Watch Dogs the main character. Secondary characters. System requirementsWatch_dogs. PRESS TO PC

In the 2nd part of the game Watch Dogs. Characters are marked by their unusualness, because in the Universe of the Technological Future, it cannot be otherwise. Here, each person has his own worked in the smallest character and views on the world. The developers took care of this in order to players it was interesting to monitor the developing history of the project.

The world of digital achievements

According to the game legend, in the yard, our time, but technology went far ahead. Watch Dogs characters can hack literally any device using a mobile phone. Here we are talking about the main characters of two parts. They differ in each other completely and almost not connected. The protagonist of the original game Aiden Pierce appears only in one mission called the "Shadows", where intersects with his colleague Marcus Holowoem. It was his role that Gamers were accepted in the second part.

People have already managed to get acquainted with all the personalities of the first part, and now everyone is interested in new stories from the continuation. Developers throughout the entire advertising campaign warmed the interest of the crowd, and people rushed to look for any information.

The plot of the second part

In order to better understand what hackers are trying to achieve in the continuation, it is worth knowing the plot of Watch Dogs 2. The names of all characters here have nicknames - pseudonyms on the network, so that they could not be calculated. The story begins with the fact that people cease to believe in huge corporations that own all the digital developments of the new time.

Computer systems independently determine the level of threat and the likelihood of a person committing a crime. The same device fully controls the city of San Francisco and all spheres of human activity. BLUME with allies decided to take possession of this system, but they learned the hackers from the DedSec organization. The reaction followed the cruel, since the radical young people did not want to allow their life to drive anyone, besides them. The struggle began in which the most modern technologies were involved. Burglars even destroyed the whole buildings of corporations by explosion of the backups, and they tried to catch their enemies to the retaliatory. No matter how much this struggle went, no one knows, but the main protagonist appeared.

Marcus Holoway

In Watch Dogs, the characters can not compare with the charisma of the main character of Sicvel. This young man named Marcus Holoway possesses an incredible mind and talent for hacking information systems. It grown in Auckland, California. Family never had enough money to teach the boy, as they lived in poverty.

From an early age, the guy's selfishness made him promise himself to knock out a place under the sun. It was for this that he moved to San Francisco, where he planned to start a peaceful life and find a worthy job. Plans went in another direction when the CTOS City Management System attributed to him a top-level criminal profile. Thus, the cross on the career was delivered, and Markus himself did not want to put up with it. He joins the organization DedSec and begins his struggle for the destruction of unfair order in the metropolis.

Even before the project exit, the guy liked all the fans who saw in Watch Dogs 2 photo characters. It hides behind the mask and glasses, blacks, and at first glance looks defiantly. His motives are understandable, and gamers were happy to play, knowing what to fight in the face of Marcus Hollouey.


In the first rollers, trailers and arts arose in Watch Dogs 2 Character in Mask. No one knew what kind of guy, but his secretive, and the anarchist glances were captivated many fans. The appearance of this member Dedsec is not known to anyone, as he carefully hides it under the black mask with spikes. The peculiarity of this device is that small screens are located at eye level. With their help, the character in the form of emoticons demonstrates its own emotions to interlocutors.

After the entry of Marcus, Rench became his main ally and the most close friend. Its character can be viewed on both sides. A negative feature of this person is its constant rudeness in relation to others. There are no authorities for him, and anarchy around the world is considered to be the goal of life. On the other hand, he is fun, likes to joke, never retreats in the face of danger. For the sake of friends, I am ready to substitute your back, and thanks to this, it loses others in Watch Dogs 2 characters. RANCH in the FBI report appears a secretive man who does not like to be in the company of girls.


It is said that the rich life, the upbringing of the highest estate and social benefits often do not suit children with a rebellious character in wealthy families. This is what happened to the Sitar, who was the heiress of the Great American Dynasty. Instead of secured studies at universities, she threw an educational institution and began to rob people who deserve it, according to its principles.

Later it turned out that her parents are not sinless. They also bypass laws and try to increase wealth not honestly. The girl saw his vocation in heading the organization DedSec. In terms of appearance and perseverance, it is inferior to all the characters of the Watch Dogs game 2. The money for the movement of Sitara decided to "borrow" from the parents, and thanks to her hackers have the advanced to the main hero they nourish warm feelings and understand the injustice that happened in his life. In addition, Sitara is considered a leading designer in the organization. Her voice uses DedSec in order to leave applications on the network on its own behalf.

Raymond Kinny

In Watch Dogs 2, the main characters do not have the past associated with original gameIf not to take into account Raymond Kinny. This middle-aged man is wearing two other pseudonym - Ray and Ti-Bon Grady. Sometimes his name is a man-mystery, because it is not able to understand that even Rench, who at first conflict conflict with him. His appearance Differs only hairstyle and piercing. In clothing, he is not published, chooses a regular T-shirt or a gray shirt, as well as shabby jeans.

The hero has its own drug - hacking for prohibited objects. If in the world somewhere in the organization hides access to data, the task of Ti-Bon becomes with any means. For this, a lot of secret organizations hunt for him, including the FBI and CIA. In the second part, Marcus managed to make friends with Raymond and found out from him that he participated in the development of a long-suffering CTOS city management system. As a result, they together found a way to destroy it and defeat enemies.

Dusan Nemek

The culprit of all misfortunes of ordinary people and the chief enemy Marcus Holowuey - Dusan Nemek. Around it was grouped into Watch Dogs characters who crave power. This guy was a genius of his age, which almost did not spend time on the street. Since childhood he had no friends, and he grew up on the Internet. There he studied technologies, followed novelties and dreamed of creating something. His Slavic origin did not prevent you from going to San Francisco and develop a completely new technology.

He gradually climbed the career ladder until he became the BLUME technological director. The high post gave more opportunities, and after a few months later, neoto got access to the adjustment of the CTOS 2.0 system. This fact confirms that with this power he can manage the lives of people and lead the city by his wishes. Its annual income is more than $ 110 million, but this is not enough for it. When the San Francisco control plan originated in his head, it is not known, but throughout the plot, he is trying to achieve the goal.

Other Allies of the Main Hero

It was Josh that everyone considers the most talented from their association. Here it is worth noting Lenny - chapter of another hacker group called Prime_eight. He did not help Marcus in the adventure, because the two biggest gangs of hackers always competed with each other, but never interfered. They simply went separately with their own ways and tried to confront Nemeku and other allies.

Secondary antagonists

Among other villains, the allies are sushed Nekhenda, first of all, Mary Katskill. In Watch Dogs 2 characters are all extravagant, but this woman managed to hook the players most of all. She loves power very much, and own their network! Nvite is not enough for her. Mary is a valuable ally, as it has access to the profiles of many citizens of the city and the country. A woman can trace the flow of information, the mood of citizens, finding different hooks. Therefore, the main antagonist considers it an ally, and not just a pawn in his hands. This includes Mark Trails - Congressman in the US Parliament. The cash on his account comes from the income of the network! NVITE, and therefore it fully represents the interests of the soul Neshe in the Senate. His voice is used to promote the use of CTOS 2.0 in other destinations and cities of the country.

In Game Watch Dogs 2. The main character is the black hacker Marcus HolowayAlso, the main actors are members of the hacker group Dedsec.: Rench, Sitara, Josh, Horace, Allies of Marcus Ti-Bowen, Ranch Jr., Aiden Pierce. Their opponents - Thusha Nemek, Mark Trails, Zodiac, Lenny.

Rench and Marcus

Marcus Holoway

Markus Holloway is the main character of the game. It is endowed with non-happy abilities and cunning. His main goal is to win over the corruption system, in the networks of which is the entire San Francisco. Marcus interacts with DedSec.

Markus's homeland - Auckland from California, where the guy was born in the 92nd year of the twentieth century. According to nature, Marcus is a real egoist, but charismatic and gifted.

The main character is a leaving of the poor family, but his life has become even more difficult after the error in the CTOS system, after which Marcus was confused with a particularly dangerous criminal. Marcus was forced to escape, and fate led him to San Francisco to Hackers from Dedsec. Together with new friends, Markus becomes the main force against those who use CTOS for personal purposes.

Marcus is a real child of his time, and perfectly knows how to not only be managed with all kinds of electronic devices, but also on a high-tech basis to create everything you need with your own hands. His favorite melee weapon is a ball for billiards on a rope, also Marcus creates any kind of weapons on a 3D printer: from a non-lethal thamber to a destructive grenade launcher.

However, Marcus can not be called Botan: he is strong and deft, owns Parkur and completely confidently feels on the street.

At the same time, Marcus always carries with him the necessary set of gadgets: a laptop, a smartphone, a drone and a small remotely managed robot with a manipulator, which allows him literally on the fly to receive the necessary information or take control of a wide variety of electronic devices. All this, in combination with excellent physical training, makes Marcus formidable "urban partisan".


RENCH - One of the members of DedSec and partizing the best friend of Marcus. RENCH - an outstanding character Watch Dogs 2. His face is hidden by a mask, the surface of which is a LED display, which displays emoticons to the emotions that RENCH tests. It is rough, cheerful, adrenaline-dependent and very bold. Rencha had not the easiest childhood. Rench and is now shy and closed, especially in communication with the opposite sex. Most likely, a mask is a forced measure that allows Rentu to suppress pathological shyness.

His relationships with others: With Markus, the best friends, with Ti-Bon, was a little confused, but after they became friends. Rench many reminds default from Watch Dogs, by the way, there is an assumption that default is his brother.

At the beginning, Rench did not really trust Rey and even had conflicted with him, but then the relationship became less tense.

He has his own robot on Rench names - younger. At one time, Rench hacked an ordinary observer robot, and reprogrammed it in his "Robo-Son."

Every hero is unique in its own way


Sitara- One of the members of Dedsec and a girlfriend Marcus. She is 23 years old. She has a good relationship with Markus, the romantic development of events is also possible. With Renta from Sitara Friendship. The girl helps him to find his authority in Dedsec. Also from the mouth of the Sitara can hear the expression "bunny" towards Josh. This may indicate a romantic relationship between these heroes in the past.


Josh is a member of the hacker group DedSec. Friend of Marcus. Josh is an irreplaceable character. He is kind, smart, straight, modest. Josh is the chief coder DedSec. Watch Dogs 2 members are very respected. He is almost impressive if it comes to hacking. Josh is a good friend for Sitara and Marcus, and externally resembles Rhenchi style, only without a mask.

Raymond Kinny

Raymond Kinny or Ti-Bon Grady is a character that migrated from the first part of the game. Now he has become one of the main in Watch Dogs 2.

This is a very skillful hacker, and it is difficult for him to keep from penetrating there, where it is impossible. He is not at all frightened to get caught, but on the contrary, it will come around. He is ready to donate to many sake of satisfying his own desires.

Externally, it is a very high fatty fat, brown hair and beard. Ti-Bon dressed in a shirt of gray sleeveless, shirt, and leather dressings. His jeans are old, dirty, shabby. And shoes are brown bots. He also wears welding glasses, piercing in the nostril, rings on the beard.

According to the nature of Ti-Bon a very good, adores alcohol. His life changed after Ti-Bon with the help of the velvet found out that the cops would be arrested soon. Ti- Bon asked for help to Aiden, who helped the comrade to escape.

Aiden Pearce

Eiden Pierce appears in Watch Dogs 2 only in some episodes, but players are well known in the first part. Eiden is a high qualification hacker, he has obsessive thoughts about observation, surveillance, control and protection. He created a special exercise that makes an affordable CTOS - thanks to which he was under his control in Chicago.

Eiden can not be unambiguously called evil or kind. Earlier, Aiden led a criminal lifestyle, and since then he has survived a lot of contacts in the criminal world. For the sake of members of their family are ready for everything - if only they were safe.

Aiden Silen, fast, deft. If you need to kill someone - it will do it, especially without thinking about the consequences. He is valid, however paranoid. Watch Dogs 2 characters rated his pollination in the fights, different types Tactics, driving, hacking, etc. Aiden is able to do a lot of things at the same time.

Antagonists in Watch Dogs 2

Well, what about without bad guys?

Thusha Nemot

You think Nemot - the one who has brewed all this porridge. Against him and his Blue corporation actively fights Marcus with friends. Ambitions think can very much to harm the inhabitants of the city, so Marcus and his associates are the only ones who can interfere with it.

Mark Trass

Mark Trails - Chelak, who decided to take advantage of the features and services that Blume offers. He is a Congressman who wants to come to power, fake the election results. The guys try to prevent this with all their might.


Lenny is a hacker from Prime_eight. She hired a little to remove Marcus and Dedsec from the road. However, Lenny does not cope with the task. In the future, Lenny becomes an allied Marcus.

Eiden Pierce - a man with a criminal past

Detailing Characters Watch Dogs and ... Scandal with Genital

All Watch Dogs 2 characters have not only unique characters, but also a perfectly worked out appearance. They are very real and are so detailed that the scandal arose around it recently.

Although many developers are trying to bypass the topic of sex, Ubisoft did not bother with these rules. And soon I regretted my decision. One of the users laid out a scrine of a dead woman's corpse, which was without underwear. And in the game, we remind, it is drawn everything up to the genitals. It was considered immoral and offensive. As a result, the user received a ban for a month, and so detailed drawing was decided to remove to the date of release of the game on PC - November 29th. Thus, Watch Dogs 2 characters have lost genitals.

Who is cocked by, chess, Cash Run.

  • Achievements (aschievements) .
  • general information

    Developer: Ubisoft. Publisher: Ubisoft.

    Time of complete 100% of the passage of the game is 50 hours.

    Watch_dogs. Walkthrough

    In Watch_Dogs, Chicago is subject to the central operating system (CTOS), it is it that contains information about all residents. And the one who gets access to it will receive control over the city.

    Eiden Pierce is an outstanding hacker with a criminal past, whose acts have become the cause of the tragedy. To revenge for your family, he goes to the track path - and you are with him. Eyden is able to hack and use everything connected to the city information network - everything surrounds. Access to security cameras, personal data loading, track location tracking, traffic light and public transport ...

    System requirements
    Watch_dogs. PRESS TO PC

    Characteristic Minimum requirements Recommended requirements
    CPU 4 x 2.66 GHz
    (Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66GHz)
    (AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.0GHz)
    8 x 3.5 GHz
    (Intel Core i7-3770 3.5 GHz)
    (AMD FX-8350 X8 4 GHz)
    Video card 1 GB Video RAM
    (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460)
    (AMD Radeon HD 5770)
    DirectX 11.
    2 GB Video RAM
    (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti)
    (AMD Radeon HD 7850)
    DirectX 11.
    25 GB 25 GB
    Operating system Windows Vista (SP2),
    Windows 7 (SP1),
    Windows 8 (64 Bit)
    Windows Vista (SP2),
    Windows 7 (SP1),
    Windows 8 (64 Bit)

    Passing plot missions. Act 1.

    Mission Mission Act I:
    , , , , , , , , , , , .


    The game begins in the lobby of the hotel "Merlo" (Merlaut). Hacker Aiden Pierce (Aiden Pearce) and his accomplice Damien Brenks (Damien Brenks) wake up a computer of one of the guests and steal money from an electronic account. But the protection system detects hacking, and the hacker is calculated. Aiden Pierce has time to escape from the crime scene, but his name is already becoming known.

    After that, we see that an unknown customer entrusts Killer Mauris (Maurice) to kill the whole hacker family. After some time, the motorcyclist attacks the car Aiden Pierce and shoots it. The 6-year-old niece of the main character - Lena (Lena Pearce) dies in the accident.

    Mission 1. The end of the eighth inning
    Watch Dogs. Walkthrough. Bottom of the Eighth

    After 11 months, Aiden Pierce finds the killer of his family. In the basement of the baseball stadium, we enter the technical premises, interrogate Killer Maurice. The customer's name is not clear.

    We start playing. Aim (right mouse key) and shoot (left mouse button) in Maurice. But it was only a threat, there are no cartridges in a pistol. When the hero turns away from the questioned, we are preparing to reflect the blow of the enemy (the "F" key is a quick action).

    Purpose: Leave the Locker Room WHEN READY)

    Wake up mobile phonelying on the floor (key "Q" - hack). Listen to audio recording Maurice 01. From the phone. On the right, you can hack the machine with gas production, but it is useless effect. On the rack to the left of the door can be found medications. On the left wall we take chemical component.

    We leave the room. On the way, we encounter another armed enemy with a tattoo on the floor of the person, but its accomplice is neutralized in time. The accomplice stages the murder of two people, and then reports that he has already caused the police. We need to urgently leave this place.

    Purpose: Sneak past the police (Sneak Past the Police)

    There are two corridors ahead. First we go to the right corridor, we wake a wedge car ahead. A policeman will go to this noise. We go to the left corridor. Along the way, you can hide for drawers and other objects (key "C"). We approach the car, we turn left and leave the underground parking lot.

    Purpose: hack the camera (Hack The Camera)

    We climb on the trash can (the "Space" key), and from it to the second floor. Here on the left wall at the top we see a video camera of tracking, we wake it up (clamp the "Q" key).

    Purpose: Follow the information stream to its source (Follow the Data Flow Line to Its Source)

    After hacking, a view from the chamber is included. We bring the lens on the opposite wall, from here we wake the second camcorder.

    Purpose: Unlock the door (UNLOCK THE DOOR)

    From the second camera we see two policemen, and on the right from them there is a camshaft on the wall, we wake it up.

    Purpose: reach the upper floor (Reach the Upper Level)

    We pass forward, we see a policeman on the way.

    Purpose: Use the bait to divert the copper (USE A LURE TO DISTRACT THE COOP)

    On the near table we take electronic details. Open the weapon menu (the average mouse button), select the "bait" section (weep the mouse position position), collect the device from the parts ("E" key). Throw the device to the specified point (key "G").

    While the policeman goes to the right to sound, we are inconspicuously passing to the escalator.

    We go to the hall where there are a lot of people. Hiding behind the counter, we can view personal details of people standing nearby ("Z" key). Some of them can remove some money from the mobile account. In the corridor, come to an ATM, take the stolen money.

    We pass along the corridor. Ahead of the glass we see fans at the stadium. We turn left, you see two policemen behind the glass doors. Here Aden Pierce calls a familiar hacker under Nick Huligan17 (Badboy17), and asks for help to gain access to the information network of the building.

    Purpose: Find and hack the security system (Find and Hack The Guard WITH THE ACCESS Code)

    At the ceiling over the police, we find the camera, we wake it up. From the chamber, we look forward, on the second red column we wake another video camera. From here we wake the phone of one of the guards on the right.

    Purpose: hack local network Stadium (Hack INTO THE STADIUM'S NETWORK)

    Turn the camcorder to the left, we see the red column next to the doors, we wake the shield on it.

    Purpose: Create Dimming (Create A Blackout)

    We fall into the server room, we turn off the power supply over the cabinets.

    Purpose: leave the stadium (Escape the Stadium)

    The lights are turned off. Ahead two guards leave left, one continues to look right. Quickly pass to the opposite wall behind the back of the guard. Further go along the wall on the left side. Police will not notice us even at a distance of a couple of meters. We leave out of the room.

    At the exit, the hero calls his Asian accomplice, his name is Jordi Chin. Further through the cafe we \u200b\u200bgo out.

    Purpose: leave the search zone (Leave the Police Search Area)

    On the street, police cars are already tightened to the stadium building. Just go forward without attracting attention. Jordi Chin proposes to go left, where the car has already been cooked in the garage. But you can hide in another way: you can turn left at the intersection, walk to the banks of the river, take away the boat and go away.

    Purpose: get to your refuge (Reach Your Hideout)

    Open global map (Key "M"), on the Western Island we see the purpose of the task, sail to it. We go to the motel, on the second floor we enter your number.

    In your room you can hack the device lying on the table, listen audio recording Eyden Pierce 05. On the bedside table in the corner we take electronic spare parts, in the bathroom we take the chemical components and unstable chemical components. At the chest near the bathroom, you can change the clothes of the hero, but still nothing except the standard suit.

    Purpose: Go to Sleep (Go to Sleep)

    After examining everything asylum, lay down on the bed, fall asleep until the morning.

    Training mission. Discovery of crimes
    Watch Dogs. Passing site

    Purpose: Exit Motel Room (Exit Your Motel Room)

    We go out on the street, we see several people and their personal data.

    Purpose: Check people for the presence of crime around their asylum (Profile People for Potential Crimes Near Your Hideout)

    We walk around the motel, hack cell phones of ordinary people in search of information. Someone can overhear the conversation, someone has a ringtone for his mobile, someone has a small amount of money from a mobile account.

    After some time, a criminal action will be discovered in the next quarter.

    Purpose: to study the potential crime areas (Investigate The Potential CRIME AREA)

    Weiently focus on the minist in the lower right corner, go to the symbol of the blue triangle. We approach the court, where the crime is committed. But immediately enter there it is impossible, first you need to collect evidence.

    We wake a camera hanging on the building next to the Italian shop. Turn the camera in the alley on the right, we wake the second chamber. The 2nd chamber is directed down, remove how two people communicate. The camcorder includes an alarm.

    Purpose: Stop the Crime (Stop the Criminal)

    We catch up with a runaway criminal. You can shoot from afar, but if we do we live, we will get more experience. You can catch up with a person at the crossroads if you break the traffic light in time and turn on the red light. Stun the criminal (key "F").

    An additional mission is completed. For this we get an increase in reputation.

    Mission 2. Big Brother
    Watch Dogs. Walkthrough. 2. Big Brother.

    After completing the first missions, we can safely move around the city. To continue to perform basic story quests, turn on the map (key "M"), find a symbol of a yellow hexagon (the next mission is in the northern part of the left island), we deposit the route to it (the left mouse button). Arriving in place, clamp the "E" key to start the mission.

    Purpose: Joins the holiday in the backyard (Join the Party in the Backetyard)

    Come to the house decorated balloons. This is a house where the remaining family of the hero - sister Niki and her 10-year-old son Jackson. By the path, we go around the house on the right side. In the backyard we meet with your family.

    Purpose: Log in to Nicky's home (Head Inside Nicky's Home)

    In the house continue to communicate. At this time, Niki calls a stranger.

    Purpose: listen to the phone nickname (listen in on nick's phone)

    We wake up the phone and listen to the conversation. A stranger threatens our family. We determine the location of the caller.

    Purpose: Stop the suspect (take dOWN THE Suspect)

    We go out on the street and immediately sit down in the nearest car. On the adjacent street, the suspect leaves on his car, pursue him. Cut through the neighboring streets it is impossible, as the suspect will go to an underground tunnel to another island.

    To stop the car of the criminal, you can break through the traffic lights at the intersections. When his car stops, go out and shoot the enemy.

    Purpose: hack phone caller (Hack the Caller's Phone for answers)

    We wake a mobile phone, learn some information. Next, the hero is associated with hacker hooligan17. Together they agree to hack the CTOS city network for obtaining the necessary information.

    Mission 3. Skip for the scenes
    Watch Dogs. Walkthrough. 3. Backstage Pass

    Purpose: Buy assault rifle 416 (Purchase the 416 Assault Rifle)

    We enter the weapon store, communicate with the seller (key "E"). In the purchase menu in the second tab we buy weapons 416 for $ 1200.

    Purpose: Find a security guard with access code (Locate A Guard With The Access Code)

    We approach the closed zone highlighted on the minicarm in red. We bought a rifle on the extreme case, it is not necessary to shoot here. To enter the closed territory is also not necessarily.

    I get up before closed gates, we wake the camcorder hanging on the pole on the right. We hate the 2nd camera in the lower right corner of the construction, with her in the camera above the staircase.

    Purpose: Hack a guard with access code (Hack The Guard for the Access Code)

    Inside the room behind the right wall is a security guard that has an access code. Go to the camera on the left, inspect the guard and download the code.

    Purpose: use code to access the server (Use Access Code to Reach the Servers)

    We return to the previous chamber above the staircase. From here, we look forward, we wake a sound device that attracts the attention of the guards. Quickly move to a breast video camera from one of the guards. When the guard goes and look after the drawers, we wake the shield on the wall. We fall into the hacking line menu.

    Puzzle network. Here rotate the circles with the switches (key "Q") so that they close the line, painting it into blue. 1st plot - straight line. The 2nd section is a line from one loop, here it is necessary that two blue lines come to the symbol of the castle. The 3rd section is a line with a loop, where one node is painted in red - this is a hack detection device. The red knot is better to turn the last time, since after its turn it turns on the countdown timer.

    Hacking a line, fall into the camcorder inside the server room. We wake up the server, we get access to the city's network of this area.

    Purpose: leave the area (Leave the Area)

    If you do not arrange a shootout in the mission, then leave the zone will be easier than simple.

    Training mission. Network hacking
    Passing of the DOGS

    Purpose: Find an enemy hacker (Find 2XTheTAP)

    Aiden Pierce is not the only successful hacker in the city. Right before the next scene mission Someone remotely hacks our cell phone and starts downloading all the data. We can only easily determine the location of the enemy hacker.

    Hacker is somewhere in a small park, you need to find it among ordinary passers-by. The only thing that is known is - he must have a cell phone. The screen shows the progress of downloading our data. If we do not have time to 100%, then the mission will be failed.

    A hacker turns out to be a person walking around the park around, dressed in a brown jacket (perhaps, with each new passage, the appearance of a person is chosen by chance).

    Purpose: Kill hacker while he disappeared (Kill 2xthetap Before He Evades)

    The person found needs to be killed. If you do not catch it on foot, then he will move the road and sit down in the car, you will need to catch up with the car.

    Loose from the crime scene. From police cars you can easily break away if you raise the sliding bridge or close the metal gate behind you.

    Purpose: Enable online contracts application (Access the Online. Contracts App)

    After the mission is fulfilled, the game offers us to see a list of such additional missions, for this open the map (key "M"), go to the map of online contracts (the "right" key). Such missions are highlighted on the map purple. Initially, in every area of \u200b\u200bthe city there is one such task. You can play online contracts only if the game is connected to UPLAY servers (not available on pirate copies games).

    Purpose: Select a contract and request a goal (Select Online Hacking and Request A Target)

    Choose any task and try to turn it on. Even if it does not work connect to server Uplay.The task will still be fulfilled.

    The threat of hacking is eliminated, now you can return to the passage of the plot mission.

    Mission 4. Place in the rear seat
    Watch Dogs passage. 4. Backseat Driver.

    Asian mercenary Jordi Chin proposes to complete one of the tasks that the customers instructed him.

    Purpose: reach the Western Islands to obtain a contract (REACH the West. Island for the Driving Contract)

    In place we get a task to hold a person through police block posts.

    Purpose: get to the fugitive unnotected (Reach the Fugitive Undetected)

    We are going north. We are constantly looking at the minicar, yellow circles appear there - search zones, if you do not leave such a circle on time, the police will begin to pursue us. If you fell, first you need to hide from the police, then continue the task.

    We approach the garage, we wake the gate, inside we find a car and an armed person in the back seat.

    Purpose: Get out of the surroundings unnoticed (Escape The Lockdown Area Undetected)

    We are located on a small intermediate island, here all bridges are blocked, the only way from the environment is to go to the south of the island. Two parallel streets lead to the south, but they constantly patrol the police cars and one helicopter. Our task is to drive along the alleys, hiding from the police. When one of the copies of the cops will pass by, turn off the engine and hiding in the car (the "F" key). When the danger passes, turn on the car's engine and go further.

    Purpose: Deliver the Fugitive and Avoid All Detection)

    On the southern edge of the island, one of the roads is not blocked, we pass along it. We are going to the designated quarter. Inside there is a disassembly between the client and the customer of the lacquer kunny. Let's leave this place.

    Mission 5. Open your world
    Watch Dogs. Open Your World.

    Purpose: meet with hooligan17 (Meet with Badboy17)

    We go to the underpass, we meet with Hooligan17 hacker, which is a girl informal named Clara Lille (Clara Lille). It pours utilities to our phone to hack the CTOS urban network (now almost all the abilities are available on the "Skills" tab. But now you need to access the CTOS central office.

    Purpose: penetrate the CTOS office (Reach the Ctos Executive Offices)

    By underground parking, we go to the goal. There is a forbidden zone, which is patrolling a dozen guards. It will not work unnoticed here, but before the start of battle you can hack a camcorder to inspect the zone, to count the guards, it is possible to eliminate someone with an explosion of electronics. After that, we enter the zone and shoot guards. The locked door can be opened if you break the shield on the wall on the right.

    Purpose: Find an access code from the security code (Locate A Guard with the Access Code)

    We enter the office. Here on the lower floor we also wander the cameras, we consider enemies, then they destroy them. One of the guards get the access code, it walks along the centerpiece of the lower floor. On the second floor we find the panel to use the access key.

    Purpose: access an unprotected computer (Hack The Access Point To Breach The Unsecured Laptop)

    We wake the network. This time the puzzles became an order of magnitude harder.

    1 network. First, turn the switches on the left and right to power the central network node. Remove the castle from the central node. Then the left switch is rotated to the bottom of the left, the central - from the bottom up and right, right to the left.

    2 network. Turn the switches so that the flow of information is first upward, then to the lower node, and from it to the right to the end node. (If confused, you can start to build a stream from the end node to the initial, so immediately one solution will be visible).

    Purpose: hack computer (Hack The Laptop to Upload A Virus and Give Clara Access)

    Hacking the network, look through the camcorder on the Boss of the Blum Corporation Security Department. While he is talking on the phone, load the virus and get it up with his computer.

    Purpose: leave the building (Escape The Plaza)

    Access is received, now quickly leave the building - through the second floor we go out into the street.

    Purpose: Prevent Police Challenge (Escape The Police Scan Undetected)

    The enemies found the system hacking, and are now trying to call the police. Hacker Huligan17 gives us a special ability of Jam COMS - blocking outgoing calls (key "G"). Immediately use this ability so that the enemies remain without reinforcement (the ability temporarily stops the yellow search zone).

    Mission 6. Thanks for the advice
    Watch Dogs passage. 6. Thanks for the tip

    Purpose: get to the source of the signal (Reach the Mystery Caller's Signal Source)

    We arrive in the deserted alley, we climb on the second floor. There are many objects that can be hacked and explode, but still do not touch them, they will fit later.

    Purpose: Review the location of the signal (Pinpoint the Signal's location)

    We see the CTOS network shield on the wall, but its signal is protected from two sides.

    Purpose: Find and activate CTOS boxes (Find and Activate the Ctos Boxes)

    We hack the camcorder on the right on the wall. From the chamber, we look at the right to the highly lit area, we wake the second camcorder there. We look down the 2nd camera, we wake the first signal block.

    The second block is not to see from here. We return to the control of the hero, go down, go to a well-lit alley. The left wall in the angle we see a small elevator. From above around the angle, next to the elevator, there is a camcorder, we wake it up. We look directly from the chamber, on the opposite wall we wake the second block.

    Objective: Access the Building Network to Reach The Signal Source)

    We return to the CTOS panel and start hacking it.

    1 network. From both sides, we supply the signal to the blocked node, open it. Triple switch turn down, unlocked switch rotate to the right.

    2 network. Sign the signal from three sides to the blocked node, open it. The top signal first go left, on the upper way, bring it to the end point. On the unlocked switch, spend the right. Another signal is carried out along the bottom path.

    Purpose: Explore the apartment (Investigate The Apartment)

    It turns on the view from the camcorder. We grab the camera near the laptop. Then we wake the phone. The link comes with an old familiar - Hacker Damien Brexx.

    Purpose: kill all enemies or escape (Kill All Fixers or Escape)

    At this time, the alley surrounded the hired killers and killers. It is impossible to go out of the shelter, so we wake the cameras and explosive devices around to kill enemies.

    A minute later, light will disappear in the alley. In the dark we can quickly get out of the environment. We leave because of the shelter, we run forward, jump into the ground, run into the door to the right, we get to the underground parking lot. From here we leave by car and leave the danger zone.

    Purpose: track Damien's call site (Follow the Traced Call to Damien)

    I donate to the memorial. Near the endless statue we find the old man Damien. He tells us everything that knows and offers to work together as before, but Aiden Pierce refuses.

    Watch Dogs passage. REMEMBER.

    Just come to the cemetery, we look at the video - a memories.

    Mission 7. And this is not a pizza
    Watch_dogs. Passage not the pizza guy

    Jordi Chin informs us that after disassembly under the stadium, a man survived with a tattoo on his face. Now it is contained in prison and is ready to testify against us. We need to communicate with the leadership of the prison.

    Purpose: Climb on a balcony for a meeting with Jordi on The Patio Deck)

    We climb on the right column to the balcony of the second floor. Our accomplice has already been tied the tenants of the apartment and arranged here a sniper point. (In one of the rooms we find audio recording Malcolm Deodo 02). Our task is to get on the other side of the river.

    Purpose: penetrate the sorting station (Infiltrate The Rail Yard)

    Go off the balcony, go down to the pier. Sit down in the boat, sail to the left berth on the other side. Before the entrance to the forbidden zone we wake a video camera, we blame a couple of enemies through it. We enter and finish the remaining. Sniper Jordey will help us.

    Objective: to overhear the boss of enemies (Interrogate The Fixer Boss)

    Ahead is a blocked door. The block is located on the wall of a small two-story building near the coast. You can hack the camera on the second floor of the building, look through the lattice balcony down and hack the block.

    We enter the door, interrogate the wounded boss of the eliminals of Lance Brenner. He talks about a man named Angelo Tucci (Angelo Tucci), which is satisfied with the illegal torture and interrogations in prison.

    Purpose: Kill EDUClumbers or Run (Kill All Fixers of Escape)

    We leave back to the street, the enemy reinforcement arrived here. You can only kill the nearest enemies, run along the right wall, and quickly return to the category. One of the abilities of the Eiden Pierce is to temporarily disable the electronics of the helicopter, we use it (to begin with, you need to purchase it in the skill menu). Temporarily turning off the helicopter, sit on the boat and leave the danger zone.

    Mission 8. Wheel sticks
    Watch_dogs. Passage on PC. A WRENCH IN THE WORKS

    Purpose: Find Angelo Tucci niece (USE The Profiler to Find Angelo Tucci's Niece)

    Huccher Clara Lille did not find the Angelo Tucci himself, but approximately the location of his niece. We go to her searches.

    We enter the hall of the skyscraper building. Here, near the sign "Connelly Square" there is a musician with a pipe, and next to it - our goal is Helin Tucchi.

    Purpose: hack phone niece (Hack The Niece's Phone)

    It is impossible to approximately, we wake a phone for at least 8 meters. Initially, the hero calls the phone of Helena, representing the police. After that, Helena will call his uncle. At this moment we wake her phone and determine where its relative is located.

    Purpose: Kill Angelo Tucci before he reaches prison (Kill Angelo Tucci Before He Reaches The Prison)

    Angelo rides on the Eastern highway, moving from north to south. We go out on the street, sit down in the first car, we donate to the right crossroads, we turn right, after that we can go straight to the motorway, without turning anywhere.

    On the motorway, we leave the car across the road, go out and take a rifle in my hands. Feel good sniper rifleBut the usual assault rifle is also suitable. (If enough money has been accumulated, then at all you can buy a grenade launcher in a weapon store). Angelo Tucci rides in the contention of three cars, we need to aim in the middle.

    Purpose: Eliminate Angelo before he runs out (Eliminate Angelo Before He Escapes)

    If it did not work out to kill Angelo aiming shot, then shoot a car on wheels, so it will not leave. We finish the enemy.

    Purpose: kill angelo's accomplices or hide (Kill Angelo's Alies or Escape)

    It is easier to destroy two more machines of gangsters than to run away from them.

    Mission 9. Redhead you do not go
    Watch_dogs. Dressed in Peels.

    The hero comes to prison and surrenders the police to get to the witness. It is placed in one of the chambers.

    Purpose: Leave your camera (Escape Your Cell)

    Pee in the door window. In prison, almost all guards on the chest there is a hidden camcorder. We wake the first chamber.

    We are trying to hack the guard chamber on the opposite side of the second floor. If it is impossible to aim, try to get into it through other camcorders.

    From the camera of the second guard we wake the camcorder in the control room. Inside the room we wake the remote.

    Purpose: find the survivor (Locate the Survivor)

    Going out into the corridor, immediately hurt for the columns (key "C"). The guards can not come across the eyes, it is also impossible to strike them too, otherwise the mission will be failed. We look at everything through the camcorders, then start moving. After running between a column, we get to the stairs, waiting when the guard will turn down at the bottom, go down and hiding under the stairs. We run into the ground floor control room.

    Purpose: penetrate the network to inspect the walking yard (Access The Network to View the Exercise Yard)

    On the room we pass on the staircase. On the second floor in an empty room you can take electronic details and audio recording FLOW DEODATA 03. On the third floor, the guard is on duty, it is impossible to go there, but you can open the doors and from afar to hack the cell on the table, we will get for that damian Brexx Audio Research 08.

    In the next block of the building we descend the first floor, run into a separate room. Here, only two guards move along two rooms. We are hacking the camcorder of the first guard, through it we wake the second, and then the shield on the wall.

    1 network. First turn all switches on top and bottom. Only then turn the triple switch to the left. We unlock the node, spend a signal to the end node from the triple switch.

    Purpose: Find at the stadium surviving Raoul Lionzo (Find The Stadium Survivor: Raul Lionzo)

    Switch between video cameras, peering into the individuals of the prisoners to see their names. The one we are looking for, arriving at the double gate at the entrance to the walking courtyard. We see how two guards lead Raoul in the basement on torture.

    Purpose: get to the surviving in the basement (Get to the Survivor in the Basement)

    We wake a camcorder on the first guard, we grab the shield in the right corner. Return to the hero. We lean around the wall, we are finely moving forward. We are waiting for both guards to turn away to the other side, at this time quickly run into the opened elevator.

    Purpose: pick up the surviving in the basement (Take Out the Survivor in the Basament)

    We enter the room, we take a shotgun on the box, start shooting enemies.

    After the victory, a severe enemy will go down to the basement. I hide behind the corners, constantly shooting the armored car, we wake explosives. As soon as the enemy approaches - we run away for another angle. Apply more than 20 shots, destroy the enemy.

    We go to the door, we wake it up. We communicate with the prisoner of Raoul Lionzo, who has a tattoo in the floor.

    Purpose: Exit The Prison)

    We go to the hall. Here is a locked lattice door. We enter the right door, find the room in the room medications, ingredients and audio recording FLOW DEODATA 04. Through the window of the room we wake the panel behind the grille. We go out.

    Purpose: Escape the Police (Escape

    On the street we were surrounded by police. I rush at once for the nearest shelter. Sit down to any car, accelerate and drive to the springboard in the left far corner of the roof. So we fall on the subway rails. On the rails you can drive to another island, the police cars will not catch up with us, and the helicopter can be hacked by a special skill.

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    As we know the next part of the game about hackers Watch Dogs 2. This time you will play for another hero named Marcus in the city of San Francisco. But the developers did not forget about the fans of the first part and therefore added several old characters. In this article we will present all the characters Watch Dogs 2.

    Markus Holoway from Watch Dogs 2

    Marcus Holoway - the main character in Game Watch Dogs 2.. Markus Talented Hacker, who united with Dedsec hacker group in San Francisco to fight against the corrupt CTOS system.

    RENCH from Watch Dogs 2

    RENCH - Member of the Dedsec group, the best friend of Marcus and professional hacker. Dedsec know a guy who consists in a hacker group, and is also a full anarchist. Pretty ambiguous personality, no one knows who he is, as Rench bears a bizarre mask with the LED display at the level of the eye, which shows various emotions in the form of emoticons.

    Sitara from Watch Dogs 2

    Sitara - Also is a member in DedSec and, respectively, the Allied Marcus.

    Joshua from Watch Dogs 2

    Joshua - The most humane of the entire DedSec group. It rarely expresses its opinion, but at the same time it is an important member of the group. Joshua - "Brain" of this cell, the main coder. Any technical issue is solved through it. This hacker can hack anything, bypass any firewall.

    Raymond "Ti-Bon" Kinny from Watch Dogs 2

    Raymond "Ti-Bon" Kinny - also known as Ti-Bon Grady - Watch Dogs Demon Magnonist, Watch Dogs Main Protagonist: Bad Blood, and the main character Watch Dogs 2.

    RANCH Junior from Watch Dogs 2

    Ranch Jr. - Dedsec robot companion.

    Other Perclonts in Watch Dogs 2

    Above the all major characters Watch Dogs 2 were presented, and all other heroes ranging from secondary and ending antagonists:

    Horace - Ally of Marcus Hallowea, Hacker.
    Thusha Nemot - Main antagonist of the game. CEO Blume Corporation.
    Mark Trass - Anthoganist. Congressman who plans to falsify the election.
    Lenny - Antagonist, which is the leader of the hacker group Prime_eight.
    Aiden Pearce - Hacker, who left Chicago after events in the first part. Ally Marcus.
    Jordi Chin - disposal. Hired Marcus to eliminate Russian mafia.
    Zodiac - Antogonist in the DLC mission.

    The passage of the story campaign Watch Dogs was recorded on the PC on average and the maximum levels of complexity. Full passage of the game with all side quests took about 15 hours.

    Note: Beware Spoilers!

    Chapter 1: Family

    Chapter: "The end of the eighth inning", "Senior Brother", "Skip for the scenes".

    A year after the tragic death of the niece, Eiden Pierce went on a killer footprint.

    Chapter: "Annoying Fly", "Open Your World".

    Jordi Chin asks to give him a small service and deliver one person to the appointed place.

    cTOS - What is it?

    This is a computer program that controls Chicago. With the help of it, you can control the movement on the roads and in the subway, breed bridges, follow the lighting, observe what is happening with the help of video cameras from anywhere in the city. In addition, the CTOS stores all the personal data of each Chicago resident.

    Chapter: "Thank you for the advice," "Remember", "And this is not a pizza."

    Aiden Pierce went to the trail of Damien, his old buddy. It is time to apply a visit to him.

    Chapter: "Sticks in the wheels", "Redhead you do not go."

    Someone is ready to reveal the Eiden Pier. According to the information received, this person is in prison. We'll have to make him silence.


    Reputation is a system that allows you to determine the reaction of society to the actions of the Eiden Pierce. If the townspeople support the protagonist, then I will speak of the media as a hero. If Aiden enjoys a bad reputation, then people will walk away from him. However, on the gameplay or plot it will not be displayed.

    Chapter 2: Who is Ramond Kinny?

    Chapter: "Hold on, baby", "fragile things", "accompanying damage".

    Damien grabbed the pier sister to start working with him in the same team.

    Chapter: "One foot in the grave", "the entrance is somewhere nearby", "an ambulance hand."

    Clara has found something about a secret bunker in which CTOS was developed. It is necessary to find it and restore the work.

    Commercial companies in Watch Dogs

    IN real life Chicago - the second most important city in the United States. This is an economic, industrial, transport, cultural capital of the entire Midwest. In Watch Dogs, the Chicago is engaged in business not only large, but also small commercial companies.

    Blume - The company that created the CTOS system. Its responsibilities include developing and supporting the performance of a computer program.

    WKZ TV. - The largest television channel in Chicago.

    BOGEN. - A company that is engaged in the production of small and comfortable cars.

    Pharmingtons - network of pharmacies.

    Chicago Transit Authority.- Operator public transport. In real life is a city corporation, which also operates in Chicago.

    PROVIBLUE BANK. - City Bank.

    Brewed Delight - The most famous cafe in the city.

    Chapter: "Fraternal devotion", "Tyrone will not pull."

    Traces lead to the database of Viceroys criminal organization. Pier must check everything before visiting the gangster lair.

    Chapter: "Uninvited guest", "without noise and dust", "look into the abyss."

    Eiden Pierce wants to use his pedbag for his own purposes. He needs it to paint the codes of Iraq (chapters Viceroys).

    Organizations Watch Dogs.

    Deadsec. - The Hacker Community, which opposes the use of CTOS.

    Black Viceroys. - a gangster group consisting of some African Americans. He heads her Delford Wade on the nicknamed Iraq.

    Fixers. - The organization of mercenaries, headed by Jordi Chin (familiar Eiden Pierce).

    Defalt. - a hacker organization that leads war with DeadSec.

    Chapter: "Risk stroke", "Example for imitation", "Cissible", "against rules".

    The chief hero had to pretend to be a millionaire Lucky Quina to get to the closed auction. However, the pier opens quickly. He has to keep his legs.

    Chapter 3: Between the first and second

    Chapter: "Steps behind your back."

    To decipher the code, the help of the CTI-Bon CTOS Creator is needed.

    Chapter: "Stollen", "Future not around the mountains", "by any means".

    Ti-Bon asked to remove its biometric data from the Blum network.

    Levels suspicion

    Suspicion levels - alert system. In Watch Dogs there are four levels of suspicion.

    White level: No one suspects the main character.

    Yellow level: When the territory begins to scan the police, yellow circles appear on the mini card. The longer you are in them, the sooner you will notice. If the yellow band is closed to 100%, the police instantly find the main character and begins to hunt behind it.

    Red level: Bandits or police will hunt you as long as you do not go away from them. To do this, it is necessary to break away from the chase, and then when the hero will lose sight of, get out of the white circle.

    911 : When you stop the car and throw out the driver to take his place, he can call the rescue service. Until that moment, until he caused the police, he needs to take the phone. Then the call will be interrupted, and the driver will just run away. There is also an option to quickly hide off the crime scene.

    Chapter 4: Revenge

    Chapter: "Face to face", "rat nest", "Default situation".

    Damien decides to take revenge on the chief hero after he again refuses to work with him.

    Chapter: "Younger Sister", "Ghosts of the Past", "There is no way."

    Aiden manages to find and save sister. Now you have to take it into a safe place.

    Multiplayer modes in Watch Dogs

    The game has four multiplayer modes:

    1. "Invasion"

    In the commoner, this game is called hide and seek. You invade the game of another user and start copying its data. The task of the enemy is to find a hacker, yours - not to get to his eyes.

    2. "Decryption"

    Command battles 4 on 4. Both groups are fighting for downloading the file to the network before opponents. Wins the one who did it first.

    3. "Slotting"

    You are in the game of another user and mining important information Before escape.

    4. "Racing"

    Competitions on cars on the streets of Chicago.

    Additional tasks in Watch Dogs

    In addition to the passage of the story campaign, in Watch Dogs you can investigate crimes, save civilian from hooligans, destroy the gangster attachments, interfere with the underground trade in weapons, catch a serial maniac or slave trade, and also spend your free time for mini-games. There are only six of them: poker, thimbles, chess, "Who is cocked by whom", NVZN (you need to destroy the aliens with a laser), Cash Run (run, during which you need to collect gold coins).

    Chapter 5: Exit

    Chapter: "Everyone sometime lose."

    Damien is completely distressed. He got under CTOS control and does everything to eliminate the pier.

    Achievements in Watch Dogs

    • Family man - Complete the first part.
    • Who is Raymond Kinny? - Complete the second part.
    • Between the first and second - complete the third part.
    • Revenge - Complete the fourth part.
    • Exit - Complete the fifth part.
    • Hello everyone - interrogate and stun Morissa.
    • End of the way - run 40 contracts of the eliminator.
    • Scared - destroy 15 gangster drips.
    • Eye - Imgregate Private Life 30 times.
    • Fighter - Catch 20 criminals.
    • Clear signal - Unlock all CTOS ties.
    • Sysadmin - Hack 16 CTOS Steps.
    • Check Care - Collect eight disposable phones.
    • No disk space - open all songs using the Songsneak application.
    • In position - celebrate in each hotspot point.
    • Known as "Avenger" - complete all investigations in the game: "Human trade", "missing", "Arms trade", "QR codes".
    • The threads of darkness are the last task of the "missing" investigation.
    • Road Wars - Perform 18 assignment tasks.
    • Halyava - Unlock all skills skills.
    • Scrap metal - destroy ten cars.
    • Pursued - Become an object of surveillance 5 times.
    • Communication error - interrupt 10 calls to the police. No town-dweller should suffer.
    • Bookmarks - Mark 100 goals.
    • Magic smoke - kill four enemies in a row in concentration mode.
    • Game - take part in five different mini-games.
    • Gudini - leave the police chase 15 times.
    • Object "White Rabbit" - hide from police scanners 15 times.
    • Invisible - Slide from the police scanner level 5.
    • Explosive hat-trick - kill 3 enemies with one explosion.
    • Equipment failure - take the tires 15 times in cars.
    • Read only - scan 16 "QR codes".
    • Saturday Show - Perform the last task of the investigation of the "Arms trade".
    • Cancellation of client rights - fulfill the last task of the investigation of "human trafficking".
    • Language is unleashed - the reverse of three opponents at the level of the game "Who has been chatting."
    • Hacking - Complete successfully 10 times the task "Network Hacking".
    • On the tail - complete successfully 10 times the "Network Sliding" task.
    • The freeway - complete successfully 10 times the task "Network Racing".
    • Phantom - Spend a network surveillance, remaining unnoticed.