FPS Creator Free. Create your first-person shooter without writing a stitching code. How to make a shooting mini web paper shooter! Buildings, characters and weapons

Good day! Before proceeding directly to the creation of a 2D shooter, I would like to blur this article to the introductory part. So now you are reading my first article on this site. Honestly, I am not a pros in the development of games and work while mainly with Game Maker, in order to fill your hand before serious projects. So, in this article, but rather to say in this lesson, I will try to provide you with some of my knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200bGamedeva. Specifically, I will tell you how to make the simplest 2D protra style shooter.

Okay. We will proceed to create the game. To begin with, we need to stock sprites:

player_Go_Right and Player_go_left. - Sprites of the player's movement to the left and right (animation).

gun_right - Sprite guns directed to the right. For this sprite, install the rotation center on the handle, as shown in the screenshot.
bullet_Spr. - sprite bullets. No special criteria.
wall_Sprite. - sprite walls. Preferably size 32x32.

When sprites are ready, it's time to create necessary objects And naturally configure them. Let's start with the simplest - walls. Create object wall_Obj. and assign him sprite wall_Sprite.. Also for this object become a hardness property (SOLID).

Next, go to the bullets. Create while Bullet_obj.and assign him Bullet_Spr.. So that in the future bullet behaved more naturally in the event Collination with Wall_Obj. Add action Destroy Instance (). Optionally, you can increase the depth of the bullet.

All secondary objects are ready. Establish to the most difficult. Create a player object player_Obj. and assign him sprite player_GO_Right or Player_go_left.. For player_obj in event Create. Enter the script ():

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e
image_speed \u003d 0.
Right \u003d True.
gravity \u003d 1.

This script launches the gravity for the player and reduces the speed of the sprite to 0. Also this code we enter a new variable RightWith the help of which we will continue to determine the direction of the player.

We turn to control. In the event Step. Write the following code ():

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e
// Movement to the right
If Keyboard_Check (VK_RIGHT) THEN
Hspeed \u003d 5.

// movement left
If Keyboard_Check (vk_left) THEN
Hspeed \u003d -5

// under legs are not empty? Is it pressing up?
If (not place_free (x, y + 3)) and (Keyboard_Check (VK_UP)) THEN
vspeed \u003d -15 // jump
// if nothing is pressed
If Keyboard_Check (VK_NOKEY) THEN
Hspeed \u003d 0.
image_index \u003d 0.
image_speed \u003d 0.

This script will allow the player to go to the left, right and even jump.

So, gravity is, the control is, but there are no supports. So that the support appears add an event Collision with Wall_Obj. And enter this event:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e
vspeed \u003d 0.

Well, almost everything is ready. The player can already boldly jump on the platform. But unfortunately there will be no animation of movement. In order to fix it in an event press Enter the script:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e
sprite_index \u003d player_go_left // Scright Change
image_speed \u003d 0.2 // Speed \u200b\u200bsprite
Right \u003d False // Player will not turn right

And in the event press Enter a similar script:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e
SPRITE_INDEX \u003d player_go_right
image_speed \u003d 0.2.
Right \u003d True // Player will turn right

It remains only to teach the player to shoot. To begin with, in this purpose, we will give him a weapon. To this end, enter Draw. Next script:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e
// Definition of weapons
rotate \u003d point_direction (x, y, mouse_x, mouse_y);

// Player turn right?
If Right \u003d True
gun_x \u003d x + 15 // Change of the position of the gun by x
Gun_x \u003d x + 1

Gun_y \u003d y + 15 // Change of the position of the gun on y

Draw_Sprite (Sprite_INDEX, Image_INDEX, X, Y) // Player Drawing
Draw_Sprite_Ext (Gun_Right, 0, Gun_x, Gun_y, Image_xscale, Image_YScale, Rotate, Image_Blend, Image_alpha) // Drawing a gun

I want to draw your attention to the fact that Gun_x and Gun_y may have to be customized manuallyIf when you start the game, weapons will not hang in the player's hands.

If everything works fine, let's continue. Add an event Glob Left Presssed and transfer to it Create moving () With the following meanings:

Object \u003d Bullet_obj;
x \u003d gun_x.
y \u003d gun_y
Speed \u200b\u200b\u003d 10.
Direction \u003d Rotate.

That's it!Feel free to set the objects in the room and enjoy your game. By the way, do not forget to leave a comment.

Good day! In today's article, I would like to show you how I crushed and reduced the previous model of a web-shoe of paper, which shoots small gearboxes.

New model At least 4 times less old, but it shoots neither almost worse. Next time I want to try to put a store with multiple cartridges on this model, which will be sold automatically when charging, due to very small sizes, this improvement will be made difficult, but I will try. Tuck wait.


And so to make a mini web paper shooter, we will need:
-5 sheets for notes
Still paper A4.
-Tve or three small rubber bands
Sanger from the handle
-Gapric cardboard

From the tools we will also need:
-Termo glue
-Working or pliers
-Agigal or match
-Catch or glue
-Super glue

And so, the first thing you need to roll one thin tube from the leaflet for notes, for this gently roll the edge, then roll the tube completely and the end we rush with a tape or glue:

Now we take another sheet for notes, put on it a thin tube as shown in the photo and begin to wrap the leaf around it, after which it is fixed by fixing the entire edge of the scotch. We will need 3 such tubes. Bad edges should be trimmed in advance:

Now, one of the thick tubes cut around the floors, and one of the edges jump super glue:

We glue our tubes just as shown in the photo, it is necessary to do it very carefully so that all the tubes are parallel to each other:

Take a thin tube, cutting it thin ends, then add some hot glue to one of the edges and this edge squeeze a little:

Now the edge in which the hot glue clan is about one centimeter, after which we put on the bending of our gum, clamp the bending and with the help of the tape you fix all this design, in principle, you can also hot glue. In general, it turns out this design:

On our design of thick tubes on the front side, we make two small outbreaks, they can also be swollen super glue:

Now we take our workpiece from a thin tube and insert into the middle thick tube on another workpiece, the gum should be fixed on those cutouts that we did, in general, it should be like this:

Take a sheet A4 and cut it on the floor, then we begin to fold it by making an indent 1-1.5 cm, then glue everything with a scotch, it should be a strip:

Now you need to make "loops"
One sheets for notes are cut by approximately the flooring, after which we fold each segment in the floors and glue, after which we glue from one of the edges of a large strip from paper so that the passage is formed from one of its sides, in general, as shown in the photo:

Another end of this workpiece should be cut here in such a way that it can pass through the holes of our "looping" from paper (this workpiece is fastening on the hand, so you should customize it individually)

Then we take the rod from the handle and with the help of pliers take out the metal end, it should be done over an unnecessary piece of paper or cloth, since the ink can pour out. In the resulting hole pour hot glue:

We take matches or a lighter and by heating with the zgibay one of the ends of the rod, the bend should turn out to be about 1 cm long. Then you need to cut 1 cm from the cardboard for 1 cm and glue them to this bend for better clutch with your finger:

We glue our design of paper tubes to the attachment for your hand exactly in the center:

Yuri "Yurembo" Yazev

It's nice when cool developers to disseminate information about your product produce almost no functionality of a free version of the program. It appears a great opportunity without buying, to experience it. It is especially nice when this happens with programs - designers to develop games. And we have introduced such a case. Today we consider such an application from the company TheirGame.Creators.


I propose to develop games without writing code using the FPS Creator program from the above-mentioned offices. I hear the hiss of coders-gamekeekers that this is not climbing into any gate, like, what kind of geimdev is without coding?! The most real! And not only for beginners, I have a hurry to assure ... Among other things (for example, the idea came, and her hunt quickly implement or to raise the mood, like the author of this article), such a way is good for creating a "outline" of the future game. For example, you work the gamedizaner in the Gamedev-Studio, and you gave you a task to come up with a plot and all that for the future game. You are inventying and before the development you want to see what, in fact, you have it. Speak perfectly, you take a similar designer, create a pair of levels and witness the result. Great, isn't it? Now it is not necessary to wait when programmers will write game engineTo make sure the gameplay is balanced. You can experience and redo how much you like!

FREE is freedom!

There are 2 versions of the program under consideration: FPS Creator and FPS Creator Free. Naturally, the latter is somewhat inferior on the functionality of the first. But their main functionality is the same, so we are borrowing it precisely (after all, it is free :)). In order to feel the power of this designer of the possibilities of the free version, we have enough full. Believe me, the author of the article was amazed by them :). Well, after all, we'll try and feel, we, like all law-abiding people lay out for full version This truly unique program of its native evergreen program ... presidents :). The main minus differences between paid and free versions is the absence (in the free version) of the function of the final implementation of the prepared game. It is possible to implement only one level with debug information that somewhat slows down the game. However, the author created with the help of this designer many levels very different in difficulty and did not notice any brakes even on very tightly built-up scenes.


OK, do business. First we take a look at the program interface, then we will analyze some things more detailed, well, and at the end we will create any, no, but a full-fledged shooter with a first-person view!

Fig. 1. application window after launch

After starting the application, the window appears with a template content: the menu bar, the toolbar, and then there are already relatively standard program controls: on the left - the so-called library window, and occupies almost the entire client area the main editing window of the editable gaming level. If you move the cursor to this field, you can see the dark circle around it - this is a domain in which the created objects are visualized (displayed-redrawn), which are not consumed in vain the computer resources due to the perverts of the entire level, but only part of the scene. This circle can resize; The corresponding buttons are on the toolbar, in addition, it can be changed by holding the Ctrl, turn the mouse wheel. As usual, some pictograms on the toolbar duplicate the items of the main menu, whereas others have original functionality. I think it is not necessary to list the purpose of all icons: some - it is quite possible to find out on your own, while others will consider as use. Only one pair will name now - these are buttons to change the scale (with the same success you can turn the mouse wheel).


In the FPS Creator program, you can create only those objects that are available in the library. There is no possibility of modeling and texturing, but as you will see subsequently: they are not needed for this program, it is incredibly powerless without these funds! At the top of the library window are 4 bookmarks. Each of them contains objects of a specific type: on the tab Prefabs are, the factor of speaking, at home and buildings, on the SEGMENTS bookmark - "smaller buildings", that is: different corridors, rooms, stairs, elevator booths, etc., on the MARKERS layouts are functional objects, i.e.: Start level ( Starting point (appearance) of the main character), the place of recovery (after the death of the character), light sources (different colors), and the last entities tab contains All other objects: Starting from weapons (together with ammunition) and first need (I think, it is worth attributed to the sofa :)) to animated characters (possessing artificial intelligence(!)) And different horror - objects (skull, skeleton, molds with suspicious liquids, etc.). When you first open three bookmarks (the exception is - Markers), a dull panel with one element appears, using a double click on which the entire screen opens with two panels: in the left - scrolls with themes, and in the right, actually the objects with confirmation icons themselves. After selecting the desired object (double-click), the window is closed, and the selected object is added to the library window on the left, in addition, now the transparent instance of this object is tied to the cursor and waiting when we click on the mouse to position it the prototype.

Although in the library there are quite a variety of objects, sooner or later he wants new ones. They can be bought or free download (limited content) from special Store, the client part of which is built into the program. To start it, you need to click on the "Game Creatore Store" button, which is at the bottom of the library window. A familiar window opens with two panels, where it will be presented short choice objects.

Fig. 2. Welcoming page Online Store

To use the store's services, you must first register. This can be done right in the store or on the website of the developer's company. By the way, about shopping and prices. The store has its own virtual Volute - Points, which must be purchased for quite real dollars. Prices are shown in the figure.

Fig. 3. Prices

Fig. 4. Product

Start of development.

Now, when we reviewed the sources of objects, we turn to the objective of the article, that is, the development of a small game level.

If the designer is not running, then do it. Design B. FPS Creator begins on the 5th layer, that is, the level can be a multi-storey, including the basement below :). The number of the current layer is displayed in the status bar. Having remained on it, create the Laces of the Earth (so that for a diversity it is possible to get out of the building). To do this, let us turn to the Segments tab of the library and select the Ground component. Then on the toolbar, select the Draw Segment AS Rectangle icon and draw a rectangle on all visible space. After you release the button, the designated area will be tiled. To delete the tile segment, you need to go to the segment mode (Segments menu, Segment Mode item) and, positioning the cursor on the segment you want to delete, click the right mouse button.

Buildings, characters and weapons.

Then we turn to the prefabs tab, open the library window and select some building.

Fig. 5. Buildings

By and large, no matter what, most importantly, so that it was not big. It will play the place of entry into the game. When the desired building is selected, create it in about the left lower part of the inspection tile area. Pluses of buildings: among other things, being in a building, main character Not visible for enemies, and they will not attack it. Next, then let's turn on the Markers tab, choose and create the start point of the game - Player Start. Place it in just the created building.

Before leaving the house (read: on the track of the war) you need to stock up with weapons. I think ultrasound with a store to start will be enough. To do this, with the Entities tab open the library window, it will open the lists: Generic -\u003e Items; A small set of weapons will open, choose what you need and create an object in the house next to the (imaginary) character. Also, add a wip the selected weapon. Well, but what will wait for the gamer on the street? So far - emptiness. Create enemies there in the number of pairs of pieces. Staying on the Entities tab, open the library window again, Larzing Cut: Scifi -\u003e Characters; Select the characters you like from there. Pay attention to the explanations in their names (in brackets): if the explanation differs from Unarmed, then, it means that the enemy of this type will attack the character of the gamer, otherwise it will be passive. Now, you can test the resulting game. Picture Test Level icon (second right). After a sufficiently long compilation, the game will start. Well, here you can check everything without me! It can be done so that the enemies do not stand still until they see the character of the gamer, but patrolled some area. To create a path of the character (patrol) of the character, you need to click the Create New Waypoint icon, it is on an auto-hard position on the right (on the toolbar). A red star will appear, move it to the place of the expected start of the way. To create the next checkpoint, hold the SHIFT, click on the available star; Near it will appear new. Grab it with the mouse, and move to a new position for the formation of the path. You can, creating a small circle from the stars, close it. To do this, you just need the last star to impose on the first. The path is ready! Now the enemy will walk in a circle, but, without losing the mind, he can checkpoint Change the path following by turning in the opposite direction :). Continue modeling a level, to post some weapon outside the house. How to do you already know, so I will not repeat. By the way, after death, the default enemies leave weapons, and you can pick it up.

Then create to the right of the zone large building (For example, Storage Large), only note that the entrance to it is on the tile segments, and not hanging in the air. If even the building itself is in the air, then it will still be the floor. If you need to turn the object, before creating it, you need to press the R key. The transparent instance will change its orientation accordingly. Putting it with enemies that are not only in the SCIFI library list -\u003e Characters, but also in WW2 -\u003e Characters. Here their choice is even more: from the ill-fated skull to the SS officer. If you want to move the camera, use the cursor move keys. You can add a first-aid kit, it is in the WW2 list -\u003e Items list. The main thing is not to overdo it with objects, and then our game will be unbalanced (with uninteresting gameplay).

Now let's make two corridors leave this room (the door to the first one should be directly, relative to the entrance, and the second is on the right wall). To do this, we will reveal the library of objects from the Segments tab. There you will choose the hallded the corridor, for example, as in my case, from the list of WW2 -\u003e Rooms the Cateau Cellar Low object. And with stretching, draw the corridor close to the room. Note, the wall automatically disappeared. You can, of course, leave it, but it will be, firstly, not gameplay, and secondly, the computer resources for redrawing not necessary parts will be spent. Well, who needs it to be updated the corridor and everything behind him, if Gamer is in the room?! Therefore, this hole must be covered. To implement this, again choose the corridor from the library (now, the type of corridor last time is available on the Segments tab). Then switches to the drawing mode only walls (in the menu: Segments -\u003e Paint Only Walls), draw the missing wall. To put the door, you need to go to the Entities tab, where to choose from the WW2 list -\u003e SCENERY -\u003e DOORS and add the desired one. There their widest choice :). To place the door to the door, you need to, pointing the arrow in the desired direction, bring the cursor to the wall and click on the left button. The door forms the way and get into it. Position in the corridor a couple of enemies and ammunition. At the other end of the corridor, we will create a room. Please note again not to spend time on creating the door, the new room should approach the corridor. Add some objects to it. When testing, not to run through the entire level to check freshly added features, simply move the marker-arrow to enter the game to the right place, and your game is started from there.

Second floor.

We will add to the room that the last one object has created - the staircase. Big choice The various stairs are presented in the library (to enter which you need from the segments tab), in the WW2 list -\u003e Platforms (unfortunately, when working with the library, there is no possibility without leaving it, switch the tabs, although it can only in the free version). Choose any, for example, Staircase Wood. The new object will create somewhere in the corner. Note, by the way, after selecting the type of stairs, when you can already create a new object, the arrow indicates in the direction of the lift. After the staircase is created, press the plus card "+" on the main keyboard to move on the 6th layer. Switching between the layers is carried out by the "+" keys and "-" (down).

Being on the 6th layer, create some room above the one that was created on the 5th layer of the latter, for sure above the stairs. Now you need to remove the floor segment so that you can climb the stairs to the second floor. To do this, first switch to the mode of working with segments (menu Editing -\u003e Segment mode item), then turn on the feature of the floor only (segments -\u003e Paint Only Floors) and, moving the cursor over the segment, under which the staircase is located, delete it by clicking right Mouse key. Create in a new room, some objects: static, dynamic ... in general, to your taste. Let it be a control bunker, so it is full of enemies and other objects. By the way, objects can be placed on each other, this applies not only to static, but also to dynamic and even to characters. To do this, move the object being created above the already available and press the ENTER key, will be seen how the object being created has raised over another (s).

Physical engine.

In FPS Creator, not a bad physical engine is used. You yourself can easily be convinced. Create a separate level to look at its capabilities. Try to place the barrels over the other and the palp on this design: they all explode, can be seen filled with burning fluid :). See this fatal beauty of the explosion?! Indeed, pleases the eye of any three-dimensional animator. And if it (design from the barrels) to push, then all the barrels are beautifully falling and roll off at a short distance. If it is for the place of barrels to use wooden boxes, then when they shot one of them, they will not scatter - only one of them is damaged. Fit the pyramid from the boxes and instill the extreme bottom - the result is impressive: just expected, only part of the pyramid will be collapsed, but you look like she collapses!

Fig. 6. Demonstration of the possibilities of the physical engine

All these objects are dynamic. If, for example, put a static object on the top of the pyramid from the boxes and destroy this pyramid, the static object will not only be damaged, but also remains hanging there, at the height of the former peak of the pyramid. Dynamic objects can be moved, some can be shot, blasting and, in general, in different ways to interact with them. This type, for example, apply, all characters, weapons, first-aid kits, barrels, some boxes and more. Static objects do not change their condition, i.e.: do not move, do not explode and, in general, are boring things :). These include, for example, furniture and different other additions-pacifiers to the level. For a graphics engine, it is preferable, of course, static objects: it is easier to process them, visualize and so on to carry out. Then, as it is much more difficult with dynamic things: each frame needs to recalculate the coordinates of the vertices, because for the graphics engine, if it is written on the "dynamic" object, it means that it could change. Therefore, if there are too many such objects in the current scene, it will slowly redraw. From this - morality: if possible (if it does not harm the gameplay) create static objects.

Property editor.

Discussing objects in the past section, we faced the concept of the type that relates to properties. Many default properties can be changed. To do this, you need to open the properties editor (conditional name, as in the program this set of properties is non-name). To implement this, you must first switch to the Entity Editing mode (Editing -\u003e Entity Mode). Then bring the cursor to the object whose properties must be changed (it will be highlighted by the light of a certain color, and the name will appear below, next to which it will be noted in the brackets: Dynamic it or not; the color of the backlight also depends on the type of object: if dynamic, then the color is green , And if static, then - red) and click on the right mouse button. After that, on the left swollen a large list of properties, with the ability to change their values. I will not consider them, as their review can be devoted to a whole article, besides, they do not imagine anything difficult, and their meanings are clear by names. I note, although different objects have most properties of the same, there are also differences. For example, editing properties can make furniture in a dynamic object (for this, all over all, you need to change the value of one property). After all, it is so nice (although in virtuality) to push the rare cabinet from the roof :). After editing, you need to press the changes to confirm the changes. Apply Changes; and Cancel - in the opposite case.

Fig. 7. Property editor

Having understood with the properties, back to our game level project.

Teleportation, switches and other features.

Remember, in the 1st enemy bunker, I talked about creating 2 corridors? The 1st we created together, and immediately went in the direction; Now, time has come to create the 2nd. You already know how to do it :). Make this corridor is long enough, place a weapon in it. At the other end of the corridor, we will create a DELETION LARGE room. At the entrance to the room of this type a special door, which just does not open. Now let's make a branch from the corridor. On the extreme wall of this appropriate corridor, let's switch from the library (Entity Library -\u003e SCIFI -\u003e Wall Furniture -\u003e Switch7). Let's start the game and test: the door can not succumb, and now go, press the lever, and the door will open with the machine.

Do not add so far to the room of other objects - you can always have time, but it will be calmer, it is not necessary to shoot anyone from anyone :). Create a teleportator in this room. From the library (Segment Library -\u003e Scifi -\u003e Scenery) Position the Teleporter in object there. It will be a starting point of teleportation. Now let's get on the 2nd floor (6th layer) to the room, over which we worked, there is an incomplete door, make a small corridor behind it (if necessary, put the door), and install Teleport Out from the same segment The list that we looked above. Guess, correctly, the point of exit from teleport. Now you can move from the entry point to the output point. And everything seems to look beautiful, and acts too, only here we are waiting for trouble - you can see an error in the program: after teleportation, our character stuck - can't get out of the teleport. Since now I went about bugs, I will note: here they are more than enough: it concerns not only the process of creating a level, but also games in it: sometimes, in a certain place, chapters. per. He gets stuck, then, as after the next recompilation, he passes this place, no matter how much it happens. Well, once again forgive all the developers - all the same they are well done! In addition, it is not only free versionBut also the program has not yet reached the program (for the version below the unit), as reported by the developers.

ENTER - action.

R - recharge the weapon.

C - sit down.

Q - lean left.

E - leaning right.

Holding SHIFT, press the move control buttons - run in the appropriate direction.

Move Movement - Review Point Orientation In Space.

The left mouse key is shot from the selected weapon.

Mouse Key Rights - Use Sight / Pick Object.

Digital keys: 1 - 9 - Selection of weapons.