The yard games of the Soviet childhood. Games in the yard: outdoor and sedentary games for children. You go quieter, you go further - stop

And I'm in the "house"!

- How many rubies do you have?
– 50!
- Wow! Pokezh, what kind of mill do you have?

I overheard this dialogue the other day at the neighbour's boys. They sat on a bench and poked each other's phones. Looking around, I did not see children playing "Doggy" or drawing a field for "The quieter you drive, the further you will be." Alas, modern children prefer to knock on the keyboard and sit on VKontakte.

The yard games that we played for days on end (until they are "driven") are gradually becoming a thing of the past. But most of them not only develop dexterity, endurance and strength, but also teach such important things as cohesion and mutual assistance.

I suggest you remember our favorite yard games and introduce your children to them.

Hide and seek

One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look.

Simple game - you can play anywhere, anytime. It is especially exciting in the evening, when it gets dark.


First, the driver is selected. For this, in childhood, we knew a billion counting rhymes. Then the driver stands facing the wall (tree, pillar ...) and counts aloud to 20 (50, 100 ...). The players are hiding.

The task of the players is to hide so that the driver cannot find it. The driver's task is to find all those who are hiding.

When the driver finds one of the players, he needs to run headlong back to the wall (tree, post ...) to "catch" him. If the player came running first, then with the words "Knock-knock me" he takes himself out of the game. Whom the leader caught first, he becomes the leader in the next round ("The first chicken squints her eyes").


  • "Ax-ax, sit like a thief and do not look out into the yard" - the "caught" players shouted to their comrades when the "danger" approached (sit and do not stick out).
  • "Saw-saw, fly like an arrow" - shouted to suggest that the driver is far from the wall and you can get out of the shelter.

Number of players: the bigger, the better.

Salki / Catch-up

Salki - they are catch-up, they are latki, they are bloopers, they are kvach. According to Wikipedia, this game has about 40 (!) Titles (almost every region of the former Soviet Union has its own).

At the same time, the game is simple. The essence of the usual tag is to catch up ("fire") the players (if you are driving) who run in different directions.


The driver is selected with a counting device (where can one go without it?). The players stand in a circle and on the command "I am a tag!" scatter in all directions. (Often the playground was stipulated - "Don't run over the fence", "Don't run the swing further.")

The driver's task is to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. Whoever is touched becomes a "tag" himself, and the driver turns into an ordinary player.

There is a variation of the usual tag, when the driver, having caught up with one player, does not become a player himself, but continues to catch up with the other guys along with the first "greasy" one. Then they catch the second, third, etc. together, until they overfill everyone.

Number of players: from 3 and more.

Salk variations:

  • Salki with a "house" - the same thing, only a zone is selected (sandbox, circle on the asphalt, etc.) where players can run in and take a break, there is no "foul", but also sit for a long time in the "house" too.
  • “Above your feet” - to avoid “salting”, you need to jump on something and lift your legs up (“Above your feet from the ground” / “Salki legs in the air”), however, according to the rules, it is also impossible to lift your legs for a long time.
  • "Tea-tea, help me out!" - in this version of the tag, the "greasy" one can stop, shout this magic phrase and his friends will come running to his rescue, but the driver is on the alert, and there is a possibility that the second and third will be added to one "victim".
  • Sifa - in this version, “salat” is not with a hand, but with a “sifa” (a rag, twisted rope and any “stinker” you find in the yard); whoever is hit becomes a sifa, that is, a leader.

This game, beloved by many, also has many names: "Tsar", "Pop", "Klek", "Sticks", "Banks" and others. The rules seem complicated, but only at first glance. Each courtyard had its own variation of the game. But, in general, its essence boils down to the following.


  • sticks (bats, pieces of reinforcement, but the most chic is a broken hockey stick);
  • tin can (plastic bottle, wood block, etc.);
  • chalk (to outline the site).

First you need to prepare the playground (approximately 10 by 6 meters). Parallel to the short side of the court, lines are drawn every meter and a half: 1 line - pawn (soldier); 2nd line - lady; 3 line - kings; 4th line - aces, etc.

From the beginning of the site to the last line - the zone of titles; from the last line to the end of the site - the baker's zone (king, priest, etc.).

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn in which a ruff is placed (sometimes on a brick).


First, choose the "Baker" and set the order of knocking down the ryukha. To do this, the players put one end of the stick on the toe of the foot, and rest the other on the palm, after which they push the stick into the distance with their foot. Whose stick flew the farthest, knocks down the ryuha first; whose closest is the "Baker".

The “baker” takes the position “behind the can”, the players - at the first line. Next, the players take turns trying to knock out the ryuha with a bat. After that, the "assault" begins - the players run after their bats and return back to the "rank zone". At this time, the "baker" runs after the ryukha, sets it in place and protects it. But its main task is not to let the "steal" the stick from its territory. In addition, he tries to touch the players with his bat and after that knocks down the ryuha himself. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next horse, and the old "Baker" becomes the player.

For each knocked down ruch, the player was promoted in rank. In other words, he moved further along the field and approached the ryukha. In addition, each "title" has its own characteristics and privileges. For example, an ace is invulnerable and cannot drive.

Number of players: not limited.

Many people think that the "classics" were invented in the USSR. In fact, it is very ancient game... Already in the Middle Ages, boys (originally the game was boyish) jumped on numbered squares. In Russia, the "classics" were played with might and main already at the end of the 19th century.


A rectangular field with 10 squares and a semicircle ("boiler", "water", "fire") is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. There are several options for jumping and marking the site. But, as a rule, the players take turns throwing the cue ball (pebble, candy box, etc.) into the first square. Then the first player jumps from square to square and pushes the cue ball behind him.

  • # 1 - one leg;
  • # 2 - one leg;
  • Nos. 3 and 4 - left at 3, right at 4;
  • No. 5 - with two legs (you can rest);
  • Nos. 6 and 7 - left at 6, right at 7;
  • # 8 - one leg;
  • Nos. 9 and 10 - left at 9, right at 10.

Then turn 180% and back in the same manner. Has he stepped on the line, or has the cue ball hit it? Got up on both feet? The move goes to another.

Number of players: not limited.

Playing this game, it was painful to get the ball, but the excitement went off scale. Moreover, it does not need anything but a ball.


The "bouncers" are selected (as a rule, 2 people on each side). They stand opposite each other at a distance of about 10-15 meters. The kickers stand in the center of the area.

The task of the "bouncers" is to hit all the players with the ball (if the ball touches you, you leave the field). The task of the kickers is to be agile and fast and dodge the ball.

When there is only one player left on the kick-out team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is. If successful, the team returns to the field.

An iconic courtyard game. It is difficult to find a child of the 1980-1990s who would not jump in a rubber band. The owner of a new elastic rubber band (it was a shortage) in the yard was considered a "major" and enjoyed particular popularity.


Simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, you don't need anything except 3-4 meters of elastic. On the other hand, you can get confused in levels and exercises (everyone knew them by heart in childhood). Two players pull an elastic band between themselves, and the third one jumps.

  1. an elastic band at the level of the ankles holding (lightness!);
  2. rubber band at knee level (almost everyone coped with it);
  3. rubber band at the level of the thighs (somehow managed!);
  4. an elastic band at the waist (almost no one succeeded);
  5. an elastic band at the chest level and an elastic band at the neck level (beyond fantasy).

At each level, you need to complete a certain set of exercises: runners, steps, bow, envelope, boat, etc.

Number of players: 3-4 people (four of them usually play in pairs).

The game is also considered girly. The boys rarely jumped, but they loved to watch the girls. :)

The red seal is no one to run away.

it fun game, combining the adventurism of the tag and the excitement of hide and seek. It is believed that the game originated in the 16th century, when the Cossacks defended the civilian population from roving robbers.


The rules of the game vary by region and are often oversimplified. One thing is invariable - the players are divided into two teams ("Cossacks" and "robbers"). "Atamans" are immediately selected and the "battlefield" is determined (they do not play outside of it). The Cossacks choose the headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are false).

The task of the robbers: capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The task of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and "extract" the correct password.

At the signal, the robbers scatter and hide, leaving arrows on the asphalt so that the Cossacks have clues where to look for them. Cossacks at this time equip a "dungeon" and figure out how they will "torture" the prisoners (tickle, scare insects, "sting" with nettles, etc.). After a while, the Cossacks set off to look for the robbers. If they succeed, then they put the robber in a "dungeon", from where he has no right to escape. The robbers, in turn, try to get close to the "headquarters" and capture it.

Number of players: from 6 people.

Not a single summer was complete without a ball. One of the outdoor games with a ball loved by Soviet children is “ Hot potato". Its essence is as follows.


The players stand in a circle and are thrown with a "hot potato" (ball). If someone hesitated and did not hit the ball in time, he sits in the "cauldron" (center of the circle). Sitting in the "cauldron" you can try to catch a ball flying over your head, but you cannot get up from your squatting position. If the player in the "cauldron" succeeds in catching the ball, he frees himself and the other prisoners, and the player who unsuccessfully threw the ball takes their place.

In addition, players throwing "hot potatoes" can specifically free someone from the "cauldron". To do this, he, bouncing the ball, must hit the player sitting in the center of the circle with it.

Number of players: not less than 3.

This game, as a rule, was played by older children, because it is quite traumatic, somewhat uncivilized, but wildly funny.


Players are divided into two teams - elephants and horsemen. Elephants become a chain, bent in half and thrust their head under the armpit in front of the one standing. The riders take turns trying to saddle the "elephant".

The task of the elephants is to resist the weight of the riders. The task of the riders is to jump as close to the "elephant's head" as possible.

If one of the riders could not resist on the "elephant" and fell, as well as if all the riders sat down and the "elephant" took them to the finish line, then the elephants won. If the elephant fell apart, the riders won.

Number of players: from 3-5 people in each team.

This is one of the variants of ball and wall games, where, in fact, a wall, a ball and jumping are needed for fun. It was played mainly by girls, although the boys, having run into the "war", were not averse to jumping near the wall.


A line is drawn on the wall (the higher, the more interesting) - you cannot throw the ball below it. The players line up one after the other. The first player throws the ball, he hits the wall, bounces, hits the ground, and at this moment the player must jump over it. The next player picks up the ball, repeating the same, and so on in a circle.

Anyone who does not jump the ball receives a "letter" as a punishment (l - i - z - y - w - k - a). Collected all these letters? You are a frog!

Number of players: not limited.

What games did you play in the yard?

My son is growing up, and I see with sadness that today's children are completely different from us. We read books, went to the cinema en masse, and then acted out battle scenes, we talked more, were friends. And we also ran in the yards and played, and you can give many reasons why modern children walk so little with their peers, this is a criminogenic environment, and studies, which children are overwhelmed with, and computers, but ... I feel sorry for them, they are deprived amazing adventures and memories that will last a lifetime.

1. Hali-halo

Rules of the game
To begin with, they choose the driver with a little bit. The driver picks up the ball and makes the rest of the guys a floor. Usually they say to which category the invented word and its first and last letter belong. For example, the driver thought the word bed. He says this is a piece of furniture, it starts with the letter K and ends with a soft sign. Children begin to guess the word. As soon as the driver hears the correct answer, he shouts "Hali-halo", throws the ball up as high as possible, and runs away.
The child, who guessed the word correctly, catches the ball and shouts "Stop". The driver stops. The player must guess how many steps to the driver. But the steps are not easy. In each company, you can come up with your own steps.
Types of steps in the game of hali halo:
Giant - the largest steps, full width.
Normal is a normal baby step.
Lilliputian - very small steps.
Frog - in squatting.
Umbrellas - the child whirls in the direction of the driver.
Bricks - step heel to toe.
Camel - step and spit (the main thing is not to hit the driver).
The child with the ball makes the named number of steps and throws the ball into the ring, which makes the driver with his hands. If the ball hits the ring, then the player becomes the driver and the game continues.


Rules of the game
One person drives, the rest are hiding. According to previously agreed conditions, the water counts up to a certain number, turning to the wall, all during this time they hide without going beyond the boundaries of the agreed territory.
Well, the catchphrase of the water: one two three four five I go to look.


Rules of the game
Several people play Zhmurki. With the help of a rhyme or by lot, the driver is selected. The players blindfold the water with a thick blindfold (you cannot spy on it in this game), spin it in place and "crumble" to the sides. Zhmurka must catch and identify a player. If you've guessed right, the caught player becomes the driver.

4 Cossacks-robbers

Rules of the game
The players are divided into two teams (the more participants, the more interesting the game is). Each team has its own decals (armbands, ribbons or badges).
The site is designated (the boundaries of the territory where you can hide and run away).
By lot it is determined which team will be "Cossacks" and which will be "robbers".
At the signal, the "robbers" scatter to hide. At this time, the "Cossacks" are choosing a place for the "dungeon", where the caught "robbers" will be brought. The "dungeon" should not be very large so that it is convenient to guard it. Its boundaries are clearly marked (with chalk, pebbles, etc.).
After an agreed period of time, the "Cossacks" go to look for the "robbers" who have hidden in the agreed territory. Those whom they saw, they must catch up and "stain" (touch with a hand). A "stained" robber is considered caught, he must dutifully go with the "Cossack" while he is holding him. But if the "Cossack" accidentally unclenched his hands, the "robber" can run away.
The caught "robbers" are taken to the "dungeon".
The "robbers" can help out the comrades they come across. To do this, you must imperceptibly run up to the "Cossack" leading the "robber" and "stain" him. Then the "Cossack" is obliged to let the "robber" go, and both "robbers" run away to hide again. But if the "Cossack" turns out to be more agile and manages to "stain" the second "robber" earlier, he takes both prisoners.
The "robbers" can free their comrades from the "dungeon". To do this, it is necessary to touch the prisoner before the “Cossack” guarding the "dungeon" touches the liberating one.
Purpose of the game: to catch all the "robbers".

5. Lapta

Rules of the game
I know two versions of the game. One is simplified (for children), the other is an adult. As a child, in the country, we of course played a simple game:
On a flat lawn, at a distance of 15-20 m from each other, two lines were drawn: one was called a city, the other - a horse, or house.
Then, using a counting rule or drawing lots, the striker is determined, he stood outside the city, the rest were located in the field behind the law.
The batter throws the ball up and hits it hard with the bat. The field players, watching the sword, wait for it to cross the horse, so that, without letting it fall to the ground, they can catch it. If they succeed, the batter goes into the field, and his place is taken by the player who took possession of the ball. If the field players, gape, did not have time to catch the ball, the blow is repeated.
It happens that the batter misses the ball. The rules allow him to repeat the blow. After the third miss, the batter gives up his place to another player.

6. Bouncers

Rules of the game.
You need at least 3 people to play dodgeball. Of these, 2 kickers (bouncers) and one driver. The players are divided into two teams.
Two players from one stand at a distance of about seven to eight meters opposite each other. They have a ball. Two players of the other team move between them. The first task is to throw the ball with each other, hit the opponents and knock them out of the game. In this case, you need to throw so that the ball, without hitting the target, could be caught by a partner, and not fly away to nowhere every time.
The task of the latter is not to be knocked out. If you catch a flying ball, one life is added to you. You gain, for example, five lives and to knock you out of the game, you need to hit you six times. If the ball bounced off the ground and hit a player, it did not count. The place of the knocked out players was taken by other team members. When everyone was knocked out, the teams changed places.

7. Square

Rules of the game
This game requires a company of four and a ball. First you need to create a playing field. A randomly sized square is drawn on the ground, divided into four smaller squares, one for each participant. A circle is drawn in the center of the field to serve. The game begins with the ball being served by the player who is chosen by drawing lots (counting). The ball is thrown with one or both hands into the center circle so that it bounces towards the player on the diagonal. The diagonal player must hit the ball after touching the ground once in his quarter. You need to hit the ball with your feet, knee, head, you cannot touch it with your hands.

8. Fants

Rules of the game
Good old child's play. There are many options. I'll tell you about the one we played. The presenter collects one personal item from all the players, and then each writes a task on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected, mixed, and the presenter, without looking, draws out first someone's object, and then a note. The person who owns the pulled out item must complete the task written on a piece of paper. The game is great, but only the players should remember that they themselves may get caught in their own task. This circumstance somewhat limits the sadistic habits.

9. I know five names

Rules of the game
The guys agree on the order of the ball and the sequence of topics.
The first player begins to strike the ball on the ground with one hand, saying:
- I know five names of girls. Anya one time, Katya two, Fields three, Masha four, Nastya five.
The player must follow the rhythm of the blows, uttering one word at one blow to the ball.
If the player has coped with the task, he goes to the next topic, predefined, for example:
- I know five names of boys (names of cities, animals, insects, birds, countries, cities, etc.)
If a player gets lost, missed the ball or thought for a long time, then the ball goes to the next participant.
He starts over:
- I know five girls names
To complicate the game, you can enter conditions that the names should not be repeated. When the ball, having made a circle, returns to the first player, he starts from the topic on which he left off.
The game lasts until everyone gets tired of it.
The winner is the one who managed to cover the maximum number of topics.

10. Salki

Rules of the game
One driver is chosen by lot or by counting. Then the boundaries of the game area are set. Everyone scatters within this area. The driver begins to catch the players within the established limits of the site. Anyone who catches up and pisses off, he becomes a "tag" and announces, raising his hand up: "I am a boor!" He begins to catch the players, and the former "tag" runs away with everyone. The game has no definite ending.
(this game is a kind of tag)
Participants run away from the driver. The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he salutes. The soldier spreads his hands, and any other participant can run up, touch him and "help out". The task of the driver is not to move far from the salted man and not to let anyone a step closer to him. The summer version of the sorcerers is to run around with "sprinklers" and pour water on each other from leaky bottles. Usually five minutes after the start of the game, everyone is wet, but very funny.

11. Broken phone

Rules of the game
An old time-tested child's game with a broken phone.
You can play it with one or two teams.
The driver is chosen, who whispers a word or phrase to one of the players in his ear, and he tries to pass it on to the other player in the same way, and so on along the chain.
The last player says out loud what he has done and is compared with the original.
Very unexpected and funny results are often obtained!
If two teams are playing, the presenter passes the floor to two players from both teams. The winner is the team whose result will be most similar to the original.

12. Kis-Brys-Meow

Rules of the game
The game requires approximately the same ratio of players of different genders. The players sit on the bench. Two participants, the leader and one of the players, stand in front of the bench with their backs to each other (the leader facing the players, the player with his back).
The presenter points with his eyes (or imperceptibly with a finger) at one of the players and asks "kitty?"
If the player says "scatter", then he continues to choose.
If a player says "meow", then that player is asked "what color?"
The player named the color and completed the task that matched the selected color.
The color meanings were as follows:
White meant "five minutes alone." Those. the boy and the girl left and retired for 10 minutes so that no one from the company could see them.
Green - three questions for yes. Any questions were asked, but the player could only answer "yes". And the questions were asked tricky, like "Do you love him"? The respondent blushed and stammered, but had no right to say anything else. The whole company was having fun from such dialogues :)
Red - meant a kiss on the lips. Color was used very rarely.
Pink is a kiss on the cheek. It's easier with him, he was used often.
Yellow - three questions alone (you could ask anything and the player had no right not to answer). Of course, everyone asked "tricky" questions and often very personal, but the answers were usually kept secret.
Orange - walk a certain route under the handle.
Blue is the kiss of the handle.
Purple - three small dirty tricks (say, pull the pigtail, step on your foot, take away the hairpin). Also in front of all honest company.

13. The sea is worried once.

Rules of the game
There are several options for the game.
1) The presenter turns away from the players and pronounces the famous counting rhyme:
The sea is worried once
The sea is worried two,
The sea waves three,
Freeze the sea figure in place!
As he speaks, the participants move randomly in any order, depicting the movement of waves with their hands. As soon as the driver stops talking, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure could not be guessed becomes water himself.
2) After pronouncing the count, the players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The driver turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever moves first of them takes the place of the leader, or drops out of the game (in this case, the player who has held out for the longest becomes the winner).
3) You can use another version of the game, when the presenter examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes best. In this case, the winner is the player who showed his imagination most vividly.

14. The quieter you go, you will continue - stop!

Rules of the game
On the ground, two stripes are drawn with chalk at a distance of about 20 meters.
All players stand on one side of the driver - on the other side, and turns their backs to everyone. The driver says:
"The quieter you go, you will continue. Stop."
The phrase can be pronounced as you like - deliberately tightening the words, the entire sentence, or, for example, starting slowly and then abruptly and quickly ending it - in general, bring an element of surprise to the game.
At this time, all the players try to run as far as possible, go to the finish line, freeze at the word "stop". After the word "stop" the driver turns around. If he saw the movement of some player (who did not have time to freeze, or stop because of the speed of acceleration), he is eliminated from the game.
The winner is the one who first reaches the finish line and touches the driver - he takes his place, and the game starts over.

Rules of the game.
All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time names an object. If the item is "edible", the player catches the ball. If not, he beats it off. The driver's task is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain "apple-melon-carrot-potato", suddenly say: "iron". If the player makes a mistake and "eats" the "inedible", then he himself becomes the driver. The faster the driver throws the ball and names objects, the more exciting and interesting to play

17. Knives

Rules of the game.
Players mark a circle on the ground. Then, in turn, they try to get a knife into the delineated territory of the enemy and thus win back from him as much as possible more land... The knife can be thrown from the shoulder, with a turnover, from the nose and even from the head. The knife can be stuck into the ground, sand and even a wooden bench

Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and communicates it to the "gardener" - the guide and other players. The driver pronounces the count: “I was born a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” And he calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. There is a dialogue between the driver and the player. The player pronounces the name of one flower from those that are in the team. The participant whose name was sounded must respond. The dialogue continues. Anyone who was mistaken: for example, did not react to his name, confused the name of the flowers - gives a phantom (any of his things). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The "gardener" turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: "What should this player do?" The “gardener” assigns a task (to jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player “fulfills” the phantom and takes his thing.

20. Mother's daughters.

Rules of the game.
The game was considered girly, but in certain cases boys were also allowed into it, who could understand what marriage is and what it threatens even before entering puberty. The game had one rule - to play using maximum imagination and life experience, peeped from parents or in soap operas.
Throughout the game, the roles could change (“come on now, you are a mother, and I’m like your daughter?”), Occasionally found children, suddenly declared stepmothers, inexplicably lovers walked into the game. And revived dolls, babies, plush animals. There were sketches "let's like we are in a store", weddings, quarrels, intrigues, fights, death! Everything is like in life.

And I'm in the "house"!

- How many rubies do you have?
– 50!
- Wow! Pokezh, what kind of mill do you have?

I overheard this dialogue the other day at the neighbour's boys. They sat on a bench and poked each other's phones. Looking around, I did not see children playing "Doggy" or drawing a field for "The quieter you drive, the further you will be." Alas, modern children prefer to knock on the keyboard and sit on VKontakte.

The yard games that we played for days on end (until they are "driven") are gradually becoming a thing of the past. But most of them not only develop dexterity, endurance and strength, but also teach such important things as cohesion and mutual assistance.

I suggest you remember our favorite yard games and introduce your children to them.

Hide and seek

One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look.

Simple game - you can play anywhere, anytime. It is especially exciting in the evening, when it gets dark.


First, the driver is selected. For this, in childhood, we knew a billion counting rhymes. Then the driver stands facing the wall (tree, pillar ...) and counts aloud to 20 (50, 100 ...). The players are hiding.

The task of the players is to hide so that the driver cannot find it. The driver's task is to find all those who are hiding.

When the driver finds one of the players, he needs to run headlong back to the wall (tree, post ...) to "catch" him. If the player came running first, then with the words "Knock-knock me" he takes himself out of the game. Whom the leader caught first, he becomes the leader in the next round ("The first chicken squints her eyes").


  • "Ax-ax, sit like a thief and do not look out into the yard" - the "caught" players shouted to their comrades when the "danger" approached (sit and do not stick out).
  • "Saw-saw, fly like an arrow" - shouted to suggest that the driver is far from the wall and you can get out of the shelter.

Number of players: the bigger, the better.

Salki / Catch-up

Salki - they are catch-up, they are latki, they are bloopers, they are kvach. According to Wikipedia, this game has about 40 (!) Titles (almost every region of the former Soviet Union has its own).

At the same time, the game is simple. The essence of the usual tag is to catch up ("fire") the players (if you are driving) who run in different directions.


The driver is selected with a counting device (where can one go without it?). The players stand in a circle and on the command "I am a tag!" scatter in all directions. (Often the playground was stipulated - "Don't run over the fence", "Don't run the swing further.")

The driver's task is to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. Whoever is touched becomes a "tag" himself, and the driver turns into an ordinary player.

There is a variation of the usual tag, when the driver, having caught up with one player, does not become a player himself, but continues to catch up with the other guys along with the first "greasy" one. Then they catch the second, third, etc. together, until they overfill everyone.

Number of players: from 3 and more.

Salk variations:

  • Salki with a "house" - the same thing, only a zone is selected (sandbox, circle on the asphalt, etc.) where players can run in and take a break, there is no "foul", but also sit for a long time in the "house" too.
  • “Above your feet” - to avoid “salting”, you need to jump on something and lift your legs up (“Above your feet from the ground” / “Salki legs in the air”), however, according to the rules, it is also impossible to lift your legs for a long time.
  • "Tea-tea, help me out!" - in this version of the tag, the "greasy" one can stop, shout this magic phrase and his friends will come running to his rescue, but the driver is on the alert, and there is a possibility that the second and third will be added to one "victim".
  • Sifa - in this version, “salat” is not with a hand, but with a “sifa” (a rag, twisted rope and any “stinker” you find in the yard); whoever is hit becomes a sifa, that is, a leader.

This game, beloved by many, also has many names: "Tsar", "Pop", "Klek", "Sticks", "Banks" and others. The rules seem complicated, but only at first glance. Each courtyard had its own variation of the game. But, in general, its essence boils down to the following.


  • sticks (bats, pieces of reinforcement, but the most chic is a broken hockey stick);
  • tin can (plastic bottle, wood block, etc.);
  • chalk (to outline the site).

First you need to prepare the playground (approximately 10 by 6 meters). Parallel to the short side of the court, lines are drawn every meter and a half: 1 line - pawn (soldier); 2nd line - lady; 3 line - kings; 4th line - aces, etc.

From the beginning of the site to the last line - the zone of titles; from the last line to the end of the site - the baker's zone (king, priest, etc.).

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn in which a ruff is placed (sometimes on a brick).


First, choose the "Baker" and set the order of knocking down the ryukha. To do this, the players put one end of the stick on the toe of the foot, and rest the other on the palm, after which they push the stick into the distance with their foot. Whose stick flew the farthest, knocks down the ryuha first; whose closest is the "Baker".

The “baker” takes the position “behind the can”, the players - at the first line. Next, the players take turns trying to knock out the ryuha with a bat. After that, the "assault" begins - the players run after their bats and return back to the "rank zone". At this time, the "baker" runs after the ryukha, sets it in place and protects it. But its main task is not to let the "steal" the stick from its territory. In addition, he tries to touch the players with his bat and after that knocks down the ryuha himself. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next horse, and the old "Baker" becomes the player.

For each knocked down ruch, the player was promoted in rank. In other words, he moved further along the field and approached the ryukha. In addition, each "title" has its own characteristics and privileges. For example, an ace is invulnerable and cannot drive.

Number of players: not limited.

Many people think that the "classics" were invented in the USSR. In fact, this is a very ancient game. Already in the Middle Ages, boys (originally the game was boyish) jumped on numbered squares. In Russia, the "classics" were played with might and main already at the end of the 19th century.


A rectangular field with 10 squares and a semicircle ("boiler", "water", "fire") is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. There are several options for jumping and marking the site. But, as a rule, the players take turns throwing the cue ball (pebble, candy box, etc.) into the first square. Then the first player jumps from square to square and pushes the cue ball behind him.

  • # 1 - one leg;
  • # 2 - one leg;
  • Nos. 3 and 4 - left at 3, right at 4;
  • No. 5 - with two legs (you can rest);
  • Nos. 6 and 7 - left at 6, right at 7;
  • # 8 - one leg;
  • Nos. 9 and 10 - left at 9, right at 10.

Then turn 180% and back in the same manner. Has he stepped on the line, or has the cue ball hit it? Got up on both feet? The move goes to another.

Number of players: not limited.

Playing this game, it was painful to get the ball, but the excitement went off scale. Moreover, it does not need anything but a ball.


The "bouncers" are selected (as a rule, 2 people on each side). They stand opposite each other at a distance of about 10-15 meters. The kickers stand in the center of the area.

The task of the "bouncers" is to hit all the players with the ball (if the ball touches you, you leave the field). The task of the kickers is to be agile and fast and dodge the ball.

When there is only one player left on the kick-out team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is. If successful, the team returns to the field.

An iconic courtyard game. It is difficult to find a child of the 1980-1990s who would not jump in a rubber band. The owner of a new elastic rubber band (it was a shortage) in the yard was considered a "major" and enjoyed particular popularity.


Simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, you don't need anything except 3-4 meters of elastic. On the other hand, you can get confused in levels and exercises (everyone knew them by heart in childhood). Two players pull an elastic band between themselves, and the third one jumps.

  1. an elastic band at the level of the ankles holding (lightness!);
  2. rubber band at knee level (almost everyone coped with it);
  3. rubber band at the level of the thighs (somehow managed!);
  4. an elastic band at the waist (almost no one succeeded);
  5. an elastic band at the chest level and an elastic band at the neck level (beyond fantasy).

At each level, you need to complete a certain set of exercises: runners, steps, bow, envelope, boat, etc.

Number of players: 3-4 people (four of them usually play in pairs).

The game is also considered girly. The boys rarely jumped, but they loved to watch the girls. :)

The red seal is no one to run away.

This is a fun game that combines the adventurousness of tag and the thrill of hide and seek. It is believed that the game originated in the 16th century, when the Cossacks defended the civilian population from roving robbers.


The rules of the game vary by region and are often oversimplified. One thing is invariable - the players are divided into two teams ("Cossacks" and "robbers"). "Atamans" are immediately selected and the "battlefield" is determined (they do not play outside of it). The Cossacks choose the headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are false).

The task of the robbers: capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The task of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and "extract" the correct password.

At the signal, the robbers scatter and hide, leaving arrows on the asphalt so that the Cossacks have clues where to look for them. Cossacks at this time equip a "dungeon" and figure out how they will "torture" the prisoners (tickle, scare insects, "sting" with nettles, etc.). After a while, the Cossacks set off to look for the robbers. If they succeed, then they put the robber in a "dungeon", from where he has no right to escape. The robbers, in turn, try to get close to the "headquarters" and capture it.

Number of players: from 6 people.

Not a single summer was complete without a ball. One of the outdoor games with a ball loved by Soviet children is "hot potatoes". Its essence is as follows.


The players stand in a circle and are thrown with a "hot potato" (ball). If someone hesitated and did not hit the ball in time, he sits in the "cauldron" (center of the circle). Sitting in the "cauldron" you can try to catch a ball flying over your head, but you cannot get up from your squatting position. If the player in the "cauldron" succeeds in catching the ball, he frees himself and the other prisoners, and the player who unsuccessfully threw the ball takes their place.

In addition, players throwing "hot potatoes" can specifically free someone from the "cauldron". To do this, he, bouncing the ball, must hit the player sitting in the center of the circle with it.

Number of players: not less than 3.

This game, as a rule, was played by older children, because it is quite traumatic, somewhat uncivilized, but wildly funny.


Players are divided into two teams - elephants and horsemen. Elephants become a chain, bent in half and thrust their head under the armpit in front of the one standing. The riders take turns trying to saddle the "elephant".

The task of the elephants is to resist the weight of the riders. The task of the riders is to jump as close to the "elephant's head" as possible.

If one of the riders could not resist on the "elephant" and fell, as well as if all the riders sat down and the "elephant" took them to the finish line, then the elephants won. If the elephant fell apart, the riders won.

Number of players: from 3-5 people in each team.

This is one of the variants of ball and wall games, where, in fact, a wall, a ball and jumping are needed for fun. It was played mainly by girls, although the boys, having run into the "war", were not averse to jumping near the wall.


A line is drawn on the wall (the higher, the more interesting) - you cannot throw the ball below it. The players line up one after the other. The first player throws the ball, he hits the wall, bounces, hits the ground, and at this moment the player must jump over it. The next player picks up the ball, repeating the same, and so on in a circle.

Anyone who does not jump the ball receives a "letter" as a punishment (l - i - z - y - w - k - a). Collected all these letters? You are a frog!

Number of players: not limited.

What games did you play in the yard?

Recently I thought, but I feel sorry for our children. Here I look at my own - sections, circles, schools, tutors ... Education comes first. But their childhood is empty, not interesting! Yes, in summer everyone seems to be doing something in the camps, in the seas, in the villages. But they don’t have something that we had. I didn't have to think for a long time. The answer came immediately. Our children have no yard. Of the courtyard that we had. Not a yard as a place (although it has already turned into a parking lot a long time ago), but as a way of socialization, acquiring a communicative experience, but nafig these clever words - COMMUNICATION, finally! Lord, thank you that I did not have Odnoklassniki, thanks to this I know in real life, and not in virtual, a bunch of people who can really help and, if necessary, I will help them too. And a large number of these connections originated in the Yard. To my beloved Yard.
I already wrote what we did in childhood - the story was about. But still, these activities did not make up most of our yard time.
Yard games are what we have deprived of our children by locking them in apartments and tying them to ourselves for the sake of safety and isolation from the pernicious influence of negligent peers.

What will be discussed in this post applies not only to the children of perestroika - whole generations have played these courtyard games, starting from the 50-60s, and even earlier. After 25 years, it was not difficult for me to remember all our games - some of them I remember as if I played them very recently. Let's tell our children about the good things that we had.

Courtyard games: almost uniform rules and names throughout the country. How, tell me, how did it happen that the same Square was played both in Magadan and in Kaliningrad? What kind of secret communications? So let's go.


The game needed a large ball and a piece of brick to draw a square on the asphalt, divided into 4 parts, with a circle for serving in the middle.

1. The game begins with the ball into a circle of the field in the direction of the opponent. You can only serve diagonally.
2. The number of touches is unlimited.
3. A player can hit the ball "before" and "after" (maximum 1) when the ball touches his square.
4. If a player hits the ball on his own square, 1 goal is awarded to him.
5. If the ball falls on a line (between 2 players) or on a circle, the player who last touched the ball will re-serve.
6. If a player serves the ball to the opponent's line (from the out-side), the player who last touched the ball will re-serve the ball.
7. If the ball flew out-of-bounds (outside the common square), the player who served the ball is counted 1 point.
8. If the ball falls on the player's square and hits the field 2 times, the player has 1 goal.
9. As a rule, the game lasts up to 11 goals. You can score goals with any part of your body except your arms.
10. If one of the players conceded 11 goals, he is eliminated from the game. When on playground 2 players remain, they occupy two squares each, and play until one of them concedes 7 goals.
In a two-on-two game, players who are diagonally to each other are considered allies and have a common score.

Soaked the ball until it turned blue or until mom called home.


The point of the game was to kick the ball against the wall, and from the position where it stopped after hitting the previous player. If the ball did not hit the wall, then another letter from the word "GOAT" was hung on this player. The game continued until someone first typed all the letters and was declared a "goat". Aerobatics was considered to be the ability to spin the ball so that it bounced off the wall and flew at an obtuse angle to the most inaccessible place, for example, to the basement. It was called "podlyanki" :)

Twenty one

Each participant had to hit the ball exactly 21 times, first on the leg, then on the knee, then on the arm and then on the head. If it turned out to fill less, then the move passed to the next player, if by chance more - all previously accumulated points burned out. The winner was the one who was the first to go through all the stages and score 21 points in each type of filling.


This game was mainly played when there were a large number of children in the yard.
Players are divided into two teams: kickers and drivers. The players agree on the distance between the bouncers and draw lines closer to which they can not approach each other - the greater the distance, the more difficult it is to knock out and the easier it is to dodge the ball. The team is surrounded by a team of bouncers. With the help of the ball, the bouncers try to knock out the drivers. The knocked-out players leave the field until all the players of the team are knocked out, while the "candle" can be caught from the hands of the bouncer. The one who caught the "candle" has the ability to either take an extra life, or return back one of the previously knocked out. When the last driver remains, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is full years old. If he dodged successfully, then the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are swapped.


The players stand in a circle at a distance of a step from the driver (the center of the circle can be indicated in advance, for example, with chalk). In the hands of the driver the ball. Throwing the ball high up, the driver calls the name of any player. The one whom he named should run to the center of the court and catch the ball. The driver takes the vacant seat. If the player catches the ball, he becomes the driver and the described actions are repeated. If the ball has time to touch the ground, the players scatter in different directions until he picks up the ball and shouts "Shtander!" or "Stop!" In this case, everyone freezes in the place where they were caught by the team, and he must "batter" one of the players (hit him with the ball). In this case, the players are not allowed to leave the place where they left off (dodging the ball is allowed). The driver also has no right to leave the center of the throwing circle.
The one who was hit becomes the leader or is eliminated from the game by prior arrangement. The game is repeated again.

Stop worms (Hali-halo)

The presenter takes the ball and says a word. The rest of the players must guess it according to the clues - the essence (meaning) of this word and the first and last letters.
When the player calls the correct word, the leader throws the ball to him and runs. The winner takes the ball, shouts to the presenter "Stop worms!" and names how many steps from him to the leader - simple, giant, midget or ant-like. Makes the named number of steps towards the driver. And then he tries to get into the ring from the hands of the driver. If it hits, it becomes the driver himself. In some regions, the game may have been known as "Hali-Halo".


In "Frogs" mostly girls played. The ball was thrown into the wall, at the moment of its impact on the ground it was necessary to jump over the ball without catching it.


A game in which the players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, trying not to give the ball into the hands of the "dog" - the person in the center of the circle. If he caught the ball, he swaps places with the player who missed the ball. A kind of "Hot Potato".

Hot potato

All players stand in a circle and quickly throw the ball to each other (as if it were a hot potato, not a ball). One player throws, the other must catch the ball. The one who did not catch is considered "punished" and sits on all fours in the center of the circle - "cauldron". Players can rescue those "sitting" in the cauldron and return them to the game. To do this, you need to throw the ball to the center and hit the "punished" players. Everyone touched by the ball returns to the game. "Punished" players can "save" themselves. To do this, they need to catch the ball flying over them without getting up from all fours. At the same time, you cannot get up in full height, you can only raise your hands or try to jump on all fours. If one of them succeeds, all players from the center stand in a circle. and the player who threw the ball sits in the center.


A simplified version of volleyball, where the players do not hit the ball, but catch it with both hands and throw it further with both hands. Popular beach and camp game.


Remember, "fly in tai-tai, who play war!"? :) This chant-barker in an instant gathered the mighty armies of "Nashinsky" and "Nenashinsky", armed with short sticks-pistols and boards from boxes - machine guns. Whoever had a real toy pistol declared himself the commander and it began. From every corner came "ta-ta-ta! You're killed" - "No, you just wounded me in the arm !!" - "And I seem to be from last strength... ". -" Four-four, I'm on a break "-" Five-five - I'm in the game again "and so on. The battles continued until everyone was driven home. "weapons" behind the front door or under the stairs. Sometimes even girls took part - as nurses and bandaged wounded soldiers with their white scarves.


In the pioneer camps, "war" acquired the scale of a powerful military-patriotic game, about which films were even made ("Before the first blood"). That was a real drive, for which it was worth going to the camps.


A school game played exclusively by boys. It's all about the shell that was played - a dirty, smelly rag (either from the floor or from the blackboard). The more disgusting the "shell", the more active was the game. The point of the game is that the beginner picks up a wet rag and throws it at a neighbor standing next to him, shouting "Seth!" (from the word syphilitic). The rest immediately scatter from the newly-made "sifa" scattered. The task of the "sifa" is to rehabilitate himself in society by hitting another person with a rag, even if he does not want to take part in the game. And so on, until someone comes to terms with the new status of the sifa for the rest of the day. The peculiarity of the game is that it always started suddenly, at the initiative of only one person, without prior agreement, and often the majority played it not at will, but for the sake of saving them from dirty spots on their clothes.

What miracles of dodging did we not show, so as not to become a "sifak" ...
And now they even sell this game ... Cool idea :)

Towns, klek.

The meaning of the game is to knock down various structures made of boards and sticks with a bat (stick). Personally, I practically did not play this game, and it was not popular in our yard.


A girlish game, the meaning of which was to bury colored bottle glasses with candy foil as a substrate in different nooks and crannies of the courtyard. The idea of ​​the game for boys was to find and destroy these bookmarks.

Twelve sticks

A very popular game throughout the Soviet era. Its main essence is that all players must have time to hide while the presenter collects 12 sticks scattered before that into one pile. In the same way - by throwing sticks - you can "help out" not only yourself, but also already "caught" players.

Hide and seek

Their simplest option. One toils, the rest are hiding. And then "Knock-knock, Dima. Knock-knock, Masha ..." begins.

The sea is worried once ...

Kindergarten game, where after the words of the presenter "The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three - sea ​​figure freeze on the spot! ", participants freeze in poses that represent different words. The presenter must guess what they represent.


Game-preparation of girls for family life :) By the way, the boys also willingly played it, portraying children and dads.


Throwing snowballs in winter. Either wall to wall, or they built snow fortresses and threw themselves from there.


A variant of "war", only plastic bottles made of detergents (for example, "Whiteness") filled with water and with a hole in the lid were used as weapons.


Highly popular game boys, which consists in throwing a knife into the ground. There were many varieties of the game - "lands", "tanks" and so on. The goal of the game "land" is to "recapture" from the enemy as much land as possible. The players took turns throwing knives into the ground, standing on their site, and "cut off" the lands from their opponents.

The most common Soviet folding knives, which they played with:


No comments:)

King of the hill

The point of the game is to capture and hold some not very high slide - either sandy on the beach or snowy in the yard. Applicants for the king should try to throw the overdue ruler off the mountain by all means. Once we were playing king of the hill on high pipes, I fell on my stomach and almost suffocated ...


A very popular game among girls, where squares are drawn with chalk on the asphalt in a certain sequence, The players, jumping on one leg, push the "cue ball" (for example, a shoe polish or a puck) from the square to the next square, trying not to get it on the line and not step on the line with your foot. All our courtyards were covered with these squares. They are probably the main contender for the symbol of Soviet childhood. Chalk and asphalt were all we needed to play games.

Robber Cossacks

A very popular game, an analogue of hide and seek, which was played by the whole yard. One team ("robbers") was hiding, and the other ("Cossacks") was looking for her, using the tips of the "robbers" in the form of arrows on the ground, trees, walls of houses. The game went on for a very long time.

Ring, ring, step out on the porch

Kindergarten game. Participants sit in a row and fold their palms in front of them with a boat. The presenter holds in his palms some small object, usually a coin or a ring. Then he bypasses all the players in turn, putting his hands folded into the “boat” to each of them with the words: “I wear-wear a ring, and I will give it to someone” and imperceptibly puts this object into the palms of one of the players. Then he says: "Ring-ring, go out on the porch!" - and the "marked" player must jump from the bench and run out. At the same time, the task of the rest of the players is to keep the evader in their ranks, so the "chosen one" tries not to show that it was he who got the cherished item.

Edible - not edible

The presenter throws the ball to the participants of the game, at the same time calling various subjects... The ball must be caught if the named item is edible and the ball must be hit otherwise.

Rock Paper Scissors

The players count out loud together "Rock ... Scissors ... Paper ... One ... Two ... Three" while shaking their fists. On the count of Three, they simultaneously show with their hand one of three signs: a stone, scissors or paper. The signs are shown in the picture. The winner is determined according to the following rules:
- The stone beats the scissors ("the stone blunts or breaks the scissors")
- Scissors beats paper ("scissors cut paper")
- Paper beats stone ("paper covers stone")
If the players show the same sign, then a draw is counted and the game is replayed. Usually they played on clicky and after the game the forehead of the participants was red.

Fisherman and fish

Participants stand in a circle, the leader stands inside it and spins the rope at the level of the feet. The task of the participants is to jump over the rope.

Rubber bands

The well-known and favorite game of all the girls in the courtyards. Two players become "rubber bands". One player jumps (performs a series of exercises) - in turn at all levels. Usually, each exercise was performed at all levels in turn, after which they moved on to the next exercise and started jumping from level 1 - so the game was more varied. Sometimes I jumped in a different way - all the exercises were performed at once, first at 1, then at 2.3 and so on levels. At levels 5-6-7, difficult exercises were canceled

Rubber band game levels:

The first - when the rubber band is at the level of the ankles holding
- the second - an elastic band at the knee level
- the third - an elastic band at the level of the thighs ("under the butt")
- fourth - elastic at the waist
- fifth - elastic band at chest level
- sixth - an elastic band at the neck level
- and even the seventh - the elastic was held by hands at the level of the ears.

I never understood how girls managed to jump so high and lift their legs. Yes, about the elastic band itself - often it was an elastic band from panties, associated with several of the same. It was very difficult to buy a new one due to the shortage.

I decided to be a little nostalgic. Dedicated to everyone born in the USSR. Very cool theme, pleasant memories!

Blogger Alexei Marakhovets reports: Recently I thought, but I feel sorry for our children. Here I look at my own - sections, circles, schools, tutors ... Education is in the first place. But their childhood is empty, not interesting! Yes, in the summer everyone seems to be in the camps, in the seas, in the villages, doing something. But they don’t have something that we had. I didn't have to think for a long time. The answer came immediately. Our children have no yard. Of the courtyard that we had. Not a yard as a place (although it has already turned into a parking lot a long time ago), but as a way of socialization, acquiring a communicative experience, but nafig these clever words - COMMUNICATION, finally! Lord, thank you that I did not have Odnoklassniki, thanks to this I know in real life, not in virtual, a bunch of people who can really help and, if necessary, I will help them too. And a large number of these connections originated in the Yard. To my beloved Yard.
Yard games are what we have deprived of our children by locking them in apartments and tying them to ourselves for the sake of safety and isolation from the pernicious influence of negligent peers.

What will be discussed in this post applies not only to the children of perestroika - whole generations have played these courtyard games, starting from the 50-60s, and even earlier. After 25 years, it was not difficult for me to remember all our games - some of them I remember as if I played them very recently. Let's tell our children about the good things that we had.

Courtyard games: almost uniform rules and names throughout the country. How, tell me, how did it happen that the same Square was played both in Magadan and in Kaliningrad? What kind of secret communications? So let's go.

Remember, "fly in tai-tai, who play war!"? :) This chant-barker in an instant gathered the mighty armies of "Nashinsky" and "Nenashinsky", armed with short sticks-pistols and boards from boxes - submachine guns. Whoever had a real toy pistol declared himself the commander and it began. From every corner came “ta-ta-ta! You are killed "-" No, you only wounded me in the arm !! " - "And I seem to be out of my last strength ...". - "Four-four, I'm on a break" - "Five-five - I'm in the game again" and so on. The battles continued until everyone was driven home. And before entering the apartment, they hid their "weapon" behind the driveway or under the stairs. Sometimes even girls took part - as nurses and bandaged wounded soldiers with their white scarves.

In the pioneer camps, "war" acquired the scale of a powerful military-patriotic game, about which films were even filmed ("Before the first blood"). That was a real drive, for which it was worth going to the camps.

This game was mainly played when there were a large number of children in the yard.
Players are divided into two teams: kickers and drivers. The players agree on the distance between the bouncers and draw lines closer to which they can not approach each other - the greater the distance, the more difficult it is to knock out and the easier it is to dodge the ball. The team is surrounded by a team of bouncers. With the help of the ball, the bouncers try to knock out the drivers. The knocked-out players leave the field until all the players of the team are knocked out, while the "candle" can be caught from the hands of the bouncer. The one who caught the "candle" has the ability to either take an extra life, or return back one of the previously knocked out. When the last driver remains, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is full years old. If he dodged successfully, then the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are swapped.

In "Frogs" mostly girls played. The ball was thrown into the wall, at the moment of its impact on the ground it was necessary to jump over the ball without catching it.

Hot potato
All players stand in a circle and quickly throw the ball to each other (as if it were a hot potato, not a ball). One player throws, the other must catch the ball. The one who did not catch is considered "punished" and sits on all fours in the center of the circle - "cauldron". Players can rescue those "sitting" in the cauldron and return them to the game. To do this, you need to throw the ball to the center and hit the "punished" players. Everyone touched by the ball returns to the game. "Punished" players can "save" themselves. To do this, they need to catch the ball flying over them without getting up from all fours. In this case, you cannot stand up to full height, you can only raise your hands or try to jump on all fours. If one of them succeeds, all players from the center stand in a circle, and the player who threw the ball sits in the center.

A simplified version of volleyball, where the players do not hit the ball, but catch it with both hands and throw it further with both hands. Popular beach and camp game.

The game needed a large ball and a piece of brick to draw a square on the asphalt, divided into 4 parts, with a circle for serving in the middle.
1. The game begins with the ball into a circle of the field in the direction of the opponent. You can only serve diagonally.
2. The number of touches is unlimited.
3. The player can hit the ball "before" and "after" (maximum 1) when the ball touches his square.
4. If a player hits the ball on his own square, he is awarded 1 goal.
5. If the ball falls on a line (between 2 players) or on a circle, the player who last touched the ball will re-serve.
6. If a player serves the ball to the opponent's line (from the out-side), the player who last touched the ball will re-serve the ball.
7. If the ball flew out-of-bounds (outside the common square), the player who served the ball is counted 1 point.
8. If the ball falls on the player's square and hits the field 2 times, the player has 1 goal.
9. As a rule, the game lasts up to 11 goals. You can score goals with any part of your body except your arms.
10. If one of the players conceded 11 goals, he is eliminated from the game. When 2 players remain on the playing court, they occupy two squares each, and play until one of them concedes 7 goals.
In a two-on-two game, players who are diagonally to each other are considered allies and have a common score.

Soaked the ball until it turned blue or until mom called home.

The point of the game was to kick the ball against the wall, and from the position where it stopped after hitting the previous player. If the ball did not hit the wall, then another letter from the word "GOAT" was hung on this player. The game continued until someone first typed all the letters and was declared a "goat". Aerobatics was considered to be the ability to spin the ball so that it bounced off the wall and flew at an obtuse angle to the most inaccessible place, for example, to the basement. It was called "podlyanki" :)

Twenty one
Each participant had to hit the ball exactly 21 times, first on the leg, then on the knee, then on the arm and then on the head. If it turned out to fill less, then the move passed to the next player, if by chance more - all previously accumulated points burned out. The winner was the one who was the first to go through all the stages and score 21 points in each type of filling.

The players stand in a circle at a distance of a step from the driver (the center of the circle can be indicated in advance, for example, with chalk). In the hands of the driver the ball. Throwing the ball high up, the driver calls the name of any player. The one whom he named should run to the center of the court and catch the ball. The driver takes the vacant seat. If the player catches the ball, he becomes the driver and the described actions are repeated. If the ball has time to touch the ground, the players scatter in different directions until he picks up the ball and shouts "Shtander!" or "Stop!" In this case, everyone freezes in the place where they were caught by the team, and he must "batter" one of the players (hit him with the ball). In this case, the players are not allowed to leave the place where they left off (dodging the ball is allowed). The driver also has no right to leave the center of the throwing circle.
The one who was hit becomes the leader or is eliminated from the game by prior arrangement. The game is repeated again.

Stop worms (Hali-halo)
The presenter takes the ball and says a word. The rest of the players must guess it according to the clues - the essence (meaning) of this word and the first and last letters.
When the player calls the correct word, the leader throws the ball to him and runs. The winner takes the ball, shouts to the presenter "Stop worms!" and names how many steps from him to the leader - simple, giant, midget or ant-like. Makes the named number of steps towards the driver. And then he tries to get into the ring from the hands of the driver. If it hits, it becomes the driver himself. In some regions, the game may have been known as Hali-Halo.

A game in which the players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, trying not to give the ball into the hands of the "dog" - the person in the center of the circle. If he caught the ball, he swaps places with the player who missed the ball. A kind of "Hot Potato".

A school game played exclusively by boys. It's all about the shell that was played - a dirty, smelly rag (either from the floor or from the blackboard). The more disgusting the "shell", the more active was the game. The meaning of the game is that a beginner picks up a wet rag and throws it at a neighbor standing next to him, shouting "Seth!" (from the word syphilitic). The rest immediately scattered from the newly-made "sifa". The task of the "sifa" is to rehabilitate himself in society by hitting another person with a rag, even if he does not want to take part in the game. And so on, until someone comes to terms with the new status of the sifa for the rest of the day. The peculiarity of the game is that it always started suddenly, at the initiative of only one person, without prior agreement, and often the majority played it not at will, but for the sake of saving them from dirty spots on their clothes.

What miracles of dodging did we not show so as not to become a "sifak" ...

Towns, klek.
The meaning of the game is to knock down various structures made of boards and sticks with a bat (stick).

A girlish game, the meaning of which was to bury colored bottle glasses with candy foil as a substrate in different nooks and crannies of the courtyard. The idea of ​​the game for boys was to find and destroy these bookmarks.

Twelve sticks
A very popular game throughout the Soviet era. Its main essence is that all players must have time to hide while the presenter collects 12 sticks scattered before that into one pile. In the same way - by throwing sticks - you can "help out" not only yourself, but also already "caught" players.

Hide and seek
Their simplest option. One toils, the rest are hiding. And then “Knock-knock, Dima. Knock-knock, Masha ... ".

The sea is worried once ...
Kindergarten game, where after the words of the presenter "The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - the sea figure freeze in place!", The participants freeze in poses that depict different words. The facilitator must guess what they are portraying.

Game-preparation of girls for family life :) By the way, the boys also willingly played it, portraying children and dads.

Throwing snowballs in winter. Either wall to wall, or they built snow fortresses and threw themselves from there.

A variant of the "war", only plastic bottles made of detergents (for example, "Whiteness") filled with water and with a hole in the lid were used as weapons.

A very popular game of boys, which consists in throwing a knife into the ground. There were many varieties of the game - "land", "tanks" and so on. The goal of the game "land" is to "recapture" from the enemy as much land as possible. Players took turns throwing knives into the ground, standing on their site, and "cut off" the land from their opponents.

The most common Soviet folding knives, which they played with:

No comments:)

King of the hill
The point of the game is to capture and hold some not very high slide - either sandy on the beach or snowy in the yard. Applicants for the king should try to throw the overdue ruler off the mountain by all means. Once we were playing king of the hill on high pipes, I fell on my stomach and almost suffocated ...

A very popular game among girls, where squares are drawn with chalk on the asphalt in a certain sequence, The players, jumping on one leg, push the "cue ball" (for example, a shoe polish or a puck) from the square to the next square, trying not to get it on the line and not step on the line with your foot. All our courtyards were covered with these squares. They are probably the main contender for the symbol of Soviet childhood. Chalk and asphalt were all we needed to play games.

Robber Cossacks
A very popular game, an analogue of hide and seek, which was played by the whole yard. One team ("robbers") was hiding, and the other ("Cossacks") was looking for her, using the tips of the "robbers" in the form of arrows on the ground, trees, walls of houses. The game went on for a very long time.

Ring, ring, step out on the porch
Kindergarten game. Participants sit in a row and fold their palms in front of them with a boat. The presenter holds in his palms some small object, usually a coin or a ring. Then he bypasses all the players in turn, putting their folded hands in the “boat” with each one with the words: “I wear-wear a ring, and I will give it to someone” and imperceptibly puts this object into the palms of one of the players. Then he says: "Ring-ring, go out on the porch!" - and the "marked" player must jump from the bench and run out. At the same time, the task of the rest of the players is to keep the evader in their ranks, so the “chosen one” tries not to show that it was he who got the cherished item.

Edible - not edible
The presenter throws a ball to the participants of the game, simultaneously naming various objects. The ball must be caught if the named item is edible and the ball must be hit otherwise.

Rock Paper Scissors
The players count out loud together "Rock ... Scissors ... Paper ... One ... Two ... Three" while shaking their fists. On the count of Three, they simultaneously show with their hand one of three signs: a stone, scissors or paper. The signs are shown in the picture. The winner is determined according to the following rules:
- The stone beats the scissors ("the stone blunts or breaks the scissors")
- Scissors beats paper ("scissors cut paper")
- Paper beats stone ("paper covers stone")
If the players show the same sign, then a draw is counted and the game is replayed. Usually they played on clicky and after the game the forehead of the participants was red.

Fisherman and fish
Participants stand in a circle, the leader stands inside it and spins the rope at the level of the feet. The task of the participants is to jump over the rope.

Rubber bands
The well-known and favorite game of all the girls in the courtyards. Two players are "rubber band". One player jumps (performs a series of exercises) - in turn at all levels. Usually, each exercise was performed at all levels in turn, after which they moved on to the next exercise and started jumping from level 1 - so the game was more varied. Sometimes I jumped in a different way - all the exercises were performed at once, first at 1, then at 2.3 and so on levels. At levels 5-6-7, difficult exercises were canceled

Rubber band game levels:
- the first - when the rubber band is at the level of the ankles holding
- the second - an elastic band at the knee level
- the third - an elastic band at the level of the thighs ("under the butt")
- fourth - elastic at the waist
- fifth - elastic band at chest level
- sixth - an elastic band at the neck level
- and even the seventh - the elastic was held by hands at the level of the ears.
I never understood how girls managed to jump so high and lift their legs. Yes, about the elastic band itself - often it was an elastic band from panties, associated with several of the same. It was very difficult to buy a new one due to the shortage.

I did not specifically mention a few more here. famous games I hope you remember them yourself :)
What were the most popular games in your backyard? Are your kids playing these games now?