Located at the bottom of the river. All these items were found at the bottom of the river. Fishing on Lake Vysokinskoe in the Leningrad Region

The rarest wood, precious material - bog oak - costs an average of $ 2,000 per m3.
Unlike other trees, such a tree has lived on Earth two lives: a vegetable one, filled with the energy of growth and power, and a secret life hidden from the sun and eyes, life under water.

This second life began many centuries ago, when, subject to intergalactic laws, the rivers changed their course. Time washed away the banks, and the trees from the coastal oak forests ended up under water, where they were until an inquisitive person discovered them.

Only in the post-Soviet space have such huge reserves of bog oak survived. For example, in European countries, the discovery of a single specimen of bog oak has been an event for 100 years. And such finds are reported in the media.

For 100 years, many enterprising people in all parts of Russia have been harvesting bog oak. Mostly bog oak was used as a fuel in the composition of other firewood.

Once, having pulled the trunk to the surface and tried to process it, he was amazed at the beauty and strength of the resulting wood. Admiring, the person asked himself the question: what unknown force turned a familiar oak into a mysterious one, covered on the surface with torn coal pieces, and inside a material that hides the strongest, smoky, lively, unique texture? And he began to look for answers to his questions, working with bog oak and giving him a third life ...

In Russia, furniture sets and souvenirs were created from bog oak, which now take pride of place in museums of fine arts and antique salons all over the world.

Not a single foreign furniture company can offer for everyone to see products that are adequately made of natural bog oak. This is the prerogative of only Russian masters. Since from the beginning of the millennium to the present day relict oak forests have been completely destroyed all over the world, the stocks of bog oak remained only in Russia.

Mormysh is a small amphipod crustacean that lives in fresh water bodies. Anglers also call it bormysh, hunchback, shletsyk or simply crustacean, and among aquarists it is known as gammarus.

That is why the mormysh is one of the best baits and an excellent bait. Most often it is used for fishing in winter, but fishing with mormysh in summer can be no less successful.

Where can you buy mormysh and how to get it from the reservoir yourself

Mormysh can be found on sale in pet stores, it is used as food for fish. As noted above, it is known to aquarists as gammarus.

Another way to get the Mormis is to get it yourself. This is not so difficult to do. It lives both in rivers and in lakes and ponds. In summer, mormysh prefers cool water rich in oxygen, more often it stays in shaded areas, at the bottom, in snags - where there is the least amount of light. In winter, the amphipod rises to the upper layers of the water, where the oxygen concentration is higher, and often attaches to the lower surface of the ice.

Since this crustacean feeds on the decaying remains of aquatic plants, it can be obtained by dipping an armful of straw or spruce branches into the water. After a while, it is necessary to get the armful and select the crustaceans that have climbed into the branches or straw.

You can also dip a bag tied to a stick into the water and move it slowly from side to side for several minutes. The crustaceans cling to the burlap, with which they then need to be collected by hand.

How to get mormysh in winter

Mormysh harvesting in winter has its own characteristics. In cold weather, it can be collected from the lower surface of the ice, to which it clings when the oxygen content in the water decreases. To do this, you need to cut through the ice with wormwood. It is convenient to collect the crustacean if you use a special hoop-shaped scraper with a fine mesh.

You can familiarize yourself with another option on how to catch mormysh in winter in the next video. The authors use a special device, popularly known as a dredge or a harvester:

At home for a long time, the mormysh can be saved:
  • frozen;
  • dried;
  • alive.

With frozen and dried mormysh, everything is quite simple and clear, so let's figure out how to keep mormysh alive at home. It is most convenient to store it in a jar of water. It must be placed in a dark, cold place; a refrigerator is suitable for this. If the mormysh was caught in a lake or river, it is better to pour water from the same reservoir where it was taken into the jar, and tap water that has settled during the vessels in a ratio of 1: 1.

How to hook the jig on the hook correctly

In order to fish with a mormysh, it is better to use a small hook made of thin wire. Due to the presence of a hard shell, the crustacean holds well on the hook, and it is not so easy for a fish to knock it down.

In order for the mormysh to look appetizing for fish, you must:

  • insert a sting into the back of the crustacean near the head;
  • lead it through the body of the amphipod;
  • bring out in the tail area.
  • At the same time, the mormysh must maintain its natural bend.

Fishermen on the use of the mormysh in fishing

In conclusion, it should be noted that the mormysh, although it is a good food for fish, is still quite an exotic bait. And this is not without reason - it is not always easy to get it, while the amphipod crustacean is not equally distributed in all regions, and therefore, it does not attract fish equally well everywhere.

Therefore, before using the mormysh in fishing, if possible, it is worth making inquiries about how the fish that live in those reservoirs where you are going to fish react to it. This will allow you to understand whether it is worth using the amphipod in fishing in your usual waters, and to find out what kind of fish and in what conditions it takes on it.

Fishing in the Leningrad region

Fishing in Leningrad region is still fascinating, bringing significant catches and trophy specimens. In the Leningrad region, fishing is possible with all existing tackle.

The Leningrad Region is still a kind of paradise for fishermen. In the reservoirs of the region there are many different fish, sometimes they are of such sizes, which in the rest of Russia have long been forgotten. In addition, among the variety of species there are sturgeons, salmonids, eels, etc. Despite their presence, many local fishermen are engaged in catching traditional fish: crucian carp, pike, roach, bream, silver bream, rudd.

Catching crucian carp in the Leningrad region

This fish is very tasty, therefore it is always among those that fishermen constantly hunt for. Crucian carp is present in almost all water bodies of the region. He is rather cautious, because he is caught here with thin tackle, using, if possible, not thick fishing lines and small hooks. From tackle they use float rods, feeders, donks.

They look for crucian carp in reservoirs near grass, near water lilies, next to other underwater vegetation. Fish can be found among sedges, in areas completely covered with duckweed. In the latter case, Leningrad fishermen make windows on the surface, in which they catch large crucians.


Among the baits that crucians prefer in the reservoirs of the Leningrad region are maggot, dung worm and bread (white loaf). Some people prefer to go fishing, grabbing semolina, from which they prepare a chatterbox right on the spot. With the addition of valerian, garlic, kerosene, it sometimes brings catches that you can only dream of with other baits.

Among the excellent baits for the Leningrad crucian carp is a steamed loaf crust. They prepare it like this:

- put a pot of water on the fire;

- after boiling water, place a colander on top of the pan;

- put pieces of loaf inside the colander, pieces of loaf from it;

- all withstand 1 ... 3 minutes.

The loaf thus obtained becomes rubber-like in consistency. It holds well on the hook.

Do the same with a donut: cut it into pieces suitable for a hook attachment and steam it in a colander. Among the good baits for local crucian carp is a mixture of cottage cheese, semolina, wheat flour.


Good catches of crucian carp in the waters of the region are impossible without feeding the fishing grounds. Branded groundbait mixes are quite suitable for this. Which are cooked right on the pond with the addition of maggots, fodder bloodworms, bread (what is supposed to catch it).

Local and visiting fishermen prepare complementary foods themselves. Most often, they are made up of millet, rolled oats, biscuits, cake, cake. Flavors are added - hemp, sunflower oil (unrefined), anise, garlic, vanilla, mint. Some people generally prefer, for example, kerosene, valerian, even VD-40.

Places for catching crucian carp in the Leningrad region

The Gulf of Finland

A promising place next to LEMZ with depths of 0.5 ... 0.7 m. Suitable tackle - feeder, donka. The bait is a worm. Large (up to 2 kg, maybe more) individuals come across here.

Ponds in St. Petersburg

In the northernmost capital, there are enough ponds in which crucian carp bite. There are several such reservoirs:

- at the intersection of Alpiyskiy Lane with Budapeshtskaya Street: the pond is small, almost round in plan; at one time it was well cleaned, stocked with fish; you can catch carp in it immediately after the ice disappears; in the reservoir there is a crucian carp up to 700g, although it is problematic to catch it - over the past time it has been filled with a large number of small crucian carp, which quickly pounces on any bait;

- on Leni Golikova street: there are three ponds; float rods up to 4 meters long with sliding equipment are well suited for fishing; the catch in the ponds is always provided; large crucians (0.3 ... 1 kg) peck on extreme ponds; the central reservoir is very overgrown, but if you somehow prepare a place for yourself, then you can wait for bites of very decent specimens;

- on the "Srednaya Slingshot": this is the area of ​​the Moscow highway; ponds have recently been cleaned, deepened; There are a lot of crucian carp in them, and he is not shy here, quite decent in size and bites well;

- on Tankista Khrustitsky Street: the reservoir itself is elongated; carp of various sizes live in it - many large; here they fish with float rods, bait - a roll, maggot, mastorka, worm.

Pike fishing in the Leningrad region

This predator is one of the most favorite among Leningrad fishermen. It is found in almost all water bodies of the region and is caught in a wide variety of tackles and methods.

There are three periods of very active pike biting in the region:

- the first one begins after the ice melts and lasts until the moment when the water level in reservoirs becomes the highest; the pike at this time goes to the thickets near the coast and hides in anticipation of prey swimming nearby; in addition, she is in whirlpools, pits and, hungry, is ready to attack any bait;

- the second - 1.5 ... 2 weeks. in the post-spawning period; this is explained by the desire of the toothy to quickly replenish those reserves of energy that were spent on spawning; this time (for the Leningrad region approximately May-June (middle);

- the third falls in the fall; more precisely, September-October, when the pike feeds, trying to stock up on fat for the upcoming winter.


Some of the Leningrad fishermen prefer to hunt pike with zherlitsy. In summer, this is an ordinary flyer, carved from wood, on which a cord (thick fishing line) is wound, carrying a load at the free end, a hook (single, tee, double). Such a zherlitsa is attached to the branches of bushes bent over the water, to the end of the pole, installed on the shore and obliquely to the surface of the reservoir. The end of the fishing line with live bait sinks into the water column. When the pike grabs the bait, it pulls a supply of fishing line from the flyer, which signals that the predator has been caught.

There are many winter options for girders. The simplest, for example, is a small piece of rubber tube, onto which a piece (10 ... 15 m) of thick fishing line or cord is wound. The free end of the latter is equipped with a sinker, a leash and a hook. The tube is also equipped with a separate loop from the same line. The zherlitsa is attached with a loop to a twig, which is placed on the surface of the ice, above the hole, across it. The device itself, with live bait baited on a hook, is lowered under the ice. Zherlitsy periodically check for self-catching predators on them.

Most anglers in the region use toothed spinning rods. They fish with long rods from the shore, short ones from the boat. Considering that it is possible to catch decent specimens, they use reels in the installation of medium and high power, quite strong fishing lines and cords. Leashes made of metal, leash material are required in the rig.


All known types of pike can be used as bait for pike on the water bodies of the region: vibro-tails, twisters, wobblers, spinners, vibrators. The latter, by the way, are on most of the reservoirs of the most catchy and beloved toothed.

Pike fishing spots in the Leningrad region

Most often, pike in the summer on reservoirs in the Leningrad region should be looked for in warm water, in areas with abundant vegetation. The lakes located on the Karelian Peninsula are considered the most catchy on the toothy. They have an interesting bottom relief, there are sharp drops in depths.

The most visited reservoirs for hunting for toothy fishermen are Lake Ladoga, the Vuoksa River. Among them are also the reservoirs Rakovicheskoe, Balakhanovskoe.

Fishing for roach in the Leningrad region

Most of this type of fish is found in reservoirs located geographically in the Leningrad Region. There is a certain pattern in its size: large individuals are more often found in large lakes (for example, in Ladoga), less in smaller reservoirs.

There are roach in the region in reservoirs with both running water and standing water. Most often it can be found in pools where there is a reverse flow, in areas with irregularities at the bottom, where there is underwater vegetation, in creeks, oxbows. In summer, it can be found in parts of shallow waters, during floods - walking in areas with shallow depths.

Roach fishing spots in the Leningrad region

If you want to catch a large roach, it is better to go directly to either the Gulf of Finland or Lake Ladoga. When there are no such ambitions, then you can safely get out to the lakes: Zerkalnoye, Pionerskoye, Aleksandrovskoye, Roshinskoye, Lembolovskoye, Vysokinskoye.

The most promising places on them are places near steep banks, areas with insignificant currents, calm stretches located behind rifts, whirlpools, backwaters, which are distinguished by calm water. In water bodies-lakes, coastal areas, edges of reeds, small channels, creeks filled with underwater vegetation are catching.


Without bait, large catches of roach in the reservoirs of the Leningrad Region are rare. One of the options for the mixture is as follows: 400g of sunflower cake, 100g of rolled oats (flakes), 50g of boiled rice, 300g of wheat bran, 30g of maggots, 5g of vanillin, 100g of powdered milk, 50g of granulated sugar, 300g of ground biscuits are added to a kilogram of bread crumbs.

Fishing for roach - tackle, bait, technique and tactics

For roach to the reservoirs of the Leningrad region, you need to go early in the morning or in the evening, at dawn. In the spring, in the absence of the sun in the summer, it bites during the day. In clear water they hunt for roach with float rods, donks, feeders. Fly fishing and even spinning ultralight are in use.

Roach feeds all year round, therefore it remains active even in the wilderness. In winter, it is also interesting and productive to catch it. They do it with winter fishing rods with spinners, with various jigs, without and with floats. Winter baits - maggots, bloodworms. In spring, during thaw periods, you can taste dough and bread.

The best option to catch a lot of roach is a float rod. It is with it that you can accurately measure the depth in the fishing place and place the bait near the bottom (15 ... 20 cm - the horizon in which roach most often feeds). The latter is unattainable in other methods, but it is this that explains the more active biting of fish.

It is easier and easier to catch roach in the waters of the region with swing rods. Their length is chosen according to the fishing conditions. Floats are used lighter - a maximum of 2g. The fishing line is also taken from thin ones; ideal 0.12mm. Hooks to match her - №12 ... №20.

Fishing technique includes measuring depth, feeding a promising place. Do the latter by throwing seven balls of groundbait at once.

The bait is given the opportunity to smoothly, naturally descend in the water column. For this, several weights (3 ... 10) are used in the rig, which are placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other. The pad is left at the point where the leash is attached to the line.

Usually, with such a rig, the roach bite follows immediately after the bait reaches the bottom position. If this does not happen, do not wait, but re-throw the tackle.

After half an hour after the main groundbait, additional feeding should be done. Small, walnut-sized balls of the bait mixture are prepared for him. They are thrown alternately, with an interval of ten minutes. In the future, having caught a roach, it is also worth throwing some bait into the fishing place.

Lures for roach in Lenobalsti are traditional for all of Russia - maggots, bread, caddis flies, dough.

Fishing for bream in the Leningrad region

This fish is one of the most desired and loved by fishermen of the Leningrad region. There is a lot of it in the waters of the region; he lives at great depths in lakes, has settled down in rivers with a slow current; it exists in numerous channels, artificial quarries. They catch him in old women, quiet backwaters. Promising places for its search are located near dams, bridges, on river bends, pits, depressions at the bottom. At night, bream is caught in shallow waters, where it comes out of the depths to feed.

Bream fishing spots in the Leningrad region

This fish, like roach, is abundant in the waters of the region. You can go fishing on it on almost any lake, any river. True, the size of potential production, at the same time, can be very different.

Large bream is caught in Ladoga, Glubokoye, Aleksandrovskoye, Pionerskoye, Zerkalnoye, Vysokinskoye, Bely, Roshchinskoye, Samro, Sudachye, lakes. Fishing is free on these reservoirs. Among the paysite lakes Tikhaya Zavod, Lepsari, Kopanskoe, Monetka.

Bream is also caught in rivers. Bream fishermen often visit the Neva, Tikhvinka, Tiksha, Kovash, Sista, Voronka, Oyat, Svir, Luga.


In the spring, having slept off during the winter, you can offer bream a leech, dung worms or creepers. Later, after spawning, the fish becomes interested in maggots, bloodworms, bundles of worms, algae (only young ones). In hot weather, he willingly feasts on mastic, dough, steamed peas, boilies, canned corn. By autumn, after the water temperature drops, animal nozzles are used: worms, bloodworms, caddis flies, maggot.


Breams in the Leningrad region are caught with all sorts of tackle - float, feeders, donks. Bologna and match fishing rods are in use. As a by-catch, he, in the fall, can be caught on a spinning rod. Although the most reliable and efficient are the float and feeder.

Fishing tactics and technique

It is necessary to catch bream with bait, which creates a forage spot at the bottom of the reservoir. It attracts fish, keeps it in place, makes you forget about caution.

Usually, bait mixtures are used from small fractions, to match the color of the bottom of the area where bream is caught. Low-calorie formulations that "force" the fish to eat, but not gorge. To keep the bream in place, they constantly do supplementary feeding, sending a small portion of the mixture into the water.

The bream, after being hooked, strongly resists. You need to try to bring him to the surface so that he swallows air. After that, he immediately surrenders and it is not difficult for the fisherman to bring him to the shore and lead him into the landing net.

In winter, bream is caught with winter float rods. The bait is a bloodworm. When fishing, you need to be quiet, have patience and perseverance.

Fishing spots in the Leningrad region

Fishing on the river Sister

The river is located northwest of St. Petersburg; flows out of the swamps of the Lembolovskaya Upland and ends, flowing into the Sestroretsky Razliv. Its length is 85 km. It is very shallow near the source - you can wade it. In the upper and middle reaches, the average depth is 0.4 ... 0.7 m. Closer to the mouth, it becomes more serious, reaching 3-meter depths; there are places 6 m deep. The river is not wide (10 ... 20 m).

The approaches to the river are normal in the lower reaches; you can drive up to the reservoir along the Primorskoye, Sestroretskoye, Vyborgskoye highways. It is difficult to get to the water in the upper course; there are only trails and rare dirt roads.

Despite its relatively short length, the Sestra River is rich in tributaries. These are the Samenskaya and Lublinka rivers, the Dubensky, Serebryany, Lesnoy, Pastorsky streams.

There are many decent places on the river where you can hope for a rich catch. In the lower reaches, you can always catch roaches, ruffs, perches, burbot is often caught. Higher up the river, fishing is more interesting both in terms of the number of fish and its types.

Catching grayling on the Sestra river

Just above the mouth of the river, there is a shallow area with a rocky bottom and a fast current. There are many large boulders in the channel, and the banks are steep and dotted with ravines. There is also a lot of small (maximum 200 g) grayling here.

They fish for grayling with light fishing rods equipped with a 0.2mm line. They fish with the line stretched all the time, which allows you to feel the moment of the bite and make a quick hook.

The section of the river is replete with slippery stones that pose a danger to fishermen. When hunting for grayling, you need to remember this, do not make sudden movements and attempts to take the prey to the shore. It is better to take some kind of fish container with you and fold the catch without leaving the water.

Sister river in the upper reaches

The upper reaches of the reservoir are located in the forest thicket, often represented by several channels. There are many islands overgrown with tall grass. Here they fish for brook trout, settling mainly on the islands and hiding in the grass. Trout can be fished with a float rod (grasshopper, worm bait) and with a spinning rod.

Here, in the upper reaches, there are many pools on the river. These places abound with pike, which fishermen get more with spinning rods. Toothy attacks lures on almost every cast.

The upper reaches of the river are also rich in other fish species. In May-June, you can go here to catch scabbards. From the beginning of October until freezing up, burbot is well caught.

Fishing on Lake Beloye in the Leningrad Region

The reservoir is located in the Kingisepp district. It is surrounded by low hills covered with mixed forest. It is not more than 4 km from the Luga Bay. The lake receives water from springs and small streams. It does not flow into one river.

The western coast is represented by shallow areas with a sandy bottom. The western coastal area is of the same depth with a muddy bottom. The lake is elongated, with a length of 3.8 km and a width of 1.1 km. On its area there are places with depths of 5 ... 6 m, near the coast they are smaller - up to 3 m. In the northern part of the reservoir, the water area is overgrown with aquatic plants.

The lake is distinguished by a variety of fish; it contains medium-sized bream, a lot of roach, crucian carp, perch. Thanks to such a good food base, the pike feels good in the reservoir, reaching 3 ... 4 kg in mass. After spawning, the toothy inhabits shallow waters from 1.5 ... 2 m depth; she is perfectly caught in such places with circles, spinning rods. In the latter version, there are baits - poppers, copper-red shaker, wobblers.

The bream in the lake grows to a weight of 1 kg. There is not much of it in the reservoir. They catch fish with feeders from the shore, with float rods from a boat. The bait is a bunch of worms (better than dung), maggots. A sandwich made from these attachments is also good. Vegetable baits on White bream ignores.

Perch in the lake are small, do not exceed 70 ... 80 g. But you can catch a decent crucian carp, pulling up to a kilogram.

Crucian carp from the beginning of spring until spawning actively bites around the clock. In summer, it comes across only in the early morning and very late in the evening. Many fishermen catch crucian carp at night. The best bait for it is a medium-sized dung worm. The best places- clear water windows between the reed beds.

To catch crucian carp, it is imperative to use bait. The bait mixture is the simplest - bloodworms and chopped worms are mixed with clay, which is taken right on the spot. Flavors are added: cumin, dill.

With the onset of winter, pike is actively caught from the ice. However, it almost completely stops pecking after the New Year. Improvement in the bite of the toothed tooth occurs closer to spring. But the perch is active all winter, especially a lot of it is caught in the northern part of the reservoir, near the confluence of the stream.

To get to the White Lake, you need to leave Peterhof on the Gostilitskoe highway. Drive to Vybya settlement. Here is a turn, further along the road to the very reservoir.

Fishing on Lake Bolshoye in the Leningrad Region

The location of this lake, popular among Leningrad fishermen, is near the settlement of Ilyichevo, which is located 8 km from Zelenogorsk. Among the local reservoir is also called "Beauty" because of the surrounding landscapes.

The Big Lake is oval in shape, stretching for 3 km in length. The width is about 3 r. less. The reservoir is deep, there are places with a depth of 19 meters. It is possible to catch pike, roach, perch, ruff, bream, silver bream, rudd, burbot.

The lake is also actively visited by vacationers, but more often by fishermen. They get to Ilyichevo by hiring a taxi or using a minibus. Travel time is no more than an hour. Then walk for about fifteen minutes.

Features of fishing on the lake

The best time to fish on the lake is in summer. It is better to start coming to the pond for fishing by the end of spring. At this time, all types of fish are actively caught and, most importantly, with all known tackle. They fish from the shore, from the boat. In the latter version, side fishing rods and mugs are used.

Fishing with circles on the lake is always successful. Often the prey is large perch, pike, but medium size (0.5 ... 0.8 kg). Large toothy ones are very rare.

White fish, perches, ruffs are caught more often with float rods different types... Nozzles 6 worms, maggot, caddis flies, bread crumb.

In the summer, the reservoir is often visited by spinners. The pike is caught with almost all kinds of wobblers. Often caught on vibrators and spinners. Fishing spots for spinning are those that are close to lake vegetation. On which there are underwater anomalies, depth differences.

In winter, fishermen also come to the lake. However, the activity of biting from the ice on the reservoir is not high, which affects the catches. During the first ice period, perch and pike are caught by sheer trolling, zerlitsy. At the same time, they try to catch the deepest places.

Fishing on Lake Vysokinskoe in the Leningrad Region

The reservoir is located southeast of Primorsk, just 12 km from it. They drive to its southern end using the Primorskoe highway.

The lake is elongated in plan. Its maximum size is about 6 km long and 1.5 km wide. The deepest depths are 12 m, average - 4 ... 5 m. The shores are of medium height. Most of them are sandy. A coniferous forest grows on them. The bottom has dumps. Coastal areas with depths of 1.5 ... 2 m have a sandy, rocky or pebble bottom, deeper everything is covered with silt. There are stone ridges near Cape Komariny.

The lake is connected with the Pionerskoye lake by the Senokosnaya river. There is a channel between it and the Gulf of Finland. In the waters of the lake, a large number of perches, ruffs, roaches, pikes, whitefish, and burbots are found. Bream, pike perch are much less.

The most catchy places on the lake are near the mouth of the Senokosnaya River. In summer you can catch a lot of roach here; pike is often caught on spinning. In September, whitefish begins to take on the pond. They catch it at depths of more than 5 m, using spinning rods with lures, on which small worms are planted. At the same time, the autumn pike begins to eat, which goes well for mugs.

Fishing on Lake Zerkalnoye in the Leningrad Region

The reservoir is located 120 km from St. Petersburg, on the Karelian Isthmus, in one of its most beautiful corners. It has an unusual teardrop shape in plan, the direction of length (4.5 km) from northwest to southeast. The reservoir is 2 km wide.

In the eastern part of the lake there are two islands - Love (smaller) and Separation (larger). The reservoir has places in which the depth reaches fifty meters. The average depth is 10 m. A river flows out of the lake, in its northern side.

Lake Zerkalnoye is one of the most popular among Leningrad fishermen. It is convenient to fish on it from the shore - this is facilitated by the surrounding landscape and terrain. For fishing, spinning rods or donks are used. For the latter, bream and roach of decent size are often added to the catch. Spinning fishermen are content with pike, perch and, less often, pike perch.

Seasonal differences:

- in spring the best fishing spots on the lake in its northern part;

- in the summer months, promising places for fishing near the islands, more specifically in the pits near them;

- in winter it is better to visit the southern part of the reservoir for fishing.

They get to Lake Mirror in different ways. It is fashionable by train from St. Petersburg - they go to Zelenogorskaya, then change to a diesel train, which gets to the station "86 km". From it to the reservoir on foot two kilometers.

In their own car they drive along the Primorskoe highway to the settlement of Zelenaya Roscha. Behind him they turn onto the railway. Yappil station. The car can be parked by the reservoir anywhere.

Features of fishing in the Leningrad region

Among the features of fishing in the region:

- the presence of reservoirs different in terms of fishing; This is due to the close location of the sea, the presence of large and small reservoirs, different natural landscapes;

- the ability to fish in fresh water and at sea (Gulf of Finland);

- the presence of a large number of natural reservoirs within St. Petersburg, other settlements, away from civilization; here you can find fishing spots with well-equipped infrastructure and without it at all;

- a large number of various fish in reservoirs; its number has decreased since some time, but it is still high; if you choose the right reservoir, you will always find yourself with a good catch;

- the presence of a variety of valuable fish species in water bodies;

- the possibility of sudden changes in the weather, especially in large bodies of water; this complicates the preparation for fishing, makes it less safe;

- the presence in certain periods (usually April-May-June, when the fish spawns) a ban on fishing in general;

- the prohibition of catching certain valuable fish species in some or all water bodies of the region.

Fishing for zander on the river is practiced by all, without exception, spinners. This predator attracts anglers with its size, difficulty of fishing, and gastronomic qualities. It is possible to successfully hunt for a fanged representative of the ichthyofauna only if you have suitable tackle, a set of baits and thoroughly know its habits in different time of the year.

Places for catching river pike perch

Zander loves cool water saturated with oxygen. It inhabits medium and large deep rivers, as well as reservoirs formed on their channels. Can live in spacious and deep lakes. This predator will never live in swampy bodies of water with a muddy bottom and abundant aquatic vegetation. Fishing on small rivers is also not carried out, due to the inadequacy of the conditions necessary for a fanged to live in them.

You should look for zander on a hard bottom. He prefers a sandy or dense structure, loves rocky and pebbly areas, can stand in areas dotted with shell rock. On a soft bottom, this predator is rare. Typical places where the likelihood of catching a canine tooth is maximum are:

  • Channel dumps and rifts.
  • Wide deep-water reaches with uneven bottom topography.
  • Any snags, loggers and felling sites.
  • Long ditches.
  • Bridge supports and other hydraulic structures.
  • In some situations, pike perch can approach the coastal edges, bevels and pockets.
  • In the coastal zone, it is more often caught in the area of ​​steep people on sharp river bends.


The most productive fishing is the jig. For this direction of fishing, it is necessary to have a well-chosen spinning kit that provides the following requirements:

  1. Good sensitivity required for registering predator bites and tracking posting.
  2. Stiffness for a firm sweep to pierce the bony jaws of the fish.
  3. Power that allows you to force the fishing, because you have to fish in difficult conditions, where you can not hesitate, otherwise the pike perch will go into cover and confuse the tackle.

When fishing from the shore, the spinning kit should have a decent range, since you often have to cast the bait over a long distance in order to reach the cherished edge or driftwood where the pike perch stands.

The tackle looks like this:

  • A fast action rod with a stiff tip. The test is about 15–45 grams, there are options depending on the depths at the place of fishing and the strength of the current. The length of the "rod" for coastal fishing is not less than 2.70 meters, from a boat it is better to use a fishing rod of about 2.10 meters.
  • Power coil with a reduction of about 5.0: 1. Size 2500-3000. With good line laying, reliable friction mechanism.
  • Braided line only. The cord has the inextensibility necessary for fixing bites, reliable hooking and confident playing of the predator.

The teeth of the pike perch are not as sharp as those of the pike. He is not able to bite the braid, but a steel leash is still necessary when catching him, since a toothed beast will certainly come across in the by-catch, which will surely cut off the bait. In addition, the last centimeters of the cord are abraded in contact with snags, stones, shells, which weakens the rig and can lead to its annoying break when playing a weighty specimen.


Pike perch are caught with different baits. These are oscillating spoons, and front-loaded spinners, and deep-sea wobblers. However, the best and most catchy are silicone baits - twisters, vibrotails, worms, slugs, crayfish and others.

Today, edible silicone baits have gained unprecedented popularity. Among them, the following models stand out:

  • Keitech Swing Impact.
  • Reins G-Tail Saturn.
  • Lucky John Tioga.
  • Jackall Shad.
  • Imakatsu Javastick.
  • Lucky John Long John.

Catches and "inedible rubber". Separately, we can highlight twisters from Mann`s and vibro-tails from Bass Assassin.

Fishing technique

As mentioned above, the most effective way is the jig. It consists in performing a stepped bottom wiring. This animation technique brings a large number of zander bites and allows you to catch the most inaccessible areas in which the concentration of the predator is maximum.

With experience, the spinning player begins to add various jerking elements to the classic "step" - broaches, jerks, tremors and others. A sluggish, sleepy, and apathetic zander can be encouraged to grasp with the help of the "dragging along the bottom" technique.

Until relatively recently, tasks such as exploring the bottom of reservoirs and searching for objects in the water were available only to professionals. Only special teams of divers or special equipment, available only at the state level, could find something at depth. However, over the past decades, a lot has changed, and nowadays modern technology for searching for objects at depth has become available both to private companies and even to individuals interested in such work. Remotely controlled unmanned underwater vehicles were in the hands of everyone - how affordable have such search operations become nowadays?

Let's first figure out what can generally conceal reservoirs in their depths and why many are in a hurry to explore the bottom of this or that lake. In historical places, reservoirs can be real treasures of various artifacts. Armament, ammunition and other consequences of hostilities, traces of ancient cultures and their life, tools and other interesting samples - all this is still found at the bottom of lakes and rivers. In the old days, almost all of the above was made of metal, so today it is enough to use a metal detector to detect important artifacts. However, water bodies are often explored for professional purposes - during construction and other tasks.

What is TNLA?

So what are ROVs? This is equipment for exploring any body of water and searching for objects on it without immersing a person in water. This robot is controlled from the ship, as a rule, by one person or a team. Power supply and information exchange is carried out by means of a carrying cable that connects the device itself to the ship.

Metal detector capabilities

What equipment is used to search for deep artifacts and objects? The simplest tool is a water metal detector. The device notifies about any metal objects at close range, however, the disadvantage of the equipment is that you can never know for sure what the metal detector found until you get to the object yourself.

Scope of application of the echo sounder

A more modern and efficient device is an echo sounder. This is a unique equipment that has made tremendous progress these days and, in conjunction with computer technology, allows you to explore deep places as accurately and conveniently as possible.

Sounder is a bottom scanning instrument powered by sound and ultrasonic waves. The device makes sounds that propagate along the bottom of the lake, and when the sound waves are reflected and returned, the computer creates a clear picture, converting the sound information into visual information.

As a result, you can see on the screen the shape and size of any objects found at the bottom of the reservoir. This equipment is extremely accurate and capable of detecting small items such as single fish, not to mention large finds.

Modern echo sounders are truly irreplaceable. They allow not only to search for objects at any depth, but also to create a map of the bottom, which can later be guided by. Of course, working with only the forces of divers, finding something will be much more difficult, especially at large depths. And it is extremely difficult for divers to navigate in the water without a clear map. Therefore, ideally, divers "come into play" after the echo sounder has detected objects and the bottom has been mapped. Paired with a water metal detector, the echo sounder is a powerful tool for finding any objects on the bottom of water bodies.

The echo sounder is able to scan the bottom of the lake very quickly - modern models allow you not even to stop the boat and search and compile an interactive map of the bottom on the go. Thanks to the echo sounder, you can create three-dimensional maps, taking into account the depth of the reservoir and the topography of the bottom surface. Moreover, experts can even establish its structure due to the quality indicators of the equipment - how silty or hard it is.

Thus, it is safe to say that prospecting in water bodies is becoming more and more accessible to everyone. Today, the search for objects in the lake can be carried out not only by a professional team, but also by individuals using TNLA. Even the simplest models of underwater robots can find all large objects at the bottom of most lakes. So if you have always dreamed of finding a chest of gold or other treasures of antiquity at the bottom, then today you have such an opportunity. Even if your search does not end with grandiose discoveries, exploring the bottom will be a lot of fun anyway.

The Amstel is a river in the Netherlands that flows into the North Sea. At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. a small village arose in the river delta - the future Amsterdam. The settlement grew, enveloping the river channels in a network of streets, striving downstream to the sea.

Not so long ago, in the sprawling city, it became necessary to build new metro lines, therefore, for safety reasons, several water sections had to be drained.

It turned out that the river channels flowing within the city are a real archaeological repository. Archaeologists have a rare opportunity to study objects that have fallen to the bottom of the river over the course of tens of generations.

During the research, the specialist managed to collect more than 700,000 different finds. Among them there are both objects of the modern era and real historical artifacts: medieval dishes, cutlery, kitchen utensils, coins, smoking pipes of all sizes ...

Upon completion of the search work, the archaeologists of Amsterdam created the website belowthesurface, where you can learn more about what has been accumulating at the bottom of the river for centuries.

Volgograd, May 14 - AiF-Volgograd. Divers say you don't have to look for underwater treasures in distant seas... The bottom of the great Russian Volga River, almost along its entire length, conceals many mysteries, and even the most real treasures. Especially many such rarities are periodically found in the middle and lower reaches.

Diving into the past

They say that a special atlas of sunken ships has been created for the Black Sea to help divers. Compilation of the same underwater "guide" for the great Russian river will obviously take much longer. Due to the frequent change of the river channel, the creation of deep-water reservoirs on the Volga, the exact location of even very large ships and other rarities is still unknown.

“Today the picture of the river bottom is very unpleasant for a person who loves and respects nature,” explains Evgeny Toryannikov, a diver from Kamyshin. "Every year there are fewer and fewer fish, and there is more and more garbage on the river bed."

But even on such a day, unexpected finds happen.

“For me personally,” admits Aleksey Nosov, a diver from Volgograd, “it was a complete surprise to find the skulls of prehistoric animals at the Volga hydroelectric station at the bottom of the Volga, and just a couple of them per dive. Biologists I know told me that this is a species of a wild bull from the post-glacial period. "

Teeth and fragments of vertebrae are found no less often on the Volga coast. prehistoric shark, ancient molluscs, algae. After all, once instead of a river valley in the lower reaches of the Volga, a warm shallow sea splashed. And in early January 2013, another sensational find was made directly opposite the central part of Volgograd. During a training dive, divers from a local rescue station found a gigantic bone 150 meters from the shore.

“Under the water it seemed that it was a log, but they lifted it up and saw that it was a mammoth tibia,” said Alexander Sivolobov, head of the Central Search and Rescue Unit of the Volgograd Oblast Rescue Service.

The find has already been transferred to the local museum of local lore. However, the bones of prehistoric animals are clearly not the most valuable, which is concealed by the river, which was an ancient trade route at the dawn of civilization.

“I know of cases when a coin minted in ancient Rome was found right in shallow water,” says Yuri Voitov, a local historian from Volgograd. - As for the "treasures of Stepan Razin" and the legendary "golden horses of Genghis Khan", buried somewhere near the banks of the Volga in remote ravines and at the bottom of small steppe rivers, you can talk for hours. One of the most probable places for such "treasures" is the giant Sarpinsky island not far from the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station, as well as secluded ravines and caves between the Volga and Don rivers. Fifty kilometers higher from Volgograd, north of Dubovka, the waters of the reservoir constantly wash out fragments of medieval ceramics. It was in those places that until the 14th century the richest Golden Horde burial was located - Vodianovskoe settlement, or Beljamen. All finds here have a seven-hundred-year history. "

Underwater art gallery

Near Volgograd there is so much under water that the bottom resembles a real exposition. Directly opposite the passenger river port, closer to Golodny Island, there are fragments of a sunken barge from the times civil war... Not far from the newly built bridge lies a well-preserved Luftwaffe bomber. The number of large watercraft flooded in the Volga - tugs, steamers, barges - is measured in hundreds. Last summer in the water area of ​​the Volgograd reservoir in the Erzovka area was held under the title "Secrets of Stalingrad Convoys" with the participation of divers from several regions. With low visibility, the divers still managed to examine the remains of several ships. And downstream, in the Svetloyarsk region, at a depth of 15 meters, they found a sunken ship from the time of the civil war. The cartridges with the stamp of "the plant of his imperial majesty" were raised from the bottom. During additional dives, it was possible to establish that it was originally a civilian wheeled tug. In the hard times it was hastily converted for military purposes.

According to the law, even if such “bottom exhibits” have no historical value, the costs of lifting them should be borne by the owners of the vessels themselves. On the section from Kazan to Astrakhan, the only floating complex "Mighty" with a postscript to Volgograd is engaged in a special ship-lifting expedition. His recent achievements are the lifting of the bulk carrier "Ivanovo" (displacement of almost 3000 tons) in the Samara River and the notorious "Bulgaria" near Kazan.

According to the recollections of the Stalingrad people, in 1942, a barge sank from Nazi bombs near Stalingrad, to which a priceless collection of paintings was evacuated. At world auctions, the sunken collection would have been valued at astronomical sums. We are talking about the collection of paintings of the Stalingrad Picture Gallery that disappeared without a trace. There were the works of Aivazovsky, Perov, Benoit, Kramskoy, Korovin, Levitan, Serov, Vasnetsov, Somov, Shishkin, Polenov, Soviet avant-garde artists. It is known that in the fall of 1941 the collection of paintings was prepared for evacuation to the village of Ilovatka, which is 250 km up the Volga, but there is no information that the priceless paintings arrived at the intended place.

“Perhaps some of the paintings of the Stalingrad Gallery didn’t perish, didn’t drown while crossing, but somewhere waiting in the wings,” suggests art critic Tatiana Gafar.

Disorder with "orders"

The Volga is potentially rich not only in cultural artifacts. Employees of the federal center "Leader" repeatedly came to Volgograd for the emergency liquidation of aerial bombs found at the bottom of the Volga by local divers. In the Traktorozavodsky district, in October 2008, the center's specialists at the bottom of the river destroyed a German SD aerial bomb weighing 1,800 kilograms, and literally a month earlier, miners destroyed a 100-kilogram German aerial bomb and three mortar shells in the same area. Prior to that, they were at a depth of seven meters practically on the ship's course. The list of such dangerous finds is far from complete. A considerable threat to the life of divers on the Volga is carried not only by objects of war, but scraps of nets and tackle of poachers - the so-called "orders". A fragment of each "order" is an eerie sight - a powerful wire string, from which rope cords with sharply sharpened hooks extend, to which sturgeons and belugas cling. From Volgograd to Astrakhan now not a year passes without injuries and deaths of divers from such traps.

Recently, one of the largest oil-producing industrial companies put forward an initiative to clear the Volga bottom from the rubble of household industrial waste in the region of Saratov and Volgograd. If at least part of the plan comes true, the legendary river will breathe more calmly and, perhaps, will begin to actively share with us really valuable treasures.