Logic games for boys 5 6. Logic games. Types of games developing logic

Contrary to popular belief, logical thinking is not a natural talent, which is either there is no ("Dad in Vasi Sillen in mathematics"), and quite a skill, which can be trained, like, say, muscles in the gym train are trained.

Especially good if the development of this skill will occur in childhood, when all the abilities only laid and the baby's brain is easier to send in one direction or another. Yes, and in the end, both parents, and their children are calmer and more pleasant to train thinking not in the stressful atmosphere of the lesson of mathematics or chemistry, but in a merry and unrecognized format of the game. By the way, you should not be afraid that the game will not be as effective as studying: As you know, it is best to remember what was emotionally painted for us, but what causes more positive and bright emotions from a child than a game?

We know everything about positive emotions in board games. See our selection and choose the game to your taste.

Games for logic and thinking for children from 4 - 5 years


Number of players: from 1 to 2
A pretty wooden board with deepening, and on it - the multicolored wooden figures, most similar to the volumetric tetris. As in Tetris, they must be put alone to another, only here the ranks do not disappear: on the contrary, the goal is to collect the entire field without spaces.


Number of players: from 2 to 6
Game on logic for lovers of sea depths. The playing field is filled with cards, on which mermaid, colored fish, and their enemies are drawn, and their enemies - evil gray sharks. Now it is necessary to close the field with plates of irregular shape, on which transparent bubbles are drawn, so that all sharks are under bubbles. Succeeded? Hooray, fish saved! But this is not as simple as it seems at first glance: to docile the plates and choose the location of bubbles - the task and logic, and on spatial thinking.

Soft sign

Number of players: from 1 to 6
Spiny, wet, fluffy, beautiful! I pull the card, read it with the child, then try to come up with as many objects suitable for definition as possible. Kids can read the cards out loud - by the way, this is a good game in the association, which can open you unexpected parties to thinking of your child.

Educational games for logical thinking from 6 - 7 years


Number of players: from 2 to 4
The year-2011 game in Germany, similar to the erudite on the principle, but without letters: it needs to collect rows of the figures of the same color, the longer, the better. The interests of the players intersect on the field in the literal sense of the word, so that the game trains strategic thinking, and even attention.

Cheese loopholes

Number of players: 1
A charming gift game in the form of a notebook with a magnet inside: on the page the cards of curious mice are laid out, and then it is necessary to apply pieces of holes of a holey cheese on top of them so that all the mouses look out from holes. The game has 4 levels of difficulty with different scenaries, and the latest tasks will make even adults to think.


Number of players: from 2 to 5
Stylish and multivariate Halloween style: it has night, moon, naked tree branches, withelches and most importantly - their owls and cats. Sovopots have signs: color, pattern and, actually, which is either compliance. The game will have to consider how many whom and what pattern or color are on the maps, remember the layouts, even compete to speed - quickly grab a totem with a pattern or pattern if you found the same pattern or pattern on the map. In general, it will not be bored. And these owl-cats are luxuriously drawn!

Number of players: 1
A cool game on logic and spatial thinking, in which you need to collect various combinations of rings and chopsticks, reminiscent of the scheme of molecules, and the view are fruit lollipops. 120 Tasks to properly arrange them on the playing field, will get involved in a long time even the most intentional mind, and the light and compact box will perfectly retain all sticks and rings.

Note Also on: Small, Cream and Scary fascinating games The logic and smelter are invariably like both adults and children.

Games for the development of logic and strategic thinking for children from 10 years

Jacal Island Treasure

Age: from 8 years
Number of players: from 2 to 4
Yo-ho-ho, captain, we stuck to the shore! And, swing my wooden leg, not only we! Shakal: Treasure Island, he is the best strategy 2012, he is also an excellent story about the search for treasure on a mysterious island, waiting for his bravers - and cleverware, because, in addition to adventures at every step, you will need strategic thinking from you in the game Logic and permanent accounting of the general situation on the field. After all, the salt is that several pirates are selected to the treasure from different sides!

Beehive Carbon

Number of players: 2
Stylish black and white Board, and immediately with two additions inside. Beehive are almost chess in the world of insects: two enemy anthills got in touch, and now they need to surround the queen of the enemy's mind, in one hand or moving one of her chips, or attaching another chip to his horses. In each set there are one queen of bees, 2 spiders, 2 beetles, 3 grasshoppers, 3 ants, for God's cow and mosquito - and every figure, as in chess, their own rules of the stroke. Fine tactical game On logic for children and adults.

A bunch of desktop games on logic is in the category. Can't decide what game to choose? Call, and our operator will tell you what alert will suit the best of all your child!

Flash games have won such great popularity due to its usability, you do not need to download the game and install it on a computer, flash game is loaded automatically when downloading a page from the Internet. You can only enjoy flash games.

Logic games They are puzzles, they are puzzles, they are thinking tasks, very useful for human development. The history of the first logical games in human civilization, the history of logical games, leaving historians and turn to useful facts, is an unknown. When you solve logical games, the logical thinking is developing, the speed of thinking, you begin to find solutions to the tasks raised faster, which is so useful in a modern rapidly changing world. Logical games are indispensable for the development of children of school and pre-school ages. All logic games have a pronounced mathematical orientation, it is mathematics, geometry. If you want to develop your child in the so-called creative river - music, dancing, etc., perhaps logical games will be useless for creative professions. But it is undoubtedly helping the symmetric development of the personality. After all, remember, Leonardo da Vinci is the inventor and artist and the fantastic force of the athlete.

In addition to self-development, logical games will help you spend time, imagine you in the office, until the end of the working day a few hours, and I don't want to work - right! Do not make yourself make routine work. And you get off for the breakdown of logical games. On our portal, we do not publish all logical games in a row, they pass vshesid testing for user interest, logical games with a lot of failures we simply remove. Our collection of logical games is constantly updated with new interesting online gamesami for all ages, including girls from 8 to 88 years.

For the correct I. comprehensive development The child is simply necessary for the development of logical thinking. In the future, it will help the baby to analyze any situation and choose the best way to solve the problem or problem, based on existing conditions at that time.

It is advisable to start playing with children, which has already been 5-6 years old. The child of this age can independently make logical conclusions, may understand which subject is superfluous from him can find common in the items and to form them in the group on this basis, can also tell a short history on pictures and understands how to apply the theory in practice.

Pictures with the exercises of children allow you to develop logic in the form of the game. These games are very simple, but will be interesting and the baby and playing with him an adult.

There are more simple games With pictures on the development of thinking, such as:

But also exist and more sophisticated games For children 5-6, which are allowed in the scope of logic development to develop ability to analyze.

For example, an adult must draw a few shapes on a paper sheet: a circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle. The baby will have to look at the drawn figures and draw the figure that will follow the triangle.

A good game for the development of analysis in children of five years will be the game when the baby will have to build cubes in size in descending order, and then ascending.

A game called "Friends" has proven well. It is perfectly developing attentiveness and intelligence, the child acquires the ability to analyze what is happening, and also applies its mathematical skills and develops them.

The essence of the game is that the child must draw his best friends, but at the same time he must accurately depict their height. For example, Petya above Masha, and Masha above Kati, and Marina is the lowest girl. Under each drawn friend, you will need to write his name.

Now the child will have to call, which of his friends is the highest, and who is the lowest. You can also ask the child to say how much he painted the guys, ask him who is first depicted in the picture, who is standing there, and who is the fifth who is drawn to the left of Kati, and who is to the right of Masha. You can suggest the child to count how much the guys will be in the picture, if two leave, as well as how many children will be if another girl joins the game.

Another interesting game for children is 5-6 years old will be the game called "Scattered Artist". During the game, the child will develop memory and intelligence, the baby will try to organize his work itself, as well as if there are two and more children, they can also develop their competitive abilities.

An adult will have to draw a telephone disk and place a diferk on it, but not in order, but in a disorder. The child will have to look at the drawing and correct visible errors.

If the kids are somewhat, prepare more drawings and ask children to fix mistakes. You can hand a small prize to the one who first cope with the task.

Games for preschool children

Children preschool age It is very easy to interest and draw into the game where logic development occurs with the help of questions.

But only now small soak will be answered, and adults will ask. Such. the game will suit Children of five and six years old, it must be held in a calm, friendly and fun atmosphere. Be sure to praise the child for the efforts and the correct answers.

For workout a couple interesting tasks, you need to draw logical missing items:

The game "I believe, I do not believe" is that the child will have to learn to think independently and will not hurry to accept any information that comes from adults. This is an extremely necessary skill for children of six years.

So, an adult utters a phrase, and the child listens and makes a conclusion, whether this statement is correct, or it is false. Examples of phrases can be the most different:

  • All apples are green.
  • Dinosaurs live in the forest.
  • Raspberries grows on a tree.
  • Rain goes in the summer.
  • Snow lies only in January.
  • All birds fly.

Ask the baby not only unambiguous phrases, but also to which you can give a dual answer. Let the child thinks, justify his point of view, the development of curiosity occurs, the desire to get to the bottom, the observation and the kid develops its own life experience.

One more curious game For preschoolers, six years will be the game "call in one word."

The child will learn to think abstractly and will be able to develop the ability to generalize. An adult will have to call a group of words that have one common feature, and the child of five and six years should say how these words can be called entirely:

  1. "Bedside, Shelf, Table, Chair" - Total Name "Furniture"
  2. "Eraser, Sharpener, Flomaster, Marker" - "Stationery"
  3. "Cucumber, Tomato, Onions, Cabbage -" Vegetables "
  4. "Cat, dog, cow, crocodile" - "Animals"
  5. "Chicken, parrot, dove, seagull" - "Birds"

Mathematical riddles

At a five-year-old age, the child must already be able to consider at least ten, as well as to make simple mathematical actions. You can teach a child to make simple mathematical actions in domestic situations, for this it is absolutely no need to allocate some special time.

An example of such a game can be an account of objects that surround us in life every day. You can ask the child to calculate how many chairs are in the room. Ask the baby a question, whether there will be enough chairs if you need to sit on them six guests if not enough, ask how much it will be necessary to bring in the room of the chairs to place everyone. The purpose of this game will be the development of such mathematical actions as addition and subtraction, but their development will occur in the form of a light and unobtrusive game and the child is better in the material.

Use cubes or other toys so that the child understands how to fold 2 and 2 to work out 4, ask the child to calculate how many cubes will remain if he gives two of the five cubes to his friend. Such mathematical riddles, supported by actions and visual images, will remember the child much better than working with the same actions on paper.

Development of thinking and logic in children are successfully helped by special logical games, designed and thoughtful in accordance with the age of the child.

From the age of 5-6 years, the development of the child's personality begins, little man It ceases to ask the question "Why?".

It is starting to interest more sophisticated questionswhich sometimes put parents in a dead end.

We tried to collect useful information About logical games for children 5-6 years old in one article to help you easier to navigate and choose the most suitable for your child.

The child at this age is most often considered to 10; writes different letters; Slightly reads in syllables; Complies certain rules and norms of behavior (for example, at the table); performs simple mathematical actions; Plays with peers and independently.

From the point of view of the development of logical thinking, the child at this age should be able to:

  • make logical conclusions;
  • from a variety of items presented to remove the extra;
  • from a variety of items presented to decompose them in groups and find a general feature;
  • come up with a story on the proposed pictures;
  • come up with the end of the story;
  • understand that you can apply theory to practice.

Types of games developing logic

You can develop logical thinking in children 5-6 years old using games with cards, online games, computer, graphic, speech, desktop, various puzzles, etc. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Graphic Games for Logic Development

Graphics for children 5-6 years old develop logic, attention, thinking. The child is quite capable of cope with them.

Examples, graphic games:

  • find similar objects;
  • remove the extra object;
  • coloring a specific subject on the task;
  • paint into sample;
  • draw something in a certain subject;
  • find out the labyrinth.

Speech logical games

Speech games encourage the child to build a logical row and find the right answer, they have to make a child think.

You can, for example, ask your baby such a task:

Multicolored ship
I came to the river. How many multi-colored boats today on the river: yellow, red, orange! They all flew here through the air. Fill the boat, go down on the water and immediately float. Many still arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And then the boats will no longer fly, and the river will freeze. Tell us what it is behind the boats and at what time of year they appear.
(N.F. Vinogradova)

Board games for the development of logic

Board games for children should be interesting and entertaining. Parents will also be interested in joining children and play the whole family, because board games are designed for several people.

For example, table game "Quiz first grader" From Oley Emelyanova - designed for preschool children in order to check the level of preparation for school.

The meaning of the game is that you need to get home from home to school. In order to go through this path, you need to answer questions correctly. One person must read the questions and check the answers.

Table game "NPI cheerful logic" -puzzles, one often consists of a whole, and the second of the parts of the picture. You need to connect both. The game develops figurative thinking, logic, imagination.

Puzzles for children

Puzzles for children train memory, attention, logic. The name of these tasks already suggests that you have to think well to find the answer.

The task may have the following questions:

  • find differences;
  • find a way out of the labyrinth;
  • find certain fragments;
  • rebuses;
  • and much more.

Example Puzzle: In the picture, find that house, from the details of which you can build the same as in the picture of the boy.

1. O.ANTONOVA, " Smart games. Smart children. Educational games and exercises for children 5 years old "- the book will help develop thinking, logic, memory, speech, imagination.

2. Z.Yu.Hlebnikova, "Educational games" - educational games for children from 5 years plus gift - stickers.

3. N. Coppers, "The best tasks for the development of logic" will help to teach your children to reason logically. The book has tips for parents who will help organize the learning process.

4. O. Zakharova, "The first logic lessons" - teaches the child to build logically consistently thought.

5. L.F. Tikhomirova, "Logic lessons in Prostokvashino" - Favorite characters will make the learning process even more interesting.

We give only sample list For children 5-6 years old, but you can purchase other books. All specified books can be found at www.ozon.ru, just enter the name of the book in the search bar.

Games on the development of logic online

The game "Grow a butterfly" -you need to put the picture correctly according to the development of the caterpillar into the butterfly. Bright, colorful game on the site www.igramsa.ru

Many different exercises for the development of logic and not only on the site www.iqsha.ru

Checkers- Play chess to a child, of course, early. But you can try in checkers on the site www.winalitesib.ru

The developing game "Figures and Colors" -there are four figures in the center, you need to supplement each of them the missing fragment from the bottom suitable in form and color. Develops figurative thinking and logic. You can find the game on the site www.playshake.ru

Part and whole - interesting gameDeveloping logic. The top depicts objects, one part of this item below. You need to find part and connect with a whole image. You can find the game on the site www.igramsa.ru

Computer games

Game "Little confectioner. Develop logic "
- Allows the child to get acquainted with the concept of "circuit", develops logic and figurative thinking, teaches to collect candy, that is, objects, by symmetry.

In the game two options:

  • presented partially filled candy box. Cells for one type of candy are highlighted in color. It is necessary to find a suitable candy and put in the desired cell.
  • presented partially filled candy box. It is necessary to fill it in such a way that the candy is set up symmetrically.

Jukebox. Logic for children - There is a statement on the screen, the announcer pronounces it. You need to choose correct statement or not. If the answer is correct, the melody plays. Tasks for causal relationships are available (for example, furniture is usually wooden, a wooden spoon. So it is furniture), generalizations, judgments, part and integer, etc.

Smartphone Games (Android), iPad, iPhone

Children are very quickly mastering the technique: smartphone, iPad, iPhone, naturally, children's games-games are available for them.

For example, the application - the child will need to collect a puzzle, paint the picture, which allows you to study colors. The game has several levels of difficulty and many colorful characters. The game is suitable for iPad.

Alphabet with filling (HD) alphabet -a wonderful game that allows you to study the alphabet. Built on associations, items repeat the shape of the letters, in the game an interesting animation - watermelon can be eaten, the fish is fun to dissolve, etc. Suitable for iPad and smartphone (Android).

Hedgehog Adventures -the game developed by a professional psychologist. Aims to develop logical thinking, attention, memory. Suitable for smartphone (Android), iPad, iPhone. For children from 4 to 6 years.

Dear parents, engage in your children, develop their thinking, logic, imagination, figurative thinking. Remember that the child in 5-6 years is actively developing and the game process contributes to the best perception of information. Use this time with benefit.

For the children of 3-5 years, a chic opportunity is provided to take part in interesting and useful computer entertainment from the QuickSave portal. Most guys are attracted interactive games With bright animations and familiar cartoon characters. For the development of visual and motor coordination, associative thinking and concentration, effectively playing puzzles, filling the Sudoku, the decay of solitaires. Gradually, the complicating levels help support progress in the development of the intellectual abilities of young igmanov.

QuickSave opens a unique virtual world for inquisitive children

Cognitive logic online applications laid a solid foundation for future mental accomplishments of growing fidgets. Approximately aged 4 years, the child needs to begin forming the following skills:

  • Responsibility and discipline;
  • Independence and purposefulness;
  • Thinking and memory;
  • Development of adherence and coordination.

The undoubted advantage of such flash games is the format of a fascinating show, an improvised presentation, which is perceived into the hunt for children and leads to amazing results. The kids discover the abilities of the primary analysis and finding certain patterns - it becomes a key to the emergence of an individual creative vein, which can be further strengthened.

Adults are obliged to limit children from long-term gatherings in front of a computer screen, making emphasis on utility and developing effect. In addition to live communications with peer buddies, caring parents should allow their children to play online trailings, do not deprive their joys that can give a virtual space.

Fresh Baggage Fresh Knowledge with QuickSave

If the child fools and does not listen to adults - show him a colorful picture on the screen and will forget about any whims. In the eyes of surprised parents, their kids will turn into full-fledged personalities, and in mental development there will be colossal positive changes. Yunets will soon be able to boast a solid lexic reserve and the ability to compile meaningful grammatical structures. Throw new interesting tests to the children's brain, which are presented in wonderful games from the category: