Ragdoll (rag doll). Soldier and rag doll. DC Rag Doll game

Peter Merkel, known as a rag doll, will appear in. It is possible that it will only be the "villain of the week," and not a repeating character, or will serve as the main antagonist of the season.

In comics, several villains were hidden under this nickname. Most likely, on the screen we will see their combination. One of the best is recognized by his incarnation on the pages of the "Secret Six", which Peter Merkel Jr. was included. It is noteworthy that this character is the son of the first rag doll, deprived of the superfacious father. In order to continue the family case, he modified his body and became almost the same superstitus.

But can there be a secret six, how to unite enemies with all the favorite heroes in the TV series DC? Given that the sixth has always been connected with the suicide detachment, and many of the detachment visited, it is quite real. However, to predict such an event of events is still quite risky.

Excellent acrobat Throy James will play circus in the series. And, of course, this is the perfect caster. And how does he work?

James usually plays obsessed beings and other strange creatures in horror films. Not surprising, after all, some of his talents are really frightened - which is worth one "spider gait", borrowed from Horror "Exorcist". On the account of the Acrobat role in the series

Characteristics of the hero

  • Real Name: Peter Merkel Jr. (Peter Merkel, Jr.)
  • Nicknames: Clown (Clown), He / She Wonder (The He / She Wonder), Doll ('DOLL)
  • Current nickname: Rag Doll (Ragdoll)
  • Personality: hidden
  • Universe: New Earth
  • Gender: Male
  • Position: neutral
  • Height: 180 cm (5 feet and 11 inches)
  • Weight: 33 kg (73 pounds)
  • Eye color: blue
  • Hair color: red
  • Relatives: Peter Merkel (Peter Merkel) (Father), Stanley Merkel (Brother), Alex Merkel (Alex Merkel) (Sister)
  • Belonging to groups:League of injustice (Injustice League), Secret Six (Secret Six)
  • Friends: Bane (Bane), Black Alice, Catman, Jannet, Scandal Savage, Knockout, Deadshot, Parademon (Parademon)
  • Enemies: Mad Hatter, Harley Quinn ( Harley Quinn.Rag Doll, Criminal Doctor (CRIME DOCTOR), Aybac (IBAC), Alex Merkel, Doctor Psycho (Dr. Psycho), Batman (Batman)


Peter Merkel Jr., the son of a superer of the golden age of a rag doll (Rag Doll), was born without a family feature to bend and bending the body as you like. His father was disappointed in him, and he was a cruel man.

For twelve years, a rag doll, who took the nickname of the Father, suffered hundreds of operations that had to kill him. All joints were replaced by rotating hinges. He could now bend the body in the most unthinkable forms. But he needed to lubricate his skin with a special composition to keep it.

The rag doll used his talents, becoming a thief and mercenary. He was noticed by the mockingbird (Mockingbird) and the blackmail made him join the secret six (Secret Six) - the team that I fought with the secret Society of Lex Society (Luthor`s Secret Society). The rag doll has strange relationships with one of the members of the six - Parademon (Parademon). Paradevel called him "clown" and protected from everything. When Paradefem died, saving his and the rest of the "six", the rag doll made the beloved bold and communicated with him.

The crossbar was Lex Luthor and he let go. At the "six" began to commit attempts. When the rag doll dined in the restaurant, Aybak (IBAC) attacked him. After the fight with him, the rag doll fell into the hospital (injuries did not interfere with him to have fun with a nurse). In the hospital, Dr. Psycho (Dr. Psycho) visited him and took his mind under control. At the next Mission "Six", a rag doll attacked his colleagues and fell out of the aircraft. Everything else, he pulled his hand. The hand was then saved and came, to which Katman, he noticed that suffering deliver a doll of pleasure.

After the secret six successfully dealt with Vandal Savage (Vandal Savage), Cheshire (Cheshire) and Dr. Psycho and put an end to the murder attempts, the dolls again have an eccentric relationship with a member of the group - a crazy hatter (Mad Hatter). Warm feelings did not interfere with him to shove the hat with the wall.

I loved you, Jervis. But the team is only for one Frick.

The rag doll has passed along with a secret six to Azerbaijan, to protect some military secrets. During the work of the six, Birds Of Prey collided with birds (Birds of Prey), and it turned out that war secret is still a living ice body (ICE). During the battle, he fought with a hunt for people (Manhunter), he enjoyed beatings and asked her, she could kill him. When the work was completed, the rag doll drew attention to the eccentric behavior of Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn) and asked if she wanted to take a walk from a high wall. In the end, he forced her to a fight than rushing the team.

The rag doll returned to the mercenaries and participated in the attack on the wedding of Oliver Queen and Black Canary (Oliver Queen & Black Canary). Like all the rest of the villains, he got to the distant planet, from where he got along with all the members of the Joker group (JOKER).

The six reunited to find the "free exit card" a demon of Neron (Neron). Unlike the remaining team members, the rag doll was essentially anyway - they will find a card or not. In search of them, Junior was greatly disturbed - a crazy criminal boss, who was the sister of dolls - Alex (Alex Merkel), who was crazy after rape his own father. The rag doll was clearly watched, as her sister burned a fiery ball.

The truth culprit was a mad hat, which hoped that the six would be killed. The rag doll found during the battle of his hat and asked if Jerwis loved him still? But he still loves Jervis, so he threw a hat from the bridge. Hatter did not have anything, how to jump next.

Soon the team appeared a new participant - Black Alice (Black Alice). She strongly had a doll marks attention, and he was not against their relationship. Black Alice helped the team, when Katman's son, Thomas-Jr. (Thomas Blake, Jr.) kidnapped.

During the "Battle of Cloak", the rag doll performed the role of Robin (Robin).

Soon the rag doll fell into the blood pressure using the "free exit card from hell", seeking parademon. There he became a prince hell. The six arrived behind him (Alice left the team), but there they were waiting for the army of demons. The doll, however, refused the rule of hell in favor of friends.

The rag doll lasted in a team to the very defeat of the "six" team of superheroes headed by Batman (Batman).


In the Flashpoint Universe, a rag doll - a participant of the "Show of freaks" Circus Haley (Haley`s Circus).


The rag doll was invented then so that the team had someone who had shaved his humor of the gloomy other participants. However, the rag doll is a very strange person. He has strong inclinations toward sadomacism and kill a person for him - to spit once.

The rag doll has no genitals. He removed them as a child, as he believed that they were unnecessary to him. It does not prevent him from leading a saturated personal life.

"These cats are in the state of muscular relaxation, so the threshold of sensitivity is significantly lower than that of other cats", - Jackie Vanchem, President of the Belgian Breed Lovers Club ragdoll.

Josephine's unsolicited cat was crossed with a Burmese cat and gave birth to wonderful, absolutely normal kittens with one small disadvantage - low muscle tone, but their character was distinguished by an extraordinary obedience and softness, uncharacteristic for ordinary cats. It is still unknown for what kind of cats acquired such qualities, but it was established that the road accident has nothing to do with this.

Anna Parker, who is the hostess Josephine, became interested in these changes and decided to make a selection to create a new cat breed. Crossing the most soft in character and with the most pronounced relaxation of the muscular tone of cats, Anne was able to get several generations of kittens with the features that had strengthened her characteristics. She called the new breed " Ragdoll"That translated from English means" ragdoll" A little later, the freshly flooded breed moved to Europe and was loved in countries such as Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France and in many others. But you should not think that Ragdoll can now meet at every step - in Europe it is still a rare breed, not in comparison with the United States, where it is really very popular.

Cats breed ragdoll They are very different in character from all other cats - they are kinder and softer, calmer, and the unique opportunity to relax muscles as much as possible is striking: to feel it, you only need to take a breed cat ragdoll In hand, and you will immediately feel how she gives himself to your power and does not strain any of her muscles. "Ragdollah can not be thrown to the floor - a drop in the height may entail very unpleasant for the cat, because representatives of this breed do not know how to grieve in the air and land on the paws," the President of the Swiss Club of Lovers Warns ragdoll Wine Tatti, which is engaged in breeding cats ragdoll For five years.

Rugdoll cats are the most real phlegmatic, and their good nature has no limits. From nature ragdoll Pretty Silen, but he behaves very peacefully, and when attacking it prefers not to defend himself, but calmly leave. They are very trustful and naive for children, and in conflict situations - calm. Cats ragdoll - Very bold, but I do not want to show this quality. "For Ragdoll, you need to constantly carefully follow - it is very defenseless and in some situations is helpless. Especially pay attention to how it passes the road. But, of course, you do not need to rush in extremes and keep an animal under the castle, "Tatti's bath notes.

Ragdoll Very sociable and loves people. "Cats ragdoll Possess interesting quality: they love to communicate with people more than with anyone else. They do not like loneliness and consider themselves a full-fledged family member. If the cat suddenly remains alone, without the owner or his relatives - she immediately novels and even losing weight in her eyes, so sad, "says Jackie Vankem. - "The owner is for her the center of the universe. She is always next to him, adapts to his habits and lifestyle and sometimes even seems to be quietly whispering with something with a pleasant voice, which is completely not combined with a rather large complex. If the owner is near, Ragdall will still have a collar and a leash on him, will take it to the hotel and so on - he will be comfortable and warm with you. "

Ragdoll Very calm and affectionate, but not at all heaviness - it is ability to abound. He plays with pleasure, and runs well, very fast! Only with jumps he is heavy - due to muscle relaxation.

Ragdoll Also very sociable and friendly, he will find mutual language With any pet. He calmly and fun lives side by side with other cats and cats. There will be no fight for its territory - everything is common, everything for friends. In general, Cats of breed Ragdoll - best friends, calm and kind, which one of their presence personifies peace and love for neighbor. And they are very varying and sensitive - so communicate with her carefully, do not scold, otherwise it will take it too close to the heart. A wonderful companion and comrade, it does not require a lot, to everything relates patiently and wisely, it delicately feels its owner - and with interest returns all love and affection given to him.

Males ragdoll Real gentlemen can take care of the female for two years without moving to something more. One of the best cats-club cats was waiting for three years! True, among them there are those who want to speed up the process slightly.

Burmese cat is quite seriously distinguished by a fellow sexual plan: sometimes activity begins to manifest itself in very early ageup to the year. " Ragdoll Pretty elective in choosing your partner. And some males are so shy, which recognize sexual intercourse only in the walls of the native home. Quite often encounter Cats-monochiefs that all their lives live with one, maximum three cats - here it is, real love! " - tells us the Tatti bath.

Kittens Ragdoll physically develop more slowly than cats of other breeds. For example, they can only see after two weeks after birth, and the sump period ends quickly late.

At the birth of kittens absolutely white, the specks appear slowly. To see a real color, you need to wait for about two years.

Attention - fake! Since 1965, when the cat breed appeared ragdollTheir representatives strictly forbidden to cross the cats with other breeds in order not to spoil the unique character of these animals. "To begin with, it was necessary to exclude from the offspring representatives of rocks showing aggressive behavior and prone to independence. Then - to bring up the remaining in the family, which surrounds them with warmth and care. This is the most important thing - because it is a unique soft character distinguishes ragdoll from other cats. Their beauty is only a secondary positive quality, but in no case is not the main thing, "Tatti's bath notes.

Breeders that seriously belong to their work, before viscous, first of all should consult with experts from the club lovers club. In the latter there are lists of animals of all the offspring of Josephine. It is necessary to make sure in the "nobility" of the blood of the selected animal breeders. The main fighters for the purity of the breed are American and the German clubs of lovers of Cat Ragdoll. There carefully register each breeder. Vigilance here is important: lovers ragdollsthat appreciate and beautiful appearance, and the wonderful nature of these cats, in Europe often become victims of speculators, which can "slip" an unclean breed.

"In the French exhibition, first introduced ragdoll "And he turned out to be a Burmese cat, albeit rather tender and soft in character, but still not such as the true representative of the rare breed," Tatti's bath tells us. "Now it is quite often a fraud and sell with gullible buyers of unreal Ragdolls," she is indigrant. Many of her colleagues agree with her. For example, this is what the head of the Central French Club of Fans says ragdolls Nicole Vyalat: "In France, very often under the guise ragdolls Sell \u200b\u200bBurmese cats or half-breeds, which are obtained when crossing the Burmese cats with representatives of the Ragdoll breed. "

"Remember that unreal ragdoll It will not show that unique qualities characteristic only for purebred representatives, "Jackie Vankem warns and adds:" What ragdolls We replace - very illogical and absolutely meaningless, since, on the one hand, many "fakes" are Burmese cats, and on the other hand, the breeders themselves reproach the cats of the Ragdoll breed for a great similarity with the Burmese. From which it follows that both parties are more profitable to maintain the uniqueness of each of the breeds and develop in accordance with the adopted standards. "
Similar dislike of breeders to ragdollam It has two reasons: the popularity of the new breed increasing all over the world - which is easy to explain, because people first attract rumors and legends about the breed, and then they are conquered by beauty and caress ragdoll; And also - many breeders for some reason do not believe that the "shortcomings" of Burmesers are specially collected in Ragdall. But bad birmana is not at all ragdoll!

In the end, the value and uniqueness of the breed are strongly understood: after all, it turns out that all the vices are going to eradicate Burmese cats. Gradually, these bad rumors began to spread at all ragdollsNot only to "Mitted" - Ragdall "in the socks", a representative of one of the three existing species of rocks that give the right result when crossing each other, "explains the Tatti bath. To get the perfect two-color Ragdoll, you need to try very well just as if you need to get the perfect "socks" at Burmeza. By the way, the Ragdoll standard is very strict, so the "socks" at the variety "Mitted" should certainly be. "

"Often the judges are bad to yourself represent the breed and awarded Besghegdolls. And the most unfair is what the owner of a cat, which participated three times in the exhibition as Ragdoll, may require the issuance of a pedigree, and the club has no right to refuse him, "Jackie Vaneci complains. "Sometimes" fake "Ragdolls became even European champions," Nicole Vyalatt nods.
Ragdoll is a rather large animal, it feels power. This is a fastening with a well-developed bone, with strong breasts and wide thighs and shoulders. Needle Needed, with well-developed muscles. His torso is properly developed and proportionally folded. The weight of the male reaches 6-9 kg, females are much less - from 4 to 5 kg.

Ragdoll is a gentle giant. A gentle look of dark blue eyes without words speaks about the magnificent nature of its owner. And the appearance of the cat is unlikely: thick fluffy wool, elongated torso and strong long legs - an invaluable inheritance from the Angora breed!
Is it possible to confuse her with Burmets! Round, with wool between palips paws. Silky, almost plush wool, in some places are long, in some shorter - especially on the paws. Soft, smooth movements. On the neck - collar. The tail is thick at the base, long, woolly, proportional to the length of the body ...

For twenty years, English breeders create their own species of Ragdoll, a little different from the American representative. In the fall of 1987, Nicole Vyalat, the head of the club in 15 people, began breeding and preferred to English breed representatives: "This is the best type. English Ragdoll has a well-defined nose and very beautiful blue eyes. The American straight nose is too similar to the Burmese cat. " The British wanted to achieve an external attractiveness and attractive color of the eyes, as a result he received a pretty beautiful cat, which was a little less American and had a more silky fur, "says the Tatti bath, which believes that the" mixture of two types will give beautiful cats. " Jackie Vecchie also also believes: "Both of these types are perfectly complemented by each other." Thus, there are three varieties of Ragdoll breed:

  • colorpoint: The color is similar to Siamese cats - light wool on the torso and dark - on the face, ears, tail and paws. Nose and pillows paws match the color with pigmented parts of the body
  • "Mitted": with white legs, in contrast to the rest, which have dark paws. Hence the name - white "socks"
  • two-color: Representatives of this species on the face there is a characteristic section of white wool in the form of an inverted letter V, and pigmentation begins with eyes and cheeks. Paws are also white.

Each species has four color: blue, lilac, strength and chocolate.

Since the breed has a standard that was drawn up taking into account the rules and requirements of TICA, Ragdall can now receive recognition in clubs of cats and the USA, and Europe. In America, a two-color variety is officially recognized, the rest are already on the way to this. The efforts of the German club of Ragdoll lovers who cooperates well with its American colleagues, English Governing Council of the Cat Fance in 1991 and FIFE in 1992 also officially recognized the new breed - the truth, until only two-color variation. There is still a lot of work ahead.

"The refereeing at the exhibitions of Ragdoll leaves much to be desired," Jackie Vankem is crushed, referring to such an example: "The Ragdoll color according to the standard should be necessarily dark tones, unlike the Siame and Burmese representatives, which should be brightened for contrast with dark limbs. But it is constantly seeing how the judges at the exhibitions underestimate the evaluation of the Ragdolls for the Dark Color! " But this is not the worst. "To check the degree of relaxation of the muscles of the cat and its susceptibility to pain, some judges are tormented by her - and it is simply outrageous and unacceptable!", - It is not relatively experiencing Jackie Vec.

Ragdoll is gradually becoming increasingly popular in the world, and you can hope that the judges will finally understand the essence of the breed and will be able to appreciate all its charm, and accordingly change their attitude to it: Naturally, it is difficult to appreciate the exhibition quickly and safely. The unique character of the Ragdoll cat, but you can at least see its originality, and not to love these wonderful and good cats just unreal!

Genetic features of Ragdoll

The reduced muscular tone of Ragdoll's cats is still not justified scientifically. So, the standard does not recognize this property, let it be one of the important features of the breed.

Regarding the color we can say that the pigmentation of the paws and the dark blue color of the eyes, most likely, influenced the Genes of Siamese cats. Two-color representatives of the Ragdoll and Mitted breed have genes that are responsible for the appearance of these beautiful white specks on the body. It is difficult to even imagine how much patience and efforts need to be breeding to achieve the most beautiful distribution of white color on the wrath cover of the cat!


Ragdoll is highlighted by a good appetite, but he does not have to obesity. Since it grows slowly, then the full physical flourishing occurs only for the fourth year. The cat is rather large, and accordingly possesses a sufficiently large energy needs that need to be completely covered. The skeleton develops for a long time and requires the required amount of mineral supplements that the veterinarian will tell you about.

There are no problems with childbirth, the mother is very warm and carefully related to kittens.

Ragdoll's wool is not tangled, but still sometimes it is necessary to comb, besides, this process gives a lot of pleasure to a cat - it is definitely pretty pushing in gratitude. During the molting period, more attentive care is needed.
Winter on the street, Ragdoll wool becomes long and fluffy - just like Persian cats.

Samantha Boyd diluted under a harpk police fencing and raised his eyes to the Statue of Justice, towering over the infamous London court of Old Bailey. Although she, according to the plan, had to symbolize strength and justice, today a woman saw her in a true form - in the guise of desperate and confused all the illusions of the ladies, ready for any moment to overthrow from the roof down on the bridge. Bandages in front of the eyes, unlike sisters around the world, she naturally was not, because when it comes to such problems as racism and corruption in law enforcement agencies, "blind justice" turns into a concept for naive spaces.

Due to the crowd of journalists who flooded the center of London and settled so firmly, they even turned it into absurd slums for mid-class representatives, all adjacent streets and metro stations were again closed. With the asphalt destroyed asphalt proudly loose packaging from the products with the logos "Marx and Spencer" and "Preta-A-Cant". Under the buzz of the electric RAST, sleeping bags from famous designers; Dried road iron in the hands of some guy completely refused to hide the fact that his owner slept in a shirt and a tie, which had been in his one-sole instance.

Dying through the crowd, Samantha nervous. After a six-minute walk from the Station "Chensery Lane", she spoke on his forehead, and the strand of platinum hair was embarrassed in the very place where she before it was broken in a vain attempt to change appearance. All the presses involved in the legal proceedings set from the very beginning. Today, at the forty-fifth day of the proceedings, the portraits of Samantha managed to fly away all the largest newspapers of the world. She even somehow had to call the police when one particularly the syllable reporter followed her to the house in Cleveland, without reacting to her attempts to take it away. Firmly deciding no longer to attract unnecessary attention to himself, the woman walked, looking straight in front of him and not raising his heads.

Two more queues were lined up along Newgate Street, one rested in a number of biotoids that are clearly not able to meet the needs of everyone who needed, the other in the blinking neon sign of the Starbaks coffee shop. Blowing out of the whirlpool, the raging between these two poles, Samantha moved towards the police guarding the entrance to the courtrooms. When she accidentally found himself in sight of one of the cameras, dozens of leading reporting from the scene, it pounced on a slight increase in the journalist and scolded something in Japanese.

"The Last Day," - reminded himself to Samantha, leaving the flow of a completely incomprehensible battle in Kilwater. Some eight hours and her life will return to normal.

At the door, an unfamiliar policeman carefully studied her identity card and subjected to the procedure, now it's a familiar well: lock your personal belongings in a special box; In response to the reaction of the metal detector, explain that it does not physically remove wedding ring; To seen about myself on the stains of the sweat during the search, and then go through a terrible corridor and join the other eleven jury for a cup of slightly warm instant coffee.

Due to the unprecedented attention to the process of world media and the incident, the smaith jury houses were decided to settle under guard in one place, which immediately caused the anger of society, because the accounts were exhibited by the departure caused taxpayers in tens of thousands of sterling. Previously, in the morning they talked to different topics, but now after two months of hearing, each of them basically complained about the monotony of the evening menu in a restaurant, on the back, paining after spent in the hotel bed, and complained about the absence of a wife, husband, children or final The seasons of the series "Stay alive" - \u200b\u200bwho lacked.

When the bailiff finally came for members of the jury, tense silence, hidden by innocent chatter, broke into the will. The elder of the jury, an elderly man named Stanley, whom the rest appointed this position only because of the striking resemblance to Gandalf, slowly stood up and left the room. Others stretched behind him.

In Old Bailey, the court number one, famous worldwide, was observed only criminal cases of paramount importance. Here, the defendants were responsible for their creepy sins such sinister celebrities as Krippen, Satcliffe and Dennis Nielsen. Through the huge, woven windows window over the head. The room poured artificial light, shilling dark wooden panels and green leather upholstery.

After taking the usual place in the first row, the closer to all the defendants, Samantha suddenly realized that a white dress stitched by herself was a bit short. She put a folder with a business folder, to the big displeasure of a lustful old man, the senses of the jury, who on the first day of the hearing almost extorted the neighbor, wanted to certainly settle down next to her.

Unlike the courts of the court sessions, these are in the American films, where the elegantly dressed accused is supposed to rinse at one table with defenders, in Old Bailey, the defendant was sitting before the Terrible audience in full solitude. Low, but thick glass partitions surrounding its elevation, once again emphasized that the person who turned out inside represents for the rest of the greater danger.

That he is guilty - not yet proven his innocence.

Direct opposite the bench of the defendants, to the left of Samantha, the judges were sitting. Above the chair in the center of the hall - the only one, which during the entire proceedings remained free, - against the background of the emblem of the kingdom, a sword was hung with a gilded handle. Judicial secretaries, accusation and protection were located in the center; The Gallery for the public near the far wall was a bit of the exalted audience with those who were silent from the lack of sleep with their eyes to get the place and become witnesses to the end of this breathtaking process, it was necessary to break the camp at the entrance to Old Bailey. In the depths of the hall, on the places forgotten by God under the gallery, a different small man was sitting, one way or another involved in the process: experts whose opinion lawyers could need, and maybe not; judicial clerks; Well, of course, a police officer who was arrested by a suspect, - a detective on a nicknamed Wolf, William Oliver Leighton Coks, who squeezed in the very center of all this motley gathering.

The wolf was present in the courtroom all forty-six days and conducted an inconspicuous number of hours, looking at the bench of the defendants from his invisible place at the exit. Firmly shot down, with a weathered face and dark blue eyes, he looked at forty years, maybe a little more. Samantha thought that a detective could well be called attractive if he did not impress a man who did not sleep for several months and who had a serious burden of the world around him on his shoulders. Although if it was truth, it was.

Killer-Cremator, as his PRESS painted him, became the bloodthirsty serial killer in the history of London. Twenty-seven victims in twenty-seven days, all prostitutes at the age of fifteen-sixteen years. A great interest in this case, among other things, was also caught by the fact that it opened the ill-informed eyes of the eye to the harsh reality, which was worn right under the nose, on the same streets where they live. Most of the victims were found still to the trees - he pumped into them with tranquilizers and burned alive, while the fire destroyed almost all imaginable evidence. And then the atrocities suddenly stopped sharply. In the absence of suspected, the police were lost in guesses. All the time, while the investigation lasted, a squall of critics was collapsed - for inaction and inability to stop the death of adolescents, but when eighteen days have passed since the last murder, the detective wolf concluded the criminal in custody.