Sensory development didactic game for young children “Let's help mom hang out her clothes. Didactic game on sensory development for young children "Let's help mom hang clothes Hanging games

« Let's help mom hang out clothes»

Didactic game provided by Antonova Galina Mikhailovna, educator kindergarten №9 "Alyonka" (Osa city)


1. Work on consolidating knowledge of colors .

2. Teach to pick up items clothes and clothespins of the desired color.

3. Enrich the vocabulary children with the words of the name of the clothes, colors.

4. Develop fine motor skills hands.

5. Foster desire to help mom, perseverance, skill play in pairs.

Early age of children- the most favorable time for sensory development, without which the normal formation of the child's mental abilities is impossible. This period is important for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around them, recognizing creativity. Sensory development a child literally from the first days of his life is the key to successful implementation different types activities. So pedagogical process in the nursery preschool it is necessary to build taking into account age and the individual characteristics of the child, his tendency to play. The game is the main activity of the child. It regulates not only the behavior of the child, but also his inner life, helps to understand yourself, their attitude to the world. This is practically the only area where he can show initiative and creativity. And at the same time, it is in the game that the child learns to control and evaluate himself, to understand what he is doing right.

To pick up an object with one hand, the toddler must already be motor ready for this. If he cannot grasp this object, he will not be able to feel it. This means that if we do not teach the child's hands to be dexterous and skillful, then he will not be able to learn much from their help... And the sooner we put new, unexplored objects into his hands, the faster and better he will develop. sensory motor skills.

Game made:

wooden box in size 20 * 30cm. In the four corners, 15cm high posts are screwed. Holes are made in them for a clothesline that runs along the entire perimeter. Clothes for girls, for a boy glued to thick cardboard and pasted over with tape. All clothes in four colors(yellow, red, blue, green)... Plain clothespins in four colors (red, yellow, green, blue)

Game progress:

1. You can play together.

2. The teacher says that mom washed clothes for children and asks for help to hang them up to dry.

2. The child takes one item clothes, names him, identifies the color and picks up a clothespin of the same color. Opens the clothespin and hangs "dry".

3. If the child speaks poorly, then the teacher guides and helps... Take a clothespin the same color as the shorts.

At the end of the game, it is important to praise the child, to say that he is great! What helped mom.

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Scenario of a matinee dedicated to the holiday

Target: Create a festive mood for children.

Tasks: - instill love and respect for mom;

Learn to be kind, polite;

To foster in children love and respect for their elders.

The course of the holiday.

V.: Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers! We are glad to welcome you to the holiday that we have prepared for you.

Children come out to the music in pairs, dance "", stand in a semicircle

How smart you are.
How neat you are.
And how not to rejoice in us -
Today is a holiday for our mothers!

Happy March 8th,
Happy spring holiday,
With the first flowers
In this bright hour!
Dear ones,
Dear, dear,
Most beautiful,
We got dressed up today
Let's sing and dance
Let's have fun together
Let's congratulate mom!
Happy March 8,
Happy spring holiday
Dear mothers, we congratulate you!
Beautiful moms
Kind and loved
We will now congratulate
Let's give them a song!

The song "Pies". They sang. We sat down on the chairs.

Surprise moment: A clown runs into the hall to an incendiary melody. He has one shoe on his feet, which is hidden in the hall.

Bow : I AM! I want to congratulate our beloved mothers!

Leading: Dear Bow! We are listening to you!

Bow : Oh, where's my bow shoe? Guys, have you seen where my favorite shoe is?

Children help the clown look for his shoe. Find it under a chair.

Bow : Guys, thank you very much for your help!

Leading: Yes, our guys are great, they always help with pleasure. They themselves will now tell about it.

Poems "Mom's helpers"

I help mommy
I put the toys away.
Things are also in their places
I can decompose myself.

To surprise mom
I can cook compote.
I can do a lot
So that mom can rest! ©

I am one of my mother's son,

Mom doesn't have a daughter

How can mom not help

Wash handkerchiefs.

The soap foams in the trough

I wash, look!

Bow: What wonderful children you have! (to parents). What good fellows! You know how to read poetry, you help mothers ... Do you never indulge? And you know what is good and what is bad? We will check it now.

Good-bad game

If children think that this is “good”, then they loudly shout “Yes!”, Stomp and clap. And if they disagree, then there is complete silence in the hall.

Tell me friends
You can do what and what is not.
It's good what and what is not,
Give the correct answer.
Good before eating
Wash hands with soapy water ...
Brush your teeth in the morning ...
Wash your ears in the evenings ...
Help everyone in the world ...
And offend my sister ...
Climb a big fence ...
Sit in a big puddle in the rain ...
To read books to brother ...
Draw birds in books ...
Make feeders for animals ...
Clean up toys at home ...
Do not be lazy, do not be naughty ...
Thank you all to say ...
Fight, stay awake at night ...
And water the flowers ...
Listen to grandmother and grandfather ...
Eat vitamins more often ...
Watch cartoons all night ...
Help Mom and Dad ...
Well done! That's right, children,
You all know in the world:
It's good what and what is not,
They gave the correct answer.

Bow: Well done!

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Look outside the window:

It became a little warmer there.

The main holiday is coming

The sun meets him!

Children(in turn):

Us early this morning

The ringing of the drop woke me up.

What's happened? This is a holiday-

Mom's holiday has come!

For the holiday we tried:

Combed their hair neatly,

We washed, dressed,

To make moms smile.

Happy spring holiday

We congratulate you,

We wish you happiness ...

The holiday is starting!

Leading: And we will start the holiday with a song for our beloved mothers!

Our beloved mothers

Congratulations on women's day,

For them on our holiday

We will sing a song.

Song " ".

After singing the song, the children sit on the chairs. The clown Klepa comes out to the music.

Klepa: Hello kids,

Girls and boys

I am Klepa, a glorious clown,

Cheerful and funny!

I was in a hurry to you, in a hurry,

I almost fell into a ditch.

I ran into a birch tree

I touched two bushes with my nose,

And then five times fell -

Finally I got to you!

Leading: Hello, Klepa! You were probably in a hurry to congratulate all mothers and girls on their holiday?

Klepa: Certainly!

And for you in a fun hour

I have a present (puts his hand in his pocket)

These beads are not simple,

And magic, colored!

(takes a string without beads from his pocket)

Oh, while I was running to you,

Beads have lost everything….

Help me guys,

Collect all the beads!

Leading: Don't worry, Klepa!

We will find all the beads -

Congratulations to mom on Women's Day!

After all, the bead will be a surprise for mothers,

And we will give these surprises to you.

Klepa:(finds one bead in his pocket)

Hooray! I found one bead.

(gives it to the host)

I'll run to look for the rest.

Leading: Here is our first bead ( string it on a string).

The Kurochka enters the hall to the music.

Hen: Hello guys!

Hello guests! Ko-Ko-Ko.

I walked along the path - I found your bead.

(Gives the bead to the host, string it on a string)

And now you are not sitting

Dance with me!

Sing along to the song,

Congratulations to all mothers!

Children with a chicken sing and dance "Song of the Chickens".

Leading: Thank you, Hen!

The chicken leaves.

Child: We are preparing a surprise for mom -

We will wash everything ourselves!

Leading: Guys, let's show our mothers what kind of helpers we are.

Poems "Mother's helpers".

I help mommy
I put the toys away.
Things are also in their places
I can decompose myself.

To surprise mom
I can cook compote.
I can do a lot
So that mom can rest! ©

I am one of my mother's son,

Mom doesn't have a daughter

How can mom not help

Wash handkerchiefs.

The soap foams in the trough

I wash, look!

After they sit on the chairs.

Leading: Everything has been washed, but now it is necessary to hang the laundry to dry! Guys, we will now call our mothers and play with them the game "Hang up the handkerchiefs."

Play with moms "Hang up the handkerchiefs".

After the game, Grandmother enters the hall to the music.

Grandmother: Hello guys! Hello grandchildren!

I was in the garden, there I found a bead.

(gives it to the presenter, string it on a string)

Leading: Dear granny, congratulations on the spring holiday!

We wish you health and happiness.

Poems about grandmother

Native grandma
(M. Sidorova)

My dear grandmother,
My darling,
More than anyone else in the world
I love you.

I will never
To upset you.
Just be healthy
My grandmother.

Who will tell the tale
Will he sing a song?
There is no dearer grandmother
She will understand everyone.

Together with us the sun
Sings for you.
You are my scarlet flower
You are my light!

Grandmother: Well, thanks, we made you happy! Come on, come on, I'll go, I'll bake you some nutlets,

I will treat you all delicious and fresh!

Leading: Guys, can we help grandmother bake pies?

The song "Pies".

Leading: Guys, our mothers are too late for something! Let's invite them to dance!

"Dance with Moms" ???????

After the dance, Klepa enters the hall to the music..

Klepa: (joyfully).

Guys, I still found beads!

He gives all the beads to the presenter, they string them.

Klepa: We have all collected beads,

Now we will give them to mom.

(Addressing the presenter).

Only here we have only one bead, but there are many mothers! What do we do?

Leading: Our guys did their best: each made a necklace for his mother!

To the music, everyone gives their mother a gift, a craft in the form of crumpled paper beads.

Klepa and the Presenter say goodbye to the guests, say words of congratulations. Children leave the hall.

Bring happiness to a monkey in two clicks. The macaque does not want to be sad for too long and invites you on an adventure where solving puzzles is as easy as shelling pears. It will take very few combinations and moves to find the answer and get the big smile of the mischievous woman. Each new room has a victory. Move with ease and fun. The game "Cheer up the monkey" is suitable for players who do not like to tinker in one place for a long time in order to achieve a result.

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When you play, invite the kids to the screen, and they will enjoy the fairy-tale characters with you. Indeed, while walking, you will not meet frightening battles or evil animals. Even the collected coins you will spend not on purchases, but for subsequent entertainment by the eared one. Have fun dynamically!