How to lift a bottle with a match. Tricks for everyone: how to shove a coin in a bottle. We bet that you can pull out the banknote so that the coins remain on the bottle.

If you want to impress your friends at Friday feast, then this collection is for you. INK invites you to reveal the secrets of interesting tricks with which you can easily surprise the audience.

We bet you can pull out a banknote so that the coins remain on the bottle?

The condition of the dispute is not more complicated than its solution. For the trick, you will need a bottle, a bill of any denomination, and a few coins. Next, you need to build a small structure: put a bottle on the bottom, a bill on it, and coins on a bill. By the way, you can ask your friends for money and include it in the terms of the dispute as a prize win.

To pull out a bill without scattering coins, you need to grasp its edge with one hand, and hit the middle of the bill with two fingers of the other hand. Voila, the bill is in your hand, and the coins are safe and sound.

We bet you can determine the number of slices in an orange without peeling it?

The first thing the viewer will think about is that each orange has the same number of slices, but this is not the case. In fact, in order to determine the number of slices in an orange, you need to know only one little secret: there are small dots under the tail of the fruit - their number is equal to the number of slices in an orange.

We bet you can get a wine cork out of a bottle without breaking it?

It is better to start this dispute with the question "Who can fall asleep with a cork in a bottle?" There are many who wish to complete this task with great effort. Then offer to remove the cork from the bottle without breaking the last one. Usually, after a lot of trying, the audience will agree to an argument.

There are two ways to do this trick - with a plastic bag and with a string.

We bet you can put out a cigarette on your finger?

This trick can be mildly shocking to onlookers. The secret is to freeze your finger with an ice cube from your drink before performing the dispute, and then wipe it off.

Ask the audience to carefully examine your finger - this way they will make sure that there are no rubber attachments on it, and the skin is completely dry. Then put out the cigarette on your finger and demonstrate that there are no burns left on it.

Bet you can cut a lime with a cigarette?

To implement such a seemingly impossible task, you just need to set fire to the filter of the cigarette, then extinguish and give it a sharp shape. Slice a lime and enjoy your friends goggles.

We bet you can pull a bill out from under an inverted bottle without lifting it?

Place a paper bill on a flat surface, and place the bottle with the neck down on it. No matter how much your friends suffer, they are unlikely to be able to get the bill from under the vessel without using their hands. But, as you already understood, everything is very simple. It is necessary to roll the bill into a roll with extremely careful movements, pulling the paper out from under the neck.

We bet you can get a coin without touching a match?

First you need to fix one match in the box, then put a coin on the box, and put another match on top of it, so that it rests against the first match with one end.

Invite your friends to pull out the coin hands-free, without blowing it away. After much torment, there will be those who want to know the secret. And it is simple: you just need to set fire to the heads of two matches. The match that rests on the coin will begin to rise, and it will not be difficult to pull out the "patch" or "dime" from under it.

We bet you can drink from the bottle without opening it?

The perfect way to become the life of the party and entertain the audience. The fact is that most bottles have a depression in the bottom. As soon as your friends agree to an argument, pour a drink into it from another bottle and enjoy the audience applause.

We bet you can put the egg upright?

To do this, you just need to sprinkle a whisper of salt on a flat surface and very carefully place the egg on top. To add more effect to the trick, the remaining salt can be blown away - then it will seem that the egg is standing without any aids.

Tricks with coins always arouse the keenest interest of the audience. And, of course, the more unusual the trick, the more popular it is. One of these, at first glance, really "magic" tricks can be called pushing a coin into a closed bottle.

The magician takes an ordinary plastic bottle with a narrow neck and takes a coin from his pocket. Its diameter is slightly larger than the width of its neck, which the magician confirms, in front of the audience, trying to push a coin through it. After that, he closes the bottle with a lid and sharply slams the bottom of the hand with the coin on it. A sharp sound - and now the coin is already at the bottom.

The key to this trick is that the illusionist uses a pre-prepared bottle that makes this magic trick possible. To replicate this view, you will need:

  • Plastic bottle with lid;
  • 2 coins;
  • Knife or scissors.

The whole secret lies in the container. Before focusing on its side, you need to make a small cut, slightly longer than the diameter of the coin. The cut must be very neat so that the audience does not notice it in the light. For this reason, it is better to prefer a bottle with a label: a bright piece of paper will distract attention and at the same time hide a hole on the opposite side.

When you're done, take a coin and carefully insert it into the cut so that most of the metal remains outside.

It is important! During the focus, it is necessary to hold the bottle so that the cut with the coin is facing you and is not visible from the side of the audience.

Now you can start the trick itself. Show the audience the second coin, demonstrate that it does not go down the neck. Remember that the lion's share of the success of any trick lies in the artistry of the illusionist. You can tap the plastic with a coin to convince everyone that there are no holes in the bottom of the bottle. After that, you need to forcefully hit the bottom of the coin with the edge of the coin, and at the same time push the second coin into the slot with your thumb. Spectators will hear the rattling of metal on plastic and see a coin lying in a bottle.

The money left in your hand can reveal the secret of trick, so you need to quickly hide it. The easiest way is to hide it in the palm of your hand, squeezing it between the palm and the first knuckle of the finger. It is almost impossible to do this the first time, therefore, before putting a coin into a bottle, it is worth working out this simple trick to automatism.

This video will explain in detail how to correctly perform this simple but unusual trick:

In case, if you have the desire to show this trick on the street, using the bottle of soda you just bought, you can take the risk and do this trick more in a simple way... To do this, push the coin into the bottle in advance and, shaking it, place it with its edge on the bottom. Due to the light refraction effect, the coin will not be visible from the side of the audience. If your trick was not noticed from the very beginning, you can continue the hoax and, sharply hitting the bottom with the second coin, shake the bottle, forcing the disguised money to fall flat and become clearly visible.

Alex, 52 Moscow June 10, 2015 at 14:09

That's what I mean! I used to sharpen my sword at home from metal, because my friend also had metal in the yard and we fought with them for life and death. And no one had the idea of โ€‹โ€‹running to court, that someone hit someone on the shoulder with a piece of iron and bruises. And we were 5-6 years old and we were both heroes and mechanical engineers. At the age of 12-13, our air balloons planted glass with a plasticine ball. And now???

yes, the "wooden toys" had their own good educational moment - they had to strain their brains in order to invent something for themselves or competently copy the neighbor's one, there was creativity, engineering thought and a flight of imagination ๐Ÿ˜‰ for example, how to properly fill an iron tube of toothpaste with a nitrated newspaper, then set it all on fire competently, and so that it travels on the asphalt ๐Ÿ˜€ or, like a bicycle, make brakes so that it stops with a whistle, and with a trace on the asphalt ... -It was generally a brainwashing event ๐Ÿ˜‰

As soon as I got a bicycle, I immediately realized that the balls in the rear bearing were superfluous and they all went to ignite. And my mother persistently put me on the bike, because racing on carts with bearings from the mountain between the wheels of cars is not the safest thing to do. At the same time, I mastered the design of a bow, arrows from which were a nightmare in neighboring summer cottages. But when my brother told me about the sling ... I am still ashamed in front of the neighbors for the slate on the roofs ...
Our light Soviet childhood was the happiest and most carefree!

๐Ÿ˜€ balls in the rear bearing are generally a disaster! if they crumbled on the sand when you disassemble, then you sweat to collect them and clean the adhering sand ... and for some reason they always crumbled from the clip ๐Ÿ˜€ (and yes, for myself, I personally would not want to exchange my childhood with " wooden toys "to the modern," smart phone "- it is somehow boring for young animals, monotonous.)

I weaned to crumble - I had a "Skif", this is an early analogue of "Salut", I greased the clip itself thickly with grease, then the balls did not fall out anywhere, they stuck to it. But this is not for long, the rear wheel has always had a "eight", although more often "butterfly" because of the passion for jumping over curbs and sandboxes. Returning home with 2-3 torn spokes or with a torn thread was the norm, since I did not throw out the spokes from the dead wheels, but took them off.
In early childhood we had one more "weakness" - plasticine soldiers. My army consisted of 2,500 soldiers, cavalry, infantry, so needles, cans, lead, thread spools, wire, everything went into business!
Once, having received a couple of points and angered my mother in earnest, it came to the fact that she decided to throw everything out (the army was in a deep niche of the sofa). Opening it, she saw a city, with drawbridges, cannons, houses, it was all mechanical and worked. She did not raise her hands to throw it away ... And after all, such technical solutions were with each of us!

1. If you're done with one beer bottle at a bar and need another, try old trick with a toothpick and a coin. Break a toothpick and bend it by 50 degrees, carefully place it on the neck of the bottle, and on top of it put a ten-kopeck or other coin of a suitable diameter on top of it. Offer your friend a bet that you can make a coin fall to the bottom of the bottle without touching a toothpick, coin, bottle, or table. It turns out that it is enough to drop a little water on the broken toothpick so that the wood fibers swell and the coin falls inside.

2. Lure your most cocky friend to the next proposal: can he drink three glasses of vodka faster than you can drink three glasses of beer. Of course, explain to him that everything is not so simple and there is one condition - you cannot touch each other's containers. Most likely, he will not even take this condition seriously, which he will greatly regret later. Start quickly drinking your first glass of beer - you really need to hurry up (depending on your skill, it should take 20 to 40 seconds). At this time, your competitor will slowly drink the first and second glasses and, laughing at you, may even offer a head start. As soon as he already believes in his victory, and you empty your first glass, quickly cover the last unfinished glass with it and remind you that, according to the condition, you cannot touch someone else's dishes.

3. After a couple of bottles of beer, you may be drawn to magic tricks at all. To knock another drink out of your coworker, offer to do the bouncing toothpick trick and repeat the trick. But first, watch the video carefully to understand what is at stake. Take one toothpick and squeeze its end between your thumb and forefinger, then rest against its middle with the nail of the middle finger of the same hand. Put another toothpick on top of it, lightly holding it with the finger of your other hand. If done correctly and enough force is applied to the first toothpick, a slight glide of the middle finger nail will be enough to create vibration, from which the second toothpick will begin to bounce.

4. Ask if your friend has a bill, the denomination of which he can double by just pulling it out from under the neck of the bottle. There is one condition: you cannot touch the bottle with your hands, but you can only touch the bill itself. Most of the debaters begin to abruptly pull out the bill or, conversely, pull it out on the sly. These methods are doomed to fail, especially if the neck of the bottle is slightly damp and the bill sticks. The old but tried-and-true method requires you to carefully roll the bill and move the bottle as much as possible until it is on the table.

5. Another trick involves placing a bill on the neck of a bottle and placing a stack of five-ruble coins on top of it. The task of the debaters is to get the money out so as not to touch the coins with their hands: every single one of them must remain on the neck. To win, you need to know the secret: you need to wet your index finger and hit the edge of the bill sharply so that it pops out from under the pile. A similar trick can be done to pull out a bill sticking out between the necks of two beer bottles.

6. Ask a renowned handyman to help you open a beer bottle. Of course, not in a simple way, but with the help of one A4 sheet. Of course, your friend will only throw up his hands, and then do the following. Fold the sheet as many times as possible until you have a tight package, about the size of a lighter. Then grab the neck with one hand, and with the other open the lid with this roll in the same way as you do with any other flat and durable objects.

7. Take a tin beer cap and fold it in half slightly. Place the empty bottle horizontally on a flat surface and insert the cork from the very edge of the bottleneck. Find the most naive person in the area and ask him to blow the cork inside the bottle. In order for him to get involved in an argument for sure, give him three tries. The task will seem to him even too simple, but he will quickly become disappointed in his abilities when the cork will fly out of the neck all three times. The point is that it cannot be done. The more actively you blow into the bottle in order to push the cork inside, the stronger the reverse flow of circulating air will throw it out from there.

8. Invite your friend to touch the wall with their left side so that they touch the wall with five points: ankle, knee, hip, elbow, and cheek. After that, he must lift his right leg off the floor for at least a second, while continuing to hold all five points against the wall. It is impossible to do this, but it is quite funny to watch the attempts.

9. Put a glass upside down on the table, put a matchbox on it so that it hangs a third over the edge. Ask your friend to put the box upright the first time with one flick of your finger. Convince him that you can do it three times out of three. However, as soon as a friend tries, the box will not be held vertically and will roll over to the other side. What's the secret? When it's your turn to flip the box, discreetly open it to see which side is the bottom. When the bottom is at the bottom, the trick is 100% of the time, when the bottom is on top, it is at 0%.

10. Take your bank card, two-ruble coin, and a glass half filled with liquid. Place the card on the edge of the glass so that it does not fall, and invite your friends to put a coin on the edge of the card, keeping the balance. Don't be afraid to take risks and make big bets - they still won't succeed. Now you come into play. All that is needed is to top up the glass of water so that the card "sticks" to its surface, after which the coin is placed on the edge without any fear. The weight will hold the surface tension of the water.

11. Another spectacular trick with a coin, a glass, a business card, and a cigarette can help you impress people you know and knock out a free drink for yourself. Cover the cup with a business card or playing card, put a cigarette on it (filter down), and gently hoist a ten-kopeck coin on top of the structure. The competitive task is to make sure that the coin is in the stack, provided that not a single part of this pyramid can be touched. The correct solution is simple: you need to blow sharply under the bottom of the business card so that it flies to the side with the cigarette, and the relatively heavy coin falls into the pile.

12. Take an empty bottle, fill it with water to the very brim. Break off two heads from ordinary wooden matches (about a centimeter) and throw them into the bottle so that they float right at the very neck. Suggest someone to make the match heads sink to the bottom. Few people will guess that it is necessary to create strong pressure in the bottle. Close the neck of the bottle with your thumb and press down so that neither water nor air comes out of it. Pieces of matches will sink by themselves, but as soon as you remove your finger, they will float up again. If the trick doesn't work, try breaking off smaller pieces of matches.

13. Take two coasters, a small ball made from crumpled paper, and a wine glass. Put the ball on one coaster and invite your drinking companions to transfer the ball to another coaster, provided that nothing but the glass can be touched, and it must be turned upside down. It is done as follows: the ball is covered with a glass, after which the glass should be quickly rotated. Under the action of centripetal force, the ball enters the glass and is transferred to another coaster.

14. Take a glass of small diameter, filled almost to the brim with water, and put a wine stopper in it. Challenge bar patrons to try to bring the cork to the middle of the glass, where it should stay. They will blow on it, push with their fingers, but all the same, every time the cork will be โ€œnailedโ€ to the wall of the glass. Your way out: in order for the cork to float to the middle, it is enough to add a glass of water to the glass - that is, to the very edge, but so that it does not overflow.

The idea for this material came to mind during the celebration of FURFUR's birthday in the editorial workshop. To add some sparkle to the party, I decided to test the old trick of blowing a cork into a beer bottle on the guys, and as a result, I managed to pull off with as many as three of them. It was so embarrassing to take away the won stewards that I decided to recall 14 more alcohol bets, so that henceforth both the members of the editorial board and our readers would not be led to such tricks.

15 alcohol bets

If you're done with one beer bottle at the bar and need another, try the old toothpick and coin trick. Break a toothpick and bend it by 50 degrees, carefully place it on the neck of the bottle, and on top of it put a ten-kopeck or other coin of a suitable diameter on top of it. Offer your friend a bet that you can make a coin fall to the bottom of the bottle without touching a toothpick, coin, bottle, or table. It turns out that it is enough to drop a little water on the broken toothpick so that the wood fibers swell and the coin falls inside.

Lure your most cocky friend to the next proposal: can he drink three glasses of vodka faster than you can drink three glasses of beer. Of course, explain to him that everything is not so simple and there is one condition - you cannot touch each other's containers. Most likely, he will not even take this condition seriously, which he will greatly regret later. Start quickly drinking your first glass of beer - you really need to hurry up (depending on your skill, it should take 20 to 40 seconds). At this time, your competitor will slowly drink the first and second glasses and, laughing at you, may even offer a head start. As soon as he already believes in his victory, and you empty your first glass, quickly cover the last unfinished glass with it and remind you that, according to the condition, you cannot touch someone else's dishes.

After a couple of bottles of beer, you may be drawn to magic tricks at all. To knock another drink out of your coworker, offer to do the bouncing toothpick trick and repeat the trick. But first, watch the video carefully to understand what is at stake. Take one toothpick and squeeze its end between your thumb and forefinger, then rest against its middle with the nail of the middle finger of the same hand. Put another toothpick on top of it, lightly holding it with the finger of your other hand. If done correctly and enough force is applied to the first toothpick, a slight glide of the middle finger nail will be enough to create vibration, from which the second toothpick will begin to bounce.

Ask if your friend has a bill, the denomination of which he can double by just pulling it out from under the neck of the bottle. There is one condition: you cannot touch the bottle with your hands, but you can only touch the bill itself. Most of the debaters begin to abruptly pull out the bill or, conversely, pull it out on the sly. These methods are doomed to fail, especially if the neck of the bottle is slightly damp and the bill sticks. The old but tried-and-true method requires you to carefully roll the bill and move the bottle as much as possible until it is on the table.

Another trick involves placing a bill on the neck of a bottle and placing a stack of five-ruble coins on top of it. The task of the debaters is to get the money out so as not to touch the coins with their hands: every single one of them must remain on the neck. To win, you need to know the secret: you need to wet your index finger and hit the edge of the bill sharply so that it pops out from under the pile. A similar trick can be done to pull out a bill sticking out between the necks of two beer bottles.

Ask a renowned handyman to help you open a beer bottle. Of course, not in a simple way, but with the help of one A4 sheet. Of course, your friend will only throw up his hands, and then do the following. Fold the sheet as many times as possible until you have a tight package, about the size of a lighter. Then grab the neck with one hand, and with the other open the lid with this roll in the same way as you do with any other flat and durable objects.

Take a tin beer cap and fold it in half slightly. Place the empty bottle horizontally on a flat surface and insert the cork from the very edge of the bottleneck. Find the most naive person in the area and ask him to blow the cork inside the bottle. In order for him to get involved in an argument for sure, give him three tries. The task will seem to him even too simple, but he will quickly become disappointed in his abilities when the cork will fly out of the neck all three times. The point is that it cannot be done. The more actively you blow into the bottle in order to push the cork inside, the stronger the reverse flow of circulating air will throw it out from there.

Invite your friend to touch the wall with their left side so that they touch the wall with five points: ankle, knee, hip, elbow, and cheek. After that, he must lift his right leg off the floor for at least a second, while continuing to hold all five points against the wall. It is impossible to do this, but it is quite funny to watch the attempts.

Put a glass upside down on the table, put a matchbox on it so that it hangs a third over the edge. Ask your friend to put the box upright the first time with one flick of your finger. Convince him that you can do it three times out of three. However, as soon as a friend tries, the box will not be held vertically and will roll over to the other side. What's the secret? When it's your turn to flip the box, discreetly open it to see which side is the bottom. When the bottom is at the bottom, the trick is 100% of the time, when the bottom is on top, it is at 0%.

Take your bank card, two-ruble coin, and a glass half filled with liquid. Place the card on the edge of the glass so that it does not fall, and invite your friends to put a coin on the edge of the card, keeping the balance. Don't be afraid to take risks and make big bets - they still won't succeed. Now you come into play. All that is needed is to top up the glass of water so that the card "sticks" to its surface, after which the coin is placed on the edge without any fear. The weight will hold the surface tension of the water.

Another spectacular coin, glass, business card, and cigarette trick can help you impress people and knock out a free drink for yourself. Cover the glass with a business card or a playing card, put a cigarette on it (filter down), and carefully hoist a ten-kopeck coin on top of the structure. The competitive task is to make sure that the coin is in the pile, provided that not a single part of this pyramid can be touched. The correct solution is simple: you need to blow sharply under the bottom of the business card so that it flies to the side with the cigarette, and the relatively heavy coin falls into the pile.

Take an empty bottle, fill it with water to the very brim. Break off two heads from ordinary wooden matches (about a centimeter) and throw them into the bottle so that they float right at the very neck. Suggest someone to make the match heads sink to the bottom. Few people will guess that it is necessary to create strong pressure in the bottle. Close the neck of the bottle with your thumb and press down so that neither water nor air comes out of it. Pieces of matches will sink by themselves, but as soon as you remove your finger, they will float up again. If the trick doesn't work, try breaking off smaller pieces of matches.

Take two coasters, a small ball made from crumpled paper, and a wine glass. Put the ball on one coaster and invite your drinking companions to transfer the ball to another coaster, provided that nothing but the glass can be touched, and it must be turned upside down. It is done as follows: the ball is covered with a glass, after which the glass should be quickly rotated. Under the action of centripetal force, the ball enters the glass and is transferred to another coaster.

Take a glass of small diameter, filled almost to the brim with water, and put a wine stopper in it. Challenge bar patrons to try to bring the cork to the middle of the glass, where it should stay. They will blow on it, push with their fingers, but all the same, every time the cork will be โ€œnailedโ€ to the wall of the glass. Your way out: in order for the cork to float out to the middle, it is enough to add a glass of water to the glass - that is, to the very edge, but so that it does not overflow.