How to assemble a cube Rubik when one side is collected. How to assemble the first layer of Rubik's cube. Theory: Common Language

The designations of the parties and the language of rotation by Russian letters

First of all, we agree on the symbol system. Cube's faces are denoted by letters F, T, P, L, B, N - initial letters words facade, rear, right, left, top, bottom. What edge of the cube to count the facade - blue, green, etc. - depends on you and from the resulting situation. In the process of assembly, you will have to take several times for the facade one or another face convenient for this case. The central cubes define the color of the face, that is, it can be said that even in a fully confused cube, the central cubes are already selected and each of them remains to attach 8 cubes of the same color. Central cubes are designated by one letter: f, T, P, L, B, N.

Rib cubes (their 12 pieces) belong to two faces and are denoted by two letters, for example fP, PV, FN etc.

Corner cubes - three letters on the name of the faces, for example, fPV, FLN etc.

Capital letters F, T, P, L, B, N Elementary operations of rotation of the corresponding face (layer, slice) of the cube are 90 ° clockwise. Designations F ", T", P ", L", V ", N" correspond to the turn of the faces 90 ° counterclockwise. Designations F 2, p 2 and so on. They talk about the double turn of the corresponding face ( F 2 \u003d FF).

Letter FROM Denote the rotation of the middle layer. The substitution index shows from which face the face should be viewed to do this turn. for example With P. - from the right edge, With N. - from the bottom, With "L. - from the side of the left, counterclockwise, etc. It is clear that With n \u003d s "in, With n \u003d c "l etc. Letter ABOUT - Rotate (turnover) of the entire cube around its axis. About F. - on the side of the facade face clockwise, etc.

Process recording (F "P") H 2 (PF) Means: Rotate the front face counterclockwise 90 °, the same is the right face, turn the lower line twice (that is, 180 °), turn the right line 90 ° clockwise, turn the front line 90 ° clockwise.

Along with the letter of processes, the matrix form of recording is also used, where elementary operations are depicted with a pattern of a facade face with the corresponding arrows indicating the direction of turns of the corresponding face.

The layering algorithm of the Rubik cube assembly is far from the only one. There are other ways to which - on other pages of this section.

To be continued...

You break your head over this puzzle. And now, finally, she is assembled! .. You never understand the joy of a man who gathered the Rubik's cube until they ourselves do it.

For an inexperienced people, collect Rubik's cube - the task is not simple. Of course, on the Internet you can find both video and instructions from where there is detailed description step-by-step assembly. But not all methods are amenable to successful use in practice.

For beginners collectors

We will understand the same, from which the cube of Rubik 3x3 is and how it can be twisted (although, most likely, the first time he will twist you!).

The cube has a frame - a cross, on which the central details of each side are fixed. These details are fixed, and the rest of the "brethren" spins around them.

Now take a cube, turn to yourself one of the sides (at your discretion) and carefully consider:

In ─ upper side

N ─ bottom side

L ─ left side

P ─ right side,

F - Frontal (front) side,

S ─ rear side.

And, accordingly, it is important to assimilate the combinations of turns:

F, Z, B, N, L, P - rotation clockwise (or - from itself) 90 degrees;

F ', z', in ', n', l ', p' - rotation counterclockwise (or - on yourself) 90 degrees;

F ", Z", in ", N", L ", P" - rotation of 180 degrees.

The simplest column assembly of Rubik 3x3 Cube consists of seven consecutive stages.

Step 1. Collect the cross on the top face.

Choose a side that will be top. We will collect "Right" cross. This means that on the upper side the center will surround the details of the same color, and on the side of the side - stickers on the top cube and the central will be the other, but also the same color.

To get such a result, the easiest way is one of the above turns to transfer the cube of interest to us down, combine it with the center of the same color and move backwards.

When you thus gathered a few ribs, and the next thing is that, by lowering it, you break the top, the combination of P ', H' comes to the rescue, allowing you to bring everything to your place.

Step 2. Set the corners of the upper face.

The easiest way to start with those corners that are below are. We twist the bottom so that the desired angle becomes under its place as in the picture below. Further, one of the turns is transferred to the top, most likely, violating the upper cross, so you fix the angle by turning completely in the other direction, we put the center in place and return the angle. For example, for the case shown in Figure 4, we apply a combination P, F ', P', F.

The principle is being built on the fact that we are some cubes "knock out" others. If the angle is on top, then it is better to transfer it down, for example, turning P ', and then put on the place

Expected Result:

Step 3. Collect the middle layer.

First, we deploy the cube so that the collected side is down. Now you can place four edges of the middle layer in its place. Here are three combinations:

1. It is necessary to transfer the cube on top to the right to the front line. Turn in ', F', B, F, B, P, B ', P'.

2. You can transfer to the right with the help of a combination B, P, B ', P', B ', F', B, F.

3. For the reversal of the rib, which is where it is necessary, but not the side: p, in ', p', in ', f', in, f, in ', p, in', p ', in', F ', B, F.


Step 4. Collect the "wrong" cross on the "new" top face.

The goal is to achieve the option with Fig. 10, collect "White Cross":

1) combination F, P, B, P ', B', F ";

2) F, B, P, B ', P', F ";

3) any of the proposed combinations twice.

Step 5. Make from the "wrong" cross "Right".

Turn the top layer until any two ribs coincide with colors with centers from the middle layer. There are two cases:

1. In its places, two opposite edges, two others need to be swapped. We use the combination of P, B, P ', B, P, B ", P'.

2. Two collected ribs are at an angle, two others need to be swapped in places with a combination of P, in ", P ', B', P, B ', P'. You may have to repeat this combination several times.


Step 6. We set the corners of the upper layer in its place.

To implement this step, use one of the proposed combinations:

1) P ', F', L, F, P, F ', L', F;

2) F ', L, F, P', F ', L', F, P.

Step 7. Deploy the corners with the right colors.

Keep the cube to myself one side so that the "wrong" corner was right on top. Combination P ', N', P, n twist the cube until the angle becomes, as it should. Next, you scroll up the top to the next wrong rotor and set the same combination correctly. Working side do not change!

During these actions, the design of the cube can break. But it is written in the script. So do not worry!

Finally, you can deploy all four corners with the right parties - the remaining elements of the cube also become in their places! Be proud of yourself - you did it! Congratulations on a successful result!


Pind in the text? Vijli їїї, Natisny Shift + Enter. Abo Klіkni.

How to forget about incomprehensible schemes and collect Rubik's cube according to the starting scheme - read in our article, if you still can't solve the puzzle, not upset. Now we will try to tell in detail and explain how to do it to surprise yourself, friends and relatives.

What is Rubik's cube?

  • The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe magic cube was to train students of the mathematical theory of groups. So in the 1970s, the Hungarian architect Ernu Rubik created a mechanical tool, which was a training cube to understand three-dimensional models and move independent parts.
  • After a short time, the Great Glory came to the magic patented Cuba. They were interested in people of different professions and from different countries. So, in the 1980s, he knew all the world, he won a lot of contests and was awarded all sorts of awards.
  • The mechanism includes an internal and external part. Inner is a figure consisting of three connected cylinders. External - fastening to the internal mechanism of the face, which in turn consist of squares.
  • Rotating the edges of the faces in different directions, you can collect a ruby \u200b\u200bcube. After many years, many worked on the magical cube, as a result of which a lot of techniques were created. Now there are even some algorithms, using which, you can quickly collect cube.
  • The cube consists of three elements: centers - 4 angles - 8 and ribs - 12 .

Solve puzzle

If you set yourself the task of solving a puzzle, then after reading the article it will become easy. But if you do not know how this most mysterious cube is arranged, from which it consists and how functions, the task becomes complicated at times.

How to collect Rubik Cube according to a scheme for beginners in Russian, you will learn below, but remember that you should not underestimate the complexity of the puzzle represented.

The usual Rubik 3x3 is a small mechanical 3D cube, the faces of which are painted in different colors (blue, green, white, yellow, red, orange).

Let's analyze the components of the Cuba in particles. Let's start with the central element, it is one on each side. It can be rotated around its axis, but always each of them remains in place in the "right" position. The angular elements are a little more - 8, and they have three different colors. You must not forget about 12 edges with several different colors located between the corners.

It turns out only 20 particles that can be moved, and the solution to the problem completely depends on the knowledge of the correct change in their position.

If you start rotating one direction, you can see the central elements, or rather, how they do not move, the edge becomes where it should be, and the angle is in its place.

So, here are the main elements of the Rubik Cube:

  • Cube centers- 6 pcs. This element has only one color sticker. Cube centers do not move relative to each other.
  • Kubic ribs- 12 pcs. Rib cube elements have two colors.
  • Corners of Cubia- 8 pcs. Corner elements have three colors stickers.
  • The face of a cube rubika- It is nine of his elements that can be rotated at the same time.
  • Frame Kubikawhere the central elements of the faces are fixed. If you disassemble the cube with a mechanical way, crossbars and central elements will remain integer, and you can collect other elements on them.

In total, in a cube rubike 20 moving elements (12 rib and 8 angular), since the central elements do not move relative to each other, we did not count them. Although, of course, they can move on the frame around the axis.

Sequence of assembly

  1. Cross upper face.
  2. The upper face is completely.
  3. Middle layer.
  4. Settlement of rib cubes of the last face in its place.
  5. Orientation of onboard cubes - assembling the cross of the last face.
  6. The arrangement of the corner cubes of the last face in its place.
  7. The orientation of the corner cubes of the last face and, as a result, the assembly of the last face and the whole cube.

Rotary language

In order to understand the formulas used for assembly, you need to familiarize yourself with the language of rotations.

The language of rotations is special designations of the movements of the graves of a cube, with the help of which you can burn any algorithm, solution or scrap (sequence of moves, with which the cube is confused).

  • F - Front - Front Side
  • B - Back - Rear side
  • L - LEFT - left side
  • R - Right - Right side
  • U - Up - Top side
  • D - DOWN - Lower side
  • FW (F) - front side with a middle layer
  • BW (B) - rear side with the middle layer
  • LW (L) - left side with the middle layer
  • RW (R) - right side with the middle layer
  • UW (U) - the upper side along with the middle layer
  • DW (D) - Lower side along with the middle layer

There are also more rare movements that are almost never used in assemblies:

  • M - Middle - medium layerlocated between the right (R) and left (L) parties
  • S - Standing - the middle layer located between the frontal (F) and the rear (b) parties
  • E - Equatorial - the middle layer located between the upper (U) and lower (D) parties

In addition to the rotations of the edges of the Cuba, there are notes that indicate changes in the position of the cube in space.

These movements are called interceptions:

  • x - the whole cube rotates from himself along the plane coinciding with the right (R) and left (L) layers (f turns into U)
  • x '- the entire cube rotates on the plane coinciding with the right (R) and left (L) layers (f turns into D)
  • y - the whole cube rotates clockwise in the horizontal plane (f turns into L)
  • y '- the whole cube rotates counterclockwise in a horizontal plane (f turns into R)
  • z - the entire cube rotates clockwise in the frontal plane (U turns into R)
  • z '- the whole cube rotates counterclockwise in the front plane (U turns into L)

The movements of the cube and interception are recorded in accordance with the following rules:

  • If only the letter is written - we turn the side clockwise as if we looked at the face
  • If after the letter costs the touch "'" - turn the side counterclockwise, as if we looked at the face
  • If after the letter costs "2" - grind this side by 180 degrees. If there is still a barcode, for example U2 ', this means that in this algorithm it is more convenient to rotate U2 counterclockwise.

Formulas in Russian

Record assembly algorithms (processes), as we have already said, is produced using formulas. The edges of the cube in the formulas are denoted by letters according to the initial Russian letters of the facest names. Naturally, Latin designations apply, but now we will focus on the Russians.

  • F - Facade
  • T - Tyl
  • P - right face
  • L - left edge
  • V - Up.
  • N - bottom

You ourselves determine what the edge of the cube at every particular point is to consider the facade, that is, addressed to you. It depends on the current situation. It should be understood that the central cubes determine the color of the face, which means that 6 cubes even in the disassembled (confused) cube of Rubik are already standing in their places. Rotate 90 ° clockwise is as follows: F, T, P, L, B, N. In order to designate a rotation of 90 ° counterclockwise, a barcode is used: F ', T', P ', L', V ', N'.

C - this letter indicates the rotation of the middle layer 90 ° clockwise. C '- respectively, turn counterclockwise. The standard process record may look like this: NPF'P '.

This formula is performed as follows:

  1. Rotate the lower line 90 ° clockwise.
  2. Rotate the right line 90 ° clockwise, that is, from myself.
  3. Rotate the facade face of 90 ° counterclockwise.
  4. Rotate the right line 90 ° counterclockwise, that is, on yourself.

For more information about the recording of the processes, we still say at the assembly stages. In addition, the formulas will be needed, in case you will be interested in other ways to build a cube.

How fast and easy to collect Rubik Cube: Main Rules

  • It is necessary to rotate not only the color sectors, but also the cube itself.
  • You need to focus on the central figures.
  • In the original version, the yellow is always located opposite the white, orange opposite the red, and the green opposite the blue.
  • It is necessary to move the average and angular sectors, in accordance with the colors of the central figures.
  • Each new movement creates a new angle and center segment.
  • The center does not change, in what kind of confusing the position you did not bring the cube, at the top will always be white, below - yellow, ahead - green, the back - blue, right - red, and on the left - orange.
  • The rib elements have two stickers, and the corner - three.
  • Since the color fragments do not change its position, then the cube will always be collected equally.
  • There are ribs comfortable- Watching the left and right, and uncomfortable - Below or at the top. There are also ribs that stand still or under the cross.

We train! First formula called "Four"

  1. Find the angle with red-blue-yellow flowers. Take the cube so that this angle is on the right above. Pay attention to the center of the Cube, which is facing you (we have yellow).
  2. R 'D' R D - Make this combination and look at the result. Our angle fell down. Yellow (in our case) the center still looks at us - so keep further.
  3. R 'D' R D - Make this combination again and look at the result again. Our angle jumped up, but now he twisted with other flowers.
  4. Conclusion: The angle jumps up and down and turns different colors. If you make a combination for another 4 times we will come to the initial situation. Try!

We collect a puzzle

Stage 1: You need to assemble the yellow cross on the top face

  1. Attention! Not just a yellow cross at the top, but the correct location of the ribs, taking into account other centers of the cube.
  2. Let's start with the yellow-blue rib. To begin we find it. The cube is kept blue to yourself, yellow to the top.
  3. The first step is to lower the rib down so that it turns out to be on the bottom face. In our case, make R.
  4. The second step is to combine the edge, which is now located downstairs, with the blue center of the cube. Make D '.
  5. The third step is to raise the edge in your place. For this you need to make F2. Now our edge is in its place, but ..
  6. Could get such a situation where the edge is "on the contrary" to deploy it, you need to make f u 'r u.
  7. Turn the cube next (red) center to yourself and collect the yellow-red edge. All similarly. Then yellow-green and yellow-orange.
  8. You have gathered a few ribs, and the next thing is so far that dropping it, we break up. Combination: R 'D' R is the same, just with the return of the right face in your place.

Stage 2: Arrange the corners on the top layer in its place

  1. The result you want to achieve at this stage. All the corners and edges of the top face are in their places.
  2. Let's start with the yellow-red-blue corner. Hold the yellow center at the top and looking for it. The first option is our angle below.
  3. The second option is our angle is at the top. Take a cube so that the angle looks at us and was right. Lower the angle of the already known combination R 'D' R D.
  4. We subdivide the bottom so that the desired angle is at its place, as in Fig. Then we make R 'D' R D from 1 to 5 times until the angle becomes correctly correct. Next - the next corner.

So, the strategy of the second stage: omit need element Down, twisted the bottom so that the element becomes under its place, raise the element up in its place one of the formulas.

Stage 3: Assembling the middle layer of Rubik Cube. We put 4 ribs in our middle layer.

  1. Result 3 stages. We need to accommodate only 4 ribs in our place.
  2. Cut the cube. Now the collected yellow face down at the bottom, and at the top is the White Center. So we will keep until the end of the assembly.
  3. We will find at the top of the edge, on which there is no white sticker, for example, green-orange. Twink the center so that the green sticker of our rib coincided with the green center.
  4. It is possible that the green sticker cannot match, then compatible an orange sticker with an orange center. Those. We have 2 options.
  5. U 'l' u l, u f u 'f' - the rib jumps down and left - in his place.
  6. U R u 'R', u 'f' u f - rib jumping down and right - in its place.
  7. A typical situation - the desired edge is already in its place, but incorrectly turned. Then we make the formula from step 5, 6 - and "knock out" the edge from your place.
  8. Our edge will pop up up and you can do everything so to put it in your place right.

Strategy of this stage: We are looking for the right edge, the turns of the vertex correctly positioning it, one of the formulas put the rib in its place. We make this algorithm for all 4 ribs. Attention! When assembling the second layer, the first layer (lower) is saved assembled!

Step 4: We collect the "wrong" white cross on the last layer.

  1. F R U R 'u' F '- 1, 2 or 3 times.
  2. Our goal is to collect the "White Cross" (cross is 5 stickers, except angular).
  3. The transition from the previous situation to the next is the same formula. F R U R 'u' F '.

What to do!? I collected 2 layers, but on the third layer I can't get any of the situations. Such on a normal cube should not be. This means that your cube was disassembled into parts by mechanical way, and back was collected incorrectly. Disassemble the cube to the details, collect it right and start again.

Stage 5. Making the "Right" White Cross.

  1. The result you want to achieve at this step. Top ribs coincide with colors with centers.
  2. Rotate the top layer so that any two ribs coincide with the colors with centers from the middle layer. It may turn out one of two situations.
  3. Two opposite ribs are becoming in its place (we have white-blue and white-green), two others need to be changed in places. R u r 'u r u2 r'
  4. Two assembly ribs, stand at an angle, two others need to be swapped in places in combination, while the cube is kept that the angle * watched from you and right R U R 'U R U2 R' U.

Step 6. We set the corners of the upper layer in its place.

We have only 4 angular elements on the upper face. Consider a cube, maybe one of the centers is already in its place. It does not matter how the angles are rotated, only their location is important.

  1. U R u 'L' u r 'u' L - Make this combination, and one of the cubes will definitely be in your place.
  2. In place is one corner. The rest should be swapped in places, moving each of them counterclockwise, or clockwise
  3. Option 1. Three insufficient edges move counterclockwise and become in place. The assembled corner hold to yourself and on the right u r u 'l' u r 'u' l
  4. Option 2. Three unsalted ribs are moved clockwise and become in place. The assembled angle is kept to yourself and on the left U 'L' U R u 'L u r'.

Frequent question at this stage: Formula is wrong! For many years this scheme, all a thousand times checked, all schemes and formulas workers, guarantee! Be careful before performing the formula, read under the formula, which color you need to keep the cube to yourself. Carefully treat the previous advice.

Stage 7. Final! Deploy the corners with the right colors.

All corners we have places, you just need to deploy them. It is very simple - one short formula will help us. Yes, the fourth "four" R 'D' R D. At this step, only attentiveness is important, and you also need to keep the cube correctly.

  1. R 'D' R D - Keep the cube so that the angle look at you and was right. We make the "four" 2 or 4 times until the angle turns out.
  2. The angle has turned. But the cube "collapsed" is not a panic, it should be. Turn the top - now in front of you the next angle. Attention!!! The cube himself always keep the red center to himself, white - up.
  3. R 'D' R D - before you the next corner. Again, deploy it "four". If it happened that the next corner is correctly assembled, then simply turn the top again and collect the next corner.
  4. When you unfold all 4 corners with the right colors, will happen small miracle - The remaining elements of the cube will be in place! Do not rush, keep the cube correctly, cue the formula to the end.

Hello everyone!

Today, our article is devoted to all lovers of puzzles. Solving tasks, crosswords, rushes, mysteries, etc. Always attracted people from Mala to Velik. And this is not only a fun pastime, but also the benefit for the mind, the development of logical thinking.

Puzzles are both drawn in any edition and made in the form of items, often toys. One of these is a cube Rubik famous in the 20th century.

Surely still remained fans of this puzzle. Or maybe who, after reading this article, will want to get acquainted with this one can already be said by an old puzzle toy.

Rubik's cube (sometimes mistaken - Kubyk Rubik; originally known as the "magic cube", Weng. Bűvös Kocka) - a mechanical puzzle, invented in 1974 (and patented in 1975) by the Hungarian sculptor and teacher of Arno Rubik architecture. From Wikipedia.

In the mid-70s of the last century, the Hungarian teacher Erne Rubik, which would somehow help assimilate his students some mathematical features and understand three-dimensional objects more clearly, made several wooden cubes And painted them in six colors.

Then it turned out that folding from them the whole cube with the same in color by the parties, the task is quite complicated. Erne Rubik fought a month until he achieved the result. And here, January 30, 1975, he received a patent for his invention called the "magic cube".

However, this name has been preserved only in German, Portuguese, Chinese and, naturally, Hungarian. In all other countries, including us, he is called Rubik's cube.

At one time, this puzzle was a sale hit. Worldwide was sold in 80-90. only more than 350 million pieces

What is a cube rubik

What this puzzle is. Externally, this is a plastic cube. Now it comes out in various sizes, and 4x4x4 is considered popular. It was originally made in 3x3x3 format. This cube (3x3x3) looks like 26 small cubes with 54 colored faces, which make up one big cube.

The edges of the Cuba rotate around its three inner axes. Turns of the facet Colored squares are reordered by many of the most different ways. The task is to collect the colors of all the faces equally.

There are a lot of different combinations. For an example, a 3x3x3 cube has the following number of combinations:

(8! × 38-1) × (12! × 212-1) / 2 \u003d 43 252 003 274 489 856 000.

As soon as this puzzle won popularity, mathematics around the world, and not only, set the goal to find such a number of combinations that would be the smallest when assembling it.

In 2010, several mathematicians from different parts of the planet proved that each configuration of this puzzle can be solved by no more than 20 moves. For the move, any turn of the face is considered.

Lovers of the cube were not just collected it, but began to arrange competitions in the speed of the puzzle. Such people began to call speedcubers. The result is not counted on a single assembly, but as an average of five attempts.

By the way, with the popularity, as it happens, opponents appeared, who have proven (even on examples), that the assembly of the cube, especially the speed-speed entails the dislocations of the hands.

But, be that as it may, and the cube not only did not distracted from himself, but attracted more and more people. And the competition was held both in a separate city and in the country, and international. So, for example, in the European Championships in 2012, the participant was defeated from Russia. The average assembly time has 8.89 seconds.

The cube was so popular that they began to appear, the other modifications in shape began. For example, snake, pyramid, various tetrahedra, etc.

How to collect a 3x3 cube, scheme with pictures for beginners

So. We will proceed to a simple version of the 3x3x3 cube. It consists of seven stages. But first about some concepts and notation that are found in the schemes.

F, T, P, L, B, N - Designations of the parties to the cube: facade, rear, right, left, top, bottom. At the same time, which of the sides of the facade, rear, etc. Depends on you and from the scheme on which these designations are applied.

Designations F ', T', P ', L', in ', H' talk about the rotation of the faces of 90 ° counterclockwise.

NOTES F 2, P 2, etc. They say about the double turn of the face: f 2 \u003d ff, which means twice turn the front face.

Designation with - rotation of the middle layer. At the same time: with P - on the side of the right face, with H - from the side of the bottom, S'l - on the part of the left, counterclockwise, etc.

For example, such a record (F 'P') H 2 (PF) means that you must first turn the front line counterclockwise by 90 °, then just the right face. Next, the bottom line turn twice is 180 °. Then turn the right line of 90 ° clockwise, and also rotate the front face of 90 ° clockwise.

In the schemes, this is designated as:

So, let's start the assembly stages.

At the first stage, it will be necessary to assemble the cross of the first layer.

The desired cube is lowered down by turning the corresponding side face (P, T, L) and remove it on the front line by turning H, H 'or H 2. We finish all the reverse turn of the same side face.

In the diagram it looks like this:

At the second stage, we put the angular cubes of the first layer

Here we need to find the necessary angular cube, which has the colors of the faces F, B, L. in a way similar for the first stage, we derive it into the left corner of the selected facade face.

The diagram shows the place to which the desired cube needs to be supplied. For the remaining three angular cubes, repeat the same operation.

As a result, we obtain the following drawing:

In the third stage we will collect the second layer.

We find the desired cube and initially remove it down on the facade face. If it is located at the bottom, then we do it turning the bottom edge to the coincidence with the color of the facade.

If it is located in the middle belt, then we lower it down using formula A) or b). Next, we combine the color with the color of the facade face and again to do a) or b). As a result, we will have already collected two layers.

Go to the fourth stage. Here we will collect the third layer and the cross.

What you need to do here. We move onboard cubes of one face, which do not violate the already assembled order in the layers. Next, choose another line and repeat the process.

Thus, we put all four cubes in place. As a result, everything is in its places, but two, or even all four can be oriented incorrectly.

First of all, you need to see what cubes sitting in their places are incorrectly oriented. If not one or one, then turn the upper line so that the cubes are in their neighboring edges.

Here we apply such turns of FV + PV, PV + TV, TV + LV, LV + FV. Next, weient a cube as in the figure and already apply what is written in the same formula.

Go to the fifth stage. Here we unfold the side cubes of the third layer.

A cube, which we will deploy should be located on the right face. In the figure, it is marked with arrows. Points there are also marked all possible cases when cubes can be oriented incorrectly (drawings a, b and c).

Figure a). Here it will be necessary to rotate in 'to bring the second cube to the right face. Further, to finish with the turn in who will return the upper face to its original position.

Figure b). Here we do as in the case of a), only turn in 2 and end in the same way in 2

Figure B). Turning in performed three times after the coup of each cube, and then end also by turning V.

We proceed to the sixth stage, put the angular cubes of the third layer.

It should be simple here. The corners of the last face set according to the following scheme:

At first, a direct turn, which we rearrange three angular cubes clockwise. Then the inverse, which we rearrange three cubes is already counterclockwise.

Well, finally, the last stage, during which orient the angular cubes.

At this stage, the sequence of turns of PF'P'F is repeated many times.

The present figure also shows four options when cubes may be incorrectly oriented. They are marked with dots.

Figure a) We first turn the turn in and finish turning in ',

Figure b) here and start with in 2, and end them.

Figure C) Rotate in need to perform after sending each cube correctly, and then make a turn B2,

Figure d) We first make a turn in, which is also performed after it is correctly orienting each cube. Finish, too, by turning V.

As a result, everything is collected

Assembly scheme for children

This scheme is also divided into several stages.

  1. The assembly from the cross on the upper side begins. It is almost easy to assemble it. Moreover, at the location of colors of other sides of the cube, you can not pay attention, but only for now.

Usually advised to start assembling with yellow color. But you can choose any.

  1. We continue to collect the cross. Here it is necessary to take into account that all the upper elements of the conjugate parties must have the same color as the central elements located on the same faces. If somewhere something did not coincide, we try to go to such an algorithm:

A. If the color did not coincide with two neighboring parties: P, B, P ', B, P, B 2, P', in

B. If distinguished the opposite sides: F 2, C 2, H 2, F 2, C 2

  1. At this stage, we argue the corner cubes. Thus, we will collect completely one side. We will examine these angular cubes and see that the cubes of the color that we chose as a basis, in particular the yellow are in three versions: from above, left or right. For each apply the appropriate combination:

For the fact that from above - n, in 2, p ', in', p, in, p '

For the left - f ', in', f

In order to right - P, B, P '

As a result, we get one fully assembled side, and the upper layers of related sides and their center have the same color.

  1. Now we have to assemble the second layer. To do this, turn the collected side upstairs. Next, we twist the bottom line so that the color of the side element coincided with the color of the side, forming the letter "T". In order to move the side cube from the bottom layer to the middle and at the same time, its two colors must match the colors of the neighboring sides, you must follow the following:

A. Turn the left cube - n, l, n ', l', n ', f', n, f

B. Move to the right Cubes - N ', P', N, P, N, F, N ', F'

  1. Collect the third layer. Let's start with the fact that I will turn the cube into the insufficient side up. If the selected color was yellow, now we must make white. Now we collect on these formulas of white cubes:

A. White Cube in the center + Two opposite side - F, P, B, P ', B', F ',

B. White Cube in the center + two adjacent side - F, B, P, B ', P', F

B. Only one white cube in the center - apply any combination, or a, or b

  1. We collect the remaining layer completely. Below is the assembly scheme for two possible options. If you have no one of the listed, use anyone.

A. Colors coincide when permutation counterclockwise - P, B, P ', B, P, B 2, P',

B. Colors coincide when permutation clockwise - P, in 2, P ', B', P, B ', P',

  1. At this stage, we argue the corner cubes. Make it will be somewhat more complicated. However, practice, and everything will turn out.

A. The side cube with the color of the upper face is on the front side -

P ', F', L, F, P, F ', L', F

B. The side cube with the color of the upper face is on the side side -

F ', L, F, P', F ', L', F, P

  1. Last thing. Here you need to properly deploy the angles. We will need two options again:

A. clockwise - p 2, in 2 ', p, f, p', in 2 ', p, f', p

B. counterclockwise - P ', F, P', B 2 ', P, F', P ', B 2', P 2

If necessary, change the corner cubes crosswise or the same corners that are opposite, you can use any of these two options.

As a result, the puzzle will be fully assembled.

Video master class on a cube

And finally, a small video

This article presents a step-by-step instruction for beginners, with which you can assemble the rubble cube with a layered method. Compared to the rest of the methods, this method is simple enough, because you will not need to memorize a lot of consecutive actions. The development of the layer-by-layer method will help you subsequently smoothly go to the method fast assembly Jessica Friedrich, thanks to which at the competition, the cube is collected in less than 20 seconds. In order to conquer this cunning puzzle of Erno Rubik, you will need patience and diligence. Good luck!


Part 1


Check out the three types of elements. In the Rubik Cube there are three basic types of elements, the definition of which depends on their location in the cube.

  • Central Elements are located in the center of the cube on each of its sides surrounded by other eight elements. Each such an element cannot be moved, and it has only one color.
  • Corner Elements are located on the corners of the cube. Each element has three different colors.
  • Side Elements are located between the angular elements. Each such an element has two different colors.
  • Note. Elements of the same type cannot become elements of another. The angular element will always be in the corner of the cube.

Learn to distinguish between the six sides of the cube. Each side of the Rubik Cube has its own color, which is determined by its central element. For example, the party in the center of which is located a red element, will be "red face", even if there is no other red elements nearby. Nevertheless, sometimes the parties are better called depending on their position regarding the party to which you are currently looking. Here are a few terms that will be used in this manual:

  • F. (Frontal) - lift the cube to the eye level. Directly in front of you and will be the front side.
  • Z. (Rear) is the opposite side, which is not visible when you hold the cube in your hands.
  • IN (Top) - side facing up.
  • N. (Lower) - side facing down.
  • P (Right) - the side located to the right of you.
  • L. (Left) - side located to the left of you.
  • Slide the rotation of the cube clockwise and against it. When determining the side of rotation, the face is assumed that the working line is currently in front of you. Thus, one-accounting instruction (for example, L.) Means that you need to turn the side of 90 degrees clockwise (quarter turn). If the letter is facing an apostrophe (for example, L ") The side must be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. Here you have a few examples:

    • F " It suggests that the front side must be rotated counterclockwise.
    • P It suggests that the right side you need to turn clockwise. That is, the right side you need to rotate from yourself. To understand the cause, turn the front side clockwise, and then turn the cube in such a way that this side becomes right.
    • L. It suggests that the left side you need to turn clockwise. That is, the left side needs to rotate.
    • IN" It suggests that the upper side you need to turn counterclockwise, if you look at the top down. That is, rotate for yourself.
    • Z. It suggests that the rear side needs to be rotated clockwise, if you look at the cube on the back side. See, do not confuse anything, since this rotation is similar to the rotation of the front side counterclockwise.
  • Add a two to repeat the command. The figure "2", standing after the designation of the parties, means that you need to turn the side by 90 degrees, and at 180. For example, H2 means that the bottom side must be rotated 180 degrees (half turn).

    • In this case, you can not specify which way to make a turn. The result will be the same.
  • Learn to determine the specific element in the cube. Sometimes the instructions will talk about some particular element in the cube. For this, all parties will be indicated, part of which is the element. Here are some examples of the location of the elements:

    • NZ \u003d side element, which is part of the rear and lower sides.
    • WFP \u003d Angular element located between the upper, frontal and right side.
    • Note. If the instructions say about square (one-color sticker), the first letter will indicate which side is the square. For example:
      • LFN Square → Find an angular element that is part of the left, frontal and lower sides. The square of the desired element is on the left side (according to the first letter).

    Part 2

    Build top
    1. Turn the cube so that the White Center is located on the side of the B, and even if it is in this position. The task of the stage is to arrange the side white elements around the center so that they formed the cross on the white side.

      • It is assumed that you have a standard Rubik Cube in your hands, in which the white side is located opposite the yellow. If you have more old version Cube, further instructions you can hardly help you.
      • Do not remove the white center from the top. Do not accomplish the most common error in this step.
    2. Move the white side elements upstairs to form a cross. Rubik Cube has many initial configurations, and describe step-by-step instructions For each of them it is simply impossible, but we will give you some tips:

      • If the white side square is located in the lower layer of the parties P or L, turn this side once so that the white square is in the middle layer. Go to the next step.
      • If the white side square is located on the middle layer of the parties P or L, turn the side, which is located next to this white square (F or h). Continue rotate the side while the white square is not on the bottom side. Go to the next step.
      • If the white side square is located on the bottom side, start turning this side until the white square is directly opposite the empty (not white) side element of the upper side. Turn the cube so that this empty element is on the VF (the upper side next to the frontal). Rotate F2 (half turn clockwise) so that the White Square is at the VF site.
      • Repeat similar actions for each white side square until they all turn out on the upper side.
    3. Extend the cross down to the angular elements. Take a look at the upper side elements of the parties F, P, Z, and L. It is necessary to make it so that there is a central element of the same color next to each such element. Here, for example, if the side square of the FV (the front side next to the top) has an orange color, then the central square f should also be orange. Here, how to achieve this for all four sides:

      • Rotate in until at least two central elements of the upper layer do not match the color with the central elements of the middle layer. In the case of a coincidence of all four elements you can skip the residue of the step.
      • Turn the cube so that one of the wrong side elements is on the side of the F (and the White Cross still remained on the side of the B).
      • Make F2 and make sure that one of the white side elements is now on the side of N. Remember the color of the other square of this white rib (element per FN). Suppose the square has a red color.
      • Rotate the side N until the red square is under the red center.
      • Turn the red side by 180 degrees. The side white element should return to the side of V.
      • Inspect the side of N for the appearance of a new white side square. Take a look at the color of another square of the same item. Suppose he is green.
      • Rotate the side N until the green square is right under the green center.
      • Turn the green side by 180 degrees. After all the manipulations, the White Cross had to return to the side of the sides, and the side elements on the sides of the F, P, Z and L are accurately over the center of the corresponding color.
    4. Move the white corner element on the white side. When performing this step, you can easily get confused, so read these instructions carefully. The result of the following actions will be the appearance of a white angular element on the white side next to the white center and ribs.

      • Find a white corner element on the N. The angular element will have three different colors: white, x and y (by this time the white side can no longer be on the side H).
      • Rotate the side N until the angular element of the white / x / y will be between the sides of the X and Y (do not forget that the side x is the side with the element x in the center).
      • Turn the cube so that the angular element of the white / x / y is in the NFP position. Do not pay attention to what position will be different colors of this element. The central squares of F and P should coincide with the colors of X and Y. By the way, the upper side still remains white.
      • From now on, there are three options:
        • If the white square is on the side of the F (in the PPN position), apply Fn. "
        • If the white square is located on the side P (in the PNN position), apply P "N" P.
        • If the white square is on the side H (in the NFP position), apply F H2 F "N" FN ".
    5. Repeat the process with the rest of the corners. Perform similar actions to move three other white angle on the white side. As a result of this step, you must get a completely white upper side. The upper layer consisting of three squares must coincide with the color of the central element on the sides of the F, P, Z, and L.

      • Sometimes the white corner element accidentally falls on the side of the (white), but it turns out in the wrong position, which is why the color of the other two squares does not coincide with the center of this side. In this case, turn the cube so that this element is in the WFP position, and then apply fp. "Now the white square will turn out to be on the side N, and you can move it to the desired position according to the combinations described above.
    6. Part 3.

      Assembling middle layer
      1. Find the side element on the side n, on which there is no yellow color. The white side is still in the upper position, and the incomplete yellow side is in the bottom. Look over the side H and find the side element on it, on which there is no yellow color. Mark two squares of this item as follows:

        • Let the square on the side H be color X.
        • And the other square - the colors of Y.
        • This should be a side element. Do not try to move the corner.
      2. Turn the entire cube so that the center of the color x is on the front side. Turn the cube along its vertical axis (like when turning the globe). Stop when the side with the center of the color x will be on the front side.

        • At the same time, the parties in and H should remain unchanged.
      3. Turn the side of N. Rotate the side n in any direction until the side element X / Y is not in the NZ position. Square X should hit the side H, and the square y - to the side of Z.

        Twist the cube, relying on the color position of Y. The necessary movements will depend on where the center is located with the color of Y:

        • If the color of Y coincides with the color of the part of the face P, apply FN "N" P "N" P.
        • If the color of Y coincides with the color of the part of the side l, apply f "n" f n l l ".
      4. Repeat these actions until the two top layers do not collect. Find another side element on the side N, on which there is no yellow square (if there is no such anymore, go to the next step). Perform similar previous steps to move the item to the correct position. As a result, on the sides of the F, P, Z and L, the top and middle layers will coincide in color.

        Amendments if all side elements of the side H have a yellow square. Be sure to check all four side elements on the side of N. Each of them has two colored squares, none of which should be yellow, otherwise all your actions in this section will go to the pump. If none of the side elements fall under this description (and the two upper layers are not yet completed), make the following changes:

        • Lay the side element containing a yellow square.
        • Turn the cube so that this element is in the PP position. The white side should remain on the side of the in (move it does not side, but the entire cube).
        • Apply FN "N" P "N" P.
        • Now on the side N should not be the side elements with a yellow square. Return to the beginning of the section and repeat all the steps described for this side element.
      5. Part 4.

        Assembling a yellow side

        Turn the cube so that the yellow side is up. The cube will be in this position until the assembled.

      6. Collect the cross on the yellow side. Pay attention to the number of yellow side items on the side in (do not confuse the angular elements with side). You have four options:

        • If on the side in there are two opposite yellow side elements, rotate the side in until both items are in the positions of the VL and VP. Apply z l in l "in" s ".
        • If there is two neighboring yellow elements on the side, move them to the POF position and VP (forming an arrow when one looks back and the other is left). Apply z in l in "l" s ".
        • If there is no yellow element on the side, apply one of the algorithms described above to move two yellow side elements upstairs. Then use the algorithm again, which corresponds to their location.
        • If there are four elements on the side, you have successfully gathered a yellow cross. Go to the next step.
      7. Move the yellow corner element to the side of V. Turn the cube until the blue side is in front, and the yellow side will not remain at the top. Move this yellow corners as follows:

        • Rotate the side in until the yellow square of the angular element on the VFI will not be on the side of B.
        • For an angle there are two possible options:
          • If the yellow square of the angle is located on the side of the F, apply Fn n f "n" f n f "n".
          • If the yellow square of the angle is on the side of P, apply n f n "f" n f n "f".
        • Note: At this stage, the cube will look mixed. Do not worry, later everything will fall into place.
      8. Repeat similar actions for other yellow corners. Continuing to keep the blue side on F, rotate in to move the following angle to the position of the WFP. Repeat these actions until the entire yellow side is collected.