As in minecraft, light the lamp. How to make a lamp in Minecraft and what principle it works. Light in the game

Nights in the world of minecraft are extremely uncomfortable. And of course game process Invites us a varied selection of items that can be lit by the dwelling.


The choice of lamps is diverse. Here is an incomplete list of what you can illuminate your home: Torch, Jack lamp, Lava, glowing stones, fire and lamp.

The lamp in minecraft does not look like in life, this is a glowing block that the place in the home you created. Today we will talk about how to create it.

Kraft lamp

Kraft in minecraft - not a lesson. To create a lamp, we will need red dust and glowing stone. Red dust is obtained relatively easily - with the help of Kirk and Red ore, but with the student you will have to tinker. As the final ingredient, it is found in the lower worlds and resembles corals. In any case, you will need a portal to hell in order to scream it out there from SVESOPLE, but for this you will need a witch, but it should not stop you.

To create a lamp, you need one lightweight and four parts of red dust. It burns brighter than a torch, spreading light to fifteen blocks. May make melting snow and ice.

Activation of lamp

In addition to the crafting of the lamp, it will have to activate. For this you need:

Two stones to create an activation button

Red Stone Schemes
Purpose rails
Levers. Crafty from a cobblestone stick

Rules for connecting switches to the lamp standard: the signal must come from any neighboring unit.

In the light of the lamp on underground farms, you can grow a crop. Also, the waterproof lamp and you can swim.

Like all devices in minecraft, the light bulb and the corresponding bugs have not passed:

  • When the lamp is turned on on the street on the old PC, lags begin.
  • The lamp can signal from the red stone, although its type is the glass itself.

Video lessons

Lighting in "Mininfest" is one of the main tasks facing the player. Why? Yes, because the lights will not be saved. The more area you light up, the less chance that the monster will appear next to you. Of course, you can use ordinary torches, but the radius of their lighting is much smaller than the lamp. So, how to make a lamp in "minecraft"?


In fact, we will need not so much raw materials for the production of the subject matter. The lamp in the "minecraft" crafes from the following ingredients.

  1. Red dust. You can get it, breaking the blocks of red ore. There is also some chance to get dust when killing a witch.
  2. Glowing stone. It is mined in two ways. If you have a kirk with a "silk touch", then you will make ready-made blocks without any problems. If you have a regular tool, then break the blocks and collect glowing dust. Of the four handful you can scream one-piece stone.

Here, in fact, everything that will require "minecraft". How to make a lamp, look below. The main thing is to remember that one lamp need four handfuls of red dust and one block of luminous stone. So stock all necessary immediately.


Having collected everything you need to inventory, we go to our workbench. We are laying out materials.

  • In the very center place glowing stone.
  • On the sides, lay red dust.
  • The corners of the workbench remain empty.

As you can see, you had to get a lamp. Before installing, be sure to check the surrounding space. It should not be hostile beingsOtherwise, the light can attract them to you, and it can end it very sad.

Also, when installing the lamp, it is necessary to consider the terrain. The fact is that in some versions when installing this item on the street (out indoor Or the cave), players begins terribly despite the fact that the lamp has the highest brightness in the game, you can hardly have to highlight the entire courtyard at the house. The lamp is ideal for lighting the caves, but is not suitable for open areas.


Now you know how to make a lamp in minecraft. But are there any alternatives to this amateur subject? Of course, you can take advantage of the torches, however, the light from them is not enough, but cheap and angrily.

The second option is the installation of a simple glowing stone. The Knowledge Base "Minecraft" suggests that this natural unit also emits light, which, in turn, allows you to replace the lamp. The only "but" will remain that it cannot be turned off at the daytime day, and indeed, in terms of design, it is not the best solution. Therefore, it is much better to figure out how to make a lamp in minecraft.

Among the announced changes in Minecraft, there is information about the future introduction of such a block as a lantern. He will be infinite and replaced all the torches that have a player. At the same time, torches will be able to burn out (end). Thus, it can be seen that the lamps will always remain relevant, even with the introduction of innovations and improvements. Boldly Kraft this object, despite the complexity of obtaining some of its components, because you still will not remain anyway, except in the "minecraft" to make a lamp.

How is neither paradoxical but in modern world The game is increasingly popular, which is in the quality of graphics at the level of the 90s. Moreover, for many game creators, such an event has become a big surprise. And the author's very same idea of \u200b\u200bMarcus person, or, as it is called fans, "Notch", this project ozotil in the literal sense of the word.

The game scored its first fans, when it was at the beta test stage. Notch simply laid out the game in the STEM, where people quickly tygged and began to master it. After such a sharp "breakthrough", the Creator Minecraft hired assistants (for revengeted money) and began a serious improvement of the game.

In this article we will talk about such an interesting thing in the game, like lamps. Consider how to make a lamp in Minecraft, as it should be located. And also what ingredients are used for its crafting.

But before the answer to the question of how to make a lamp in Minecraft, it is necessary to consider the entire system of creating things in this game. And although it seems quite complicated, there are a huge set of sites on the Internet, on which there are guides crafting things. So, in fact, there are 2 places in the game in which you can do anything. This is an inventory of the player himself, in which 4 blocks, for different items and workbenches in which you can put up to 9 items. By the way, in some fan supplements there are more advanced workbenches, with a large number of blocks for accommodation.

And now let's look at how to make a lamp in Minecraft. Initially, we will need a workbench, which is manufactured in the inventory of the character of 4 blocks of boards. We also need luminous dust from which we will do Australia.

By the way, the work of Lama has a number distinctive features. Other lamps in the game are the sources of permanent light. And they cannot be turned off, the lamp works only if the Redstone is connected to it. And after receiving Australia, put it on the workbench, to the center, and the cross are folding the Redstone.

True, for inexperienced players, the answer to the question of how to make the lamp in Minecraft, is not fully disclosed. After all, it is not clear how to get luminous dust from which the glowing stone (Australians) is made. For mining, SVESOPLE will have to sweat. After all, it is only in hell, which is an extremely dangerous place, and without serious equipment there is better not going there.

Now let's analyze what is the lamp in Minecraft. As already mentioned earlier, it works only if the Redstone is connected to it. It is convenient to create a home atmosphere. Also in minecraft game The lamp serves to create an entourage. When you go to someone in the house, you press the chopper, everything becomes consecrated. Although there are also minuses in the source of alternating light, in particular, in the dark mobs can be spoiled, which does not occur in consecrated areas.

It can also be said that only hardcore players enjoy the lamps, because it requires costs in manufacturing and accommodating. And it is much easier to scream torch or glowing stone. Yes, and to install other light sources does not require a complex chain from Redstone, which is not just expensive, but also requires a lot of free space.

Good evening. With you editor sailor and today i will tell how to make a lamp in minecraft.

Light in the game

Light is a fairly important element of the game. Without light, we will not see anything in the mine and we will not be able to protect your home from hostile mobs.

There are two ways to get light. The first is the easiest. This is the creation of a torch. For his craft, we need only two material. Stick and coal. In the bottom slot we put a stick, and in the upper slot coal.

The second method is more complicated, but more beautiful. This is a lamp. We will need a glowing stone, which is mined in the lower world, and red dust. The center is putting a glowing stone, and in the second, fourth, sixth and eighth slots for a single red dust. We get one lamp.

We insert it into the ceiling and connect with red dust with the lever. Make it is very easy, but if you have long lamp roads, then do not forget the repeaters so that the energy go everywhere. Yes, red dust has its distance on which it will work.

Now, when you click on the lever, we will light up the lamps. I think none mechanical house Will not cost without this mechanism, because it is the easiest, but very beautiful.

If you have any questions left, I advise you to go to our forum.

Lamp in Minecraft is unique element Gameplay that will help players to illuminate dark rooms without the use of torch. After all, the lamp is much more convenient, to light up and it will be worse at the request of the playing that the root distinguishes it from the same torch. Due to the fact that a special lever will be installed on the lamp, allowing it to do.

How to scream (do) lamp

But MAYKRAFT Many Players is worried about what the lamp is actually needed, but how to do it. For this event, you will need some items: one block of glowing stone, four blocks of luminous stone, well, and workbench.

To obtain a lamp, it is necessary to place the above items in such an arrangement as indicated in the figure. But all. The lamp is ready, you can proceed to its operation. You need to add that this lamp can be used not only to illuminate nearby terrain, but also to do some manipulations in the game. For example, for heating ice, snow, which makes the lamp in Minecraft at all indispensable.

And thanks to the special placement of lamps around the perimeter of his house, you can create an exclusive decor element that gives the mansion of high costs and prestige. To implement this execution, you only need to show a unique smell. Well, and a little turn into brains.