On the contour map, mark the state border of Russia and. On the contour map, mark the state border of Russia and the administrative territorial structure of the Russian Federation contour map

We hope that the contour cards will help you when studying such an interesting item as geography. When performing any tasks, you can use a school textbook and geographic atlas, but this does not mean to redraw in detail atlas maps, follow only specific tasks. In order to facilitate your work, part of each map is already applied geographic objects. This will help you faster to navigate, performing those tasks that are indicated on the contour card, and the tasks proposed by the teacher additionally.
remember, that contour map Must be filled not only correctly, but also neat. See how the names of geographic objects are located in the Atlas maps. In order not to overload the contour card, small geographical objects can be marked with numbers, and then explain their values \u200b\u200bin the legend of the card.
For proper and accurate application to the contour map of geographic names, use the line of map frames, river systems, coastline and borders of states.
Before starting work, determine the conditional signs that you will use, and show their value in the legend of the card.
We wish you success in learning geography and knowing the world in which we live.

Sign on the contour map of the names of countries bordering Russia. Hatching the countries - members of the CIS and sign them at the capital.
Highlight with different color of the first and second order neighbors.
Spend the border between the European and Asian parts Russian Federation. Determine and sign a share on the map
each parts in the population and territory. Calculate the average population density for the whole country as a whole and for each of its parts separately.
Sign the names of cities - large seaports. Assess the significance of the seas that wash the territory of Russia for its foreign trade.
Indicate the main trading partners of Russia.

Indicate the entire republics as part of the Russian Federation and sign their administrative centers.
Apply the border on the contour card and sign the name autonomous districts (AO).
Sharchka will highlight the largest and smallest republic in the Russian Federation.
Highlight the subject of the Russian Federation in which you live. Sign the name of the administrative center, the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory and the number of the population. Calculate the average density and compare with the average population density of the whole country.
Apply the borders of federal districts, sign their centers.

1 Geographical position of Russia
2-3 Administrative-territorial Device of Russia
4-5 Population of Russia
6 religions of the peoples of Russia
7 European North and Northwest of Russia
8 Central Russia
9 European south of Russia
10 Volga
11 Western Siberia
12-13 Urals
14-15 Eastern Siberia and Far East
16 External Economic and Cultural Communications.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, see and read:
Download book Geography, Grade 9, Contour cards, Sirotin V.I., 2016 - FilesKachat.com, Fast and free download.

  • Geography, economic and social geography of the world, textbook for students of 9 classes of general secondary schools, Kayumov A., Safarov I., Tillyabaeva M., Fedorko V., 2019

Practical work on geography.

Grade 9.

Teacher Geography Fedorova E. V.

Practical work

Grade 9.

Practical work number 1.

Analysis of the cards of administrative-territorial division of Russia.

Determination by cards features of the economic and geographical position of Russia.


On the contour map of Russia:

    Red refective the state border of the Russian Federation;

    Sign the names of the states with Russia land and sea boundaries with Russia;

    Sign the names of the seas and oceans, the shores of Russia;

    Green color mark the border between Europe and Asia;

    Bluemark mark the northern polar circle, and orange - 50 about the northern latitude;

    Halgestly stitch the territory of the CIS members neighboring Russia;

    Blue shadow the territory of NATO members neighboring Russia;

    Red circles mark "hot spots" in the CIS and sign their names.

Practical work number 2.

Application on the contour card of national-territorial entities and edges.


On the contour political and administrative map of Russia:

    red refective the state border of the Russian Federation;

    green color designate the borders of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation and sign them;

    sign the names of the capitals of the Republic of the Russian Federation.

Practical work number 3.

Evaluation of the natural resource potential of Russia.


    On the contour map of Russia, we mark conditional signs and sign the name of the most important deposits of mineral raw materials:

    oil - Almetyevsk (Romashkinskoye), Grozny (Urus-Martan), Nizhnevartovsk (Selflor), Okha, Samara (Mukhanovskoye), Surgut, Tuymazy, Usinsk;

    natural gas - Astrakhan, Welcome, Orenburg, Saratov, Stavropol, Urengoy, Yamburg;

    coal - Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo (Kuzbass), Vorkuta (Pechora pool), mines (Donbass), Cheremkhovo (Irkutsk pool), Neryungri (South Yakut pool);

    brown coal - Nazarovo and Irsh Borodino (Kansko-Achinsky pool), Tula (near Moscow Pool);

    iron RUD - KMA, Kachkanar, Magnitogorsk, Kostomuksha, Priangarya (Korshunovskoye);

    aluminum ores - Boksitogorsk, Sulia, Hibin;

    copper ores - Guy, Krasnouralsk, Kyshtym, Norilsk, Revda, Sibay, Udokan;

    nickel Rud - Norilsk, Nickel, Upper Ufalia and Rezh;

    polymetallic ores - Dalnegorsk, Transbaikalia, Altai (Orlovskoe), Sadon, Salair;

    tin Rud - Verkhoyansk, Deputy, Kavalerovo, Pevek, Sherl Mountain, Ese-Hey;

    gold - Aldan, Bodaibo, Golden Mountain, Omsukchan, Ust-Nehra;

    salt Salt - Baskunchak, Elton;

    potash salts - Solikamsk and Berezniki;

    phosphorites - Egoryevsk, Bryansk, Kingisepp, mining;

    apatitis - Hibiny;

    sulfur - samara;

    asbestos - asbestos, ak-finish;

    amber - amber;

    diamonds are peaceful, successful, Ayhal, Ebeli.

    Green Color Strike Forest Forestry Regions of Russia, brown - regions provided by soil resources, symbol designated areas rich in hydroenegoresours, geothermal and recreational resources.

Practical work number 4.

Determination and analysis of the main statistical indicators characterizing the population of the country as a whole and its individual territories.

Purpose: Form the ability to work with various species information. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the natural movement and composition of the population of the Russian Federation.

Progress: Using the textbook statistical materials and additional literature, give answers to questions.

What is the total population of Russia now? Compare this indicator with the number of population in the 2002 census? Make a conclusion about the change in the population in our country for the last period.

Name the index of the natural growth of the population of the Russian Federation. Compare it with an indicator for 2006 (see Tutorial). Take the conclusion about the trends in the natural growth of the population in modern Russia.

Using a diagram on the tutorial pages, characterize the age of the country's age.

Make a conclusion about the main indicators characterizing the population of the Russian Federation.

- Using atlas cards and reference literature, on the contour map of Russia, follow the following task:

    Mark the boundaries of the economic regions of Russia;

    Sign the names of Millionaire Cities in Russia;

    Make a conclusion about the placement of the population of Russia.

Practical work 5.

Identification and explanation of the territorial aspects of interethnic relations.

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the national and religious composition of the population of Russia and the territorial aspects of interethnic relations.

Progress: Using atlas cards and textbook material, fill in the table

Language family


Area settlement

Subjects of the Federation corresponding to the area of \u200b\u200bsettlement




2. Altai

3.Rew -


4. North-Caucasian

Kabardino Balkarians

    Determine the areas with the predominance of the Russian population.

    Name the regions with a multinational population.

    Determine in which areas of Russia there are republics with the greatest number of indigenous population.

    Give examples of the peoples professing Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism.

    Take conclusion about the peculiarities of the national and religious composition of the population of our country.

Practical work 6.

Drawing up the characteristics of one of the oil basins by cards and statistical materials.

Purpose: Development of the ability to use maps, textbook, reference materials in order to give the characteristic of the oil basin.

Progress:Fill the table:

Characteristics of the West Siberian Oil Basin.



1. Geographical position

2. Evaluation of the development level

3. Basic centers

a) oil production

b) oil refining


5. Environmental problems associated with mining, processing, oil transportation

Output. The meaning of the West Siberian Oil Basin for the country's economy. Assessment of its development prospects in the near future.

Practical work 7.

Drawing up the characteristics of the coal basin of Russia.

Purpose of work: To work out the ability to make economic and geographical characteristics of coal basins (fuel and energy bases) according to plan, using a card duct, atlas maps and other sources of information.

Materials for performing work: Textbook on geography, atlas, other sources of information (Internet resource).


Option 1.

The task: Give the characteristic of the pool according to the plan (on the example of the Pechora coal basin).

Plan Characteristics:

Pechora coal pool

1. Geographical position of the pool. In which part of the country, in which subject of the Russian Federation is the pool located?

2. Production method:

3. Depth of production:

4. Power of reservoirs:

5. Coal quality:

6. Production cost:

7. The magnitude of the production and stocks of coal:

8. Users:

9. Problems of the pool (ecological, social, etc.)

10. Prospects for the development of the pool.

Option 2:

The task: On the Atlas map, determine the location of the Kuzbass and Kansky-Achinsky coal pools. Give them a comparative characteristic and conclude the efficiency of the operation of these coal basins. Fill in the table, draw out.

Comparison plan




1. Geographical location

2. Promotions of production

3. Production conditions and mining costs.

4. Number (mining and stocks) and the quality of the extracted coal

5. Consumers

6. Environmental problems

7. Development prospects


Practical work 8:

Drawing up the characteristics of one of the metallurgical bases of Russia is central.

Purpose of work:the formation of skills is the economic and geographical characteristics) of the fuel base over maps and statistical data.


    Geographical position relative to consumers;

    Raw materials, deposits;

    Fuel resources;

    Metallurgical plants (centers);


Practical work 9.

Determination of the main areas of placement of industries of labor-intensive and metal-machine engineering on maps.

Purpose: Development of the ability to use maps, textbook, reference materials in order to determine the main areas for the placement of labor-intensive and metal-machine engineering, taking into account the main factors for placing production.

Progress:Fill the table:

Group of industries

The main factor of placement



mechanical engineering

Metal machine engineering

Output. Indicate the reasons for this placement of labor-intensive and metal engineering

Practical work 10:

Drawing up the characteristics of one of the bases of the chemical industry on cards and statistical materials.

estimated 7.

purpose of work: Create a detailed characteristic of one of the bases of the chemical industry on cards and statistical materials, identify the factors of placement of each of the directions (industries).

Results of analyzing materials Procecil in the form of a table

Chemical industries

Placement factors

Conclusions, value of the industry

Mining and chemical industry

Potash salts:


Nitrogen: sulfur:

Potash fertilizers:

Phosphoric fertilizers:

Nitrogen fertilizers:

Alkali, acids and salts:

Organic chemistry

Practical work 11:

Determination by cards of the main areas of growing grain and industrial crops, main districts of animal husbandry.

Purpose: Development of the ability to use maps, textbook, reference materials to determine the main areas of placing crop and animal husbandry, determination of the specialization of agricultural sectors.

Progress: Fill in the table:

Crop production

Factor placeeniya

Natural zone

Economic regions

1. Chinets

a) Winter

b) Sumarovaya

Warm climate, moisturizing

Lescape and steppe zone

3. Corn

Warm climate, moisturizing

steppe zone, foothill areas

3. Potato

Temperate climate


Densely populated areas

Forest zone, forest-steppe zone

Temperate climate

Forest zone

5. Sunflower

Warm climate, moisturizing

Steppe zone

Livestock breeding

Factor placeeniya

Natural zone

Economic regions

1. Sheepstone

Dry, mountain climate

Steppe zone I.

poptic regions

a) meat

b) dairy

Dry climate


Forest and steppe.

Forest zone

3. Pigs


Areas, suburban areas

Forest zone, forest-steppe, steppe

Practical work 12:

Analysis of the economic card of Russia.

Grouping industries in various indicators.

Purpose: The development of the ability to comprehensively analyze information, form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functions and composition of inter-sectoral complexes.


Fill the table:

Intersectoral complexes of Russia.

Inter-sectoral complexes

Economic functions

Branches included in the complex


Military industrial


Fuel and energy

Metallurgical, chemical forest



Practical work 13.

Drawing up the economic and geographical characteristics of one of the economic regions of Russia.

Study of the Northern Economic Area.

Performing practical work:

Plan of the economic and geographical characteristics of the region.

    The composition of the territory.

    Dimensions of the territory.

On the contour map of North-Western and Northern Russia, we mark:

    The border of the Northern Economic Area;

    Sign in the names of the seas, wash the shores of the area;

    Conditional signs Mark oil deposits (Ukhta, Usinsk), natural gas (outer), stone coal (Vorkuta, Intor), Iron (Kostomuksha, Kondor, Olenegorsk), Copper (Pechenga), Nickel (Nickel), Aluminum Rud (Hibina and Ilikinskoye ), apatites (Kirovsk) and cook salt (sergego);

    Conventional signs indicate the areas of distribution of forest, fish and hydropower resources;

    Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Murmansk, Monchegorsk, Kandalaksha, Petrozavodsk, Nadvoysk, Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Veliky Ustyug, Vologda, Cherepovets, Syktyvkar, Ukhu, Vorkuta) and notify the industry of their industrial specialization);

    Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the Northern Economic Area.

Practical work number 14.

Drawing up the cardashem of the economic development of the North-West Economic Area.

During the classes:

On the contour map of North-Western and Northern Russia, we mark:

    The border of the North-West Economic Area;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;

    Sign the names of the marine objects in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area;

    Conditional signs indicate the oil fields (Kaliningrad), combustible shale (shale), aluminum ores (Boksitogorsk), phosphorites (Kingisepp) and amber (amber);

    Conventional signs mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (St. Petersburg, Kolpino, Vyborg, Svetogorsk, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization);

    Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the North-West Economic Area.

Practical work number 15.

Drawing up the cardashem of the economic development of the Central Economic Area.

Estimated 9.

During the classes:

    The composition of the territory.

    Dimensions of the territory.

    The form and features of the economic and geographical position (in which part of Russia are, with which and where it borders, by which seas and where is washed, the conclusion about the economic and political-geographical position).

    Natural resource potential and conclusion about the provision of natural resources.

    Characteristic features of the population (number, placement, composition, level of urbanization, largest cities, Migration Features and Labor Provision).

    Industrial specialization industry and their largest centers.

    The most important branches of agriculture and the main agricultural regions.

    Features of the development of the transport system, the largest transport hubs.

    Features of the development of the non-productive sphere.

    External Economic Communications, Foreign Trade Structure, Basic Exported and Imported Goods.

    Problems and prospects for the development of the region.

    The conclusion about the economic development of the region.

Practical work number 16.

Drawing up a cardashem of the economic development of the North Caucasus Economic Area.


On the contour map of the European South (North Caucasus), mark:

    The border of the North Caucasus Economic Area;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;

    Sign the sea, wash the shores of the area, including the Caspian Sea;

    Conditional signs mark the oil field (Gudermes, Election, Akhtyrsky), natural gas (Stavropol, Peaceful, Takhta), Coal (Mine), Polymetallic (Sadon), Tungsten and Molybdenum Ore (Tyrnyause), Cement raw materials (Novorossiysk), Mineral Waters (Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Sochi);

    Conventional signs indicate the areas of distribution of soil and recreational resources;

    Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Novocherkassk, Volgodonsk, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Stavropol, Nevinnomyssk, Maykop, Cherkessk, Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, Grozny, Makhachkala) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization );

    Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the North Caucasus;

    Conditional signs mark the most important marine ports of the region (Taganrog, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Makhachkala).

Practical work number 17.

Drawing up the economic development of the Economic Development of the Ural Volga region.

During the classes:

The work is carried out in the study of the Ural and Volga Economic Areas.

Volga Economic District.

On the contour map of the Volga region, mark:

    Border of the Volga Economic Area;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;

    Subscribe the Caspian Sea;

    Conditional signs mark the fields of oil (Romashkinskoye, Mukhanovskoye), natural gas (Astrakhan, Saratov, Iki-Burul), sulfur (Astrakhan and Samara), salt (Baskunchak);

    Conventional signs mark the areas of distribution of fish and soil resources;

    Conditional signs mark the Volga, Saratov and Volgograd HPP, Balakovo and Dimitrovgrad NPP, Zaina GRES;

    Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Tolyatti, Chapaevsk, Syzran, Saratov, Engels, Balakovo, Penza, Volgograd, Volzhsky, Kamyshin, Astrakhan) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization);

Different colors Strip the main agricultural regions of the Volga Economic Area

Ural Economic District.

On the contour map of the Ural designate:

    The border of the Ural Economic Area;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;

    Conditional signs mark the oil fields (Tuymazy, Osa, Mishkinskoye), natural gas (Orenburg), stone coal (Kizel), brown coal (Kopeisk, Kumertau), iron (Kachkanar, Magnitogorsk, Guy), Chrome (Saran), manganese (midnight ), copper (Guy, Krasnouralsk, Kyshtym, Revda, Sibay), Nickel (Upper Udalea, Dir), Aluminum Ore (Sulia), Gold (Berezovskoye, Kochkarskoy), Asbestos (Asbest), Serma (Orenburg), Potashnya (Solikamsk, Berezniki) and cook salt (Berezniki, Sol-Iletsk);

    Conventional signs mark areas for the spread of forest and soil resources;

    Conditional signs Mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Izhevsk, Perm, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Yekaterinburg, Kamensk-Uralsky, Krasnoturinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Orenburg, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Kurgan) and celebrate the industry their industrial specialization);

    Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the Ural Economic Area.

Practical work number 18.

Drawing up the economic development of Western and Eastern Siberia.


Work is carried out in the study of West Siberian and East Siberian economic areas.

Part 1.On the outline map of Western Siberia, we mark:

    The border of the West Siberian Economic Area;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;

    Conditional signs Mark oil fields (samotlor, Salymskoye, Surgut, Varuganskoye), Natural Gas (New Urengoy, Yamburg, Bear, Polar), Coal (Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo), Polymetallic Ruds (Salair, Orlovskoe), Cook (Burle) and Glauberova Salt (Kuchuk);

    Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Tyumen, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Barnaul, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaysk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Belovo, Prokopyevsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky) and notify the industry of their industrial specialization ;

    Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of Western Siberia.

Part 2.On the contour map of Eastern Siberia, we mark:

    The border of the East Siberian Economic Area;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;

    Signing the sea, wash the shores of the area;

    Conditional signs mark the coal deposits (Cheremkhovo, Abakan), brown coal (Nazarovo, Irsh Borodino, Chita), iron ores (Korshunovskoye), copper and nickel ore (Norilsk), tungsten and molybdenum (Djidinskoye), tin ores (Sherry Mountain ), gold (Bodaybo, Soviet), platinum (Norilsk), asbestos (ak-finish), salt (Usolye-Sibirskoye);

    Conditional signs mark the Sayan, Krasnoyarskaya, fraternal, Ust-Ilim and Irkutskaya HPP, Berezovskaya GRES;

    Conditional signs mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Sayanogorsk, Norilsk, Dudinka, Igark, Lasosibirsk, Irkutsk, Shelekhov, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization;

    Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of Eastern Siberia;

    Conditional signs Mark the main seaports of the Area: Dudinku, Igark, Dixon.

Practical work number 19.

Drawing up the economic development of the Far Eastern Economic District.

(Estimated 9)


On the contour map of the Far East (Eastern Siberia and the Far East), we mark:

    The border of the Far Eastern Economic Area;

    Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;

    Signing the sea and oceans, wash the shores of the area;

    Conditional signs Mark oil (OCH), natural gas (Meshvalulyu district), stone coal (Nenungri, Sangang, Middle Urgal, Partizansk, Boschnikovo), Brown coal (Raichikinsk, Bikin, Artem, Uglegorsk), Polymetallic ores (Dalnegorsk), Tin Rud (Pevek, Deputy, Essay-Hey, Kavalerovovo, Transfer), Gold (Dukat, Ust-Nera, Nezhdannskoye, Allah-Yun, Golden Mountain), Salt Salt (Kemphendyay), Diamond (Mirny, Ayhal, Ebeli);

    Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Dalnegorsk, Blagoveshchensk, Yakutsk, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) and notify the industry of their industrial specialization;

    Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the Far East;

    Conditional signs indicate the most important seaports: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Kholmsk, Vanino, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Tiksi, svek.

Practical work number 20.

Comparative economic and geographical characteristics of neighboring countries.

(Estimated 10)


Using a typical plan of the economic and geographical characteristics of the country, the textbook text, reference and other literature, make up the economic and geographical characteristics of the country of near abroad (by options) and compare 2 countries to choose from each other using the EGH manual plan ..

"State Symbols of Belarus" - our love Matsі-Radzima, eternal zhyvі і kvіtney, Belarus! Belarus. Symbols of the state. 1951 year. State symbolism. 1937 year. From the history of the flag. The value of color in heraldry. * Flag * Coat of arms * Hymn. Flag of Minsk. Hymn (text). Okakhanya's passage and Shepat, I am laughter over cancer. 1991 year. Jumped. Gorda zbesya ў ў clear high, stroke besked - Radastsi Sking!

"State budget" - legal regulation Administrative regulation Economic regulation. What types of taxes can you call? Where are the state budget funds spend? Expenses of the federal budget,% of GDP. Tax functions. Budget deficit. State debt. Types of budget deficit. Regional taxes.

"State symbols of Russia" - tasks: red - means bravery, courage and heroism. People living in any country. National anthem. The day of adoption of the Constitution is a public holiday and celebrated from December 12, 1993. Keyword: Motherland. Creative task. Russia in which state do we live? State symbols of Russia.

"State final certification" - P.6 GIA is carried out in shape. §.1. Graduates of the IX classes pass 4 exams: p.3.5. The certificate of the main general education is the final grades on the second stage subjects (5-9 cl.) 5 (excellent) 4 (good) 3 (satisfactory). Approves the personal composition of the organizers and distributes on OU-PPE. Clause 18 HBE is held at the exam positions the graduate delivery time is not more posted, as a rule, in the OU in which graduates were trained.

"Public Administration System" - public administration as a system. Constitution of the Russian Federation Article 94 - 109. The relationship of public administration and state power. Types of public administration. Unity of state government of the Russian Federation. Signs of state. Basic concepts. Constitution of the Russian Federation Article 5 Article 11 Article 65 - 79.

"State power" is the judiciary of subjects of the Russian Federation. Legislative power (Gl.5st. 54-109 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). Constitutionally statutory courts. Federal Services. Theological theory is one of the most ancient. State Council. Horse court of the Russian Federation. Federal judicial power. President at the State Duma The draft law on amending the Criminal Code.

The collection includes basic practical work, which can be used in the lessons of geography in the course of grade 9 "Economic Geography of Russia". Can be used with various textbooks on geography, selectively either on an ongoing basis.



Practical work on geography.

Grade 9.

Teacher Geography Fedorova E. V.

Practical work

Grade 9.

Practical work number 1.

Analysis of the cards of administrative-territorial division of Russia.

Determination by cards features of the economic and geographical position of Russia.


On the contour map of Russia:

  1. Red refective the state border of the Russian Federation;
  2. Sign the names of the states with Russia land and sea boundaries with Russia;
  3. Sign the names of the seas and oceans, the shores of Russia;
  4. Green color mark the border between Europe and Asia;
  5. Blue designate the north polar circle, and orange - 50about northern latitude;
  6. Halgestly stitch the territory of the CIS members neighboring Russia;
  7. Blue shadow the territory of NATO members neighboring Russia;
  8. Red circles mark "hot spots" in the CIS and sign their names.

Practical work number 2.

Application on the contour card of national-territorial entities and edges.


On the contour political and administrative map of Russia:

  1. red refective the state border of the Russian Federation;
  2. green color designate the borders of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation and sign them;
  3. sign the names of the capitals of the Republic of the Russian Federation.

Practical work number 3.

Evaluation of the natural resource potential of Russia.


  1. On the contour map of Russia, we mark with conventional signs and sign the name of the most important fields of mineral raw materials:
  • oil - Almetyevsk (Romashkinskoye), Grozny (Urus-Martan), Nizhnevartovsk (Selflor), Okha, Samara (Mukhanovskoye), Surgut, Tuymazy, Usinsk;
  • natural gas - Astrakhan, Welcome, Orenburg, Saratov, Stavropol, Urengoy, Yamburg;
  • coal - Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo (Kuzbass), Vorkuta (Pechora pool), mines (Donbass), Cheremkhovo (Irkutsk pool), Neryungri (South Yakut pool);
  • brown coal - Nazarovo and Irsh Borodino (Kansko-Achinsky pool), Tula (near Moscow Pool);
  • iron RUD - KMA, Kachkanar, Magnitogorsk, Kostomuksha, Priangarya (Korshunovskoye);
  • aluminum ores - Boksitogorsk, Sulia, Hibin;
  • copper ores - Guy, Krasnouralsk, Kyshtym, Norilsk, Revda, Sibay, Udokan;
  • nickel Rud - Norilsk, Nickel, Upper Ufalia and Rezh;
  • polymetallic ores - Dalnegorsk, Transbaikalia, Altai (Orlovskoe), Sadon, Salair;
  • tin Rud - Verkhoyansk, Deputy, Kavalerovo, Pevek, Sherl Mountain, Ese-Hey;
  • gold - Aldan, Bodaibo, Golden Mountain, Omsukchan, Ust-Nehra;
  • salt Salt - Baskunchak, Elton;
  • potash salts - Solikamsk and Berezniki;
  • phosphorites - Egoryevsk, Bryansk, Kingisepp, mining;
  • apatitis - Hibiny;
  • sulfur - samara;
  • asbestos - asbestos, ak-finish;
  • amber - amber;
  • diamonds are peaceful, successful, Ayhal, Ebeli.
  1. Green Color Strike Forest Forestry Regions of Russia, brown - regions provided by soil resources, symbol designated areas rich in hydroenegoresours, geothermal and recreational resources.

Practical work number 4.

Determination and analysis of the main statistical indicators characterizing the population of the country as a whole and its individual territories.

Purpose: Forming the ability to work with different types of information. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the natural movement and composition of the population of the Russian Federation.

Progress : Using the textbook statistical materials and additional literature, give answers to questions.

What is the total population of Russia now? Compare this indicator with the number of population in the 2002 census? Make a conclusion about the change in the population in our country for the last period.

Name the index of the natural growth of the population of the Russian Federation. Compare it with an indicator for 2006 (see Tutorial). Take the conclusion about the trends in the natural growth of the population in modern Russia.

Using a diagram on the tutorial pages, characterize the age of the country's age.

Make a conclusion about the main indicators characterizing the population of the Russian Federation.

- Using atlas cards and reference literature, on the contour map of Russia, follow the following task:

  1. Mark the boundaries of the economic regions of Russia;
  2. Sign the names of Millionaire Cities in Russia;
  3. Make a conclusion about the placement of the population of Russia.

Practical work 5.

Identification and explanation of the territorial aspects of interethnic relations.

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the national and religious composition of the population of Russia and the territorial aspects of interethnic relations.

Progress: Using atlas cards and textbook material, fill in the table

Language family


Area settlement

Subjects of the Federation corresponding to the area of \u200b\u200bsettlement






2. Altai




3.Rew -



4. North-Caucasian


Kabardino Balkarians


  1. - Determine the areas with the predominance of the Russian population.
  2. - Name the regions with a multinational population.
  3. - Determine in which areas of Russia there are republics with the greatest number of indigenous population.
  4. - Give examples of peoples professing Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism.
  5. - Take conclusion about the peculiarities of the national and religious composition of the population of our country.

Practical work 6.

Drawing up the characteristics of one of the oil basins by cards and statistical materials.

Purpose: Development of the ability to use maps, textbook, reference materials in order to give the characteristic of the oil basin.

Progress: Fill the table:

Characteristics of the West Siberian Oil Basin.



1. Geographical location

2. Evaluation of the development level

3. Basic centers

A) oil production

B) oil refining


5. Environmental problems associated with mining, processing, oil transportation

Output. The meaning of the West Siberian Oil Basin for the country's economy. Assessment of its development prospects in the near future.

Practical work 7.

Drawing up the characteristics of the coal basin of Russia.

Purpose of work: To work out the ability to make economic and geographical characteristics of coal basins (fuel and energy bases) according to plan, using a card duct, atlas maps and other sources of information.

Materials for performing work: Textbook on geography, atlas, other sources of information (Internet resource).


Option 1.

The task: Give the characteristic of the pool according to the plan (on the example of the Pechora coal basin).

Plan Characteristics:

Pechora coal pool

1. Geographical position of the pool. In which part of the country, in which subject of the Russian Federation is the pool located?

2. Production method:

3. Depth of production:

4. Power of reservoirs:

5. Coal quality:

6. Production cost:

7. The magnitude of the production and stocks of coal:

8. Users:

9. Problems of the pool (ecological, social, etc.)

10. Prospects for the development of the pool.

Option 2:

The task: On the Atlas map, determine the location of the Kuzbass and Kansky-Achinsky coal pools. Give them a comparative characteristic and conclude the efficiency of the operation of these coal basins. Fill in the table, draw out.

Comparison plan




1. Geographical location

2. Promotions of production

3. Production conditions and mining costs.

4. Number (mining and stocks) and the quality of the extracted coal

5. Consumers

6. Environmental problems

7. Development prospects


Practical work 8:

Drawing up the characteristics of one of the metallurgical bases of Russia is central.

Purpose of work: the formation of skills is the economic and geographical characteristics) of the fuel base over maps and statistical data.


  1. Geographical position relative to consumers;
  2. Raw materials, deposits;
  3. Fuel resources;
  4. Metallurgical plants (centers);
  5. Value.

Practical work 9.

Determination of the main areas of placement of industries of labor-intensive and metal-machine engineering on maps.

Purpose: Development of the ability to use maps, textbook, reference materials in order to determine the main areas for the placement of labor-intensive and metal-machine engineering, taking into account the main factors for placing production.

Progress: Fill the table:

Output. Indicate the reasons for this placement of labor-intensive and metal engineering

Practical work 10:

Drawing up the characteristics of one of the bases of the chemical industry on cards and statistical materials.

estimated 7.

purpose of work : Create a detailed characteristic of one of the bases of the chemical industry on cards and statistical materials, identify the factors of placement of each of the directions (industries).

Results of analyzing materials Procecil in the form of a table

Chemical industries

Placement factors

Conclusions, value of the industry

Mining and chemical industry

Potash salts:


Nitrogen: sulfur:

Potash fertilizers:

Phosphoric fertilizers:

Nitrogen fertilizers:

Alkali, acids and salts:

Organic chemistry

Practical work 11:

Determination by cards of the main areas of growing grain and industrial crops, main districts of animal husbandry.

Purpose: Development of the ability to use maps, textbook, reference materials to determine the main areas of placing crop and animal husbandry, determination of the specialization of agricultural sectors.

Progress: Fill in the table:

Crop production

Placing factor

Natural zone

Economic regions

1. Chinets

A) Winter

B) Sumarovaya

Warm climate, moisturizing

Lescape and steppe zone

3. Corn

Warm climate, moisturizing

steppe zone, foothill areas

3. Potato

Temperate climate


Densely populated areas

Forest zone, forest-steppe zone

4. Len.

Temperate climate

Forest zone

5. Sunflower

Warm climate, moisturizing

Steppe zone

Livestock breeding

Placing factor

Natural zone

Economic regions

1. Sheepstone

Dry, mountain climate

Steppe zone I.

poptic regions

2. CRR

a) meat

b) dairy

Dry climate


Forest and steppe.

Forest zone

3. Pigs


Areas, suburban areas

Forest zone, forest-steppe, steppe

Practical work 12:

Analysis of the economic card of Russia.

Grouping industries in various indicators.

Purpose: The development of the ability to comprehensively analyze information, form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functions and composition of inter-sectoral complexes.


Fill the table:

Intersectoral complexes of Russia.

Inter-sectoral complexes

Economic functions

Branches included in the complex


Military industrial


Fuel and energy

Metallurgical, chemical forest



Practical work 13.

Drawing up the economic and geographical characteristics of one of the economic regions of Russia.

Study of the Northern Economic Area.

Performing practical work:

Plan of the economic and geographical characteristics of the region.

  1. The composition of the territory.
  2. Dimensions of the territory.
  1. The border of the Northern Economic Area;
  2. Sign in the names of the seas, wash the shores of the area;
  3. Conditional signs Mark oil deposits (Ukhta, Usinsk), natural gas (outer), stone coal (Vorkuta, Intor), Iron (Kostomuksha, Kondor, Olenegorsk), Copper (Pechenga), Nickel (Nickel), Aluminum Rud (Hibina and Ilikinskoye ), apatites (Kirovsk) and cook salt (sergego);
  4. Conventional signs indicate the areas of distribution of forest, fish and hydropower resources;
  5. Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Murmansk, Monchegorsk, Kandalaksha, Petrozavodsk, Nadvoysk, Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Veliky Ustyug, Vologda, Cherepovets, Syktyvkar, Ukhu, Vorkuta) and notify the industry of their industrial specialization);
  6. Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the Northern Economic Area.

Practical work number 14.

Drawing up the cardashem of the economic development of the North-West Economic Area.

During the classes:

On the contour map of North-Western and Northern Russia, we mark:

  1. The border of the North-West Economic Area;
  2. Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;
  3. Sign the names of the marine objects in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area;
  4. Conditional signs indicate the oil fields (Kaliningrad), combustible shale (shale), aluminum ores (Boksitogorsk), phosphorites (Kingisepp) and amber (amber);
  5. Conventional signs mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (St. Petersburg, Kolpino, Vyborg, Svetogorsk, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization);
  6. Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the North-West Economic Area.

Practical work number 15.

Drawing up the cardashem of the economic development of the Central Economic Area.

Estimated 9.

During the classes:

  1. The composition of the territory.
  2. Dimensions of the territory.
  3. The form and features of the economic and geographical position (in which part of Russia are, with which and where it borders, by which seas and where is washed, the conclusion about the economic and political-geographical position).
  4. Natural resource potential and conclusion about the provision of natural resources.
  5. Characteristic features of the population (number, placement, composition, level of urbanization, largest cities, features of migration and security of labor resources).
  6. Industrial specialization industry and their largest centers.
  7. The most important branches of agriculture and the main agricultural regions.
  8. Features of the development of the transport system, the largest transport hubs.
  9. Features of the development of the non-productive sphere.
  10. External Economic Communications, Foreign Trade Structure, Basic Exported and Imported Goods.
  11. Problems and prospects for the development of the region.
  12. The conclusion about the economic development of the region.

Practical work number 16.

Drawing up a cardashem of the economic development of the North Caucasus Economic Area.


On the contour map of the European South (North Caucasus), mark:

  1. The border of the North Caucasus Economic Area;
  2. Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;
  3. Sign the sea, wash the shores of the area, including the Caspian Sea;
  4. Conditional signs mark the oil field (Gudermes, Election, Akhtyrsky), natural gas (Stavropol, Peaceful, Takhta), Coal (Mine), Polymetallic (Sadon), Tungsten and Molybdenum Ore (Tyrnyause), Cement raw materials (Novorossiysk), Mineral Waters (Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Sochi);
  5. Conventional signs indicate the areas of distribution of soil and recreational resources;
  6. Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Novocherkassk, Volgodonsk, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Stavropol, Nevinnomyssk, Maykop, Cherkessk, Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, Grozny, Makhachkala) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization );
  7. Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the North Caucasus;
  8. Conditional signs mark the most important marine ports of the region (Taganrog, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Makhachkala).

Practical work number 17.

Drawing up the economic development of the Economic Development of the Ural Volga region.

During the classes:

The work is carried out in the study of the Ural and Volga Economic Areas.

Volga Economic District.

On the contour map of the Volga region, mark:

  1. Border of the Volga Economic Area;
  2. Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;
  3. Subscribe the Caspian Sea;
  4. Conditional signs mark the fields of oil (Romashkinskoye, Mukhanovskoye), natural gas (Astrakhan, Saratov, Iki-Burul), sulfur (Astrakhan and Samara), salt (Baskunchak);
  5. Conventional signs mark the areas of distribution of fish and soil resources;
  6. Conditional signs mark the Volga, Saratov and Volgograd HPP, Balakovo and Dimitrovgrad NPP, Zaina GRES;
  7. Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Tolyatti, Chapaevsk, Syzran, Saratov, Engels, Balakovo, Penza, Volgograd, Volzhsky, Kamyshin, Astrakhan) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization);

Different colors Strip the main agricultural regions of the Volga Economic Area

Ural Economic District.

On the contour map of the Ural designate:

  1. The border of the Ural Economic Area;
  2. Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;
  3. Conditional signs mark the oil fields (Tuymazy, Osa, Mishkinskoye), natural gas (Orenburg), stone coal (Kizel), brown coal (Kopeisk, Kumertau), iron (Kachkanar, Magnitogorsk, Guy), Chrome (Saran), manganese (midnight ), copper (Guy, Krasnouralsk, Kyshtym, Revda, Sibay), Nickel (Upper Udalea, Dir), Aluminum Ore (Sulia), Gold (Berezovskoye, Kochkarskoy), Asbestos (Asbest), Serma (Orenburg), Potashnya (Solikamsk, Berezniki) and cook salt (Berezniki, Sol-Iletsk);
  4. Conventional signs mark areas for the spread of forest and soil resources;
  5. Conditional signs Mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Izhevsk, Perm, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Yekaterinburg, Kamensk-Uralsky, Krasnoturinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Orenburg, Orsk, Novotroitsk, Kurgan) and celebrate the industry their industrial specialization);
  6. Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the Ural Economic Area.

Practical work number 18.

Drawing up the economic development of Western and Eastern Siberia.


Work is carried out in the study of West Siberian and East Siberian economic areas.

Part 1. On the outline map of Western Siberia, we mark:

  1. The border of the West Siberian Economic Area;
  2. Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;
  3. Conditional signs Mark oil fields (samotlor, Salymskoye, Surgut, Varuganskoye), Natural Gas (New Urengoy, Yamburg, Bear, Polar), Coal (Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo), Polymetallic Ruds (Salair, Orlovskoe), Cook (Burle) and Glauberova Salt (Kuchuk);
  4. Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Tyumen, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Barnaul, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaysk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Belovo, Prokopyevsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky) and notify the industry of their industrial specialization ;
  5. Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of Western Siberia.

Part 2.On the contour map of Eastern Siberia, we mark:

  1. The border of the East Siberian Economic Area;
  2. Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;
  3. Signing the sea, wash the shores of the area;
  4. Conditional signs mark the coal deposits (Cheremkhovo, Abakan), brown coal (Nazarovo, Irsh Borodino, Chita), iron ores (Korshunovskoye), copper and nickel ore (Norilsk), tungsten and molybdenum (Djidinskoye), tin ores (Sherry Mountain ), gold (Bodaybo, Soviet), platinum (Norilsk), asbestos (ak-finish), salt (Usolye-Sibirskoye);
  5. Conditional signs mark the Sayan, Krasnoyarskaya, fraternal, Ust-Ilim and Irkutskaya HPP, Berezovskaya GRES;
  6. Conditional signs mark and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Sayanogorsk, Norilsk, Dudinka, Igark, Lasosibirsk, Irkutsk, Shelekhov, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita) and celebrate the industry of their industrial specialization;
  7. Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of Eastern Siberia;
  8. Conditional signs Mark the main seaports of the Area: Dudinku, Igark, Dixon.

Practical work number 19.

Drawing up the economic development of the Far Eastern Economic District.

(Estimated 9)


On the contour map of the Far East (Eastern Siberia and the Far East), we mark:

  1. The border of the Far Eastern Economic Area;
  2. Sign the names of neighboring countries and economic districts;
  3. Signing the sea and oceans, wash the shores of the area;
  4. Conditional signs Mark oil (OCH), natural gas (Meshvalulyu district), stone coal (Nenungri, Sangang, Middle Urgal, Partizansk, Boschnikovo), Brown coal (Raichikinsk, Bikin, Artem, Uglegorsk), Polymetallic ores (Dalnegorsk), Tin Rud (Pevek, Deputy, Essay-Hey, Kavalerovovo, Transfer), Gold (Dukat, Ust-Nera, Nezhdannskoye, Allah-Yun, Golden Mountain), Salt Salt (Kemphendyay), Diamond (Mirny, Ayhal, Ebeli);
  5. Conditional signs indicate and sign the names of the main industrial centers (Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Dalnegorsk, Blagoveshchensk, Yakutsk, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) and notify the industry of their industrial specialization;
  6. Different colors stitch the main agricultural regions of the Far East;
  7. Conditional signs indicate the most important seaports: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Kholmsk, Vanino, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Tiksi, svek.

Practical work number 20.

Comparative economic and geographical characteristics of neighboring countries.

(Estimated 10)


Using a typical plan of the economic and geographical characteristics of the country, the textbook text, reference and other literature, make up the economic and geographical characteristics of the country of near abroad (by options) and compare 2 countries to choose from each other using the EGH manual plan ..