Star fleet 2. Review of the game DSF: Star fleet. What are the advantages of a joint attack before ordinary

This game deserves attention if only because she, Sceuko, is completely like Hnov, but not Xnova.

Well, that is, the principle of the game is essentially the same - we remove the planet, military base, Build a big big fleet, and this fleet of Genne all in the foreseeable universe. And even the boats on the rice and names are similar - the battleship, the fighter, the frigate, the cruiser, and each of these ships has advantages against each other, the same balance of stone-scissor-paper, but in 4 elements + bases and flagships.

But despite the same filling of the game, it is not Xnova at all. I already thought no one would never make a full original space strategyAnd everything will be so used by the ill-fated engine with mods.

Moreover, there is even an animation of cosmic battles. Not functional, but do not care.

Review of the game DSF: Star Fleet

As I wrote - first, we need to rebuild our space station, where we will produce our fleet.

economic system.

For construction, we need mainly metal and crystals, the fuel at first need a little, until there is no fleet. But in order to build mines, you need to have electricity to power plants and the corresponding command center, from which levels of all other buildings depend on the level.

In the Scientific Center, we study all possible technologies, we open the ability to build new ships, we increase them, we master the intelligence, increase the production of resources and so on.

But for the development of science, we need gold. To do this, you need to perform tasks at first, and gradually develop the planet in the defense area, increasing the population and taxes.

And yes, you can increase the production of resources if you capture on global Map Mines that add percentage gain to production, well, you can farm neighbors.

System of Troops

To build a fleet, we need to rebuild several buildings at the station.

Shipyard. Here we are building the flagship, in battle the flagship can only be one on each side, but it can be improved, pumping and so on, so that in the future it will be a formidable unit.

Basic shop. Fighters and frigates are built here. In the foremost workshop, cruisers and battleships are built.

Each of these units has elevated characteristics against a specific ship - for example, fighters give the maximum damage to Linkoram, and battleships are killer cruisers. The cruisers in turn beat the frigates with packs, and the frigates are destroyers of fighters.

At the same time, the size of the fleet is limited to two criteria - firstly, the commander can take an army of a limited tonnage (each ship is its own weight), secondly, there are five slots for filling their ships. But according to the logic of things, enough four, as only modified improved versions of the same fighters, frigates and so on go further. The numbers change, the principle is not.

Boy system

In general, the battles are animated, but it makes no sense in this, as we cannot influence. And so - two floties are an enemy opposite the enemy, and shoot someone will be destroyed. Normally, everything is shorter.

But consider that during defense, the role of the defense center is still playing, with the development of which the lasers and cannons appear on the base. For example, at the bottom of the center 3 guns on 1632 damage to any ship and 4k + armor. It is completely inspires for the initial stages, so that the center is removed from the removal of hovel, well, well, hire the boats too.

Result, review

Yes, in general, a curious toy, perhaps, I will hang in her a couple of weeks in a free minute, until you get bored, or I will not be taken under the root.

Past the reviews have gone such chips like scene passage Missions, alliance and the skills of the Alliance, research planets through tasks, a character development system, gaining experience and other little things, so you can tell about it in the comments.

Planet Earth stopped being a house for people. In search of a new habitat, cosmic ships are looking for at least something, remindingly resembling native territories. Here in such a frightening atmosphere, our developers from the Espirit Games studio are sent. But not everything is so bad as it may seem! A browser project called DSF Star Fleet is in real time, where space settlements have become the only stronghold for small groups of survivors. Complete the path from a small orbital station to the intergalactic empire, heading the Commonwealth of Planets and spend hundreds of battles with real opponents - this is only a small part of what is to all who will lead a star fleet!


Before becoming a real commander, to establish an economic component. It is to this that the main screen of the game is preparing for us: we are watching a space station with a certain number of buildings. Moreover, some of them already have a high level (for example, the resource warehouse is developed by default to the 6th level), and some even the first did not get. It turned out because it is not necessary to choose a place for the construction of buildings in weightlessness and everything suitable for building space the space was stamped in advance. At its discretion, of course, the city will not do, but the headache is that a plant for the production of milk, or clay will not be removed in that far cell, it is completely absent.

The second vision of the world is star card. We open mines with various resources, mole rules available for robbery and movements, and "cities" of other star fleet players that can be explored. Or attack them.

Goals and development

How it is found in, it is desirable to subjugate all the living. In our case, all the cosmic within the reach of the DSF Universe. Start, however, it is worth the creation of a strong rear. It will help in this half-day semi-edid - the fulfillment of its recommendations for construction will lead to a competent, systematic development. In addition to this, each completed task is rewarded as a certain amount of resources.

You can improve not only the buildings, but also the skills of the commander. The menu of the same name opens access to a row of abilities, up to level 50.


Crystals, metal, fuel and gold mined, or exchange directly inside the game. But diamonds - a special resource, it is given only for rare tasks. In the remainder, diamonds can only be bought for real money, but also advantages It provides excellent: for example, accelerated production at factories, or instant construction in the future (at the very beginning everyone has the opportunity to complete the construction for free, without waiting for the laid time).

Fleet and buildings

Erection of any construction or opens access to new buildings and spacecraft, or increases the rate of mining minerals, as in the case of plants. In addition to improving, it is possible to lower up to 0 the rank of the building, returning, thereby, a certain amount of means spent on the upgrade.

All ships are divided into several types, produce them in different sections: flagships, for example, are produced on shipyard, and the advanced workshop serves to develop and produce battleships. The simplest, but from that no less effective combat units are fighters. Available almost from the first minutes, these quick machines are an integral part of any battle.


Under your beginning in the DSF, the Star Fleet will be the commander. His skills will grow with a level. Ranks affect economic indicators, and skills on the military.

Adjust both military and production characteristics, in the scientific center. In terms of competent control of a certain indicator, you can achieve the maximum shipbuilding rate, or, for example, resource mining.

The main planet is another bridgehead for research. Going to the thematic menu, you can explore the tides, fits, atmosphere and other natural phenomena.


DSF Star Fleet - a large-scale, full-fledged product, analogs of which, are unlikely to exist. In addition to the described functionality, you are waiting for a trip to constellations, moving in mobbo larms and story line. Recommended by all, without exception, lovers of science fiction and travel time.

DSF Star Fleet game: look into the future

Today, space is a lot of secrets, and we do not know if there is life on other planets besides ours. We are frightened by aliens, presenting them often with aggressive enslavers. But, perhaps, if there are other civilizations, not all of them are dangerous. Who knows that the future will present humanity. What gave him to open, and in which long journey it will be possible to go to trade with cute humanoids, refrain from contacts with others and frankly begun with the third. Browser multiplayer game DSF Star Fleet beats this topic, offering to be at the helm:

  • Linkra
  • Cruiser
  • Corvette
  • Fighter
  • Frigata
  • Flagship

You are waiting for the cosmic odyssey, majestic landscapes of the cold radiance of stars, unprecedented adventures, dangerous clashes, research and study of future technologies. Start the DSF Star Fleet to play, and let the space will conquer you.

Where the adventures start

As is customary in MMORPG toys, at the beginning there is a DSF Star Fleet Register or login through the social network service. Next, select the server, then create a hero, choosing the floor and assigning a name. Now the most interesting is a meeting with an assistant who diligently introduces you to the course of all events, helps to deal with the management and proposes to pass its first training tasks.

The beginners are very useful to pass the proposed quests. This not only helps to easily deal with the work of the base, but will also bring some resources for further development. After fulfilling the mission, the assistant will remove, and occasionally only will be reminded useful advice or tasks. Further development you do on your own, studying numerous branches.

  • Get resources
  • Build buildings and ships
  • Develop a planet and station
  • Gold Gold
  • Evaluate defense
  • Collect taxes

If there are ships, they need fuel and pilots, and buy them for gold, mined during quests. Another currency is provided - diamonds, but you can get them for real money. But then you can significantly speed up your own development.

The first steps of the conqueror

For the opportunity to be on your feet, I want to worship developers and thank you so much. While you do not remove the lock and do not allow other participants to pull you into war, no one can do it. While your ban on hostilities is valid, you can enjoy economics and construction, developing mines, accumulating metals and producing necessary items. All buildings are connected and they must be improved to get to new features.

In the DSF E92 Fleet you will pay attention more preparations for the battle, rather than participating in it. Hire captains and build ships, and then send them to the conflict point to observe what is happening.

Radars will help to detect the approach of others, feeding the alarm, and the higher the level of their pumping, the more accurate the testimony. Ships also require constant improvements, and you can equip them with additional armor, weapons, improve attack and defense skills.

It is known that one is difficult to repulse the most dangerous enemies, and for this are created by Alps. To join them, you need to apply, and if you are taken, you will gain allies that will help with resources and military force if there is a meeting with a strong opponent.

Alliances also give assignments, and only its participants can open them, but you can only perform 2 per day. For success, you will be awarded with medals that increase the rank of your captains.

Free developer online gamesEsprit Games has released another new product - the Space Strategy of the DSF Star Fleet. This is one of the few projects on this topic, which is available to users as an application in social network "In contact with".

The plot of the game is the story of traveling people in endless space. To search for new habitats, many ships are sent to an unfamiliar galaxy, where orbital stations near open planets are gradually tightened. The player will play the role of the head of one of such stations, which is the starting basis for many stellar vessels.

The resources with a controlled planet come here, research centers, hangars and other engineering facilities are built on the station. A fleet is formed here with which the player will be able to participate in the seizure of other territories or protect their possessions.

Gameplay can be divided into several directions:

  • Defense Area. This is the main territory under the possession of the player represented by the incomplete space. From here you can get on combat missions, visit the station or planet, look at the item hiring commanders.
  • Station. At this stage, the player is engaged in upgrades equipment to improve resource mining or opening new technologies, account counting, construction of new ships, etc.
  • Planet. This is one of the main sources of resources for the station. Its parameters (gravitational field, tides, etc.) are also improved, which is positively affected by the population. And this in turn leads to an increase in income from taxes. The more taxes are going, the more opportunities for the place of the fleet. In addition, a large number allows you to fully equip ships.
  • The battle. The player is available to the lines of military missions in which battles with enemy flotes occur. The fight passes in step-by-step mode. Virtually no participation of the player - ships take turns shooting the enemy, the battle ends after complete destruction. The main value of the number and technical perfection of cruisers and fighters.
  • Pickle hiring commanders - A kind of "tavern", if compared with RPG fantasy. Here you can choose one of the candidates proposed, and each of them has its own characteristics that will affect military actions and give bonuses to the development of the station.


Perhaps one of the most interesting features DSF is an exported outer space. Coming out of the defense area, the player hits a common planetary card, which is located a huge number of different stars available for visiting. Here you can choose the next target for attack and capture or visit unknown terrain for interest. Further more: you can look at the galaxy scheme divided into sectors. Each sector is a set of constellations, including several planetary systems. Thus, the player opens an endless field for activity. Developing its stations and gaining military power, it is possible to significantly expand its possessions over time.

DSF. Star fleet is a game in the genre of strategy on cosmic subjects. Count your space station, learn new technologies, collect a powerful army, to subsequently capture other galaxies, and in the future and the whole universe.

The tips outlined below will help beginners as soon as possible to get used in the game, as well as demonstrate better indicators.

1. Hire more workers. To speed up the construction of a building, as well as the fleet, hire as much workers as possible. The more workers' hands, the sooner the construction will end.

2. Quality prevails over the amount. Instead of buying a huge number of ships for a low price, it is better to put money in science to improve existing ones. Improve your star fleet.

3. Do not rush to the attack without busting the rear. Before laying the head to fly to explore new location And new galaxies, first light in the old, because during your absence to you can gave guests and attack your base.

4. Perform daily tasks and quests. It is not difficult to fulfill them, and they don't take a lot of time, but benefit will bring good. Successfully completing the tasks, you can count on pleasant awards in the form of medals, gold, or resources.

5. To replenish resources. If you do not have enough any resource you can do in the following ways:

a. You can rob other players and take the necessary resources from them.

b. You can also rob the mobbo hole, it is such a game location that a certain number of ships is protected. After violent over all the guards, you get precious resources, as well as you have the likelihood of getting ships drawings. For more information, see the knowledge base that can be downloaded below).

c. Perform daily or plot tasks

6. Improve the rank of your commander. Rank affects the ability of the commander in the attack, tonnage (the number of resources that can carry your fleet), the disconse of the production of resources and others.

7. Do not forget to explore the planet. The greater the population of the planet, the greater the amount in the form of taxes you can get. Then, this money can be spent on the development of the fleet or the purchase of vital resources.

8. Do not forget to update the structures and buildings. This is especially true of resource-producing plants, since after updating the speed and the amount of resource produced increases.

9. Having experienced commanders. You can also hire experienced commanders in the tavern, so you can hire a more leased commander than what you have.

10. Combine in clans with other players. As part of several players, you can make robbers of moles or other players, but at the same time the probability of success will be higher. Also, unions are useful in that if you are attacked, there is a chance that you will come to the rescue, and in case you will hurry to help a friend.

Frequent questions that are asked newcomers

How is DSF decryp?

DSF is deciphered as Deep Space Fleet, which is literally translated as a deep-space fleet.

How can you increase the tonnage of the fleet?

To increase the tonnage of the fleet, it is necessary to raise the rank of your commander. How to do this is described above. Also an increase in the level of the commander increases the carrying capacity of your fleet.

Why is such a resource as gold and where to get it?

One of the reasons for the use of gold is described above, to increase the rank of the commander. In addition, gold is used to study new technologies on space stationFor hiring commanders in a space tavern, as well as to upgrade your planet.

You can get this resource in several ways:

a. Recovering taxes from the population of the planet

b. Robbing another player or mobbo

c. Get as a reward for the successful implementation of the main task or task concerning the storyline

d. Get as a gift from clan members

In my clan there is a player who has 0D, 1D inscriptions next to his nickname, etc. What do these characters mean?

These characters show how many days the player did not appear in the game. You can contact him and find out what's wrong with him.

What means can I improve the rank of the commander?

To increase the rank of the hero, medals and gold are needed.

Where can I get a medal?

Medals can be obtained as a reward for successful implementation. daily tasks Or the tasks of the alliance. Also, medals are given for the successful robbery of mole holes.

Is it possible to give some resources to another player?

You can only if you and the player who you want to give some kind of resource are in the same clan.

What is a joint attack and how to perform it?

A joint attack, this is the way several players take part that consist in one clan. This attack is used to confront more complex opponents. In order to carry out this attack, you must select an attacker, and click on the button of the collection point (check box). In the window that appears, click the Joint Attack button and select those participants that you want to attract to this operation. After that, you will have to wait until all players participating in the attack will not arrive in the specified location.

What are the advantages of a joint attack before ordinary?

First, as it was said, it is more effective against strong opponents, and in the second, this attack does not record radar, as a result of which the opponent will be a surprise of your fall.

How to increase production speed?

Increase production speed as follows:

a. Update the basic and advanced shop. Thus will increase the rate of production of relevant ships.

b. Assign the governor of the space station of the commander

c. Update production technology

How to produce ships?

a. Select the base or advanced workshop in the space station, most ships are manufactured in one of these structures.

b. After that, choose which type of ship you would like to build and quantify, then click the "Production" button.

How to produce flagship ships?

The flagships are a powerful weapon necessary for those who dream to capture the entire galaxy. These ships are made a little different than the usual. For the construction you need shipyard, as well as the drawings of some

What are task types

a. Scene. In them, you follow the task chain where you have to fight with enemy fleets

b. Job alliance. Become available after entering into one of their alliances and receiving a certain level.

Technical questions

Answers to questions arising on the basis of technical problems.

Can't go to the game what to do?

There may be several reasons. To solve this problem, try to draw the following actions.

1. Check the internet and the quality of the Internet connection, it may be interrupted.

2. Try using another browser, as well as check if any plugins or extensions for the browser affect the launch of the game (start another game)

3. Clean your browser cache and cookies.

4. If none of the options helped, contact technical support service at Together with the description of the error (possible screenshot), write also your game nickname and game Server.

How to find out on what server I am and how to change the server?

To do this, there is a button at the top of the server selection screen. If you click on this button, then the list of all the servers available for the game is the current one will be highlighted with an arrow. Immediately you can choose another game server.

Does the game support full-screen mode?

Yes. In order to switch to this mode in the upper right corner of the game screen, there is a button by clicking on which you switch to the game mode is not the entire screen.

Is it possible to move gaming Character On another gaming server?

No, there is no such possibility in the game. You will need to create a new character. In addition, resources or gaming money are not transferred to another server. Therefore, be careful during the account replenishment in the game, whether you make an enrollment on that game server.