The rules of the goat 6 spades game. Card game "Goat. Recoil of the last trump

Who invented playing cards? Today, according to statistics, eight out of ten homes in the UK play card games. Games with card decks so familiar that it seems to us that they have always existed. Perhaps decks have been known since the time of man's creation of the fine arts. Their history goes back so far that no one can pinpoint the exact time of their origin.

It is believed that playing decks were invented in China, since earlier paper money and playing decks were almost identical. The ancient Egyptians believed that Thoth (the god of wisdom) invented the playing decks so that people could "sharpen" their minds. So let's sharpen our mind with one of the exciting games in cards - "Goat".

From sources it is known that this game came to us from Germany in the XX century. It's hard to believe, but over time, the game "Goat" has not changed at all in structure and the idea. The unusual system of deciding trump cards is no longer found in any gambling entertainment. This game is relatively easier than in all of us familiar "Fool". There are different variations of this game, but the differences are only in the order of structuring the trump card.

Thirty-six card rules

The rules of the game "Goat"

First, we shuffle the deck and deal four cards to each of the players.

For example, we came across the following four cards:

  • Ace of spades;
  • Jack of spades;
  • The "nine" of the cross;
  • "Eight" worms.

In this game, you can only move with cards of the same suit. With this combination of cards, you have three options:

  1. Ace of spades and jack of spades.
  2. "Nine" of the cross.
  3. "Eight" worms.

If you play the first option (ace of spades and jack of spades), then the other player will not be able to fight back, since there is an ace in the move. You take away these two cards and your opponent gives you his 2 cards. You put them separately and no longer use them in the game. Then the players take turns taking one card from the common deck. For example, we came across a "nine" spades card. Please note that in the game "Goat" you can also play with paired cards, no matter what suit they are.

If you have collected four cards of the same suit, then go out of turn. Or else your opponent could cover your cards, then he takes them for himself. In the end, when you and your opponent have 2 separate piles of covered cards, then you need to start counting and adding points. Simple cards("Six", "seven", "eight" and "nine") have zero points. The rest have the following score values:

After scoring, the results are compared. The player with the most points is the winner.

The rules of the game when dealing fifteen cards to each player or "Goat" with "Jacks"

To begin with, you need to remove the "sixes" from the deck, shuffle, divide the deck into two equal parts. Each player takes fifteen cards, the remaining top card becomes a trump card. IN this game it is desirable to play four, but you can also play a pair. The ace goes to the last player to take his cards or deal. The scoring system itself is exactly the same, namely:

  • Jack - two points;
  • Lady - three points;
  • King - four points;
  • "Ten" - ten points;
  • Ace - eleven points.

Each player writes down twelve points for himself. A person who scored more than sixty points has the right to deduct two points from other players and only one point from the distributor. If you are lucky and were able to take exactly twelve points from the rest of the players after each so-called round, then you won. But this option has a peculiarity - these are Jacks.

The jack of the "cross" can cover all cards without exception, even trump cards. The Jack of Spades wins over all trump cards and relatives, except for the Jack of the Cross. Jack of hearts calmly trumps and Jack "of tambourine". The latter, in turn, can only be trump cards. The player needs to remember that tens and aces are extremely important for victory, so he needs to throw out only empty or low cards to his opponent, not even sparing jacks.

Play "Goat" on the computer

There is a great opportunity to play with the computer and practice, and then, on occasion, demonstrate virtuoso moves to my friends. You can download the game and play it on your computer for free. It is also possible to install an online game on Android and iOS platforms.

You can spend time with friends both fun and educational, develop and play. That's all, I wish you beautiful and interesting games wherever you are.

There is an implementation network game in Kozla.

Card game"Goat" is team play, one pair of partners against the other.
The partners of each team sit at opposite sides of the table. A deck is used of 24 cards without 7-ok, 8-ok and 9-ok and is dealt completely, each with 6 cards. The game takes place in several hands. In each hand, the team that took the tricks for the most points, "writes" on the other team. Players of one of the teams "remain the goats" when 12 or more points are "recorded" on them.

A deck of 24 cards is used; consists of aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens, sixes, clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds. It is dealt completely clockwise, one card at a time until the deck runs out and each has 6 cards. The peculiarity of the card game "Goat" is unique system trump cards.

Seniority of non-trump cards, descending: ace, ten, king, six.
Trump card seniority, descending:
six clubs,
lady of clubs, lady of spades, lady of hearts, lady of diamonds,
jack of clubs, jack of spades, jack of hearts, jack of diamonds,
ace of clubs, ten clubs, king of clubs.

Points: ace - 11, ten - 10, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2, six - 0.

Giveaways and first run

Before the distribution, it is necessary to let the next player move the deck counterclockwise. The team whose player did not allow the deck to move, if it is noticed, is "written" 4, and a new hand is dealt.

At the beginning of the game, anyone deals, for example, the one who sat down last, but the first call is made by the one to whom the ace of diamonds "came", from this card. Next, they deal and the first run is made clockwise, continuing with the player who had the ace of diamonds. Thus, the second distribution is distributed by the one who had the ace of diamonds in the first distribution, and the first call is made following him clockwise, the third distribution is distributed by the one who made the first call in the second hand, and the first call is made following him clockwise arrow and so on.

The ace of diamonds here has a symbolic meaning, for the draw of the first run in the first hand.

The only trump card

A player who has received only one trump card can exchange it with a partner for any non-trump card; if the partner does not have a trump card, then - for any trump card. In the first hand, the only trump card is not given.

The players of the team, which did not get a single lady, can notice this, and then the next hand is dealt. The first hand is played without queens.

Visits and bribes

The bribe consists of 4 call cards, one from each player. Each player in a clockwise direction must put a card corresponding to the suit of the first card of the call; if the first card is a trump card, then it is a trump card. If the player does not have a proper card, then it is allowed to put any. Whoever has a higher card in the entry takes the bribe. The player who took the bribe starts the next run.

To the team, the player of which, having the proper card, did not put it, if this was noticed, 4 is written, and a new deal is dealt.

Points and records

In each hand, the total number of tricks is 6, for a total of 120 points. On the team that took bribes for a smaller number of points, "is written" 2 or, if the points are less than 30, then - 4. When the teams score the same number of points, "it is not written" on anyone, but "eggs are played." If the team has taken all the bribes, then everything is "written off" from it. When the team takes all the tricks in the first hand, then the opponents are “written” 12 and they “remain blind”.

A player who has received six clubs can catch an opponent who has received a queen of clubs if he puts her in one run with her. In this case, the opponents are "written" 4 and a new distribution is dealt.


The player can "encrypt" his cards in messages to the partner. For example, "trailer" can mean that the player has more cards of the call suit. In the first distribution, messages are disabled, as "the blind are being played."

End of the game

In each hand, one team can record another. If the record on a team has become 12 or more, then the players of this team "remain goats." When the record is more than 12, the players "remain tailed". If the eggs were played, then the players of the losing team are left with the eggs. When the winning team has a score of 0, the players on the losing team "stay dry." If the team took all the tricks in the first hand, then the opponents are “written” 12 and they “remain blind”.

Goat is considered a popular card game that came to us from Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Surprisingly, to this day, most players have kept it intact. The peculiarity of the game in the original system of placing trump cards, it has no such similarity with any other card game. There are various options for playing the Goat, which differ only in the order in which the trump card is assigned. Let's take a closer look at how to play goat cards.

Playing with a regular deck

You can play Goat with the most ordinary deck of cards, removing sixes from it. Divide the deck into two halves. To begin with, fifteen cards are dealt, and the top card from the deck becomes the trump card for both games. The trump card is taken by the one who dealt the cards.

The game is played by four people. Each card has its own score: ace -11 points, 4 points - king, 3 points - queen, 2 points - jack, 10 points - ten. The rest of the cards do not carry any value, they are considered empty. At the end of the game, the points that were collected by the cards are counted, the one with 61-62 points wins the game.

Each player records 12 points for himself. Whoever was able to score more than 60 points deducts 2 points from each player in his favor, from the one who dealt the cards - only one. If any player can take twelve from another player, then it is considered that he won the knight or the goat. After the first half of the deck has been played, the second, remaining deck is dealt. The trump card is still the same card as in the first game. The rules of the goat game are the same here. The peculiarity of this game is jacks. The jack of clubs is considered the highest of all cards; it can beat all trump cards, without exception. Jack of spades can also cover all the trump cards and jacks of tambourines and hearts. The jack of hearts can cover trump cards and the jack of diamonds. The Jack of Diamonds can only cover trump cards.

It is important for the player to remember that tens and aces are the most valuable for the calculation, so he needs to give his assistant empty or low cards, not even sparing jacks.

36-card game

There is also another version of the game. Players play two against two. They also take 36 cards, remove sixes from them. Each pair receives two sixes of the same color, they are placed near the player, one face down, and the other on the first, but so that the front side of the already lying card is not visible. It turns out that 32 cards are involved in the drawing. How to play goat? The system of trump cards in this version is as follows: the eldest trump card is the seven of clubs, just below the queens of clubs, spades, hearts and a tambourine, after them there are jacks: clubs, spades, hearts, tambourine, followed by: ace, 10, king, 9, eight and 7 trump suit. Points are counted in the open. The dealer deals the player who sits to his left, one card is dealt face up. If it is not a seven of clubs, a jack or a queen, then this is a trump card. Then the dealer deals to all the players as many cards as he gave to the first player, and then one at a time, until he has dealt all the cards. If the player, after dealing the cards, has one trump card, then he can give it to his partner in exchange for another one card.

"Kozel" is one of the most popular games in the country. The rules of the game of "goat" are quite simple, however, this does not affect the interestingness. "Goat" has many names. The game requires increased attention and concentration, but as a reward the winner is given a very funny spectacle in the form of opponents bleating under the table.

General principles

This card game is designed for a group of 4 people, played by teams - a pair against a pair. The placement of players plays a special role. In order for the players not to collude, they are placed opposite each other at the table, the opponents are placed on the sides.

When dealing, a deck consisting of 36 cards is used, but in the game itself, only 32 are used. Before the round, 6 of all suits are laid out - they represent a common "scoreboard", "pairs" are counted from them. The ultimate goal of the game is to move your own scoreboard six pairs. The one who does it faster gets the title of the winner.

The cards are thoroughly shuffled before being dealt. A mandatory question is asked to the first person entering whether he will "boast". In another variant, a simple distribution of 32 cards to all four participants is assumed.

Types of praises

The player who performs the first move can become "boasting", he has the right to indicate how to deal the deck and how much should be dealt to each participant of the stake. If the player does not "boast", then the deck is dealt in full, each with 8 cards. "Khvalenki" can be of 3 types:

  1. Mirror... In this situation, the "boasting" must move the deck anywhere, after that he must take the top layer and turn the very last card towards him. If the bottom one is a trump card, then the player keeps it for himself, laying it face down on the table. When not a trump card falls out, the player should be like an opponent in the open. There is no need to hide the card, since the enemy does not have the opportunity to choose an answer. When playing, it is recommended not to look at the next card in the shifted layer, as the “boasting” one can see the next ones. In this situation, you need to put the cards on the tabletop and take out one piece at a time from the bottom, thus excluding the receipt of unnecessary information. After just as the player has entered, the layer of cards is supposed to be returned to the deck, which is transferred to the next player, repeating the actions of the first player.
  2. Trousers... If the "boasting" declared pants, then he receives two cards from the top from the very bottom of the deck, which are allowed to look at, but they cannot be shown to anyone. If the issued ones contain aces or trump cards, then he takes them for himself, asking for more and getting 2 more - one on top and bottom of the deck. The result of this process is the advantage of the "boasting" over other players - all good cards in his arms. If the received card is not considered an ace or a trump, then the player must be like. If he is very lucky and he has 8 excellent cards in his hands, then all the rest that he draws are transferred to a teammate who eliminates cards in the same way as the first one. With this principle of play, the opposing team has less and less chances of a successful confrontation. If the second player draws 2 non-trump cards, then confusion is foreseen, since he does not know what his friend was like. After collecting the maximum number of cards, the deck is transferred to another team, which acts on the same principle as the first player, only lays it face down.
  3. Double pants... The principle is the same as in regular pants, only initially the player receives not 2, but 4.

Retake process

Retake is carried out in several situations, but only on condition that the "praise" is not announced. After the first retake, "praise" cannot be carried out. If a retake is required 3 times, the team of the player who shuffled everything 3 times is considered a loser.

A retaliation is made if the total value of the dealt cards is less than 12 points, or if all 4 nines hit the side. Redelivery is made only upon presentation of the cards. After the team loses due to numerous retakes, the opponents' scoreboard moves one pair closer to victory, and a new round begins.

Rules of the game

The rules of the "goat" card game are quite simple, but require special attention. The holder of the lowest trump card goes first, then the players move clockwise in turn. The second player must play the same suit or trump. The winner is the one whose cards are stronger, the trick is taken. The next round is opened by the player of the winning team, having previously consulted with a friend after the distribution.

Card value and points

Trumps in the card game "goat" have permanent cards: queens, jacks and all crosses in decreasing order of strength. According to the hierarchy of strength among jacks and queens, the elders are clubs, then spades, hearts and diamonds. According to suit, the hierarchy is as follows: ace, 10, king, 9 and so on in decreasing order of number. If all 4 trump cards are caught in a bribe, then the strongest wins.


Each unit of the deck has its own value in points: Ace - 11, tens of any suit - 10, kings, queens and jacks - 4, 3 and 2, respectively, the rest give 0 points to the owner. Full deck is 120 points, all of them go to one team as a result of the round.

Con results

There are several rules regulating the results of the game, the game itself is subdivided into bets. The result of each round can be:

  1. The team won on condition that the opponent recruits the so-called "spas" - the scoreboard moves one line. If the enemy has not scored "saved", then the scoreboard moves two lines.
  2. If both teams scored a total of 60 points ("eggs"), then the "scoreboard" does not change its position.
  3. "Lucy" - set of 120 points, the score of the losing team is reset to zero and transferred to the starting position.
  4. The retaliation also shifts the winning team's score by 1 pair.
  5. When a team is caught cheating, a couple, the opposing team, receives a bonus - a shift in the score by two positions in plus. If the convicted team has proven innocent, then it receives a bonus - 2 pairs.

Team, with the most points - won, the score of the losing team does not change, and the winning team receives a shift of the scoreboard by one or 2 rows. If the losing team has a total of less than 31 points, then the winning team wins double and moves the score two positions.


This video will help you master all the intricacies of the game.

Goat (Goats)

Number of decks 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: from 2 or more
Card seniority:7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T.
Purpose of the game: be the first to score 60 points or more.
Rules of the game. The Goat card game has great amount varieties. It is quite difficult even to draw up the rules of the classic Goat, since throughout Russia classic rules in the Goat are different. I also know that they love to play Goat for money. Today it is even possible to play online on many sites. Let's try to withdraw general rules games. The first deliverer in the game is determined by lot, in next games players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled and removed. Then they play according to one of the options:
First- 4 cards are dealt to each player, the remaining deck is placed in the center of the table, the top card is revealed as a trump card and placed under the bottom of the deck;
Second- the deck is divided into two parts, from the first part of the deck, 4 cards are dealt to each player, the second part of the deck is postponed until the second game. Cards are dealt from right to left, so that the last dealt card belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. The last card is revealed and becomes a trump card for two games. This card remains with the player to the left of the donor.
After that, there is a drawing of bribes. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the deliverer. A player can play any of his cards, all other players clockwise can also put any card. The strategy of the game is that the player must discard empty or unusable cards on points to his opponent, and he must try to take cards that are worth a lot of points. If you play according to the first option, then after playing the trick, the players draw one card so that there are 4 cards in their hands and continue to play the tricks. If the second option is played, then only 4 tricks are played. Jacks play a special role in the game. The jack of spades beats off trump cards and red jacks. The jack of hearts beats off the trump cards and the jack of diamonds. Jack of Diamonds beats only one trump card. When the cards in the first half of the deck are over, then the second half is dealt. The precedence of jacks can be different. In our company, it is customary to play like this. When the cards in the hands of the players run out, the players begin to count the points for the cards taken. The first option is played until one of the players scores 60 points or more. According to the second option, the players calculate the points only after the second game, if no player scores 60 points or more, then the game is canceled and the game starts again. In both variants of the game, the winner is the player who scores 60 points or more.

Cost of cards in points:

0 points - 9, 8, 7 ;
2 points - jack;
3 points - lady ;
4 points - king;
10 points - 10 ;
11 points - an ace.