The best card tricks for beginners. Old card illusion "Pianist's trick Illusion with cards training

Hello friends!

And what are we all the tricks and tricks we study. Let's take a look at such a thing as the old Pianist's Trick card illusion. It can of course be classified as a trick, but I think it would be wrong.

It all depends not on some techniques, but on working with the mind of the viewer. More precisely, how this consciousness can be deceived.

Personally, I just love this trick. As a rule, viewers cannot understand anything at all, because everything is happening in front of their eyes and everything is controlled by the viewer, nothing happens without his permission.

Therefore, everything looks calm and without cheating shenanigans.

So how I love to start showing this trick. I ask the viewer if he believes in teleportation? As a rule, the answer is no.

Okay, then what do you say if I take and teleport the map to another part of this room? The viewer, as a rule, naturally does not believe.

Okay, then I won't push it far and show it under your nose. The magician takes the cards and begins to insert a pair of cards between the fingers of the spectator.

The task of the viewer is to keep track of everywhere, so that the magician does not lead him and insert only a couple of cards between his fingers. But between the last fingers the magician inserts one card!

Now we continue the experiment. Now the magician takes a pair of cards from the viewer between his fingers and each time asks "A pair?"

The viewer always answers yes. The magician lays out paired cards in two piles and so on with everyone. In the end, there is one card without a pair. And the magician asks the viewer, in which pile to put this card without a pair?

The viewer chooses any of the piles and the magician puts it there last card single. Next comes the magic! The card magically moves at the will of the magician to another pile!

Watch the video for a tutorial on this very cool trick.

I advise you to learn:

Card manipulation - what is it? By itself the concept of "manipulation" is associated with some kind of deception... Indeed, these techniques are actively used by magicians to demonstrate various tricks.

First of all, they help to grab attention. But such actions are actively used by players at the card table or simply by people who want to impress by demonstrating dexterity.

Card manipulation. What's this?

What is meant by the term "Manipulation"? Absolutely all kinds of tricks and tricks that you can demonstrate with a deck.

The word "manipulation" is associated with deception. But far from it

The concept includes:

  • All types of florishes;
  • Double rise;
  • Slides;
  • Coups;
  • Volts;
  • Pruning;
  • All mixing methods.

Every magician should master at least some of these tricks, partly because they are part of a number of illusions, partly to elementary be able to handle props... Tricks like these help you achieve perfect sleight of hand and make the cards completely obey you.

But even if you don't plan on being an illusionist, owning some florishes or interesting shuffling techniques can help you impress any audience.

Learning some complex manipulations can, of course, be time-consuming, but a number of basic things can be easily learned with the help of video training on the Internet. And having mastered some beautiful and effective techniques, you can arrange real performances.

Let's talk about some decorative techniques that, developing flexibility of fingers and refinement of actions are fairly easy to learn and can have a dramatic effect on any audience.

Volt Charlier

Volt Challier - the most popular basic card trick

Volt Is a shuffling method so that the required card is always in a fixed place. This trick, called "Charlier's Volt" by all, is one of the most popular and basic techniques.


  • The stack must be held three fingers- large on a long rib on one side, and middle and unnamed on the opposite. On the other two sides are the little finger and the index finger.
  • With a large one, you move about half a deck so that your front part is held by a large, medium and nameless one, and the back part lies on the wrist.
  • With your little finger and forefinger, lift the part that lies on your palm so that it stands perpendicular to the first part, forming something like the letter "g".
  • Further, it slightly pushes the large, middle and little fingers, and what is on top, gently lie on the index finger.
  • And then we lower the index finger, and both piles fall into the hand. The bottom is thus now at the top, and the top is at the bottom.

Learn to act quickly, and you can easily carry out different illusions using the form of videos:

Double lift

Another popular type used in all sorts of illusions. Rise in general Is the path of drawing one or more cards from the deck (for example, chosen by the viewer).

Double lift - removing two cards from the deck in such a way that the viewer perceives them as one.

On the basis of the technique, there is an unusual and at the same time the easiest trick. The mage shows the audience the top card in the deck. Suppose there are five worms. Next, the magician removes the top card and places it in the center of the structure. The magician clicks, opens the top card - and this is our five.

Sleight of hand and regular exercise are the keys to success.

What's the secret? Everything is elementary:

  • At first, when the picture is shown, it was not the card lying on top, but the second one in a row. Skillful fingers deftly picked up two cards.
  • The impossibility of exposing this action is achieved mainly by regular practice.

But there are some rules, following which you will not allow anyone to declassify yourself:

  • Deck in the palm of your hand.

With your other thumb, bend two cards and fix them with your little finger or, better, with a part of your palm closer to your thumb. The main thing is to act inconspicuously. And then grab the opposite corners of the card with the second handle with your thumb and middle fingers, bend it and open it. So nothing will scatter or move for you. In addition, it is easier to separate the curved thing from the main pile and return it back. Of course, you need to study for more than one day, so that the props do not disperse, and the movements are not tense.

  • Next is the simplest trick.

You shoot the already real top and place it in the center, and what you actually demonstrated to the public ends up at the top. In essence, a very straightforward trick. The hardest part is learning how to act accurately and accurately. Having mastered the double ascent, you will be able to easily demonstrate not only this, but also many other illusions.

"Double ascent" can be easily taught by video tutorials:

Card waterfall

Waterfall- one of the most beautiful types of decorative manipulation. It belongs to the category florishes ... Its essence - the cards, coming off the pile, fall beautifully down from above into the palm. Actually, that's why it was called the waterfall.


Of course, in the learning process do not raise the stack too high... Then you can lift it higher when you find the optimal falling speed for yourself.

The more you train, the higher your waterfall will be, the more you can delight the audience.

This is just a small part of how incredible things can be done with regular deck ... Learn and practice, and then any tricks will be given to you with ease.

You can learn the "Card Waterfall" by watching the video:

This question worries many. Card tricks look very, very impressive. And the more incredible the implementation of the focus seems to the audience, the more impressive it makes. Almost every person, at least once taking cards in their hands, wonders how to do tricks with cards. In this article, we will look at several options to show that anyone can master this art.


As you know, almost every trick is based on the principle of "sleight of hand and no fraud." That is why certain training will be required from the magician himself. It is about the ability to shuffle cards in several ways, to do the trick in time, as well as the ability to divert the audience's eyes at the right time.

It is highly recommended that you first learn exactly how to shuffle cards. There are special materials for beginners, where everything is described in detail. For a beginner who is wondering how to learn how to do it, it is not at all necessary to immediately get into professional tricks. At first, you can start with simple tricks such as “4 by 4”. This trick has other names as well, "lock" for example. Its essence lies in the fact that 4 jacks, 4 queens, 4 kings and 4 aces are sequentially laid out in 4 piles.

4 eights: idea

If you are one of those who are wondering how to learn how to do magic tricks with cards to amuse children, then this trick is especially for you.

Its essence lies in the fact that 4 cards - eights - are laid out on the table (or other horizontal surface). All stripes, respectively. To perform this trick, by the way, different decks of cards are suitable, and 52. So, when the cards are already laid out face up, the magician advises the viewer (it can be either a child or a person of a different age) to think of one card.

After the illusionist turns away, the viewer must rotate the card 180 degrees. That is, so that the values ​​are swapped, however, in fact, nothing has changed. When the viewer finishes, he informs the magician, he again turns to face the cards.

You (if you play the role of the one who makes the focus) can make different movements, depicting reading on the viewer's face, on cards, and so on. After that, it remains only to name the correct answer.

4 eights: secret

If you look closely at all the cards, except for the diamond suit, you may notice one very interesting thing. The thing is that the pattern of the suit is located in three columns. Three patterns on the left and three patterns on the right, two in the middle. So, in the side rulers, the central patterns can be directed either to the magician, or from him. Since the diamond suit is represented by a rhombus, this rule does not apply to it.

That is why, when the magician turns back (having previously memorized where the suits are directed), he can see if the direction of one of the cards has changed. If so, that is the answer. If the direction has not changed, then it was turned card of diamonds... So we gave an answer to the question of how to do magic tricks with cards for beginners. As you can see, everything is quite simple. At least at first.

Transformation: idea

The meaning of this trick is that the magician holds one card in his hands, and then, having made a click on it, presents to the viewers a completely different card. A bit rustic, but quite impressive.

Transformation: secret

This trick is easy enough. But the first time you are unlikely to learn how to perform it, because it requires a certain skill and developed fingers. So what is the secret of the transformation focus?

From the very beginning, the illusionist (naturally, unnoticed by his viewer) takes two cards at once. One, which will be shown at the end, he places face down on the back of the main card, which is shown to the viewer at the beginning of the trick.

The cards should be held not in the up-down position, but in the sideways position. In this case, the index and middle fingers of the hand should lie on the front side of the main card from above, and the thumb should lie on the back of the spare card in the area of ​​the middle finger. That is, the thumb and middle finger are on the same line, but from different sides.

Simultaneously with the click, the cards change. Very fast, it should be noted. This is done due to the synchronous movement of the fingers in different directions: the middle one pushes the old card back, the big one pushes the new one forward.

It should be noted that in this case old map must be fixed in a certain position. The trick must be performed, always standing directly in relation to the viewer. There should be no turns, displacements, decreases and increases in maps. Otherwise, the viewer will see that the second card is at the back.


Thus, by giving examples of two simple tricks, we answered the question: "with cards?" The training is quite simple, as you can see, there are no special difficulties. Of course, further tricks will be more difficult. But once you learn the basics, you can figure out the hard ones too.

If you are interested in the question of how to learn how to show tricks on cards, then this material will be extremely useful. There is a wide variety of beautiful and bright card tricks that can captivate and completely captivate the attention of the public. However, for novice wizards, it is better to first master the simpler, but also entertaining and effective tricks.

Before you begin to learn the technique of a particular trick, you should make sure that you are fully proficient in the art of florishes, pruning, flips, double lifts, breaks, and fake shuffles. These are fundamental skills for the successful reproduction of any trick, no matter the simplest, even the most incredible in complexity.

Consider a few simple and original tricks that always cause animation and bewilderment among the audience.

Magic leaf

To perform this trick, you will need:

  • cards;
  • table;
  • a piece of paper;
  • writing pen;
  • spectators.

The essence of the trick: you shuffle the deck in any way you like. Then write the names of the two pictures on a piece of paper, but do not show them to the audience yet. Insert a piece of paper into the middle of the deck. Scroll it down to the leaf in the middle, turn it over and show it to the public, they see what is written. Then insert the sheet back, lay out the deck with tape and open one image on each side of the sheet in the middle. These are exactly the cards that you wrote.

Focus Mechanism: When shuffling, look at the top and bottom cards in the deck. Write them down on paper. Then insert the sheet in the middle and start fanning the stack up to it. When you reach it, grab it along with the cards in your hand and turn it over. So the viewer will see what is written on the paper, and you put the sheet on top of the deck (you already know the top picture).

Then we put the second half of the pack on a piece of paper, and it turns out that it is sandwiched between two known cards. Now stretch the deck with a sheet in the middle with a beautiful ribbon and turn the images next to it. Everyone is surprised and applauded, and you mentally congratulate yourself on your success.

It is important! Use such a shuffle, in which you peek at the cards from above and below unnoticed!

To show such tricks with cards, you will need specials. cards with special coated. You can order these

The bottom line: the viewer chooses any picture from the deck, remembers it and puts it back in any place. The magician begins to sort through the cards from the deck one by one, and it is the picture chosen by the viewer that turns out to be a picture turned upside down against the background of the rest of the cards lying face down.

Mechanism: before letting the viewer select a picture, you need to discreetly turn the bottom piece from the pack. You can do this in advance. While the person is making their choice, you flip the deck over and give him to insert his card. After that, turn the deck over again and start flipping. The viewer's choice will be reversed. The trick is very simple and does not require too complicated manipulations.

It is important! All deck flips in this trick must be performed instantly and imperceptibly, this is 90% of the successful outcome.

Three jacks

A very effective and bright trick that makes you just grab your head from the apparent unreality of what is happening.

The bottom line: we take 3 jacks: diamonds, clubs and spades. We put jacks of diamonds and spades facing each other. We see only the back of the cards. We also turn the cross jack over to the viewer and insert it perpendicularly between the other two jacks. Then, in front of the audience, we make several magical passes, and the jack of diamonds is turned upside down to face the audience and lying horizontally in the middle. Incredible magic replacement of the cross jack for the jack of diamonds - this is how it looks from the outside.

This trick will be easy to learn from the video below:

I know what she is like

Another cool trick, capable of causing a flurry of emotions in the audience. And at the same time it is completely uncomplicated in execution.

The bottom line: the viewer chooses any card from the deck and then you remove it inside the pack. Ask the viewer to draw cards from the deck as many times as he wants. Then you take the pack in your hands and say: "I know what your card is." You call the number, count the number you need, turn over and the exact hit. The viewer is shocked, you are in the glory.

To be able to masterfully and beautifully perform card tricks is the dream of many boys, and sometimes girls. This makes it possible to attract the attention of the public, to make your persona a mysterious center of events, to envelop yourself in some kind of mystery. Therefore, from childhood, adolescents who are interested in this craft rush to master this skill as best as possible. Sometimes the desire to learn how to own a deck comes later, already at a completely mature age. However, it is never too late.

We will try to consider the simplest card tricks, with the development of which you should start your work. This will help any hardworking, diligent and hard-working person to become a real magician in the future.

Basic skills to possess

Even the simplest card tricks require the ability to mask some of their actions. AND the best way for this are:

  • various florishes;
  • false shuffles in different ways;
  • false and true card draws.

Therefore, first of all, you need to force the deck to become obedient in your hands. Learn, without hesitation and instantly, to perform at least one type of each of the above techniques. Some of them can be trained here:

To master at least one method of false shuffling is necessary for almost any card trick. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this.

Examples of easy card tricks

The first elements are based, as a rule, on working with an accomplice from the audience or mathematics. Knowing the basic simple calculations will help you carry out more than one spectacular card trick with guessing the intended card. And if you agree with a friend in advance, then you can amaze those present even more.

Such a mathematical trick will be interesting to the viewer.

The bottom line: you guess the card, conceived by the viewer. For this, the technique of performing the trick should be as follows: a person shifts the deck onto himself as he wants and takes one of the halves for himself. You ask him to count the number of cards and add the resulting numbers among themselves (for example, having counted, he received 12). This means that when these numbers are added, he will receive 3. Now he must count out the third card in his part of the deck from the bottom and memorize it. Put your half on yours and give the whole pack of cards to you. At the same time, he can keep all his calculations in mind, not sound. You effectively turn over the deck with the magic phrase "Delightful trick" and on the last letter of this phrase turn over the hidden picture. Secret: this card will always be 19, these are the laws of mathematics!

A video teaching math tricks with cards can be found at this address:

To show such tricks with cards, you will need specials. cards with special coated. You can order these

In these tricks, it is important to be able to count quickly and correctly. It is better not to make mistakes, this will undermine your credibility as a magician.

Spectacular stunts

Simple but beautiful card tricks for beginners, always winning. An example is the "Four Aces" trick. The bottom line: according to any number named by the viewer in the range from 10 to 20, you do several card swaps and effectively put aside exactly four aces from the deck.

Secret: from the whole pack, count the number of cards that the viewer named. It turns out a small pack. Remove from it from above the number of cards that will be obtained by adding the components of the viewer's number (for example, if it is 12, then remove 3). Return the rest of the cards to the deck. Of the three, set the top aside with the outer side up. The rest to the general heap, but strictly on top of the deck. Repeat this four times. Then turn over all four pending cards - these are aces. The whole main trick is to put aces in the 9,10,11,12 place into the deck before starting.

Such simple magic tricks with cards will help you give yourself a head start into a more challenging stunt future.

And here is for you as many as 4 simplest tricks with maps along with training:

To show such tricks with cards, you will need specials. cards with special coated. You can order these

Any of the above execution options requires great dexterity and the use of special deck control techniques. Relentless training will help you achieve the desired result.