Role-playing dialogues with plot role-playing games. Formation of role dialogue skills in younger preschoolers in role-playing game. Role-playing game "Hospital"

A fisherman and fishes A large circle is drawn on the floor or on the platform. One of the players - a fisherwoman - is in the center of the circle, he crouches down. The rest of the players - fish, encircling the circle, say in chorus: "Fisherman, fisherwoman, catch us on the hook." At the last word, the fisherman jumps up, runs out of the circle and starts chasing the fish that scatter across the entire site. The caught one becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle. Little Owl Guys stand in a circle. One of the players comes out in the middle of the circle, he will represent the owl, and all the rest - bugs, butterflies, birds. At the command of the host: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" - kids run in a circle. At this time, the owl is "sleeping", that is, it stands in the middle of the circle, eyes closed, one leg bent under itself. When the presenter commands: "Night comes - everything freezes!", The players stop and stand motionless, hiding, and the owl at this moment runs out to hunt. She looks out for those who move or laugh, and takes the guilty ones to her circle. They become owls, and when the game is repeated, they all "fly out" to hunt. Hunters The players run across the playground. Three hunters stand in different places with a small ball each. At the signal from the head: "Stop!" - all the players stop, and the hunters aim the ball at one of them from the spot. "Killed" replace hunters. The players have the right to dodge the ball, but must not move. If the player after the command "Stop!" left the place, he replaces the hunter. Seine All players are fish, except for two fishermen. Fishermen, holding hands, run after the fish. They try to surround her, clasping their hands around the fish. Gradually, a whole chain is formed from the caught fish - "seine". Now the fish are caught by the "seine". The last two uncaught players are the winners; if the game is repeated, they are fishermen. Gingerbread man Children, squatting down, move around in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver - "fox". The players roll the ball - "bun" to each other so that it leaves the "fox". The driver is replaced by the player who rolls the bun so that the "fox" can catch him. Beware, Pinocchio! One of the players has a cap on his head. He is Pinocchio. The driver tries to catch up and tarnish the one who runs with the cap. However, it is not so easy to do this: the players on the run pass the cap to each other. When the driver spots Pinocchio, they. change roles. Jumping sparrows On the floor or platform, draw a circle of such a size that all the players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players - "cat", he is placed in the center of the circle, the rest of the players - "sparrows" - are behind the circle at the very edge. At the signal from the leader, the "sparrows" begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the "cat" tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a "cat", and a "cat" becomes a "sparrow." The game is repeated again. Burners Participants of the game become pairs in the back of each other's head. The driver stands in front of all the pairs, he says loudly: Burn, burn clearly, So that it does not go out. Look at the sky: Birds are flying, Bells are ringing. One, two, three, Last pair, run! After the last word "run", the players of the last pair run forward (each on their side) to the conditional place, and the driver tries to hold one of the runners by touching his hand until the players meet. The one who was detained stands next to the driver in front of the first pair, and the second becomes the driver. Game continues. The playing bettas (one from each team) enter a circle with a diameter of 3 meters and take the starting position for the fight, squatting on two legs or standing on one (the right hand holds the left leg, and the left hand is bent in front and pressed to the body, or vice versa). Objective: push the enemy out of the circle. The most agile is you! Draw two circles on the ground, up to a meter in diameter. The circles are next to each other. Place the puck, cube, ball, town in the center of the circle. Two or two teams of three to four people can play. At the signal of the presenter, children should knock this object (objects) out of the circle of the "enemy:" with a toy sword, saber, gymnastic stick, defending their own. The guys seem to be fighting with swords and sabers. The winner is the one or those who, having knocked out the object, “did not allow (and) it to their opponents. Throw in a ring Hang a ring at a height of about 1.5 meters in a room or schoolyard. And in the hands of each participant is given a stick up to 50 centimeters long. It is necessary to run from a distance of 10-15 steps to the ring, throw the stick so that it slips through it, and again catch it. If the player completes the task, he wins two points; if he does not have time to catch the stick and it falls to the floor - one point, but if he throws so that he misses, the throw simply does not count. The game lasts five minutes. Whoever scored more points won. Do not fall for the bait For the game you need a rope 2-3 meters long with a weight tied at the end - a bag of sand. The players form a circle, in the center of which the driver stands with a rope in his hands. He begins to spin it so that it rotates above the ground itself. The guys jump over the rope. The driver gradually raises the plane of rotation of the rope higher and higher, until one of the participants “falls for the bait,” that is, he is able to jump over the rotating rope. The one who gets caught drives. Game continues.

There are two forms of speaking in a foreign language: dialogue and monologue. Dialogue is a process of communication between two or more interlocutors-partners, therefore, within the framework of one speech act, each of the participants alternately acts as a listener and speaker. Dialogue is associated with a number of skills that ensure the flow of the conversation. The first is to stimulate the interlocutor to say:

A statement that can stimulate responses in different forms.

Request, offer:

The second skill is responding to a speech stimulus. The stimulus-response and the response-response constitute a dialogical unity. The most common are four types of dialogical unity:

1) question-statement:

2) question-question:

3) statement-statement:

4) approval - question:

The third skill is the deployment of a replica-response before giving the statements the character of a conversation.

When teaching dialogical speech using role play, students take a role and play it out in a specific situation. A group of students develop their ability to interact with people. After all, role play makes it possible to use unprepared speech. The main goal of any role-playing game is to train unprepared speech. Role play can surpass the capabilities of any pair and group activity, train students in the dialogical ability to speak in any situation on any topic. In dialogical communication, each phrase is accompanied by a response, addressed directly to the student who pronounced the phrase. Teaching dialogic speech using role play puts students in situations in which they need to use and develop language forms. A very important point that should be paid attention to when organizing a role-playing game in teaching dialogical speech is that when organizing a role-playing game, you should always start with a pair (dialogue), and not with group work (it is much easier to organize a conversation with one person)

Role-playing in teaching dialogical speech can be attributed to educational games, since it largely determines the choice of language means, contributes to the development of speech skills and abilities, and allows you to simulate student communication in various speech situations. In other words, role play is an exercise for mastering the skills and abilities of dialogical speech in the context of interpersonal communication. In this regard, role play provides a learning function.

Teaching dialogical speech through role play forms the ability of schoolchildren to play the role of another person, to see themselves from the perspective of a communication partner. It orientates students to planning their own speech behavior and the behavior of the interlocutor, develops the ability to control their actions, to give an objective assessment of the actions of others. Consequently, role play performs an orienting function in the process of teaching dialogical speech

Examples of role-playing games.

Role-playing game "Estate Agency"

Sales Apprentice: Welcome to our Agency. We are glad to see you here. Our

Agency has many houses and flats for sale. (Shows pictures or

photos of houses, apartments). These are the photos of the rooms: a bedroom, a living room, a dining room, and a study. The rooms are large and light... You may ask me the questions. I "ll give you all the information about the house.

Apprentice Buyer: Is there a park near the house?

Sales Apprentice: Yes, sure!

Apprentice Buyer: Is there a telephone (lift, a balcony) in it?

Apprentice Salesman: Of course, this flat has there a telephone.

Apprentice Buyer: How many windows are there in your house?

Sales Apprentice: There are five windows.

Student Buyer: Are there shops or cafes near the house?

Apprentice Salesman: Yes, there are two restaurants and supermarket.

Student Buyer: Is school far from it?

Apprentice Salesman: No, there is school near it.

Apprentice Buying: O.k, I like this flat. I will buy it.

RPG "Shop"

Assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: I d like a pair of trainers and a T-shirt, please?

Assistant: What size?

Customer: Size 40, this T-shirt is 44.

Assistant: Try this pair on.

Customer: It s too big for me. Can I try the T-shirt on?

Assistant: Certainly.

Customer: How much is it?

Assistant: 4.50 dollars

Role-playing game "Gemini"

Purpose: activating the skills and abilities of generating monologic statements such as describing evidence, comparing and including them in a dialogue.

Game progress: all players receive cards without showing them to each other. Describing postcards, asking questions to each other, the players must find pairs of identical postcards. It is possible to exchange postcards in a circle.

role play foreign lesson

Building a role-based dialogue

Chief physician Nurse A patient
Medical specialist Organizes work. Controls. Provides medicines and equipment Follows instructions, doctor's prescriptions. Helps the doctor. Comes to an appointment with complaints. Asks to prescribe treatment. Thanks.
Nurse Supervises the work. Organizes work Takes the catch. Places the catch in boxes, packs it. Supervises the work of fishermen
Registrar Organizes work. Controls Brings honey. patient records from the registry Make an appointment with a doctor.
Chauffeur Provides instructions for the delivery of medicines and equipment. Controls. Goes to help patients at home

Role-playing game "Hospital"


Building a role-based dialogue

Role-playing game "Mail"(middle group)

Tasks: help children to establish interaction in joint play, unfold the plot, enrich vocabulary, develop children's speech

Roles Role-playing actions
Postman Receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards from the mail; carries them home; releases correspondence in the mailbox
Customer Sends parcels; buys envelopes, newspapers and postcards; takes a queue; sends money transfers. Observes the rules of conduct in public place; takes a queue.
Operator Accepts parcels, money orders; sells newspapers and magazines; sorts letters, newspapers, magazines
Chauffeur Delivers new newspapers, magazines, postcards to the post office; brings parcels and parcels; picks up parcels and parcels, takes them to the railway.
Head by mail Supervises the work of the postman, operator, calls and orders fresh newspapers, magazines, new postcards; gives out a salary. Gives the driver a voucher or a task sheet; thanks the post office employees for a good job

Building a role-based dialogue

Head Clients Operator Chauffeur
Postman Gives instructions on how to do the work. Supervises the work of the postman. Gives out a salary. Receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards. Sends letters, postcards to send. Gives out newspapers, magazines, letters, postcards Brings up the postman
Operator Gives instructions on how to work with clients. Supervises the work. Gives out a salary. Sends parcels, parcels, letters. Buys newspapers, magazines, postcards. Sends money transfers Helps in sending parcels, parcels Brings parcels, parcels, correspondence
Customer Communicate. Occupies a queue. Communicate. Accepts parcels, parcels. Packs them up. Accepts letters, money orders

Role-playing game "Drivers"(middle group)

Tasks: help children to establish interaction in joint play, unfold the plot, enrich vocabulary, develop children's speech

Building a role-based dialogue

Dispatcher Chauffeur of another car Passenger
Chauffeur Gives directions for the departure of the car. Declares a route. Controls Provides mutual assistance. Takes in tow. Asks about which stop to get off at. Asks to stop the car
Passenger Sends controllers Transplants to another car. Talking about the trip. Give way. Communicate.
Petrol tanker Sets up a queue. Provides assistance in refueling.
Militiaman Follows the instructions of the police officers. Pays a fine Follows the rules road traffic, behavior. Follows instructions

Role-playing game "Travel"(middle group)

Tasks: help children to establish interaction in joint play, unfold the plot, enrich vocabulary, develop children's speech

Building a role-based dialogue

Dispatcher Captain of another ship Passenger
Captain Gives directions for the departure of the ship. Declares a route. Controls Welcomes. Provides assistance Asks the captain about the time of the ship's arrival at the port
Radio operator Sends a weather report. Transmits radiograms Sends a signal or some message Sends a telegram home
Doctor Assists crew members of another ship Heals the sick
Passenger Sends controllers to check passenger tickets Changes to another ship They are talking. Walking on deck, chatting
Boatswain Gives instructions to sailors to help another ship

Role-playing game "Pilots"(middle group)

Tasks: help children to establish interaction in joint play, unfold the plot, enrich vocabulary, develop children's speech

Role-playing game "Supermarket"(middle group)

Tasks: help children to establish interaction in joint play, unfold the plot, enrich vocabulary, develop children's speech

“The people turned out to be the public ...
The masses are given meaning
and they crave a spectacle. "
Jean Baudrillard

At the same time, modern mass communication practice, in our opinion, gives grounds to supplement the system of indicators of the mass media audience. So, for example, having analyzed a total of over 200 different programs on domestic television, we found that when implementing dialogue interaction, the achievement of understanding and mutual understanding between the journalist and the audience cannot be considered only at the level of communication content. The emotional side of perception is also one of the main goals of the communicator (often just defining) and an unconditional reference point for the participants in communication.
The most productive, as shown by our survey of experts - professional journalists, is the modeling of role participation in mass media activities for the communicator. Let us illustrate this with specific examples.
So, for example, Leonid Yakubovich is recorded in the minds of the audience primarily as the bearer of a socio-psychological role, which we will conventionally designate as an "artist". Communicators of this kind have an expressive, pleasant appearance. Always tastefully dressed, fit, elegant. Yes, they often "play" the role of the leader, but they do it openly, focusing not on their own person, but only talentedly shading the interlocutors. For example, Yakubovich himself has good diction, the rate of speech allows you to speak clearly, intelligibly. He has a very rhythmic speech, and its tempo can vary.
He slowly begins to speak when he wants to highlight some words or phrases. He also in his programs "Field of Miracles" often uses pauses as a necessary way to convey information in oral speech. During the pauses, he stops, stops talking, and at this moment the presenter demonstrates a wide range of non-verbal ways of transmitting information: for example, roll his eyes, wink, breathe heavily. Often in the program, pauses are a way to stop the interlocutor speaking outright stupidity or reading a mediocre poem. It is impossible to say directly about this, because he can be offended in front of a multimillion audience, and gestures, facial expressions are more expressive and, as his experience shows, more effective.
The Izvestia TV guide Evgenia Pishchikova, on the basis of the role-playing participation of journalists in the activities of electronic media, even deduced a certain “formula” of television politeness: “Greetings and farewells are, in fact, an appeal. Which indicates to which viewer the program is directed. Roughly speaking, the address division can be as follows: to an average consumer of information, an ordinary citizen, a citizen, a like-minded person, a patriot, a client, a regular visitor to a party, a literate person, a member of a narrow circle of dedicated people, a woman with a capital letter, and so on. "
Further, the journalist notes a number of interesting details. So, for example, that Dmitry Dibrov in "Anthropology" almost always greeted coldly, and said goodbye warmly. As an important guest in an unfamiliar company, who comes in displeased, not sure that everything will turn out as it should, and leaves more or less satisfied with the reception. Here there is a coincidence with the idea of ​​the program: Dibrov's guests were always special people, originals - during the broadcast, they seem to have to prove their right to be special ... And earn the warmth of the host.
Mikhail Leontyev, with his anecdotal “however,” as it were, gives himself up with this one word for the amusement of the layman, but looks into the eyes of the dedicated viewer. Konegen lets you play with yourself like a devil, a kind of fert jumping out of a box, Gordon - like a Rubik's cube, and Komissarov - like in "Jumanji": this game of everyday circumstances and life's travels, which delays ...
It is noteworthy that both communicators and their audience are carriers of socio-psychological roles. These roles are characterized by a relatively constant, internally connected system of actions and actions, which is a reaction to the behavior of others. Not taking into account the fact that the majority of audience representatives, either explicitly or subconsciously, strive for "role participation" in the perception of media products, means deliberately reducing the number of factors of the effectiveness of mass communication interaction. Moreover, on the axis of the subject's perception of this kind of product, there are not only rational assessments, but also emotions, feelings, affect (for example, from "role participation"), caused both by the verbal (verbal) content and the aesthetics of a particular work or transmission.
Consequently, any journalistic work can be viewed as a system of stimuli (words, methods of non-verbal communication, aesthetic constructions, ways of activating "role participation", etc.), deliberately and deliberately organized in such a way as to cause a certain reaction of the media audience. Yes, as in any creative activity, subconscious “construction” is possible here, but it is still prevalent in the individual creative activity of a journalist. In this case, we can talk about a quite high degree of pragmatic modeling of technologies of mass communication activities. After analyzing the structure of stimuli, in this case we must recreate (simulate) the structure of reactions. Moreover, the concept of "creativity" we equally attribute both to the creators of this type of product and to consumers. For, as we have already noted, only co-creation is characteristic of a truly democratic state, for relations based on the principles of humanism.
When describing the emotional side of the perception of information as one of the systemic indicators of the media audience, we can name other socio-psychological roles of communicators. We have allocated 24 roles. For example, such as: "analyst", "lyricist", "aggressor", "your boyfriend", etc. Let's say the host of "Itogi" Evgeny Kiselev is a typical "analyst". He is characterized, as the study shows, such internal personal characteristics as intelligence, breadth of horizons, the ability to think big, restraint, solidity, respectability, etc. Typical professional qualities are sociability, the ability to infect with energy, confidence, inspire their ideas, etc. Vladimir Molchanov is a "lyricist", because all his most successful programs from the point of view of experts are sustained in this vein. Timur Kizyakov, who comes from the screen "While everyone is at home," is a typical "friend". Allocation of carriers of "roles" allows not only to predict the successful and effective activities of the communicator, but also to calculate options for interaction with specific carriers of "roles" from among the media audience.

Matlygina Nadezhda Evgenievna
Formation of skills of role dialogue in younger preschoolers in a role-playing game

Full name of the teacher, position: Matlygina Nadezhda Evgenievna, educator.

Form of conducting: Master Class

Target: increasing the competence of teachers in organizing interaction with pupils junior preschool age aimed at formation of skills of role-based dialogue in a role-playing game.


1. To update the knowledge of teachers about the methods and techniques of development role dialogue in younger preschool children in a role-playing game, familiarizing them with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior;

2. to motivate teachers to develop and improve practical skills when organizing activities for formation of skills of role dialogue;

3. to involve teachers in practical activities aimed at improving their own pedagogical skills in organizing interaction with pupils in role-playing format developmental games role dialogue.

Materials for the presenter: ball, glue stick, easel, magnets, Whatman paper with wood, handkerchief, crockery, postman's bag, 2 letters with tasks, 3 handsets, basket.

For teachers: for each envelope with a colored leaf, 3 flowers, pencils

Stage I Initiation, introduction to the topic (2-3 min.)

Dear colleagues. Today I will give you a master class " Formation of role dialogue skills in younger preschoolers in role-playing game". I look forward to your active cooperation! Thanks!

Before we start, let's get to know each other better. To do this, let's play a game "What unites us all?"... Please stand in a circle. In this the game need to finish the phrase "We are united with you.", naming some quality or feature, and throwing the ball to another participant, ask a question "Do you agree?"... for example, “you and I are united by the desire to learn something interesting today. Do you agree?" The participant who received the ball answers: "I agree" if he agrees or: "I'll think about it" if you do not agree, and continues the exercise further, throwing the ball to someone else.

Colleagues, you and I are now in a situation dialogue. Dialogue- this is primarily communication, a conversation when two or more partners are talking on a topic. Dialogue speech presupposes the expectation of an answer and the willingness to answer oneself. This is not just a transmission information- this is the path to joint thoughts, feelings, experiences, to common activities. I wish all of us a fruitful cooperation today!

Stage II Actualization of the problem, presentation of the master's experience with the inclusion of practical exercises (10 min.).

It becomes obvious that nowadays live communication often fades into the background, being replaced by communication with various gadgets. The number of children who do not know how to maintain for a long time is steadily increasing dialogue, follow the rules of communication, take initiative in communication. Due to the fact that communication between peers mainly takes place within the framework of game interaction, I turned to role-playing game how to effective form organizing activities for the formation of dialogical speech, namely role dialogue.

V role-playing game in children are formed:

Ability to use in dialogue different kinds replicas (questions, messages, motives) and their corresponding responses.

Ability to observe elementary rules of conduct in dialogue:

Observance of the order in the conversation;

Listening to the interlocutor;

Calm, benevolent tone.

Here is a diagram showing the structure role-playing game(the diagram is presented as a tree on the poster)... As you can see role-playing the game consists of an imaginary situation, plot and role behavior, which is expressed in specific actions and role speech.

Imagine a situation that your children have decided what game they will play, dismantled game attributes, organized a play space, assigned roles - but here is a play dialogue fails... Have you ever seen this? What happens if the game is not accompanied by communication? The game situation must be accompanied by role dialogue, otherwise playing together will not work.

Dear teachers, please take out the leaves of our tree from the envelopes and try to write on them according to a specific technique.

(I fix the leaves on the tree, reading out the methods of activation role dialogue)

Younger preschoolers in a story-role format games gradually master the following skills:

Accept and designate a playing role,

Implement specific role-playing actions aimed at a toy partner,

Deploy paired role interaction, elementary role dialogue with a peer partner.

Working with pupils younger age , I am aware that at this stage an adult is not only a bearer of play actions, but also the first assistant in development role-based dialogues.

In my practice, I use the following tricks:

The teacher's personal example (the teacher himself plays dialogue and gradually attracts pupils to him)

Teacher questions to children aimed at activating dialogue(Who are you now? What does the doctor say to the patient)

Encouragement to speak (Ask your daughter is she not hungry? What the doctor advises)

Using speech circulation "First - then"... Reception provides a transition from one game action to another, and also stimulates the articulation of their own actions ( "First, I will bathe the doll, and then I will put her to sleep.").

Games based on fairy tales, literary works, the characters of which perform the same type of actions ( "Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok"). Conducted with a small subgroup of pupils. This technique contributes to the development in children of the ability to name their role, address a partner in accordance with his role, deploy a simple role dialogue.


The game "Telephone without a subscriber"

Unexpected event

2.2. Practical activities (15 minutes.)

V junior At the age of children, the game arises on the basis of existing experience. Role-playing interaction is carried out mainly on paired roles or as a sequence of interaction of the main character with other characters of the same type.

Dear Colleagues. Please provide examples of paired roles.

Give an example roles with consistent interaction.

And now, dear colleagues, let's try to practically work out some techniques formation of role dialogue.

2.2.1. Practical exercise "Reincarnation"

I introduce into the situation: children play at mothers and daughters, but they are silent, the whole game is reduced to action with objects.

Game with the introduction of a new character "Grandma has arrived!"

Organization role dialogue involves the adoption of a role by children. For this I use a game technique. "Reincarnation"... We play the household familiar to children plots... I emphasize the use of polite words in my speech.

2.2.2. Practical exercise "Telephone without a subscriber"

In practice, there are toys that contribute to development role dialogue... These are all kinds of walkie-talkies, cash desks, telephones, TV. Children of all ages love to play with them. Therefore, with junior age I consider it necessary to use the technique "Telephone without a subscriber", which we will now work out in practice. This technique aims to step by step formation of role dialogue with consistent interaction based on the game of telephone conversations.

Now we will be divided into groups according to the color of the leaf on the envelope. Each group will receive a task.

Dear colleagues, do not forget that our children are small and the main role belongs to the educator, who must be chosen in each group. I give 1-2 minutes for preparation. Any questions? All clear?

I distribute tasks. Tasks on the slide. I give comments after each stage.

1st group: Expand role dialogue based on a poem by K. Chukovsky "Telephone" alternately with several characters. Accepts phone calls taking on the role "Educator".

Stage 1 goal: organize role-playing interaction with children based on a well-known literary text.

Group 2: Organize a phone game based on some well-known household plot "Educator" takes on the role of salesperson / doctor / mom (Shop, Hospital, Mothers and Daughters).

Stage 2 goal: promote development role dialogue based on well-known household plots with paired sequential roles.

Group 3: Organize the game on the phone in such a way that an adult - "Educator" unrolled role dialogue not only with each participant in turn, but also stimulated dialogue of children with each other. (Mom - family members).

Stage 3 goal: form role dialogue not only with each participant in turn, but also stimulate their interaction with each other.

2.2.3. Practical exercise "An unexpected event".

It is proposed to find a solution to activate role-based communication.

Task for 1 group


Children are playing in the hospital. The doctor accepts patients, he gives everyone a pill without exception. It says goodbye. Children's dialogue:



My arm / leg / head hurts.

Here's a pill. Goodbye!

3. "For the teacher" you need to show a specific solution in order to get out of this situation and overcome stereotypes of behavior and monotony role dialogue.

Task for group 2

1. From each group it is necessary to choose "Educator".

2. All other participants must simulate the proposed situation, exactly as written, using objects in our surrounding space.

Two girls play mother and daughter. "Mama" feeds "Daughter" then puts her to bed. The game went on "Second round", "daughter" does not want to sleep - "Mother" persistently lays down. The game fades. Children's dialogue:

Mama: Eat. Here are the potatoes.

Daughter: simulates a meal. Is silent.

Mama: Everything. It's already night. Go to sleep.

Daughter: lays down. Closes his eyes.

3. "For the teacher" you need to show a specific solution to get out of this situations: develop plot and intensify role dialogue.

conclusions: Often at younger preschoolers we have to observe stereotypes in communication. When choosing a role, they perform stereotyped actions and phrases. The adult's role in this case is to connect to the game pupils in order to break the stereotype. In this case, you can apply the technique "An unexpected event"... Which you, dear colleagues, have now applied.

Stage III. Reflection (2 minutes.)

Dear colleagues, thank you for your active participation. You and I managed in practical activities to work out techniques that contribute to the development role-based dialogue in role-playing games... I ask you to express your attitude to our joint activity by placing flowers of a certain color in a basket. Blue means that today you are not very happy with the event and could have spent time with greater benefit, yellow - not all your expectations came true today, red - you liked everything.

Thank you all for your work.


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