Detained blue whale. Curator of "Blue Whale" turned out to be petty fish

In the Chelyabinsk region, a resident of Moscow was arrested, which, according to investigators, was trying through social networks to bring a 14-year-old schoolgirl to Suicide. He recognized his guilt. According to the investigation, the man bowed the child to join the Network Subculture "Blue Kit" and gave her suicidal tasks. After refusing to commit suicide, he began to threaten the schoolgirl and extort money from her. According to the federal law on strengthening responsibility for declining to suicide, which President Vladimir Putin signed on June 7, a man threatens to six years in prison.

The Etkulsky District Court today arrested for two months (until August 5) of the 26-year-old native of Moscow Ilya Sidorov, who suspected of an attempt to incline a 14-year-old schoolgirl to suicide. His guilt Ilya Sidorov acknowledged and does not plan to appeal the arrest. According to "Kommersant" in court, a man who works by the postman, corresponded with the girl in the social network and prompted her to join the online game "Blue Whale" through which suicidal tasks gave. "After the school girl fails to fulfill the last task, he began to threaten to kill her and her parents," the interlocutor "Kommersant" said. The investigation believes that the man extorted the money from the girl. According to the press service of the Regional Investigation Department of the SCR, on May 17, the girl at school tried to poison pills, after which it was taken to a medical institution where she had the necessary medical care. After that, the case was initiated under Art. 110 of the Criminal Code (bringing to suicide attempt). The victim is on treatment in Chelyabinsk, psychologists work with it. Investigators interrogate the girls, her classmates and teachers, study diaries, notebooks and accounts in social networks. They have to be established that led the child to the immersion in the correspondence on the Internet with a stranger. "The investigation will be given a criminal and legal assessment of the actions of pedagogical workers, family members of the girl on adopted measures to prevent the occurrence," clarified in the SC.

A girl from two years old brings up the guardian, which she is called Mom. And about. School Directors, where the girl learns, Tatiana Bespalova reported that there is no complaints about the child's family, no one noticed sharp changes in her behavior, but about one and a half months ago she began to pay a lot of time to communicate in social networks through a cell phone. "Then the guardian was called to school, they spent a conversation with the girl. The seventh grader explained that she had love, the young man allegedly in the army and with him she is rewritten, "said Tatyana Bespalova to the publication of

As reported, on June 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a federal law on additional mechanisms to counter activities aimed at the declination of children to suicide. It introduces criminal liability for declining, calls or promoting suicide, disseminating information on suicide methods. The maximum punishment for such acts is six years in prison.

Nadezhda Alekseeva, Chelyabinsk

The child was pushing to suicide. For disobedience threatened to deal with the family. In Moscow, the alleged organizer of the "Death Group" was detained on the Internet, which is called "Blue Whale". He was sent to the Chelyabinsk region where a loud business is being investigated. According to investigators, the killing games with children led the metropolitan postman.

In the eyes of panic and horror. After all, he thought they were invulnerable, sitting on a warm sofa in front of the monitor. When the police closed with handcuffs, it seems, I understood: this is not virtuality, and here you just won't disappear. He admitted in everything.

Well, how many people did you have about?

Seven man.

Well, one girl wrote: Ringing tomorrow at the subway under the train, such a station. Rush in the subway, right?

Lower her head. Sobs. Almost crying. One one with children on the Internet he was much brave. 26-year-old Moskvich Ilya Sidorov is a curator of the popular group "Blue Kit". He told operatives in detail, as tightened adolescents to the game with death.

And how many tasks did you think up in the game?

From one to fifty.

And the fiftieth task, is it some kind of final? Is the game ends?

So what is written in the fiftieth job?

To end.

This task he gave a 13-year-old schoolgirl in the Chelyabinsk region, a small village of Etkul. Back in April. The girl passed all the trials for one and a half thousand kilometers from the curator: first the harmless drawings of China on his hand, then - cuts. Last mission remained. Saved the fact that the dose of pills, which she was tightened in secret from their relatives, was not deadly.

"There was a control in mathematics and it became bad in the lesson. Caused ambulance. When they took to the hospital, there was a police, a commission on juvenile affairs. And so they revealed that she was in these social networks, "said I.O. School Director with. Karatan Tatyana Bespalova.

The girl at night was sitting on the Internet, became secretive and irritable. But adults were confident: all the blame unhappy love. But when they saw a correspondence with Ilya Sidorov, shuddered. It turned out, the seventh grader stopped in a step from death. Changed. Then the curator of the Death Group began to threaten - if it comes out of the game, relatives will dance.

"Cut me in parts, kill the rest of all. They understand, she even sent the address and the street! They say it caught. And if not it?! Okay, my life. And the life of children?! " - perturbed guardian of the injured schoolgirl.

Ilya Sidorova was calculated almost immediately. Monthly tracked. And detained in Moscow. An ordinary postman in his free time has given orders to children from all over the country. 5 phones, different SIM cards, tablet, computer. It looks like a competently organized office.

"The suspect explained that he was the administrator of the so-called" group of death ", which included 32 people, all minors. He gave them tasks aimed at causing harm to their health in order to bring suicide. An attacker detained in accordance with Article 91 of the Criminal Procedure Code Russian Federation And steady in the city of Chelyabinsk, "Irina Wolf reported the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

June 8 in Chelyabinsk he was detained for two months. This loud case is not the first. In November 2016, Philipp Bedykin was detained, famous for the Internet as Philip Fox. Investigators called him a curator of a group of death, which brought to suicide at least 15 adolescents. And then there were gaps in legislation.

"Article 110 of the Criminal Code says that only violent bringing marked that if there was still intent. If you put a gun to your head, they said: "hang", then something will be for it. There is nothing for the propaganda of suicide, there is nothing non-violent, "said Anton Androsov Anton Androsov, chairman of the movement" Ambulance ".

This caused a stormy discussion in society about the need to tighten the punishment. And on the eve of Vladimir Putin signed the corresponding decree. Amendments to the existing law. Now under the age of six, prison threatens to decline, calls or promoting suicide. That is, for the creation of the very groups of death and work in them. In addition, up to three years of conclusion, for those who involve teenagers in deadly games.

In the Chelyabinsk region they explained: Ilya Sidorov - apparently, the last one who will be judged by the old law.

"Since our criminal case is considered events that occurred in April, it will all be according to the Old Code, on the sanction of the article, which was valid at that time, that is, up to five years of imprisonment," the prosecutor of the Etkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region explained Sergey Parfenyukov.

His guilt Ilya Sidorov completely recognized. The investigators have to find out what it was - ordinary sadism or custom work. And wanted possible accomplices.

Since January 2017, journalists and parents are actively discussing the new suicidal game "Blue Whale", allegedly replaced by "Death Groups". Despite the lack of evidence, the experts scare between Russians about suicides of dozens of adolescents and actively distribute tips to parents. I found out who is actually guilty in popularizing the "blue whale" and is it worth afraid of sinister curators from suicidal communities.

Why everyone again spoke about suicidal communities in social networks

Blue whale will save me.
In the # quiet house it will lead.
# F57 We all do not give peace.
# F58 We know that help will come.
# I will cut once, two, three.
# Sinykit me save

Many adolescents have this stounted poem decorates the wall in Vkontakte. The administration of the social network considers their suicidians and blocks, but the guys create fakes and continue to repress the unusual message to the so-called "curators".

Hestegi in the poem should help get into the "Death Groups", to distract the Russians from the discussion of which is capable of noting that the release "let them say" about the rape of Diana shurgina.

In early February, the Center for Internet Technologies (Rococit) issued a study with the frightening heading "Hestegi" of the Death Groups "collapsed on Instagram." The document approves: Although the administration of VKontakte has blocked and deleted previous tags, the sinister administrators of suicidal communities continue to "reproduce curators and players." From January 2017, 41 601 possible participants in the "Death groups" were recorded.

This really inspires concerns, so in a hurrying to give what is happening the publication of experts Rococyt is stupid to blame for the fact that they did not speak about the methods of counting. Or they did not mention that not every donating hashtheg teenager necessarily joins a deadly game.

Who connected the game "Blue Whale" with mass suicides of adolescents

The news of the revival of the "Death groups" predictably was perceived as a threat of a global scale. Even Instagram, no first year, I ignoring the law on personal data, discussed the situation with and deleted more than 300 references with suicidal content.

True, it did not help too much in the fight against the spread of a new ominous game, which this time called "Blue Kit". And for it it is worth saying a separate thanks to the media. Masking a set of traffic under the coverage of a socially important topic, the journalists of hundreds of publications immediately deepened in the investigation and together with experts began to build versions about who stands behind the bloody flashmob.

For example, Vice-President of the Russian Criminological Association, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Igor Sondiyil Vinyl in all a hybrid war designed to "reverse the tendency for demographic growth." Journalist Alexander Milkus interprets about the "echoes of a special operation against Russian adolescents."

Author original text About the "Death Groups", the Observer of the Novaya Gazeta, Galina Mursaliyeva ceased to complain about the "Network Pavlins", trolling her for the book "The Safety Child on the Internet" book, and again took over the pen, without having to talk to one of the anonymous "curators".

He threatened a certain volunteer "criminal vocabulary and knowledge of its accurate address," and Galina himself admitted that it was not working in Russia and receives remuneration for every childhood death.

"The virtual maniac says that in the near future suicide will make 60 children. Then recovers - 70. For consupportion, every other day reports that the case went, and the photographs of children's hands, rather strongly chopped. Perhaps this is Photoshop. And if not?" "The author gries and complains about the reluctance of investigators" punch the IP addresses of instigators and immediately to them with the sanction on the search. "

How fought with "blue whale"

Parents are difficult to understand these addiction, but they do not try. After all, instead of listening to the child and advise him a reasonable alternative, it is much easier to read the hysterical articles about the "blue whales" and put him on the head of the notorious "Safety helmet on the Internet."

The fat man took a whole platoon of operatives. Such a nickname was painted investigators of the curator of a virtual group of death "Blue Whale" Ilya Sidorov, who hidden on the Internet under the pseudonym ... Spartak.

This mattress would be split even before the young plot, but he twisted his hands with a pump on the camera. And then this video went through all the channels: "Dejected hellish evil, your children can sleep quietly," the former Moscow investigator told us under anonymity.

In details, the Investigation Committee does not comment on this case: the topics of children's suicides are now prohibited to endure in the information space.

IN lately They wrote a lot about the suicide groups, "the investigator continues," and so turned up the case - they took Loha. He led a correspondence with adolescents. As far as I know, all of them are alive, except for a seventh grader, because of which he was tied up ...


Last May, the 13-year-old Karina (named was changed) from the village of Etkul Chelyabinsk region tried to end. For questions "Why?" did not answer.

The answer began to look for investigators on the page of the girl "VKontakte". A month later came to Sidorov. He is 26 years old, lives in Moscow. The correspondence with Karina revealed.

Karina drove to a psychologist. Then mom took her to the sea. But two days after vacation, the girl put on his hands. Sidorov by that time already sat in the insulator.

The first court sessions were held in February of this year. According to the article to attempt to bring before suicide, he threatened to 15 years. The guilt of Sidorov acknowledged. However, after the first meeting, the case was sent to the investigation.

"Everything happened spontaneously"

Karina and another boy from the shelter raised the receiving mother, "says our interlocutor. - They lived not very peacefully. In the correspondence with a friend, the girl complained that the mother did not let her wash with hot water - gas is saved in the village. It was right on the eve of the first suicide. And correspondence with Sidorov, judging by the dates, she began two weeks after the suicide attempt.

- So, did not leave bad idea?

I think it's a thing in the other. After the first suicide, a psychologist gave her a conclusion: "A painful state, a protest demonstration, a desire to bring suicidal thoughts." But after a number of interviews, the girl came to himself and the psychologist advised to relax. Karina went to Sunny Gelendzhik. Returned and - again dirty roads, a boring village ... It was found that on the day of death she met with friends in nature, drank two bottles of beer. Returned home, I found the pollockilka vodka there and drank them. Mother saw, arranged her whirlpool ...

- plus death groups have done their job!

Examination did not confirm the connection of its decision on suicide with curators and its earlier intentions. Everything was spontaneously. She left a note: "I am a bad daughter. Live happily. " If there was another reason, she would definitely wrote that someone was stoyed.

The girl rewritten with the curator when she was on vacation? - Not. After the detention of Sidorov, the parents took the phone from her and did not give, even when they returned home. All correspondence in its account from that moment is broken.

Half a year played in "death"

- Karina corresponded with other curators of deaths?

Yes. She joined suicidal groups for another six months before dating Sidorov. By the way, on the eve of the first suicide, she also had a conflict with his mother. She wrote about it to friends.

But the mother believes that the correspondence with the curator pushed her to suicide. Moreover, she saw that Karina sits in social networks on the day and night, but did not stop her, but continued to pay the Internet.

Worried about guy

We went to the village where Karina lived. Mother flatly refused to talk with the press. But her classmate told about the problems of the girl:

We somehow walked, Karina was sad, said that she misses the guy who serves in the army. But even the name I did not name it.

And was the mysterious guy really? Or is it the fruit of junior fiction?

Karina's mother was very much shot after the death of her husband. On the Karina page there are poems from the courtyard folklore about the deceased dad: "I came to you today, dad. I came, my favorite, native. Only a house, your dad is now. In this grave raw ... ". And in personal correspondence with the girlfriend, she wrote: "I want to my father"

"Grass in school"

Odnoklassniki told us that the enemies in Karina did not have. But the investigator claims that after the first attempt of suicide in the village they began to train children. On this girl, too, complained about a friend in the correspondence. And it also played a role.

- Enters the sidorov not to blame? Let him walk!

Let the court decide ... You see, Sidorov imputed an attempt to bring a person to suicide. This is also an article. As such, he was not the curator, but was an active user. Karina sam himself and herself suggested playing. He asked: "Have you already played?". She replied: "Only hand cut." Further very vague correspondence: scraps of phrases, understandable only

participants of this group. There were no specific tasks. Or they removed Karina ...

- They said that Sidorov won 23 thousand rubles from her game?

This is not quite so. He invited her to make a fee for new game. But maybe thus hinted at the "rollback". She replied that she had no such money. And there is no money in general.

- What is the Sider?

He lived with his parents, graduated from the railway technical school. Was a football fan. He worked the postman at two bets: spread letters and pensions. Characteristics from the place of work positive. He had a girlfriend, also Karina. But I can't say anymore.

- Is there any statistics on the number of suicides due to the death groups?

Not. Not all suicides are investigating so carefully like this. About ten administrators of suicidal groups were detained in Russia. The court is coming over all. In general, the threat of these groups is exaggerated. But it is, while there are "blue whales". It is necessary to burn this virtual socket. But this can only be tightly controlling the Internet laws.

Help "KP"

What is "blue whale"

it virtual gameIn which depressive teenagers are lured in social networks. Give a number of tasks: "Make yourself hurts so that no one notice the traces", "Walk along the roofs of abandoned buildings", "Wake up at night and watch the thriller." Last - kill yourself. Sometimes for the way out of the game, curators require to transfer money to the card.

By the way

What are the Deaths of Death?

We asked Chelyabinel Oles Bekhtereva. She calls himself "Dolphin" is the antonym "Kitam suicians."

Together with his colleagues, she looks like curators on the Internet and dissuade them from extreme measures.

There is among the curators dragdillers who put off depressive teenagers for drugs, "says Olesya. - There are blackmail, who, under the guise of the game, pull out candid photos from children, and then require them to buy them away. There are just psychos, which in childhood peers grooved and now they take off their resentment. Sidorov look like this.

- How do psychologists work with children after trying to suicide?

Suicide is a consequence of not one, but many problems. So Karina had a bunch of trouble. On the Internet, she read the myth: will not have problems with them. And it is important that there is a understanding person nearby. Therefore, psychologists look for teen alarms and give parents recommendations how to fix them. They convince the child that life just begins, and go now - weakness.

The first three months are the most dangerous. First, closely we give up a person with love, and then the routine returns. It comes again: "I don't need anyone." It is necessary to be alert, continue sessions with a psychologist, build trusting relationships. At the same time, the child should feel care, and not consider himself a psycho

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The police detained the curator of the "Death Group", which incorporated Chelyabinsk adolescents to suicide.Video: Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In Chelyabinsk insulators today contain two young Muscovites - 26-year-old Ilya Sidorov and a 21-year-old young man whose name is not called. Both through correspondence in social networks, according to investigators, teenagers were inclined to commit suicides.

And if the first was single and, in fact, from his own inconsistency, he had a correspondence with one schoolgirl from Etkul, then the second is a real active curator of suicidal groups, he not only communicated with the victims, but also coordinated "colleagues."

Details of the investigation of criminal cases, frightening statistics and opinion of the side of the protection of one of the accused - in our material.

Ilya Spartak: Kit Single

The first criminal case on bringing to suicide by correspondence in social networks in the Chelyabinsk region was opened on May 18, 2017, when a 14-year-old girl came to the hospital earlier in the hospital (named) from Etkul.

On May 16, she stepped out the pills "Voserdin" and slightly cut hands. Schoolgirl saved. Having studied her page, the investigators came to the conclusion that the girl became a victim of the game in the "Blue Whale" - an unknown user at that time the user gave her tasks for causing themselves. In early June, a personist appears in the case - a 26-year-old postman from Moscow Ilya Sidorov, registered online as Ilya Spartak. He is delayed and brought into the Etkulsky district, where at the time of the investigation they enclose. In court and at the first interrogation, the guy says that everything recognizes that he corresponded with the girl for his own interest, it is aware that he demanded money from Karina, otherwise threatening to kill her relatives.

The media appears in the media that he was a curator of large suicidal groups, but this fact was not confirmed. In fact, Sidorov turned out to be a single - once he himself consisted in a group like a "quiet house" and "blue whale", and then there was nothing to do with several teenagers, which in fact I found in the same groups. Of all the only Karina attempted suicide.

"Sidorov will be accomplished by one episode of bringing the suicide of a minor (Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)," said the head of the investigative department on Korkino SU TFR region Andrei Mikhalev. "He admits that he corresponded to the girl, but argues that he did not forced it. Correspondence It was with him for several months, from April to June 2017. Attempt to suicide the girl made on May 16th. Correspondence in the case file is available. Now the accused is in a psychiatric dispensary, where a stationary psychological and psychiatric examination is undergoing. "

At the same time, the metropolitan lawyer Ilya Sidorova Mikhail S. adheres to another opinion regarding the involvement of his principal precisely to the May Trying of the Girl Suicide.

"In the case there are deep contradictions. So, I have Cerpeted Sidorov with Karina - it starts from June 1, that is, after the girl tried to commit suicide. Before that, apparently, other persons were rewritten with it, to establish whom the investigation does not want, - the lawyer noted. - Sidorov just managed to install, as he, demanding money from Karina, left her room bank card. But the requirement of money is another article of the Criminal Code. "

In the Chelyabinsk region, the court arrested the coordinator of the Blue Kit Group

The lawyer partially showed screenshots of correspondence. Indeed, communication begins on June 1 and looks as if the victim before and the defendant did not correspond over several months and were not virtually familiar. In addition, it is seen from communication that the girl has already played in the "blue whale".

"I ask him why you immediately agreed ourselves, and he replies that he simply signed the interrogation protocol and again simply, according to stupidity, affirmatively answered all questions. Sidorow has several diagnoses that can not be disclosed, but it can be said that he is not from a great mind and, with sure without explicit intent, he wrote Karin. But Karina was ready for suicide even long until May 16. I studied her page on social networks - the entire page for a long period of time is impregnated by the atmosphere about the preparing step in the abyss. Sidorov himself did not create any groups, was not any curator, "said the lawyer.

Indeed, the Karina page does not cause positive emotions. The girl clearly very much suffered from complex relationship with a young man older than her by age, consisted of depressive groups, such as "over-where", "Caspian cargo", "wake me" and others. She periodically placed poems and monologues that it would be nice to leave this world, put photos with chopped and stamped wrists and notes about unfortunate love. So, on May 6, she put a photo with a bandaged hand.

In favor of what the case may not be in the postman, says the fact that in July 2017 Karina brought to the end to the end - her body was found in the courtyard at home.

"I understand everything, my principal is far from the smartest person, but he is not a villain, which of him did the media why the questions do not ask their native girls who had to see what was going on with her, and take action. Its page in social networks is such that it was difficult to not notice the approaching misfortune in advance, "the lawyer summarized.

Now Ilya Sidorov, together with the defender, wrote a statement in the name of the prosecutor of the region, where he pointed out that he did not know where the girl lives, did not inclined her to suicide, believed that the game was non-serious.

"In our case, the criminal case was initiated on the fact of a crime that occurred before amending the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (since June 2017, notes to Article 110 of the Criminal Code provide for a sentence for declining, calls or promoting suicide over the Internet). Therefore, in our case, the signs of the objective side of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are active threats, real and implemented, and not imaginary and virtual. There were no such threats, "says lawyer.


The second criminal case on bringing to suicide, initiated in June 2017, is investigated in the third department for the investigation of particularly important cases of SU TCR in the Chelyabinsk region. This is the first production in Russia, initiated after amending the Criminal Code - on the organization of activities aimed at encouraging suicide and declining to this (Articles 110.2 and 110.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to such cases, there are no judicial practice in Russia or criminal.

The case of bringing to suicide by declaring to this through the social networks was opened in Chelyabinsk on the fact that suicide of a 14-year-old schoolgirl from the Leninsky district. Serious consequences managed to avoid - the tragedy literally managed to intercept, noticing what games the schoolgirl is played. She has found irrefutable evidence that it has become a victim not just a single who has decided to have fun, but a real group, communicated in Russian and the CIS to suicide.

At the end of June, on operational materials collected by employees of the "K" department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Chelyabinsk Region, Moscow operatives detained a key curator - they were a 21-year-old native of Moscow, who lived in the Moscow region and worked as a financier in the largest philosion. The young man in the conditions of strictest secretion brought to Chelyabinsk and entered into custody. The court session then passed in a closed mode, the personself himself even closed the face as long as the Court's corridor, the investigation tried to maximize the process, hoping that the young man would give testimony on possible partners.

A month later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia published a video of the detention of a young man, including his face. But due to the fact that there is no more official information There was no media, we decided that we were already talking about the third arrest, which was associated with the business of Ilya Sidorov, especially since the Ministry of Internal Affairs showed the phone's correspondence with some Karina (the diseases of the victim in Sidorov).

"These two criminal cases are not related to each other, victims of different, just the names coincided. The accused of Etkul was not as such a curator, but we have more serious, "said the Senior investigator of the third department for the investigation of particularly important cases of SU SCR region Dmitry Ascharin. - Our personality is charged with crimes in three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 110 in the old edition ("bringing to suicide"), part 3 of Article 110.1 ("Declination to commit suicide or facilitating suicide"), part 2 of Article 110.2 ("Organization Activities aimed at prompting to commit suicide using the Internet "). The victims are still recognized two people - a 14-year-old girl from the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk (therefore, the investigation is conducted here), as well as a 18-year-old resident of the Amur region. "

According to investigators, the financier is a very smart and educated young man, registering a number of fake accounts, oversaw several suicidal groups in 2017 and coordinated the activities of other curators.

"From different pages and on behalf of different persons, the accused led a correspondence with at least 50 inhabitants of Russia and the CIS countries, which was inclined to commit suicides," said Dmitry Ashain. - found "victims" in social networks, placing Hestegi: "Silent House", "Blue Whale", "Wake me up", "F-57" and others. According to these tags and passed users, heated by interest after a number of publications on this topic in federal media. And then work began with them. The accused and those curators to whom he helped processed potential victims, including using methods from psychology. For example, wake at 4:20. This is famous in psychology. If a person is raised at this time, then in fact his brain will still sleep, but to absorb the information. At this time, the easiest way to be inclined to rapid things. "

The entire correspondence with the victims of the accused after the acquaintance in the social network "VKontakte" translated into Telegram, which was previously not tracked at all tracked by special services. Already there, the participants were distributed to the tasks. So far only installed, there are those who "played" the accused among those with whom "played".

"The involvement of the accused recognizes partially, not denying only the fact of correspondence," said Dmitry Ashain. - But the huge amount of material seized indicates the irrefutable involvement of the young man and intent. Most likely, he acted simply out of interest. I corresponded with the "victims" at work and at home, in fact around the clock. "

All those set currently victims from prosperous families are characterized very positive.

The investigation is still only at the beginning of the way. The exact number of victims is established.

Suffer major cities

More than 10 children and adolescents voluntarily went away from the beginning of 2017 in the Chelyabinsk region. Last year, she committed suicide suicide 28 minors, in 2015 - 15. Among them are approximately rowing girls and boys.

Chelyabinsk region one after another shake the tragedies in which minors digest

"Statistics for several years suggests that children living in such steps are major cities- such 62%, - the head of the department for minors and young people of the Prosecutor's Office of the Chelyabinsk Region Lyudmila Elchev noted. - Children 14-15 years old are most susceptible to suicidal sentiments. Half from the total amount is brought up in complete prosperous families. Only a very small percentage - in orphanages. Only 33% of children leave suicide notes. The reason most often served intrameable conflicts and unhappy love. It is alarming that most of the teenagers were bright and active children, pets in school, participants in contests, but for various reasons they could not cope with those or other difficulties. "

According to the prosecutor, in the first half of 2017, 56 violations of the law were identified, which could indirectly contribute to the execution of suicide children. The court directed 15 lawsuits about the blocking of sites, which were inclined to suicide.