What team is needed in minecraft to teleport. How to teleport in Minecraft using the command? Minecraft servers without registration

If you play "Minecraft", then, most likely, you have already wondered more than once about how to optimize movement in space. The thing is that the worlds in this game are very large in size, and if you travel on foot, it can take an incredibly long time for you. Accordingly, you should think about how to get or create transport: on land you can move on a horse, and on water - by boat. But all these options speed you up only a little, in fact, you can move quickly using teleportation. In this article, you will learn how to teleport in Minecraft, what commands to use for this, and so on.


The first thing you should think about if you want to know how to teleport in Minecraft is the coordinates of the point you want to get to. This is the most difficult moment in the whole procedure, so you should pay special attention to it. The only way find out exactly where you are - press the F3 button. After that, information will appear on the screen, among which it will be quite easy to find the values ​​of three points by the coordinates X, Y and Z, which you need. However, note that there is variation with the Y coordinate - you can record not only your position, but also the point where your character is looking. Thus, you can mark the most important points in the world for yourself in order to move there at any time. And, of course, you can just travel randomly, discovering more and more new areas of unexplored territory. But so far you do not know how to teleport in Minecraft. You only have an idea of ​​the points and their coordinates.


Now that you know the coordinates of at least one point, you can learn how to teleport in Minecraft. For this you will need console command tp, for which there are special conditions that allow you to assign a specific location for the teleport. That is, you cannot write this command without additional parameters - it does not work this way. After you have entered the command itself, you will need to write three numbers separated by a space, each of which is part of the coordinates of the point to which you will go. The order for numbers is standard - first, the X coordinate is written, then Y, and at the very end - Z. After that, you can activate the command by pressing the Enter button, and your character will instantly appear at the point you specified. Now you know how to teleport by coordinates. Minecraft, however, offers you another one to use.

Teleport to the player

Having marked the most important points in your world, you can now figure out how to move around the Minecraft map - how to teleport to the house, to the chest, to the farm, and so on. However, you will not be able to do the same with other characters if you are playing online. In this case, you need to use a different command, or rather, different parameters. The team remains the same - tp, but after it you need to dial the nickname of the player to whom you want to move.

Today we will talk about how to teleport to a player in Minecraft. This action could significantly simplify the process and provide a serious advantage over competitors.

Important plugin

On servers virtual world There are countless different plugins for Minecraft. These are additions, for example, for fast felling of trees, for a teleport, and so on. Some of them are simply required to be present on the server. These plugins include teleporting one player to another in Minecraft. There are several options. Now we will take a closer look at all possible ways using this plugin.

Minecraft: how to teleport to a player with administrator rights

If you are an ordinary ordinary guest on the server, then the possibilities of using the plugin are limited. You can only send a request to another player, and he, in turn, has every right to either accept it or reject it. In order to send a request, you need to enter the command / call<имя игрока>... For example player. It should look like this: / call player. The player you are sending the request to is notified. To accept the offer, use the / tpaccept command, to reject - / tpendy. If an unknown player sent you a request, be careful. He may turn out to be a griefer. If you do decide to accept the request, then it is advisable to hide all your belongings in the chest. Then the griffin has no chance of robbing you.

If you are a server administrator, then you have much more opportunities to resolve the issue of how to teleport to a player in Minecraft. To move to any member, you just need to register the command / tp<имя>... You will not send any requests. You will immediately be taken to the participant you need. In addition, you have the ability to teleport other players to each other or to yourself. For this there is a command / tp<имя участника, к которому вы хотите попасть (если к себе, пишите сюда свой ник)> <псевдоним отправляемого жителя>

other methods

We already know how to teleport to a player in Minecraft, but you can move in this way to a certain place in the world or in another dimension. There are portals that can be made by a resident on a server with administrator rights. The portal is made of any material. In order for you to be able to teleport to another point in the world, there must be another “passage” connected with the first one.

If you want to get to the Lower World, that is, hell, you will need ten blocks of obsidian and a lighter. It is crafted from flint and iron ingot. We put the obsidian with an arch four blocks in height, and two in length and with simple manipulation we launch the portal. To do this, you just need to set fire to any block inside the structure. After the portal has worked, you must get inside and wait until the Lower World starts to load.

In addition to the "passage" to hell, we can make doors to the world of Ender. With them, everything is not as simple as with the previous ones. You can either find such a portal or make it yourself. In order to find, you need to get the eye of the enderman and, throwing it, go after it. Get closer to the structure. Insert an Ender eye into each frame and just jump into the portal. You will appear in a mysterious world where you can complete the game by defeating the Dragon. From now on, you know how to teleport to the player in Minecraft.

Minecraft is a game that has conquered millions of players around the world and not by its graphics, but by its process. You need to survive in a world where evil spirits and other monsters appear at night, get food and create various subjects collecting resources for them. An incredible world: both upward and under the earth, and into Hell itself - even to all four directions of the world. Different biomes with unique climates, animals that can be tamed. Creative Mode, in which you have the ability to create something incredible: to design and build a new building or recreate a cultural monument. And all this in a squeaky version with cubic blocks around. Simple, but so insanely interesting idea, embodied in 2011.

Are you tired of Single player game and you decided to conquer world of minecraft together with a friend. But what to do if this situation happened: you scattered around different parts maps and find each other in the usual way is not possible, and it is not possible to converge on the same coordinates?

Unlike the realities of our world, Minecraft has a built-in teleport feature, which allows you to instantly be next to another player through simple manipulations.

Defining the platform

First, identify the device you are playing on: PC, mobile app Minecraft Pocket Edition(PE) or console, because depending on this, the methods vary. Below they will be presented in the same order:

Method for computer

It is important to remember that this command is activated, which means that there are a number of conditions for its implementation.

These conditions are:

  • you play on the Internet and have administrator or moderator permission on the server;
  • the game is played by local network and launched with cheat support;
  • cheats are also activated in single player mode.

But the last case is not on our topic.

Next, you decide where you want to move, or rather, specify the nickname of the other player. Then open a dialog box (generally accepted on the keyboard it is the Latin letter "T" or simply /) and write the command / tp Nickname. The friend must confirm the move by typing / tpaccept.

In case you find yourself on open server, then you have the right to request permission from one of the players to move to him. It works in a similar way to the principle
described in the local network: you write the command / cell NickPlayer. When approving teleportation, the player prescribes the / tpaccept command in the same way, immediately after which you move.

The server also allows you to define any place for your home, which means that with a certain set of commands, you will automatically move to this pre-prepared point.

This requires only two steps:

  • you choose the place you like and use the / sethome command in the dialog box;
  • now, any time you need to reappear at this point, you just need to write / home and you will move to your "home".

There is another option for teleporting, when you decide to move someone else, rather than yourself, to another player. Most often this will be useful when playing on a local network in order, for example, to play a trick on your friends. There was one next to you, and you send him to another player. This command is similar to the previous ones: / tp "who" to "who". You may find other uses that you will appreciate.

Moving to the player in Minecraft PE

A regular mobile application does not allow you to move in the game using the teleport, and therefore you will need to download an add-on that gives the right to edit Pocket Edition. But, unfortunately, this method is not active in a multiplayer game, because it is only feasible in single player mode. In the world settings, you can manually set the coordinate location of your player, which will allow you to be in a previously desired location or any other the next time you start the world.

Console teleportation method

When creating a new world on the console, you need to add an item such as "server privileges" in the settings. This will allow you to use special functions during the game, which include teleportation. When this point is completed, you can start playing.

And now, it became necessary to move: for this you open the settings in the game itself (depending on the platform, this is either the "back" or "start" button) and find a list of players. In the same window, you select the section " additional features". This will allow in the future to perform one of two operations: "move to the player" or "move to yourself".

When making a decision, teleportation is carried out instantly, which means that the task is completed.


Fortunately, in Minecraft, as in many other games, the teleportation function is available for you. Moreover, you can instantly move from one point of the map to another, regardless of whether you are going to meet someone there or not, you can in several ways. Choose the one that works best for you in your particular situation. Keep in mind that in order to implement some of the teleportation methods in practice, you will need to pre-install special mods (after downloading them, throw them into the mods folder in your Minecraft forge).

When you notice at least one of the Endermen nearby (Endermen - lanky black mobs with long limbs and glowing purple eyes-slits), you can use it to teleport to a friend. True, you have to go to the killing of such a creature. Pick up the loot that dropped out of it - the pearls of the End. Throw this jewel wherever you want to move. You will be there immediately. However, be prepared for unpleasant consequences: if the throw distance was too far, you risk being seriously injured.

Move to a friend also using the coordinates of two points - yours and his location. To find out yours, press F3, and ask him to do the same. Open the chat and enter / tp there, and then, separated by a space, the coordinates of the destination. After that press Enter and after a couple of moments you will find yourself in the specified buddy. On some servers, however, such movements are available only to those who have the right to use command block... It works from redstone and is given only to admins. However, in cases where at this playground there is no ban on cheats, you can get such a block by entering the code / give @p 137.

Teleport thanks to the knowledge of special commands. Just enter / tp into the chat and your friend's nickname separated by a space - and you can easily navigate to him. However, sometimes on such a simple path you may encounter obstacles. On some servers, your friend will need to give you permission to teleport in advance. Write the command / call, followed by the nickname of your friend in the game, and ask him to send you / tpaccept (of course, after that he will need to type in your nickname). Get ready to teleport the very second when these phrases get into the chat.

To help teleportation lovers like you, special mods have been created in Minecraft. Pay special attention to TF2 Teleporter. With this mod, thanks to an idea borrowed from another game ("Tim Fortress"), you will be able to build real teleports to move between two coordinators. In one, you will need to install an input device, in the other - an output device (they will differ only in color - red and blue). You have the opportunity, for example, to place the first teleporter at your house, and the second at your friend's house. To craft such items, you will need a lot of iron ingots, redstone dust, red torches and dyes.

Make one of the teleporter parts (in the form of the letter H), positioning appropriately iron ingots in the cells of the workbench. Create the second element of the future device by placing ingots in the lower row of the machine, above them - three units of redstone dust and one more in the center of the upper row, and occupy the remaining slots with two red torches. Now assemble the device. Place the second of the above parts in the center of the workbench, the first one directly below it, and above both of them place the desired dye - red or blue. Craft as many of these teleporters as you need, placing them in the places from where and where you want to move to your friend. So you will help each other in the gameplay.

When you need to move home from any Minecraft mode, the user chooses the method depending on the conditions in which he is. The first method is teleportation in creative mode, the second is teleportation using plugins. But first, you need to determine the place of teleportation, therefore, determine where the hero's house is. Then, in the world considered to be home, you need to open the command line (key "T") and enter the house mark (and this is the command "/ sethome").

Then, you should go to the place from which you want to move, and enter the command "/ homе". After which the hero will be at home.

Moving in creative mode

The method provides for teleportation with preliminary fixation of coordinates. This is done like this:
- We look at the coordinates of the desired place using the keyboard - the F3 key.

- Then, we apply the command "/ tp x y z", where we enter the numerical values ​​of certain coordinates.
In addition, you can go directly to the desired player by using the command - "/ call game nickname". When using the current teleportation method, you should be sure what the user is doing. After all, you can die by landing in the wrong place.

Moving through plugins

Provides movement using special plugins that must be installed in advance. Downloading such plugins is not difficult. An example of popular plugins is Teleport that player, Free-teleport, etc.