Rage review. Rage means rage. Artificial Intelligence \\ Brain Stuffing

More on the last E3, when nostalgic sound effects from Doom and Quake, the studio Id Software was discovered in the demo version of Rage, the studio Id Software became somehow sorry: they clearly miss the grand success of their main projects, but do not know how to achieve new games caused the same emotions as old. Probably, the most correct decision would carefully examine all those shooters with which Doom 3 lost in 2004 (Half-Life 2, The Chronicles Of Riddick, Painkiller, Far Cry.), put everything cool into a separate list, which was there, and try to collect your own game on the new technology.

Nevertheless, an uneven hybrid from old and new trends turned out instead of the expected work on the errors. Of course, the players less worried that part of the Rage, which is about cars, third-party quests and greedy merchants - for this already there are Borderlands. Interested in first of all - whether it was fun to shoot. We answer: yes, fun. In the depths of the soul, the Rage is really a good shooter, but the pleasure during the game needs to be squeezed up, at the price of inhuman efforts to diverge through the thorns of the curve and useless Sandbox. And not only.

Commissioners in dusty helmets

Rage immediately declares itself as a complex, uncompromising game created by PC veterans. After a long introductory roller, entrance scenes, a small excursion around the surroundings and any concomitant chatter, you give you a gun, a quad bike and the first order - to clean the gangster base. Of course, we were not curiosity for the sake of the sake, where I offered a pointer, "three rockets in the ass were across a second. I had to replay from the very beginning: Quickpoints in Rage are found every three hundred years, after any important storyline events. And if you forget about the preservation, you will have to re-pass at least the last hour of the game. This also concerns console versions, and after all, the magic button to quickly save on the Xbox 360 nor PS3.

Looks rage perfectly. The picture is expected to be more beautiful than the PC, but also problems with this amount of magnitude more.

Complex RAGE is not only essentially, but also in form. Open world, Racing, collecting items according to drawings, chubby inventory - as if RPG launched, for nothing that there is no role system. Like Crysis 2., the game makes the impression of an exorbitantly overloaded shooter, for which today there is simply no place in the industry. In the context of endless and senseless militari-action, ID Software might come forward by seeing genre messages that last a half decades spent in terrible feed, but still remember what a real rock and roll is. The difference is that in Crysis 2 all excess elements add up to any design, let the shaky and cargo, and in Rage exist independently of each other. Therefore, they are essentially not needed at all.

For example, the term "sandbox" The authors understand the extremely simple - this is when there is a lot of sand around. You can not perform tasks in different ways. You can not, dropping the horizon by eye, make the way to lay yourself. And on the way to a plot bearing on the map spit on everything, minimize in a purely field and go to search for adventures is also impossible. Kilometers of wastewhere The whole game is idle without a case: having denoted three or four important points, designers simply lay the narrow tracks between them, according to which you are moving at affordable buggies.

Evil rock

With the shooter at first, too, not everything is obvious. First, the main action in Rage occurs on insulated levels - and in 90% of cases these are some close, dark and smelly catacombs. Secondly, for seven recent years Id Software never learned any new gamedisyner strokes. Therefore, the developers do not discern, for example, several times to return you to the same location or lock in the room, dumping enemies on the head one by one. Finally, the main problem is a script, which I want to say "tear and emissions." Tasks are original than the "Congress - Drops Dropper", there is no RAGE. On the fact that all the guns falling out of enemies, rifles, shotguns, secrets, sickles and batons are dissolved in the air in the air (it is impossible to pick up), after such an emphasis does not want to emphasize.

Do not count on the dumps during the trips from the city to mission, usually two constantly reborn enemy buggias are intelligible on the road.

It becomes more interesting only as the new content arrives. So, alternative cartridges are found to all weapons, which are beaten current or tear into pieces. Even a little-minded at first, the gun becomes cool, it is worth charging in it large-caliber shells. And in the crossbow, let's say, you can fill the darts that translate the victim under your control: you can immediately blow the brain, but it is better to pre-bring it to a handful of comrades to send to that light and them.

In addition to weapons, there are also many other deadly devices (some of them can be collected in inventory from the materials scattered by levels). For example, radio-controlled bomb machines or throwing blades that boomerang return to you if the stomach has not dug into someone.

Select the saw from the painted punk, alas, it is impossible, and after Dead Island I really want.

Jounting Duraleev-Aboriginalov, against which it regularly works in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, it becomes less and less, and they come to change really smart and dangerous opponents - government special forces or, say, controlling urban energy supply Russians ("Don't Fuck With Bratva!" "). At this moment all old chain instincts and reflexes are triggered, and even small levels acquire some kind of supreme sense: difficult, closely, you need to try miscellaneous weapons, save the cartridges and maintain each turn. Well, when, forgetting to pre-replenish the reserves of the ammunition, with bare hands oppose a slicky healthy with a tentacle, we run around, miraculously dodge from the attacks, and eventually drive it with his fists on the knee - remember impregnable monsters from the 90s, which went out Days and weeks.


Unfortunately, RAGE does not consist entirely of these moments. They serve here rather a shit, a cheese in a mousetrap, which developers will be thrown in front of your nose to tighten into the puchins of hell. Most of the time you, wearing a boredom, get from point A to the point B, are looking for the right character (navigating the cities there is no, and it is not always clear from the description of the quest that where it is located), is aimlessly lunged on the same locations or participate in a bad parody on Motorstorm(plus rockets on board). If the action becomes deeper and richer with time, everything else rolls the straight entrance to Tartarara. And even the characters, instead of reporting at least something interesting about the world around (in which in which the hell knows what is happening), something in the spirit "I am in this city chief, bastards seem to be subordinate to me."

Crossets, as a rule, beats the enemy pushed, but it is necessary for sure.

But in those rare moments when the stars are built in the correct order and an interesting shootout still begins on the screen, I want to capture this moment for the story or at least convene friends as witnesses. Five to seven minutes, wonders occur: the heads are flying, the enemies throw you with grenades, crawl from shelter to shelter, tightening the wounded limbs, the cylinders of the flame retardants explode, and you let the entire Arsenal existing Arsenal. But soon, the spells will dispel, and the coach will turn into a pumpkin: Ai will give Mahu, someone will be wounded into the wall or get stuck in the texture, you get lost (and this happens constantly) or, fence, fell, upholstered on some curve produced episode like touching mice "Golem against Bazuki", where you need to shoot exactly in the designated pixel, otherwise the monster will not even be harmful.

Rage on the "rage"

Rage is not all right and pure from a technical point of view - at least at the version of the game for PC. While we prepare this material for layout, the real storm of discontent is raging on the forums. According to user reviews, play the first version of the Rage on ATI video cards is almost impossible. NVIDIA boards keep a shot somewhat better, but they are noticeable to them serious problems. The most apparent one - you are loading literally in your eyes texture. As already stated in Bethesda, it is possible to deal with this, lowered the resolution of the picture and the level of smoothing, but it also helps everyone.

Rage: Anarchy Edition
The studio ID Sofware has always rejoiced its loyal followers with games that could tighten us into their world, so that the hour has passed the minute and this company, unlike many of its competitors, still puts on the number of projects, but on their quality. And today, we have the fruit of their efforts in front of us, which ripened in the depths of the company for many five years, and that much important was published in the light of the notorious company Bethesda - a postpocalyptic first-person shooter with race elements and role-playing game "RAGE: ANARCHY EDITION".

At first glance, it may seem that Rage is a form of a mixture of Fallout and Borderlands and Bornout races with Buggy, and this first look, unfortunately, will be the last. Indeed, here you will not see some new game solutions, insane nonlinearity, which will take the week of a week (you will go to the direct passage of the storyline about 10 hours), but I am sure that by installing this game, delete it, you have The cursor will not go. But what's so attractive?

The real fan of post-apocalyptic worlds will feel at Rage as at home, here you and small surviving settlements who need our heroic assistance (sometimes the hired murderer) and self-confedment of weapons from girlish materials so loved by the Fallout line: Take the recipe, take A couple of canned cans and collect yourself "kolverpushka".

If the inhabitants of the world Fallout after the end of the world have retained love for effervescent drinks, and they did not take care of at least some means of movement, the residents of the world Rage as entertainment left the race. Racing here, though they are pretty casual (the last place is really obtained, only if you forget what way to go to), but give you a large number of pleasant "buns": earn money, apart and upgrade your iron horse and forth in the emptiness to shoot the enemies from the onboard machine gun .
Perhaps Ai enemies will disappoint you a little, they are often stuck in the aisles, in each other, try to overcome you, hiding somewhere, and ultimately themselves and substitute themselves under the bullets, but how are they good! The game has many types of opponents, and everyone will behave, and respond to your actions in different ways, for example, the same ghost clan that behave like real ninjas, attacking from there, from where you expect the least.

In addition to the standard for shooters shotgun and automat, the heroes of Rage will receive a set at its disposal unique weapons, such as crossbow or turret in counting seconds cleansing the battlefield from any sources of life.

The main highlight of the game for me is not a race, but mini-games that are scattered literally everywhere. Card games, dice, logic games And even the death of your hero itself is a mini-game, coping with which you will go to the world of other, torturing and picking up your offenders.

Network mode
Submitted by two modes: Racing, which will have time to fed up in a single company and scenario mode (cooperative), which is just the opposite very fascinating in passing with a small company of friends.

Easter eggs
Do not think that I mentioned the company's company at the beginning of the review just as a tribute to respect, it was in the games of this company that it was always possible to find the largest, secret objects, rooms and references to various video games and RAGE is not an exception. Figures "Vault-Boy" from Fallout, Morpeca from Doom, Monsters from Quake, a variety of symbols of games from ID SOFTWARE, secret room Location to Wolfenstein 3D, secret location, an accurate copy of the first Doom level, posters with images Rage 2 and Quake 5 and much more scattered around the world, search and nostalgic.

Graphic and Sound Registration
Perhaps fans of high-tech and high realism in games will not be strongly inspired, and only Torno zea, but for an ordinary user here is absolutely nothing to complain about. The graphics are excellent, the world is fully detailed each pebble, and an empty bottle is literally in the right amount and in the right places, creating indescribable feelings of the picture of the picture, the characters are drawn with love and even after the years after the first passage, you can easily remember who one or another NPC and What a task he issued. To the native voice acting, too, no claims of the characters are always suitable for their image, and musical accompaniment comes exactly when needed. Also with various sound effects, whether it is the ropot of the motor or the sound of the shots from the crossbow, everything that should be.

Technical problems
PC version owners How have become accustomed to encounter a number of serious problems: departures to your desktop, drivers problems, mandatory manual configuration of game files for normal operation. All this certainly salary patches, and problems with the game is already noticeably less than when the project starts, but still, unfortunately, not a cake. Therefore, I advise you to persist more often, otherwise Rage (rage) will become not only the name, but the first association at the sight of this game.

The first addition to the game is Anarchy Edition, buying which you will get:
Two special types of weapons: double-breakdown shotgun and riots;
Elite armor giving a bonus to protection;
New buggy replacing standard;
Set additional missions "The Wasterland Sewers".

Rage This is certainly not a masterpiece that everyone waited so much, but this is an excellent shooter who will not let you get bored. Despite the fact that there are many shortcomings of a gameplay and technical character in the game, we see a remarkably worked world, many characters with our an interesting story And the endless wasteland, open for research. I am sure that the sequel turn out really amazing, so do not miss the opportunity to go through the first part of the saga right now.

New patch will save Rage from blurred textures

Lack of texture high resolution It does not mean that the Rage project cannot be improved externally. John Carmack (John Carmack) from ID Software reported that now in the work new patch For this game, which will help the owners of the staff to get rid of blurred textures.

If the first patch entered into the game the ability to customize the graphics, allowing you to include vertical synchronization, cache texture and anisotropic filtering, then the second patch will add to this list Bicubic-Upsample and the texture detail option.

Some RS-gamers planned specifically not to play RAGE until the id Software releases a high-resolution texture set for this project. Apparently, their hopes recently collapsed. Announcement as such was not, however, John Karmak (John Carmack) mentioned that the yield of such a set is possible, and it will be weighing 150 GB.

Surgovo, but what you can't do for improving quality. Now, according to all the same karmak, it turned out that even such a decision the situation will not change much.

"The first high resolution texture test has revealed that they do not help too much because the initial textures are not much more detailed."

So, most likely, the idea with the yield of HD textures is canceled, and the maximum quality fans will have to play RAGE in its present form.

Rage Review

The epic phrase of Cheburashka "We built, built and finally built!" Applicable, perhaps, to all the work ID Software - they usually build for a long time. However, the result of their work usually does not make sorry for waiting. And so, it happened - the Rage project, another long-term studio, appeared on store shelves.

From the first moments, the game demonstrates the standard for postpocalyptic setting: the entire population of the Earth is experiencing a global catastrophe, threatening humanity with extinction. In connection with such a layout, ark (they are asylum) are created, where the cri is important and very important people. You are one of them.

Go nafig, here is busy!

Waking up, the hero discovers that life on Earth, even after the meteorite fall, goes to her! The inhabitants of our "ball", of course, got cool, but you won't call local places completely deserted. Life was divided into five main camps.

The settlers are normal people, the only desire of which is normal and relatively peaceful life. The resistance consisting of the milestone confused in a bunch of settlers, plans to overthrow the government. Bandits of numerous groups above all appreciate anarchy and the right of strong, so regularly offend settlers, they take away the modest reserves of nishtyakov and, if possible, reduce their number. Mutants do not believe and do not seek anything other than a juicy human leg for breakfast - do not go to the dialogue, but they are actively breaking into hand-to-hand. And besides all this brethren, there is still a new government, that is, a bunch of people who fought a society with a cataclysm and (which is much more important) all the remaining military power.

The government does not like nobody, except for mutants (and those probably, from government bullets happens) - the dictatorship is not for love. It is probably why players from the very beginning frighten the governments of the Government, who are struggling throughout the country in search of the guys, like a chief holder.

Without easter, it did not cost.

The plot in the game is practically absent and offers players a completely passive role. That is, events occur, but they all wear the character of side quests (bring-kill-win). That is, the initial hero does not motivate and practically do not intrigue. And only closer to the meeting with the notorious government begins to track a certain storyline. It is difficult to say that it is good for such a promising project. At least, many can scare many.

Rage offers a delayed and diverse mechanics. gameplay. A variety is that players will have to make many different operations during passage: shoot, ride, craft, trade and explore. This is if in general terms. Let's try to dug deep.

First of all, Rage is a shooter, so the FPS component is paid a lot of attention. The players will have a very rich choice of funds to destroy the enemy forces. Start with the fact that as it turns out a stupid such arsenal, which is capable of satisfying the most demanding lovers of postlers. There are also traditional machine guns-shotguns, and something more exotic, like crossbow.

Refuge amart lovers.

But on this, the experiments with weapons were not over. Each sample has unique types of cartridges. If simple ammunition in any guns have a similar effect, the modified has specific properties. For example, a shotgun cartridge can be started with explosives, and one of the types of arbal arms can temporarily manage the enemy's consciousness ... Before blowing it.

But not alone firearms Your ammunition is full. There are still grenades, worpalocks (those the most three-bladed boomerangs), radio-controlled bombs, turret, robots, etc. Most of all it needs to be crafted, that is, to create. If you got a recipe or scheme, you can only ride in your pockets or around the surroundings in search of a suitable trash. If something is missing, you can buy it from merchants.

With such an abundance of all hazardous junk, the gameplay acquires some similarity of the variability. No, the missions are linear, there is no special choice, but the way to deprive enemies will have to determine. Fortunately - there is, from what to choose. Well, since everyone you will not use you immediately, then your choice will accurately fall on something specific. And this can be anything, since there is no useless weapon in RAGE - any tool of death with proper ability can be very useful. The most seemingly nonsense pistol in the presence of a sight and powerful cartridges becomes hardly the most slaughter weapon in the game. Well ... certainly not useless.

Only madness fans from Doom 3, when Rage came out.

In general, everything that is associated with shooting is solely positive emotions. Enemies demonstrate not only the beautiful animation of deaths and wounds, but also thoughtful AI. Personally, I could not be predicted, how myself would be a separate scoundrel. In addition, there is a wide variety of opponents in the game, each type of which uses its own battle tactics.

However, there is one point that several spoils the sensations from the excellent mechanics of fighting, and returns us this moment to the absence of an intelligent plot. Here we see the situation similar to Crysis 2. There is a hero, but it is not surrender, there are characters who indicate you what to do, not particularly going into details, and without using other motivation, except for money. And if it was not so important in the "crisis", then in the postpocalyptic setting somehow it is somehow taken to put the question of moral choice between force and compassion, order and chaos. And the local "elected" itself choose nothing in the power. Under such conditions, numerous shootings cease to seem to be meaningful, although they do not lose their charms.

Big praise deserves the work of location designers. They managed to make the terrain at the same time gloomy, bright and diverse. All "beauty", which only can be represented in the postpocalyptic world, you will certainly meet here: Empty, broken motorways, destroyed cities that are collapsed in the eyes of collectors, Logova bandits, nests of mutants, mountain passes, poisonous swamps and much more.

"Here it is - my dream fish!"

However, with all the effects of the environment, there is one significant disadvantage. The concept of the game assumes the presence of a large number side missions, During which you will return to the locations that have already passed several times, which one differently begin to corp the eyes. And how you are hidden a trip by car by the same routes ... There, whatever landscapes, they start to get tired of them.

Of course, it is impossible to bypass the features of the new ID TECH 5. Although, only good talk about him. On the one hand, a high-level work is felt, high-quality physics, smoothness and at the same time accuracy. But on the other hand, all this is so undershored that I can not believe that so much time worked on this game. Basically, it is, of course, conflicts with video card drivers, which for such professionals as id Software unforgivable slip. Plus some kind of "witchcraft" with textures and brakes, problems with which there are not all and not constantly. In this PC version, of course, loses console.

Rage is a very provocative project that will certainly not pass by unnoticed. Someone admires the entourage and graphics, someone brands the shame of the lack of new engine. Someone admires the gameplay, someone criticizes repeatability and inconsistency. In any case, the indifferent something is not observed. But from the fact that the final product turned out to be flawed both by technical characteristics and on the concept, it will not work anywhere. And this is theicate of all, if you consider how much I had to wait for this game. This is exactly the case when it is worth these hopes for Sicvel.

This week a RAGE shooter release was released in Russia. The game came out for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 completely in Russian. It is worth noting that the Rage Anarchy Edition edition for all platforms contains codes for downloading additional content.

Despite the spectacular presentations, trailers and screenshots, not all publications admire the Rage project. Among the various gaming publications that put the evaluation game are, there are also those who believe that the game does not reach even the eight.

Often you have to hear that PC is the birthplace of piracy. However, this time the consoles survived the staff at the emergence of a multiplatform game on the open spaces. Yes, the Rage project has suffered this sad fate, and now it is available on various file sharing in Xbox 360 and PS3 format.

Rage Review

By analogy with cinema it can be said that the legendary ID Software is a "actor of one role", becoming a hostage of their own success in the past. Having created an incredibly popular Doom and Quake, it is already any other gamers and did not associate anything - and her last big project was again doom 3.


Platform PC / X360 / PS3

Genre First Person Shooter.

DeveloperiD SOFTWARE.

Publisher "1C-Softklab"

Formula Games

Doom 3 + Borderlands + Fallout 3 + Bandits: Phoenix Rising \u003d Rage


Great ART; Fascinating charter component

Problems with atmosphericness and all other elements of the gameplay; weak plot; The notorious "megatexture"

Good shooter with exorbitant ambitions





However, since its release has passed as many as 7 years have passed, and all this time Id Software worked on a new game IP, which potentially looked extremely promising, - action with role-playing elements in postpocalyptic setting, sort of Fallout with NEXT-GEN-graphics from the progenitors genre of shooters . True, the closer to the release, the more skepticism caused the next trailers and screenshots - since his announcement was managed by Fallout 3 and Borderlands, and now Rage looked very secondary, because it looked outwardly like a peculiar mix of the other. But finally, after 4 years, the release took place. Unfortunately, it was not possible to place all the points over "I" - as a result, it turned out to be hardly more than before the release of the game.

First, the release turned out, to put it mildly, raw. The notorious technology "megatexture", designed to create a unique appearance Each stone, each wall and every section of the land in Rage, turned into huge problems at the mass of gamers - at any turn of the camera, all textures were blocked and then loaded quite a long time. In the end, this, like other bugs, managed to solve patches and updates of drivers, but the first days of gamers played rather in "Run Rage" than in the Rage itself. However, the blurring of the texture, due to which all objects close to look, how to say, not very presentable, it is impossible to overcome - for this, the developer would have to release the patch volume of gigabytes in 100.

Local landscapes are simply incredible
Dark Corridors with Monsters - Business Card ID SOFTWARE
One of the numerous mini-games
Almost "Mad Max"
Wild West, Futuristic Style
Looks like the basic forces from developers went to level design
Legendary Meghatexture in Action

Secondly, the main ones, the Rage showed a lot of problems, and their simple patch is not patching. The plot here is extremely conditional - after an impressive string, in which the meteorite destroys all living on Earth, we come to themselves in the future, we are chosen from the ark (created in the framework of the project to preserve human civilization before the disaster itself) and ... here is the plot, in fact, Ends - 10 meters after its start. That is, formally, of course, something happens - the main character Gets to the preserved islets of civilization, communicates with the underground, fights with the government, etc., - but in fact it is absolutely nothing affected. "I tear because I tend!" - Following the porty, these words may well repeat both the main hero of Rage.

However, a weak plot is not a catastrophe. In the end, the mass of good projects, he is also not so hot, but it did not prevent them. Unfortunately, the flaws of Rage are not exhausted. The surrounding world, perfectly looked at the screenshots and in trailers, in fact causes only bewilderment. Yes, landscapes look fantastically, but the feelings of the whole and real world does not arise - everything seems too toy. The "distant and dangerous trip" in the neighboring city occupies seconds 15. The town itself - 2 streets and a dozen houses. And he, in essence, the only one for the whole game (not counting another base located at the metro station and the caller of the vague associations with Metro 2033). Under the world and characters - they look colorfully, but in the world fit with difficulty, and some are so caricatured that they seem to come from some comics.

Next are the notorious role elements. Local residents give us quests, you can buy weapons, ammunition and schemes for the manufacture of various beneficial reasons, and when it gets bored - to have fun with mini-games or participating in races on a buggy teeth, which is also allowed to upgrade ... but At the same time, there is absolutely no development of characteristics in Rage, even in its infancy. And when the only reward for completing the tasks is the currency, although the gamer does not complain about its disadvantage, it quickly beat the hunt to the NPC with a question: "Do you happen to have an extra charge?" In the game, the mass of a variety of elements, but they all impress some kind of occurrence and incompleteness - as if the developer overestimated his strength and could not realize fully intended.

By this time, a reasonable question arises: if everything is so bad here, for what did she get as much as 4 points? Fortunately, the Rage is not all bad. The game can cause a lot of questions while the gameimer is based on or wheeling on wastelands, but it is worth going to the next task - and it is transformed. When it comes to shooting, a completely different RAGE - ID Software appeared convincingly proven to be something that, and in the shooters she disassembled. Excellent dynamics, a variety of weapons, thoughtful levels, interesting opponents - It is here that Rage is revealed in all its glory. By the way, after the end of the single-user campaign, you can still prolong the pleasure with the help of multiplayer - besides the desmatch on cars there are cooperative missions for two players based on some stories that have heard when passing the storyline.

In general, Rage turned out to be just a good shooter with a whole bundle of flaws, some of which managed to correct patches, and others would have to come to humble for the sake of a wonderful Action-component. However, with the task - to prove that the Id Software can still make a revolution in the genre - he did not cope. Now all hope for Doom 4, because hope, as you know, dies last.

Good day, with you again OKOKOK-MAN and today we will talk about game Rage.which is again completely different reviews. I will say that I have no glitches, bugs and other husks were not, there were all the additions, so it allows me to look at her a little differently. All that is written below is a purely individual and subjective opinion. Go!

Small cake \\ plot \\ prehistory

In 2004, scientists find the likelihood of a collision with an asteroid of Apophis, which can destroy humanity. Governments of the whole world implement a project called "Ark". Prepare underground warehouses with weapons, supplies and other other + huge capsules with people who will be introduced into sleep. Five years after the collision of the asteroid with the ground, one of the capsules goes to the surface, you were in it. During your absence there was a "nuclear winter", surviving people who are not enough to re-build our world. But there are also many criminals and mutating people who terrorize the current empty to survive. What you ended in Earth before the government subordinated, is a problem, therefore, you will be hunted to subordinate or convince to get up on the "winning side". But you will fight against the system, for survivors.

Gameplay \\ gameplay

He is monotonous, but for some reason interesting. We will present weapons of survivors, including in the addition of "Anarchy Edition" there will be a double-rolled cart, an elite armor, an enlarged inventory capacity, hands on spikes, and a unique buggy "Rat Rod Buggy" are available. This is a shooter without pumping the skill of the character (it is not necessary at all), for weapons it will be possible to buy cartridges of various purposes (with a greater slaughter force, electrostators, discontinuous bullets, etc.), also additional sight. In the course of the game you will perform the main side tasks, chasing and fighting on buggy, wet mutants and zombies, collect different mechanisms, create attending bandages, devices for hacking locks, play in board games, participate in betting and even make a tele show show. Fascinating enough.

Video session

There are only two videos in the game, you do not need more. At the beginning of the game and at the end. It is made beautiful and high quality, nice for the eyes and just for understanding, no extra empty information.

Audio / Sounds \\ Voices

It also all qualitatively and solid. The voice acting is simply gorgeous, the voices are chosen competently, no problems. Sounds deserve separate praise, because very realistic, even too. They even stopped, but still.

Graphic filling \\ graphics

Drawing of the world of wisdom and cities, settlements I.T.D. At the height, on the maximum settings, everything looks super realistic, especially small details, weapons, cars, as if you look out the window. In fact, the edges are smoothed, the colors are natural, everywhere are the pros, which is also one huge plus.

Artificial Intelligence \\ Brain Stuffing

Here everything is very cool. Enemies behave like very cunning bastards, hide behind the shelters, occupy firepoints, dug off the shots, run away from the grenade, use shields, the features of the area, shoot mobile helpers and machines with explosives, which do not even have time to come close to them, cover up Do not climb each other. At the same time, they themselves are very fast, talented (especially in the plan of the pomegranate), in racing victory is not easy, pushed, shook, in short, full of kapets. Very hard. Perhaps this is a game in which the smartest enemies.

Transportation \\ Types

The game shows quad bikes, buggy, durandulet, chip, monarch. The last four can be improved by buying and installing various weapons (rockets different species, machine guns), robots that repair cars, temporary protective shields, parts from grilles to the engine. You can also choose painting options, stickers. All this can be bought for money and racing certificates that you get for participation in races and battles on special tracks.

Quad bike - the first transport in the game, good speed, but not protected, quickly comes in disrepair.

Buggy is an unprotected machine according to the type of golf card, you can improve, average speed, not bad for quick movement on empty, but for combat is hardly useful.

Durandulet - He's the Buggy "Rat Rod Buggy", rather more beauty, but not for victims, although when pumping has a chance for survival, speed above average.

Chudrino - a fortified pickup with lattices, after the upgrade will serve faithfully, it does not give up under the machine guns and rockets of the enemy, speed above average.

Monarch - the most armor-piercing machine in the game, after good spending on the finishes, it will pay off as a mobile armored tank with lattices and spikes, not very fast, but it will give enemies to searcate.

Ruibayaki \\ Pushechka

The gun is the first weapon in the game, not bad for the beginning of your trip, you can buy stronger bullets, their pair of species, also an eye from the best half binoculars for a better aiming.

Carton - two-handed shotgun good slaughter strength, melee battle with medium distances - its horse. In his arsenal, there may also have several types of bullets that are good for each type of enemies.

AUTO - AK-47 with good fire speed, slaughter power and recharge rate.

Machine gun - weapons against the government, especially special bullets that need to be purchased separately. Huge shooting speed, good sight, Fast recharge.

Sniper rifle - well, everything is clear here. Far exactly, quickly, from one time.

Crossbow is a super-aged piece for any distances in principle, a very cool upgrade of arrows, not a high shooting speed, but still he is wildly steep.

Raktartitsa - a powerful attack by rockets far and close, straight and a canopy. Very useful thing if you need to clean the way forward.

Miniga Government is the wilken thing in your arsenal, puts enemies with stacks, the average recharge rate, several types of cartridges.

A two-sided shotgun - a weapon, well-suitable for melee, stamps at a time recharged after each shot.

Fists rage - Castes with spikes in hand, we must have everything that is touched, good for melee.

Also, there is auxiliary weapon in the game: grenades (2 types: fragmentary and uh), walleryrs (such boomerangs with sharp wings), machinery with explosives (2 types: fragmentation and uh), robots-turret, automatic turret. Robots and cars are collected by you manually from the details that you found or bought from merchants.

Couple of chips

The game has a lot of reference to the series of games Half Life., Doom, Quake, Fall Out, which, in principle, should please the fans. Figures Vault-Boy`a, familiar characters and pictures, and even the opportunity to get to one of the levels of Doom`a. So dare.


On this, perhaps, all, thanks for your attention. With you again was Okokok-Man. See you in real and virtual. Until!