What a team needs to go snow. How to change the weather in Minecraft: plugins and teams. Snow description in the game

IN Minecraft player Can control the weather at its discretion. This can be done using certain commands entered on the console. Consider in more detail how to change the weather in minecraft.


IN minecraft game There are only three types of weather - sunny, storm and rain. To irrigate your fields, you will need to enter the following command to the console: / Weather Rain 100. Please note that the word Rain means rain, and the number 100 is the number of seconds to which the weather is installed. At the same time, you can set the time at your discretion.


Storm - weather that is not popular with players. After all, it implies a thunderstorm, which can seriously damage housing and other property. But still, just in case, you should learn how to change the weather on the storm. The console indicates such a command: / Weather Stormy 100.

The sun

Most often, players prefer to install sunny weather. The console indicates a team of this type: / Weather Sunny 100.

"Minecraft" - a very colorful game, because it has a huge open world, beautiful trees, diverse and colorful flowers, fireworks and beautiful buildings that are generated randomly. However, a beautiful view can easily spoil the weather. In the game "Minecraft" there are three different types Weather phenomena, namely: sunny, rainy and most unpleasant weather - thunderstorm. During rain or thunderstorms, the house can hit the lightning, which will become deadly for the player, or can begin or at home if it is built from wood blocks. Sometimes it really wants to change the weather, and for this there are console teams and individual trainers. The article describes how to change the weather in the minecraft for all three conditions.

Who can change the weather and for what time

Weather you can put the most different, and the duration also depends on the choice of the player. On servers can only change the chief server administrator or one to whom the same administrator issued rights. It is very easy, and for this use console teams. But not all administrators are aware of how to change the weather in the "minecraft" and how long it will last. On servers often happens so that fog appears, and players are uncomfortable, and they demand and ask for the admin that the latter will change the weather. But if the administrator does not know these simplest teams, the players will be disappointed and can leave the server due to the unprofessionality of the owner. Therefore, each server administrator must know how to change the weather on the Mickeraft server.

Plugin for change

In the original "minecraft", you can change the weather yourself. There should be no problems, however, it is recommended to install a special plugin that is designed specifically for this case. Having understood with the installation of the plugin, you can already wonder how to change the weather in Minecraft. You need to go to the server and enter the required console commands in order to change it.

Weather Changing: Teams

Everything is ready, the plugin is worth it. It remains only to enter the desired command. How to change the weather in Minecraft for a long time:

1. After installing the plug-in, you need to go to your own server, which has administrator rights, and use console commands that are slightly lower in the article.

2. You need to open chat and enter / Weather + mode. That is, if you enter / Weather Sunny 1000, then there will be a sunny weather for a long time if you enter / Weather Rain / Stormy, then it will be raining / thunderstorm.

That's all, you can enjoy the views and at any time to change the weather.

IN computer game "Minecraft" there are various biomes (seasonal locations) in which they differ weather. For example, it may rain in the forest in the role of precipitation, and in the cold regions - permanent snowfall. Only in the desert there is neither one or the other. The weather status is determined by the current temperature in the region and absolute height. In this article, you will learn how to make snow in the "minecraft" as a natural phenomenon and resource for construction.

Snow description in the game

The snow falls only in the regions where the temperature is below 0.15. At the same time, the level of light up to 12 units is strongly reduced, and at night - up to 4. Snowfall only affects the coverage of the Earth - it appears on all opaque cubes. It is worth noting that snow precipitates do not contribute to the extinguishing of burning objects. You can make the snow in the "minecraft" with console Team. Below we will analyze this moment more.

How to use the command?

For each of the weather phenomena there is a unique command that allows you to turn on or disable precipitation. To do this, you must open the console string (you can see the key in the control settings) and enter it "/ Weather Rain

You can cancel the weather effect by re-entering the string. Now you know how to make the team in the "minecraft".

Replacement texture

The game is so variable, which allows you to independently replace files. Textures can be completely recycled, with the result that you always have snow in the game, even in summer biomes. However, there will be no practical benefit from it, because it is only a new image of winter. Not very the best way.

Snow in the role of resources

You can also make snow in the "minecraft" and use it for your own purposes. All snow resources and items are divided into:

  • snowballs;
  • snow blocks;
  • snowflakes;
  • snow layer.

Consider each of the options in more detail.

Snowballs are small balls from the compressed material - just as in life. To create this weaponYou need to take a shovel in your hands and break the snow block. Each is 4 snow. They can be thrown as ordinary stones.

The second option is blocks. They are used in construction. Then, on the contrary, it is possible to scream out of 4 snow units, putting in the form of a square in the window of creating objects.

Snowstiles are created from 3 blocks placed in a horizontal range. They can also be used when erecting winter buildings. The last type of resource that meets in the game is snowflakes falling from the sky during precipitation. They cannot be used in their activities before they form a snow layer on Earth. Its thickness is 1/3 of the whole cube.


To make snow in the "minecraft" as a permanent and endless resource, you can create a snowman figurine. It is cracked from two snowy blocks from the bottom and pumpkin head. The resulting golem will move on your possession, and the white coating loop will remain behind it. It is worth saying that it is only so possible to make snow in the "minecraft" endless resource for the construction of ice castles!