French "Sandbox" for phlegmatics꞉ Review of the browser game Theran Saga. Therian Saga (Russian version of the game) Therion Saga Latvo

We started reviewing the game of Theran Saga. In this will continue with gaming locations.

Let's approximately catch the time how much to go to the passage of each location. The first location with which Therian Saga starts, is called Sokolinia. You will go to it approximately from 1 to 2 weeks. After it, you will fall on the northern location of Lanfar. You will leave for the main plot quests from 3 weeks to the month. After the lanfear passes, you will have a choice: either to go to the extreme north in the mountains or northeast to Nostria.

Currently, the game contains content that you need to pass from six months to a year calm, a leisurely game. Depending on the volume of the next update, the content of the game is complemented once a month or in two months. Thus, the game claims to play it without stopping, roughly speaking, thanks to the regular update Therian Saga has no finals.

In the game there are many text inserts, it will be interesting to pass on players accustomed to to delve into text stories. The game has its own Wiki directory, which can be used separately to pass one or another quest.


Player skills are formed as a result of the addition of a plurality of partial skills whose components are:

  • your personal skills;
  • the skills of your companion;
  • the place in which you are - for example, if you master the blacksmithing case, then your skill will be higher if you are in the workshop;
  • magic and gear.

From the same place from the above, you have the highest skill parameter, you will get a part of the highest bonus, then you will receive a part from the companion - and so on.

Accordingly, if you want to be a good blacksmith, you need to pump not only your personal skills, but also the skills of the companion, find the right tools (in our case - blacksmith hammer), the right jewelry and drinking bottles that have increased your skill for several hours.

Game economy

Surely you will need in the game to purchase one or another item from traders, for example, the blade to be cut by a snack carcass. You come to the merchant, order 10 pieces of blades, but in response you are told that "alas, 10 blades are no longer." The economic situation is similar to the real situation: the number of some goods from merchants is strictly limited, updated once at a certain period of time. In this case, there are dealers in the game that they try to buy everything and more often, and then resell it with beginners through auction.

But it is not necessary to scare here, not all goods from merchants - in limited quantity. Most often it will be easier for you through the chat, through friends to find the necessary item and buy it relatively inexpensive. You can also wait for auction of goods or make an artifact yourself to learn for blacksmithing And make the blade will take hours 3.

According to the blades, by the way, there is a specific advice: there is an NPC in a hunting camp, ready to change the blade for fish. In this camp, you can catch fish and exchange it on the blade.

All items that exist in the game can be applied either in the craft or when performing tasks or taming. Therefore, it is better not to throw anything from your inventory!

Sokolinia location with which your acquaintance will begin with the game is good because it can be relatively safe to move. In other locations, monsters may unexpectedly crash in the course of your movement.

Theran Saga is a game with donat, which is rigidly limited. It is possible to drink 3 tinctures per day accelerating actions for an hour, eat 3 cookies that restore energy. In addition to "acceleral", there are additional bags, slots for weapons and tools.

For all gaming actionsIn addition to movement and conversations, energy is spent energy. To restore it, you can put a hero to sleep, this dream will speed up, sleep and do business on. In the game at Botany, there are pumped professions of potions - you can create bottles that restore this energy. But it is impossible to drink them much, because there is an inxication parameter.

In Terian Saga there is a market. If we look at the first tab, there are selling crowns - other players actively traded by buying crowns for real money. You can also purchase crowns for real money, but if you do not want to spend your money, you can accumulate gaming gold and buy crowns for them.

For the crowns, by the way, we can purchase mercenaries, but you need to remember that only 4 mercenary will go into battle, in battle you will not receive any advantage.

The presence of certain resources depends on the place of installation of the camp. In the mountains, you will likely get stones, ore or bears, closer to the plain you will have more floweries. There will be more wood in the forests, etc. In mines there are difficult resources (silver). In addition, if you are a hunter and an animal constructor, it may turn out that in one forest a chance to find a bear - 10%, and in another - 50%.

What can keep the user in the game after you have enough pofarmili, pumping the character and developed skills? What should happen next?

All of the above will take about 2 months. After that, new quests will go, for which it will be necessary to pump even stronger, find more solid armor. In this case, the armor can no longer or with friends, it will be necessary to create a guild with factories. Considering that new content It is added to the game for almost every month, in Theran Saga there is no such thing that there is nothing to do. For pumping all the character skills, you can get a year.

Some players have several characters on different accounts - this is allowed in the game. But you can not have several heroes on one account - it is worth real money. The advantage of having characters on one account is that they will get all the bonuses from this account: for example, if you buy a bag, it will be available to all characters of this account.

The developers of the Canadian company Virtus decided to experiment with browser role play gamesBy creating the Terion Saga, distinguished by peace and leisureness. With the goal of creating an online game that does not require the constant presence of the player, they coped to excellent. The characters are completely autonomous and perform the tasks on their own while the player works or rests in reality.

The choice of the appearance of the hero is simple and poor. All that is available - a few types of faces and heels of nonsense options. Individuality is purchased by the character at the expense of specialization and skills. Initially, it is necessary to choose one specialty and origin of the hero. As the character develops, studies additional skills required to perform the task.

The game provides for the possibility of creating several heroes. The player can distribute them to the tasks for self-fulfillment and go to do your affairs. The time spent on the task varies from two minutes to several hours, depending on the complexity. In addition, a certain energy supply is needed, which is replenished either during sleep, or by the liver purchased for money.

The game is focused on lovers to engage in craft, research and crafts. therefore combat system Primitive and does not play a significant role. There are no combinations of shocks or special techniques. Only two teams are available - attack the enemy or cover the comrade. Yes, more and not necessary. The game battles are only an annoying interference when studying the caves.

But the crafty system is thought out and honed. Creating a thing requires good possession of various specialties, interaction with other gamers. Feeding materials can be created truly a unique and legendary thing that other players will be happy with pleasure. The social component of the game is developed very much. Without communication and interaction with other people, you can create only things of lousy quality. To become a real master and craft excellent things, it is best to consist in the guild.

Quests in the game are fascinating and labor-intensives. It would seem that the usual slight task of the type "Bring". But during the execution process, you will have to move a lot on locations, pump a row of skills and remember where and what is sold.

The plot is not a line and gives the player a huge freedom of action. After passing the tasks and leaving the initial location, you can do anything. For example, start performing quests, explore the world, engage in craft. And you can immediately strive to quickly come to the final. True, the player is waiting for disappointment, since he risks to miss everything intriguing and fascinating and look pretty pale on the background of others.

In the process of passing the game, you can purchase satellites and pets. Some will have substantial assistance in the passage of quests and caves, others will increase the characteristics of the character. Companions pump together with the hero. If suddenly tired or disappeared into them, you can always get rid of their presence, unruler from the team.

Therian Saga turned out to be slow, friendly and peaceful game. It is perfect for lovers leisurely and meticulously explore the worlds or just busy people.

The Terian Saga from the Virtys developers was one of the bright outbreaks among abundance. The birth, distant Canada, who won first, the game continued his procession on the expanses of France, and then among the entire English-speaking European space. At the end of 2014, it was reached in Russia, where it was completely Russified and adapted to the domestic gamer.

Beginning of the game Terian Saga

Start the story stands with the mention of the project belonging to developments. But do not hurry with the conclusions: games without a client are improving much more often and faster than full-fledged local products. And in our case, Terian Saga walks ahead if not the planet all, it certainly is ahead of its competitors. The merit in this is definitely artists who found a thin line between the possibilities of the game and the expectations of the players.

Meets all novice visitors the story of the carriage of the ship, which is finally sushi. The approaching picture with the island of hope, namely, is called a piece of earth, where our ship moistened, reminded to pain acquaintance old good The Settlers.. In Theran Saga, all the same rounded shapes, having cut both by order the best lawn miles of grass and well-groomed meadows with a wonderful bay. Immediately I wanted to build something and send the mouth of the sheep to a couple of settlers.

Distracts from contemplating this wonderful spectacle Little Usachi in the corner of the screen. He proposes to decide on your future floor and choose a look for a character. Then the question of my homeland follows, whose choice, by the way, promises some benefits, but at first guess the very benefit will not work. And after these preludes, the choice of profession appears, which for me has become at least the most important surprise in the game Terian Saga.


My amazement was not caused by the number of specialties, but their varieties. So, for example, I could become a designer, florist, a bricklayer and three more different creators of art. What else, I will not tell, so much more interesting. But believe me - both the main and secondary skills will be enough for a long time.

Subsequently, we learn about the existence of the whole 10 creative professions and only 2 military. The further development of the character will depend not only on the beloved. As in real life, and in Therian Saga, participants are just forced to buy other people's services. And to offer their own: so, for example, to build a house without a single nail will not be exactly. But if I built, after receiving a license, get ready to rest with comfort, place your already htched wealth and even hire a servant. Present in the game and auction system, where the masters sell their work.

Battles and battles

As expected, not everything is so smooth as I would like to believe. Although, it is from which side to see. Lovers of mass fans with a bunch of mercenaries, spells and a tree of tree magic, Terian Saga will have to clearly do not like. The battle in the game is animated at a minimum: these are only icons of neutral monsters and mapping printed / obtained damage. Old-timers can remember the Fight Club, where the animation was embodied using the text string. Classic dungeons are still present, so it is not necessary to completely despair due to the lack of hostilities. But their passage has little in common with the same World of Warcraft.

Global idea and results

But those who love to make, make a whole of individual details, the game Terian Saga will deliver the present pleasure. Developers introduced into their product the ability to create several characters on their account. This is done for the purpose of saving time: each new task requires more and more resources, including temporary. As a result, we get a kaleidoscope from Rudokov, designers, ancient and herbalists. Each has its own tasks, but the target is one: to get a comfortable as possible in this beautiful hand drawn world.

What can I say on the outcome about Theran Saga? And I don't want to say, I want to shout! Developers, rather make the game for iOS, Android, WP. It's just a gorgeous pastime. Optional contractions with boring monsters, a variety of designs and most importantly - calm, smooth development of the character in their pleasure.

Successful passage of Theran Saga. You will provide knowledge of game secrets and nuances, some of them you will find in our knowledge base. Initial task at the beginning of passage gameplay - Creating your own character.

Creating a detachment, satellites

As soon as your character is ready, he begins his fascinating journey game world by oneself. But this is only at the beginning of passage. In this game project you have all the possibility of creating your own squad, adopting several satellites.

In Theran Saga there are three types of satellites.

  • People. For their hiring, the skill "Leadership" is necessary. Also, for their presence in your detachment, "respects of respect" will be required.
  • Animals. For their tame, the skill "Training" is required. Also for their presence in your detachment will require "pointing glasses".
  • Animal animal husbandry. For their tame, the skill of "livestock" is needed in "Bestiary", and for their presence in your detachment, "attention points" will be required.

What benefits bring

  • With each companion to your squad, the knowledge of which each of them possesses.
  • Some satellites have combat skills. They take part in battles with you.
  • By purchasing and having equipped your own home, there is an opportunity to leave one of the satellites at home, where it works independently.

How many satellite can be hired in a detachment

In your detachment, you can hire a maximum of four satellites (people and animals). It is also possible to expand the detachment of up to eight. This will require a special subject, which can be purchased in a playing store for crowns.

How to develop satellite

Each satellites have their own certain skills, for example, fighting skills, knowledge of terrain, handicraft and social (by type of leadership and so on) skills (only in humans). Consisting in the ranks of your squad, the satellite adds his skills to yours, only if you are engaged in relevant activities.

Satellite classes separately from you

This gaming project provides that your satellites perform certain tasks regardless of whether you are near or not. While you are engaged in your affairs, the satellite can work in your home. You have the opportunity to task for the same or different work to several satellites simultaneously in one house or in several homes.

For satellites there are certain limitations:

  • It is possible to use only extractive skills: logging, diversion, mining of ore, hunting, gardening, archeology, trade, botany and espionage. It can not create objects.
  • It is necessary to comply with the level of mining satellite skill.
  • It is necessary to know the terrain of the satellite, which one does not matter.
  • Separate works from you can not have students.
  • Also, individuals are also available from animals.

You can send only those satellites that are endowed with the "interest" parameter.

Restrictions for the hero

  • A skill level is required that allows the satellite to extract.
  • The skill level should be sufficient to start the resource production. Provided the lack of a sufficient level, it is necessary to pump or get the best tool or take a satellite with which it is possible to produce this resource.
  • If at the time of starting the extraction of the required resource, the skill is in sufficient quantity, but after the satellite was sent to its prey, it was missing, it is not necessary to worry in this case, the satellite will be calmly produced.

What is needed for individual satellite works

First of all, you need to equip your site:

  • the location of your site is the locality where the necessary resource is produced;
  • it is necessary to build a mining mechanism in a plot in accordance with the profession;
  • the site requires a structure, for example, a rural house, a tent, a tavern or a hut that will satisfy the interests of the satellite: prestige and comfort. Such interests can only be satisfied with non-residential buildings. Example: For the construction of a site of excavations, a tower is needed (gives prestige), and for the construction of a store - counter and decoration (give comfort and prestige). If you take the tower better, you can fully satisfy the interests of the workers in this area, while the construction of the tent or other residential building is not at all necessary.

Opening the Mininging Building tab, it is necessary for a satellite in the detachment, and then choose the production of the right resource.

  • The satellite must have a skill level that allows it to extract this resource.
  • The satellite work must be paid. You need to pay for each production cycle. The amount of payment is completely dependent on the mined resource.
  • The satellite has the speed of production, which is three times lower than yours.

More useful information You can read about the satellites in the knowledge base of Therian Saga, downloading it on the link below.

Mechanics of the combat system

Basics of combat confrontations

Before starting fighting battles, it is worth introducing the basics of combat system that will help you finish participating in combat confrontations more successfully.

Each unit has its three types of damage (and protection also). During the strike, the unit uses only one of them, and this may not necessarily be maximum. This may be such a type of damage that gives a greater difference during the deduction of the corresponding opponent's defense figure. For example, during an attack of 45-40-35 "stupid-penetrating-chopping" for protection 40-20-50, damage penetrating is used.

In one battle, participation can be taken simultaneously with the hero of about four of its allies. Of course, they must have combat characteristics. The enemy detachment may consist of a maximum of eight combat units. At the same time, each of the units can get strikes only from three others in one move. Such an opportunity is limited to three round cells of the attack near the icons of each of the units.

This restriction does not make it possible to strike at the same time all satellites on one enemy combat unit. If there are four and more enemy units, it is worth remembering that only the first three can attack your hero, the following damage your satellite, which first goes for the hero.

It is worth noting that this situation has and positive side. To understand it, you need the following knowledge: In case you were covered with your companion, then with his death all further strikes, are intended for it, canceled automatically.


During a difficult battle, where you have enemies more than four, which during the first walking accurately destroy your first unit, for example, battle with the boss and his minions. In this case, it is better to put a satellite in the first cell, which you can cover your hero from the first attacks of the enemy. The attack of the first three enemy units will always be directed to the hero, and accordingly, on the satellite covering it, and most likely he will be immediately killed. The remaining three combat units of the opponent's attack will be aimed at the same first satellite, which will be killed by this time, and, accordingly, the attack of the other enemy units will cancel and none of your damage team will no longer receive.

At first glance it may seem that all this is somehow confused, but applying this tactics, you will quickly understand that it gives you a great advantage in battle. The main thing is that you need to remember - in PVE, enemy units are always attacking in turn, each three strikes each. Exceptions are only opponents with "intelligence". All attacking actions that are sent on the killed your unit are completely canceled, but not tolerated. It should be remembered that this principle works in your direction, that is, there is no point in beat almost a dead unit with all the three cells of the attack, with the exception of individual cases.


Starting with the passage of quite serious dungeons of Lanfar, some enemies have various badges-bafts located near their icons.

The main of them

  • Protection - The resulting damage for this unit is significantly reduced.
  • Power - The damage of this unit is significantly higher than it should be at its attack. This is the only bough that can be killed by one blow, without it, even if there is an attack 60+ at the lowest protection of damage 100 and more to hit it will not work anymore.
  • Intelligence - It is possible to attribute to the most unpleasant bafu, which allows you to strike at the vulnerable to its attacks. Along it with the power, it is unexpected for an enemy to carry at the first strike of any of your satellites.

A certain number can be written near the BAF, but it may not be. If there are numbers you know, after how many moves, this BAF will end. If there are no numbers, it means that this bug permanent. Depending on this, it is necessary to build its own strategy, for example, to protect the vulnerable satellite from the enemy unit with the intellect of his hero, try to quickly destroy this unit with help and a bit of waiting for the time when defending from the third enemy unit.

It is worth noting that such debapts can be found in Lou-Dunzha "Sokolini", whose work is similar to the baff, only with accuracy on the contrary. In this way, you can destroy one blow of the mob, which has a shield icon and minus on the icon.

Order travel

Regarding which units in what order are attacked, the dependence on the difference of attack and the protection of the units, which collided in the battle. Simply put, the unit, who should beat more than his opponent and attacks the first. The scatter factor is not taken into account.


If your hero or any other satellite does not take any action during the battle, then it is blocked (appears glad to the shield icon). This means that the damage applied to him is significantly reduced (30%). From this it follows that the "tanker" unit is not suitable for the offensive.

Chances of hitting, damage, blocking, armor

The exact formulas for calculating the damage and the chances of entering the game does not exist. It is worth noting that the calculations of damage in the hero and other combat units differ.

Calculate damage on units can be quite simple - the blow accounts for equal chance of one of two strips when the attack is equal or less protection. Damage will be somewhere about seven - fourteen. In other cases, damage grows in proportion to the attack, the formula, of course, is not known. Accordingly, just so from the first blow to destroy the enemy combat unit you will not work, regardless of the type of attack.

At the same time, in the presence of protection, it will not be much more attack, less than six to seven times, but the chances of evading (blocking) are significantly increasing. If the difference is somewhere 50, then the chances of blocking will be 100%. Similar calculations occur in the direction of the chance of entering the attack. Moreover, the accuracy depends on the knowledge of the accuracy. The chances of entering or blocking increase to 15% at a certain difference.

How to Protect Health Strips

With the protection of the hero, in contrast to the satellites, things are much more complicated. He has six health bands. Of course, it is he who priority for the "tank", since he has a chance to pumped up much less, and the HP, which was removed, can always be thrown away after the battle. Only in this case the calculation system is completely different.

Of course, you can not agree with this and try to argue about this. Only this system is repeatedly tested on the experience of many players. Uncomplicated manipulations with objects will help you make sure you yourself.

The protection of each health strip lies on one of the six parts of the armor and only on them. The impact of general protection in the parameters of the hero acts on the chances of evasion or blocking, but no more. In the event that one of the six parts of your hero's armor will be much worse than the rest, then this strip will have much more damage than the rest.

How to Protect Health Strips "Hand Brushes"

The balancing of the defense against either a type of damage in a helmet with a high degree of protection gloves will not work. The armor should be selected with the maximum balancing, for example, 46-46-42. If your armor is not balanced, for example, 47-47-34, then in such a "hole" you will get enough painfully. Therefore, it is not worth saving on some of the parts, it will affect the combat abilities of your hero quickly.

The work of weapons is based on the same principle. The acceleration of attack by banks, rings, talismans significantly increases your chances of an accurate hit, but not at least damage. Of course, you can challenge this statement, as well as many other players, and this is a completely understandable and explanatory phenomenon, combat formulas of this game project are saturated with random in a sufficiently large number, but the basic principle of operation is precisely such.

Why do you need to spend money on the armor and the "tank" character

Good armor significantly enhances the protection of each satellite strip, respectively, the production of damage will significantly decrease. The chances of what you can get in a row to the same strip in a row and kill, extremely small. At the same time, the hero's satellites have these chances of 50 to 50 each time. Finally, after a combat confrontation, there is always the opportunity to get rid of banks. Satellites can be eliminated only by phoenix and sleep.


Calculate how and how much can the bank can cure, just enough. Treatment of banks (parameter) is multiplied by six and fills the strip of HP, which as much as the most, to the end. Next is postponed to the next minimum. Thus, it turns out that the 20/5 bank cures 120%, starting with the HP minimum.

Video issues for the passage of Theran Saga

Small passing game

City of masters

The list of useful information of the knowledge base of Therian Saga for download

  • Guides / professions.
  • Where to see skills.
  • Where to learn skill.
  • How to raise (pump) craft skill.
  • Satellites people.
  • Legendary satellites, tire.
  • Imperbs.
  • Satellites at the time of completing the quest.
  • Satellites animals.
  • Reputation.
  • Aristocraticity.
  • Family reputation.
  • Reward for reputation.
  • Reputation quests in Nostria.

French "Sandbox" for phlegmatiki꞉ Review of the Browser Games Therian Saga

"This game is not for everyone. She is slow. She does not give simple answers to questions. It has hints on what you need to do, but there will be no burning sign of the question and the hard path. If we rush to the finish, then you risk skipping the most interesting and discover that in comparison with other players look pretty pale. If you do not prepare as it should, then die. And the preparation here requires time and effort.

But, in my opinion, this makes the game so cool.

It is ideal for those who love to communicate. Of course, you can play and alone, but the speed of the game is such that communication goes to the fore. It is also ideal for occupied people, because you will move forward even when you do not have time to play, thanks to the system of scheduled tasks. She is perfect for those who love slowly explore the world. If you like the old MDA type The Legend of the Red Dragon., Essex Mud and Scepter Of Goth, then, probably, Therian Saga will like you. "

French "Sandbox" for phlegmatiki꞉ Review of the Browser Games Therian SagaTheran Saga - Official Trailer