How to play a nurse in Dead by Daylight. Dead by Daylight - Hyde by nurse management. Dead by Daylight What types of maniacs exist or how to play for a killer

(We are talking about Perepper, Ghost and Hillbilli). Games who love to manage survivors will have to adapt under a completely different style of the game, which is more focused on constant movement, running and hurrying. If you take the tactics of the game against other maniacs, then it is, in principle, it comes down to the use of boards, windows and other points, allowing to break away from persecution.

The nurse has a common weapon that has its own characteristics (tell me below). The new maniac has its own unique ability called the "Last Sigh Spencer". Using it, the nurse is capable of moving into various parts of the location (teleport). At the same time, after such actions, the power of the maniac is significantly depleted. Read more about it below!

Fundamental Information on Nurse
As written above, the nurse is unique compared to the rest of the killers. We are talking about a completely different game style, and not about some ability that distinguishes it from other characters. Most of all in the first minutes of the game, its speed of movement and recovery is striking.

It can break the barriers, attack enemies of the melee weapon, the radius of the scope by which, by the way, the same as the weapons of other maniacs. But all this you will use much less often than when playing for the same traps or Hillbilli.

So, there are two things that are significantly distinguished by the nurse from the rest of the killers. The first and most important is the speed of movement. The nurse moves down the location much more slowly than the remaining maniacs. If you compare the speed of running survivors and nurses, the latter will only be 1-3% faster. Thus, trying to catch up with the usual ways almost useless. Here you only have to count on the error of your opponent.

Thus, you can make one Very important output As for maniacs, and for survivors: at a pursuit, a nurse must (will) use "Last Breathing" to instantly move along the location and causing the rupture of the runaway character.

The nurse has three new peaks that you can unlock in the "Bloody Web":

  • Studor. In the event that the nurse hit the survivors, their breathing becomes more noticeable and the enemy in this case will be easier to detect the escaped character.
  • Tanatophobia. If at least one of the survivors is wounded, hanging on the hook, then the main actions of all other survivors slow down. We are talking about sabotage, the repair of the generator or treatment.
  • Call nurse. This Perk allows the nurse to see the auras of the characters who treat their partner. Also visible Aura survivors, who are trying to cure. That is, all the survivors involved in the process of health regeneration.

The unique ability of nurse - "Last breath"
The new unique ability of the nurse with something reminded me of the ghost skill. As it seems, the riot will rise again among the players: many will "blame" developers in the fact that they have bent the balance towards this maniac.

Read more about skill. "Last Sigh" Allows the nurse to move (teleport) for small distances, overcoming almost all obstacles that have stuck in her walls - walls, etc. The longer you charge the skill, the further nurse can move (the maximum duration of about 4-5 seconds ). After moving, you can attack the enemy once. And after your attack, the nurse will need to be for a few seconds in order to move away from fatigue.

What is fatigue for nurse
When the nurse is tired, it is slowed down to 75% or less from the "default meaning". In addition, the Maniac's camera will be lowered down. Thus, the nurse will not be able to see where the survivors run away during this animation. In addition to lowered down the camera, the picture is also significantly darkened. During the fatigue, the nurse cannot attack opponents, but still capable of interacting with various surrounding objects.

For example, it can break the barriers from the boards, move through the windows and raise the survivor shot down. Thus, the survivors cannot feel 100% safe, but still a maniac at this time is very weak. Fatigue is the answer to those "nodes" who have already gathered to complain to developers. This animation is opposed to the incredible ability "Last Sigh". Without fatigue, the nurse would become the most dangerous and almost invulnerable maniac in the game.

After the first teleportation, the nurse has a few seconds to re-charge their skill and move for the second time to a row. It is worth noting that when you re-use the skill you move to a far less significantly distance. So you need to do in cases where you could not move to where they planned, and you remain overcome 2-3 walls at a distance of 3-5 meters.

Nurse with its main weapon

But it should also be understood that after two in a row used by the "recent sighs", fatigue will last more time, giving surviving additional seconds to escape from the maniac and hide somewhere. The initial conditions allow the nurse to move three times - once the main and two additional. However, you can use addons that increase the number of teleportations to a row up to four pieces.

Another nuance. If you have teleported and attacked the enemy (successfully or unsuccessfully), then your pause will also delay. Before the animation of fatigue starts, the nurse will have to move away from the strike (as well as at these attacks by any other maniac).

Summarize. Since the nurse moves slower than the rest of the maniacs, in order to catch the runaway survival, she will have to use teleportation with a subsequent attack immediately after moving. Remember that there is a distinction between the usual attack and the attack after teleportation. The blow after teleportation is performed almost immediately. On the amplitude of the scope or the same as ordinary attackor a little less. However, when he hit after teleportation, the nurse must move away from the sweep itself, and after the state of fatigue.

Nurse Game Strategy
We learned that the nurse is significantly different from other maniacs. This fact causes both survivors and maniacs to change their game style.

IN ordinary games The survivors should hide as long as possible until the enemy finds them, then use the windows, boards and something like that to try to break away from the maniac. The nurse, like any other maniac, the same problems with the review (first-person view), from her you can hide, run away, but you need to act quite differently.

The ability of the nurse to pass through the windows, walls and boards (obstacles) makes all these techniques are practically useless. Keyword - "Practically"! You still can use it all, but somewhat different. Windows, barriers and walls now need to be used not in order to increase the distance between you and maniac. Never try to do this, because the nurse is enough to teleport through the wall or barrier to catch up and attack you. Instead, it seems to me, there is a completely different tactic - to run away, wait for fatigue, sit down and send somewhere to hide somewhere.

Nurse charges the ability "Last Sigh"

Hyde for survivors
However, it is not necessary to blame those players who have already begun to complain about the Cheating of the new maniac, which is capable of moving through the windows, walls and other obstacles, instantly attack the runaway survivor, etc. The nurse is very different from other killers. You will be stunned in the first minutes of the game, it is quite possible her skills will lead you even in a stupor. You will not be laid in my head like a nurse could move through the wall and instantly hit you. But as soon as you understand the mechanics of the game of this killer, you can find several effective ways Embody him.

The basic strategy is as follows: Run away from it, while it does not try to take advantage of teleportation. As soon as it moves and attacks you, it will be tired. The nurse will not be able to see where you leave, will not be able to pursue you for a sufficiently long period of time. Take advantage of this to hide. Start and hide. Unlike any other maniac, the enemy will not know where you left. The enemy either will slowly move in a circle, trying to find you or randomly teleported to find you again. Last, by the way, unlikely.

Never run away the head through the obstacles and windows. Instead, you need to wait for the enemy's mistakes, its teleportation and mishai.

Important Council! Nurse (player manager) is more trying to listen to the sounds to understand where you left. When the fatigue comes, go away and go away. Do not leave the bloody traces, do not run away. During the fatigue, the enemy moves slowly, but still capable of moving along the trail, until it comes to feel and in the end you will not find yourself in direct visibility. Noticing you again, the enemy simply will take advantage of teleportation and tries to strike.

Relieve until you find yourself out of direct visibility, after which you get rid and hide. The longer you run, the easier it will be easier for the enemy. If you have a bleeding, your character publishes a lot of noise, you have to run out as far as possible. Here you have to hope that you will have enough time to cure and hide. If the enemy hears how you moan from pain, be sure - in 8/10 cases, the opponent will find you. When you treat the survivor, it is extremely necessary to hide from the maniac.

What you do not need to do in battle against nurse
Try to avoid too long races. Never tremble, do not jump over the boards, do not fly through the windows, if you are in the direct visibility of the enemy. All this allows the nurse to understand where you are, followed by teleportation and instant attack. Run until you leave direct visibility, and then sneeze and enjoy in one direction or another.

Weak sites of nurse
Nurse is the slowest killer in the game, if we are talking about the speed of movement. This causes the manager to almost always use teleportation (last sigh) to instantly catch up with the survivor and attack it. Her attack is actually quite good if she could get on the enemy. But in any case, for such an amazing ability, the maniac has to be seriously paid.

"How can you escape from a nurse capable of teleported anywhere?" Many surviving (gamers) will ask. Honestly, it is definitely not so simple, you will need even a little good luck. However, it will be wrong to say that it is impossible.

Sawd out with the "last sigh" is not so easy. As soon as the nurse began to charge it, she will not be able to choose any other direction for teleportation. But all this happens quite quickly, so that the maniac managed to choose the direction, move and apply an verified blow. As soon as the teleportation is completed, the maniac receives his deserved penalty.

How can all this be used? Yes, as you like! Here are examples you. You can run around the nurse at a safe distance, trying to force it to teleport in a particular direction, while you will already go in the other. You can run away from it and as soon as hear that the enemy begins to charge his "last sigh", then instantly change the direction of movement.

Another very interesting moment: If you hear that the nurse is for a long time charges his skill, then it's time to change the direction of movement and head towards the maniac. No, I did not get sealed. A player charged skill will be forced to do the full distance. He will not be able to stop the nurse halfway. Thus, the enemy will fly through you, like through any wall.

Of course, you should not forget that the nurse can instantly use the second, third or fourth teleportation to return to you. But so that fatigue does not come after the next teleportation, the subsequent will need to make as quickly as possible. A limited time makes the enemy to receive quick, but not always suspended solutions. Spicy the wall so that the enemy teleported there, and you instantly run out of the wall.

Maniac and nurse selection window

Move so randomly as possible. The less predictable you will, the greater the chances that the nurse will move in the wrong direction. Of course, as in the case of other maniacs, use windows, obstacles and walls can, but do it all so that your character moves not in a straight line, but constantly changed the direction of its movement.

Use "Last Sigh" is difficult. The survivors can dodge this skill just like the Hillbilli chainsaws when you use the terrain. Thus, the teleportation of the nurse pushes the gamers that controls it, to make the wrong actions - navigate not to the other side, to large or smaller than, rather needed, distances.

Thus, the nurse has much worse visibility than other maniacs. And the speech here is not about the review (camera), but that after teleportation during the fatigue, the camera is completely omitted down, the picture is darkened.

Do not try to escape in a straight line!

The speed of the nurse is almost identical to yours. But this does not mean that you can easily escape from it using barriers, windows or walls. Do not move in a straight line!

Learn to benefit from her fatigue!

The enemy does not see you when getting tired. You must use this complete lack of visibility. After erroneous teleportation, if you managed to dodge, the nurse will have three options:

  1. See around with a lowered camera and spend time while maintaining a small hope to find you.
  2. Re-teleport in a random direction to catch the survivor to magically.
  3. Either forget about the survivors and try to find another immediately, as soon as the fatigue decreases.

So let's sum up. Equal from the teleportation of the nurse and the subsequent strike is very difficult. But if you still do it, then the sweating of the maniac will allow you to be guaranteed to hide from it.

Use the fact that as soon as the nurse raises his hand to charge the skill, it cannot change the direction of its movement, unlike the same Hillbilli.

It turns out that this maniac will be extremely dangerous against predictable survivors when it is possible to move in the forward direction and strike the running away. It will be correct to use the Snake technique, moving it into one, then to another, then again in the first side.

NOTE! Do not run towards the nurse, if not exactly sure that the enemy is charged enough to charge his skill "last sigh" and guaranteed to fly for a long distance through you.

When to use boards and windows
Many will ask, in what cases should still use boards and windows. It is absolutely clear that the teleportation of the nurse was conceived just the same for the purposes to resist the surviving, accustomed to hide from the maniac using barriers, walls and windows.

It will be easier to clarify, in what cases do not need to use windows or barriers:

  • Do not use them just as you do against other maniacs. Do not try to hide only with their help, because the enemy can easily teleport through the wall or window, catch you. Too many survivors were used to using all this, believing that the foreman will represent an obstacle. Only not in the case of a nurse!

It turns out that it is possible to accurately use boards and windows only when the enemy does not see you. It is meaningless!

For what they are then needed on the map

Everything is simple! Walls are needed in order to hide from a nurse that does not see you. But they are useless if you want to run away from the enemy who has noticed you, thereby increasing the distance. You can use the walls in order to hide from the nurse after it teleported and moved to the state of fatigue.

But there is one exception. If you are near the nurse, which is tired, you can jump over the window or knock on the boards to separate yourself from it. After that, hello and scroll in any other direction to hide from the enemy.

NOTE! When using boards, when the nurse is tired, make sure that you are close to it. If you are so far enough, then the tilted boards will only give a tip of the maniac about what direction you disappeared.

What can not be done when playing against nurse
Here are a few action that you should avoid if you survive against the nurse:

  1. Permanent running. It is relevant to play against any maniac, but especially effective against nurse. The less you run, the smaller the traces leave behind.
  2. Be predictable. Unlike battle against the rest of the maniacs, you should not run away along the direct lines, running around the most shortest way to a safe place. Move in different directions, force the enemy to port where you come from, on the contrary, already run away.
  3. Save survivors if heard heartbeat. The rest of the maniacs need time to prepare an attack. In the case of a nurse, it will be mistaken to save the surviving hanging on the hook, if you hear that the enemy is not far away. Maniac enough to spend time charging his skill to make an instantly back to the hook and attack you. It is necessary to save survivors only when you know exactly that a nurse for something or someone is distracted.
  4. Little a nurse. The nurse can attack you much faster than any other maniac. After teleportation, it attacks instantly. Do not try to tease her when she tolerate survivors, because the enemy can instantly teleport to you and attack.

As a killer. Available for choice immediately after buying the main game, however, is part of the chapter "The Last Breath". Real name - Sally Smithson (English Sally Smithson.). For catching survivors, it uses a leap, allowing it to fly through obstacles.


Sally Smithson arrived in the city with dreams about a wooden house, which will build her husband Andrew, and in which the laughter and the trample of children's legs will be heard. But one day the life of Sally has ever changed, when the Brigadier Andrew with heavy news appeared on the threshold. Without other options, Sally had to get a job in the hospital, the crotus renun. She began with the lowest, with a heavy night shift. A few years later, her mind could no longer endure all those suffering, whose witness she began for all this time. Finally, her mind was clouded, and the body mastered the thirst for cleansing. When the morning shift arrived in the One September day, I found fifty-minded patients in their beds and four corpses of employees. Only Sally was alive, but, completely lost the reason, she only slightly swollen back and forth. She was immersed in ambulance car, which was not destined to get to the hospital. The car was found inverted in the near forest, like the corpses of Sanitars inside. But Sally was not anywhere.



The standard chain of jumps consists of 2 jumps: one long and one short. After the jump, you can interrupt the action of the survivor, or strike. Also, the speed of the nurse is noticeably below the speed of other maniacs and a little more speed of survivors, so in the pursuit she has to rely solely on its strength.


Hello, in this manual, I will share with you my experience gained in 4 months from the outlet of a patch adding a nurse, because since then I just play it for it. Previously, played for the traps, but threw it because of the monotony of actions. For these four months I won on a nurse more than 500 hours. 3Y Uber Prestige

All the above me below is my opinion and it can diverge with yours.
P.S a lot of text.

Characteristics of nurse

Effective combination, if you are on "you" with a nurse.

Combination for beginners. You can carry the survivors in the basement and after the plant of all generators put the remaining from Neda.

Useless peppers

The worst places for mansa

  • Perelezing through windows. The nurse is very easy to hit you, flights through the window.
  • Wooden walls with holes. In this manse there are only windows and boards. That and then for the Mesense is not difficult. And through the holes, she can easily see you.
  • Tompson House. Here, manose is very hard, and if the nurse has Perk "Streedor", then you probably already on the hook.


I hope this guide will help become better than nurses and survived.
If someone has suggestions for improving this leadership, then I will gladly listen to them.

In total, there are 4 maniacs in the game, for which you can cheer your victims.

  • The Hillbilly.
  • The Trapper.
  • Nurse (new maniac, he added to the game more recently)

Dead by Daylight What types of maniacs exist or how to play for a killer?

Let's look at the order of each killer, its features and special features.

The son of the rich landowners of Max and Evelin Thompson, this nameless boy was a unwanted child. He was ugroen and disadvantaged, because of this, closed and rejected by society. Parents were so embarrassed by her son, which inspired him in the room and fed it through the hole in the wall. When the boy escaped, he revenge brutally and terrible, killing his parents who tormented him instead of helping him.

After the case was done, he continued to live his life on a farm, splashing his hatred and violence on animals. When he finally was freed from his shackles, he escaped, pursuing and killing everything he could find. No one ever could detect Max and Evelyn's bodies. It was decided that the Coldwind farm should be sold. But no one dare to buy this land. Perhaps due to the fact that so far at night, it is heard the noise of chainsaws.

The Hillbilly weapons:

The main weapon of this maniac is hammer. The second weapon is chainsaw. Its feature is the need for recharging. On the other hand, this weapon is very strong and causes critical damage surviving.

Evan McMilllan worshiped his father. It was not easy, he was the heir of a huge state, and managed property. Brought up under his hard hand, Evan admirated all the habits of his father, and ran the iron hand. Production has always been at the height and Macmillan Estate flourished, thanks to the work of the son and father. Because of the hard work, the mental state of Father Archie McMillana staggered, Evan defended him from people. Evan did everything as he asked his father.

Soon Archie McMillan completely survived from the mind. They together with her son killed more than a hundred people. Evan started people in the dark tunnels, after which he produced an explosion. People on always remained under the rubble. The story of Macmillan Estate is a story about wealth and power. None to the end knows how many victims fell into the hands of the Father and Son. At the end of the story, one unsolved mystery remained. Archie McMilllan was found dead in the basement of his own warehouse.

Catcher is one of three killers. His gameplay focuses on creating and placing deadly traps:

  • bear traps on the roads
  • traps in passing places, such as windows, corridors, or paths near generators and outputs

It is most effective when it is necessary to chase in one goal over a long period of time, as it has a better movement rate than survivors, and maybe "in several places at the same time" thanks to his traps that create difficulties for living.

The complexity of the game for him is that, unlike other killers, who have no limit of their abilities and weapons, the traps have a limit in the number of traps.

Trapper weapons:
Ax of the butcher It is a primary weapon. For his normal attack, the catcher waves with an ax. It has a very short and narrow hitting radius, so make sure you are close to the survivor. If you miss, the catcher will turn into. If the tessel falls on the survivor, then after the second strike, the surviving will crawl and slowly lose health, bleeding. The survival has about three minutes to heal from the team's partner, or he will die. More importantly, when a person falls into the trap, the killer can catch him, and throwing over his shoulder, to carry a sacrifice to the hook.

Bear trap It is secondary weapons. Trap can be found on the map, they can be installed anywhere. Traps become active only after their installation. At the very beginning, the killer has only one trap, the rest should be sought on the map. If you do not have a special bag, then you will not be able to carry more than one trap.

After pressing an alternative attack, the maniac leans and sets the trap, dramatically reducing its field of view for a few seconds. If the surviving falls into the trap, the trap will slam down, and he will be caught in one of his feet, after which the surviving will stand still until he can free himself, he can also help an ally. If the survival does not have time to get out, the killer will come after him, and will take it on his shoulder. When a player falls into the trap, the trapper immediately notices, and sees the sacrifice through the walls. The surviving that was previously damaged, then hit a trap, and then managed to free themselves from the trap, it will be marked and highlighted in the dying state in which it will crawl bleed.

Killer Wraith.

Filipp Ozomo arrived in this country full of hope to start everything from the beginning. He was happy when he received an invitation to work in AutoHaven. A small block of the yard, where the shadow business and corrupt police were commonplace. Ozomo did not worry. He saw criminal activities in his homeland, he did not interfere in their business. He just repaired the car and crusher. Once a car arrived at him.

When he opened the trunk, he discovered a young man, with a gag in his mouth and knitted hands filled with eyes. Ozoo freed a man who managed to escape ten feet before the boss caught up with him and cut his throat. Ozomo demanded a response, and he received an explanation. One of the services of the repair courtyard was the murder of people. They were brought in the machines, after the time was the executioner. Ozomo did not believe his ears. He grabbed the boss and pressed him to the crusher. His head began to slowly shrink and gradually disappeared in the car. After that, he left and no one else saw him.

Weapons Wraith:
Skull Azarov It is the main weapon. He turned the skull and spine of his former boss into a dangerous weapon.
Heavy cast iron bell Improved with ancient forces. Allows the user to fall into the world of perfume when calling it into it.

  • Gives you complete invisibility for a while
  • Gives acceleration when moving
  • It is impossible to attack during invisibility
  • Ringing from the bell during the use of opponents is heard
  • If you are in invisibility, the opponents do not see you, but they have a heart matter

The nurse killer

Sally Smithson worked as a nurse. She had a husband, whose name was Andrew and, together, very much wanted to have children in their cozy forest house. But in one terrible moment, their dreams were destroyed. On the life of Andrew earned the cutting down of the forest, which in itself is a very dangerous occupation. And the trouble did not bypass Andrew side - in one fateful day he died at his work from an accident. The former head of Andrew brought Sally these terrible news. She stayed quite alone: \u200b\u200bwithout food, money and dreams.

The search for work was very hard and the only place where she smoot was a psychiatric medical care treatment crotus prenn asylum (crotus renun). Of all possible places of work, it was the most terrible. Without special education, she began her career from the bottom and in two years of work did not even approach the top. Everything that Sally was prevented during this time there were agony and hopelessness that the vapor was shy. All that she heard were cries of patients who cut her hearing and drove crazy. Every night spent in this hell was tormented by terrifying memories from the past - memories of the once happy life. Sally saw himself from the side: she watched as day after day it is inevitably approaching madness. Finally, Sally could not hold back - the pain spread it from the inside and struck her mind. All that she wanted at this moment - so that the patients stop screaming and she did what she considered it.

Once, the rainy September morning, the workers arrived in the hospital discovered more than fifty patients who died in their bed. Sally just sat on the cold floor, clasping his head and swinging back and forth. Only she knew what happened to the deceased in fact. But it seems that some of them strangled, as evidenced by marked on the neck. From now on, it will continue to know it under a different name. So the murderer Nurse appeared.

Features Nurse:
The nurse feels the wounded players at a distance, so if you play for the survivor try not to get any injuries.

  • Nurse is the first female killer in the game.
  • She is the first killer, which is declared as a DLC
  • Animation and the essence of its ability "Teleport" borrowed from the main character games dishonored - Corvo (Corvo)
  • The design of this character is inspired by the series Silent Hill Games

Nurse Weapons:
Medical Saw (The Bonesaw) It is the main weapon of Sally. With the help of it you can dissect the goals in front of yourself. Thanks to the special ability of Sally, to feel their victims, any wound becomes deadly for your goal. Like other killers, after hitting, she wipes her own hands with blood blades, allowing survivors to escape from her.

Teleport. Holding the second mouse button pressed the second button, you can charge teleport, from which the length of the teleportation itself will depend on the length of the teleportation (longer charge - moving on). With it, you can overcome the walls survived and other obstacles. After teleport, there is a short period of time, during which you can use teleport again for quickly moving to a short distance. After the completion of the Nurse teleport, it turns out to be stunned.

Michael Myers killer

Michael Myers biography

Many people are impregnated by malice from the moment of birth. One of the most striking representatives of such a clean malice is Michael Myers, the image of which was transferred to Dead By a Daylight with a paid DLC "The Halloween Chapter". He always liked to hurt to other people, moreover, he considered it necessary. But life, sometimes, can play a cruel joke even with such people like Myers. Some people work on solving their own problems, Michael was not so. He had one problem - the unfortunate thirst for the murder and he did not want to cope with it. Myers cruelly dealt with his own sister, helling a clown's costume - exactly this and found the police who arrived at the place of terrible crime. If you have a fire in the house, you will try to put it out, and not toggave. So the police believed that they wanted to help the boy confused in themselves, but only the flames were in his soul: they sent a boy to a psychiatric hospital, in miserable an attempt to help him. Nice therapy and moans of patients at night made it even more closed and dangerous. People thought about the existence of Michael Myers will all quickly forget, as a mistake, which should not have happened. But everything went not according to the scenario invented by the federals ... he escaped.

Weapon Michael Myers.

The main weapon of Michael Myers is a knife (eng. Knife).

Michael Myers feature - skill Evil Within.

The unique ability of Meers Evil Within allows him to accumulate anger, watching the survivors. There are 3 levels of this ability, depending on the level it gives different effects:

Evil WitHin 1.: The radius of terror becomes much smaller. Perks for detection (which survived) no longer have any influence on Michael. The speed of movement is reduced, evenly as the range of the lounge.
Evil WitHin 2.: The radius of terror becomes a little less. The speed of movement becomes slightly higher, like the range of the lounge.
Evil Within 3.: The radius of terror becomes normal. You apply double damage by your attacks. This phase operates 60 seconds, after which the splattered evil is rapidly lost.