What can be found at the bottom of the river. All these items were found at the bottom of the river. Pike fishing in the Leningrad region

As you remember, last Saturday many caring people went to clean up the city pond in Yekaterinburg. In connection with the reconstruction of the Makarovsky bridge, the water level in the Iset was greatly reduced by draining the water.

Many people were surprised by the artifacts that they managed to find at the bottom of the city river. This is the whole story that I will now show you.

Among the garbage, there were rings, fittings, boots, cartridges, dead crayfish, cosmetic bags.

Among other things, an old ax was found.

Bottles and a lot of fittings.

Most of all, these artifacts surprised me: a pistol. Or maybe he is from the gangster 90s?

Trolley from the store. For what, why and who threw her into the river?

Road signs. Who had the idea to drown them?

The other side of city fireworks.

And this is only a small part of everything that could be found. Among the finds were more: a human skull, a car and cartridges.

I wonder what other secrets our rivers keep in themselves?

Photos used in the post from my personal archive, as well as from the portal 66.ru

Volgograd, May 14 - AiF-Volgograd. Divers say you don't have to look for underwater treasures in distant seas... The bottom of the great Russian Volga River, almost along its entire length, conceals many mysteries, and even the most real treasures. Especially many such rarities are periodically found in the middle and lower reaches.

Diving into the past

They say that a special atlas of sunken ships has been created for the Black Sea to help divers. Compilation of the same underwater "guide" for the great Russian river will obviously take much longer. Due to the frequent change of the river channel, the creation of deep-water reservoirs on the Volga, the exact location of even very large ships and other rarities is still unknown.

“Today the picture of the river bottom is very unpleasant for a person who loves and respects nature,” explains Evgeny Toryannikov, a diver from Kamyshin. "Every year there are fewer and fewer fish, and there is more and more garbage on the river bed."

But even on such a day, unexpected finds happen.

“For me personally,” admits Aleksey Nosov, a diver from Volgograd, “it was a complete surprise to find the skulls of prehistoric animals at the Volga hydroelectric station at the bottom of the Volga, and just a couple of them per dive. Biologists I know told me that this is a species of a wild bull from the post-glacial period. "

No less often, teeth and fragments of vertebrae are found on the Volga coast prehistoric shark, ancient molluscs, algae. After all, once instead of a river valley in the lower reaches of the Volga, a warm shallow sea splashed. And in early January 2013, another sensational find was made directly opposite the central part of Volgograd. During a training dive, divers from a local rescue station found a gigantic bone 150 meters from the shore.

“Under the water it seemed that it was a log, but they lifted it up and saw that it was a mammoth tibia,” said Alexander Sivolobov, head of the Central Search and Rescue Unit of the Volgograd Oblast Rescue Service.

The find has already been transferred to the local museum of local lore. However, the bones of prehistoric animals are clearly not the most valuable, which is concealed by the river, which was an ancient trade route at the dawn of civilization.

“I know of cases when a coin minted in ancient Rome was found right in shallow water,” says Yuri Voitov, a local historian from Volgograd. - As for the "treasures of Stepan Razin" and the legendary "golden horses of Genghis Khan", buried somewhere near the banks of the Volga in remote ravines and at the bottom of small steppe rivers, you can talk for hours. One of the most probable places for such "treasures" is the giant Sarpinsky island not far from the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station, as well as secluded ravines and caves between the Volga and Don rivers. Fifty kilometers higher from Volgograd, north of Dubovka, the waters of the reservoir constantly wash out fragments of medieval ceramics. It was in those places that until the 14th century the richest Golden Horde burial was located - Vodianovskoe settlement, or Beljamen. All finds here have a seven-hundred-year history. "

Underwater art gallery

Near Volgograd there is so much under water that the bottom resembles a real exposition. Directly opposite the passenger river port, closer to Golodny Island, there are fragments of a sunken barge from the times civil war... Not far from the newly built bridge lies a well-preserved Luftwaffe bomber. The number of large watercraft flooded in the Volga - tugs, steamers, barges - is measured in hundreds. Last summer in the water area of ​​the Volgograd reservoir in the Erzovka area was held under the title "Secrets of Stalingrad Convoys" with the participation of divers from several regions. With low visibility, the divers still managed to examine the remains of several ships. And downstream, in the Svetloyarsk region, at a depth of 15 meters, they found a sunken ship from the time of the civil war. The cartridges with the stamp of "the plant of his imperial majesty" were raised from the bottom. During additional dives, it was possible to establish that it was originally a civilian wheeled tug. In the hard times it was hastily converted for military purposes.

According to the law, even if such “bottom exhibits” have no historical value, the costs of lifting them should be borne by the owners of the vessels themselves. On the section from Kazan to Astrakhan, the only floating complex "Mighty" with a postscript to Volgograd is engaged in a special ship-lifting expedition. His recent achievements are the lifting of the bulk carrier "Ivanovo" (displacement of almost 3000 tons) in the Samara River and the notorious "Bulgaria" near Kazan.

According to the recollections of the Stalingrad people, in 1942, a barge sank from Nazi bombs near Stalingrad, to which a priceless collection of paintings was evacuated. At world auctions, the sunken collection would have been valued at astronomical sums. We are talking about the collection of paintings of the Stalingrad Picture Gallery that disappeared without a trace. There were the creations of Aivazovsky, Perov, Benoit, Kramskoy, Korovin, Levitan, Serov, Vasnetsov, Somov, Shishkin, Polenov, Soviet avant-garde artists. It is known that in the fall of 1941 the collection of paintings was prepared for evacuation to the village of Ilovatka, which is 250 km up the Volga, but there is no information that the priceless paintings arrived at the intended place.

“Perhaps some of the paintings of the Stalingrad Gallery didn’t perish, didn’t drown while crossing, but somewhere waiting in the wings,” suggests art critic Tatiana Gafar.

Disorder with "orders"

The Volga is potentially rich not only in cultural artifacts. Employees of the federal center "Leader" repeatedly came to Volgograd for the emergency liquidation of aerial bombs found at the bottom of the Volga by local divers. In the Traktorozavodsky district, in October 2008, the center's specialists at the bottom of the river destroyed a German SD aerial bomb weighing 1,800 kilograms, and literally a month earlier, miners destroyed a 100-kilogram German aerial bomb and three mortar shells in the same area. Prior to that, they were at a depth of seven meters practically on the ship's course. The list of such dangerous finds is far from complete. A considerable threat to the life of divers on the Volga is carried not only by objects of war, but scraps of nets and tackle of poachers - the so-called "orders". A fragment of each "order" is an eerie sight - a powerful wire string, from which rope cords with sharply sharpened hooks extend, to which sturgeons and belugas cling. From Volgograd to Astrakhan now not a year passes without injuries and deaths of divers from such traps.

Recently, one of the largest oil-producing industrial companies put forward an initiative to clear the Volga bottom from the rubble of household industrial waste in the region of Saratov and Volgograd. If at least part of the plan comes true, the legendary river will breathe more calmly and, perhaps, will begin to actively share with us really valuable treasures.

Until relatively recently, such tasks as exploring the bottom of reservoirs and searching for objects in the water were available only to professionals. Only special teams of divers or special equipment, available only at the state level, could find something at depth. However, over the past decades, a lot has changed, and nowadays modern technology for searching for objects at depth has become available both to private companies and even to individuals interested in such work. Remotely controlled unmanned underwater vehicles have ended up in the hands of everyone - how affordable have such search operations become nowadays?

Let's first figure out what can generally conceal reservoirs in their depths and why many are in a hurry to explore the bottom of this or that lake. In historical places, reservoirs can be real treasures of various artifacts. Armament, ammunition and other consequences of hostilities, traces of ancient cultures and their life, tools and other interesting samples - all this is still found at the bottom of lakes and rivers. Almost all of the above was made of metal in the old days, so today it is enough to use a metal detector to detect important artifacts. However, water bodies are often explored for professional purposes - during construction and other tasks.

What is TNLA?

So what are ROVs? This is equipment for exploring any body of water and searching for objects on it without immersing a person in water. This robot is controlled from the ship, as a rule, by one person or a team. Power supply and information exchange is carried out by means of a carrying cable that connects the device itself to the ship.

Metal detector capabilities

What equipment is used to search for deep artifacts and objects? The simplest tool is a water metal detector. The device notifies about any metal objects at close range, however, the disadvantage of the equipment is that you can never know for sure what the metal detector found until you get to the object yourself.

Scope of application of the echo sounder

A more modern and efficient device is an echo sounder. This is a unique equipment that has made tremendous progress these days and, in conjunction with computer technology, allows you to explore deep places as accurately and conveniently as possible.

Sounder is a bottom scanning instrument powered by sound and ultrasonic waves. The device makes sounds that propagate along the bottom of the lake, and when the sound waves are reflected and returned, the computer creates a clear picture, converting the sound information into visual information.

As a result, you can see on the screen the shape and size of any objects found at the bottom of the reservoir. This equipment is extremely accurate and capable of detecting small items such as single fish, not to mention large finds.

Modern echo sounders are truly irreplaceable. They allow not only to search for objects at any depth, but also to create a map of the bottom, which can later be guided by. Of course, working with only the forces of divers, it will be much more difficult to find something, especially at large depths. And it is extremely difficult for divers to navigate in the water without a clear map. Therefore, ideally, divers "come into play" after the echo sounder has detected objects and the bottom has been mapped. Paired with a water metal detector, the sonar is a powerful tool for finding any objects on the bottom of water bodies.

The echo sounder is able to scan the bottom of the lake very quickly - modern models allow you not even to stop the boat and search and compose on the go interactive map bottom. Thanks to the echo sounder, you can create three-dimensional maps, taking into account the depth of the reservoir and the topography of the bottom surface. Moreover, experts can even establish its structure due to the quality indicators of the equipment - how silty or hard it is.

Thus, it is safe to say that prospecting in water bodies is becoming more and more accessible to everyone. Today, the search for objects in the lake can be carried out not only by a professional team, but also by individuals, using TNLA. Even the simplest models of underwater robots can find all large objects at the bottom of most lakes. So if you have always dreamed of finding a chest of gold or other treasures of antiquity at the bottom, then today you have such an opportunity. Even if your search does not end with grandiose discoveries, exploring the bottom will be a lot of fun anyway.

The Amstel is a river in the Netherlands that flows into the North Sea. At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. a small village arose in the river delta - the future Amsterdam. The settlement grew, enveloping the river channels in a network of streets, striving downstream to the sea.

Not so long ago, in the sprawling city, it became necessary to build new metro lines, so for safety reasons several water sections had to be drained.

It turned out that the river channels flowing within the city are a real archaeological repository. Archaeologists had a rare opportunity to study objects that fell to the bottom of the river during the life of tens of generations.

During the research, the specialist managed to collect more than 700,000 different finds. Among them are both objects of the modern era and real historical artifacts: medieval dishes, cutlery, kitchen utensils, coins, smoking pipes of all sizes ...

Upon completion of the search work, the archaeologists of Amsterdam created the website belowthesurface, where you can learn more about what has been accumulating at the bottom of the river for centuries.

Searching for coins and treasures along the banks of rivers, lakes, reservoirs is a very promising business, and with the right approach, it can bring many finds.

I think all treasure hunters know that they tried to build settlements near natural reservoirs. This desire arose in our ancestors by no means accidental.

The proximity of the water had a very great importance, since in those distant past times there was no pipeline, and a tap with hot and cold water.

In the reservoir: they washed clothes, bathed and washed, took water for household needs (drink, water the cattle, water the gardens) and other needs. For a long time, on the banks of the rivers, people organized festivities, fistfights, in general, had fun after difficult working days.

And of course, under the influence of alcohol, during a fight, or simply while undressing to take a dip, people lost: coins, crosses, chains, rings and other valuables that we are so persistently looking for.

In winter, the river played the role of a transport route; various goods were transported downstream or upstream by sledges across the ice for exchange or sale to other villages, or to a large Uyezd town, if it was not far away.

They also organized mini-fairs, well, it is known where the goods are, there is money, coins were lost from the "chilled" hands, fell out of the pocket together with the handkerchief taken out, etc. Such "losses" fell on the snow - ice, and when the snow melted in the spring, they ended up on the river bottom. If it is in shallow water, then you can get it, how, I will tell you later.

First, let's take a look at promising search locations.

  1. Gentle slope of the river bank;
  2. Shallow water, or the bottom of a river or lake;
  3. Sand that is periodically washed by a dredger from the bottom of the reservoir;
  4. Paths that go down to the river (you must definitely look for them, there are a lot of finds);
  5. High bank of the river;
  6. Places where rivers merge, especially pay attention to the presence of a ditch, or a hill, it is a great luck to discover them.

All these places are the most valuable in terms of searching for coins and other antiquities, and according to the statistics of treasure hunters, there are the most finds there.

To search for coins in the shallow water of the river, you need to purchase a metal detector with a sealed coil (for example), such a coil is specially designed for searching in water, we examine shallow water, and do not forget about safety precautions.

Do not pay attention to the fishermen sitting next to or opposite, if they ask, answer that you lost the chain last year, it is unnecessary to devote them to all the subtleties of the search, people are different.

Usually, a river bank with sandy and clay soil, and as you know, in this type of soil, coins are well preserved, so there are not very many "kokaliks".

To search on the bottom of rivers and lakes, one cannot do with one waterproof coil, and generally put the metal detector aside, we need a "search magnet". It is not a problem to buy it now, it is not very expensive.

In any case, you will quickly recoup the magnet, especially if you simultaneously hand over ferrous metal, which you will come across a lot when searching. There have been cases when gold and silver royal coins were taken from the bottom of the rivers with a search magnet, so I think it's worth a try, especially since the search on the beaches and river banks is allowed by the new law of Mr. Putin.

The old water mills deserve special attention. But it is very difficult to look for them, I will tell you about this in a future article in more detail, but now I will say that "water mills" were built in the narrowest part of the river, where the flow is fast, and you need to look not for the mill itself (of course you need to find it first), but the final and long-awaited goal is the miller's house, where all the calculations for the grind were made.

It is there, according to treasure hunters' reports, that there are deposits of small (mostly) coins. I have been looking for one mill for three years now, the village was just huge and was located on a vast territory, so the search area is very large, and so square by square, I hope to find it soon.

It was not possible to calculate along the riverbed, it most likely changed directions many times.

As for the treasures, I personally know the comrade who found in the reeds a box with ten silver rubles of Catherine II !!!

I think my advice, and in general, the article will help you at least a little in your search along the banks of rivers and lakes, and you will find your treasure, or a few coins-rarities. Good luck. Read our blog ...