after the night "shot" of Mafia can prevent "murder" if it rightly indicates the candidacy to the chosen mafia.

Commissioner at night may certainly learn about one: whether he belongs to the mafia or not. In the afternoon, guided by the information received at night, it can influence the outcome of the discussion, in the case of premature death, may leave a testament with the names of Mafia.

Peaceful people in the course of day discussions offer candidates for "Exile from the city" possible members Mafia, somehow justifying your decision. Attentively watching each other, making conclusions from the actions, judgments and statements around others, try to calculate and neutralize the mafia.

The game ends, ever mafia, or peaceful people die.


Stroke Game: One of the players makes the word and says the letter to which it begins. All others must solve the word. For example, the presenter faded the word "shovel" and says to the players that the word begins with the letter "L". In order for the presenter to open the second letter, it is necessary to choose a word on the letter "L" and give it a small characteristic. For example, someone from the players says: "It is at night in the sky." The one who guessed about what speech says: "Contact" and together with the player who gave the characteristic, considers to 10 and calls the word at the same time. If the words turned out to be different, players continue to select words on the letter "l". If the words coincided, then the lead calls the following letter, for example, the letter "O", and then the syllable "LO" is formed. Now players begin to pick up words to this syllable, to give the characteristic to them, count to 10, etc. If the presenter gose the words that participants are characterized, he says "no, it is not ... (calls the word who gave the players characteristic)" . In this game, it is important that his word cannot be solved as long as possible.