Where in the black limit to find a dragon. Black limit (Skyrim). Where is and why is needed? Unique black limit elements

The black limit (Skyrim) itself is a huge cave in which the core city was erected in Skyrim called a quiet city. During the war, the Falmera rocks tried to capture this city, but ultimately found that the race of the dwells mysteriously disappeared from the face of Tamriel.

Septimia Segonia will say Dovakin that initially the entrance to these caves was located in the city of Alpothad, but over time there were also several tunnels to other coucting cities.

What represents

The black limit (Skyrim) is one of the most extensive locations in the game. Access to this location will open after you activate the appropriate quest, because to open the login it is necessary to have a specialized tuning sphere. Many people do not know where to find a black limit in Skyrim. How to get into this city? You can do this through various using the confrontation on the appropriate device.

If you do not know where the black limit in Skyrim is located in the cities:

  • Raldbthar.
  • Mzinveft.
  • Alpartand.

It should be noted that there is more outputs than inputs. A player has several elevators, with which you can significantly reduce the road.

Entering this location, it immediately becomes noticeable that the black limit ("Skyrim") is not similar to any other location in the game, while he is quite densely populated by various creatures, the predominant majority among which are Falmers. Judging by the concentration of the merits precisely in this location, it can be said that there is some kind of semblance of their capital, and it is worth noting the fact that only here really see the Falmers' servants who have normal appearance And at the same time actively defend their owners. Also, of course, next to Falmers will often be attended by their regular satellites - frosty spiders and, more terrible, coarse.

Among other things, there is also a large number of other creatures, which, most likely, once came here outside. In particular, this refers to the giant and mother of the smoke. As a heritage from the couch, you can also find Centurion, but it will not help you and, of course, will immediately attack, as soon as he sees. Of course, in addition to Centurion, you can also find many others who defend this territory.

Where to get the quest?

The quest for a visit to this location is called "beyond the ordinary" and is the task of Prince Daedron Hermeus Mor. Initially, the quest takes, as mentioned above, at the Septimia Segonia, but then it becomes clear that it is only a servant of the Prince. To fulfill the task, it is necessary to collect the blood of all races, after which it is necessary to return to septimia. He will introduce it to himself, thus opening the dwell trap. Inside the trap is the book that would prefer to give you, which will allow you to add +5 to certain skills.

Unique black limit elements

In the black limit, you can also find the Sindronion laboratory, which was the legendary alchemist and is a reference to the previous part of the series - TES IV Oblivion.

It is also worth noting the fact that it is here that the scarlet necessary to perform the returned to the roots are located. It is impossible to find these roots in any other location.

Surprise for dragonborn

Few people know that the black limit (Skyrim) allows you to call the dragon named Wulturiol, which is a kind of surprise players from developers. In order to call it, it is necessary to use the very first crying cry of ruthless strength to the coumenting sun, which hangs over the main area of \u200b\u200ba quiet city. It is quite difficult to miss it, but at the same time not everyone can guess that it is such an interesting surprise.

Dragons appear in Skyrim simultaneously with the player. None of those living, before that they did not meet with them, and their appearance somewhere causes panic and stir.

Dragons are aggressively tuned to all the inhabitants of Skyrim. Whether it is a player, NPC, or other monsters. Only in isolated cases, dragons are neutral to the player.


During the passage of the main plot, the player learns the story of dragons, who they are why they are missing, and why they are now returned again. Many have not passed the storyline yet, and so that it would not be impressed with the impressions of the game, we will leave this section for later.


Most often, the dragons will appear near the player in flight. Choosing a goal, the dragon is circling over it, attacking with fire or cold from the air. Sometimes he can sit down and himself - to the ground, or on the rock, or on the roof of the house.

But what would probably put it on the ground, you need to or apply to him (about 2/3 hp) damage, or to hit the Creek "Dragon". After that, the dragon will sit on the ground, and can no longer take off (in the case of a cry - it will not take off until the dragon happens to it).

Being on earth, dragons still can attack their guild or ice breaths, and if the opponent is too close - to bite it.

If a player, there is little health in the near battle with a dragon, then with a big chance, the dragon will capture him with his jaws, helps on the parties, and then throw out how rag doll. Such a scene for a player means 100% death.

In the event of a dragon call - it does not appear immediately, but a few seconds later. If there is no opponent next to you, it will fly with circles. If the enemy appears (the red dot on the lighthouse) - will begin to attack it from the air, or will sit on the ground and enter the nearby battle.

A successful dragon call will occur only if you are outdoors.


Dragon (Black Dragon)

Appear from level: 1

Color, subspecies







50% fire resistance
25% vulnerability to frost

Frosty breathing ice storm

50% resistance to frost
25% vulnerability to fire

Fire Breath Fireball

50% fire resistance
25% vulnerability to frost

Fire Breath Fireball

50% fire resistance
25% vulnerability to frost

The most "weak" representatives of the Dragon race. This is the first type of dragon, with whom the player is found in his travels. They have a dark gray color. Attack fire and very rarely cold. It has three types of color: brown, white and bronze. May appear at any level of the player.

Blood Dragon

Appear from level: 10 *

You can learn a bloody dragon from afar on a wide tail. Skin color: gray-green. Attacks are both fiery and ice. A little stronger than the lives of their younger relatives.

* Exception is a bloody dragon near the "Bay of the Robber" - is always there.

Ice Dragon

Appear from level: 20

They allocate light-gray skin, and the abundance of spikes on the dorsal part of the body. According to the strength, they are approximately equal to ordinary dragons, but due to the fact that their frosty attacks slow down the goal, and they damage the endurance - it is harder to cope with them.

Oldest Dragon

Appear from level: 23

Allocated among other orange-red skin, with black spots. Attacks are both fiery and ice. Very lively and strong. About them knows little, because Rarely who is going through the meeting with them.

Ancient Dragon

Appear from level: 40

It is highlighted in a more massive body, scales with a red-brown tint, and a small expansion at the end of the tail.

Having received the 32 level, I strongly recommend carrying with you elixirs with resistance to fire and cold. Because if you meet with an ancient dragon, having no bonuses to resistance - it will be very difficult to cope with it. Very lively, they are very fighting both spontaneous attacks and in the near battle.

Revered dragon

Appear from level: 59

A rare kind of dragon appears only in the Dawnguard add-on. His main feature - can swim under water.

Legendary Dragon

Appear from level: 78

It is considered the strongest dragon in addition. It is owners of unique eyes, reminiscent of four eyes in the same eye.

Bone Dragon

Appear from level: -

A unique kind of dragons, which can be found only in Labyrinthian, according to the tasks of Winterhold. Do not fly, do not have the soul.



Firstborn dragon. The oldest and most powerful. According to rumors, he participated in the creation of this world, and now it came to destroy it. But it is him, we are responsible for salvation from execution.

Owns souls, can resurrect the dragons, instilling the souls in them, and devour the souls of dead people.

The first dragon, which we meet in the game.


The son of Akatosh and the younger brother of Aduin, the head of the gray-breeding. He dwells in the sip of the world.


He is the right hand of Aduin, and rightly serves him. But a dragonborn can be addressed to his side, and it is Oodavin who will help to kill Aduyune, and it is his, the player can call on the battlefield, a special cry, accessible at the end of the main plot.


If you immediately take on the main story - then Milmurnir is the second dragon you will find in the game, near Waitran. And the first dragon, with which you enter into battle.


When passing the main one scene lineYou, on the example of the Saloknir, will see as Aldyuin returns to the life of the dragons. After his return to life, you will need to immediately fight him.

We did not go crazy to write about opponents that you could miss 5 years after the release of the game. Just part of these opponents has become available only with the release of the add-ons, in which you could not play, and the Remaster Themaster Elder scrolls. V: Skyrim and we decided to refresh your, and our memories.


This is the most famous of mini bosses, which is available in one single location - the black limit. Vulturiol Dragon, legendary Dragonwhich can be called using a cry. Find in the quiet city an artificial sun, located above the hall of the assembly and the election hall and use a crunch "ruthless power" on the artificial sun. Wulturiol will appear and, of course, will try to defeat Dovakin.


This mini-boss will appear only if you have DLC "Guardian Dawn". In Cairne, the shower can be found fragments of a reaper stone, which can cause a reapers. You need to find 3 of them, but in fact there are much more. Place 3 fragments on the altar and you can fight him.

Ebonite Warrior

The Ebonite Warrior is the most inaccessible mini-boss in Skyrim due to the fact that it is necessary to reach 80 levels to meet him. As soon as Dovakin reaches the necessary level, he will receive a news from the ebonite warrior. He will look for meetings with your character. And this is one of the strongest opponents in the whole game. He uses "inexorable power" and can disarm you.


Available only in the addition of "dragonborn". It is impossible to meet him, but only placing his skull on the throne in the castle of Carstaag, but for the beginning you should find this skull in one of the ice caves. It is an ancient icy giant and uses "Ice Cloak".


Yes, I know that this is a dragon priest, but Zakrisosh is definitely the most difficult opponent, and the battle with him is one of the most difficult. It can use a practically infinite number of spells of the master level, mostly lightning. To meet this mini-boss in Skyrim, you need an addition to "dragonborn", and then go to Kurgan Bladskal on Saltheim Island. And find it "chambers" on the bottom of the pool, there you most likely, and you have to take a fight.