Battlefield 1 story company how many hours

De gustibus non est disputandum, that is, there is no dispute about tastes. The ancient Romans were exhausted, creating hundreds catch phrases(including this one), but tastes are even disputed to this day. At school, some of you liked math lessons more, others liked literature, but some of you skipped everything. History was often considered a discipline boring, especially if the historian was the daughter of a Trudovik and often could not tie together several sentences. But take my word for it: if history was taught the way it is done in Battlefield 1, all students would be fifth grade students in this subject, would stay for extra classes, and would only be expected at home for dinner.

World War I

We must pay tribute to the brave Swedes from Dice (or their patrons from EA): they took the plunge and completely redefined their approach to narrative. Aside from the early Battlefield of WWII and the distant future, the storyline has always been the same throughout the franchise. The brave US Marine, possessing superhuman abilities, single-handedly stabilizes the situation in the Middle East or Eurasia, and prevents a global catastrophe. Sometimes an ally - a Russian, an Arab or a Chinese - helps him in this. In general, a representative of one of the nations lagging behind in terms of Western democracy. Apparently, the writers tried to show that among these cave people there is hope for enlightenment.

As a result of the imposition of such epic storylines, a significant percentage of gamers did not even go into the single player campaigns of Battlefield 3 and 4, but immediately launched multiplayer. Battlefield 1 is a different story altogether. Opinions in our editorial office were divided: some colleagues felt that coherent storytelling was better. But to the author, the system of chapters telling about different participants in the First World War seemed almost ideal. Otherwise, we would risk getting a “story” (with zero degree of historical accuracy) of some Harlem Hellfighter who, to the sound of hip-hop coming from a boombox, suffocates Kaiser Wilhelm with his own hand to the end credits.

This, praise the gods, did not happen. Instead, we have a map of the world in our hands, and small stories of five heroes: a British tanker, an American pilot, an Italian commando (arditi), an Australian scout and an Arab guerrilla. Let's say right away: stock up on popcorn and cola, because before you is not the absolute realism of trench warfare, in which two tired armies kneaded each other with heavy artillery for several months before an attack, and a Hollywood action movie with staged battles, a mass of explosions and other special effects, with beautiful intermissions and even emotions.


The game captures immediately, from the first minutes. As soon as a British volunteer first appears in the tank and turns the elegant ignition key (a giant lever half a man's height), you are pulled into a hurricane action - or sensible stealth, whatever you like - and never let go until the very end. Immediately striking is the overall beauty of the picture and the attention to small details. The tank spews clouds of smoke, growls harshly, the tracks are covered with mud and clay, and the speed is 10 km / h. This is how they were, these first land Leviathans. This is not a T-90, jumping briskly from a hill, like a rally car by Sebastien Loeb.

Are the Fritz sitting on the side of the mill? Direct fire at them! An explosion, clouds of smoke, shrapnel, a funny flight of bodies - the floor of the mill was gone, as well as the German artillery. Tank duels are a separate story altogether: shells are driven into enemy vehicles with a savory lead sound, but a mini nuclear explosion enemy tank will satisfy even the most discerning critics of computer special effects - it is so beautiful and bright.

With airplanes, everything is a little more complicated, because a biplane is not a supersonic fighter and, moreover, not a helicopter (in terms of ease of control). Aces of heaven BF 3 and 4 will obviously take a decent amount of time to get used to and master the capricious maize. But then you will feel like Red Barons: no fire-and-forget missiles, guidance assistance and electronic traps - only machine guns, courage and a head on your shoulders. However, keep in mind: as colleagues suggest, biplanes are even more difficult to control in multiplayer than in a single (in which airplanes were added some arcade feel).

Aki thief in the night

If you make a super-effort over yourself and try to reject all emotions, the campaign can be perceived as epic, beautiful and exciting ... a tutorial for multiplayer. A subject of Her Majesty will teach you how to drive a tank, a state adventurer will teach you a biplane, a hot Mediterranean will show you a special heavy suit, the ancestor of Mad Max will demonstrate the basics of aiming a battleship's guns. “Wait, you are describing a clone of WoT, Warthunder and World of Warships,” you say. Calm down, everything is in order: the pilots and mechanics will have to run on foot.

The Battlefield 1 campaign has a very addicting element that you won't find in multiplayer: stealth. History knows many examples when stealth is imposed solely for the good of fashion, and besides, those genres where it is not needed at all. A classic example is the cinematic Order 1886, where in some “spy” sequences, detection would automatically end with a doom-and-gloom cinematic. The solution is, frankly, disgusting.

So: BF1 is an epic shooter about global conflict, not a James Bond mission. The developers could well have limited themselves to scripted battles, and no one would blame them for anything. Instead, the Swedes - their honor and praise! - screwed to the usual "Battle" a very decent full-fledged stealth, which does not seem like a tortured makeweight. In the fog, the enemies do not see a damn thing at all, at night the situation is a little better (for them, of course), but in the daytime the sentry will notice something amiss even a kilometer away, and will raise the alarm if you do not hide in a couple of seconds. The dead bodies raise quite logical suspicions, after which the search for the invader begins throughout the camp. At the same time, AI is AI: it is made so that you can feel your superiority over a piece of silicon. Fooling computer dummies is a pleasure. He threw the cartridge case, distracted him, hit him from behind with a pick, like the true king of the Russian pop scene.

If you are fed up with stealth, you can feel like a Terminator. Become an Italian arditi, put on knightly armor, take a heavy machine gun in your hands - and forward, only forward! At this moment, Hollywood turns into Bollywood (the Indian center of cinema): the unfortunate Germans barely manage to throw dozens from all sides in order to get hit by your bullets in time and die very picturesquely.

Hell's Harlem and two episodes of "The Lord of the Rings"

And now, according to tradition, criticism. It is no coincidence that we did not mention the prologue in the list of missions, because in our opinion, this is just some kind of misunderstanding. Moreover, we should not immediately pour out accusations of racism against us. We would not mind if Dice made a beautiful and high-quality chapter about a dark-skinned guy from the working-class suburbs of Pittsburgh, whom Uncle Sam's imperious hand snatched from the arms of his beloved Maggie and threw straight into the crucible of an alien conflict of some incomprehensible Germans and French.

Instead, we see how, over the course of one scrappy mission, several unnamed black fighters either mow down dozens of enemies, or die under dense fire. And that's it - no answer, no hello, no human story. A bad suspicion creeps in: the Nordic personalities from Dice were already 85% ready for the offensive, but then from across the ocean with a particularly hardy carrier pigeon from the central headquarters (EA) came a ciphered message: “urgently include dark-skinned one on the cover of the point”. The rest of the heads of the Swedes did with soul, and in this case they simply served their military service under the threat of the all-powerful tribunal of political correctness.

We also did not mention one more - more important - detail: the campaign will take you about 5-6 hours of time, even if you are not a speedrunner. You can, of course, try to set the difficulty level higher, but the author thinks that the normal on the gamepad is like hard on the mouse / keyboard, so you won't add 10 hours to your experience. Only if you stand, stick on each kerosene stove for 30 minutes and admire the fact that 5 years ago moths were just dots, and now they are clearly traced and fairly high-polygonal insects.

The mentioned duration can be perceived in different ways, but we still recommend a positive approach. As we have said more than once, the cost of a basic BF1 edition on a PC is 2,000 rubles, which is quite democratic in our times. Just imagine that you bought yourself and your girlfriend two IMAX tickets and enjoyed an epic film with tons of explosions. The only difference is that then this "movie" will bring you hundreds (if not more than a thousand) hours of excellent multiplayer.

Speaking of multiplayer, it's pretty darn good! Let's not stoop to the very yellow standards of journalism, and say “Better than in ...” Besides, I do not want to gallop across Europe (although BF1 provides everyone with this opportunity through its cavalry, made no worse than in the game that established the highest horse breeding standards - Red Dead Redemption). Simply put, you need to play multiplayer with feeling, sensibly, with arrangement, and for a long enough time - it deserves it! The storyline and multiplayer in Battlefield have always been like two separate games - this is how we will evaluate them in the case of BF1: first the campaign, and later the PVP.

+ Excellent graphics, brilliant special effects, the strongest engine of our time

+ Surprisingly good stealth

+ Heroes evoke empathy despite the brevity of the chapters

- 5-6 hours? Few! We require topping up after the foam has settled !!!

- Prologue - pure misunderstanding

- Biplanes are difficult to control

Greetings, dear readers, a website and a review of Battlefield 1! By the way, you can see the preview. So, what is the first thing you want to say about the new brainchild of DICE? Impressive. Indeed, from the very first minutes of the game, the level is visible.

The graphics are amazing. The detail is amazing. Dirt on weapons, raindrops, great special effects ... You can list for a long time and then, you can't say everything, but one thing is clear - the graphic component is excellent. In my opinion, there are no games with such graphics in 2016, and will not be released by the end of the year. Destructibility, as stated, is present. And what else. You can smash everything. And it looks insanely juicy and realistic.

Gameplay. Naturally, there are differences between a single company and a network mode, so let's talk about everything in order.

Single player campaign. Once again, DICE is trying to make a fit and grown-up solo, but, once again, they fall a little short. The game takes place during the First World War, and the whole plot revolves around the theme of an ordinary person on the battlefield. War, like a disease, comes and declares itself, and you have to live with it. There is no specific protagonist in Battlefield 1. Every now and then we have to play for a variety of people, from different countries, with different motives and characters. The topic is generally quite mature and difficult. The game honestly tries to touch us and bring us to a mean male tear when this or that character suddenly stupidly dies, along with his dreams and hopes, or vice versa, in an incredible way, is saved from seemingly inevitable death. But it doesn't work out very well, to be honest.

In Battlefield 1, the developers decided to move away from the classic, for single players of this series, the linearity of the levels. They gave us, as it were, more freedom. We tried to show some kind of sandbox. In general, this is quite interesting, because we ourselves decide how we will accomplish this or that task. But to think over, and what do we actually do there, to entertain the player somehow, the developers have forgotten a little. That is, in fact, we have a location and a task to be solved, and a horde of enemies. Everything. Do what you want and how you want. It sounds cool, but without certain staging moments it looks boring. Although in general everything is fine, and I do not impute it as a minus, since we all love Battlefield not for the single player campaign. The single here is more like a tutorial that prepares us for real mixes with real people.

As for the main thing, the battles themselves and the combat system, here the developers from DICE showed us aerobatics. It feels like it’s the First World War... And you have to get used to it. Ammunition is quite small, so you often have to go hand-to-hand. In addition, the combat range is now much closer. The ballistics have also changed, and the bullets go down earlier than we are used to. Skirmishes are now being conducted almost point-blank at each other. Each weapon, be it a rifle, pistol, or something else, also has its own characteristics. Each weapon must be studied, get along with it and find your own approach to its use. So it is with technology. Here, as I already wrote in, there will be quite a few types of it. One must familiarize oneself with all this, understand and feel, learn to handle normally. For this, in fact, there is a single company in Battlefield 1.

What about our enemies and artificial intelligence in a single player, then it’s like 50/50. Sometimes they act really logically and harmoniously, and sometimes they are frankly stupid. Also, in a single company there are no stealth missions. When playing on a difficult level, you will sometimes have to replay them several times.

I would also like to note the excellent sound. Sound effects really make you feel like you're in a real battle. The whistle and ricochets of bullets, the roar of explosions, even negotiations in technology, as real! In general, put maximum level difficulties and forward, in a single player campaign, deal with weapons, equipment and feel like a sad meat that fell into the millstones of the First World War.

In the end, I will say this - do not spare money for this amazing game, it's worth it. Battlefield 1 is one of the few games this year that not only met, but even surpassed all our expectations.

I will talk about multiplayer in a separate article, since the topic is, well, very extensive and in the format of one review, all this information cannot be accommodated. You can read it.!


Dma game

According to the administration

The Battlefield series has always focused on multiplayer as opposed to its main competitor. However, the DICE developers never leave their brainchild without a single player campaign, which is present in every part of this military shooter.

Despite being single cannot boast of variability and does not have puzzles, because of which it basically does not require a walkthrough, we still decided to prepare this guide. Here you can simply refresh the memory of the once passed plot, or get acquainted with it for the first time if you have no desire to go through the campaign on your own.

Assignment number 1. Steel thunderstorms

The prologue begins, in which you play as the soldier Ethan Claiborne. The First World War is in full swing, and you are in the midst of another large-scale battle.

You need to defend the point, firing back from the approaching waves of German soldiers. A stationary machine gun will greatly simplify your task, but soon it will be destroyed by an airship. Now grab your shotgun to keep fighting. One way or another, the enemies will overwhelm you and kill you.

After that, the game switches to another character - tanker Alfred Carlisle. Shoot enemy units with the help of your main gun and machine gun. Soon the hero will notice a powerful German weapon that can penetrate the tank - destroy it. Like last time, soon you will fail - the tank will be destroyed by an artillery strike.

The third scene will unfold again on a different sector of the front. This time, the main character is Grady Armstrong, who takes part in a trench battle. The Germans have released poisonous gas, so you need to put on a mask. Hold on as long as possible, shooting the enemy. However, this hero will fail.

You will see the last event from the perspective of an unknown soldier. You must shoot at the advancing Germans until you are stunned from behind. Next, artillery fire will begin, in which you and the German warrior will survive. A cut-scene will begin in which both fighters decide to lay down their arms and disperse in peace.

Assignment number 2. Through dirt and blood

The prologue is over and the missions are now more consistent. You will play as one of the main characters (of which there are several in Battlefield 1) named Edwards - he is an ordinary mechanic of the British army, who was assigned to the Mark 5 tank.

You should talk to your team leader and then meet the others: Pritchard standing at the antipersonnel gun, McManus in charge of reloading, and Finch, whose job it is to fix your vehicle.

Chapter 1. With all my might

Your first combat mission will be to break through to a group of Germans who have dug in along with artillery pieces. It is necessary to destroy these formidable weapons in order to simplify the task of the infantry. Destroy any powerful stationary weapons with the main cannon, while as a soldier - with the help of a machine gun.

The first step is to get to the Piccadillia mill, breaking through the mud and windbreak. Here you will find yourself open to enemy fire, moreover, the swampy terrain will slow you down, so look around and quickly eliminate opponents.

During the mission, you almost never have to leave the tank, so when you reach the point at the mill, just stand still and defend it. By the way, your car is not invulnerable, and even grenades can damage it.

The second point will be Kitchener's Crest, where the next artillery positions are located. Shoot them from afar, then move forward. After capturing this point, drive to the Beren Crossroads, where there will be even more German guns.

It will be difficult to calculate them by eye, so be guided by the sound and trajectory of the shots.

If your tank is low on HP, repair it, as this function is always available. Finally, on the approaches to the position, you will meet a more equal opponent - an armored tank.

The German car does not take damage from shots to the forehead, so you have to contrive and go from behind where it is weakness tank, or shoot at the sides.

When the vehicle is destroyed, you will be bombarded with artillery, which will significantly damage the tank. This time you have to get out of the vehicle and protect the mechanic Finch while he is restoring it. Alas, your friend will be killed during the repair, so you will have to repair the car yourself.

Finally, the tank is working - sit inside and go to the positions of the enemy. Simultaneously killing opponents on the road, get to the artillery pieces and destroy them.

After that, the new goal will be the farm of big Willy, after capturing which you will again receive the task of destroying the enemy's weapons. Soon you will come across a new tank - blow it up and go past the bridge. Further, you will get stuck in the mud, after which the enemy will knock the caterpillars off the tank. A cut-scene will begin, during which the captain of the crew Pritchard decides to send a carrier pigeon to the leadership. The Germans who have surrounded your tank will shoot the captain, but you will still have time to release the bird.

The final of the mission will unfold for a pigeon - you just have to fly to the headquarters, flying through the marked routes. When the allies receive the message (the coordinates of the tank), they will hit the enemy with artillery, destroying the Germans who surrounded your car.

Chapter 2. Fog of War

The mission for the tanker continues. Some time has passed since the last mission, and now you are in a fog. There is no way out - you have to walk. To bypass the Burlonskiy forest in a tank, you must secretly deal with the guards at the post.

If you are found, the alarm will be raised, but the tank itself will be connected to help you. But it's better to play stealth, methodically dealing with the Germans. Having overcome them at the first point, go past the wire fence and move to the next one, where you need to turn the same thing.

You can now go back to the tank and get to the bridge. Here you are attacked by the Germans, so you have to act quickly. While the crew is fighting off, you must again leave the vehicle and on foot pass the area under the bridge.

Turn right there and deal with the guards. Next, you need to get to the bunker, moving on the left. If on the way you are found and the alarm is raised, the Germans will call for help.

Chapter 3. Malfunction

In the course of work, your tank will break down - its spark plugs will burn out. Not far from the stopping point, you will find a village where the Germans settled. Perhaps there you can find a replacement part, but for this you have to deal with the invaders. Together with McManus you will leave the tank, but he will refuse to go with you to certain death.

To explore the area, use the mill, which can be climbed to the top. There lies sniper rifle which will greatly simplify your task. Use binoculars to mark all available Germans and then deal with them. Now you can leave the structure, get close to the village and pick up one of the four candles.

At the new mill you will come across a sniper who can quickly kill you. Moreover, in one of the houses you can find a dangerous flamethrower, with which you should not reduce the distance.

After collecting all the details, get on the horse and return to the car. A German hiding nearby will try to kill you near the tank, but McManus will come to the rescue.

Chapter 4. Steel on steel

You will reach the village where the german tanks and cars. You will have to destroy them all, and the opponents will attack at the same time. To simplify the task, hide behind buildings, of which there are many in the area.

After passing the village, go to the Burlonsky depot, where you have to fight your way. First, kill all the soldiers and stationary guns with light vehicles, then switch to tanks.

When the point is conquered, the Germans will put reinforcements on you. You already know how to deal with different kinds enemy, so that you will not have much difficulty. Small tanks, by the way, are nimble, but they are destroyed on the first hit, so deal with them first. Having repulsed the attack, go to Cambrai, where allies should be waiting for you.

On the way, a cut-scene will begin, during which your car will be destroyed. A group of Germans will rush towards you, shooting down McManus. Townsend will decide to save you both by luring the enemy closer and blowing it up along with himself and the tank, while you and your comrade retreat to Cambrai.

Assignment number 3. Friends from the highest circles

A new character in the Battlefield 1 campaign is British Air Force pilot Clyde Blackburn. In addition to masterly flying an airplane, he is also an excellent poker player.

During the prologue, Clyde will bind George to the table during the game and then travel to his Bristol airplane. Inside, machine gunner Wielson is waiting for him, who will offer to test this baby.

Chapter 1. Test flight

This mission is an airplane flight training. You will fly over the Vosges mountains in France. Fly after the fighter, at the same time following the instructions of the game and getting used to the controls.

After that, you will be offered to shoot, attacking air dummies - balloons. When you deal with them, cover the targets on the ground with missiles.

Soon, real enemies will arrive - German fighters, and then you will have to apply all the skills you have gained in practice.

Do not forget to use the scope to simplify your task and shoot down the enemy faster. The most effective technique is the attack from behind - try to sit on the tail of the German in order to destroy him in a matter of seconds.

Having dealt with the first and second waves, you will start the cut-scene. In the video you will see how the hero will get to the German base, take some pictures, and then return home.

Chapter 2. Total War

Having obtained valuable information about the fortress of the German Empire, you helped the command. That has already begun a ground offensive, so you will have to go there again, but in the form of combat units. You need to deal with the enemy's air defense, thereby clearing the way for your bombers, who can undermine the fortress.

First of all, destroy enemy balloons using a machine gun. Do not even think about flying through them, as you will immediately perish. After that, switch to the enemies below - German vehicles with anti-aircraft guns. They are best attacked with dive rockets.

When all opponents on the ground have been destroyed, the command will finally send the first wave of bombers. You have to defend them by attacking enemy interceptor fighters. Basically, the enemy will try to sit on the tail of your ally, so immediately move away from the bomber in order to instantly be behind the German fighter.

By the way, you can always restore your aircraft using the repair button. When the first wave reaches the target and strikes, you will have to repeat the mission, destroying ground targets again. After that, a second wave will arrive, which will need to be protected from fighters. Soon they will reach their goal, but they will deny you ...

Chapter 3. Fall from heaven

Your device was shot down, but the main character Blackburn still managed to eject. As a result, he is brought into the territory of the enemy, to the rear, on one of the trees of which he found himself. Noticing the German, the protagonist frees himself and hides under the cart.

Under the cart you will find a cartridge that can be thrown to the side to distract the enemy. When he moves away, leave the shelter, grab the paddle and stun him. Grab his weapon, then move on. On the way, you will again have to defeat the enemy using stealth. Your ultimate goal is to leave the enemy zone and return to your allies. Moving westward, you will soon find a small German squad.

If you run fast, you will be noticed, so do the squat. By the way, it is not necessary to deal with all the enemies - you just need to quietly pass them in order to get to the front.

You will go through the trenches and then reach your own crashed plane. It turns out that Wilson survived, but was badly injured. You will have to drag it to your allies on your shoulders, moving along the trenches.

For now, you should not go out into the light of the searchlights, as the machine gunners can mistake you for the enemy and destroy you.

Finally, you will meet a British soldier, after which the cutscene will begin. Then you will find yourself in the hospital, where Wilson lies. After a while, a deceived Rackham will appear, who will take up arms against the main character and decide to take revenge on him by handcuffing him.

Assignment number 4. Forte et fidele

A lot of time has passed since the previous mission. Blackburn has already left the hospital and is now awaiting a deception tribunal. Then Wilson appears, who wants to protect the hero at the meeting. However, everything goes awry, as at that moment the Germans begin to attack the base. Your accuser and guard are killed with a burst of fighter, after which Wilson frees you so that you can go to the fighter together.

As real heroes, you have to defeat all enemies together, holding the German vehicles until the allies arrive. The Germans will often try to get behind your lines, so be prepared to maneuver often.

Next, bombers will arrive with the intention of leveling the base to the ground. However, then the allies will come to your aid, after which the skirmish will develop into a real air battle. To quickly deal with bombers, try to attack them in the center of the car, where the pilot is.

But even after that, the battle will not end. Now you need to deal with airships - ignore all opponents and fly towards them. One machine gun is not enough here, so get ready to fire rockets.

When you destroy the first zeppellin, you will be deceived, after which the heroes decide to board the second airship. Further, already on foot, you must get to the anti-aircraft gun, having dealt with the entire crew on the way. Finally, you can use the anti-aircraft gun and take out the enemies in the sky. As a result, it remains only to destroy the last zeppelin of the enemy.

A cut-scene will begin in which an enemy will fall on your airship. You will survive and find yourself in the water.

Assignment number 5. Go ahead, Savoy

Together with a new hero named Luca, you will find yourself on the Italian front. The prologue begins with the fact that, already a veteran, the protagonist recalls the once experienced events. Then he, together with his brother, participated in the battle of the Dolomites: the hero himself was listed in the special forces of the Italian army Arditi, armed with heavy armor with a machine gun, and his brother Matteo led the battalion.

Chapter 1. "Or we will win ..."

You have received an order to take possession of the church of St. Anastasia. The gameplay for Bow is quite new, since you will be clad in heavy "armor", which allows you to take a lot of damage, but significantly impact on mobility. Shoot all enemies, especially paying attention to flamethrowers, which also have high defense.

When the object is captured, you have to attack the enemy's weapons using anti-tank explosives. Destroy the armored vehicles of the enemy and climb the hill where the group of infantry is located. Then move to the bunker, which contains a powerful cannon - blow it up.

After leaving the last point, go to the indicated hill, on which there are anti-aircraft guns. Having dealt with them, you will start the cut-scene.

The following picture will appear before you: enemy planes are approaching Matteo's battalion, which threatens it with complete destruction.

After the cutscene, quickly run to anti-aircraft gun and deal with aviation. The "birds" of the enemy will decide to retreat, but on way back blow up a mountain, an avalanche from which still cover the battalion. A knocked-out plane will fall near our hero, but the armor will protect him from shrapnel.

Chapter 2. "... or we all die!"

After the fall of the bird, Luka will take off his damaged armor and go to look for his brother. On the way, you will deal with enemies, after which you will hear a call for help. Below you will reach the Alpini fortress, which is protected by the last remnants of your army. Sit on the machine gun and arrange hell on earth for the attackers.

Armor-piercing equipment will have to be taken in a different way - with grenades from the shelter. When the armored personnel carrier arrives, wait until the soldiers leave it, then throw a grenade into the crowd. The attack is repulsed - it's time to continue the search for Matteo.

Explore your surroundings from the hill and mark enemies. Then step forward, clearing your way. Apparently, your brother is trapped inside the fortress opposite, so you will have to infiltrate there. This can be done in two ways: on top, bypassing it from behind, or underground. At the Austrian Horn you have to fight with a group of opponents.

Hide behind obstacles, as armored soldiers will fight with you, which is very difficult to defeat head-on. Ultimately, you will still get to the premises and find your brother, but, alas, he will be dead.

Assignment number 6. Messenger

The new scene is Greece, or rather the Gallipoli Islands, in the Dardanelles region. The video will begin on the ship, where our main character is, Frederick Bishop, who was brought here by dashing straight from Australia.

Chapter 1. Cape Helles

Attacking the enemy from the Dreadnought, the hero breaks through to the ground, after which he leaves the ship and leaves comrade Foster. Here you will have to fight your way through the enemy machine-gun fire, moving from trench to trench. Throw grenades and shoot the enemy close by using a shotgun.

At Cape Helles, you will find a point to reach. Deal with the infantry to speed up the process. After cranking the operation, you will start a cutscene where Bishop announces the capture of this height.

Chapter 2. Without communication

The allies need a messenger, which is also your comrade Jack Foster. The hero does not want to send a newbie friend to certain death, so he takes on this task himself. First of all, kill the enemies on the roof using binoculars to detect the enemy. After the battle, head to the point to get information about the state of the front.

Bypassing the enemy on the left, you will again find soldiers on the roof, with whom you can deal. But you also have the freedom to act quietly, distracting the sentries with shell casings. Soon you will reach the front, but it turns out that they were attacked. The base is fired upon by enemy artillery, which you must report to the command as soon as possible.

On the spot, failure awaits you again - the enemy launched a massive offensive, attacking your headquarters as well. Help the allies to fight back, and then report back to the commander about the state of the front. You must now visit the contact point in the rear. You won't find anyone inside - just

It is necessary to leave the territory, having previously told the rest of the army about what happened. As you remember, there is no connection, so you will have to report yourself. Ride your horse to the first point where the commander is.

Fight off the enemy's advance to trigger a cutscene in which Bishop will tell the commander the bad news. However, even now your task is not over, since there were volunteers in your army who had already left the headquarters and went to storm the enemy's fortress. Foster left with them.

Chapter 3. Take care of yourself

Reach Fort Nebet, guarded by numerous enemy groups. You will have to find your way inside by moving on the right side. On the way, bypassing the camp, grab the necessary equipment and mark the soldiers with binoculars to simplify your task.

Soon you will reach the fortress, having met at the entrance of Comrade Foster and the detachment. Most of the guys are injured, and the newcomer refuses to leave them. Bishop offers to cover the guys while they retreat.

Now you have to fight the fortress one on one. At the highest point of Nebet, you will find yourself an excellent shelter from where you can methodically shoot enemies. While you get there, the soldiers of the fort will attack you.

To defeat the flamethrower, go behind him and shoot at the balloon. Then you will have to fight back for a long time at the top of the fortress, but at the very end you will be wounded. Shelling will begin, which will wipe the base off the face of the earth, along with all its inhabitants ...

Assignment number 7. Nothing is predestined

The mission is conducted on behalf of the narrator Lawrence of Arabia. He will tell about the battles on the Arabian Peninsula, in the center of which will be the heroine Zara - the wife of Lawrence.

Chapter 1. Hide in front of everyone

You will find yourself on a hillock, from where you can explore the surroundings and calculate all the enemies. When it's done, head ahead and get to the train. Sneak inside through the hatch and, quietly, cut out all the opponents.

You can go ahead at any time, but the stealthy gameplay for this mission is more authentic. Use the machine gun and cover the enemies with heavy fire, or continue to sneak and cut everyone one by one.

Then a video will begin in which the heroine will be in the hands of the enemy. However, in a moment, El Orens and his thugs will attack the invaders, who will cut out all opponents. The leader of your saviors will tell you about a certain steel monster who, like death, inexorably destroys all life in its path.

Chapter 2. Work for young people

The steel monster is actually an armored train that cannot be stopped without a direct order from above. You will have to deal with three commanders who own capsules with the coveted cipher. Each of the leaders sat down in the forts, which are located along the length of the railway.

Ride your horse to the first fort. It doesn't matter in what order you clear them, but we went to the weapons depot, as it is less protected than the others. On the way to it, you will meet an Ottoman squad - destroy it and move on. Find the tallest building on the spot, on the top floor of which the target is located.

Next, visit the ruins - the second fort. You can use the nearest armor-piercing vehicle and roll enemies on the ground, or go quietly, methodically cutting out opponents. The target will be outside, walking with the soldier. Distract the latter if you are playing stealthily, then quickly kill the commander and take the capsule.

The third fort is the most protected village. Deal with the enemies and kill the target located in the house. You will not have time to deliver the cipher, as a prisoner will suddenly attack you - the very commander to whom your savior from the previous chapter saved his life.

Chapter 3. Listen to the desert

From the cut-scene you will learn that Tilkichi (this is the name of the former prisoner) managed to get away from El Orens. At some point, he will start to boast, after which he will be distracted, which our heroine will take advantage of. When Tilkichi dies, the next video will start, where Zara, along with Lawrence, will discuss a plan to attack the steel monster.

Get to the place where you decided to ambush the train. Alas, there will be many enemies here that will have to be dealt with.

Use all available means for the battle, including dynamite, which can be found in the warehouse (saber icon).

Use the tower near the warehouse, from where you can remove the lion's share of the enemies with the help of a sniper rifle. After that, you will have to face to face with equipment and machine gunners in armor. In this case, it makes sense to use a field tool.

When the deed is done, the cutscene will begin. Zara will plant a bomb, which will soon be attacked by a steel monster. The train will be stopped, after which enemies will begin to get out of it.

Sit down at the field tool again and wreak havoc with it. But do not sit for a long time at the same weapon, as people from the train will shoot at you from powerful cannons - you will have to constantly change your position. When you deal with them, the final cutscene will begin.

This concludes the passage of Battlefield 1. You did it, congratulations!

Video: Complete Walkthrough of Battlefield 1

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The developers continue to talk about the storyline of Battlefield 1, publishing on the official website of the game short description 5 episodes of the company.

Battlefield 1 single player storyline built on small missions, each of which tells about military history, some of which are written based on the memories of specific people who took part in the First World War.

At the start Battlefield 1 there were 20 such missions, which make up episodes of which there will be only 7. This information was "leaked" to Reddit a few months ago and was recently confirmed.


The allies are losing the war in the air. Britain fights German aces. The average life span of a pilot is 17 days. Now, knowing the statistics, take off and defend the skies over the western front. Intense battles, unexpected encounters and a history of true friendship await you.


In the deserts of the Middle East, Arab tribes rebelled against the oppression of the Ottoman Empire. The empire fights against horsemen armed only with rifles. Your character is a Bedouin fighting shoulder to shoulder with the legendary Lawrence of Arabia. The enemy is superior to you technical equipment... Your chance to win is to destroy the giant rail cannon.


In the fall of 1918, British troops were preparing for a massive attack on the French city of Cambrai. Allied Command believes that the support of the tanks will ensure their victory. But the Mark V tanks have one major drawback. They are unreliable. Join the crew of a faulty tank behind enemy lines and learn to get along and work as a team.


Italy and Austria-Hungary mutually block each other in the Alps. Among the snow-covered mountains, neither side succeeds in pressing the enemy. Meanwhile, the elite arditi mountain regiment prepares a non-standard attack. Upgrade your Arditi armor and go to the mountains - to the place where two armies clash for a key fort.


The British Empire intends to open a new front in the war against the Ottomans by staging a massive invasion from the sea. The ships gathered at the Gallipoli Peninsula. On D-Day of the First World War, more than half a million fighters were preparing for the landing. Your hero, the ANZAC corps messenger, will witness the terrible bombing during the landing. He will be instructed to deliver an urgent report. Getting him through this hell is a matter of life and death.

Mission and Episode Structure in Battlefield 1:

Episode 0: Prologue

  • Chapitre 1: Prologue

Episode 1: Friends in High Places

  • Chapitre 1: Flight School
  • Chapitre 2: Total war
  • Chapitre 3: Carry Your Friend
  • Chapitre 4: Blitz

Episode 2: Nothing is Written

  • Chapitre 1: Hidden in Plain Sight
  • Chapitre 2: Young Mens Works
  • Chapitre 3: Hear The Desert

Episode 3: Through Mud and Blood

  • Chapitre 1: Tank Assault
  • Chapitre 2: Fog of War
  • Chapitre 3: Out of Gas
  • Chapitre 4: Steel on Steel

Episode 4: Avanti Savoia!

  • Chapitre 1:?
  • Chapitre 2:?

Episode 5: The Runner

  • Chapitre 1:?
  • Chapitre 2:?
  • Chapitre 3 :?

Episode 6: Epilogue

  • Chapitre 1: Gallipoli
  • Chapitre 2: The Runaround
  • Chapitre 3: Saving a Life