GTA 5 Paleto Bay robbery. Paleto Bay Heist). Possible losses of gang members

If you forget about all the ploting peripetias, creating around three (Michael, Trevor and Franklin) for a minute, as well as it is necessary to appreciate the three of these types, you can with horror or, on the contrary, with rolling fun to realize that throughout the game We are engaged in the most natural ones. We are not aware of this, because they empathize characters, we delve into their personal problems, becoming an involuntary member of the hard crime.

Anyway, most of the main missions are associated with the receipt of money, and far from the most honest way. Rather, absolutely dishonest, criminal! This is especially true of those stages when major heroes begin to plan large robbers. Agree, it is these missions that are the most cool in the game, and all thanks to the detailed specificity of this "fishery".

Of course, there are no talk about plot chains, however, we will tell you in detail how to plan our own robbery and make it as in solitary gTA mode 5 and in multiplayer.

A little about the theory of robbery

Before moving to the hardest craft directly in the game, let's try to figure out the very essence of such an event as a robbery.

In GTA 5, the developers for the first time focused on this topic for the first time, because she very successfully helped build long and very interesting tasks line, which it is interesting to deal with the face of all three available characters.

It is then that you begin to penetrate such a controversial, it would seem, the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing three heroes at once instead of a traditional loner. After all, to turn such a thing without the help of other people - the task is practically impossible. It is necessary to plan everything from and before, and then it may be that two hands just do not have enough.

To clearly divide this conditional robbery into several logical stages:

  • Preliminary phase;
  • Planning phase;
  • Active phase;
  • Phase escape.

Now consider each of these stages to understand how Michael thought, Trevor and Franklin at all stages of their Dark Delisers.

Preliminary phase

So you decided to rob the bank, the store, collector car or something else. The point does not change. You need a team of people to turn everything as quickly as possible. You also need tools for improving. Under the word "tools" is meant vehicle, technical devices and even balaclava masks in order not to "burn" their face with law enforcement agencies.

Phase planning

Having gathered all the pieces of puzzles and, more importantly, the performers, because the car itself will not go, and the barrel of the machine will not head for a discouraged rye of the cashier, we begin planning. This means that you need to simulate the future enterprise in all the smallest details: pick up temporary intervals for all actions, coordinate them with other participants, to work out all sorts of circumstances in order not to be in hopeless position. It is at this stage that you can reveal all weak spots Plan, and then return to the previous phase and prepare better.

Active phase

Actually, this is a robbery. According to the work plan, you and your accomplices are starting to fulfill all its items. But be prepared for the fact that anyone, even the most detailed and clearer, the plan may not resist the circumstances of force majeure. And then you need to improvise, search for compromises, via ML] The possibility of switching between characters, as it will allow you to react to such incidents in time.

Phase escape

The final stage of the bank robbery in GTA 5 is escape that includes a rather dangerous ride on cars and often includes shooting on charser. An important role is played by the driver's skill, because even if you did everything right at the previous stages, the lack of first-class "droves" can question the whole thing. This once again returns us to the importance of the preparatory phase and planning.

How to rob shops and ATMs in a single game

Of course, you first need to find out if you can get in the plot campaign mode using robbery. However, if you ask about this other game fans, they will surely answer you that this is possible only in the plot, while outside of pre-prescribed missions it is impracticable.

But some will answer you that this opportunity will open only after, so you need to be patient.

However, in fact, the right will be the first, because GTA 5 does not provide for the possibility of organizing their own thefts, raids and robbery. Roughly speaking, there is simply no of this functional in the game, so we turn to the online component. Suddenly there is something like that?

How to arrange a robbery in GTA Online?

Since network gTA version 5 are constantly updated, developers add all new and new opportunities so that the multi-millionth army of fans does not bother. And thanks to such extensive support through the release of patches, addons, additions, extensions and other downloaded materials, in Grand Theft AUTO. Online has the opportunity to arrange bank robbery.

However, if you were waiting for, together with other players, they gather on a secret apartment to plan the perfect crime, then we will again pull you out of sweet fantasies and show a harsh reality. The fact is what is really there, but is quite strange. And now you will understand why.

So, you are logged in and ready to break into the nearest bank to fill the pair of bags of ever-green currency.

To begin with, looking for a building with an appropriate sign. We go inside, inspect. Of course, there is no sense to arrange a delicacy here, because the specificity of the robbery is somewhat different. We need to find a storage that is usually located below, at the base level. Therefore, first of all, look for a staircase leading down, so you will get to the goal faster.

How to open the bank repository door in GTA Online?

Now that you are standing in front of the repository, the only thing that separates you from the coveted pieces and feelings of a competent crime, this is a massive armored door, which looks as if able to withstand a direct hit of a tank projectile.

Do not rush to run behind explosive devices and comrades who will help you "endure" the bank's repository door in GTA Online, because for successful robbery you do not need the first nor the second. To open the storage door, just ... Pop up it! Yes, yes, just pop up, and she, to your genuine surprise, will open, not trying to block the road anymore.

Note that sometimes one pink may not be enough, and then you will have to spend a little more time, but somehow the door will still open to let you go to your contents about which we will talk now.

How to open a bank cell in GTA Online?

So, behind the door we are waiting for a room with bank cells. In them and are the savings of Los Santos inhabitants, which we have rummaged to assign themselves. At this stage, difficulties begin.

No, it's not about the need to blow or make some complicated actions, we are talking about to open cells for quite a long time. It is not very clear why developers generally made such an opportunity, and even more so not the logic that they were guided.

Judge yourself: the game does not show any interface that would suggest how to open cells. Having tried to open them with kicks, you probably notice that there will be more blows to the opening than to open the storage door! But even more strange it seems that not all cells can be opened, and not in all cells can be money. To the fact that sometimes it falls for a few minutes to work on the metal surface to work with the foot, so that later to finally get to the contents of the cell.

At the same time, during this strange "robbery", the police does not leave for you, and the Bank's protection, and did not care about the fact that some kind of man went down and slides on the storage door (and what is the fun - seeks the result!).

In short, the developers apparently decided to leave this way of earning for those who do not want or cannot earn them in ordinary modes games. And maybe for completely dubbed gamers.

Bank robbery using mods

Drawing at the storage door and spending no extra interest half an hour with cells, you can remember the wonderful opportunity to put. Indeed, they often allow you to expand the original functionality by adding new items into it.

The GTA series is traditionally very popular among the fashion community. New mods appear literally every day, and not only for the newest games of the series, but even for old GTA 3 and Vice City.. .

We also consider another similar modification - "Trifecta" s Heist MOD ", which has a couple of differences.

How to rob a bank with a fashion bank robbery

Everything is quite simple. To become a happy owner of $ 75,000, go to the bank and along the already known scheme, find the storage at the base level. If the mod is installed and works as needed, then at the moment when you stand next to the repository, your character will inexplicably make a bag. In it we will add cash from cells.

The principle of the opening of the cells will be the same as when there are similar tasks in the story campaign, so that it is not necessary to drop them into the cells, trying to open them in such a ridiculous way.

You will also have to act quickly, because it is when you own the first pack of currency, the police will rush to your detention. You will receive three stars, which means that at the exit of the bank you will certainly be waiting for the servants of the law enforcement.

This is the most responsible stage of the entire enterprise: you need to get sick as quickly as much as possible. To do this, in front of the bank you can put a pair of cars in advance to sit in the one next to which the opponents are less.

Well, then the classic: put the pedal and surprise from the chase. If you played GTA, you probably know how to do it without much risk. That's all, you have money!

How to rob a bank with a trifecta mod "s Heist MOD

As it was already written earlier, there is another mod that implements the robbery in solitary mode Grand Theft. AUTO 5. It is called "" and has similar capabilities. Differences are only two.

First, the size of the revenue is much more. If "Bank Robbery" awards the player with money in the amount of 75 thousand dollars, then it is several million here.

Secondly, the conditions of passage changed. In order to complete the task, you need not only to get away from chase, but also to take money to a certain place, which is considered safe for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creator of this modification.

What exactly to put the mod - "bank robbery" or "trifecta" s heist mod ", to solve you, but there are no fundamental differences between them, because the money is single much Do not have any cool.

Members: Michael, Trevor, Franklin

The mission we pass after the task "".

Michael and Trevor quarrel before the robbery, but Franklin sees them. Trevor is sad about Brad, who sits in prison, and Michael about the family who ran away from him.

The alignment of the robbery is such - three comes to the bank, take money, and Franklin will take them away by boat.

We sit in the van and go to the point where we leave Franklin, then we carry the main robbers to the jar.

We tear into the building and run to the repository. We take money ($ 8,016 $ 020), and then leave from there and the cat scene begins, which then goes to action in the style of "Terminator 2". We shoot police from a six-power heavy machine gun, being wearing heavy armor. And you have five stars of search.

Go to the desired point. The main character Almost invulnerable, but the bullets fall into the bag with money, so we lose no health, but cash. Therefore, we hurry!

Fences on their way can be demolished using machine guns.

When the brave Guys-Special Forces Nose appear, you need to quickly shoot their cars and blow them up so that they do not have time to come out and take the position.

Seeing the helicopter that carries the tank, do not waste bullets on it - unfortunately, it is invulnerable and needed for the next development of events.

Then switched to Franklin, which has changed plans, as the waterway is blocked. And he is on the bulldozer, yes. Drive to Michael and Trevor. Do not worry about the firsters of the military, you are also practically invulnerable in this heavy machinery. But if you stop or knead, you will shoot the tank, and it is already bad.

We select your gang and go to the plant.

There will be the last major shootout. Pretty simple, typical corridor shooter. Properly use shelters and clean your way. More from you is not required.

With any scenaries, you will get about $ 444,000 for brother for bank robbery in Paleto. The remaining millions will go to the FIB.

Passage of the Mission "Paleto Robbery" by 100% (Gold):
- Release more than 4000 bullets.
- Finish with an accuracy of shooting at least 50%.
- Complete the task to the maximum for 16:00.
- Draw Paleto Bay Damage per 1 million dollars.

Features and secrets:
- You can try with the help of this mission. After completing it, buy Shares Clucking Bell, they will be cheap enough, about $ 158 per share. After some time, the shares will grow in price, up to $ 275-290. You can safely sell them.
- If you chose Paks as an arrow for this mission, he will talk about Nico, Derrik and Michael from the mission "" in

Most recently, the fifth part came out legendary Series "GTA", which continues to amaze all gamers. With each new release, the game is becoming increasingly impressive in all plans, both graphically and in technical. "GTA 5" is an incredibly diverse project that includes as rich scene lineSo and a huge world for Frying with an abundance of opportunities. However, as always, one of the most pressing issues remains earnings to accommodation. Unlike previous episodes, in the fifth portion of the price is absolutely all quite high, so you will not work out, warming the trifle from passersby on the street. Accordingly, you need to study more complex and dangerous methods - for example, how to rob banks in GTA 5. So you can receive a lot of money, but at the same time you will expose yourself a serious danger.

Bank robbery

So, if you want to rob banks in "GTA 5", then you need to prepare for this action thoroughly. This is one of the most difficult and dangerous processes in the game, so if you go to the case of Namaum, then only failure will be waiting for you. In the game you can rob different points and objects, and all of them have its own level of difficulty. The easiest way to carry out towards ATMs - you will need to just wait for a person who wants to make money. It is for him that you need to attack to get funds. You should also pay attention to which they go throughout the city. They have at least five thousand dollars for armored doors. But here you need to think about a little more aspects: how to stop the car, where to do it, how to get rid of collectors how to hack the door, how to hide. Do not forget about the fact that in the game you can rob the stores, it is from them to you and you need to start practicing if you plan to go to banks later. Well, naturally, the most profitable way of earning is a robbery of the bank, as there are usually a lot of money, but also the protection is abuse. So the most important thing in this case is to clearly represent exactly what you will do. Therefore, in this article you will learn how to rob banks in "GTA 5" correctly.


The bank robbery is not a single action, it is a full-fledged complex in which each element should be thought out to the smallest detail. Accordingly, if you are wondering how to rob banks in GTA 5, then you should start with the preparation of everything you need for a raid. At this stage you will need to have enough money to buy clothes and masks to hide the personnel of the raiders, buy a weapon that is best suited for assault, as well as transport where you will be hidden from the crime scene. Also do not forget about special devices that will allow you to open the safes faster. Separately, it is worth saying about how to rob banks in "GTA 5" in single gameSince onnaine you can collect a whole gang of other gamers, and in a single game you will need to cope on your own. Do not forget about one of your characters, as each of them will play an important role.


The next stage is one of the most important, since it is precisely during its implementation that you can work in detail the future events. If you are not ready for planning, then you better do not think about whether you can rob banks in "GTA 5". You need to decide how you will enter the building who will bear what responsibility. Must be to be a person who will crack the safe, the other must be a guard, the third is to hold the bank's employees, so that they do not raise the alarm, otherwise you will have problems. You need to think not only about how to start robbing a bank in GTA 5, but also to complete this event.


So it's time to move to the most responsible part of the entire plan - directly to the robbery itself. Here the most important thing is to stick to the plan for each character to fulfill the role to him. If two people go to blow a safe, then either hostages will remain without attention, or this will give it a serious threat to your plan. Accordingly, everyone should do what he is prescribed, while not mistaken, as in such an important case any misfusion is a serious delay, and it is poured into a huge danger for the entire event.


Well, the last stage, which cannot be called less important than all the previous ones is a retreat. You need to have pre-prepared transportation at the bank entry, so as not to spend time in search of a suitable car. Your goal is to hide the persecution that can be made by different methods. But one of the most efficient is an underground parking that you can detect in advance at the planning stage. There you can either hide from persecution, or change the transport so that you cannot track you.

GTA Online Heists. - Robbery is completely new cooperative passing in GTA Online, allowing players to unite in the team and pass a number of robbery tasks, raids and robbery. Robbery in GTA 5 Online Include a chain of missions, new weapons, vehicles and scenarios that make players to show their team skills and cohesion. Tell the command, select a role and robbery strategy, organize strong communication and coordination that will give the key to success and passing elite tests to obtain additional funds in the game.

There are five robbery that need to be completed in GTA Online, including one designed for two players as learning. In addition, there are a series of tests for passing, which will be awarded players for the first passage of robbery, per passage of robberies in order or with the same group of players, as well as one big test requiring the passage of all five robbery on high level difficulty - with one group of players, in order and without deaths, award-winning such testing of a criminal inspirer will be $ 10 million dollars.

Robbery in GTA 5 Online

WORKING FLEUSE: Entry robbery for two players associated with theft of bonds from a secure storage cell in FLEECA Bank, for lenter Cross.

Prison Escape: Secondly, the robbery, and the first-demanding full group of four players, includes a complex plan for the challenges of the Bolingbroke prisoner.

- Raid Capture Lab Humane: Robbery with the participation of the raid on the Humane Research Lab, similar to the MONKEY BUSINESS Mission from a single campaign.

Series-A Funding - Harvest: Robbery includes collecting various drug packages for Trevor, as well as aless assistance in their delivery to the location of the transaction in El Gordo Lighthouse.

The Pacific Standard Job - Chapel Pacific Standard: Final robbery, which includes robbery of a large bank Pacific Standard Bank.

First of all, the organizer is needed to commit a robbery - the leader leader leader. Any GTA Online player who has reached the level 12 and owns an expensive apartment, where the headquarters will be located in the future and robbery will be conducted. Further, the group needs robbers, in the amount of 3 people - any GTA Online players, the character level does not matter. During preparation, the leader of the group distributes roles to all participants, as well as the percentage of the future $ revenue. In addition, all financial expenses at the stage of formation, also covers the leader of the robbery, while not receiving a cue to the end of the robbery. The progress of the passage of tasks is saved only by the leader.

Preparation for robbers in GTA Online

Pump your character's level
Even if most group players are suitable for the requirements and have ranks 01 or 12, you must make sure that you are ready and mastered gaming mechanics To start passing robbery. After all, the higher the level of your character in the game, the greater the volume of ammunition and more best weapon you have. In addition, you are available more improvements and items that will help you survive when robbery and easier to complete the mission.

Update your Arsenal
During the robbery, you will be coming across the opponents at times more and smarter than in simple missions, it will especially be noticeable when passing elite tests. Give the weapon in the store more vigoring and ride at Los Santos Customs as far as possible to turn good luck to your side. Grenadas and RPGs are very recommended.

Interact in the group effectively
Here will not ride the passage in the style of "Wolf Single" how it works in simple missions GTA. Online. Robbery require coordinated group game, operational coordination and cooperative interaction. You will have to point out the location of the cover group, suggest the driver or synchronize the movements of two players of hackers working with the electronic security panel. Therefore, we recommend to have a voice link between the participants of the group.

Practice on missions
To gain more experience and do not fall into the dirt face with sudden moments during the passage of robbery, we recommend that you participate in simple missions, which include such aspects as: group interaction, combat maneuvers, management various species Transportation, deposit of the police, jumping with parachute and TP.

Awards for passing robbery in GTA Online

For training robbery, players get players robbers, that is, the leader of the group does not get anything. However, upon completion of all stages of robbery, the revenue is divided into the entire group. Shares are determined by the group leader.

The Fleeca Job

Financial expenses at the formation stage: $ 11,500

Light Level (Easy): $ 57,500
Normal Level (Normal): $ 115,000
Difficult Level (Hard): $ 143,750

The Prison Break.

Financial expenses at the stage of formation: $ 40 000
Revenue at the end of the robbery:
Light Level (Easy): $ 200,000
Normal Level (Normal): $ 400,000
Difficult Level (Hard): $ 500,000

The Humane Labs Raid

Financial expenses at the stage of formation: $ 54,000
Revenue at the end of the robbery:
Light Level (Easy): $ 270,000
Normal Level (Normal): $ 540,000
Difficult Level (Hard): $ 675,000

Series a Funding

Financial expenses at the stage of formation: $ 40,400
Revenue at the end of the robbery:
Light Level (Easy): $ 202,000
Normal Level (Normal): $ 404,000
Difficult Level (Hard): $ 505 000

The Pacific Standard Job

Financial expenses at the formation stage: $ 100,000
Revenue at the end of the robbery:
Light Level (Easy): $ 500 000
Normal Level (Normal): $ 1,000,000
Difficult Level (Hard): $ 1,250,000

Bonus awards for the passage of robbery

All the following bonuses can only be obtained once.
  • After performing the final stage in each robbery, you will receive an additional $ 100,000.
  • After performing all the robbees on a straightener, including preparatory missions, you will get another $ 1,000,000 (All in Order Challenge).
  • After performing all the robbery missions, including training robbees in the same command, you will get from above $ 1,000,000 (Loyalty Challenge).
  • After completing all the robbers in order, and preparatory missions, including, at a difficult level, to do without a single death of the group players, you will get another $ 10,000,000 (Criminal Mastermind Challenge) over the main revenue.
  • (For PS4 / Xbox One) - Perform all preparatory tasks And the final robbers in the first person mode (for this, the leader must fix the first-person chamber mode when preparing a robbery) (ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE).

Elite tests in GTA Online Heists - GTA robbery

Each robbery has a certain set of tasks by performing that until the end of the mission, you will pass an elite test. Basically, this is the completion of the robbery for a certain period of time or the execution of the tasks you need during the passage of the robbery. By completing the tasks from the discharge of an elite test for one robbery, you will receive an additional $ 100,000 for this mission. After performing all elite tests in all five robbers, you will be awarded exclusive T-shirt (mentioned T-shirt from GTA VICE City).

gta5 - This is a multimedia popular action that tells us a story about the adventures of three friends (Michael, Trevor and Franklin), mired to the gangster environment virtual city Angels Los Santos. Here you have to fulfill a whole bunch of fascinating tasks and missions, thanks to which you will increase your financial condition. Key feature This game is to control immediately three heroes. Each of them has unique skills that, if necessary, you can take advantage of any situation.

In this article, we consider one of the frequently asked on the Internet questions: how in gta 5 rob banks outside the mission? Let's try to figure out.

In the process of passing

On the forums you can often meet such discussions, where users assure that it is impossible to rob banks outside the plot. Some say that all possibilities are opened as passing. The mission in which we will have to rob the bank, called the "Paleto robbery". In GTA 5 total there are 62 mission and if you rely on this reasoning, then only almost at the end of the game you will have such an opportunity to disrupt big Kush.. Nevertheless, players who have passed the entire stage of the plot and could not carry out the long-awaited robbery. This suggests that this statement is incorrect.

Online version

Now let's look at the more likely versions. The first solution in this situation is game Grand. Theft. Auto Online. Yes yes, it is in online mode You have the opportunity to rob banks. Ask: why? Everything is simple. The fact is that all additional updates and other opportunities developers have been released only in spring last year, although the release of the game itself took place in September 2013. Was it done specifically or not, the question to the creators. However, there is an important nuance of this update: you will perform a task with one hero.

Principle of passage

To execute the task, go to the bank and find the input to the repository. Having determined the desired course, go down the stairs into the basement, where your object is allegedly located. Having found a large safe, you will be the main task in front of you - open a huge armored door. Some will think that it is not so easy. On this we, perhaps, object. You do not need a explosive nor additional weapons, because they will not help you remove a metal barrier. It is enough just to pop up the door with the hero. Yes, do not believe. Although B. real life It is incredible, but in GTA 5 possible everything. Thanks to the short kick, you will get free access to the storage chamber.

But the next task to open the cells may not be as simple. Even long-term kicks will not always help. Therefore, sometimes it will have to go away without "mining."

Use modov

Because in single game mode there is no possibility of bank robbery, amateur programmers developed a special script Bank. Robbery.which allows the player to rob at once two such major banking institutions as Fleeca Bank and Paciffic Bank.

With each successful operation you will receive at the expense of 75,000 bucks. If you are caught, then these money, respectively, burned. In addition to this Fashion, there is another interesting addition called « Another. Bank. Job» . Thanks to him, your kush will be not thousands, but millions. True, to enroll the green to the score you need to bring production to a certain place.

Principle of passage

To make a robbery, you need to go to the bank and determine the path to the repository. Calculates its location, go there. As you approach, you will appear at your back, in which you will need to fold the cash. At this point, you will be prescribed 3 stars of search. Therefore, you will have a limited time to fulfill the mission. If you manage to get away from the chase, then you will get this money on your own expense. It is necessary to carry out robbery often. Wait a certain time after last operation.

Robbery as an important element of the game

You know, sometimes it seems that the developers of GTA created this game as the ability to rob, rob and rob again. Here you can carry out the robbery of banks, shops, armored cars, intercept collectors, carbonate cars, rob passersby and the end of the ends of the robbers themselves. Straight some kind of peace of the attack syndicate, honestly. But, in fact, there is nothing surprising here, since the name of the game speaks for itself the "great robbery of cars". But, as you can see, on one robbery of cars, the Light Wedge did not come together. Nevertheless, all this somehow carries, making this game special.

Organization of robbery

Robbery is a fairly serious event to which you need to relate. In the course of the organization, such a large-scale crime you need a qualified and proven team. Each bank robbery is a clearly planned action consisting of these stages as:

  • preparation;
  • planning;
  • robbery;
  • the escape.

In the process of preparation, you select the team of people, look for the vehicle, and also take special clothes and the necessary tools for the tax. All these things you can buy on the money available.

The second stage provides for a thorough linelation of the action plan. Accordingly, each participant is distributed to the roles: one will stand on the entrance to the entrance, the second to monitor hostages, and the third is to dismantle the safe.

The main process is a robbery. At this stage, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the plan, since otherwise the heroes can get into the unpleasant situation with law enforcement officers. To control the operation, use the ability to switch between characters.

But the fourth stage is the most difficult - chase. You will chase the whole bunch of cops, besides not only by cars, but also at helicopters. In order to break away from air pursuers, hide in underground parking. In the process of waste, change the already illuminated transport. So you can disappear from the field of sight of law enforcement officers. This mission will be performed on this.