Teams in Dota (teams of Dota Allstars). Teams in Dota (teams Dota Allstars) General Dota game teams

This article lists the game teams Dota AllstarsYou can use during the game, commands are used both to specify the mode of the game and to display additional optional information.

According to the rules, all commands must begin with a dash sign ("-"), for example, "-ap", if several commands are used, then several commands are entered immediately, without a space and with one dash, for example "-apomso".

Common game teams Doti:

-AP or -allpick.

Each player can choose one hero from any tavern.

This mode will not work with the following commands: -ar \\ -tr \\ -lm \\ -mr.

-Ar or -allrandom

Each player is issued for one random hero from all taverns.

This mode will not work with the following commands: -AP \\ -tr \\ -lm \\ -vr \\ -mr.

-RD or -RandomDraft

Randomly determines the 22 hero of all taverns and players take turns choose the hero. Players choose the hero on the League Mode system, for thinking and the choice is given only 20 seconds. Due to the fact that the choice of heroes is greeted longer, then the crypts appear accordingly later, or rather for 3 minutes.

-sd or -singledraft

Random for each player is determined by three heroes (1 - dexterity; 2 - power; 3 - intellect) Of all the taverns, of which it can choose only one. Heroes available in the circle of power.

-dm or -deathmatch

After death, you get a new hero. The outcome of the game can be determined by the destruction of the opponent's base, or when the team reaches a certain number of deaths. In more cases, this mod is parallelly used with other mods, for example, with AR, AP, in case of aligning them, the player will receive a hero according to the Fashion rules, if it is -APDM, then you will be asked to choose a hero from any tavern again. And if it is mode -DM, then after death you will get a random hero.

This mode will not work with the following commands: -aa \\ -ai \\ -as \\ -tr \\ -lm \\ -mr \\ -vr \\ -shh.

-CD (Capitans Draft)

CD modes - a mixture of RD and CM, at the beginning you have a circle of heroes, like in -rd, only first the captains of the teams are bathing 2 hero from the circle, as on cm. At the very beginning there is a 15 second delay before choosing heroes in -CD, which allows two groups to look at their heroes.

-Em or -Easymode

The towers become weaker, and players begin to receive an additional amount of gold and experience.

The mode is designed for fast game, After all, the sides are pierced by Garado faster, farm and the growth of LVL becomes more quickly.

-cm or -captainsmode

Blue and pink slot are involved in the peak (choice) and the bath (prohibition) of the heroes, i.e. become captains. If the blue or pink slot is empty, the right to choose from and the heroes goes to the next slot. The captains of each side is given for 60 seconds for each ban / peak and 60 seconds of reserve. At the beginning, the captains are banyat of four heroes, on each side. Ban passes according to the principle of 1-1, i.e. The first captain Banit WD, the second SK, then again banits first. The peak of heroes passes according to the principle of 1-2-2-2-1, i.e. The first captain picks 1 hero, the second captain of 2nd. After players choose heroes from those who chose the captain. In the event that the captain missed his turn and did not ban the hero, then he will not be re-attempt. If he misses the peak of the hero, then the choice of the hero takes place on the rand.

Other game teams:

-RS (Random Side)

The place of each team is determined randomly. For example, if your team starts the game for SCOURGE, it may turn out that your team will start the game for Sentinel.

-DU (Duplicate)

Makes it possible to choose each hero again. For example, your ally chose an anti-mage, then you, and anyone else can take it again!

-Sp (Shuffle Players)

Randomly all players will be moved among themselves and teams. Convenient mod for people who want to confes the computer to distribute players by teams.

-XL (Extended League)

The captain of each team (blue and pink slot) has the right to ban three hero in taverns, after standard peak 1-2-2-2-1 occurs. Crimes will go for 4 minutes.

The team will not work with any modion of choosing random heroes.

-OM (Only MID)

Only Foreign Ministry, i.e. Centre. Crimes go only on the center line. Good mod For game 1x1, or 2x2.

-SC (Super Creeps)

On each side, once every ten minutes, one super cruple appears on the random path (may appear on the top \\ bottom \\ center line).

-LM (League Mode)

Players choose the heroes according to the principle of 1-2-2-2-1, the thinking is given for 20 seconds. In case you during this time did not choose the hero, it is chosen randomly.

-mm (Mirror Mode)

Immediately after the first minute, the heroes of each pair (Blue-Pink, Purple-Light Blue, Teal-Gray, Orange-Brown, Yellow-Dark Green) are changed to one of the hero of the pair. For example, your color is orange, you have chosen the hero of Rickmar, your opponent "brown" chooses an anti-magician, after a minute there will be a situation when you get an anti-mage, and in the enemy it will remain, or the opponent will receive Rikimaru, and your The hero will remain unchanged. The -mm command can only be activated when equal to the number of players, i.e. 2 for Sentinel and 2 for SCOURGE, or 5 VS 5, etc. Crimes will appear for 2 minutes.

This mode will not work with the following commands: -mm \\ -vr \\ -lm.

-tr (Team Random)

Each player is issued one by one random hero from its tavern.

This mode will not work with the following commands: -AP \\ -ar \\ -VR \\ - LM \\ -MR.

-MR (Mode Random)

Mod games are chosen random. It can be selected -ar, tr, -ap or standard mod (Normal Pick).

-VR (Vote Random)

Three selections of heroes are given to your eyes, you vote for which you want. Vote for the most liked using the -Option # team, where # - "1 selection of heroes", "2 selection of heroes" or "3 selection of heroes."

This mode will not work with the following commands: -lm \\ -mm \\ -ar \\ -as \\ -sh \\ -tr \\ -aa \\ -ai \\ -dm \\ -mr.

-RV (Reverse)

You choose the hero for your opponent, and the opponent chooses you accordingly.

-Oi (Observer info)

It gives the opportunity to see an additional information about whether the supervisor cursor on your heroes is enthusiastically. (! ...!)

-SH (Same Hero)

Blue player chooses one hero of the hero, which is played by everything. Mirror match.

-aa (All Agility)

Only heroes remain in the taverns who have the main parameter - dexterity.

-Ai (All Intelligence)

Only heroes remain in taverns who have the main parameter - intellect.

-As (All Strength)

Only heroes remain in taverns who have the main parameter - power.

The command can only be used in -DM mode, it sets the number of permissible deaths.


After your death, 1 of the items fall out of your inventory. If there are empty slots in the inventory, then there is probability that nothing falls out.

-NP (No PowerUPS)

The mode forbidding the appearance of runes. Most often, the given mod use when playing 1x1 \\ 2x2, for a more honest game.

-nt (no top)

Crimes go only on the central and bottom line.

-NM (No MID)

Crimes go only along the top and bottom line.

-NB (NO Bot)

Crimes go only on the central and upper line.

-NS (NO Swap)

Prohibits Use -swap command

-NR (No Repick)

It prohibits the use command -repick players.

-PM (Pooling Mode)

All other people's items can be used by all. Those. Anti-poling mode is disabled.

-Mi (Mini Heroes)

All heroes in dota decrease half of their normal size.

-FR (Fast Respawn)

Reduces the time of the rebirth of your hero at 50%.

-mo (Melee Only)

Only heroes with melee battle remain in the taverns.

-ro (Ranged Only)

Only heroes are left in the taverns with an attack of a given battle.

-er (Experimental Runes)

Experimental RUN mode. The new rune appears immediately after taking the previous one.

-SO (Switch ON)

Makes it possible to use the -switch command. Therefore, sometimes solves the issue with the Lovers, or through the chur the heroes with the aim of balancing the game.

Doty Player Teams:

Gives the player various messages, tips, tips for the entire game.

Gives you the opportunity to choose a random hero in mode -AP \\aa \\ -ai \\ -as, etc. In addition, you will receive an additional 250 gold.

-Random int.

Gives you the opportunity to choose a random hero with the main parameter: "Intellect", in -AP mode. In addition, you will receive an additional 150 gold.

-Random Str.

-Random Agi.

Gives you the opportunity to choose a random hero with the main parameter: "Power", in -AP mode. In addition, you will receive an additional 150 gold.

-MS or -movespeed

Shows the current speed of your character. Let me remind you that the maximum speed of the character is 525 ms.


Shows in the main plate artifacts in inventory at the allies.

The team showing how much experience and gold has been earned at Kilah.

Shows information on the number of killed \\ finished crips, as well as the neutrals killed by you.

Disables the information about the number of killed \\ finished crips, as well as the neutrals killed by you.

Allows you to exchange one player from one team, to another from the opposite team. When someone lifts, the inventory of the hero is blocked. Players can use the -Nlock command, but as soon as it is done, the -Switch team will not work more on this hero. The gold of the lever will also be frozen until you unlock or swap.

Unlocks the lever after the majority vote for the application of the command. Only after that gold and things of the hero will become available.


Disables the ability to use the ability of Chen, Test Of Faith - Teleportation of you to the base.


Includes the ability to use the ability of Chen, Test of Faith - Teleportation of you to the base.


After 60 second pause (i.e., your hero will not be able to move, not to use spells, stupid will stand still on the place where you have prescribed the command) it will teleport to its base. Most often this team is applied in case if you are stuck and there is no exit from this situation. When you receive damage, the action command is turned off and you can fight.


Sometimes there are some glitches in the game, and thanks to this team they can be corrected, it will take it only 2 minutes, and only works on Lycanthrope, LifStealer, Dragon Knight, Soul Keeper, and Tormented Soul.


Allows you to get a list of allied heroes, after reading which you can offer an ally to exchange a hero. Speaking the -swap X command, where the player's number, and the number you will receive from the list, offer the exchange of heroes if the ally will agree, it must register -swap n, where N is your number.


Includes messages that arise at the death of the hero.


Disables the messages that arise at the death of the hero.


Includes the mode of showing the murder of his crips, the crime you killed will be shown "!" sign. The old team is now enabled by default.


Disables the show "!" Sign.

-Doff \\ -don

Disables \\ includes the death timer (resurrection).

-roll XX.

Shows randomly the number from 1 to the maximum parameter 2000 specified in XX, the default value is 100. Those. Writing -roll, will show a random number from 1 to 100, and -roll 500, will show a random number from 1 to 500. The team is primarily needed to solve the disputes, in other words it can be called how to throw lots.

-Hhn or -hideheronames.

Hides the names of heroes next to the name of the players.

-mute on \\ off

Includes \\ Turns off the sounds in the game.


Shows information about the game modes.

Shows a list of all players who are inactive.

-KickaFK XX.

Throws out the players from the game that are in the state of AFC. Those. Inactivate more than 10 minutes.


Invites all allies with the exchange of your heroes.

-AH (Anti Hack)

A team that is domestic khaki, such as MapHack. Of course, the team is not ideal, she only hides some things in the game, for example, the runes, the immen on earth, only the shadow of the unit is visible, the modelka disappears.

-disableselection (-ds) / -enableselection (-es)

Includes / disables help caused by united units, for example, Techies, Invoker, Lanaya, etc.

Fully cleans the screen from messages.

-Music X.

Using this command, you can change the sound in the game. Instead of X, you can write any sound track: ORC1, ORC2, ORC3, HUMAN1, HUMAN2, HUMAN3, UNDEAD1, UNDEAD2, UNDEAD3, NIGHTELF1, NIGHTELF2, NIGHTELF3, OTHER1, OTHER2, OTHER3, OTHER4, Other5. As well as instead of X, you can register Random and random music from listed above will be loaded. And of course you have the opportunity to turn off the music, speaking instead of X - OFF.


Displays the chicken icon, and whether it shows it at the moment.

Shows the number of mines that you posted Miner. We all know that you can accommodate only 15 minutes, but sometimes it is stupid to consider them, so this wonderful team comes to revenue.

Shows the number of Silenser's intelligence stolen.

Shows how many times you used a multicast.

-fs or -fleshstr.

Shows the number of bonus strength you received using the Flesh Heap abhoves for Pudge.

Activates the test mode, thereby you become available test teams.

Shows the average accuracy of the MEAT Hook or HookShot (hook meat). Ingress are counted only if you fell into the hero.

Shows the average accuracy of ELUNE'S arrow (Potmia Street). Ingress are counted only if you fell into the hero.

Shows the number of bonus gold from the ability of Alchemist - Goblin's Greed.


Displays all invoice spells, as well as what combinations are needed to use them.

-RH or -rolHero.

Shows the random name of the hero. An interesting analogue command -roll.

Teams for changing the weather in Dota:

-Weather Rain.

Includes rainy weather.

-Weather Snow

Includes snow.

-Weather Moonlight

Weather in Lunne Lights.

-Weather Wind.

Windy weather.

-Weather Random

The weather is chosen random.

-Weather Off

Disables weather modes.

-water red

Changes the color of water to red.

-water Green.

Changes the color of the water to the green.

-Water Blue.

Changes the color of water to blue.

-water Default.

Changes the color of water to standard.

-water R g b

Changes the color of the water according to R, G and B. For example, -water 255 0 0 will paint our water in red.

-water Random

Changes the flowers of water to the randomy, i.e. It will be chosen at random computer.

Dysted teams for fan:

After using you any spell, the CD is resetting it, and the mana is completely restored.

Single Dotes Commands:

-Lvlup X.

Increases your hero level on x, where x can take values \u200b\u200bfrom 1 to 25, i.e. The maximum level obtained is the 25th.

Lack of gold? Use the team and buy the maximum.


Causes crips on the lines. You can use repeatedly, thereby get the army of crips.

Kills your hero.


Recharges all your abilities, including CD objects in inventory, as well as restores the maximum number of lives and mana.

-Spawnoff / -spawnon

A command for test mode allows it to turn off / enable the appearance of crips.


It makes it possible to choose an infinite number of heroes (i.e. removes the limits on the heroes).

It will work only after activating the -Test command.

You are new to Dota 2 modding and do not imagine how to create mods? This is a guide for you, the future Dota 2 modder!

Note: "Addon", "Mod", and "Custom Game" are synonyms in this manual (and in general on the whole site).

Near Dota 2 Modding

After you downloaded the ZIP archive, you need to open the directory ... Steam \\ Steamapps \\ Common \\ Dota 2 Beta and unzip Game and Content (folders should be united).

Next, run Workshop Tools - just go to Dota 2 and select Launch Dota2 - Tools (or restart, if you have already opened), and click once on barebones. Install it as an addon by default (Set As Default button), then click on barebones 2 times. Then go to Hammer -\u003e File -\u003e Open -\u003e Template_map.Vmap -\u003e Press the F9 key, check the box on Create Minimap On Load, and then BuildTo compile the card. After Hammer compiles your card, the user game will start booting in the Dota window.

Step No. 2: Creating a Card in Hammer'e

(Thanks Darkmio for the video)

Hammer. is a tool used to create peace in custom game. I strongly recommend that you start creating something in Hammer, instead of diving in scripting. You can have the most complex scripts and mechanisms in your addon, but how will people enjoy the game if the map will look terribly?

After you get to the point where the editing of the landscape is not available, this is probably the way to move on - to writing scripts.

BMD (one of English-speaking modders) made pretty good for beginners in Hammer video in English:

Step number 3: Scenarios and outside ...

Scropling (scenarios) are the next most important part of your addon. Scripting is divided by Lua.scenarios I. KeyValue (key value) Scenarios. I'm going to go ahead and redirect you in Russian, as it has essentially the same information that should go in this step.

I have already presented a ton of information for you so that you start to deepen yourself in Dota 2 modding! Becoming a good MapMayker in Hammer and to understand the Lua and KeyValue scripts to help you in creating successful and fun Dota 2 user games.


And so we have safely installed Dota 2 on our PC and even tried to play a couple of games, but we were embarrassed by control, the camera is badly moving, nothing is clear, we are not comfortable to play.

This guide will help us deal with this problem. I will list a large number console teams With which you can simplify the game, or configure yourself for a comfortable game.

Vertical synchronization

Ask yourself such a question: "Do I need to turn it on \\ disconnect?"
First you need to learn what hertes is your monitor.
By right-clicking on the desktop - Screen resolution - Extra options.
How do you see i have a widescreen monitor that in high resolution It is capable of keeping only 60 Hz. But the relatively good computer config can hold 120 FPS in the game even during striming.
The bottom line is that on my monitor, I see only 60 frames, if I have 120 FPS in the game, then my video card simply drives me 60 extra frames that I do not see, it heats up and cooler cooler.

- in some cases removes artifacts
- It is possible to get rid of the "jerks" when the FPS jumps sharply
- removes the enclosure of the image
-In the old games allows the video card to work not to complete power, thereby --- significantly reduce the temperature of the video card and noise, especially if the installed cooling system on the video card is weak and noisy
- In undemanding applications, reduces the maximum energy consumption of the video card

- in new and demanding games Perhaps a strong drop in performance
- Does not exempt from the load of the video card in very demanding games
- In some cases, where a very high frame rate and maximum performance, such as online Games or very dynamic shooters, vertical synchronization only harm

Who can include vertical synchronization - owners good computersbut having monitors who do not pull big hertesov, i.e if you have 75 Hz with more than 75 FPS you do not make sense to play, all other frames you will not see, vertical synchronization puts just the load limit on the video card, when the vertical is turned off, your video card will work on full.

Vertical synchronization works only in full-screen mode!
If you play in the window mode or in the window mode without frame, then it will not work with you.

After analyzing and making certain conclusions for yourself, I just put FPS_MAX 60 at myself, now when I play on the maximum settings in Dota, my video card is almost not loaded, and the difference between 120 and 60 FPS is visual or something else I do not feel, and In fact, I can not.

There is one more but - when the vertical sync is turned on, the smoothness of the cursor control is a bit different, personally, it is more familiar to playing with the old settings, so I just play without vert. Synchter with 60 fps.

Since Dota 2 is not so dynamic shooter as Quake III, Counter Strike. 1.6, I think that the difference in the FPS between 60 and 120 you will not notice (naturally if your monitor runs 60Hz).
As soon as I will spend the test at 120Hz monitor from 120 FPS, I will definitely be said, is there any sense in this or not, although judging by the dynamics of the game itself, we will not get any advantages, except for impairment of visibility on your screen, which are unnecessary Frames.

Startup settings

Enable console
1) -Consol
2) The console in the game is called the "E" key (default), it is "~", then you can change in the settings. (On some buttons, the value of the console does not bindover!, I advise you to put the console on (*).

Turning off intro (initial screensaver)
In the Stimple Library, click right-click on "Dota 2", open "Properties", in "Set Launch Options" (Set start parameters) Add -Novid.

We put a non-standard permission
In the Stimple Library, click right-click on "Dota 2", open "Properties", in "Set Launch Options" (Set start parameters) Add -w xxxx -h xxxx
Where -w. Horizontal resolution -h. Vertical permission.

Turning off the acceleration of mouse
In the Stimple Library, click right-click on "Dota 2", open "Properties", in "Set Launch Options" (Set start parameters) Add -Noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useForcedMparms.

Running a high priority game
In the Stimple Library, click right-click on "Dota 2", open "Properties", in "Set Launch Options" (Set start parameters) Add -High

Making Dota for yourself. (Autoconfig)

Use the following commands
Most solutions are commands that need to be entered into the console, or add to the autoexec.cfg file if you do not want to enter these commands after each DOTA2 restart.
In the console, the commands are entered without quotes.
In config, the commands are entered with quotes.

Information about autoexec.cfg and its meaning
autoexec.cfg. is an configuration filewhere you place your settings in the form of variables. This file is loaded immediately after the game is enabled, which allows you to not enter variables into the console each time.

The autoexec.cfg file opens with any text editor.
1. Open the "Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ CFG" folder.
1. Create a new text file (file extensions must be turned on).
2. Rename the "New Text document.txt" in "autoexec.cfg".


Conclusion Animation
Add to your "autoexec.cfg" command dota_Embers "0" Either add to "SET Launch Options" (set start parameters) command + Dota_Embers 0.

Approach about exit
dota_quit_immediate "1" (Default "0")

-Mine web pages
dota_html_zoom_override "0"
Need a value convenient for yourself, the team perceives negative numbers.

Changing menu
bIND "Key" "Gameui_ActiveVate"


- AutoToataka
dota_player_units_auto_attack "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Avtozakka the objects
dota_player_auto_purchase_items "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Aventing summons
dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Selfkaster of items, spells on double pressing
dota_ability_quick_cast "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Pricat group using Ctrl
dota_Player_multipler_Orders "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Jee allied units right mouse button
dota_force_right_click_attack "0" (off "0" On "1")

- Ince the mouse buttons
dota_swap_mouse_spellcast "0" (off "0" On "1")


dota_shop_force_hotkeys "" (off "0" On "1")

dota_shop_view_mode "0" (Standard "0" columns "1")

dota_sf_hud_shop_tree_animtime "0" (off "0" On "1" def "0.25)


- changing the size of icons
dota_minimap_Hero_Size "600" (Default 600)

- Touchoral icons players on Minikard
dota_minimap_simple_colors "0" (off "0" On "1")

- changing colors icons on minimar
dota_Enemy_color_r "" (Default "1" min / max "0-255")
dota_Enemy_color_g "" (Default "0" min / max "0-255")
dota_enemy_color_b "" (Default "0" min / max "0-255")

dota_friendly_color_r "" (Default "0" min / max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_g "" (Default "1" min / max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_b "" (default "0" Min / Max "0-255")

dota_neutral_color_r "" (Default "0" min / max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_g "" (default "1" Min / Max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_b "" (Default "0" Min / Max "0-255")

r G B color
0 0 0 Black
0 0 1 Blue
0 1 1 Blue
1 1 1 white
1 1 0 Yellow
1 0 0 red
0 1 0 green
1 0 1 Pink

-The view portraits / text of the heroes when alt is clamped
dota_minimap_show_hero_icon "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Un / off background minicards
dota_minimap_hide_backgro und "0" (Light "0" Dark "1")

-Then textual portraits, with alt clamped alt
dota_minimap_hero_name_shadowsize "8" (Default "8")

- Clear Click on Minikard
dota_minimap_misclick_time "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Time mapping ping "a
dota_minimap_ping_duration "0" (off "0" On "1" DEF "3")

- During the display Ping "A on the protection of the building
dota_minimap_ping_tag_duration "0" (off "0" On "1" Def "10")

-Dius at which Ping is triggered by building
dota_minimap_tower_defend_distance "0" (off "0" On "1" Def "500")


-Healthbar Hero
dota_hud_healthbars "3" (default "3" off "0" Solid, without divisions "1" with divisions "3")

Cyproced Indicator HP
dota_hud_healthbar_number "0" (off "0" On "1")

- changing the size of the division on HealthBar
dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250" (Default "250")

-Manny reduction of HP upon receipt of damage (instead of slow slaughter)dota_health_hurt_threshold "99999"
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0"
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0"
dota_health_hurt_delay "0"
dota_pain_decay "0"
dota_pain_factor "0"
dota_pain_fade_rate "0"
dota_pain_multiplier "0"

-Hellifier HP Bar Crips, when hovering
dota_hud_healthbar_hoveroutline_alpha "120" (Default)


Read more screen
dota_screen_shake "0" (off "0" On "1")

- To name Nicky players
dota_always_show_player_names "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Inecator Hero Finder, when pressed alt
dota_Show_Hero_Finder "0" (off "1" On "0")

- Sail Range.
Dager 1200.
Slak 1050.
Thover 700.

-Connecting the Range indicator of the active skiel when hovering the cursor to earth / enemy
dota_disable_range_finder "0" (off "0" On "1")

- Scroll learning when the key is squeezed
Many in autoexec.exe are inscribed, or just stand in the DOTA 2 settings
bind "y" "dota_learn_stats" / Upgrade Stats (+)
bind "t" "dota_ability_learn_mode" / ability learn (Learn an abiller)

But it can be done so that allows when clamped capslock. learn abbot and stats ( capslock. Press - the study menu of skills openly / capslock. Press - the menu closes)
bind "t" "dota_learn_stats"
bind "capslock" "+ sixense_stat_point_mode"

- Disposal error / lack of mana
dota_SF_HUD_ERROR_MSG "0" (OFF "0" On "1")

-Mifferentity display icon ransom
dota_topbar_buyback_time "0" (off "0" On "1" Def "10")

- Doubleness Displaying Double Kill / Triple Kill posts, etc.
dota_sf_hud_header_display_time "0" (off "0" On "1")
Completely off will not work but with value 0 is lit less a second

Continuation of autoconfiga


- The speed of the camera
dota_camera_speed "6500" (Default "3000")

- Suggestion / smooth camera
dota_camera_accelerate "50" (Default "49")

- Turn zoom, on the mouse wheel
dota_camera_disable_zoom "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Serving camera during respauna
dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0" (off "0" On "1")

- How to twist the camera at 360 °
We prescribe in the console and on the Mouse5 you can rotate the chamber:
dota_camera_disable_yaw "0" // On / Off. Function
dota_camera_yaw_rotate_hold_time "1" // Time to return to the original pasture (0 does not return)
dota_camera_yaw_rotate_speed "0.2" // rotation speed


- I examination Replaev
In the Watch tab -\u003e Recent Games. Using the Filter function, you can sort repka by multiple parameters, the Tournament Matches checkbox will open replays from the International "a. You can also swing off from third-party sources and run them through the console. Details below.

- Fair replays, how to see?
1) Replays are downloaded in Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ Replays
2) To view, enter in the console: PlayDemo ReplayS / ReplayName.dem
-Night game by id
Enter this variable into the console:
dota_match_details "id" (where instead of id game number)

- recruit replies
Drive in the console:
record. For starting recording
stop. To stop recording

-The applied auto expense on DOTA 2 channels
Add to your "autoexec.cfg" (need a restart of dota) Team chat_DUMP_CHANNELS.

- Creation of your canal
Open the console and register there with this variable with the desired name:
chat_Join "Channel_Name"
(ATTENTION! After the channel leaves the last participant, the channel will be deleted.

- Celebrate phrases that will be written in in-chart
Enter into the console or add data to the AUTOEXEC.CFG file:

bIND "F5" "Say_Team Miss Top"
bind "F6" "Say_Team Miss Bot"
bind "F7" "Say_Team Miss Mid"
bind "F8" "Say_Team Back All"

bIND "SPACE" "+ Chatbind" (with pinned space)
alias \u200b\u200b+ Chatbind "Bind F2 Care; Bind F3 RTOP; Bind F4 RBOT; Bind F5 Help"
alias -chatbind "bind f2 mmid; bind f3 mtop; bind f4 mbot; bind f5 gank"
alias \u200b\u200b"mtop" "Say_Team Miss Top"
alias \u200b\u200b"MMID" "Say_Team Miss Mid"
alias \u200b\u200b"MBOT" "Say_Team Miss Bot"
alias \u200b\u200b"RTOP" "Say_Team Rune Top"
alias \u200b\u200b"RBot" "Say_Team Rune Bot"
I think I don't need to explain what phrases mean the reader about the dotter: D

-Connecting to the channel by name
hat_Join "Channel Name"
Instead of the "channel name" write the name of the desired channel.
Attention! The channel name is sensitive to the register, and if you write the "channel name" then you will not fall on off. channel.

Actually Miracles themselves: 3

- Suitable in the upper left corner
developer "0" (off "0" On "1")

-Do in the game your APM
ATTENTION! The APM value will be displayed only in the console. You need everytime enter this value in order to learn your current APM

-Well gave Mute?
1. We go to the console, write:
developer 1.
2. Learning line prevent_text_chat_until_date "MultiFra"
3. Copy "MultiFra"
4. We go on, copy the "Multi-Freatment" in "Unix TimeStamp"
5. Chemide submit and get the exact date of the end of the Mute

Enable and configure NET_GRAPH:

-Contact the indicator of the FPS, ping and loss of packages in the game
nET_GRAPH "0" (values \u200b\u200bare available \u003d 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

- changing the location of NET_GRAPH on the screen
net_graphheight "0" (increasing / lowering this value can omit / lift net_graph on the screen)
nET_GRAPHINSETBOTTOM "0" (location relative to the bottom)
nET_GRAPHINSETLEFT "0" (location relative to the left side)
nET_GRAPHINSETRIGHT "0" (location relative to the right side)
nET_GRAPHINSETTOP "0" (location relative to the top)
nET_GRAPHPOS "0" (values \u200b\u200bare available \u003d 1 right, 2 center, 3 left)

-Font size NET_GRAPH
nET_GRAPHPROPORIONALFONT "0" (small "0" big "1")

Other questions and information

Found a bug in the game or in the console, where to report?

Official Dota Bettester Forum -

Settings for "Find A Match" are not saved.

In autoexec.cfg add:
dota_MatchGroups "1" US West
dota_matchgroups "2" US EAST
dota_matchgroups "4" europe
dota_MatchGroups "8" SE ASIA
dota_matchgroups "16" China
dota_MatchGroups "32" South America
dota_MatchGroups "64" Hong Kong
dota_MatchGroups "128" RUSSIA

dota_match_game_modes "2" AP
dota_match_game_modes "4" cm
dota_match_game_modes "8" RD
dota_match_game_modes "16" SD

If you want to choose 2 servers or 2-3 mod, then the values \u200b\u200bare just folded. For example, the server RUSSIA and EUROPE will be dota_matchgroups "132", if AP, RD and SD is Dota_Match_Game_Modes "26"

Brightness in the game

We open "Video.txt" at "Steam \\ SteamApps \\ COMMON \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ CFG \\" and change the parameter:
mat_monitorgamma "" "(min" 1.6 "Max" 2.6 "default" 2.2 "LCD" 1.7 "" CRT 2.2 ")

Optimization of network settings

Copy and paste command data to your AUTOEXEC.CFG file
cL_CMDRATE "31" // Amount of Updates Sent to Server Per Second.
cL_Interp "0.01" // Sets The Interpolation Amount (Bo und Ed ON Side by Server Interp Ratio Settings).
cL_INTERP_RATIO "1" // Multiplies Final Result of Cl_interp.
cl_LagCompensation "1" // Perform Server Side Lag Compensation of Weapon Firing Events.
cL_PRED_OPTIMIZE "2" // Optimize for Not Copying Data If Didn "T Receive A Network Update (1), and Also for Not Repredicting if there Were no errors (2)
cL_SMOOTH "1" // Smooth View / Eye Origin After Prediction Errors.
cL_UPDATERATE "31" // Amount of Updates Received from Server Per Second.


FPS optimization for weak computers

Copy and paste command data to your autoexec.cfg file or change the values \u200b\u200bin Video.txt "Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ CFG"
r_Deferred_Specular "0"
r_Deferred_Specular_Bloom "0"
dota_cheap_water "1"
cl_globalight_shadow_mode "0"
dota_portrait_animate "0"
r_Deferred_ADDITIVE_PASS "0"
r_SSAO "0"
mat_triplebufffered "0"

Console font size

) Open "Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ Pak01_dir.vpk" text editor notepad ++
2) We are looking for Mount №143853:
"Name" "Lucida Console"
"Tall" "10"
"WEIGHT" "500"
3) Here we change the font size

Console teams for muvirekers:

Host_Framerate XX - Sets the number of frames per second (FPS), with which video will be recorded (usually 24)
Startmovie. - Video recording command
Startmovie Name TGA - starts recording screenshots with the name "name" in TGA format
Startmovie Name Avi. - The video recording begins with the name "Name" in AVI format
Endmovie. - stops recording

Teams to work with replant:

Demoui.- Displays the replica menu with different features
Demoui2. - Displays the replica menu with different functions, allows you to significantly accelerate playback

SV_CHEATS "1" - The command includes cheats (see below)
dota_camera_distance - Changes the camera distance (standard 1134)

Thirdperson. - when Drive is enabled (DemOUI), allows you to twist the camera when you click on the left mouse button

Dota_SF_HUD_ACTIONPANEL "0" - Disables the abilities panel
DOTA_SF_HUD_CHANNELBAR "0" - turns off the strip the displays the duration of sang
dota_sf_hud_chat "0" - Disables chat / log murder
dota_sf_hud_inventory "0" - Disables inventory
dota_sf_hud_top "0" - Disables all panels from above
dota_hud_healthbars "0" - Disables all health indicators
dota_no_minimap "1" - Turns off the mini card
dota_hide_cursor "1" - Disables the cursor
CL_DRAWHUD "0" - This command will completely remove all items from the screen, but you will lose a number of mouse control functions, such as an increase / decrease, but at the moment it is the only way to hide the portrait of the hero

Please add a guide to your favorites, thereby pressing SHIFT + TAB and clicking on the menu item you can immediately find this guide.

Show activity and if you know any team which is not in the guide, please write it to me in a personal or comments. If you have found a mistake in the manual, please tell her to me.

Waiting for evaluation!

Put like, tell friends, add the guide to your favorites!
With you was @d! RTY! All successful settings, so far!

How to learn how to play well in Dota 2

Question: How to learn how to play DOT 2? " It bothers not only newcomers downloaded the game, but also more experienced players. Dota 2 - one of the most harsh games For novice players. With 99% confidence I can say that the pleasure of the game, not delight into it, do not train with the bots you are unlikely to get. One percent I left on the masochists who like when they are yelling and constantly killed. Dota 2 is the game in which your team will lose almost 100% probability, if you do not even know the basics.

This is not a contra or times of tanks, in which for 1-2 minutes I learned the keys, figured out the menu and go ahead! Yes, you will not bend, but anyone will kill someone and get your fan "under beer". In these games, the team can conquer even if you shoot your or just stand on the basis.

Before downloading the game client, watch the video and decide whether you want to play or not.
P.S. Hyde "How to learn to play well in Dota 2" I divide into two parts. At the beginning of the article, I will tell you what to do beginners just downloaded the client. In the second half, I will give advice to more experienced players who want to append their skills. The second part will concern and beginners who are slightly mastered in the game.

Running the first time the client should not immediately start playing with people. It does not end for you anything good. You will be constantly killed, and the timmes deservedly yell. Most likely you will ravine (come out of the game). Next there are several options for developing events:

  • Delete the client and all tell everyone that the game is complete nonsense.
  • Let's get in low prioritization where you play with the same Louivers and Ruirers. With low prioritization it is not easy to get out. Even if you understand how to play (what is unlikely), other players will ruin the game. In general, it is "zone strict regime»For players.
  • Let's get in low prioritization, but you will understand: you need to watch the video and understand what you need to do. Undoubted the basis of the game and realizing that you need to do you, Low prioritia is incredibly infective.

In order not to happen such situations - do everything right from the very beginning. In principle, if you read this guide, you understand what you need to learn. This is already good.

Open management

Priority action

  • Pass learning for newbies.In training you will get acquainted with the first heroes and learn to control them. Learn to use the skills, learn who crimes such and how to kill them correctly. Learn the goal of the game and much more.
  • The roles of heroes and lines in the game. Important what roles and lines are in the game. After the foundations that learning will tell you are the most important knowledge. So, roles in the game are only five, and not six or seven, as some bloggers are told. The fact that five roles are quite logical, because the team has five players, not six or seven. If there is a forester and a rowmer in the game, it means that there are two seven-caps in the game, and some role is not at all. Usually there is no Full Sapport.
  • Choosing a hero.In Dota 2, currently 115 heroes. It is equally good to play all the characters, even the best players in the world. Nevertheless, you need to somehow choose a hero for yourself. In the client of the game there is a "heroes" tab, there you can sort the heroes in difficulty. Select the heroes with one star. Next, go to the Dotabaf website and find characters that sorted in the client games. Your task will find out what percentage of victories from one or another hero. While you are a novice, I would not advise you to play characters who have a percentage of victories below 47-48. In addition to the percentage, victories need to know and what line is the hero. Take as an example of the first hero, which the client of the game marked one star - abaddon. Dotabuff, currently shows the average percentage of victories of 53.82. In almost 60% of cases, Abaddon takes a complex line. Character for you is suitable - Remember. If the hero goes to all lines, look at what position they take more often and where the percentage of victories. Universal characters are very good. Thus, all the characters with one star, follow the percentage of victories and write down on what lines. Lazy can just watch the video: "The best midings for newcomers" and so on.

  • Before playing with bots.After they sorted and dropped heroes, you have several heroes of different types. We take the first suitable hero and look at it video. The video is not suitable for anyone, otherwise in which YouTubeber plays in the desired position. In the case of Abaddon, they are not interested in Abaddon Kerry or Sapport. Try to find no entertainment video, but training. It happens that there is no suitable video, especially the supports. In the game client, where heroes were sorted - click on the desired character. Next, click the "Manuals" tab. Select the Fresh Guide for your role, with a great percentage. In the game, collect items and pump the skills as recommends this guide.
  • Play with bots. After a long entry, you begin to play with bots. Bots to the middle level inclusive - passive. On Line, they will not attack you and will not denit crips. The complex level of bots and above, in something even better than 1-2k players. The problem of bots is that they are scrapping. Good tipples and perfect lastry. There are also your drawbacks that will understand over time. With bots, it's not convenient to play the supports and foresters - the computer himself will buy Ward, Kuru and will leave a line for Pharma. The game with bots is needed in order to get used and understand what heroes like.
  • Make a pool of heroes -a set of characters for which we will constantly play. The pool should include at least one hero of each type, and better two. Universal characters (for example, Ursa) are capable of close several positions at once. Naturally, the heroes should include characters that you best have to play.
  • Purpose of the game with bots -collect and play pool. If the heroes of the pool easily beat a heavy comp - your rating is at least 1.5 - 2K MMP. Go to the next step.

Game with people

  • Playing with people against bots.Before playing against people, you can play a few matches, together, against bots. This option is perfect for the guise of a support and forester. Learn to communicate with the teams and torture them so as not to have to learn in the match against people.
  • Game against people.Now you have your own pool of heroes and knowledge of the basics - you can try to play against people. You can still do something. On Dotabaff website, go to the "Meta" section and sort the heroes in popularity on the rating to 2K MMP. Write down the twenty most popular and play against the bots. Skip those heroes that the 2-star client lasted three stars. You can't still play and understand the invoker anyway. So you will learn what heroes you are opposed, in what is strong and weak sides. If your Timmete took Shadow Fiend You will know that the role of the Midera is busy.

Roles and lines in the game

  1. Miders - Hero that goes to the central line solo. The power of the Midera is revealed at rapid receipt levels. From items depend much less, it usually grabs one key subject. Not every hero is suitable for the role of the Midera. The character should be either with a big starting damage (strong one on one), or have skills to escape or treatment. There are of course your exceptions. The main task of the Midera:quickly get advantage over the level and constantly build it killing low-level enemies.
  2. Kerry -The main power and hope of the team. Most Kerry are weak at the beginning of the game, so they go to a light line. In Leite Game, this type of heroes is incredibly strong and can withstand several opponents at the same time. However, for this, Kerry need to be much farming and buy several important items. In a good team, Kerry must have a Sappport (another role in the game). Kerry's main task:as soon as possible, to feed the key subjects and realize the power of the hero.
  3. Hardliner (Offleiner).It goes into a heavy pair or solo line (not all hardliners are suitable for Solo Laina). The line is opposed by enemy kerry and support. Thick heroes or heroes with a bunch of escaipes and disapers are taken to this position. Like the mulware, these heroes are not much dependent on the items - it is much more important to get the level. The main task of Hardlinner: Ideally, give to farther by enemy Kerry (kill several times). Minimum - you need to die as little as possible and getting experience. In Leite Tankum and initiate.
  4. Seven-Sapport -Support hero, which is not tied to one place. This category includes all those "cheapest" that lists bloggers. This includes Raymers, seven-capports and foresters. I would like to note that good forester in the game is a maximum of 5-10. This type of heroes does not require a large number of objects. Usually there is one and more diesel. The main task:being where you need help.
  5. Full Sapport.The hero, which makes everything for the sake of team and victory, while often nothing else. How to play for a support - a difficult topic, which in a nutshell not explain.


You have your own pool of heroes and knowledge of the basics. See the training guides and test in the game with bots of new heroes, against which you had problems.

How to improve your game and raise the rank in Dota 2

Not all players want to improve their game. There are people who have enough knowledge of the basics, and the rating of 2-3k MMR is quite suitable. They found their niche, so we will not touch them. Next, the article will be the material for ambitious players who want to escape from the swamp. Objectives can be different, from getting divine rank and before conquering vertices of cybersport. Remember - everything is possible!

Reasons not allowing to raise the level of the game

Technical reasons

  • Time.If you can't give dota 2 at least 3 hours a day - you can not read further. Practice, as it is neither banal - the basis.
  • The game is a large number of heroes.If you want to achieve the result - it is impossible to play a large number of heroes! Especially it is impossible to random. In general, strive to become a profile player. If you like the role of an offer, then in the pool you should have at least 2-3 hardliner. In each game, try to take the role of the Offner, and choose the hero depending on the needs of the team. For example, if the team lacks any skills and dizeiblov - good option There will be Sand King. If a tank is needed - Centaur or Tydhantter. Of course, the pool should not take the same type of heroes. The heroes of other positions are enough and one to plug holes.
  • Ignorance of other heroes, except for their pool.You just can not understand what is missing your team. If you do not know at all, you will not even understand what positions are busy. Play new heroes with bots, see the statistics in Dotabfe and video on YouTube.
  • Ignorance cards and mechanic game.If you are standing on a light line and take the Kuru so that it brings you a teleport - you are a bad player. Teleport is sold in lateral shops as well as several more useful items. Play a support, but do not know how to make taps or lay neutrals - you are bad support. On YouTube there are several good training channels, such as how to dota.
  • Micro and macro control. Micro - control your character. The better you understand the capabilities of the hero and implement them, the better your micro control. Macro - control and understanding of the card. You need to constantly look at the mini card. You may see the attack prepared for you. Maybe you will see that the teams are going to fight and come to the rescue.
  • Reaction.Like time, the reaction is a problem aspect. Play other games that develop a reaction: races, piano tiles (smartphone), Guitar Hero and so on. There are also special games that develop a reaction and peripheral vision, such as OSU.

Psychological problems

  • Do not distract from the game.Before sitting, take out the garbage, make lessons, satisfy my wife (or husband) a couple of times, take a walk with children. Otherwise, these and other "factors" will not give rest. Also no alt-tabs and contacts while sitting in the tavern. Keep track of the game and check the purchase of opponents.
  • Do not indie on the teams.From this they will not play better, but you will begin to burn and play worse. Remember: The game seeks the level of all players. Good players It will be more likely to throw to bad and vice versa. Only your perseverance and exceptional skills will help you. In addition, the game will end, and the bad mood will remain and you will carry it into the masses.
  • Comfortable equipment.Nothing infuriates as a seal battery in the keyboard or a mouse, the disappearing image on the monitor and overestimated graphic settings. Eliminate these shortcomings or relax.
  • Convenient layout and key setup.This is especially true of the backpack keys. Personally, for me, it's just terrible keys z, x, c and so on. I or Windows climb or confuse the key. Who is interested, I have taped Tab, Caps, Space, 1.2 and 3. Be sure to learn how to use keys fast shopping, shop, courier call and so on. If you do not play heroes with important skills of the type of enigma and enigma - make in the settings so that the skills are straight out without confirmation.


Hyde about how to learn to play well in Dota 2 turned out to be volumetric. Nevertheless, the feeling that something is missing or forgotten or something does not go out. If I remember, I will definitely add, but for now since it is. Soon, articles will appear on the site complementing this material. Agree, talking about how to play a support or the Mider in this article would be stupid.

Q: I heard that the hidden settings of Dota 2 are performed in the "console". What is it and how to open it?

A: Open the library in Steam and right-click on Dota 2 in the list of games. Select Properties (Properties) and in the window that opens, click on the "Set Launch Options ..." button. Put "-Console" (without quotes).

Q: I did, as written above. How to call a console in the game?

A: The default button "~" (Russian "E").

Q: I am annoyed by an introductory video from Valve. I want to speed up the launch of Dota 2.

A: Open the library in Steam and right-click on Dota 2 in the list of games. Select Properties (Properties) and in the window that opens, click on the "Set Launch Options ..." button. Put "-novid" (without quotes).

Q: I want to set a standard resolution of which is not in the settings, what to do?

A: In the Stimple Library to click right-click on Dota2, open Properties, in Set Launch Options Add "-W XXXX -H XXXX" with a hyphen, without quotes. Where "-w" horizontal resolution "-H" vertical permission.

Q: Launched Dota 2 and with the interface there are some problems - instead of Russian characters, squares are displayed. How to fix it?

A: Open Steam Settings (Steam Settings menu) and change the language from Russian to English in the Interface tab. Thus, Dota 2 will also be in English, but problems with the display of characters will disappear.

Q: I do not want to play with the English interface! How to make a Russian correctly displayed?

A: Download the Dota 2 crack and unpack the contents of the archive to the "Steamapps \\ Common \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ Resource \\" folder, which is located at the installation of your Steam.

Q: I dug something in the settings, and I can not reset the standard. Help!

A: If you really want to roll back all accepted changes, do the following:
- Disconnect "Steam Cloud" in the Steam settings (Downloads + Cloud tab).
- Delete the config.cfg file from the "\\ Steam \\ userData \\ 570 \\ Remote \\ CFG" directory
- Delete all files with extension. CFG from the directory "\\ Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ CFG"
- Run the game and reinstall the desired settings.
- "Steam Cloud" can now turn on

Q: They say in order not to enter each time the necessary settings in the console can create an autoexec.cfg file - is it true?

A: Yes, Dota 2 automatically loads the settings prescribed in autoexec.cfg when you start the game. You can download empty autoexec.cfg if you do not know how to create it and put in the "\\ Steam \\ Steamapps \\ Common \\ Dota 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ CFG" directory "for further use.

Q: By the way, I have pretty weak computer And I would like to raise the FPS, if possible?

A: Specify the following commands in your Autoexec.cfg file:

Dota_Cheap_water 1.
cl_globalight_shadow_mode 0.
R_Deferred_Simple_Light 1.
Mat_VSync 0.

Q: How to make hot keys identical original dota?

A: The "Legacy Hero Keys" option in the control settings (Controls) includes the usual control. There you can reassign "hotkeys" on your own way.

Q: How to make such an avatar?

A: The error has long been fixed. Avatar in Dota2 is shown the same as in Steam profile

Q: In Heroes of Newrth, I used the mod to finishing my crips with the right mouse button. And in Dota 2 there is something similar?

A: Of course, the team:

Dota_force_right_click_attack 1.

It can be entered into the console or register in the AUTOEXEC.cfg file

Q: Players from my team somehow make signals and draw on a mini card. How to do it?

A: Signals, so-called "pings" are made by a combination of the "ALT + PCM" keys (PCM - right mouse button), drawings "Ctrl + LKM" (LKM - left mouse button).

Q: I disappeared with a strip of hp (lives) over units. How to enable them?

A: Write in the console dota_hud_healthbars 3

Q: How to make Dota 2 brighter?

A: Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ DOTA 2 Beta \\ Dota \\ CFG, in the CFG folder we find the Video.txt file, open it with a text notepad, looking for a string:

Setting.mat_monitorgamma 2.600000

And the value of 2.600,000 changes for 2.200000. That's all, we save changes in the text document, go to dota, and it will become much lighter and more pleasant to the eye.