Levels of development of gaming activities by Elconin. Stages of forming the game activity of children and types of games. Junior school age

Topic 7. Preschool Childhood (from 3 to 6-7 years)

7.1. Social development situation

Preschool childhoodcovers the period from 3 to 6-7 years. At this time, the child is disconnected from the adult, which leads to a change in the social situation. The child first leaves the world's world limits and is part of the world of adults with certain laws and rules. The circle of communication is expanding: the preschooler visits the stores, the clinic, begins to communicate with peers, which is also important for its development.

The ideal form with which the child begins to interact, the social relations that exist in the world of adults are becoming. The ideal form, as LS believed. Vygotsky, is the part of the objective reality (higher than the level on which the child is located), with which it comes into direct interaction; This is the sphere in which the child is trying to enter. In preschool age, the world of adults becomes such a form.

According to D.B. Elkonina, the whole preschool age rotates, like around his center, around an adult, its functions, his tasks. Adult here acts as a carrier of social functions in the system of public relations (adult - dad, doctor, driver, etc.). The contradiction of this social development situation, Elkonin saw that the child is a member of society, outside of society he cannot live, its main need - to live with the surrounding people, but it cannot be done, since the child's life takes place in conditions of mediated, and not Direct links with the world.

The child is not yet able to fully participate in the life of adults, but can express their needs through the game, since only it makes it possible to simulate the world of adults, enter it and lose all of his roles and behaviors.

7.2. Leading activity

The leading activity in preschool age isthe game. The game is such a form of activity in which the child reproduces the main meanings of human activity and assimilate those forms of relations that will be implemented and subsequently implemented. He does this, replacing some objects with others, and real actions abbreviated.

Special development at this age receives a plot role-playing game (see 7.3). The basis of such a game is the role chosen by the child, and the actions to implement this role.

D.B. Elkonin argued that the game is a symbolic-modeling type of activity in which the operational side is minimal, the operations are reduced, subject items. It is known that all types of activities of the preschooler are simulating a modeling character, and the essence of modeling is to recreate the object in another, not natural material.

The subject of the game is an adult as a carrier of any public functions, entering into certain relations with other people, adhering to its activities of certain rules.

The game forms an internal action plan. It happens as follows. The child, playing, focuses on human relationships. To reflect them, he needs to be internally lose not only the entire system of his actions, but also the entire system of the consequences of these actions, and this is possible only when creating an internal action plan.

As shown by D.B. Elkonin, the game is a historical education, and it arises when a child cannot take part in the system of social labor, since it is still small for this. But he wants to enter adulthood, so he does it through the game, in contact with this life.

7.3. Game and toys

Playing, the child is not only having fun, but also develops. At this time, the development of cognitive, personal and behavioral processes occurs.

Children play most of the time. For the pre-school childhood, the game is a significant way of development (Table 6).

Table 6.

The main stages of gaming activities in preschool age

Junior preschoolersplay alone. The game is objective and manipulative and constructive. During the game, perception, memory, imagination, thinking and motor functions are improved. In the plot-role-playing game, the actions of adults are reproduced, followed by the child. An example for imitation serve parents and close familiar.

IN mEDIUM PEOPLE OF PRESCHOOL Childhoodthe child needs a peer with whom he will play. Now the main direction of the game becomes imitation of relations between people. The topics of plot games are different; We introduce certain rules that the child strictly adheres to. The focus of the games is diverse: family, where the heroes are Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandfather and other relatives; Educational (nanny, teacher in kindergarten); Professional (doctor, commander, pilot); Fabulous (goat, wolf, hare), etc. In the game, both adults and children can participate in the game, and they can be replaced by toys.

IN senior preschool agescene-role games are distinguished by a variety of roles, gaming actionsruled. Items can be conditional in nature, and the game turns into a symbolic, i.e. the cube can represent various items: a car, people, animals - it all depends on the role assigned to him. At this age, during the game, some children begin to show organizational abilities, become leaders in the game.

During the game developmental processesin particular, arbitrary attention and memory. If the game is interested in a child, it involuntarily focuses on the items included in the game situation, on the content of the playful actions and the plot. If he is distracted and incorrectly performs a role allocated to him, he can be expelled from the game. But since emotional encouragement and communications with peers for the child are very important, he has to be attentive and memorizing certain game moments.

In the process of gaming activities are developingmental capacity.The child learns to act with the subject-deputy, that is, gives it a new name and acts in accordance with this title. The appearance of a substituent becomes support for developmentthinking. If first with the help of substituent items, the child learns to think about the real object, then over time, the action with substituent items decreases and the child will be learned to act with real objects. A smooth transition to thinking in terms of representations is happening.

In the course of the plot role-playing game developsimagination. From replacing some objects with others and the ability to take on various roles a child moves to identifying objects and actions with them in their imagination. For example, a six-year-old Masha, looking at the photo where the girl was depicted, who packed his cheek and thoughtfully looks at the doll, sitting near the toy sewing machine, says: "The girl thinks as if her doll sews." According to this statement, you can judge the method of the game inherent girl.

The game affects and on personal developmentchild. In the game, it reflects and tries on behavior and relationships of significant adults who at this moment act as a sample of his own behavior. The main skills of communicating with peers are formed, the development of feelings and volitional regulation of behavior is being developed.

Begins to developreflexive thinking.Reflection is the ability of a person to analyze its actions, actions, motifs and relate them to universal values, as well as with actions, actions and motives of other people. The game contributes to the development of reflection, because it makes it possible to control how the action is carried out in the process of communication. For example, playing in the hospital, the child cries and suffers, by performing the role of the patient. He receives satisfaction from this, because he believes that he fulfilled the role.

The interest of K.drawing and design.First, given interest is manifested in gaming form: The child, drawing, plays a certain story, for example, the animals drawn them together, catch up with each other, people go home, the wind blows apples hanging on the trees, and so on. Gradually, the drawing is transferred to the result of action, and the drawing is born.

Inside the game activity begins to developtraining activities.Elements of training activities do not arise in the game, they introduce their adult. The child begins to learn, playing, and therefore refers to training activities as a role-playing game, and soon hesitates with some learning actions.

Since the child pays special attention to the plot-role game, consider it in more detail.

Scene-role game - This is a game in which the child performs the role chosen by him and makes certain actions. Plots for games Children are usually chosen from life. Gradually, with a change in reality, the acquisition of new knowledge and life experience, the content and plots of role-playing games are changing.

The structure of the unfolded form of the role game is as follows.

1. Unit, center game.This is the role that the child chooses. In the children's game there are many professions, family situations, life moments that have made a big impression on the child.

2. Gaming actions.These are actions with values, they are of the pictorial character. During the game, the values \u200b\u200bare transferred from one item to another (imaginary situation). However, this transfer is limited to the action capabilities, as it is subject to a specific rule: only such an item can be replaced with at least a drawing of action.

Great importance acquiressymbols of the game. D.B. Elkonin said that abstraction from the operating and technical side of subject action makes it possible to simulate the system of relations between people.

Since the system of human relations begins to simulate in the game, then the need for a comrade arises. One thing to achieve this goal is impossible, otherwise the game will lose sense.

The game is given to the meanings of human actions, the line of development of actions is as follows: from the operating circuit of action to human action, having a meaning in another person; From a single action to its meaning.

3. Rules. During the game there is a new form of pleasure for a child - the joy of what it acts as the rule requires. Playing in the hospital, the child suffers as a patient and rejoices as playing, satisfied with the performance of his role.

D.B. Elkonin paid great attention to the game. Studying games of children 3-7 years old, he allocated and described four levels of its development.

First level:

1) Actions with certain items aimed at the accomplice of the game. This includes the actions of the "Mother" or "Doctor", aimed at the "child";

2) Roles are determined by the action. Roles are not called, and children in the game do not use each other's real relationships, existing between adults or between adults and a child;

3) actions consist of repetitive operations, for example, feeding with a transition from one dish to another. In addition, nothing happens: the child does not lose the process of cooking, washing hands or dishes.

Second level:

1) The main content of the game is the action with the subject. But here it comes to the fore, the correspondence of the game action is real;

2) the roles of children are called, and it is planned to split functions. The role is determined by the implementation of actions related to this role;

3) The logic of actions is determined by their sequence in real reality. The number of actions is expanding.

Third level:

1) The main content of the game is to perform the resulting action. Special actions are beginning to be allocated, which convey the nature of relations to other participants of the game, for example, appeal to the seller: "Give bread", etc.;

2) The roles are clearly defined and highlighted. They are called to the game, determine and send the behavior of the child;

3) The logic and nature of actions are determined by the result. Actions are becoming diverse: cooking, washing hands, feeding, reading a book, laying sleep, etc. There is a specific speech: the child is gaining to the role and says as required by role. Sometimes in the game of the game there may be really existing relationships between children: they begin to call, swear, tease, etc.;

4) Violation of logic is protesting. This is expressed in that one speaks to another: "It does not happen." The rules of conduct that children must obey are determined. The malfunction of actions is noticed from the side, it causes a care of a child, he tries to correct the error and find it an excuse.


1) the main content is to perform actions related to other people whose roles are performed by other children;

2) The roles are clearly defined and highlighted. During the game, the child adheres to a certain line of behavior. Role-playing functions of children are interconnected. Speech is clearly role-playing;

3) Actions occur in a sequence, clearly recreation of real logic. They are diverse and reflect the wealth of actions of the person depicted by the child;

4) Violation of the logic of actions and rules rejected. The child does not want to break the rules, explaining that this is what is really there, as well as the rationality of the rules.

In the process of the game, children actively usetoys. The role of toys is multifunctional. She performs, firstly, as a means mental Development The child, secondly, as a means of preparing it for life in a modern system of public relations, thirdly, as an object that serves for fun and entertainment.

In infancy the child manipulates the toy, it stimulates it to active behavioral manifestations. Thanks to the toy, perception is developing, i.e., form and colors are captured, orientations appear to new, preferences are formed.

In early childhood the toy performs in the autodidactic role. This category of toys includes matryoshki, pyramids, etc. They are laid on the development of manual and visual action. Playing, the child learns to distinguish between sizes, shapes, colors.

The child gets a lot of toys - deputies of real objects of human culture: cars, household items, tools, etc. Thanks to them, it masters the functional purpose of objects, mastering the guns. Many toys have historical roots, such as onions with arrows, boomerang, etc.

Toys, which are copies of the objects that exist in everyday life of adults, encourage the child to these subjects. Through them, there is a realization of the functional appointment of objects, which helps the child to psychologically enter the world of permanent things.

Different household items are often used as toys: empty coils, matchboxes, pencils, loskutka, rope, as well as natural material: cones, sprigs, chips, bark, dry roots, etc. These items in the game can be used Differently, it all depends on its plot and situational tasks, so they act in the game as polyfunctional.

Toys - means of exposure to the moral side of the child's personality. A special place among them are taken by dolls and soft toys: bears, squirrels, bunnies, dogs, etc. First, the child produces imitative actions with doll, i.e. does what adult shows: shakes, rolling in a wheelchair, etc. . Then the doll or soft toy act as an object of emotional communication. The child learns to empathize to her, patronize, take care of her, which leads to the development of reflection and emotional identification.

Dolls are copies of a person, they have a special meaning for a child, as they act as a partner in communicating in all its manifestations. The child is tied to his doll and thanks to her he experiences a lot of diverse feelings.

7.4. Mental development of preschooler

All mental processes are a special form of subject action. According to L.F. Obukhova, in domestic psychology there was a change in ideas about mental development due to the allocation of two parts in the action: approximate and executive. Research A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonina, P.Ya. Halperin allowed to present mental development as a process of separating the approximate part of the action from the very action and enrichment of the approximate part of the action through the formation of methods and means of orientation. The orientation itself is carried out at different levels: material (or practically effective), perceptual (with a support for visual objects) and mental (without support for visual items, in terms of performance). So when they talk about developmentperceptions meaning the development of methods and orientation means.

In preschool age, approximate activities are developing very intensively. Orientation can be carried out at different levels: material (practically effective), sensory-visual and mental.

At this age, the studies of L.A. Hungarian, there is an intensive development of sensory standards, i.e., colors, shapes, values, and correlation (comparison) of items with these stalls. In addition, the ability of the standards of the family of the native language. About phonemes D.B. Elkonin said the following: "Children begin to hear them in a categorical key" (Elkonin D. B., 1989).

In the general sense of the word, standards are the achievements of human culture, the "grid", through which we look at the world. When a child begins to master the standards, the process of perception becomes indirect. The use of standards allows the transition from a subjective assessment of the perceived world to its objective characteristic.

Thinking. The assimilation of the standards, a change in the types and content of the child's activities leads to a change in the nature of child thinking. By the end preschool age It is planned to transition from egocentrism (centers) to decentration, which also leads to the perception of the surrounding world from the standpoint of objectivity.

The child's thinking is formed during the pedagogical process. The originality of the development of the child is to actively master them in the methods and means of practical and cognitive activityhaving a social origin. According to A.V. Zaporozhets, mastering such methods plays a significant role in the formation of not only complex species of abstract, verbal-logical thinking, but also thinking of a visual-shaped characteristic of preschool children.

Thus, thinking in its development takes place the following stages: 1) the improvement of visual effective thinking on the basis of developing imagination; 2) improvement of visual-shaped thinking based on arbitrary and indirect memory; 3) the beginning of the active formation of verbal-logical thinking through the use of speech as means of setting and solving intellectual tasks.

In his studies A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Falkov, L.A. Wenger and others confirmed that the transition from clearly effective to visual-shaped thinking occurs due to the change in the nature of approximately research activities. Orientation based on the method of trial and error is replaced by targeted motor, then visible and, finally, mental orientation.

Consider the process of thinking in more detail. The emergence of plot games, especially with the use of rules, promotes developmentvite-figurativethinking. His formation and improvement depends on the imagination of the child. At first, the child mechanically replaces some items by others, giving the subjects of the substituents who do not have the functions of them, then the items are replaced by their images and the need to commit practical actions with them disappears.

Wonder-logicalthinking begins its development when the child knows how to operate in words and understands the logic of reasoning. The ability to reasoning is found in the middle preschool age, but is very brightly manifested in the phenomenon of egocentric speech, described by J. Piaget. Despite the fact that the child can argue, in his conclusion is noted illuminated, it is confused when comparing the size and quantity.

The development of this type of thinking takes place in two stages:

1) First, the child assimilates the meaning of words related to subjects and actions, and learns to use them;

2) The child knows the system of concepts denoting relationships, and assimilates the rules for the logic of reasoning.

When developing logical thinking is the process of forming an internal action plan. N.N. Podkakov, studying this process, allocated six stages of development:

1) First, the child with the help of hands manipulates objects, solves the task in a clear-effective plan;

2) Continuing to manipulate objects, the child begins to use the speech, but still only for the name of the objects, although it can already verbally express the result of a practical action.

3) The child begins to mentally operate in images. There is differentiation in the internal plan of the final and intermediate objectives of the action, i.e., he drags the action plan in the mind and, when performing, begins to argue out loud;

4) The task is solved by a child according to a predetermined, thoughtful and internally presented plan;

5) The child first thinks out the problem of solving the problem, mentally represents this process and only then proceeds to its implementation. The purpose of this practical action is to reinforce the response found in mind;

6) The task is solved only in the internal plan with the issuance of a ready-made verbal solution, without subsequent reinforcement.

N.N. Falkov made next conclusion: Children passed stages and achievements in improving mental actions do not disappear, but are replaced by new, more perfect. If necessary, they may again be included in the solution of the problem situation, i.e., it will begin to work visual-effective, visual-shaped and verbal-logical thinking. It follows that preschoolers, intelligence already operates on the principle of systemity.

In preschool age begin to developconcepts. In 3-4 years, the child uses words, sometimes not completely understanding their meanings, but over time there is a semantic awareness of these words. J. Piaget called a period of misunderstanding of the meaning of the words of the child's static development. The development of concepts is in parallel with the development of thinking and speech.

Attention. At this age, it is involuntary and caused by externally attractive objects, events and people. Interest comes to the fore. The child records attention to anything or anyone only during that interval in which it remains direct interest in person, subject or what is happening. The formation of arbitrary attention is accompanied by the advent of egocentric speech.

At the initial stage of the transition of attention from involuntary to arbitrary importance, funds manage the attention of the child, and reasoning out loud.

Attention in the transition from the younger to the older preschool age is developing as follows. Younger preschoolers consider the pictures of interest to them, can engage in a certain type of activity 6-8 seconds, and senior preschoolers - 12-20 seconds. At preschool age, there are already a different degree of sustainability of attention from different children. Perhaps this is due to the type of nervous activity, the physical condition and living conditions. It was noted that nervous and sick children are more often distracted than calm and healthy.

Memory. The development of memory comes from involuntary and directly to arbitrary and indirect memorization and remember. This fact is confirmed by Z.M. Istomine, which analyzed the process of becoming arbitrary and indirect memorization from preschoolers.

Basically, all children of early preschool age prevails involuntary, visual-emotional memory, only linguistically or musically gifted children prevails the hearing memory.

The transition from involuntary memory to arbitrary is divided into two stages: 1) the formation of the necessary motivation, i.e., the desire to remember or recall or recall; 2) the emergence and improvement of the necessary molemic actions and operations.

Various memory processes are unevenly developing with age. So, arbitrary playback occurs earlier than an arbitrary memorization, and is involuntarily ahead of it in development. The development of memory processes also depends on the interest and motivation of the child to a particular activity.

The productivity of memorization in children in gaming activities is much higher than outside the game. At the age of 5-6 years, the first perceptual actions aimed at conscious memorization and remember are noted. These include a simple repetition. By 6-7 years, the process of arbitrary memorization is almost completed.

As the child has grown, the child has increased the rate of extraction of information from long-term memory and translating it into operational, as well as the volume and time of RAM. The child's ability to assess their memory opportunities is changing, become more diverse and flexible strategies for memorizing and reproducing the material used by it. For example, a four-year-old child from 12 presented pictures can learn all 12, and play only two or three, a ten-year-old child, having learned all the pictures, can reproduce eight.

Many young children and mid-preschool children are well developed direct and mechanical memory. Children easily remember and reproduce seen and heard, but provided that it caused their interest. Thanks to the development of these types of memory, the child quickly improves their speech, learns to use household items, is not well oriented in space.

At this age, Eidetic memory is developing. This is one of the types of visual memory, helping clearly, accurately and in detail without difficulty to restore visual images of visible.

Imagination. At the end of early childhood, when the child first demonstrates the ability to replace some objects by others, the initial stage of development of imagination occurs. Then it gets its development in games. About how developed the child's imagination is, it is not only possible to judge the roles that he performs during the game, but also by crafts and drawings.

OM Dyachenko showed that the imagination in its development passes the same stages as other mental processes: involuntary (passive) is replaced by arbitrary (active), directly mediated. The main instrument of mastering the imagination becomes sensory standards.

In the first half of the pre-school childhood, the child prevailsreproductive imagination. It lies in the mechanical reproduction of the impressions gained in the form of images. It may be impressions of watching TV shows, reading the story, fairy tales, direct perception of reality. In images, the events that have made an emotional impression on the child are usually reproduced.

In the older preschool age, the reproductive imagination turns into an imagination thatcreatively converts reality.In this process, thinking is already involved. This type of imagination is applied and improved in plot games.

The functions of the imagination are: informative-intellectual, affective-protective.Cognitive-intellectualthe imagination is formed by separating the image from the subject and the designation of the image with the word. Roleaffective protectivethe functions are that it protects the growing, vaporic, weakly protected the child's soul from experiences and injuries. The protective reaction of this function is expressed in the fact that through an imaginary situation may occur the discharge of the emerging voltage or the resolution of the conflict, which is difficult to ensure in real life. It develops as a result of the awareness of his "I", the psychological branch of oneself from others and from the actions performed.

The development of the imagination takes place the following stages.

1. "COMPLETEMENT" by the image of actions. The child can control, change, clarify and improve its images, that is, to regulate its imagination, but it is not capable of planning and in mind to make a program of upcoming actions.

2. Children's affective imagination in preschool age develops as follows: Initially, negative emotional experiences in a child are symbolically expressed in the heroes of the tales heard or seen; Then he begins to build imaginary situations, relieving threats from his "I" (for example, fantasy stories about yourself as an allegedly possessing particularly pronounced positive qualities).

3. The appearance of replacement actions, which, being implemented, are able to remove the emotional stress. By 6-7 years, children can represent the imaginary world and live in it.

Speech. In preschool childhood, the process of mastering speech is completed. It develops in the following directions.

1. The development of sound speech is underway. The child begins to realize the features of his pronunciation, he develops a phonderatic hearing.

2. Grows vocabulary. Different children are different. It depends on the conditions of their lifetime and on how and how many people are communicated with it. By the end of the preschool age, all parts of speech are present in the lexicon of the child: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, numerical and connecting words. German psychologist V. Stern (1871-1938) Speaking about the richness of the vocabulary, the following figures leads: in three years, the child actively uses 1000-1100 words, at six years - 2500-3000 words.

3. The grammatical system of speech is developing. The child absorbs the patterns of the morphological and syntactic structure of the tongue. He understands the meaning of words and can correctly build phrases. At the age of 3-5 years, the child correctly catches words, but sometimes it is incorrectly applied. The children appear in children using the laws of the grammar of the native language, create statements, for example: "From mint pellets in the mouth - a draft", "At the bald head - barefoot", "see how the rain has leaning out" (from the book K.I. Chukovsky " From two to five).

4. There is awareness of the verbal composition of speech. During the pronunciation, the language orientation on the semantic and sound side occurs, and this suggests that it is not yet realized by the child. But over time, the development of the language alone and the associated mental work takes place.

If at first the child refers to a suggestion as a single meaning whole, a verbal complex, which means a real situation, then in the process of learning and from the start of reading books, the verbal composition of speech occurs. Training accelerates this process, and therefore, by the end of preschool age, the child is already beginning to silence words in sentences.

During development, speech performs various functions: communicative, planning, iconic, expressive.

Communicativethe function is one of the main functions of speech. In early childhood, speech for a child is a means of communication mainly with close people. It arises as needed, about a specific situation, which includes both an adult and a child. During this period, communication acts in a situational role.

Situational speechit is clear to the interlocutor, but it is incomprehensible to an outside person, because when communicating the implied noun and pronouns are used (he, she, they), there is an abundance of adventure and verbal patterns. Under the influence of others, the child begins to rebuild the situational speech on more understandable.

Senior preschoolers traced such a tendency: the child first calls the pronoun, and then seeing that he does not understand it, pronounces the noun. For example: "She, girl, went. He, the ball rolled. " The child gives questions a more detailed answer.

The circle of interests of the child is growing, communication is expanding, friends appear, and all this leads to the fact that the situational speech is replaced by the speech of contextual. More is noted here detailed description Situations. Improving, the child often begins to use this type of speech, but there is still a situational speech yet.

An explanatory speech appears in the senior preschool age. This is due to the fact that the child when communicating with peers begins to explain the content of the upcoming game, the device of the car and much more. This requires a sequence of presentation, instructions of major relations and relations in the situation.

Planning the speech function is developing because it turns into a means of planning and regulating practical behavior. It occurs its merger with thinking. In the speech of the child there are many words that are not addressed to anyone. It can be exclamations reflecting its attitude to action. For example, "Tuk-Tuk ... scored. Vova scored! ".

When a child in the process of activity addresses itself, they speak about egocentric speech. He is pronouncing what it does, as well as the actions that predict and guides the procedure performed. These statements are ahead of practical actions and are figurative. By the end of preschool age, egocentric speech disappears. If the child does not communicate with anyone during the game, then, as a rule, it does not work silently, but this does not mean that the egocentric speech disappeared. It just goes into inner speech, and its planning function continues. Consequently, egocentric speech is an intermediate stage between the external and internal speech of the child.

Sign the function of the child's speech is developing in the game, drawing and other productive activities, where the child learns to use objects-signs as substituents of missing items. The signal function of speech is the key to enter the world of human socio-psychological space, a means for understanding people of each other.

Expressive the function is the most ancient function of speech, reflecting its emotional side. The speech of the child is permeated by emotions when he doesn't work out or he refuses something. The emotional immediacy of children's speech is adequately perceived by the surrounding adults. For a well-reflective child, this speech can be a means of exposure to an adult. However, the "childishness", specially demonstrated by the child, is not accepted by many adults, so he has to perform effort and control itself on himself, to be natural, and not demonstrative.

Personal developmentchild preschool age is characterized by the formationself-consciousness. As mentioned above, it is considered the main neoplasm of this age.

Begins to change the idea of \u200b\u200bmyself, my "I". This is clearly visible when comparing answers to the question: "What are you?". The child of three years responds: "I am big," and seven years old - "I'm small."

At this age, speaking of self-awareness, you should take into account the awareness of your place in the system of public relations. The personal self-awareness of the child is characterized by the awareness of his "I", the allocation of himself, his "I" from the world of objects and the surrounding people, the appearance of the desire to actively influence the emerging situations and change them in such a way as to meet their needs and desires.

In the second half of preschool age appearsself-esteem based on the self-assessment of early childhood, which corresponded to a purely emotional assessment ("I am good") and a rational assessment of someone else's opinion.

Now, when forming self-esteem, the child first estimates the actions of other children, then own actions, moral qualities and skills. He has awareness of his actions and understanding that not everything can. More innovation with the formation of self-esteem isawareness of your experienceswhat leads to the orientation in their emotions, you can hear the following statements from them: "I'm glad. I'm sad. I'm calm".

There is aware of himself in time, he remembers himself in the past, aware of the present and presents in the future. This is how children say: "When I was small. When I'm growing big. "

The child occurssex identification.He is aware of his floor and begins to behave according to roles, as a man and a woman. Boys are trying to be strong, bold, courageous, not cry from resentment and pain, and girls are neat, delivered in everyday life and soft or coquetty-capricious in communication. In the course of development, the child begins to assign itself behavioral forms, interests and values \u200b\u200bof their sex.

Develops emotional-volitional sphere.Regarding the emotional sphere, it can be noted that preschoolers, as a rule, there are no strong affective states, their emotionality is more "calm." However, this does not mean that children become phlegmatic, the structure of emotional processes simply changes, their composition increases (vegetative, motor reactions, cognitive processes - imagination, figurative thinking, complex forms of perception). At the same time, emotional manifestations of early childhood are preserved, but emotions are intellectualized, becoming "smart".

The emotional development of the preschooler is perhaps the most promoted children's team. In the course of joint activities, the child makes an emotional attitude towards people, empathy (empathy) is emerging.

In preschool age changes andmotivational sphere.The main personal mechanism that is formed at this time issports of motifs.The child is able to make a decision in a choice situation, whereas earlier it was difficult for him. The strongest motive is the promotion and receipt of award, less strong - punishment, and the weakest - promise. At this age, to demand a promise from a child (for example, "do you promise no longer fighting?", "Do you promise not to touch this thing anymore?" And so on) meaningless.

It is in preschool age that the child begins to master ethical standards, it appearsethical experiences.Initially, he can only appreciate other people's actions: other children or literary heroes, and it is not capable of evaluating. Then, in the middle preschool age, the child, evaluating the actions of the literary hero, can justify its assessment, based on the relationship of the characters of the work. And in the second half of the preschool age, he can already evaluate his behavior and tries to act in accordance with the moral norms that he learned.

7.5. New formation of preschool age

To the neoplasms of preschool age D.B. Elkonin took the following.

1. The emergence of the first schematic abis of whole children's worldview.A child cannot live in disorder, he needs to put everything in order, see the patterns of relationships. In order to explain the phenomena of nature, children use moral, animistic and artificial reasons. This is confirmed by the statements of children, for example: "The sun is moving so that everything is warm and light." This is because the child believes that in the center of everything (starting with the fact that the person and to the phenomena of nature) is a person that has been proven by J. Piaget, who has shown that the child in preschool age is an artized worldview.

At the age of five, the child turns into a "small philosopher". He argues about the origin of the Moon, the Sun, Stars, based on viewed telecasts about astronauts, lunas, rockets, satellites, etc.

IN certain moment preschool age in the child appears elevated cognitive interestHe begins to torment everyone with questions. Such is the peculiarity of its development, so adults should be understood this and not to annoy, do not hide from the child, but if possible, respond to all questions. The offensive of the "accuracy age" suggests that the child is ready to study at school.

2. The emergence of primary ethical instances.The child is trying to understand what is good, and what is bad. Simultaneously with the assimilation of ethical norms there is aesthetic development ("beautiful can not be bad").

3. The appearance of the coeximation of motives.At this age, the deliberate actions prevail over impulsive. Perseverance are formed, the ability to overcome difficulties, a sense of debt arises before comrades.

4. Behavior becomes arbitrary.Arbitrary call behavior mediated by a specific representation. D.B. Elkonin said that in preschool age orient behavior, the image first exists in a particular visual form, but then it becomes more generalized, acting in the form of rules or norms. The child appears a desire to control themselves and their actions.

5. The emergence of personal consciousness.The child seeks to take a certain place in the system of interpersonal relations, in socially significant and socially measured activities.

6. The appearance of the internal position of the schoolchild.A child is formed a strong cognitive need, in addition, he seeks to get into the world of adults, starting to engage in other activities. These two needs lead to the fact that the child has an internal position of the student. L.I. Bozovic believed that this position could testify to the readiness of the child to study at school.

7.6. Psychological readiness for school

Psychological readiness - This is a high level of intellectual, motivational and arbitrary spheres.

Many scientists were engaged in the problem of readiness for the child to study at school. One of them was hp Vygotsky, who argued that the readiness for school education is formed in the learning process: "Until the child began to train in the logic of the program, until they are not readiness for learning; Usually the readiness for school learning consists by the end of the first half of the first year of study. "(Vygotsky LS, 1991).

Now education is carried out in preschool institutions, but there the emphasis is only on intellectual development: the child is taught to read, write, count. However, you can be able to do all this and not be ready for school learning, because the readiness is also determined by the fact that these activities are included. And in the preschool age, the development of skills and skills is included in the game activity, therefore, these knowledge have another structure. Therefore, defining school readiness, it is impossible to evaluate it only on the formal level of skills and letters skills, reading, accounts.

Speaking about determining the level of school readiness, D.B. Elkonin argued that it was necessary to pay attention to the occurrence of arbitrary behavior (see 8.5). In other words, it is necessary to pay attention to how the child plays whether he is subordinate to the rule, whether roles takes. Elkonin also said that turning the rules into the internal instance of the behavior is an important sign of readiness for learning.

Experiments DB were devoted to the degree of development of arbitrary behavior. Elkonin. He took the children 5, 6 and 7 years old, put in front of each bunch of matches and asked for one to shift them into another place. A seven-year-old child with a well-developed arbitrary scrupulously performed the task to the end, a six-year shut-off match for some time, then began to build something, and the five-year-old brought to this task his own task.

In the process of schooling, children account for scientific concepts, and this is possible only when a child, firstly, can distinguish between different sides of reality. It is necessary that he sees in the subject separate parties, the parameters that make up its content. Secondly, to master the foundations of scientific thinking, he needs to understand that his point of view cannot be absolute and only.

According to P.Ya. Halperin, by the end of preschool age there are three development lines:

1) the formation of arbitrary behavior when a child may obey the rules;

2) mastering the means and references of cognitive activity that allow the child to go to understanding the preservation of quantity;

3) the transition from egocentrism to the centers.

This should include and motivational development. Tracking the development of the child, taking into account these parameters, it is possible to determine its readiness for school training.

Consider the parameters for determining the level of school readiness in more detail.

Intellectual readiness.It is determined at the following paragraphs: 1) orientation in the environment; 2) knowledge margin; 3) the development of mental processes (ability to generalize, compare, classify); 4) the development of different types of memory (figurative, hearing, mechanical); 5) Development of random attention.

Motivational readiness.The presence of internal motivation is of particular importance: the child goes to school because he will be interested in there and he wants to know a lot. Preparing for school implies the formation of a new "social position". This includes attitudes towards school, educational activities, teachers, yourself. According to E.O. Smirnova, for learning, it is also important for the presence of personal forms of communication with adults.

Wallave readiness.Her presence is very important for further successful training of the first grader, because it is waiting for hard work, it will take the ability to do not only what I want, but also what you need.

By 6 years, the basic elements of the skill are already being formed: the child is able to put a goal, make a decision, outline the action plan, execute this plan, to show a certain effort in case of overcoming obstacles, assess the result of its action. \u003d

child game role story

D.B. Elkonin were allocated separate components of games characteristic of preschool age. The components of the game include: gaming conditions, plot and content of the game.

Each game has its own gaming conditions - Participating children, toys, other items. The selection and the combination of them significantly changes the game in the younger preschool age, the game at this time mainly consists of monotonous repetitive actions resembling manipulations with objects. For example, a three-year-old child "prepares lunch" and manipulates plates and cubes. If the gaming conditions include another person (doll or child) and thereby lead to the appearance of an appropriate image, manipulations have a certain meaning. The child plays the cooking dinner, even if he forgets, then feed them a doll sitting nearby. But if the child remains alone and removed toys that push it on this plot, he continues to manipulate his initial meaning. Rearming objects, laying them in magnitude or shape, he explains what plays "in the cubes", "so simple." Lunch disappeared from the presence of the child along with the change in game conditions.

Plot- That sphere of reality, which is reflected in the game. First, the child is limited to family frames, so the games are connected mainly with family and household problems. As new areas of life, the child begins to use more complex stories - production, military, etc. The forms of the game on the old plots are becoming more diverse ("Mother's daughters"). The game on the same plot becomes more stable, long. If in 3-4 years old can devote to her only 10-15 minutes, and then he needs to switch to something else, then in 4-5 years old the game can already last 40-50 minutes. Senior preschoolers are capable of playing at the same time for several hours in a row, and some games are stretched for several days.

Those moments in the activities and relationships of adults who are reproduced by the child make up the content of the game. Younger preschoolers imitate objective activities - cut bread, wash the dishes. They are absorbed by the process itself and sometimes forget about the result - for which they did, the actions of various children are not consistent with each other, duplication and sudden change of roles are not excluded during the game. For medium preschoolers, relations between people are important, the game actions are made by them not for the sake of the Action themselves, but for them for them. Therefore, a five-year-old child will never forget the "sliced" bread to put in front of dolls and never confuses the sequence of actions - first dinner, then washing dishes, and not vice versa. Parallel roles are excluded, for example, the same bear will not be inspected by two doctors at the same time, one train will not behave two machine. Children included in the overall system of relations are distributed among themselves the roles before the game start. For senior preschoolers, it is important to submit to the rules arising from the role, and the correctness of the implementation of these rules them is strictly controlled.

The plot and the content of the game are embodied in the role. Development of game action, roles and rules of the game It occurs throughout the preschool childhood in the following lines: from games with a detailed system of actions and hidden roles for them and rules - to games with a rolled system of action, with clearly pronounced roles, but hidden rules - and, finally, to games with open rules and hidden Behind them roles. At the senior preschoolers role-playing game closes with games according to the rules.

Thus, the game varies and reaches a high level of development by the end of the preschool age. In the development of the game there are two main phases or stages:

  • 1. Children 3-5 years. Reproduction of the logic of real actions of people. The content of the game is subject actions.
  • 2. Children 5-7 years old. Modeling the real relationship between people. Social relations are becoming the content of the game, the public sense of the adult activity.

Summarizing its research, A.P. Usova writes: "As a result, research we can state the following: the story, as a characteristic feature of creative, i.e., invented by the children themselves, games are inherent in children's games junior Group kindergarten at the age of 3; 2-3; 4. Plots These fragmentary, illogical, unstable. At the older age, the plot of the game represents logical development Any topic in images, actions and relationships: the emergence of the story in games you need, apparently, attributed to predos-school age.

The development of the plot comes from the execution of role-playing actions to role roles in which the child uses many image tools: speech, action, facial expression, gesture and appropriate role. " "The child's activities in the game develops in the direction of the image of various actions (floats, erases, cooks, etc.).

Considering some questions of leadership of children's games, A.P. Usova points out a number of features of the development of games, of which should be proceeding when they are organized.

She notes that "the games of children already have a storyline in three years, and in this direction the game is intensively developing up to 7 years." It establishes that "driving principles that define the game ... consist in gradual mastering the child playing the role performed in the team of children." "The plot of the games with his roles determines the attitude of children to the game ... As you approach the age of B-7 years, new elements were formed in the game. Initially, it developed from domestic action performed by children: cook, washing, carrying (3-4). Then the role designations related to those or other actions are appearing: I am Mom, I am a cook, I am a chauffeur. Here in these notation, along with role-playing actions, role relations appear, and finally the game is completed by the appearance of a role, and the child performs it in a double plan - for the toy and himself ... The experience of the game shows how prospects are begun, plans for random and Unformed actions ... Combining children in games, the development of public relations among them is entirely determined by the development of the game. "

The game is the leading activity in preschool age, it has a significant impact on the development of the child. First of all, in the game, children learn to fully communicate with each other. Younger preschoolers still do not know how to truly communicate with peers and, according to the expression of D.B. Elkonina, younger preschoolers "play near, not together"

Gradually, communication between children becomes more productive and intense. On average and senior preschool age, children, despite the egocentrism inherent in them, agree with each other, pre-distributing roles, as well as during the game itself. Subtractive discussion of issues related to roles and control over the implementation of the rules of the game becomes possible thanks to the inclusion of children in general, emotionally saturated activities for them. If for some serious reason the joint game is disintegrated, the process of communication is also located. In the experiment of Kurt Levin, a group of preschool children led to a room with "noncomplexible" toys (the phone lacked the tube, there was no pool for the boat, etc.). Despite these flaws, children played with pleasure, communicating with each other. The second day was a day of frustration. When the children went into the same room, turned out to be an open door in the next room, where the full sets of toys were lying. Opened door It was tightened with a grid. Having an attractive and unattainable target before the eyes, the children scattered around the room, many with anger scattered old, unnecessary toys already. In the state of frustration, both gaming activities and the communication of children with each other were collected.

The game contributes to the establishment of not only communication with peers, but also an arbitrary behavior of the child. The mechanism of managing their behavior - the subordination of the rules - is precisely in the game, then manifests itself in other activities. The arbitrary assumes the presence of a sample of behavior that follows the child and control. In the game, the sample serve not moral norms or other requirements of adults, but the image of another person whose behavior copies the child. Self-control only appears by the end of preschool age, so the child is initially needed external control - from the comrades on the game. External control gradually falls out of the behavior management process, and the image begins to adjust the behavior of the child directly. By 7 years, the child is increasingly begins to navigate the norms and rules regulating his behavior, samples become more generalized (as opposed to the image of a specific character in the game). With the most favorable options for the development of children by the time of admission to school, they are able to manage their behavior as a whole, and not just separate actions.

The game develops a motivational and consumer sphere of the child. There are new motives of activities and related goals. But not only the expansion of the circle of motifs occurs. The emerging arbitrary behavior facilitates the transition from motives that have the form of affectively painted immediate desires, to the motives of intent standing on the verge of consciousness

A developed role-playing game provides funds for the transfer of feelings and resolving conflicts. "Toys are arming a child with suitable means, since they are the environment in which the child's self-expression can be performed. In the free game, he can express what he wants to do. When he plays freely, he releases feelings and installations that persistently sought to break free. "

Feelings and installations that the child may be afraid to express openly, you can, not fear anything, to spread to the toy chosen at your own discretion. "Instead of expressing thoughts and feelings in words, the child can bury in the sand or shoot a dragon, or spank a doll that replaces a small brother." Most children face life with problems that seem insoluble. But, losing them as he wants, a child can learn to gradually, cope with them. It often acts like this, using the characters that he himself can not always understand - so he reacts to the processes occurring in the internal plan.

The role of the game in the development of the child's psyche.

  • 1) In the game, the child learns to fully communicate with peers.
  • 2) Learn to subjugate your impulsive desires for the rules of the game. Appears with the motives - "I want" begins to obey "it is impossible" or "necessary."
  • 3) All mental processes are developing in the game intensively, the first moral feelings are formed (which is bad, and what is good).
  • 4) new motives and needs (competitive, gaming motifs, the need for independence) are formed.
  • 5) The game originates new types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique)

theory game Self-realization

Levels of development of the plot-role-playing game (according to D. B. Elkonin)


I level

II level

III level

IV level

Actions with certain items aimed at the accomplice game

In action with objects to the foreground, the matching of the game action is put forward

Making the role and arising from it, among which the actions are be distinguished, transmitting the nature of relations to other participants

Performance related to other participants of the game

Character of the gameplay

The roles are actually, but they are not called and are determined by the nature of actions, and do not determine the action. With role separations of functions in the game, children do not become each other in typical relationships

Roles are called. It is planned to split functions. The role is reduced to the implementation of actions related to this role.

The roles are clearly defined and highlighted, called before the game. A role-playing speech appears, facing a friend on the game, but sometimes the usual non-game relations break through

The roles are clearly highlighted and outlined, named before the game. Role functions of children are interrelated. We are role-playing

Character of game action

Actions are monotonous and consist of a number of repetitive operations

The logic of action is determined by the vital sequence. The number of actions is expanding and goes beyond any type of action.

The logic and nature of actions are determined by the role. Actions are very diverse

Actions clearly, consistently recreate real logic. They are very diverse. Vividly highlighted actions aimed at other characters of the game

Relief relations

The logic of action is easily broken without protests from children. No rules

The violation of the sequence of actions is not accepted in fact, but not protesting, the rejection is not motivated. The rule is clearly not yet replete, but it can already defeat a direct desire in case of conflict.

Violation of the logic of actions is protesting by reference to that "that does not happen." The rule of behavior is dedicated to which children subordinate their actions. It still does not fully define the behavior, but it can defeat the immediate desire. Violation of the rules is better noticed by.

The violation of the logic of actions and the rules is rejected not just a reference to real validity, but also by indicating the rationality of the rules. The rules are clearly replenished. In the struggle between the rule and the immediate desire, the first wins.

Consider recommendations on the diagnosis of the formation of the game activity of preschoolers, proposed by N.F. Mosquito. Komarova N.F. Diagnostics of the game of children. Methodical recommendations / N.F. Komarov. - N-Novgorod: NGPI them. Gorky, 1992. - 21 s.

1. Indicators of the analysis of the game of children.

For completeness of the analysis of the game, 4 groups of indicators are distinguished.

1. How does the playground arise? Children may come up with themselves what they will play. And also the idea of \u200b\u200bthem can suggest a tutor.

2. How diverse the plans of the games in children? Of course, if you need 1-2 times for games, it is impossible to answer this question. It can be found in the course of long observations or from conversations with educators about what every child plays.

3. How many gaming tasks do the child puts? The idea of \u200b\u200bthe way the children are implemented by laying game problems. For example, a girl decided to play "family", she puts three game tasks: feeds a doll, puts her sleep, walks. Another example: the boy repairs the car, seeing nearby a toy dog, feeds her "bone", then comes to the phone, the mom calls, in this game the boy also put three game challenges.

4. How diverse gaming tasks are? Analyzing the gaming tasks set by the child, the teacher defines a variety of or monotonous.

5. What is the degree of independence of children when setting gaming tasks? The gaming task of a child can put an adult if notes that the baby spends aimlessly time, for example, he can say: "Pokuki dolls." Some children require only minor assistance to an adult in the formulation of game tasks, for example, the educator is enough to say: "Sad dolls, what do they want?" And the child independently puts any gaming task. In this case, it is noted that a gaming task, the child puts with the help of an adult. Children can and independently put game tasks without any help of an adult.

It has been established that the events of the surrounding facts are displayed in games in different ways. So, at the stage of the plot-mapping game, the kids solve the objectives delivered objectives, and at the stage scene-role game - not only subject, but also role. Consider what questions you need to find out.

1. How diverse game action with toys? Already in early age Kids teach to use toys according to their purpose. Actions performed in the game with toys can be both diverse and monotonous.

2. The degree of generalization of gaming actions with toys. It is known that gaming actions with toys can be deployed and generalized, i.e. different in the degree of generalization. Deployed gaming actions externally resemble the real actions of adults, so if the girl "washes" the dishes in the game, then its movements are similar to the movements of a person who washing real dishes. Expanded gaming actions are fond of the child, he repeats them repeatedly. Gaming actions with toys can be generalized, in this case the child does not execute them, but quickly, as if "rolled". The appearance of generalized gaming actions with toys in the game indicates the possibility of using even more generalized gaming material - substituent items. That is why the teacher must be in a timely manner to record the emergence of generalized gaming actions with toys.

3. The presence in the game of gaming actions with substituent subjects. If children use substituent items, then it is necessary to determine whether they independently include them in the game or with an adult.

4. The presence in the game of gaming actions with imaginary objects. As in the previous indicator, it is necessary to find out the degree of independence of children in the use of imaginary items.

5. Does the child take a role? With the right guide, the game by the end of the third year of life, children begin to take on a role, this indicates the transition to the stage of the plot role-playing game. Sometimes the teacher is incomprehensible, took the child, the role or not, for example, the boy in his hands the steering wheel, he portrays what rides on the car, and the role of the word does not indicate. It can be asked: "Who are you?" If the child responds that he is a chauffeur, it means he takes the role of an adult. If the answer does not follow or he calls himself to the name, then the child does not accept the role. In this case, in order for the child to help realize the role, the teacher can say: "You are driving on the car and steering like a driver."

6. How diverse role-playing action is? Role-playing actions that the child performs in the game can be a variety of and monotonous. For example, if the boy in the role of the driver only twists the steering wheel, then his actions are monotonous, and if it also repairs the car, it ishes it, fills in gasoline, etc., then its actions are diverse.

7. What is the expressiveness of role actions? When performing the role, children enjoy different means of expressiveness, they change the movements, gestures, facial expressions. For example, one girl in the role of Moms affectionate, cheerful, and the other is strict, frowning.

8. The presence of role statements. Roller statements are separate replicas that the child says on behalf of that person, whose role performs. They can be addressed to the partner toy, to the imaginary companion, to adult, peers.

9. Who is the initiator of role statements? Role-playing statements may appear on the initiative of an adult who appeals to playing with questions, if notes that they perform role actions silently. The initiator of role statements may be a child if he without impulses from an adult accompanies their game.

10. The presence of a role conversation. Gradually, the role-playing statements are moving to. Role conversation. Rolling conversation is logically interconnected by the content of phrases that are exchanged by players. It is typical for the developed plot role-playing game.

11. Who is the initiator of the role conversation? The initiator of the role conversation can be both adult and the child.

12. Who is the child entering the role-playing conversation? The child can enter the role-playing conversation with adults, with one peer, with several peers.

13. What is the meaningability of the role conversation? Rolling conversation may be interesting, meaningful. But players can exchange and stereotypical, born phrases, in this case the role-playing conversation is not interesting.

Gaming tasks Children can solve individually or together with someone. When solving game problems, children join interaction. Based on the materials of research A.P. Usova, R.A. Ivankova, a group of indicators characterizing the interaction of children in the game was highlighted.

1. Does the child come into interaction? The teacher must be found out, they enter the interaction, or their game is individual. A child in the game can interact with adults or with peers.

2. Who does the child put the game tasks? Gaming tasks The child can put an adult or peer.

3. Does the child know how to take game tasks? As observations show, most children are more likely to put out other game tasks and do not know how to take them from peers, in this case there is a conflict. To avoid this, you need to teach children to take game challenges from peers. But the gaming task set by the peers does not always be interesting to be a child, in this case it is necessary to find out whether it can be tactfully refused to have a gaming task.

4. What is the duration of the interaction? Players can enter into short-term and long-term interaction.

IV. Independence of children in the game.Separately, this group of indicators does not stand out, it is present in each considered group. So, determining the content of the game, it turns out the independence of children in the choice of plan and laying game problems. When characterizing methods for solving game problems, it is clarified how independent children in the choice of subject and role-playing methods. In the third group, indicators are established, on whose initiative, the players come into cooperation: on their own motive or at the proposal of adult, peers.

So, the considered groups of indicators give a versatile view of the degree of formation of the game in children.

Based on the dedicated indicators, diagnostic sheets are filled to determine the level of development of the children's game (Appendix 1).

2. Methods of diagnosing the game of children.

To fill the diagnostic sheets, you need objective data about the game of each child, for this you can use the following methods.

1. Watching the games of children in the group, on the site, their logging. To this end, it is possible to use technical means - photography, tape recorder recording of children's statements in the game.

2. Conversations with educators about the content of games, about how to solve children's gaming tasks, about the interaction of playing, about their independence.

3. Game problem situations that teacher who wants children watching games. At the same time, he is obliged to tactfully in the game, without breaking it, and it is only if during passive observation it is impossible to determine the degree of formation of one or another indicator of the game development.

Consider the methodology for diagnosing the game of children for each group of indicators. The diagnostic list No. 1 is used.

The independence of children when laying gaming tasks is clarified during observations or by supplying gaming problem situations. For example, if it is noted that one of the children does not put a game task, and the educator does not provide him with timely help, then this child is the game task in an indirect wording, his attention is drawn to some toy: "Look what kind of dog is sad , she is boring one. " If the child independently puts the game task, the adult continues: "Maybe the dog was driven or wanted to walk?" It is possible that the child will again not accept the game task, delivered indirectly, in this case it can be offered in a direct formulation, the teacher says: "Poor a dog, she was hungry." If it turns out that the game of the child is monotony, i.e. It puts 1-2 familiar game tasks and repeatedly repeats them, for example, feeds a doll, puts it to sleep, feeds again, etc., then he can offer some other gaming task. For example, to a boy who rolls the car for a long time, you can contact: "The road was long, gasoline is probably over, what to do?" Or: "How much is buzzing a motor. What happened to him? He probably broke down. "

Appendix 2 present a list of diagnostic indicators by parameter associated with the content of the game of children, and the methodology for their assessment.

II. Ways to solve children's gaming tasks.Information about the formation of children's methods to solve the game tasks of teachers is obtained during observations. Watching children's games, you can see that from all subject ways they prefer game actions with toys. This fact still does not indicate the non-formation of their other subject ways. It is known that a child can use any of the developed methods to solve the gaming task. In this case, it is necessary to find out whether the child is adopted by substituents and imaginary items or not. We give examples how it can be done.

1. To the girl who feeds a doll using only toys, you can contact: "I treat your doll (daughter) here is this red apple," instead of an apple, to offer a ball from the pyramid.

2. The boy who rolls the car to ask: "Take, please, here is this watermelon, it is hard for him to carry it," instead of watermelon give the ball of green.

3. Contact the child: "Bring us, please, cake (sweets) to tea," this will find out his ability to independently find deputy items.

4. The girl who feeds the doll, on the empty palm you can offer an imaginary treat for the doll: "I want to treat your doll here this candy."

5. The boy who plays with the machine can be offered imaginary repair tools: "Here it is convenient to twist the screws with this screwdriver."

The formation of children roles is found only if they assume roles. If the child denotes the role of a word, then there is no doubt that he takes a role. When children do not indicate the role of the word, it is difficult to determine, they accept it or not. In this case, you can ask the child: "Who are you?" If he does not answer, call an estimated role: "Are you a chauffeur?" Or: "Do you mom?"

On the diversity and expressiveness of role-playing actions, the presence of role-based statements and conversations can be judged by the results of observations. In the absence of role-playing statements in games, the following gaming situations can be offered.

1. Role-playing statements addressed to the partner toy appear if you advise something to ask the doll: "Your daughter goes to walk? Ask her, she will go to the park. "

2. For the emergence of role-based statements addressed to the imaginary interlocutor, the child can be invited to call someone by phone.

3. The child can be asked to appeal to peer, for example, to advise: "Ask, maybe Sasha's shuff has tools for repairing the machine."

For the inclusion of children in the role-playing conversation, the adult asks them questions on the content of the game. Appendix 3 is a list of diagnostic indicators, by parameter associated with the degree of formation in children of subject and role methods for solving game problems, and the methodology for their assessment.

III. The interaction of children in the game.First of all, it turns out, a child comes with someone into interaction or his games are individual. For objectivity, you need to talk with the educator, asking the question: "The child always plays one or sometimes takes part in joint games?".

A child who plays individually can be tried to attract in a joint game with adults or with peers, offering him the game situations like this.

1. Contact the boy, which one goes on the car: I am very hurry to work. Put me, please, so the child includes in joint game with adults.

2. The same boy can be invited to invite the peer: "Where did you go? You, probably, is boring, maybe you will invite someone to ride, he will be so nice. "

3. Contact the girl: "Did you walk with my daughter? Maybe you will invite Dasha with my daughter. Together to walk more fun. " In this case, the child also encourages the interaction with the peer.

The degree of development in children of the remaining indicators is clarified during the observations of the games of children and from conversations with educators.

In Appendix 4, give a list of indicators by parameter associated with the clarification of the interaction of children in the game, and the methodology for their assessment.

So, the analysis of the diagnostic sheet allows you to identify the level of development of the game of each child. The non-recognition of a particular indicator gives the basis of the teacher to put specific tasks in the management of the game, thereby informally implement an individual approach to children.

In addition, it is known that the game develops gradually, first the plot-displayed, then - the initial stage of the plot role and then is a developed plot-role-playing game. At each stage, children may have a different level of development of the game: high, medium, low.

Scene-display game.

High level. The intention of the game in the child arises mainly on its own initiative, only in some cases an adult comes to help. In the game, he displays familiar events by combining them among themselves. Interested events can repeat in the game many times.

Game tasks put on their own, only sometimes minor assistance to an adult number of game tasks set in the game ranges from 1 to 5-6. They can be interrelated among themselves and scattered.

The child has well formed subject ways to solve game problems. Gaming actions with toys are diverse, according to the degree of generalization can be both deployed and generalized. The child independently uses familiar and new, substituent items, imaginary items in games. Sometimes the baby takes on the role of an adult, in some cases indicates her word. The game is predominantly individual, but the child shows a great interest in the players of peers.

Average level.The plan of the game appears both but the initiative of the child and after the proposal of the adult. The game displays familiar events, with pleasure repeats one some kind of situation. Gaming tasks The child can put both independently and with an adult. The number of gaming tasks set can be from 1 to 3-5, they can be interconnected and scattered. The child has substantive ways to solve gaming tasks. Gaming actions with toys are varied, according to the degree of generalization, deployed and generalized. Independently uses in games only familiar substituents in a known meaning, as necessary, includes imaginary items. An adult help is possible in choosing any way.

The role of an adult does not accept. The game is individual, but the child shows interest in peer games.

Low level.Most often to play the child begins after the adult offer, i.e. He helps the baby in the appearance of the plan. Displays familiar events, repeating one situation repeatedly. Gaming tasks also helps the child to put an adult, in some cases some game tasks it puts on its own. Their number of not more than 1-2.

Subject methods for solving game tasks are not enough formed. Gaming actions with toys most often monotonous, according to the degree of generalization they are only deployed. Does not use substituent and imaginary, items in games.

The game is individual, the child almost does not show interest in the players of peers.

Start stage plot-role-playing game.

High level.Gaming plans in the child arise on their own, they are diverse. The game displays familiar and few familiar events, combining them among themselves. Independently puts game tasks.

Subsection solutions, game tasks are well formed. Gaming actions with toys are diverse, according to the degree of generalization can be both deployed and generalized. Familiar and new substituent items use themselves in different values. As needed, it includes imaginary items. The child has partially formed role-playing solutions to gaming tasks. Role-playing actions are diverse and expressive enough, they are accompanied by role statements. Roller statements can be addressed to a partner toy, to an imaginary companion, to an adult, to peers. Sometimes a role-playing conversation appears if the adult supports it. The initiative in the occurrence of the role conversation can come from the child. She is still meaningful.

The child willingly enters into cooperation with adults and with peers, gladly puts them game challenges, but he does not always accept the game tasks set by peers, because He still does not know how to give up tactfully from them. The interaction can be short-term and long.

Average level.The content of the game and the subject ways to solve game tasks are almost the same as in children at a high level of development of the game. Role ways are less formed. Role-playing actions are diverse, but not expressive. They are accompanied by role statements. Rolling conversation does not arise.

The child enters short-term interaction with adults and with peers.

Low level.The idea of \u200b\u200bthe game arises at the initiative of the child. In the game he combines familiar and few familiar events. Independently puts a variety of interrelated game tasks. Well formed subject ways to solve game problems. Takes a role, denotes it in a word, but role methods are still poorly formed. The role actions are monotonous, not expressive, sometimes accompanied by role statements, which arise both at the initiative of adult and the child.

The game is predominantly individual, but the child will gladly come into cooperation with adults, it usually happens at the initiative of an adult

Developed plot role-playing game.

High level.The child has a variety of gaming ideas. When they implement them, combines familiar and few familiar events. With particular interest, the child displays the interaction and communication of people in games. All gaming episodes are interconnected by meaning. Gaming tasks The child always puts on its own. It is well formed subject ways to solve gaming tasks, it will easily vary them depending on the situation. Also well formed and role methods for solving game problems. When executing a role uses a variety of role-playing actions, the mood transmits, the character of a person, i.e. Role action emotionally expressive. Easy, more often on its own initiative, comes into a role-playing conversation with adults and peers. It is interesting and long.

When entering into cooperation, the child puts and takes game challenges, knows how to tactfully from some to refuse. The most characteristic of a long interaction, although in the course of the game the child can enter into short-term interaction.

Average level.The game differs from a high level by the fact that the child is less formed role-playing conversation. Most often, he enters short-term interaction.

Low level There is no developed plot game.

We also consider the features of determining the level of formation of gaming skills in preschoolers according to the method developed by R.R. Kalinina. The methodology is based on the monitoring scheme for the game of children, according to the main parameters that determine the development of the role-playing game, according to D.B. Elconin, which allows you to carry out both high-quality and quantitative analysis of the formation of gaming skills in preschoolers. Kalinina R.R. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis in kindergarten / R.R. Kalinina. - SPb.: Speech, 2003. - 144 p.,

To study the level of formation of game skills, you can organize role-playing game in a group of 4-5 preschoolers of the same age. The theme of the game is set as an adult (tutor, psychologist, deputy head), which carries out diagnostic observation. The topic of the game can choose any, most importantly - so that it has enough roles for all children. The most optimal here can be games that do not have a clearly specified situation and allow you to include different roles in the plot of the game. The adult does not interfere in the game process, only if necessary, provides minimal assistance in organizing the gameplay.

Analysis of gaming activity is carried out in 7 criteria: the distribution of roles, the main content of the game, role behavior, game actions, the use of attributes and substituent items, the use of role-playing speech, execution of rules. Each criterion is estimated at 4 levels, in the age framework, which allows you to plan work with children of different ages to form gaming skills, and track its effectiveness.

gaming preschooler Role-based diagnostics


1 level from 2 to 3.5 years

2 level from 3.5 to 4.5 years

3 level from 4.5 to 5.5 years

4 level older than 5 years

Distribution of role

Lack of role distribution; The role is performed by one who "seized" by a key attribute

Distribution of roles under the guidance of an adult who sets the leading questions: "What role is in the game? Who will play the role of a squirrel? Who is a chanterelle? "

An independent distribution of roles in the absence of conflict situations. In the presence of conflict, the game group disintegrates, or children seek help to the educator

Independent role distribution, resolution of conflict situations.

Action with a certain subject, directed to another (mother feeds daughter no matter how and what)

Action with pre-meter in accordance with reality

Performance of the actions determined by the role (if the child plays the role of the cook, he will not feed anyone)

Performance related to other people attitudes. It is important here, nothing to feed the child, and "kind" or "strict"

Role behavior

The role is determined by gaming actions, not called.

The role is called, the role is completed to the implementation of actions.

The roles are clearly highlighted before the start of the game, the role determines and sends the behavior of the child.

Role behavior is observed throughout the game.

Gaming actions

The game consists in monotonous repetition of the 1st game action (for example, feeding)

Expansion of the spectrum of gaming actions (cooking, feeding, laying sleeping), actions are strictly fixed.

Gaming actions are diverse, logical.

Gaming actions have a clear sequence, diverse, dynamic depending on the plot.

Using attributes and substituent items

Using attributes with the support of an adult.

Independent direct use of attributes (toy dishes, dusting products, bottles from medicines, etc.)

Widespread use of attribute objects, including as substituents (toy plate as a trailer to a truck, cubes like products, etc.), most of the time leaves the game

The use of multifunctional items (loskutka, paper, sticks) if necessary, the manufacture of a small number of key attribute objects. The object design takes at least time.

Using role-playing speech

Lack of role speech, appeal to playing by name.

The presence of role-playing: to playing the role of role (daughter, etc.). If you ask the playing baby: "Who are you? Write your name.

The presence of role speech, periodic transition to direct appeal.

Deployed role-playing speech all over the game. If you ask the playing child: "Who are you?", Write a role.

Rule execution

Lack of rules

The rules are clearly not allocated, but in conflict situations the rules will win

The rules are allocated, are observed, but may be violated in the emotional situation.

Compliance with stipulated rules throughout the game.

Surveillance results are conveniently submitted to the consolidated table. Against the name of each child, his age and the level of game skills for each criterion, which he demonstrates in gaming activities. At the same time, if the level of gaming skills according to this or that criterion corresponds to the age norm, the cell should be painted, because Color designation facilitates analysis of observation results.

As a result, we get a table on which the overall picture of the formation of game skills in a particular age group is clearly represented, and the results of each child. This allows, on the one hand, to evaluate the work of educators for the formation of gaming skills, and on the other - the educator to plan individually directed work with children on their formation.

Thus, we highlighted indicators for which you can discourage children's games, get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of formation in children of the game.

The diagnosis of the game makes it possible to control the timeliness of its formation from each child. Using them, teachers can easily determine at what level the development of the game is every child, which will allow them to individualize the tasks of the manual and determine the effectiveness of the guide to the game.

When people create a family, no one, with a rare exception, and does not think about raising relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, the family most often disintegrate precisely because of the change. Approximately half of men and women change their partners as part of a legal relationship. In a word, the number of faithful and incorrect people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before talking, how to protect your marriage from change, it is important to understand

Breathing: Theory and Practice


It is important to understand that the natural breath of man is a calm, measured and deep breath of belly. However, under the pressure of the modern high-speed rhythm of life, a person accelerates so that it becomes literally "not to extend." In other words, a person begins to breathe often and superficially, as if choking, and at the same time use the chest. Such a breast breathing is a sign of anxiety and often leads to hypervenization syndrome, when the blood is oversaturated with oxygen, which is expressed in the opposite sensation: it seems to you that there is not enough oxygen, from which you start breathing even more intensely, thereby getting into the vicious circle of anxious breathing .

Relaxation: Theory and Practice


Frequent, long-term, intense emotional experiences may not affect our physical well-being. The same alarm is always manifested in the form of muscle tension, which, in turn, gives the brain a signal that it's time to worry. This vicious circle arises due to the fact that the psyche and body are inextricably linked. Being "educated" and "cultural" people, we are suppressable, and we do not show (do not express, do not express) emotions, by virtue of what caused muscle tension is not spent, but it accumulates that leads to muscle clips, spasms and symptoms of vegetative dystonia. To relax the tense muscles, no matter how paradoxically, it is possible by a short but fairly intense voltage that contributes to more qualitative muscle relaxation, which is the essence of neuromuscular relaxation.

Big Family: We live together

Big family is a real little state. Under one roof several generations occur daily. This is a place where you can find understanding and sympathy. But the world is not easy to preserve.
The main advantages of a big family: its members are formed self-confidence, the ability to overcome difficulties, emotional resistance. Such a family feeds positive energy, but in return requires attention and strict implementation general rules. It turns out that related links are infinite mutual obligations, in whose sea, it is easy to lose part of their "I", as well as a good piece of personal space. There may be a situation where everything in the family acts a community, there are quarrels and conflicts from here. To correct the situation, you can collect the Family Council and discuss the rules of interaction with all family members. After the frank conversation, most often disappear for the quarrels, the voltage in relations disappears.

As naive were the ancient Greeks, in particular the philosopher theophrast, who in his treatise "characteristics" said: "Tactlessness is inability to choose the right moment to communicate, which causes the interlocutor a trouble. The tactless person has no evil intent, but the nefple is not in time. "
Of course, you can assume the idea that the neighbor of Aunt Paradise, who, congratulating you happy birthday, does not premone mention that the years are going, and the work is not a wolf, in fact, inesently wishes you to get married and forget about your career. You can also justify the juvenile nephew, straightforwardly comparing your eyes under the glasses with the headlights of the new Volkswagen - its tactlessness is based on the lack of life experience. But in the modern world there are much more people who specifically throw a provocative phrase to enjoy your acute reaction - embarrassment, irritation or aggression. For example, a "girlfriend", which, with a man, is clearly not indifferent to you, it is wondering how your visit to the proctologist passed. Or an employee, seeking to substitute you before the bosses, asks "an innocent" question about whether you managed to download another series of fashionable series - at the midst of the working day. This is no one else like trolls. And if the behavior of Aunt Paradise can be justified by a lack of upbringing and disadvantaged, then the trolls are usually completely different motivation.

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1. Characteristics of the game activity of the preschooler

2. Diagnosis of game activity of preschoolers


List of sources used



Numerous toys, pyramids, shooters ... The world of almost every child is filled with these necessary items. According to the periodization of childhood developed by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, in preschool age leading activity - game, "Thanks to special game techniques (making a child with the role of adult and its social and labor functions, a publicly informative nature of reproducible subject action and transfer of values \u200b\u200bfrom one subject to another, etc.) Simulates relations between people in it. " It is in gaming activities that are those neoplasms that need a child in school years, such as imagination, memory, speech, specifically-shaped thinking. Vygotsky hp Problems of the psychological development of the child / hp Vygotsky // Selected psychological research. - M.: Enlightenment, 1956. - 312 p.

Many domestic studies are devoted to the problem of playing children of preschool children. Some of them are aimed at studying the theory of the role-playing creative game (L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, etc.). In others, the features, place and importance of didactic and moving games are determined pedagogical process (E.I. Radina, A.I. Sorokina, E.I. Udaltsova, V.R. Bespalova, etc.). Third reveal the value of the game in aRTISTIC EDUCATION Children (P.A. Vetlugin, N.P. Sakulina, N.V. Artemova, etc.).

At the present stage, the problem of diagnosing the game is relevant, which gives:

1. Scientific and sound control over the timeliness of the development of gaming activities for each child.

2. Phased planning for the formation of the game from each child.

3. Improving the quality of the management of the game.

4. Determination of development in children of integrative qualities and achievements in mastering skills and skills in various educational areas.

The purpose of this work: to study the methods of diagnosing the game activities of children of preschool age.

1. Characteristics of the game activity of the preschooler

The world of a small child is a copy of the world of adults. Each toy baby is able to endure both existing and fictional properties. The game helps a small person to get used in the society where he lives, including cultural traditions, relationships and roles.

The structure of the gaming activity of preschoolers usually consists of several phases: a sensor engine game\u003e Director's game\u003e Plotious and figurative game (here also includes musical and game activity of preschoolers)\u003e Game according to the rules. Kasatkina E.I. Game in the life of a preschooler / E.I. Kasatkin. - Drop, 2010.- 176 p.

The awareness of the child of the surrounding world begins with the development of toys, emitting sounds, pleasant to the touch, various items life, liquid substances and bulk materials. Guide to the game activity of preschoolers in this should be light and unobtrusive. So, for example, parents should actively include children in their everyday affairs, not only the acquaintance of them with the objects of the surrounding world, but also imperceptibly entitled to duties and raising useful habits in children.

At an older age, the child masters the director's game, that is, independently gives it objects with various properties and leads them actions. Next, the game activity of junior preschoolers becomes plot-role. Copying the world of adults, children begin to organize families, hospitals, shops, etc. If earlier the child could play independently, then with age, he stretches to communication and cooperation with other children, which even more talks about the importance of the game in the formation of a child as a social being. Further command Games Start reminding competitions, and contain a certain set of rules.

It is worth noting that in contrast to previous generations, modern children have more opportunities to go and leg with progress. Gaming activities of modern preschoolers contributes to more progressive mental and physical DevelopmentMastering the speech, development of cognitive processes and memory functions.

Modern children have more opportunities to develop during games, whether it is a computer cognitive program or toy with the functions necessary for development. The main thing that is possible to achieve is the development of preschoolers of imagination, which further contributes to their transition to more harmonious mental activities.

Roleplay is the leading type of activity in preschool age. So, according to the theory of the domestic psychologist D. B. Elkonin, it is inside the role-playing game that the most intensive development of the cognitive and personal sphere of the child occurs. As studies show, preschoolers who have developed game skills in accordance with their age have an adequate level of development of random attention, logical thinking, speech, imagination, i.e., an adequate level of cognitive development, which is an important prerequisite for school readiness.

In addition, the game, as a joint activity in which there are not only game, but also real relationships contribute social Development. In the game there is an active socialization of the child, operating with the knowledge and skills, which are specified, are enriched, secured.

In order to carry out adequate pedagogical impacts, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe developing value of the role-playing game, which was mentioned above, to know its specificity, the patterns of its development, to know the level of its formation from their pupils.

The diagnosis of the game makes it possible to control the timeliness of its formation from each child.

2. Diagnosis of game activity of preschoolers

In the literature you can find various methods for diagnosing game activity of preschoolers. So, according to D.B. Elconina Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game / D.B. Elkonin. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 360 p. You can highlight the following levels of studying the development of the plot role-playing game.

1. Studying the features of the plot role-playing game.

Observation is carried out in natural conditions for the independent plot-playing game of children 2-7 years. The analysis of the protocols is carried out according to the following scheme.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe game, setting game purposes and tasks.How does the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game arise (is determined by the gaming environment, the proposal of peer, arises on the initiative of the child himself, etc.)? Does the plan of the game discusses with partners, does their point of view take into account? How stable the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game. Does the child see the perspective of the game? Whether the plan is static or develops along the game. How often does improvisation observed in the game? Was how to formulate a game goal, a gaming task verbally and offer it to other children?

The plot of the game.How diverse the plots of games? What is the stability of the plot of the game, that is, as far as the child follows one plot? How many events do the child unites in one plot? How wide is the plot? Does it imagine a chain of events or at the same time a child is a member of several events included in the plot? How does the ability to jointly build and creatively develop the plot of the games? What are the sources of the plots of the game (films, books, observations, stories of adults, etc.)?

The role and interaction of children in the game.Does the role performed by the word and when (before the game or during the game)? What means uses to interact with a game partner (role-playing, subject action, facial expressions and pantomimics)? What are distinctive features role dialogue (degree of exploration: separate replicas, phrases, duration of role dialogue, focusing to the toy, real or imaginary partner)? Does it transmit and how does the characteristic characteristics of the character? How does it participate in the distribution of roles? Who manages the distribution of roles. What roles are more often executed - the main or secondary. How refers to the need to perform minor roles? What prefers a child: play one or enter the game association? Does the child have a favorite role, and how much can it perform roles in different games?

Gaming actions and game items.Does the child use the objects in the game - deputies and what? What principle does it choose substituent items and converts them to use in the game? Is the verbal designation of substituable subjects, how easy it does? Who is the initiator of the selection of a substituent subject: the child itself or adult? Does your partner offer a partner? Does the game use shaped toys and how often? Does the child have a favorite toy? Characteristics of game actions: The degree of generalization, exploration, diversity, adequacy, consistency of their actions with the actions of the game partner. What is the role of the word in the implementation of gaming actions? How does an imaginary situation perceive, does its convention understand, does it play with imaginary objects?

Gaming rules.Do rules, game regulator function? Is the rule of the child confess? How does the child fulfill the rule with the role of them? Does the rules follow the fulfillment of rules by other children? How does the rules of the game respond to violation of rules? How belongs to the comments of the partner on the game about the fulfillment of the rules?

Achieving the result of the game.How does the initial idea and its implementation in the game relate? Does the child relate their idea with the result achieved? What means is the implementation of the plan?

Features of conflicts in the game.Regarding what conflicts are most often arising (the distribution of roles, the execution of rules, possession of a toy, etc.)? What are the ways to resolve conflicts?

Game environment.Does the gaming environment prepare in advance or select objects along the game? Does the proposed gaming environment use (game corner equipment) and how?

The role of an adult in the game manual.Does the child turn to adult in the game process and about what? How often handles? Does it receive an adult in the game?

The results obtained correlate with the table and determine the level of development of the plot-role game in accordance with the age of the child.

2. Studying the child's role.

Pick up story toys for games, for example, in the "kindergarten", "family", "hospital". Then there are three experimental series of games with children for 3-7 years.

1 series.The series consists of three interrelated situations:

Situation. The experimenter organizes the game to the "kindergarten", but so that each of its participants remains himself: the teacher -vtospider, and children - children. If the children agree, the tutor transmits the control of the game, if necessary, asks: "What should I do?" - and performs instructions.

Situation. In case of refusal of children from the game in "ourselves" or at its end, if the game occurs, an adult proposes to play otherwise: one child will be an educator (calling the name of the group's teacher), and the teacher with another child is children. In the future, the teacher participates in the deploying game in the role of one of the children.

Situation. The educator offers to play like this: he will be a teacher of the group, and the children will play the role of anyone from the comrades of their own group. At the same time, he or himself calls the names of those who will be represented by playing, or offers children to choose themselves.

In each of the games organized in this way, two children of all age groups of kindergarten are involved.

2 series.Games with a violation of a sequence of actions when a role is met. Organize roles with well-known children in content: "In kindergarten", "to the hospital", "in the family". In the course of the game, the experimenter tries to disrupt the sequence of actions (for example, first offers to "eat ice cream, and then soup"). Each games take part in two children of all age groups.

3 series.Games with violation of the meaning of the role. The role becomes contrary to the actions that the child must perform. You can use two situations:

Situation. With children, the role-playing game "Tram" is deployed: a bag for money is offered, tickets, prepared a place for the warned. After the game unfolds, children are offered to play like this: the leader will sell tickets, and the conductor lead the car. When the modified game begins, the experimenter playing with the children goes at the bus stop and says that the guide calls the head of the depot;

Situation. The games with the rules are deployed: "Wolf and hares", "Wolf and Geese", "Cat and Mice", "Foxes and hares." Offer that the geese caught the wolf, hares - fox and wolf, mice, - cat.

Data processing.

The first series determine that, first of all, a child stands in the actions of an adult. It is found out how the role is interconnected with the rules of action or public behavior.

In the second series, it is analyzed, what is the nature of the logic of actions and how it is determined, as the child belongs to the violation of the logic of actions and what is the motif of protest against its violation.

Based on the data of the first and second series, the level of development of the game for each child is determined (according to the table below). In the third series determine the attitude of the child to the role taken over in the game.

3. Scene-role development levels(according to D.B. Elconina)


I level

II level

III level

IV level

Actions with certain items aimed at the accomplice game

In action with objects to the foreground, the matching of the game action is put forward

Making the role and arising from it, among which the actions are be distinguished, transmitting the nature of relations to other participants

Performance related to other participants of the game

Character of the gameplay

The roles are actually, but they are not called and are determined by the nature of actions, and do not determine the action. With role separations of functions in the game, children do not become each other in typical relationships

Roles are called. It is planned to split functions. The role is reduced to the implementation of actions related to this role.

The roles are clearly defined and highlighted, called before the game. A role-playing speech appears, facing a friend on the game, but sometimes the usual non-game relations break through

The roles are clearly highlighted and outlined, named before the game. Role functions of children are interrelated. We are role-playing

Character of game action

Actions are monotonous and consist of a number of repetitive operations

The logic of action is determined by the vital sequence. The number of actions is expanding and goes beyond any type of action.

The logic and nature of actions are determined by the role. Actions are very diverse

Actions clearly, consistently recreate real logic. They are very diverse. Vividly highlighted actions aimed at other characters of the game

Relief relations

The logic of action is easily broken without protests from children. No rules

The violation of the sequence of actions is not accepted in fact, but not protesting, the rejection is not motivated. The rule is clearly not yet replete, but it can already defeat a direct desire in case of conflict.

Violation of the logic of actions is protesting by reference to that "that does not happen." The rule of behavior is dedicated to which children subordinate their actions. It still does not fully define the behavior, but it can defeat the immediate desire. Violation of the rules is better noticed by.

The violation of the logic of actions and the rules is rejected not just a reference to real validity, but also by indicating the rationality of the rules. The rules are clearly replenished. In the struggle between the rule and the immediate desire, the first wins.

Consider recommendations on the diagnosis of the formation of the game activity of preschoolers, proposed by N.F. Mosquito. Komarova N.F. Diagnostics of the game of children. Methodical recommendations / N.F. Komarov. - N-Novgorod: NGPI them. Gorky, 1992. - 21 s.

1. Children's game analysis indicators.

For completeness of the analysis of the game, 4 groups of indicators are distinguished.

1. How does the playground arise? Children may come up with themselves what they will play. And also the idea of \u200b\u200bthem can suggest a tutor.

2. How diverse the plans of the games in children? Of course, if you need 1-2 times for games, it is impossible to answer this question. It can be found in the course of long observations or from conversations with educators about what every child plays.

3. How many gaming tasks do the child puts? The idea of \u200b\u200bthe way the children are implemented by laying game problems. For example, a girl decided to play "family", she puts three game tasks: feeds a doll, puts her sleep, walks. Another example: the boy repairs the car, seeing nearby a toy dog, feeds her "bone", then comes to the phone, the mom calls, in this game the boy also put three game challenges.

4. How diverse gaming tasks are? Analyzing the gaming tasks set by the child, the teacher defines a variety of or monotonous.

5. What is the degree of independence of children when setting gaming tasks? The gaming task of a child can put an adult if notes that the baby spends aimlessly time, for example, he can say: "Pokuki dolls." Some children require only minor assistance to an adult in the formulation of game tasks, for example, the educator is enough to say: "Sad dolls, what do they want?" And the child independently puts any gaming task. In this case, it is noted that a gaming task, the child puts with the help of an adult. Children can and independently put game tasks without any help of an adult.

. It has been established that the events of the surrounding facts are displayed in games in different ways. So, at the stage of the plot-showing game, the kids solve the objectives delivered objectives, and at the stage of the plot-role-playing game - not only subject, but also role-playing. Consider what questions you need to find out.

1. How diverse game action with toys? Already at an early age, the kids are involved to use toys in accordance with their appointment. Actions performed in the game with toys can be both diverse and monotonous.

2. The degree of generalization of gaming actions with toys. It is known that gaming actions with toys can be deployed and generalized, i.e. different in the degree of generalization. Deployed gaming actions externally resemble the real actions of adults, so if the girl "washes" the dishes in the game, then its movements are similar to the movements of a person who washing real dishes. Expanded gaming actions are fond of the child, he repeats them repeatedly. Gaming actions with toys can be generalized, in this case the child does not execute them, but quickly, as if "rolled". The appearance of generalized gaming actions with toys in the game indicates the possibility of using even more generalized gaming material - substituent items. That is why the teacher must be in a timely manner to record the emergence of generalized gaming actions with toys.

3. The presence in the game of gaming actions with substituent subjects. If children use substituent items, then it is necessary to determine whether they independently include them in the game or with an adult.

4. The presence in the game of gaming actions with imaginary objects. As in the previous indicator, it is necessary to find out the degree of independence of children in the use of imaginary items.

5. Does the child take a role? With the right guide, the game by the end of the third year of life, children begin to take on a role, this indicates the transition to the stage of the plot role-playing game. Sometimes the teacher is incomprehensible, took the child, the role or not, for example, the boy in his hands the steering wheel, he portrays what rides on the car, and the role of the word does not indicate. It can be asked: "Who are you?" If the child responds that he is a chauffeur, it means he takes the role of an adult. If the answer does not follow or he calls himself to the name, then the child does not accept the role. In this case, in order for the child to help realize the role, the teacher can say: "You are driving on the car and steering like a driver."

6. How diverse role-playing action is? Role-playing actions that the child performs in the game can be a variety of and monotonous. For example, if the boy in the role of the driver only twists the steering wheel, then his actions are monotonous, and if it also repairs the car, it ishes it, fills in gasoline, etc., then its actions are diverse.

7. What is the expressiveness of role actions? When performing the role, children enjoy different means of expressiveness, they change the movements, gestures, facial expressions. For example, one girl in the role of Moms affectionate, cheerful, and the other is strict, frowning.

8. The presence of role statements. Roller statements are separate replicas that the child says on behalf of that person, whose role performs. They can be addressed to the partner toy, to the imaginary companion, to adult, peers.

9. Who is the initiator of role statements? Role-playing statements may appear on the initiative of an adult who appeals to playing with questions, if notes that they perform role actions silently. The initiator of role statements may be a child if he without impulses from an adult accompanies their game.

10. The presence of a role conversation. Gradually, the role-playing statements are moving to. Role conversation. Rolling conversation is logically interconnected by the content of phrases that are exchanged by players. It is typical for the developed plot role-playing game.

11. Who is the initiator of the role conversation? The initiator of the role conversation can be both adult and the child.

12. Who is the child entering the role-playing conversation? The child can enter the role-playing conversation with adults, with one peer, with several peers.

13. What is the meaningability of the role conversation? Rolling conversation may be interesting, meaningful. But players can exchange and stereotypical, born phrases, in this case the role-playing conversation is not interesting.

. Gaming tasks Children can solve individually or together with someone. When solving game problems, children join interaction. Based on the materials of research A.P. Usova, R.A. Ivankova, a group of indicators characterizing the interaction of children in the game was highlighted.

1. Does the child come into interaction? The teacher must be found out, they enter the interaction, or their game is individual. A child in the game can interact with adults or with peers.

2. Who does the child put the game tasks? Gaming tasks The child can put an adult or peer.

3. Does the child know how to take game tasks? As observations show, most children are more likely to put out other game tasks and do not know how to take them from peers, in this case there is a conflict. To avoid this, you need to teach children to take game challenges from peers. But the gaming task set by the peers does not always be interesting to be a child, in this case it is necessary to find out whether it can be tactfully refused to have a gaming task.

4. What is the duration of the interaction? Players can enter into short-term and long-term interaction.

IV. Independence of children in the game. Separately, this group of indicators does not stand out, it is present in each considered group. So, determining the content of the game, it turns out the independence of children in the choice of plan and laying game problems. When characterizing methods for solving game problems, it is clarified how independent children in the choice of subject and role-playing methods. In the third group, indicators are established, on whose initiative, the players come into cooperation: on their own motive or at the proposal of adult, peers.

So, the considered groups of indicators give a versatile view of the degree of formation of the game in children.

Based on the dedicated indicators, diagnostic sheets are filled to determine the level of development of the children's game (Appendix 1).

2. Methods of diagnosing the game of children.

To fill the diagnostic sheets, you need objective data about the game of each child, for this you can use the following methods.

1. Watching the games of children in the group, on the site, their logging. To this end, it is possible to use technical means - photography, tape recorder recording of children's statements in the game.

2. Conversations with educators about the content of games, about how to solve children's gaming tasks, about the interaction of playing, about their independence.

3. Game problem situations that teacher who wants children watching games. At the same time, he is obliged to tactfully in the game, without breaking it, and it is only if during passive observation it is impossible to determine the degree of formation of one or another indicator of the game development.

Consider the methodology for diagnosing the game of children for each group of indicators. The diagnostic list No. 1 is used.

The independence of children when laying gaming tasks is clarified during observations or by supplying gaming problem situations. For example, if it is noted that one of the children does not put a game task, and the educator does not provide him with timely help, then this child is the game task in an indirect wording, his attention is drawn to some toy: "Look what kind of dog is sad , she is boring one. " If the child independently puts the game task, the adult continues: "Maybe the dog was driven or wanted to walk?" It is possible that the child will again not accept the game task, delivered indirectly, in this case it can be offered in a direct formulation, the teacher says: "Poor a dog, she was hungry." If it turns out that the game of the child is monotony, i.e. It puts 1-2 familiar game tasks and repeatedly repeats them, for example, feeds a doll, puts it to sleep, feeds again, etc., then he can offer some other gaming task. For example, to a boy who rolls the car for a long time, you can contact: "The road was long, gasoline is probably over, what to do?" Or: "How much is buzzing a motor. What happened to him? He probably broke down. "

Appendix 2 present a list of diagnostic indicators by parameter associated with the content of the game of children, and the methodology for their assessment.

II. Ways to solve children's gaming tasks. Information about the formation of children's methods to solve the game tasks of teachers is obtained during observations. Watching children's games, you can see that from all subject ways they prefer game actions with toys. This fact still does not indicate the non-formation of their other subject ways. It is known that a child can use any of the developed methods to solve the gaming task. In this case, it is necessary to find out whether the child is adopted by substituents and imaginary items or not. We give examples how it can be done.

1. To the girl who feeds a doll using only toys, you can contact: "I treat your doll (daughter) here is this red apple," instead of an apple, to offer a ball from the pyramid.

2. The boy who rolls the car to ask: "Take, please, here is this watermelon, it is hard for him to carry it," instead of watermelon give the ball of green.

3. Contact the child: "Bring us, please, cake (sweets) to tea," this will find out his ability to independently find deputy items.

4. The girl who feeds the doll, on the empty palm you can offer an imaginary treat for the doll: "I want to treat your doll here this candy."

5. The boy who plays with the machine can be offered imaginary repair tools: "Here it is convenient to twist the screws with this screwdriver."

The formation of children roles is found only if they assume roles. If the child denotes the role of a word, then there is no doubt that he takes a role. When children do not indicate the role of the word, it is difficult to determine, they accept it or not. In this case, you can ask the child: "Who are you?" If he does not answer, call an estimated role: "Are you a chauffeur?" Or: "Do you mom?"

On the diversity and expressiveness of role-playing actions, the presence of role-based statements and conversations can be judged by the results of observations. In the absence of role-playing statements in games, the following gaming situations can be offered.

1. Role-playing statements addressed to the partner toy appear if you advise something to ask the doll: "Your daughter goes to walk? Ask her, she will go to the park. "

2. For the emergence of role-based statements addressed to the imaginary interlocutor, the child can be invited to call someone by phone.

3. The child can be asked to appeal to peer, for example, to advise: "Ask, maybe Sasha's shuff has tools for repairing the machine."

For the inclusion of children in the role-playing conversation, the adult asks them questions on the content of the game. Appendix 3 is a list of diagnostic indicators, by parameter associated with the degree of formation in children of subject and role methods for solving game problems, and the methodology for their assessment.

III. The interaction of children in the game. First of all, it turns out, a child comes with someone into interaction or his games are individual. For objectivity, you need to talk with the educator, asking the question: "The child always plays one or sometimes takes part in joint games?".

A child who plays individually can be tried to attract in a joint game with adults or with peers, offering him the game situations like this.

1. Contact the boy, which one goes on the car: I am very hurry to work. Put me, please, so the child includes a joint game with adults.

2. The same boy can be invited to invite the peer: "Where did you go? You, probably, is boring, maybe you will invite someone to ride, he will be so nice. "

3. Contact the girl: "Did you walk with my daughter? Maybe you will invite Dasha with my daughter. Together to walk more fun. " In this case, the child also encourages the interaction with the peer.

The degree of development in children of the remaining indicators is clarified during the observations of the games of children and from conversations with educators.

In Appendix 4, give a list of indicators by parameter associated with the clarification of the interaction of children in the game, and the methodology for their assessment.

So, the analysis of the diagnostic sheet allows you to identify the level of development of the game of each child. The non-recognition of a particular indicator gives the basis of the teacher to put specific tasks in the management of the game, thereby informally implement an individual approach to children.

In addition, it is known that the game develops gradually, first the plot-displayed, then - the initial stage of the plot role and then is a developed plot-role-playing game. At each stage, children may have a different level of development of the game: high, medium, low.

Scene-display game.

High level. The intention of the game in the child arises mainly on its own initiative, only in some cases an adult comes to help. In the game, he displays familiar events by combining them among themselves. Interested events can repeat in the game many times.

Game tasks put on their own, only sometimes minor assistance to an adult number of game tasks set in the game ranges from 1 to 5-6. They can be interrelated among themselves and scattered.

The child has well formed subject ways to solve game problems. Gaming actions with toys are diverse, according to the degree of generalization can be both deployed and generalized. The child independently uses familiar and new, substituent items, imaginary items in games. Sometimes the baby takes on the role of an adult, in some cases indicates her word. The game is predominantly individual, but the child shows a great interest in the players of peers.

Average level. The plan of the game appears both but the initiative of the child and after the proposal of the adult. The game displays familiar events, with pleasure repeats one some kind of situation. Gaming tasks The child can put both independently and with an adult. The number of gaming tasks set can be from 1 to 3-5, they can be interconnected and scattered. The child has substantive ways to solve gaming tasks. Gaming actions with toys are varied, according to the degree of generalization, deployed and generalized. Independently uses in games only familiar substituents in a known meaning, as necessary, includes imaginary items. An adult help is possible in choosing any way.

The role of an adult does not accept. The game is individual, but the child shows interest in peer games.

Low level. Most often to play the child begins after the adult offer, i.e. He helps the baby in the appearance of the plan. Displays familiar events, repeating one situation repeatedly. Gaming tasks also helps the child to put an adult, in some cases some game tasks it puts on its own. Their number of not more than 1-2.

Subject methods for solving game tasks are not enough formed. Gaming actions with toys most often monotonous, according to the degree of generalization they are only deployed. Does not use substituent and imaginary, items in games.

The game is individual, the child almost does not show interest in the players of peers.

Start stage plot-role-playing game.

High level. Gaming plans in the child arise on their own, they are diverse. The game displays familiar and few familiar events, combining them among themselves. Independently puts game tasks.

Subsection solutions, game tasks are well formed. Gaming actions with toys are diverse, according to the degree of generalization can be both deployed and generalized. Familiar and new substituent items use themselves in different values. As needed, it includes imaginary items. The child has partially formed role-playing solutions to gaming tasks. Role-playing actions are diverse and expressive enough, they are accompanied by role statements. Roller statements can be addressed to a partner toy, to an imaginary companion, to an adult, to peers. Sometimes a role-playing conversation appears if the adult supports it. The initiative in the occurrence of the role conversation can come from the child. She is still meaningful.

The child willingly enters into cooperation with adults and with peers, gladly puts them game challenges, but he does not always accept the game tasks set by peers, because He still does not know how to give up tactfully from them. The interaction can be short-term and long.

Average level. The content of the game and the subject ways to solve game tasks are almost the same as in children at a high level of development of the game. Role ways are less formed. Role-playing actions are diverse, but not expressive. They are accompanied by role statements. Rolling conversation does not arise.

The child enters short-term interaction with adults and with peers.

Low level. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe game arises at the initiative of the child. In the game he combines familiar and few familiar events. Independently puts a variety of interrelated game tasks. Well formed subject ways to solve game problems. Takes a role, denotes it in a word, but role methods are still poorly formed. The role actions are monotonous, not expressive, sometimes accompanied by role statements, which arise both at the initiative of adult and the child.

The game is predominantly individual, but the child will gladly come into cooperation with adults, it usually happens at the initiative of an adult

Developed plot-role-playing game.

High level. The child has a variety of gaming ideas. When they implement them, combines familiar and few familiar events. With particular interest, the child displays the interaction and communication of people in games. All gaming episodes are interconnected by meaning. Gaming tasks The child always puts on its own. It is well formed subject ways to solve gaming tasks, it will easily vary them depending on the situation. Also well formed and role methods for solving game problems. When executing a role uses a variety of role-playing actions, the mood transmits, the character of a person, i.e. Role action emotionally expressive. Easy, more often on its own initiative, comes into a role-playing conversation with adults and peers. It is interesting and long.

When entering into cooperation, the child puts and takes game challenges, knows how to tactfully from some to refuse. The most characteristic of a long interaction, although in the course of the game the child can enter into short-term interaction.

Average level. The game differs from a high level by the fact that the child is less formed role-playing conversation. Most often, he enters short-term interaction.

N.oche level There is no developed plot game.

We also consider the features of determining the level of formation of gaming skills in preschoolers according to the method developed by R.R. Kalinina. The methodology is based on the monitoring scheme for the game of children, according to the main parameters that determine the development of the role-playing game, according to D.B. Elconin, which allows you to carry out both high-quality and quantitative analysis of the formation of gaming skills in preschoolers. Kalinina R.R. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis in kindergarten / R.R. Kalinina. - SPb.: Speech, 2003. - 144 p.,

To study the level of formation of game skills, you can organize role-playing game in a group of 4-5 preschoolers of the same age. The theme of the game is set as an adult (tutor, psychologist, deputy head), which carries out diagnostic observation. The topic of the game can choose any, most importantly - so that it has enough roles for all children. The most optimal here can be games that do not have a clearly specified situation and allow you to include different roles in the plot of the game. The adult does not interfere in the game process, only if necessary, provides minimal assistance in organizing the gameplay.

Analysis of gaming activity is carried out in 7 criteria: the distribution of roles, the main content of the game, role behavior, game actions, the use of attributes and substituent items, the use of role-playing speech, execution of rules. Each criterion is estimated at 4 levels, in the age framework, which allows you to plan work with children of different ages to form gaming skills, and track its effectiveness.

gaming preschooler Role-based diagnostics


1 level from 2 to 3.5 years

2 level from 3.5 to 4.5 years

3 level from 4.5 to 5.5 years

4 level older than 5 years

Distribution of role

Lack of role distribution; The role is performed by one who "seized" by a key attribute

Distribution of roles under the guidance of an adult who sets the leading questions: "What role is in the game? Who will play the role of a squirrel? Who is a chanterelle? "

An independent distribution of roles in the absence of conflict situations. In the presence of conflict, the game group disintegrates, or children seek help to the educator

Independent role distribution, resolution of conflict situations.

Action with a certain subject, directed to another (mother feeds daughter no matter how and what)

Action with pre-meter in accordance with reality

Performance of the actions determined by the role (if the child plays the role of the cook, he will not feed anyone)

Performance related to other people attitudes. It is important here, nothing to feed the child, and "kind" or "strict"

Role behavior

The role is determined by gaming actions, not called.

The role is called, the role is completed to the implementation of actions.

The roles are clearly highlighted before the start of the game, the role determines and sends the behavior of the child.

Role behavior is observed throughout the game.

Gaming actions

The game consists in monotonous repetition of the 1st game action (for example, feeding)

Expansion of the spectrum of gaming actions (cooking, feeding, laying sleeping), actions are strictly fixed.

Gaming actions are diverse, logical.

Gaming actions have a clear sequence, diverse, dynamic depending on the plot.

Using attributes and substituent items

Using attributes with the support of an adult.

Independent direct use of attributes (toy dishes, dusting products, bottles from medicines, etc.)

Widespread use of attribute objects, including as substituents (toy plate as a trailer to a truck, cubes like products, etc.), most of the time leaves the game

The use of multifunctional items (loskutka, paper, sticks) if necessary, the manufacture of a small number of key attribute objects. The object design takes at least time.

Using role-playing speech

Lack of role speech, appeal to playing by name.

The presence of role-playing: to playing the role of role (daughter, etc.). If you ask the playing baby: "Who are you? Write your name.

The presence of role speech, periodic transition to direct appeal.

Deployed role-playing speech all over the game. If you ask the playing child: "Who are you?", Write a role.

Rule execution

Lack of rules

The rules are clearly not allocated, but in conflict situations the rules will win

The rules are allocated, are observed, but may be violated in the emotional situation.

Compliance with stipulated rules throughout the game.

Surveillance results are conveniently submitted to the consolidated table. Against the name of each child, his age and the level of game skills for each criterion, which he demonstrates in gaming activities. At the same time, if the level of gaming skills according to this or that criterion corresponds to the age norm, the cell should be painted, because Color designation facilitates analysis of observation results.

As a result, we get a table on which the overall picture of the formation of game skills in a particular age group is clearly represented, and the results of each child. This allows, on the one hand, to evaluate the work of educators for the formation of gaming skills, and on the other - the educator to plan individually directed work with children on their formation.

Thus, we highlighted indicators for which you can discourage children's games, get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of formation in children of the game.

The diagnosis of the game makes it possible to control the timeliness of its formation from each child. Using them, teachers can easily determine at what level the development of the game is every child, which will allow them to individualize the tasks of the manual and determine the effectiveness of the guide to the game.


The game is the main type of child's activities up to younger school age. Gaming activities in the day of the preschool institution takes most of the time. The game satisfies the basic needs of the preschooler: the desire for independence, active participation in the life of adults. A child in the game acts independently, freely expresses his desires, ideas, feelings. There are no such positive qualities that could not be developed in the child during the game. Through the game, you can develop the cognitive characteristics of the child, prepare it for life in modern society, to make him believe in your strength and opportunities.

Also, the game meets the needs of the child in communication, children enter into relations between mutual control and help, subordination, demand. In the game, the child learns to put a goal, plan, achieve results, that is, it originates the basics of labor and training activities, the imagination is developing.

As a self-refining phenomenon, the game, nevertheless, needs the leadership of adults, who, managing the game, contribute to the enrichment of the horizon, the development of figurative forms of knowledge, strengthening interests, speech development.

In order to carry out adequate pedagogical impacts, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe developing value of the role-playing game, which was mentioned above, to know its specificity, the patterns of its development, to know the level of its formation from their pupils. The diagnosis of the formation level of the gaming skills of the preschooler makes it possible to control the timeliness of its formation from each child.

In the work we analyzed methods for diagnosing the formation of gaming activities from preschoolers. Using them, teachers can determine at what level the development of the game is every child, which will allow them to individualize the tasks of the manual and determine the effectiveness of the guide to the game.

List of sources used

1. Vygotsky hp Problems of the psychological development of the child / hp Vygotsky // Selected psychological research. - M.: Enlightenment, 1956. - 312 p.

2. Kalinina R.R. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis in kindergarten / R.R. Kalinina. - SPb.: Speech, 2003. - 144 p.

3. Kasatkin E.I. Game in the life of a preschooler / E.I. Kasatkin. - Drop, 2010.- 176 p.

4. Komarova N.F. Diagnostics of the game of children. Methodical recommendations / N.F. Komarov. - N-Novgorod: NGPI them. Gorky, 1992. - 21 s.

5. Komarova N.F. Comprehensive management of plot-role games in kindergarten / N.F. Komarov. - M.: Scripture, 2010. - 160 s.

6. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game / D.B. Elkonin. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 360 p.


Attachment 1

Diagnostic Sheet number 1

Diagnostic Sheet No. 1 is intended for methodologists and creatively working educators who are implementing research materials on the problem of children's leadership.

Performance indicators

Children's names

1. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe game appears:

a) with an adult;

b) Alone

2. Diversity of designs

3. Number of gaming tasks

4. Variety of game tasks

5. Swimativity when setting game problems

a) puts an adult;

b) with an adult;

c) Alone

6. A variety of game action with toys

7. The degree of generalization of gaming actions with toys:

a) deployed;

b) generalized.

8. Gaming actions with substituent subjects

a) with an adult;

b) independently.

9. Gaming actions with imaginary objects

a) as an adult;

b) independently.

10. Takes role

11. A variety of roles

12. expressiveness of role actions

13. Availability of role statements

14.Role statements arise at the initiative:

a) adult;

b) baby.

15. Role conversation arises:

a) with adults;

b) with a peer.

16. Role-playing conversation occurs on the initiative:

a) adult;

b) baby.

The interaction of children in the game

18. Enters the interaction:

a) with adults;

b) with peers.

19. puts game tasks

a) adult;

b) peers.

20. Takes game tasks from:

a) adult;

b) peers;

c) tactfully refuses.

21. Duration of interaction:

a) short-term;

b) long.

Diagnostic Sheet number 2

Diagnostic Sheet No. 2 is intended for educators, it allocated only the main indicators of the development of the game.

Performance indicators

Children's names

1. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe game appears:

a) with an adult;

b) Alone

2. Diversity of designs

3. Independence when laying game problems

a) puts an adult;

b) with an adult;

c) Alone

Methods for solving game tasks

4. A variety of game action with toys

5. Availability of gaming actions with substituent subjects

a) with an adult;

b) independently.

6. The presence of gaming actions with imaginary objects:

a) with an adult;

b) independently.

7. Takes role

8. A variety of role-playing actions

9. Expressive roles

10. The presence of role statements

11. The presence of a role conversation:

a) with adults;

b) with peers.

The interaction of children in the game

12. Enters the interaction:

a) with adults;

b) with peers.

Appendix 2.

A list of diagnostic indicators by parameter associated with the content of the game of children, and the methodology for their assessment.

The numbers indicate the sequence number of the graph that is filled.

1A + plan game appears with an adult

1A - In the appearance of the design of the game, the adult did not take part.

1b + the child himself came up with how to play.

1B - the child needs help in the appearance of the design of the game.

2 + the plans of the game of the child are diverse.

2 - monotonous ideas, just the same plots are repeated day after day.

3 The number of gaming tasks is indicated by numbers. If the child puts a different number of game tasks, it is indicated from the minimum to the maximum. If the game task is repeated several times in the game, then it is considered for one.

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