The treastener could only say one last phrase

Level 21 - "Eureka" game Answers:
To the question: the steel staircase has been lowered from the boat. Lower 4 steps stairs are shipped into the water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. A tide began, in which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps will be under water in 2 hours?

Solution: Two hours under water there will be the same 4 steps, because during the tide the staircase rises with the boat.

Simple language - the staircase is fixed on the category, therefore it is not worth using mathematics to this task - only logic and attentiveness.

Level 22 - game "Eureka" Answers:
To the question: Treasure Hunter old Map I got to the uninhabited island in the Caribbean. He wandered a few hours in dense tropics, until she stumbled upon the tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the uninvited guest, but before he decided to undelivered over him. The treastery could say only one last in his life phrase. If it turns out to be true, he will throw it from the mountains on a rocky shore. If the phrase is a lie, the wanderer is confused by the lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was it for the phrase, after which the elder was forced to let the treasure detector?

Answer: I'm confused by lions.

Solution: Now, if the elder gave him to the ruins of the lions, then this phrase would be truthful and the hunter would have to throw from the rock. But if it is dropped from the cliff, the phrase will be false. Elder admitted that the unique solution would release the hunter.

Simple language - mutually exclusive action can be given to any two questions.

Level 23 - game "Eureka" Answers:
To the question: Once Alice met the lion and the unicorn, resting under the tree. Strange it was creatures. Lion lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth in all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays about told the truth in all other days of the week. They expressed the following statements:
Lion: "Yesterday was one day when I LSU."
Unicorn: "Yesterday was one of the days when I am also LSU."
Of these two statements, Alice managed to bring out what day the day was.
What was the day of the week?

Answer: Thursday.

Solution: Leo could say that he lied the day before, only on Monday and on Thursday. Unicorn could say that he lied the day before, only on Thursday and on Sunday. Consequently, they both could argue that Lgali on the eve, only on Thursday.

Simple language - follow the day when the lion and unicorn can tell the truth and not the truth.

Level 24 - game "Eureka" Answers: Level 24
Question: Robbers on the forest road caught a traveler. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The gang leader provided him to choose how he wishes to die. The traveler took the challenge and took the word honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. The next instant the traveler declared a sentence himself. After that, the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did you wish to die a traveler?

Answer: From old age.

Simple language - he had to say something to live and die all his life today, and this is old age.

Level 25 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: Vovochka bought a piece of household soap. After seven styrics, the length, width and height of the piece of soap decreased twice. How long is the remaining piece of styrica?

Solution: If the length, width and height diminished twice, it means the volume has decreased 8 times. That is, after 7 styrices, 1/8 remained. Consequently, 1/8 piece is erased for each wash.

Simple language - imagine that soap must be cut off in half first in length, then width and height. It is formed by 8 identical pieces, well, and since the styrics were 7, then the last wash remained.

Level 26 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: The postman Pechekina stole a camera. In the building of the post at this time there were three boys: Kolya, Sasha and Yura. Uncle Stepa interviewed all three boys. Kohl argued that Sasha said the camera. Sasha said that he did not cradle a camera. Yura stated that he was not to blame for anything. But Uncle Stepa immediately realized that only one boy was not lied. Who is the thief?

Answer: Yura.

Solution: If the camera stole Kohl, then Sasha and Yura speak the truth. If Sasha stole, then Kolya and Jura tell the truth. If Jura stole, then only Sasha speaks the truth. So the thief is Yura.

Simple language - watch for those who tell the truth.

Level 27 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: Several Siamese cats, sailors, Kok, and one-legged Captain Hank arrived on the ship "Victory" from the southern port of arrived. All of them, together taken, there were 15 heads and 41 legs (or paws). How many cats were on the ship?

Solution: Since there are exactly a few sailors on the ship (that is, at least 2), Kok and a single-legged captain, then will read them from the sum of heads and legs. After that, there will be 11 heads and 34 legs in several cats and sailors.
Next, either the equation system is compiled, the answer is solved and it turns out. Or we note that the total number of feet in cats should be divided by 4. This means that among the remaining 11 goals, sailors can only be the odd number of 1,3,57, etc. Busting of these numbers is the only solution.
Total on the ship: 6 cats, 7 sailors, Kok and captain.

Simple language - remove the error, not or, and pursuit of foot and paw!

Level 28 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: The winemaker merged the remaining wine in the twental-political barrel, and it was filled with the edges. At that time, Lukas neighbor looked at the shop and asked him to sell five liters from this barrel. Only two buckets at 7 and at 13 liters were turned out to be at the arm at hand, but he quickly coped with the task. What is the minimum amount of transfusions to him need to get 5 liters?


Simple Language - Try more Persecute Wine there and 5 liters left ...

Level 29 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Q: Vovochnova Grandfather walked home from the subway on foot. Suddenly he had a heavy rain, and her grandfather had even had to hide and noise to hide from the water. The grandfather was reached at home, wet through. But on his head is not a wet of no hair. Why?

Answer: He was Lysim.

Simple language - not a wet no hair, then there were still hair, but he was Lysim - nonsense ...

Level 30 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: Little Jobs goes in the car in the rear seat. Parents gave him balloon with helium. The windows are closed. What happens to the ball (relative to the car body) while accelerating the machine forward (enter the answer number)?
1) shifted forward
2) fly back
3) will remain in the same place

Solution: The ball will move forward. Inertia's forces in the car deflect the bodies back, but also compress the air in the back of the closed car. This enlarged airproof pushes the ball forward. For similar reasons, when the car moves in a circle, the balloon bends towards the center of this circle.

Simple language is like a pump - all back, and a light forward.

Level 31 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: Arnold Schwarzenegger is a long one. Bruce Lee is a short one, and Pope has long been not using Pope. What is it talking about?

Answer: Surname.

Simple language - Think of something else, and not a log.

Level 32 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: Grandfather Mazay drove to the market. In each wheel, its carts are 20 spokes. How many gaps between the knitting needles in one wheel?

Solution: The same will be true for wheels with any number of spokes: the number of spokes is equal to the number of gaps between the knitting needles.

Simple language - if you take a circle, then each segment takes its own sector (interval)

Level 33 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: Balloon It is carried out by continuous wind at low speed (2 m / s) in the western direction. Which way fluttering flags in its basket?

Answer: hang or down.

Solution: a ball that worn by air flow is in relation to the surrounding air alone. Therefore, the flags will not wave into the wind in any direction, and will hang down, down, as in a windless.

Simple language - I do not agree, the ball will still fly slower and if the flag is made of a lightweight material, they will fly faster.

Level 34 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Q: Let's start to consider the fingers on the right hand: 1st - Mysinets, 2nd - Unnamed, 3rd - the middle, 4th - index, 5th - big, 6th - again index, 7th - Again, the middle, 8th - Unnamed, 9th - Mysinetse, 10th - Unnamed, etc. What finger will be in the account of 2016?

Answer: Unnamed.

Solution: The period in the counting - 8 (because the 9th is again a little finger). 2016 Delim on 8, shares without a balance, consequently, the 2016 finger is the last in the period. Consequently, this is a ring finger.

Simple language - Sam's wrong with his fingers ...

Level 35 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: If the puzzle you solved before you solved this, it was more difficult than the puzzle you solved after you solved the puzzle that you solved before you solved it, then was a puzzle that Have you solved before you solve this, harder than this?

Answer: Yes.

Solution: "The puzzle you solved before you solved this" (that is, the previous one) "It was harder than" (the previous harder than) "puzzle you solved after you solved the puzzle that you solved before However you solved this "(current). That is, the previous puzzle is more difficult than the current one.

Simple language - Bileberda ...

Level 36 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: When Dima Pope was 31 years old. Dima was 8 years old. But now the father is older than Dima twice. What is the age of Dima?

Solution: the difference in age is equal to 23 years old. Consequently, Dima must be 23 years, whatever the father is twice as older than him. It is possible to solve the system of equations X-y \u003d 23 and 2y \u003d x, where Y is a dyth age, X - the age of the father.

Simple language - here and do not need any equations, you just need to know the difference in age, she will answer.

Level 37 - Eureka game Answers:
Question: A dispute broke out in the mathematics lesson in the company: Petya argued that this is the number 9, and Boria objected, saying that this is a simple number. Then Masha said that the number is even even, and Vika reported that this is the number -15. What other are we talking about if we know that girls and boys are mistaken exactly 1 time?

Solution: Peter and Vika was mistaken. This number 2. Two is the only even number that is simple. A simple number is such a number that is found only for 1 and on itself.

Simple language - it's not necessary to solve, just know!

Level 38 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: As a child, Boria lived with his father in the village. They walked water from the well. One bucket for two for two days. Pape one bucket of water was enough for 14 days. How many days will the bucket of water bucket, if he will drink one?

Solution: 35 days. Boria drinks 2.5 times slower, therefore, it will be needed: 14 * 2.5 \u003d 35 days.

Simple language - I did not understand why he drinks 2.5 times slower?

Level 39 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: KamAZ stopped before a low overpass. He could not pass under the bridge, without scratching the roof. And lacked only 3 centimeters. The driver of KAMAZ did not imagine how to get out of the position while the little boy passed by on a bike did not tell him something. What did the boy suggested?

Answer: Release air from tires.

Solution: The boy offered to release some air from tires. Exactly as much as necessary for travel.

Simple language - the driver of Kamaz is not a driver, since such sublocks does not know ...

Level 40 - game "Eureka" Answers:
Question: Residents of Misty Albion Holy Store His name - John Spelleburn. It happened in the middle of the XVIII century. Serious Britter invented a manual for students, cutting into pieces of ordinary geographical map. Time passed, and now the whole world enjoys with the pleasure of his invention. What is it called?

Answer: Puzzles.

Solution: Cutting an image of a map to pieces was created by a puzzle, which is now called Puzzle.

Simple language - cut pieces, here and do not know when and who invented them, response to the surface.

This - logic game For any age.

And we, in turn, decided to help you with the passage of this game.

The game is waiting for you to achieve / awards that will help compete and leading among all players!


  • 21 level

Question: From the boat, a steel staircase was lowered. Lower 4 steps stairs are shipped into the water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. A tide began, in which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps will be under water in 2 hours?

Answer: 4.

Solution: Two hours under water there will be the same 4 steps, because during the tide the staircase rises with the boat.

  • 22 level

Question: The treasure hunter along the old map got to the uninhabited island in the Caribbean. He wandered a few hours in dense tropics, until she stumbled upon the tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the uninvited guest, but before he decided to undelivered over him. The treastery could say only one last in his life phrase. If it turns out to be true, he will throw it from the mountains on a rocky shore. If the phrase is a lie, the wanderer is confused by the lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was it for the phrase, after which the elder was forced to let the treasure detector?

Answer: I'm confused by lions

Solution: Now, if the elder gave him to the ruins of the lions, then this phrase would be truthful and the hunter would have to throw from the rock. But if it is dropped from the cliff, the phrase will be false. Elder admitted that the unique solution would release the hunter.

  • 23 level

Question: Once Alice, the lion and the unicorn who rest under the tree met. Strange it was creatures. Lion lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth in all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays about told the truth in all other days of the week. They expressed the following statements:
Lion: "Yesterday was one day when I LSU."
Unicorn: "Yesterday was one of the days when I am also LSU."
Of these two statements, Alice managed to bring out what day the day was.
What was the day of the week?

Answer: Thursday

Solution: Leo could say that he lied the day before, only on Monday and on Thursday. Unicorn could say that he lied the day before, only on Thursday and on Sunday. Consequently, they both could argue that Lgali on the eve, only on Thursday.

  • 24 level

Question: Robbers on the forest road caught a traveler. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The gang leader provided him to choose how he wishes to die. The traveler took the challenge and took the word honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. The next instant the traveler declared a sentence himself. After that, the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did you wish to die a traveler?

Answer: from old age

  • 25 level

Question: Vovochka bought a piece of household soap. After seven styrics, the length, width and height of the piece of soap decreased twice. How long is the remaining piece of styrica?

Answer: 1.

Solution: If the length, width and height diminished twice, it means the volume has decreased 8 times. That is, after seven styrics, 1/8 remained. Consequently, 1/8 piece is erased for each wash.

  • 26 level

Question: The postman Pechekina stole a camera. In the building of the post at this time there were three boys: Kolya, Sasha and Yura. Uncle Stepa interviewed all three boys. Kohl argued that Sasha said the camera. Sasha said that he did not cradle a camera. Yura stated that he was not to blame for anything. But Uncle Stepa immediately realized that only one boy was not lied. Who is the thief?

Answer: Yura.

Solution: If the camera stole Kohl, then Sasha and Yura speak the truth. If Sasha stole, then Kolya and Jura tell the truth. If Jura stole, then only Sasha speaks the truth. So the thief is Yura.

  • 27 level

Question: Several Siamese cats, sailors, Kok, and a single-legged Captain Hank arrived on the ship "Victory" from the southern port. All of them, together taken, there were 15 heads and 41 legs (or paws). How many cats were on the ship?

Answer: 6.

Solution: Since there are exactly a few sailors on the ship (that is, at least 2), Kok and a single-legged captain, then will read them from the sum of heads and legs. After that, there will be 11 heads and 34 legs in several cats and sailors.
Next, either the equation system is compiled, the answer is solved and it turns out. Or we note that the total number of feet in cats should be divided by 4. This means that among the remaining 11 goals, sailors can only be the odd number of 1,3,57, etc. Busting of these numbers is the only solution.
Total on the ship: 6 cats, 7 sailors, Kok and captain.

  • 28 level

Question: The winemaker merged the remaining wine in the twental-political barrel, and it was filled with the edges. At that time, Lukas neighbor looked at the shop and asked him to sell five liters from this barrel. Only two buckets at 7 and at 13 liters were turned out to be at the arm at hand, but he quickly coped with the task. What is the minimum amount of transfusions to him need to get 5 liters?

Answer: 8.

20 | 0 | 0
7 | 0 | 13
7 | 7 | 6
14 | 0 | 6
1 | 6 | 13
1 | 7 | 12
8 | 0 | 12
8 | 7 | 5

  • 29 level

Q: Vovochnova Grandfather walked home from the subway on foot. Suddenly he had a heavy rain, and her grandfather had even had to hide and noise to hide from the water. The grandfather was reached at home, wet through. But on his head is not a wet of no hair. Why?

Answer: He is bald

  • 30 level

Question: Little Jobs goes in the car in the rear seat. Parents gave him an air ball with helium. The windows are closed. What happens to the ball (relative to the car body) while accelerating the machine forward (enter the answer number)?
1) shifted forward
2) fly back
3) will remain in the same place

Answer: 1.

Solution: The ball will move forward. Inertia's forces in the car deflect the bodies back, but also compress the air in the back of the closed car. This enlarged airproof pushes the ball forward. For similar reasons, when the car moves in a circle, the balloon bends towards the center of this circle.

This time we prepared answers to the game Eureka - for phones and tablets with operating system Android, as well as iPhone and iPad (iOS).
Do you consider yourself smart? Easy to cope with puzzles of any complexity? Check yourself with a new quiz logical tasks Eureka! In the application you are waiting entertaining tasks For every taste: mathematical, logical, on "converting". Initially, each player has 9 questions. In order to open the next block, which consists of more precipitated puzzles, will have to solve 7 any of the 9 available tasks. Each time, the tasks are becoming more difficult and more difficult, which are hard to pass without a hint - it is for this purpose on our site posted for the game Eureka - Answers on all levels. Total free version Contains 67 tasks, we will look at them. On all levels of the game Eureka, we have the right solutions with comments, so you will have problems with the passage of the game.
To go to a specific task - just press the gray button with the level you need at the top or at the bottom of the page. If you have questions how to get the game Eureka for Android, iOS - write in the form of comments at the bottom of each page or on the forum.

Question: In the morning you want to drink tea with milk, but we managed to pour into a glass only tea when someone called your door. What needs to be done so that with your return tea with milk was hot: pour milk in it immediately before leaving or after you return?

Answer: Immediately.

Decision: The cooling rate is proportional to the difference in the temperatures of the heated body and the surrounding air, therefore, it should be somewhat cooling the tea, the lines of milk into it so that further cooling happened slower. Question: The ax weighs a kilogram and a polltopour. How many kilograms weigh the ax?

Answer: 2 kilograms.

Decision: The ax weighs X kg. X \u003d 1 + x / 2, x \u003d 2 Question: In the bay float 30 hungry sharks, which gradually eat each other. Shark is considered a full if she ate three other sharks (full or hungry). What is the greatest number of sharks can satisfy?

Answer: 9 sharks.

Decision: 7 sharks will eat each 3 hungry shark. The remaining 2 hungry will be eaten by 3 previously saturated. Question: Petya, Kolya and Sasha - Friends. Petya is his native brother, Kolya - Brother Sasha. Sasha - not brother Petya. Why?

Answer: Sasha - woman. Question: Masha bought mom on the birthday of flowers. How many colors she will give mom if all of them, besides two, are roses, everything except two, - tulips, and all but two, is daisies?

Answer: 3 flower.

Decision: Rose, tulip and daisy, each one flower. Question: "The director of the Lyceum objects to the cancellation of the decision to prohibit control external species (clothing) students. "What does this mean? Pupils can dress as you like?

Answer: YES.

Decision: Check Question: Can I walk in any clothes? Control over the appearance is impossible to walk in any clothes. The decision to prohibit control over the appearance - you can walk in any clothes. The director objects to the cancellation, that is, not against to go to any clothes. Question: One hundred students simultaneously studied English and German. At the end of the courses, they handed over the exam, which showed that 10 schoolchildren did not master any other language. From the remaining German passed 75 people, and English - 83. How many examined owns both languages?

Answer: 68 people.

Decision: By condition, we have that 10 did not master any of the languages, that is, we get that from 90 people 75 passed German, and 83 passed English. We find how many people know no more than one language (one or a single language). And we are interested in the maximum possible number of such people.
7 people do not know English (90-83 \u003d 7). How many people from 83 "British" may not know German? Obviously, 15 people (90-75 \u003d 15).
Thus, 15 + 7 \u003d 22 schoolchildren know no more than one language. Accordingly, 90-22 \u003d 68 people are guaranteed to own both languages. Question: What sign should be put between numbers 4 and 5 so that the result is the number of more than four, but less than five?

Answer: Comma.

Decision: Then it turns out 4.5 (four and a half). Question: The seamstress bought a silk fabric roll at 16 meters. For sewing a wedding dress for her daughter, she cut 2 meters from him every day. After how many days, she will cut the last piece?

Answer: 7.

Decision: The last piece will be cut off on day 7. Because to get 8 parts, you need to make 7 cuts. Question: Crawled group of caterpillars. One in front, and two behind. One behind and two ahead, one between two and three in a row. How many caterpillars was in the group?

Answer: 3.

Decision: They crawled one after another. Question: In the theater, three colleagues were spoken at the neighboring chairs of Parquet: Surveys of Slelves, the Mathematics of the Dark and the historian of Krasnov. "It's amazing that one of us is bright, in the other black, and the third red hair, but the hair does not match the surname," said the black-haired. "You're right," confirmed lights. What is the hair color of the historian?

Answer: THE BLACK.

Decision: In the condition of the task, there are 2 statements of which it is clear that the lights are not black-haired (because it is 2 different people). So lights with red hair. Consequently, Krasnova has black hair. He cannot have blond hair, because then the chaffer would have black hair (which contradicts the condition of the task). Question: One rainy morning secretary Mary was not in the spirit. She printed four letters to different recipients (with different addresses) and laid them at random in advance prepared registered envelopes. Could it be that only three of four letters get into the necessary envelopes?

Answer: NOT.

Decision: If you put at random three letters in the necessary envelopes, then the fourth will certainly be in its place. One, two or four letters out of four could accidentally be in their envelopes, but not three. Question: Grade 5 students were divided into "honest" and "lumbered". The first decided to never lie anymore anymore, and the second - not to speak and not write the truth. At the lesson of literature, everyone wrote an essay, which had to contain the phrase "everything, here is written, - the truth" or "everything is written here - a lie." At the checkout there were 17 "honest" and 18 "lies". What the essays contained the phrase "everything, here is written, is the truth"?

Answer: 35.

Decision: All students will write the phrase "everything, here is written, true." "Honest" will write so, because everything in the composition is true, "lied" - because it is not true. Question: 97 teams take part in the regular competition. The winner is elected as follows: these 97 teams are divided into pairs, and the teams of each pair play against each other. After the losers are excluded, the winners are again divided into pairs, etc. How many games need to play to determine the champion?

Answer: 96.

Decision: Total 97 teams. After each game is the one team. Consequently, one of the 97 teams remained alone - you need to play 96 times.
This task can also be solved by having aroused the number of games in each round: 48 + 24 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 1 \u003d 96. Question: What has a big mass - 1kg cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: Equally.

Decision: And wool and iron weigh 1 kilogram. Question: Under what circumstances are five boys, three dogs, three giraffes and mouse can climb under one umbrella and not wet?

Answer: NO RAIN. Question: Petya discharged the number from one to one hundred and odd painted in red, and even - black and decided to fold all the multicolored numbers. What is the color number that is an even number and odd?

Answer: Red.

Decision: The amount will be an odd number, therefore, red. Question: Upon nights, the gnome grouse descends into the mines for the mining of diamonds. For one night he spends one candle, lighting his way into the mine. Grorshun can make 1 new candle of 5 candle spars. If he has 25 firewalls, then how many nights it is enough for the reserve of new candles?

Answer: 6.

Decision: He will be able to make 5 new candles from 25 firewood, and when they burn, he can make the sixth of their 5 firewalls that they will remain. Question: Three thick chicken eaten three fleshy caterpillars in three minutes. How many minutes you need, so that thirty chickens missed thirty caterpillars?

Answer: 3.

Decision: If three chicken can die for three caterpillars in three minutes, then each chicken is individually needed for one chicken for three minutes. So thirty chickens are managed with thirty caterpillars all for the same three minutes. Question: Five farms in 5 hours dig 5 meters. How much do earthcakes need to dig 100m ditching for 100 hours?

Answer: 5.

Decision: You will need the same five farms, no more. In fact, five excavations in 5 hours dig 5 meters. This means five farms for 1 hour pulled 1 m ditch, and at 100 hours - 100 m. Question: From the boat, the steel staircase was lowered. Lower 4 steps stairs are shipped into the water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. A tide began, in which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps will be under water in 2 hours?

Answer: 4.

Decision: Two hours under water will be the same 4 steps, because during the tide the staircase rises with the boat. Question: The treasure hunter along the old map got to the uninhabited island in the Caribbean. He wandered a few hours in dense tropics, until she stumbled upon the tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the uninvited guest, but before he decided to undelivered over him. The treastery could say only one last in his life phrase. If it turns out to be true, he will throw it from the mountains on a rocky shore. If the phrase is a lie, the wanderer is confused by the lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was it for the phrase, after which the elder was forced to let the treasure detector?

Answer: I'm confused by lions.

Decision: Now, if the elder gave him to the ruins of the lions, then this phrase would be truthful and the hunter would have to throw from the cliff. But if it is dropped from the cliff, the phrase will be false. Elder admitted that the unique solution would release the hunter. Question: Once Alice decided the lion and the unicorn, resting under the tree. Strange it was creatures. Lion lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth in all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays about told the truth in all other days of the week. They expressed the following statements:
Lion: "Yesterday was one day when I LSU."
Unicorn: "Yesterday was one of the days when I am also LSU."
Of these two statements, Alice managed to bring out what day the day was.
What was the day of the week?


Decision: The lion could say that he lied the day before, only on Monday and Thursday. Unicorn could say that he lied the day before, only on Thursday and on Sunday. Consequently, they both could argue that Lgali on the eve, only on Thursday. Question: Robbers on the forest road caught a traveler. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The gang leader provided him to choose how he wishes to die. The traveler took the challenge and took the word honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. The next instant the traveler declared a sentence himself. After that, the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did you wish to die a traveler?

Answer: From old age. Question: Vovochka bought a piece of household soap. After seven styrics, the length, width and height of the piece of soap decreased twice. How long is the remaining piece of styrica?

Answer: 1.

Decision: If the length, width and height diminished twice, then the volume decreased 8 times. That is, after 7 styrices, 1/8 remained. Consequently, 1/8 piece is erased for each wash.

It is believed that from the island of Cocos (in Spanish - Isla Del Coco) Daniel Defo wrote off his Robinson Cruzo Island, and Stevenson - Treasure Island. And the Hollywood screenwriter Michael Kruton used the coconut as a prototype for another mythical island - in the Spielberg film "Park of the Jurassic period".

What happens in this legendary place today? About this "AIF. Without borders", Alexander Inhilevich said, a full member of the Russian geographical society, a writer, a specialist in underwater archeology and the head of the Archeo Expeditionary Club. Since 2004, he organized and conducted several expeditions in the footsteps of the campaigns of Spanish conquistadors in Latin America - Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama and Costa Rica, where he was looking for answers to the riddles of ancient civilizations. And recently, together with the participants of the club "Archao" visited the island of Cocos and plunged into his "golden" water.

Inaccessible paradise

By flight through Madrid, we arrived in San Jose - the capital of Costa Rica, the states in Central America. Then we went to jeep to the small port town of Puntarenas. From there, Safari bots walk on the island of Cocos - ships equipped for diving and accommodation on them divers. From Puntarenas to Coconut, which is 600 km from the coast, go by sea of \u200b\u200bhours 36-40. During this time, we managed to relax from the road and acclimatize (the difference in time with Moscow - 9 hours minus), and some and come to terms with the seaside disease (shakes the Pacific Ocean is pretty). For reference: in Costa Rica, two seasons, wet since April to October, when it rains every day every day, and dry, when the rains are not at all.

The island itself from the sea seems not so big: to get around it on the boat, you need a little more than half an hour. The shores seem impregnable: the height of the cliffs reaches tens of meters. In the rocks in the rocks, grottoes and arches are often found. In the whole of a strongly rugged coastline there are only two bays with beaches, where they can join the ships, Chatham and Wiefer Bay. Everything else is the sheer walls.

But for them, a real paradise is a virgin wet tropical jungle. When you go on a bot along the coast, you see how waterfalls will overthrow the sea. On the island of them about two hundred, and in the rainy season it becomes even more. There is no source of fresh water. Where are the waterfalls? Upstairs, in the mountains, there are lakes that feed on the rains. Therefore, fresh water on coconut is always in excess.

Treasure on cland

Predated Coconet received two names: "Pirate safe" and "Mecca of treasures". They say that the treasures are stored in his depths to be kept almost $ 1 billion. They are looking for from the beginning of the XIX century. And to the present day. Best of all, this complete human drama time characterizes the story of the persistent captain of August Gissler.

In 1889, a German adventurer, he founded a coaster in 1889 and had a coconut of an agricultural colony and silence almost every block of island land, spending 50 thousand then dollars to it - in full confidence that the Treasures of the Incas were hidden on the coconuts under the leadership of Pizarro. As a result, the colony was gaining due to a weak connection with the mainland, and Gissler found only a dozen old Spanish coins. After 19 years of fruitless search, he was removed from the island in full exhaustion.

The coconut himself was opened by Europeans in the XVI century. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Pirates used it as a base where it was possible to stock fresh water and wood for the repair of ships. Then, according to legend, they began to hide treasures on him. Then the coconut was a refuge for the kitoboev, he was trying to turn him into a reference prison and plantation. Both attempts failed. But the folding and adventurous tourism were bloomed. In this Mecca, more than 300 search expeditions have already visited successful hunters, but none of them announced success. Or did not admit it to him?!

What are looking for a coconut? One of the treasures belongs to the legendary British pirate of Henry Morgan. Another - Oceanographer, Literary and Again, Pirate William Dumpier. He burned on the island of gold and a former captain of the English Royal Fleet Alexander Grachm on nicknamed Benito Bonito, or bloody blade. The legend of the "Treasures of Lima" is known - Spanish state and church values \u200b\u200bexported from Peru during the war for independence (including the Golden Statue in the human growth of the Holy Virgin with a baby). All this hid on coconut English captain Scott Thompson.

Nut holiday

However, there are other treasures on coconut - its unusually rich vegetable and unique underwater world. Because of them, the island is declared a reserve and the property of UNESCO. And you can visit the Pirate safe only to resolve the Costa Rica authorities. But even when it is planned to disembarking the same divers rare - only a couple of times in 10 days, while the bot stands on the raid in the bay.

The island and the 20-mile sea zone around it guard several Rangers - the harsh guys serving the service by the Watch method. It depends on them, can you get away from the bot ashore. Can be resolved, and may not.

When our ship has thrown anchor in the Chat Bay, they approached the Zodiac Rubber Motor Boat, rose on board and first checked for all arrivals. Rangers were two: one elderly, and another very young boyfriend. The expression of the person in both was the same: self-consciousness of its own significance. And not without reason, if you consider difficulties with the protection of the reserve.

Later, photographing the neighborhood of the Ranger base, I could not get in a sense - what's the mess they have there? Old boat motors, bags with networks, dryers and even boats and boats thrown on the shore. As it turned out - the property of poachers, the mining of the Rangers over the past four months. Rangers are not ceremony with poachers: there are barrels in the boards of confiscated boats. In addition to the "zodiacs", Rangers have a high-speed boat with powerful motors and cutting.

One of the local attractions is a suspension bridge over the stream, woven from fishing gear, fishing razes and grids, decorated with plastic and foam buoy. Behind him, the trail rises along the slope through the jungle. It is covered with a blind foliage, wet and slippery. On the right - a drink, on the left - the stream of the stream, the rattling streams of water and sharp stones. The heart sometimes freezes in fright, but then you come to the spectacle of incredible beauty - a waterfall falling from a height of two hundred meters, and it all reaches. Below is a small lake with warm water, where it is allowed to swim.

And, of course, the coconuts, whose name the Spaniards called the island. Stone along the shore, we saw a newly planted groves of coconut palm trees and fresh-sided nuts. At one time, the groves of these trees were almost completely cut down.

On this expense, there is a colorful testimony of the famous British traveler Lionel Weifer, whose name is named one of the two island coves. Once the sailors who wish to deliver pleasure, almost the whole team went ashore, cut down several dozen palm trees, gathered nuts and scored about 20 gallons of coconut milk. Then they were rushed on the trunks and began to drink, uttering toasts for the king and queen. Drank a preconceitable quantity, but no one dug. However, the liquid so stuck their feelings that they could neither walk or even stand on their feet. I had to other members of the team who did not participate in entertainment, ship these sailors in the boat and send to board. Five days passed before they finally came to themselves ...


Such an interesting name of the "impregnable" island, and even such as it turns out to be known. And I hear about him for the first time. We still have to have patience to get to him.

Comment Article "Pirate Safety Deposit Box: How is the Treasures of Cocos Island?"

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Treasures of one-eyed Billy is called and mounted. Card mined. Jumped from the island on the island, because Ship Sel Dell. Being to the Cocos Island compared the data on but after eating chocolate coins, the pirates gladly sat down for their pirate table and ...

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Pirate Safety Deposit Box: How is the treasure of Cocos Island? Without borders, "said Alexander Inhilevich, a valid member of the Russian geographical society, a writer, a specialist in underwater archeology and the head of the Archeo Expeditionary Club.

    The treastener turned out to be very intelligible. The elder asked a complex task, but he found a way out and guessed to say such words:

    It saved his life because he managed to overcome the elder. And he was forced to let go of the treasure detector. So he stayed alive and was released.

    There are many options for this riddle, but the essence of the solution is the same everywhere. Our seamless treasure detector said something like

    or shorter

    Thus, he put a tribe in a dead end. After all, if he told the truth, he must be discarded from the cliff. And if he lied, then the lions should be confused, but it makes the phrase tumulant said and everything is looped.

  • Yes, indeed this story is very instructive for politicians around the world. Namely, you need to keep the word and understand what you are doing. If you say easier, the elder of the aborigines possessed logical thinking, although schools, institutions and graduate school did not finish.

    So the correct answer is that the treasure detector said he is confused by lions. Indeed, in this case it is impossible, as it contradicts the words of the elder. After all, if you give it to the lions, it will be true. And in case of truth, it must be discarded from the cliff. And if you lose it from the rocks, then this lie and again does not coincide with the statement of elders.

    It is possible to be confused in conditions of such a task, especially when life stands on the horse. But the treasure detector in order that it was not necessary to escape, and therefore he had to say only the truth, he said about his death with lions, which was the truth, indisputable. Thus, the treaster was able to be thrown from the cliff.

    The treasure detector turned out to be resourceful and in a difficult situation was able to preserve his life with the help of one phrase. He said such a phrase:

    The elder of the tribe was amazed by a smelling of a white man, because it was possible to get out. If the chief of the tribe sent a prisoner to the lions, the phrase said would be truthful, and this would mean that the treasure detector had to execute differently, dropping from the rock. But if you make this action, the phrase said would become a lie. Elder was forced to pardon the tricky treasure detector and save his life.

    Correct answer: i'm confused by lions.

    The right answer in this task is that the treasure detector told the phrase: lions confuse me. Consequently, if the elder decided that the treashedspeakers were sent to the lions to be touched, then this phrase would be true, therefore, the storage hunter would have to reset from the cliff. But then, if it is dropped from the rock, the phrase will be a lie. The elder of the Aboriginal tribe acknowledged that the usual treasure hunter would be released in this situation. That's how the coaster reached the elder of the Aboriginal tribe and saved himself from death.

    Various quizzes are very popular with such questions on the smelter and guess. Here we have a gloomy treasure detector to escape, it is necessary to choose one mutually exclusive phrase corresponding to the conditions of the task. It will sound in this way:

    If after it will be thrown from the rock, it will turn out that this is a lie, and not true. And if they give a snack of the lion, it turns out that the truth (which cannot be under the condition).

    Indeed, if you imagine yourself at the place of the treasure detector, you can get confused and say goodbye to life that will break in any case.

    But, the cutter takes the top of the difficulties. In this case, the treaster simply introduced an elder to a stupor, saying:

    This phrase on one side looks like the truth, and on the other, if it is reset from the cliff will be a lie. And how to be here, the stick turned out to be 2nd. Therefore, the elder did not remain anything like letting the seamless hero.

    This situation is once again confirmed by the fact that the output can always be found, the main thing is not to despair.

    The island is uninhabited !!! In conditions and written

    And in fact it is interesting how the Aboriginal tribes turned out to be on the uninhabited island. And besides, the tribe could explicitly with a hunter in one language and even come to a general decision that both sides arranged.

    The phrase was approximately the next -

    There are certain inconsistencies With an uninhabited island and aborigines, it would be better to write that the cannibal tribe sailed here for the cannibal utees from another (inhabited) island, well, oh well ...

    Most likely it would be eaten without options, but perhaps they have already tried intellectuals and found them inedible, now so that they do not write such questions again and ask such questions.

    The answer was supposed to be like this:

    And now what the leader do? Let's give lions - it will be true, then it would be necessary to reset. But, if you send to a free fall, it means that he uttered a lie and it would be necessary to rain it.

    To be honest, the leader would accuse the poor fellow in Sophism, and then it would scold him himself.