War loot skyrim walkthrough. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Civil War - Stormcloaks. Capture the White Coast

Tactics in Imperial Legion Legate Rikke, a middle-aged northerner, is in charge.

The Imperial Legion is an expeditionary force fighting the rebels for the good of Tamriel, now ruled by the Thalmor elves. The legion's creed is law and order, and General Tullius, not without reason, believes that a seceded Skyrim will not benefit either the Empire or himself.

Missions for the Legion are largely identical to those of the Stormcloaks - only in a "mirror" form. Nevertheless, there are differences in the plot. We will briefly describe the "duplicate" tasks and tell more about the discrepancies.

Joining the Imperial Legion

The leader of the bandits of Hragstad is so enthusiastic about the map that he forgot about everything in the world.

You can get the task of joining the ranks of the legionnaires at the very beginning, if you choose the legionnaire Hadvar when fleeing from Helgen. At the exit from the cave, he will offer the hero to go to General Tullius and enroll in the army. If you did not receive this quest or chose the rebel Ralof while fleeing, it is enough to approach any legionnaire you meet (they often roam the roads, accompanying the prisoners) and take him.

General Tullius dwells in the Castle of Solitude. When you enter the headquarters of the legion, the general will argue with the legate Rikke. Since communication with Tullius under Helgen was, frankly, short, he will immediately send us to the legate, and she will offer a test task. We need to clear out the bandits from the Hragstad fortress so that the legion can establish an outpost there.

This task is much more difficult than the Stormcloak entrance test. There was only one, albeit a strong monster, and here - a whole fort with a dozen bandits. Some wander outside, some in the courtyard, some on the walls of the castle, one on the tower, and the rest in the main and prison premises of the fortress. There are no special puzzles here. All enemies are indicated by arrows on the compass, so you are not in danger of missing the "last sectoid".

Return to the Gloomy Castle, listen to the conversation about the Crown of the Jagged - Legate Rikke persuades the general to send troops (including "auxilia", that is, us) to capture the crown. After the conversation, Rikke will rejoice at our successes and send him to Tullius to take the oath. A solemn oath will mark the failure of the Stormcloak quest, if you have one.

Jagged crown

"And here is your Panama!" - Legate Rikke hits the next Brother of the Storm with a shield. A real Valkyrie!

This quest mirrors what the Stormcloaks give out if you choose the Rebel path. In the ancient cairn of Corvanyund, the Jagged Crown was found - an important symbol of the supreme power of Skyrim, and now the rebels, not legionnaires, were the first to enter the dungeon. General Tullius does not understand why the crown is needed, but the legate Rikka convinced him that such a valuable thing should not be given to Ulfric.

Before heading to Corvanyund, take the Legionnaire's Kit from Blacksmith Beirand - light armor, heavy or medium (it is also light, but with a heavy shield).

The place we need on the map is north of Whiterun and east of Lorey's farm. A group of legionnaires stands in the woods near the cairn and listens to Rikke's instructions. After the conversation, the whole mob will move to the burial ground, where the Stormcloaks will meet us.

You don't have to fight at all - Rikke's legate is indestructible, and the accompanying soldiers are reborn. But there is nothing wrong with helping your own. Several soldiers are on duty outside, the rest are hiding inside and are not yet waiting for us. When Rikke announces an ambush, go up one level and bring down burning lamps on the rebels standing with their feet in oil.

At the secret door, pick up the ebony claw and use the wolf-butterfly-dragon combo. In the hall with the coffins, go up to the upper level and, turning the lever, help Rikka and the legionnaires get rid of the draugrs. After that, all that remains is to remove the crown from the draugr, who sits on the throne in a relaxed pose. To do this, you need to kill him and a couple of his assistants from the sarcophagi on the sides.

Take the crown, the word of Strength, and return to Tullius. You can also give the crown to Ulfric - then you will go over to his side. This is last chance change faction.

Message to Whiterun

In Dragon's Reach, a council of war is underway, while the Stormcloaks are already approaching the city walls.

This task is also "mirror", but this time it is not Ulfric who offers us to take the ax to the Jarl of Whiterun, but on the contrary - the Jarl of Whiterun asks to take his ax to Ulfric (and just as annoyed if we ask: “Why ax?”). True, first, on the instructions of Tullius, you need to come with a message from the legion to Dragon's End and listen to how the Jarl consults with those close to him.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: You will not be able to complete the quest until the plot task "Dragon in the Sky" is completed - the Jarl simply refuses to accept the message.

Then we run with an ax to Ulfric, and after that the differences begin: we do not take Whiterun, but defend it. The council of war in the room above the throne room is held in company with the imperial legate. He accepts from us the task "Message for Whiterun" and issues the following - "Battle of Whiterun".

Battle of Whiterun

Khadvar can easily see the speck in his neighbor's eye, but in his own, he does not notice the arrow.

Flame pours from heaven to Whiterun - the city is bombarded by catapults. Legate Rikke is waiting outside the gate. Upon seeing us, she will give a speech to a handful of warriors who are about to fight another handful of warriors.

The Battle of Whiterun is done according to the usual pattern, which was already described in the passage for the Stormcloaks: there are weak fighters on both sides, they are reborn, and the dead enemies are marked on the percentage counter. When it gets to zero, we win. The only difference is that we have a couple of side objectives here: protecting the barricades at the gate and protecting the drawbridge if the barricades fall.

Keeping the bridge and the gate intact is a difficult task, since there are a lot of enemies and they are capable of demolishing the flimsy "goats" in a couple of blows or shots. You can break through to the stables where the Stormcloaks are reborn and try to distract them by yourself. Or you can use a bug.

One way or another, you do not need to complete side missions, and indeed participate in the battle. When it ends, mark in front of the jarl (he will go out of the gate to make a speech) and return to Tullius, who will give us the title of quaestor.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: the remaining quests are collected under the name "Unification of Skyrim".


"Is the Brotherhood of the Storm running?" - "Everyone's running!"

Our new assignment is to regain control of the White Coast. In the White Coast camp, the hero will meet Rikke and give him another "mirror" task. Like the Stormcloaks, you need to track down and kill the courier. To do this, take a look at the Night Gate tavern or the Hearth and Candle restaurant in Windhelm. The bartender will tell you where to look for a courier - for money, for threats or persuasion. After that, an arrow will appear on the map, indicating our goal. Kill the courier, take the documents and deliver to Rikka.

The second part of the assignment is to take the documents to Dawnstar, a commander named Frockmar Torn Banner. After the usual conversation ("why not in the form?" - "so that the enemy does not guess!") The task will be completed. Return to Legate Rikka.

Battle of Fort Dunstad

The most peaceful place in Dunstad is the Awkward Sabretooth tavern. Above the fireplace is the saber-toothed itself.

To finally recapture the area from the Stormcloaks, you need to storm Fort Dunstad. This is not a quest, but a battle - the enemies are weak here, they constantly revive, and the percentage counter shows how much is left to chop and stab until victory.

After the battle, Tullius will make the hero a prefect and send him to the Rift.

War booty

The target is the sentry. A volley of two arrows should take him down.

Rikka will be given another "mirror" task - with blackmail. Our target is Anuriel, ruler of the Jarl of Riften. She does business with the Thieves Guild, and the incriminating note can be found in the dresser in her office. Wave a note in front of Anurielle's face, and she, having led you into the office, will tell you about a wagon with a valuable cargo. The carriage travels from Riften to Windhelm - it goes slowly and is poorly guarded. The information is very useful.

Return to Rikka and she will send you to meet with the scouts north of Riften, at Shor's watchtower. At the head of the scouts is Khadvar. As in a similar task for the Stormcloaks, the wagon broke down, and we have two options: to attack the guards ourselves or with the help of scouts (they will help with fire). The scouts can be persuaded to wait until nightfall, but there is no point in that.

A sentry roams the high cliff - if you accept the help of Hadvar's group, they will "remove" him from their bows.

The cart is guarded by several Stormcloaks. If you have no desire to fight, you can run from them in circles until the immortal Khadvar finishes the latter. Don't forget to loot the chest on the cart. Talk to Hadvar and return to the legate.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: if you followed story quest"Endless Time" and Riften went to the Empire, you won't be given this quest at all.

Battle of Fort Greenwall

Fort Greenwall has strong walls and a small courtyard.

The battle for Fort Greenwall is another typical battle. The fort is located north of Riften. When ours win and the enemy counter is reset, return to Tullius. He will say that the legion is already at the very doorstep of Ulfric, and soon the decisive battle. And we go to Winterhold, to the secret camp.

Fort Kastav - the rescue of comrades

Torches were shining everywhere, they were looking everywhere - no weapons were found.

The legate will give a new alignment: captive legionnaires languish in Fort Kastav. Khadvar's raiding group has taken refuge in the hills under the fort, and she will be happy to send us ahead to save the legionnaires.

Unlike the "mirror" quest for the Stormcloaks, you won't have to look for a secret entrance here for a long time. The hatch is right under the wall. There are several sentries inside the fortress. The key can be stolen from them, but it will not bring much benefit, so it is better to free the prisoners by removing the keys from the bodies. The prisoners will return the armor, but the weapons are tight, so they will have to help in the battle - they will not fight much with their fists.

Find Hadvar in or near the fortress, give him a report and return to Tullius, who will make the hero a legate and give out heavy Daedric armor.

Battle of Fort Amol

Quite unexpectedly, Fort Amol, along with the legionnaires, was attacked by an ancient dragon. They finished it off only in the morning.

Our next stop is the camp in Eastmarch, from where the hero will be sent to the battle for Fort Amol. This is a classic "percentage" fight - the last one in the story. After him, the legate Rikke will immediately send him to Windhelm, where the final act of the drama about the struggle between the "reds" and the "blues" is about to take place.

Battle of Windhelm

"We have met again, my old enemy!"

Ulfric's catapult fire charges are flying out of the city, but General Tullius and his soldiers are already standing in the "dead zone" at the very gates. After a short speech, the group will enter the city.

The main task is not to destroy enemies, but to go through the entire city and as quickly as possible get to the royal palace, where the Earl of Windhelm settled. The main passage to the palace is littered with barricades (this time - real ones, which cannot be pierced with a sword or an arrow), so we will have to immediately turn left, go down to the cemetery, walk through the narrow streets under the figurines of ravens, turn right under the high walls and thus be at the entrance to the palace. Enemies will spawn on our way, so if you are not confident in your abilities, stick with the main group of legionnaires.

You don't need to do anything inside. If you wish, help Tullius and Rikka deal with Ulfric and his faithful dog Galmar. The last choice is to deliver the final blow to the defeated Jarl or to salute the general.

In any case, the war has been won, and we only have to destroy individual Stormcloak groups hiding in the hills if we want to!

Stormcloaks - Skyrim walkthrough. While the Empire wants to have total control over Skyrim, and constantly sends its troops to the province, there are those who oppose it - the Stormcloaks. The most brave and daring Nords gather under their banners to defend the independence of Skyrim.

The player has the right to side with either the Imperial Army or the Stormcloaks. There are no unambiguously “bad” and “good” here. Each side has its own truth and its own "skeletons in the closet."

How to join the Stormcloaks?

For an introduction, head to Windhelm, the Royal Palace, and find Galmar Stonefist there. He is recruiting new recruits, and tell him if you want to join. Galmar will say that new fighters are always needed, but you need to prove that you are worth something.

Joining the Stormcloaks

You need to pass a small test - go to the Serpent Stone (it will be marked on the map), and kill the ice spirit near it. Comes, we kill, we return, we take the oath, we get the clothes of the rebels - it's done. Welcome to the Stormcloaks.

The passage of the next three tasks was sent to us by Mikhail Pletnev

Jagged crown

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
Essence of the quest: You need to find the legendary Jagged Crown

So. Our path lies in the ancient burial of the Nords called Corvanud:


Galmar says that he will arrive there before us, even if we leave earlier. Okay, let's see. But as he did not boast, he arrived at the place later than me, albeit only five seconds. Not the point. The soldier reports to him that the Imperials have settled near the entrance to the burial. And that they are very warm there by their fires, and the Brothers are frozen. Disorder. We must convince the Imperials to leave. Desirable forever and by lethal methods. And now the last imperial dies by your hand and the path to the ruins is free. We go in and find six more Imperials. They, too, are not destined to survive today. We pass on, methodically exterminating the Imperials. But suddenly Galmar senses an ambush. "Salage", that is, we are invited to try to go further, and they will come running to the sound of the battle.



In my opinion, this imperial is mentally retarded. No, well, think for yourself - what person in his right mind would stand on flammable oil under a jug with something burning? Well, he's worse off. Either we throw off with a bow or spell, or we go into close combat. In addition to him, there are 4 more guards in the room. As soon as we attack them, Galmar and company come running. Imperials safely go to hell, and we go to the next level of burial. And almost at the very beginning of the level, we will meet a door, to open which you need a claw lying nearby. The puzzle is for children, but here's the answer.



We pull off the dagger from the button or take it away, and a secret passage opens, which leads to a room with floor traps. Be careful when opening the chest.


Otherwise, you will be assured of an excess of metal in your body. You do not need to touch the lever, it will only close the door behind you. We take everything we need and go back. Now we need to go to the other side along the catwalks.


There will be a handle to pull on. As soon as the grate opens, four Draugras will come out of the coffins. We send them to the realm of the dead, where they belong, and move on to the Crypt. “The crown must be here somewhere. Spread out and stare, ”says Galmar. And who is that sitting on the throne there? Bah, he has that same Jagged Crown on his head.


But naturally no one will give it to us good (who would doubt it). The draugram will have to prove that they are wrong, and we need the crown. As soon as the last draugr falls from your (or maybe not your) hand, we take the crown from the commander. Behind the throne, by the way, there is a wall with another word of power. That's it, the Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave. I mean, it's time to take the crown to Ulfric. But do not rush to run back down the corridors. Near the wall with the word of power there is a small wooden ladder, climbing along which we will find a corridor that will lead us to the temple - the first part of the burials. We return to Ulfric and give him the crown. He asks us to give Jarl Whiterun Balgruf ... an ax. Well ... An ax is an ax.

Message to Whiterun

Gives: Ulfric Stormcloak
The essence of the task: You need to take the Jarl of Whiterun the ax of Ulfric and wait for an answer.

We go to Whiterun, to the palace.


If we come there for the first time, then the jarl's tan will block our path. We say that we are from Ulfric, and they let us through. But if this is the first time, we will have to first complete the quest on the main line - find the sign and kill the dragon. Only then will it be possible to receive an answer.

So we got the answer. Balgruf decided to return the ax to Ulfric. Well, that's his choice. We return the ax. Ulfric has decided to go to war against Whiterun, and we, no doubt, will find a place in the front ranks. Our way lies to the Military Camp near Whiterun.


We come, listen to Galmor's pretentious speech and go into battle. Our task is to lower the suspension bridge. We move to the other side in any way (jump over the moat, climb the platforms, etc.), climb the gate and lower the bridge. Then we enter the city, killing everyone in our path, and we reach the castle. There, you can first interrupt the guard, and then take up the Jarl, or you can immediately hit the Jarl on the head. Then there will be a pretentious dialogue in something like this.

Jarl - “You will regret what you did! You are evil! "

Galmar - “Stop talking. Our city! "

And it’s true. The city is ours, and it needs power. And we are sent to Windhelm to report the victory.

Battle of Whiterun


We just kill the whiterun guards and the Iperians, make our way to the mechanisms and lower the bridge, break into the dragon's limit and overthrow the jarl.

(My opinion: I really liked the current Jarl = (and instead of him now the old fart will be. But I will not support the Empire)

At the end of the mission, you will be sent to the petrel.

Liberation of Skyrim

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
The essence of the assignment: Systematically liberate one fort after another, exterminating all the Imperials in them.

We go to Ulfric and inform us that Whiterun is ours. Now we will be called Ice Veins. And it dawned on Ulfric that if we were given more freedom, there would be more benefit too. But it's too early to rejoice - we are still sent to Falkreath (unobtrusively saying "But I would like you to go to Falkreath") and asked to help Galmar. Well, what to do, let's go.


Galmar asks us to free Fort Neugrad. We need to meet with the scouts southwest of this fort.

Note: If Galmar does not have the line "Waiting for orders" or something similar - run around or come from another point on foot.

We meet and talk with one of the scouts - an old acquaintance of Ralof. He says we need to sneak through the caves under the lake to the fort's prison and free the prisoners. Then we run out into the courtyard and the scouts will help us deal with the remaining imperials. If you say that we do not know how to sneak, the answer will follow “I believe in you. But if there are problems, run out into the yard and we will help. ”Okay, we go to the lake and, diving, swim to the passage. For those who do not know how to sneak - everything is simple. We run into the courtyard, we beat the Imperials, the scouts come running to help, and we free the prisoners. For secretive characters, too, nothing difficult - went into the prison, found the prisoners, killed the guard sitting next to him, took the key, opened the cells and went out into the yard. Now you need to kill all the Imperials in the yard. There are not many of them - 4-5 bodies. And then you need to go directly to the fort itself and kill the Imperials there - there are already about a dozen of them. But six are sleeping in one room, so you can secretly kill three or four, and kill the rest in close combat. When we kill all the Imperials, you need to talk to Ralof - he will express his gratitude to us and ask us to tell Ulfric about "our" successes. Let's go and tell. Now we will be asked to "Free the Reach".


War Booty

Gives: Ulfric Stormcloak
The essence of the assignment: You need to find material for blackmailing Rerik - the manager of Markart.

We go to Markarth, to the Podkamennaya fortress. We need Roerik's room. The entrance is patrolled by a guard. You can wait for it to pass and sneak in, or you can drink a potion of invisibility. Decide. One way or another, we take from the chest of drawers the Talos amulet belonging to Rerik. We go with him to Rerik, he will call us to his room. He will tell us about a wagon train with silver and weapons that can turn the tide of the war. You can also ask for something for yourself if your eloquence is good. Now with this information we go to Galmar. And he will ask us to go along with the scouts and rob the caravan. I have wanted to do this for a long time and now, I got a chance. We go and meet again Ralof. He says that the cart is broken and they are camped nearby. Several options for action - you are acting alone; Rals and co kill the guards, and we continue; with the whole crowd we rush into the camp and kill everyone we see. Regardless of the option of action, we kill the Imperials and go again to Galmar, to the Camp Limit.

Battle of Sangard

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
The essence of the task: To recapture Fort Sangard


Everything is simple here - we go to the fort and beat it off. We need to kill about 30-40 Imperials. Just kill, with the help of the Stormcloaks.

Note: on weak machines at this moment the game may lag terribly up to the state of the slideshow.

We kill all the Imperials and return to Ulfric.


Gives: Galmar Stonefist Essence of the quest: Forge the documents of the Imperials.

We need to forge documents, but to create a forgery we need the original. And we have to get it. We go to the tavern "Dragon Bridge"


We speak with the hostess and ask about the imperial messengers. Information can be pulled in three ways: persuade, bribe, and intimidate.


One way or another, having obtained information, we go to the mark on the map. Just in case - four out of four times killed him near a broken wagon on the road leading south of the tavern. We find, kill and take away documents. We attribute them to Galmar, he immediately gives us a fake (works quickly) and says to take it to Morthal, to the Legate Taurin Dulia. We go to visit.


You can find him in many places - he walks throughout the village. If GG is dressed "out of shape", then Duliy is a little indignant, but we will tactfully dismiss him, saying that this is more imperceptible to enemies. We return the document and that's it, we again brought the Brothers' victory closer.

Battle of Snowhawk

Gives: Galmar Stonefist
The essence of the task: To clear the fort from the presence of the Imperials.

Another mission to clean up the fort.


You can go directly to him. We arrive at the place, and with a gallant cry “Come one by one Imperial muzzles! I will kill everyone - I will remain alone! " we rush into battle. And so, when the last enemy fell by your hand (or maybe not by yours, or maybe not by your hand), we go to Ulfric Stormcloak, for another bun in the form of leather armor, full of Stormcloak officer's armor (the same as and Galmar), and a new title - Stormblade. And, of course, a new task. This time it will be Solitude.

Liberation of Solitude

Gives: Ulfric Stormcloak
The essence of the task: Knock the Imperials out of Solitude.

We go to the Haafingar Camp, to Galmar.


He gives us another quest to clean up the fort, this time - Fort Hragstad.


We go to him and arrange a global genocide for the Imperials. Then we return back to Galmar, to Haafingard. There (perhaps a little running around and tormenting) we get an order to help in the attack on Solitude. We go to him, near the gate we meet a dozen soldiers, led by Ulfric, making a pretentious speech.


We are waiting for its end and we enter Solitude. We break through to the gloomy castle, killing all the Imperials on the way. Difficulties may arise in the beginning, as the roads can be confused. If you go up the slope almost at the very beginning, you will stumble upon a grate that cannot be opened in any way. It is necessary not to go up to it, but to go further. There will be a passage to the courtyard.


We pass through the courtyard and enter the castle. This is followed by a pretentious skirmish between Ulfric and Galmar on the one hand and Legate Rikki on the other. The legate takes out a weapon and tries to attack us, together with General Tullius .. No, well, no mind, no imagination. Two for three, while two of us own the Voice. We punish both. Next, we will have a choice - to kill the General ourselves, or let Ulfric kill him. The essence will not change. Well, and the finale - Ulfric's pretentious speech to the soldiers.

Skyrim has two large factions, each with its own goal and idea. The Imperial Legion seeks complete control of Skyrim, while the Stormcloaks are in favor of an independent empire. Everyone has the right to choose for whom he will play - BB or Empire.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of them is right and who is wrong. The player must choose his own path, each of the factions, be it the BB or the Legion, have their own secrets that they would not want to remember. And the main character bears a great responsibility for the future of the empire and the entire people, will he be able to stop the war? Deeper and deeper into the plot, he will learn more and more about each of them and reflect on each action. To join the Stormcloaks in Skyrim for independence, you need to talk to Galmar Stonefist, he is located in Windhelm, according to compatibility Windhelm is the capital and stronghold of independence. There we need to find the Royal Palace, which will house Galmar Stonefist. After talking with him, he will give a simple task to exterminate the ice spirit. After killing the spirit, all that remains is to take the oath and receive a uniform, it is not necessary to wear it.

Think it was too easy to join them? Then let's get started on the Stormcloaks quests in Skyrim and see if a worthy test awaits us. The first task is given to us by Galmar Stonefist, the same one who recruited.

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We must secure the crown in Corvanud to raise the majesty of Ulfric Stormcloak. And so, we arrived at Corvanud and one of the Tempest scouts reports that the Imperials have settled in the cave. Galmar, who is also a combat commander, gives the order to storm the cave and exterminate all Imperials. In the cave, after the extermination of all the Imperials, we will meet a door, which requires a claw to open, it will lie next to the door. Further, along the way, killing the imperials and draugrs we meet, we will get to the grate, to open it, you need to go up the stairs to the top and remove the dagger from the button. A secret door will open, we will go along the walkways and reach the lever, thereby summoning the dead and opening the door to our comrades. Then a small fight with the draugrs and we take the crown from the throne. Everything. We return to Ulfric, we return the crown, we receive reverence and the next task.

"A Message for Whiterun"
Ulfric wants me to take the ax to the Jarl of Whiterun. We come to whiterun, talk to the Jarl, the Jarl refuses the ax, which means war. We come with this news to the Petrel. He orders an attack on Whiterun, and we will take a place in the forefront. We kill all the imperials in the fortress, overthrow the jarl. We return to Windhelm and speak with Galmar, he asks us to free Fort Neigrad.

Liberation of Skyrim
We must meet near the fortress, with the scout Ralof, he tells us that our prisoners are in the fort and suggests that we quietly make our way into the caves under the fortress, free the prisoners and kill all the Imperials in the fortress. After that, we talk to Ralof and return to Ulfric to report the results.

"War Booty"
He gives us a new task, we must steal the amulet so that we can blackmail Rerik - the manager of Markarth. He tells us where the caravan with silver and gold, which can turn the tide of the war. We meet with the scout, he says that something is wrong with the cart and the caravan has set up camp. We go to the camp and kill everyone, return to Galmar and report on the results.

"Battle for Sangard"
He will give us a new quest so that we recapture Sangard from the Imperials, go and kill everyone, return to him. Galmar gives the "Disinformation" quest, we must steal the imperial documents, go to the Dragon Bridge, kill the messenger and take the documents. Then, having forged them, we give them to the legionnaires.

"Battle for Snowhawk"
The next task is given to us by Galmar, we must free Snowhawk, everything is simple - we go and kill.

Freeing Solitude
We will receive the final task from Ulfric. We must kill all the legionnaires in Fort Hragstad, after cleaning we go to Galmar, he asks for support in the attack on Solitude. We go to Solitude, listen to the instructions of the Petrel and clean up Solitude, then there will be a skirmish between Ulfric and General Tulius, we can both kill him and put it on the conscience of Ulfric. These were all quests, Skyrim is now independent.

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The Stormcloaks are the opposition to the Empire, which seeks to completely control Skyrim and constantly station its troops in the vicinity. The Stormcloaks, in turn, confront her and fight to keep Skyrim independent. Among them you will meet the most daring and fearless Nords. None of the warring parties can be called right. Each has its own good and bad sides, as well as its own secrets. Therefore, passing the Skyrim game gives the player the right to take either side.

How to join the Stormcloaks?

To join their ranks, find a certain Galmar, nicknamed the Stone Fist, in Windhelm. He is in the Royal Palace and is conducting a recruit for new recruits. Tell him you want to join the guild. He will answer you that there is always a need for new soldiers, but you must bring proof of your usefulness.

Joining the Stormcloaks

The introductory assignment will not be difficult and short at all. Find the Serpent Stone (the map will help) and destroy the ice spirit near it. Complete the task and return to Galmar. Then read the oath and put on the clothes of the militia. Everyone, congratulations, you've joined the Stormcloaks.

Jagged crown

Next, Stone Fist will ask you to find the Jagged Crown for the passage of the Skyrim game. You need to go to the old Nords burial ground. It's called Corvanyud. Whenever you step out, Galmar will claim to be ahead of you. Try to arrive at least five seconds ahead of him. The warrior will report that the Imperials have already invaded the tomb and are waiting near the entrance. In addition, he will complain that the Stormcloaks are very cold, and the Imperials are warming themselves by their fires. You need to expel the Imperials, or better just kill them all. When you have dealt with everyone, the road to the ruins will be clear and you can enter. There you will meet six more enemies - kill them too. There will still be Imperials ahead of you. Do not spare anyone. Further Galmar will begin to suspect an "ambush". He will ask you, as a "rookie", to go check and make a promise to join the battle, if anything. They will hear her. If you want to complete a walkthrough of Skyrim, don't rush forward. Try to go from above first.

The Imperial downstairs probably isn't very smart. He stands in a pool of oil that ignites easily. And above his head is a flaming jug. Drop it on the enemy's head with either a spell or an arrow from a bow. Or you can just join him in battle. Besides him, four more guards are in the room. When you attack them, you will see Galmar running in with his men. Deal with the enemies and go to the next tier of burial. Upon entering there, you will stumble upon a locked door. A claw near the door will help open it. In addition, you will have to solve a very simple puzzle. Just line up the animal on top, then the bird, then the rest of the picture. You will then be taken to a room with a locked grate. Of course, you need to figure out how to open it. Above it, you will find a dagger lying on a button. Take it to play Skyrim. Then you will see a secret passage opened. He will lead you to a room full of traps. Open the chest very carefully.

Otherwise, you cannot avoid the bullets fired at you. Do not press the lever - it closes the door. Take everything you need and go back. Then get through the ledges to the opposite side. Then you will see a handle that you need to push. Thus, you will open the grate, and at this time four Draugras will appear from their coffins. Kill them and proceed to the Crypt. Galmar will report that the crown is close. Start looking for her. Then on the throne you will see a person on whose head rests the thing you need.

Of course, the passage of the game Skyrim cannot be so easy and he will not give you the crown. You need to take her from the draugr by force. Destroy everyone and take the crown from their commander. And behind the throne, you will find a new word of power written on the wall. Now take the found crown to the customer. However, take your time and don't run through the hallways. Near the wall where you read the word of power, there is a small staircase made of wood. If you climb up it, you will see a corridor leading to the temple. It turns out that this is the first burial site. Then head to the Petrel, give him the crown. He, in turn, will send you to take the ax to Balgruf, Jarl in Whiterun. This will be your next assignment.

Message to Whiterun

You need not only to hand over the ax to Ulfric, Jarl in Whiterun, but also to wait for his answer. Travel to the Palace in Whiterun. In the event that you get there for the first time, you will be stopped by the jarl's tan. To play Skyrim, tell him that you are coming with a message from the Petrel. Then they will let you in. In addition, if you have not been there yet, first go through the quest of the main plot (find the sign and destroy the dragon). Only then will you receive an answer.

It turns out that Balgruf made the decision to return the ax to Petrel. Make his wish come true. But Ulfric still intends to start a war with Whiterun. And you, of course, will be at the forefront. So, head to the military camp, which is located in the vicinity of Whiterun.

Go there and listen to Stone Fist's rant. Then join the battle. You need to open the road to the suspension bridge. Go to the opposite side as you like. You can climb over the ledges or jump over the top of the moat. Then climb up the gate and lower the bridge. Enter the city through it and destroy all the enemies you meet. Get to the castle and kill all the guards in it, and after them take hold of the jarl. With him you will have a pompous dialogue. The Jarl will insist that you will all repent of your deeds. And Galmar will shout for him to be silent and that you have conquered the city. You are really successfully completing the passage of the Skyrim game - after all, you captured the city, which now needs command. You will be sent with a message about the victory in Windhelm.

Battle of Whiterun

Deal with Whiterun's guards and Imperials. Get to the devices and go down the bridge. Then rush to the dragon's limit, where you will overthrow the jarl. After completing all tasks, go to Ulfric.

Liberation of Skyrim

Now Galmar, nicknamed the Stone Fist, will ask you to conquer the forts one by one and kill all the imperial enemies there to complete the Skyrim game. Head to the Stormy Petrel and tell him that you have captured Whiterun. Your nickname is now "Veins of Ice". Finally, Ulfric realized that with more options, you would be even more useful. But be patient to rejoice, at first you will be insistently asked to go to Falkreath and give support to Galmar.

And he will give you the task of recapturing a fort called Neigrad. Move forward to the meeting with the scouts who are located in the southwest of the indicated fort. Note: in the event that suddenly the inscription "Waiting for orders" or something like that does not appear near Galmar, you need to run around it or approach from the other side on foot.

Go to a meeting with the scout. It turns out that he has known Ralof for a long time. The scout will inform you that you will need to make your way through the caves at the bottom of the lake to the prison, which belongs to the fleet. And then free all the captives and quickly move to the courtyard. You will receive help from the scouts in the battle against the Imperials. The further passage of the Skyrim game depends on your level: you can tell them that you do not have the skill of stealth, but they will say that they believe in you and are ready to support you as soon as you find yourself in the yard. Head towards the lake, dive into the water and swim towards the passage. If you still don't know how to sneak, just run into the yard and start a fight. Then the scouts will come running to you, and you will free the prisoners. And if you own stealth, go to the prison and release the prisoners (first kill the guard at the door and take the key to the cameras from him). Then deal with all the enemies in the yard (four to five people). Now go to the fort and kill all opponents in it (about ten people). Six of them fell asleep in the same room, so half can be killed secretly, and the rest in open battle. After clearing the fort, talk to Ralof and listen to his words of gratitude. He will send you to report your victory to Ulfric. To complete the Skyrim game, go to him and get a new task, which is to free the Reach.

War Booty

Ulfric Petrel will ask you to find data that can be used by blackmailing the manager in Markarth Rerik. Head to the Stony Fortress in Markarth and find there a room owned by Rerik. The door there is guarded by a guard. Wait until he leaves and quickly make your way into the room. You also have the ability to use a potion that will make you invisible. In the chest of drawers, take the Talos amulet, which belongs to Rerik, and head towards him. He will lead you to his room and tell you about a caravan loaded with weapons and silver, which can greatly affect the course of the war. Then report everything to Galmar and, together with the scouts, go to rob the indicated convoy. On the way, you will meet Ralof, who will report the breakdown of his wagon and the placement of his camp very close. The passage of the game Skyrim again gives you a choice: continue the task on your own; Ralof and his people deal with the guards, and then all of you rob the camp together and kill all the enemies.

Either way, take out the Imperials and then head to Camp The Reach to Galmar.

Battle of Sangard

Now you have to retake Fort Sangard on the orders of the Stone Fist. The passage of the game Skyrim gives you a simple task - head to the fort and fight it off. Kill about 30 Imperials. The rest of the Stormcloaks will help you.

Note: here the game can run very slowly on not very powerful computers. You can even see a slideshow instead of a game. After completing the task, head back to Ulfric.


Galmar will ask you to falsify documents belonging to the Imperials. However, first, find their original. Go to the tavern called "Dragon Bridge" and talk to its owner. Ask her about the empire's messengers and get the information you need. To do this, use bribery, fear, or persuasion.

Having received the necessary information, move to the point marked on the map. You will find the messenger near the broken cart on the way south of the tavern. Kill him and take the papers. Give them to Galmar and get the forged copy right there. He will ask you to transfer the fake Legate named Taurin Dulius to Morthal.

The Stormcloaks of Skyrim are a rebel opposition group opposing the Empire's imperial control over the northern province. Among their ranks are the most daring and fearless Nords, who obey the main leader named Ulfric Stormcloak. The group controls most of the eastern territories and sits in Windhelm.

Neither side of the conflict is objectively right, so the player decides who to choose - Stormcloaks or the Empire. "Skyrim" offers to go through two completely different chains of story quests (depending on who Dovahkiin joins), the outcome of which will determine the further fate of the northern province.

How to join the Stormcloaks

This quest is a mirror image of the introductory quest to the Imperial Legion, but this time the hero must speak with one of the rebels.

If at the beginning of the passage of Skyrim, in Helgen, the player chooses Ralof's company and leaves the caves with him, then the first entry about the quest will appear in his journal. Otherwise, you will have to look for the rebels yourself.

After that, you can move towards Windhelm, where Ulfric Petrel himself sits. Let's pay attention to his armor: unfortunately, we will not be able to get the same, but later we will have the opportunity to get the Stormcloak officer armor of Skyrim. We speak with Ulfric, and then we go to the next room, where we will be introduced to our faithful companion - Galmar.

Acceptance in the ranks

Galmar will load Dovahkiin with the first task, the completion of which should show one simple thing - whether the hero is worthy to join the Stormcloaks. We leave for the island, which is located not far from Windhelm, to kill a couple of ice ghosts.

As soon as the task is completed, we return to the city and find Galmar. We swear an oath of allegiance and become one of the Stormcloaks of Skyrim. Armor and other distinctive features of this faction will become available only after completing some quests.

Jagged crown

Next, we will be asked to find the Jagged Crown - an amazing artifact with which Ulfric can secure his position. We open the map and follow to the indicated mark. Arriving at the place, we find a squad of Imperials who are also hunting for the crown.

Galmar meets us inside the ruins, so it will be easier to fight the legionnaires. In the third room we will be asked to go around the top and check the level for safety. We go to the right and we pass in the direction of the next hall. A bunch of opponents awaits us there, with whom we can quickly deal with - we use an oil puddle and a bowl of fire for this. Soon the rest of the Brothers will join us, and together with them we will reach the Hall of Stories. We select the key-claw and open the locked door with it (the symbol of the wolf, the symbol of the insect, the symbol of the dragon).

We follow further, go upstairs and find a lever behind the bridge - it opens the next door. We fight off the draugrs and, finally, we reach the Jagged Crown. She rests on the head of a rather strong opponent, so you will have to deal with him too. At the end of the quest, we will have the opportunity to go over to the other side and take the crown to the Imperials, that is, we will continue to participate in the war, but against the rebels. By the way, getting the Brothers' armor in this situation will be much easier, since it can be removed from killed opponents. Another way - special mods for the Stormcloaks of Skyrim.

Message to Whiterun

Having dealt with one task, we get a new one. This time we must go to Whiterun to present the jarl of the city with a special ax. If the jarl accepts him, then this gesture will mean union with the Stormcloaks of Skyrim, if he does not accept, there will be war.

We deliver the ax to its destination and appear before Balgruf and his advisers. After a short meeting, the jarl will give up the ax, so we will only have to return with this news back to Ulfric.

Battle of Whiterun

After the quest appears in our journal, we leave for Whiterun. There, on the outskirts, we will find Galmar and a whole army of Nords. The attack itself will begin after a short but gripping speech from Councilor Ulfric.

We run along with the Storm Brothers army towards the city walls, break through the barricades and get to the lever that will lower the main bridge. We penetrate the city and begin to fight the legionnaires. The main task of the quest is to reach Dragon's Reach (palace) and kill, therefore, you will have to fight off numerous defenders. By the way, during the battle for Whiterun, the hero will not be able to interact with the locals and go inside houses, shops and taverns.

In Dragon's Reach, in addition to the jarl, we will face his advisor and the usual garrison, who will try to fight back. You don't have to kill them all - we just hit the jarl until he stops the battle himself.

Congratulations, we've managed to conquer Whiterun and earn more recognition from Ulfric Stormcloak. As a reward, the hero gets a promotion, a unique cannon and, of course, a new task.

Liberation of Skyrim: Capture of Falkreath

The Liberation of the Northern Province is a special operation in which the Stormcloaks take over several forts. By the way, it is at this moment in the plot that the player can reach the mission "Endless Time" and try on two conflicting sides.

The first region we will recapture after Whiterun is Falkreath. We leave for the rebel camp indicated on the map and meet Galmar there. He will inform us that the legionnaires captured a group of Stormcloaks, after which they placed them in Fort Neigrad. We will organize a rescue operation together with our old acquaintance Ralof, who will offer us two options for attack: a direct attack on the forehead or inconspicuous penetration into the fortress.

In any case, further battle will take place side by side with the freed hostages. We deal with the opponents in the central building of the fort, talk with Ralof and return to Windhelm, where a well-deserved reward awaits us.

Walkthrough Skyrim: Capturing the Reach

The next task can only be completed by blackmail and theft. We must get evidence that Rerik worships the god Talos, which is forbidden in modern Skyrim.

We make our way into the palace and go towards the personal chambers of the assistant jarl (they are located on the right side of the throne). One of the chests contains an amulet of Talos - we grab it and go to the central hall to talk to Rerik. The jarl will be very scared and agree to cooperate, telling about the imperial caravan. A little later we will go to capture it together with Galmar and Ralof.

We receive a new decree from Ulfric - we need to take control of the Sangard fortress. In the process of capturing, we will be forced to suppress the imperial soldiers until the percentage of their strength drops to zero.


After the documents are corrected, we go to Morthal and deliver the message under the guise of a messenger.

Battle of Solitude

After several successful captures of the fortresses, we will receive an order to capture Solitude. We leave for the gathering place and listen to Ulfric's parting speech. The road to will be teeming with imperials, so we boldly run forward and deal with everyone who is fighting on the side of the opponents. The main thing is to get into the courtyard, since the way up ends in a dead end. The final confrontation awaits us in the castle. After a small battle, we have a choice: kill the general ourselves or grant honor to Ulfric.

By the way, if we played for the side of the Imperials, then after killing Ulfric (mirrored quest) Dovahkiin could get that very heavy armor of the Stormcloaks of Skyrim. In the finale of "Battle of Solitude," we are rewarded with the sword of vampiric suction.