Darkorbit mobs Mobs in the game Darkorbit. Descriptions and features of alien ships NPC in DarkorBit

Minimum information on ports has been published. Now, as promised, our site publishes the detailed data on all Dark orbits ports, including the profitability, the complexity of the ports and all other.

Port alpha.

A simple port, consists of 34 parts. Then will wait for 10 waves there.

Reward for mobs (alpha):

40 Streuner \u003d 16.000 experience, 80 credits, 32,000 credits, 40 uridium.
40 Lordakia \u003d 32.000 experience, 160 credits, 32,000 credits, 80 Uridium.
40 Mordon \u003d 128.000 experience, 640 credits, 256.000 credits, 320 uridium.
80 Saimon \u003d 128.000 experience, 640 credits, 128,000 credits, 320 uridium.
20 Devolarium \u003d 128.000 experience, 640 credits, 1.024.000 loans, 320 uridium.
80 kristallin \u003d 512.000 experience, 2.560 credits, 1.024.000 loans, 1.280 Uridium.
20 Sibelon \u003d 256.000 Experience, 1.280 Honor, 2.048,000 loans, 640 Uridium.
80 Sibelonit \u003d 256.000 experience, 1.280 Honor, 1.024.000 loans, 960 Uridium.
16 Kristallon \u003d 819.200 Experience, 4.096 Honor, 6.553.600 loans, 2.048 Uridium.
30 Protegit \u003d 192.000 experience, 960 credits, 384,000 credits, 480 Uridium.
Total (from mobs): 2.467.200 Experience, 12.336 Honor, 12.505.600 loans, 6.488 Uridium.

Alpha port passage:

4.000.000 Obvious
100.000 Chest
20.000 Cartridges 4x ("Protein")
20.000 Uridium

200 xenomita
+ reward for mobs

Grand total:

6.467.200 Obvious
112.336 Chest
20.000 Cartridges 4x ("Protein")
26.488 Uridium
2 coupon for free repair
200 xenomita

Beta Port (Betta)

Betta is more difficult than alpha 2 times, it means a reward from mobs 2 times more

Award from Mobs (Betta):

4.934.400 Experience, 24.672 Chest, 25.011.200 Credit, 12.976 Uridium.

Passage of Port Beta:

8.000.000 Obvious
200.000 Chest
40.000 Cartridges 4x ("Protein")
40.000 Uridium

400 xenomita
Total with mobs:
12.934.400 Obvious
224.672 Chest
40.000 Cartridges 4x ("Protein")
52.976 Uridium
4 coupon for free repair
400 xenomita

Port Gamma.

Gamma is harder 3 times, award is 3 times more.

Reward with mobs (gamma):

7.401.600 Experience, 37.008 Honor, 37.516.800 loans, 19.464 Uridium

Passage of the port:

12.000.000 Obvious
300.000 Chest
60.000 Cartridges 4x ("Protein")
60.000 Uridium

600 xenomita

Total with mobs:

19.401.600 Obvious
337.008 Chest
60.000 Cartridges 4x ("Protein")
79.464 Uridium
6 coupon for free repair
600 xenomite.
The data are shown, excluding designs, and all sorts of stimulants!

Outcome: The reward for the ports is delicious (especially for the gamut), but they are going more expensive than other ports that we will look further.

Port Epsilon.

Award for the port:

5.000.000 Obvious
150.000 Chest
25.000 Uridium
20.000 (UCB-100)
10 log disks
5 keys to pirate trophies.
Approximately 50% the chance of what you get LF-4. But these 50% do not act on all the ports passed, but for each separately.

Reward with mobs:

As you can see the port easy and, accordingly, the reward for it is the same, small.

Port Zetta

Reward for passing GG Zeta:
6.000.000 Obvious
200.000 Chest
50 log disks
35.000 Uridium
25 keys to pirate trophies
25.000 UCB-100
Approximately 50% the chance of what you get the design for the "HAVOC" DroMD. But these 50% do not act on all the ports passed, but for each separately.

Reward with mobs:

As we see, the port is quite lightweight, but the award is quite interesting. Approaches about 1200-1400 additional energies. A distinctive feature It is what you can get a husk.

Port Kappa

15 000 URI received!
Received laser ammunition: 30000, Type: UCB-100
Log disks are obtained (10 pcs.).
Retained keys to trophies: 5
Received experience: 9,000,000
Cerestantly credit: 325 000 Pts.

There is also a 25% chance to get one of the super prizes:

New Design DROID "Hercules"! By providing them with your droid, the shield generators on it will receive 15% to the power of the shield. Tip: If you equip all DROIDS design "Hercules", then you can get an additional 20% bonus to the stock strength of the ship!

New Multi-booster! It gives a 5% bonus for 5 hours to damage, experience points and shields. Tip: These bonuses are counted in addition to other boosters.

One of the rare laser lf4 cannons.

Reward for mobs:

The port is very profitable if you have gathered all the hinks, then pass the kappa, because. The award is good, the chance to get the LF4 (this lie often falls).

Port of medium difficulty.

Lambda port.

15 000 URI received!
Received laser ammunition: 10 000, Type: UCB-100
Log drives (3 pcs.).
Retained keys to trophies: 5
Received experience: 2.750.000
Cerestantly credit: 100 000 Pts.

Reward with mobs:

The port is very light, and is going very quickly, but also a modest award for him.

Port Galaxy Gates "Kronos"

This port is assembled in a special way. The crown consists of 21 parts, but these parts can only be obtained by passing the remaining 8 ports.

Award for passing this port:
12.000.000 Obvious
450.000 Chest
25.000 URI
25.000 UCB-100
5.000 RSB-75
500 UBR-100
15 log disks
10 keys from pirate trophies
250 extranegia
Chance to receive design for Goliath "Saturn"
Honorary title
+ Award for mobs.

The result: the port is very attractive, but it is going not as everything, and long enough.

Port GG Delta.

Features of this port:

- Port Delta is not monotonous mob's killing as in Alpha, Bethe and Gamme, here in the same room are 2 or 3 waves of different mobs, of different power;
- Mobs in the delta now have the ability to fly into the angle, to restore not only shields, but also durability, as well as come back after repair;
- the distance of the shot is almost the same as the player;
- During the attack, all mobs do not stand still, and try to twist the player flying around it;
- the power and vitality of mobs in the delta differ from simple mobs that can be found on ordinary maps;
- Unlike simple ports at the end you have to fight with a new mob.

Award for the port:

9.000.000 Obvious
225.000 Chest
45.000 Uridium
45.000 UCB-50 (protein)
450 xenomita
5 coupons for repairs
Reward with mobs:
1 room:
Lordashki (5 pieces) \u003d 8.000 experience, 40 credits, 8,000 credits, 20 uridium.
Mordon (10 pieces) \u003d 64.000 experience, 320 credits, 128,000 credits, 160 uridium.
Simons (15 pieces) \u003d 48.000 experience, 240 credits, 48,000 credits, 120 uridium.
2 room:
Stroker (with 1-8.1 pieces) \u003d 12.800 experience, 64 credits, 25.600 loans, 32 uridium.
Stroker (from 1-1, 11 pcs) \u003d 8.800 experience, 44 credits, 17,600 credits, 22 Uridium.
3 room:
Mordons (5 pieces) \u003d 32.000 experience, 160 credits, 64,000 credits, 80 uridium.
Simons (10 pieces) \u003d 32.000 experience, 160 credits, 64,000 credits, 80 uridium.
Crystalinki (15 pieces) \u003d 192.000 experience, 960 credits, 384,000 loans, 480 Uridium.
4 room:
Lordakium (1 pcs) \u003d 51.200 experience, 256 credits, 409.600 loans, 128 Uridium.
Lordashki (12 pieces) \u003d 38.400 experience, 192 expenses, 38.400 experience, 96 Uridium
5 room:
Boss Lordakia - 10 pieces \u003d 32.000 experience, 160 credits, 32,000 credits, 80 Uridium.
BOSS Mordon - 8 pieces \u003d 102.400 experience, 512 credits, 204.800 loans, 256 Uridium.
Boss Saimon - 6 pieces \u003d 38.400 experience, 192 credits, 38,400 credits, 96 uridium.
6 room:
Sibelon -1 pieces \u003d 38.400 experience, 192 credit, 307.200 loans, 96 Uridium.
Sibelonit - 15 pieces \u003d 96.000 experience, 480 credit, 384,000 credits, 360 Uridium
7 room:
Sibelonit - 5 pieces \u003d 32.000 experience, 160 credits, 128,000 credits, 120 uridium.

BOSS Streuner - 5 pieces \u003d 64.000 experience, 320 credits, 128,000 loans, 160 uridium.
8 room:
Kristallon- 1 piece \u003d 102.400 experience, 512 credits, 819.200 credits, 256 Uridium.
Kristallin - 10 pieces \u003d 192.000 experience, 960 credits, 384,000 credits, 480 uridium.
9 room:

BOSS Lordakium- 1 piece \u003d 102.400 experience, 512 credits, 819.200 loans, 256 Uridium.
Protegit - 5pcs \u003d 64.000 experience, 320 credits, 128,000 loans, 160 uridium.
BOSS Lordakium- 1 piece \u003d 102.400 experience, 512 credits, 819.200 loans, 256 Uridium.
Protegit - 5pcs \u003d 64.000 experience, 320 credits, 128,000 loans, 160 uridium.
10 Room:
Unknown mob, the reward is not known.

Outcome: interesting and dynamic port, complicated, and the award is very good.

Every time you enter the game you get to the main page. On it you can see several ads: Happy hour, mega hour, jackpot, football action, as well as a bonus for the entrance. But a little later.

Home (what we study), hangar, auction, skayb, clan, URI (section of payment), quests, help, output, "very soon", pilot dossier and shop.

We also see some data:

Player ID - your ID will be listed here
Experience - everything is clear here, your experience will be displayed.
Level - all the more understandable
Jackpot - learn a little later
Credits - Gaming currency, you can only buy budget ammunition, shields, engines, Flax Drocee and a number of things. Also you can win on the auction (a little later) luxury things.
Uridium - a unique currency of the game, for it you can buy only 3 elite ships and all other elite things.

Urgent news.

You can simply click on one of 7 icons and before you will appear. full version News.

For example, we pressed on the very first icon and this window appeared before us. It comes a brief description of p.e.t. 10 (a very recent update, just for May 18, 2011). Overno, we offer to go to the hangar to buy it, but you should not do it yet.

Info player.

There is naturally indicated:
Your nickname.
The server on which you play.
Your rank.
Do you have a premium or not (a little later).
Your level in the game.
The company you are playing (there are only 3 companies, EIC - Earth, MMO - Mars and VRU - Venus, they will enjoy each other and do not be surprised if you destroy some player from these companies, your company players can also destroy you, But this is a rarity), the card on which you are located (each company has 8 cards, Mars is 1, Earth 2 and Venus 3)
With what date you play. Then goes to "change data".


It indicates all: buying ammunition or something else who you destroyed who destroyed you, what a quest you fulfilled, what a reward got, almost all. During the sale of resources, the transfer of resources to Skyleb or to the ship, how much you got uridium and loans.
So, click on the "Full Logbook".

Here you can naturally see everything that happened to you (except for the sale of resources, the departure of resources in Skyleb or the ship, bets for trading, collecting bonus boxes and how much you got uridium and loans.). Well, if you happen to happen much. , then all do not fit on one page.

Hall of Fame.

On the main page in the Hall of Fame, only the top 9 players are indicated. In fact, you want to find yourself in the Hall of Fame, let's click on the "All Hall of Fame".

Your statistics are shown here:
Hi, your nickname in the game
Your current position in the ranking: Your position in the ranking
You scored so many units of experience and so much of the units of honor.
Your current level: your level in the game
The ships destroyed by you: you still have 0 destroyed ships destroyed by the aliens: how much you destroyed the mobs (about them a little later)
You do not consist not in the same clan (naturally when you enter the clan or create your own it will be indicated at what place in the ranking is the clan to which you consist).
To see the rest: Your rank, players rating, company rating, clan rating, you need to click on

You will appear in front of you:

So, in this list we see:
My statistics are your statistics in the game, on the server on which you are sitting.
My today's rank - here you can see what kind of rank you have, how much grade points you have left until the next rank, statistics on mobs and by destroyed ships.
Companies - rating companies
Clan - Clans Rating
The best players - player rating
Experience - rating players at the scored experience
Honor - rating for recruitment
Destroyed ships - rating on destroyed ships.
Exterminated aliens - Rating on the destroyed mobs
List of titles - best time Wearing titles.
TDM - Rating on command game To death.


Let's start, review. You just see your ship, the characteristics of your ship, how much droids do you have. Droid Characteristics:

last characteristic P.E.T.10:

How do you see you do not have droinds, nor p.e.t.
When they will have them, experience will be depicted, and the damage in DroDs, as well as the indicators of the DroDs, 10% / 20% (this is maximum and only in IRIS Droides).
Note: The figure in Drode shows which improved droid gives damage if it has a laser (fewer) or on the shield energy (greater number).


Arms of the ship:

Armament of Drochda:

Weapon P.E.T.:

Here you can arm your ship, your shine, your p.e.t., Also here you can sell unnecessary things to you (for example, you replaced the MP-1 laser on LF-3 and you want to sell MP-1)

Attention: when you want to sell anything, see what exactly sells and think, and whether you need it.

Note: The ship's inventory and the same one and the same. Just on Drocee, you can put: addition, shields and guns (rocket letters is not installed). And you can configure 2 configurations on the ship.

Advanced hangar.

From April 3, 2012, you have the opportunity to have several ships at your disposal. Maximum 10 ships.

After buying a ship or after the ship's winning, you will have a choice: wait for a while, in order to accumulate Uridium to extend the hangar or replace the current ship on purchased or won at the auction.

If you decide to replace the ship, then you know, the old ship will be sold, and the new one will put it on the place of the old ship and it will be impossible to return it. Everything that stood on your old ship will be moved to the inventory.

In "Armament" you can configure configurations, as well as if you have additional money, you can change the ship. Also in the hangar there is a "Delete configuration" function, in this case all weapons from your ship on one of the configuration will be moved to the inventory and you can wear it all on another ship.

There is also a ship sale feature in the hangar. In order to sell an unnecessary ship, you need to click on the ship itself and then click on "sell."

You can change the ship not only in the hangar, but also on the main page. You just need to pay attention to this button with the number:

This button shows what ship you have now activated. Also, click on the arrow to the right and then select the desired ship.


Ships - Here you can buy a ship for yourself.
Drochda - Here you can buy for yourself Drochdov: Flax - for loans, Iris - for Uridium
Weapons - Here you can buy one of the budget laser cannons (for loans) or one of the ellitic guns (for uridium), you can also buy or budget racket or ellitic.
Ammunition - everything is clear here.
Generators - here you can buy either, engines or shields. These are also part of budget generators, part of the ellitic.
Supplement - There are many processors, there you can buy camouflage for your ship, there you can buy one of the four repairmen robots
P.E.T./Mehunisms - here you can buy p.e.t., the mechanisms for it are sold only when you have p.e.t.
AI protocols are also associated with P.E.T.
Stimulants - You can accept stimulants here.
Prize: All stimulants are 10,000 uridium, it is not necessary to spend uridium on them. They will be needed somewhere on 15-16 levels.
Designs - here are selling designs on Vengeance and Goliath ships.


Bidding lasts only 59 minutes 59 seconds. You can win elite things for loans. You have just to enter the amount you want to put (enter the amount to "put) and ignite the Enter or press" put ".

Warning: No need to make any bets in the first 10 seconds of trading, as well as at the last minute of trading.


Briefly, with the help of Skyler, players earn millions of loans and spend them for auction.
In Skyler, it is possible to clean "seplen", it is a rather powerful resource, it cannot be sold, but you can enrich if it is enriched on the gun, then the power of lasers will increase by 60%. If it can enrich it on shields (seplomes can not enrich it) then for a certain amount of time, the energy of the shield will increase by 40%.

High-tech factory

In High-tech, there are only 5 high-techs:
Energotransfer - Energotransfer converts 10% laser damage to strength, so that the strength of your ship is replenished.
Chain reaction - chain reaction is needed to take on the sight Max. 7 opponents closest to the target and apply damage at each hit, without looking at the shield. (Causes 10,000 units. Damage, unnecessary high-tech in my opinion)
Highlighting - the shielding reserves instantly regenerates the shield of your ship. (Restores 75,000 shield energies. Sweets. Diminisher design)
Battle Robot Repairman - Restores 100,000 Strength for 10 seconds.
Rocket sight - increases for 15 minutes the accuracy of rockets in 100%

Upgrade items.

In this section, you can improve your shield, rocket people, lasers and your droids.


This section has 2 main subsections.
The first subsection is to join the clan, about the clans you can read in in this topic: reference to the topic. Awner, this is a community of players who have their own goal. One seek to become the top, others want to just help beginners.
Weching: If the clan in which you are a member began a war with any other clan, then you will have to fly even more careful, as you can even destroy the allies of the clan with which you are fighting.
Your clan enemies are easy to determine, flying around the map, you probably noticed that almost all [clan tag] nickname, for example: synthetics, if you got a player with a red clan tag, then these are the enemies of your clan.


In this subsection, you can change the company.
Note: When changing the company, 5000 uridium will be removed with you and 50% of the credibility. If you have an honor in the minus, you will not be honored with honor, but will not add.

URI (payment section).

In this section there are 3 subsections.
Let's start with the banking subsection.
In this section, you can buy for real money Uridum, premium mode, bonus packages. When "replenishing the account" or "Premium Account" or "Bonus Package" you will find this window:

6 payment sections:
« Gaming currency"- Here you can buy uridium for real money.
"Premium" - here you can buy, or a silver premium (6 months operates), or a gold premium (1 year acts).
"Bonus Packages" - Here you can purchase bonus packages for real money.
"Starting sets" - here for real money you can purchase starting sets (in my opinion the most unnecessary payment section, benefit from these starting sets = 0)
"Savings" - here for real money you can purchase economy packages, just hover over and you will be seen the advantage of this or that economy package.
"Ship designs" - designs on Goliafov, the cost of each unique design of 250,000 Uridium, in this section of payment you can purchase these designs for real money.

Advantages of premium mode:
Fast 5 seconds!
Capacity of the freight compartment +500 units!
5% discount on all things for uridium!
Free repairs spacecraft!
50% discount on repair of droids!
Automatic resource enrichment!
2 times a more efficient repair robot!
Access to all the benefits of the "Radar" processor!
Accelerated twice reloading missiles!


This subsection shows your gaming balance. There are records as you received uridium and loans, and how you spent them.

Quests. Letters

Here you can take on the execution of one of the quests presented. Quests are light and sophisticated. Remember, well-paid quests are complex.


This section also checks your skills, here there are some quests, but they do not give the award for them. This is the partition just boasts: "And I'm in this test on the 3rd place, and you just on the 10th place."

Special quests.

(As you noticed now there are no special quests).

It is rarely here and only for special cases give special quests, they are both complex and simple, but the award for them, compared with the usual, pretty decent.


By clicking on this section, you will appear here:


This is a favorite section of all players. Here you can materialize uridium in: cartridges (starting with x2), xenomit, repair coupons, parts GG ports, extra strength and log disks. The cost of one such materialization 100 uridium. In bonus boxes you can Find additional energy for GalaxyGates, you also get it for entering the game.

Pilot dossier. Profile.

Here you can place your info, your status. It is not known when you can add an avatar and you can see the profiles of other players.
Here you can learn the statistics of the clan, as well as yours (especially you can see how much you are in the game).

Your profile.

Do you want to look at your profile or do you want to look at the profile of other players?
Here you can learn anything about other pilots, you can also add them to friends (so for interest).


Do you all wanted competition? You wanted prizes for one or another game achievement? Then meet the new feature, "achievements.

Tree skills.

In short, this is theity that everyone is called DP.TUT you can pump one of the skills, maximum you can pump 50 skills.
The skills can be pumped if only you have a sufficient number of progress and money points, and seples (about resources a little later).
DP has become the most important player's pumping to the pros.

Friends and bonuses.

If you are bored without friends, invite them.
It is necessary to know their emails for this. For a day, you can invite a maximum of 10 friends. Let the invitation to the mail of your friend and if he goes on the link, register in the game and reaches 7 levels, then you will give a bonus for a friend: 5 log disks will give you a bonus: 5 log disks, 5 coupons for repairs.
Note: For 25 friends give design for Goliath, orange. If honestly, this design is useless, it is so, for the beauty of Goliath.

Bonuses in the game.

So you see them in the dossier of the pilot:

So you see them at the entrance to the game:

Bonuses are the most pleasant in the game, 5 days in a row you go to the game and give you, in turn:
1 day: 10,000 credits and 50 missiles PLT-2026
Day 2: 300 MCB-25 ammunition (there are 0.5 Uridium in the store, they are called "boots") 25,000 credits
3 day. 250 SAB (takes the shield from the enemy and transfers it to you), 50 PLT-2021 (powerful missiles, 4000 damage in one such)
4 day. 250 MCB-50 (good ammunition, they are called "greens" because of visual effect), 1 Coupon for repairs.
Day 5 And Next (if you go to the game every day, I do not miss a single day) 200 uridium and 1 log disk.
Simply put, these bonuses are such a good freebie.

Post office.

On January 19, 2012, in-game post was introduced. Now you can refer to your friends on the game various news, suggestions to join the clan. You can discuss the conditions for entering the clan without going into the game itself and chat.

Ranks in the game.

Let's say this, this rank system shows how difficult the player is difficult to destroy. Then to destroy the generals, the easiest of all simple pilots.

The rank calculation system.

The absolute value of rank glasses is calculated 1 time per day by the formula:

1. + Experience / 100.000
2. + Honor / 100
3. + level * 100
4. + days from the date of registration * 6
5. + your ship type (phoenix \u003d 1, ..., goliath \u003d 10) * 1000
6. + ships shot down to input new system * 3
7. + Aliens killed before entering a new system / 2
8. + Locking ships after entering a new system depending on the type of ship * 3
(Phoenix \u003d 1, Yamato \u003d 2, Leonov \u003d 4, DefCom \u003d 6, Liberator \u003d 8, Piranha \u003d 10, Nostromo \u003d 12, Vengeance \u003d 16, Bigboy \u003d 14, Goliath \u003d 20)
9. + Fixed aliens after entering a new system depending on the type / 2
(Streuner \u003d 1, Lordakia \u003d 1, Saimon \u003d 2, Mordon \u003d 2, Streuner \u003d 2, Sibelonit \u003d 3, Kristallin \u003d 3, devolarium \u003d 4, Sibelon \u003d 5, Lordakium \u003d 6, Kristallon \u003d 8, Cubikon \u003d 10, Protegit \u003d 3, StreuNer \u003d 2,)
(BOSSES COUNT * 4, Uber Count * 8)
10. + Completed quests * 100
11. - Downed ships of your company * 100
12. - The number of times you were shot down by enemies (players) * 4
13. - Deaths in radiation * 8
14. - Fried Phoenixes of other companies * 2


The scale near the ministry (left) is the protection of newcomers. It is valid only on x-1 and x-2.If, on it only 1-2 scales yellow, then flying on the card should be extremely careful. If more than 3 and the scale is already orange, That is better to sit in the safe area.

Negative honor:

If you have a negative honor, instead of rank you will have such a target. This means that if someone from your company destroy you, then he will not be anything for it. (Well, for it, for the shot down ships of your company you earn experience, - Lands, -Consci, - Stand)

Fast panel:

The fast panel with just-going helps you in battle with the launch of missiles, the launch of some processors.


Here you can chat with players and ask questions from Chat moderators.
Note: Chat has its own rules, please follow them. Agree the chat rules here in this topic: the rules of the RU servers chat

Resource Sale:

You can sell resources on the X-1, X-8 and 5-2 cards.

Star card.

The difference between the bottoms and the tops is significant. On the lower cards, on both sides you can attack, from X-3 and X-4. On the top cards only on the one hand, with X-56, the most "profitable" aliens live with the top cards (abbreviated them are called mobs), but they are the most dangerous. On tops and bottoms there are PVP cards, there is no safe zone, but only 4-5 there is a safe zone, but only 15 seconds. PVP cards, if you They attacked, there is no possibility to teleport.

Types of resources:

Promethium :: Map X-1, X-2.Wo all mobakhs. in Skyler
Endurium: Map X-1, X-2, X-3.The All Mobakhs. in Skyler

Terbium: Map X-2, X-3, X-4, in all mobs, starting with Lordakia. in Skyler
Dranium: In all mobs, starting with Symenov. In Skyler

Method: in all mobs, starting with Simonov. In Skyler

PROMERIUM: in all mobs, starting with Mordonov. In Skyler
Spler: Skybl, as well as in mobs with GG Epsilon and Zeta.
Xenomit: in the Boss Mobs, starting with the boss Lordakia. in Uber-Mobach, as well as in some mobs with Invasion Gate and GG Zeta / GG Epsilon

Palladium: This resource is located on the map 5-1 and 5-3 in ion fields, so it is impossible to assemble it in camouflage, and on many gaming servers Even extremely dangerous. Exchange This resource can only be on the map 5-2, 15 units. Palladium \u003d 1 additional energy for GG.

Repair of the ship.

The game has 5 types of repair robots:

Fully restores the ship's trim in 165 seconds.

Cost 10,000 kr.

Fully restores the vehicle of the ship in 120 seconds.
In each of the configurations, this type can be used only once.
Cost 2.000 UR.

Fully restores the ship's trim in 105 seconds.
In each of the configurations, this type can be used only once.

Fully restores the ship's trim in 90 seconds.
In each of the configurations, this type can be used only once.
Cost of 20.000 UR.

Battle robot repairman.

In the mode of activity of a combat robot repairman restores 10,000 units per second. Ship strength. In addition, it is designed specifically for use in a battlefield, so uninterruptedly worries even surrounded by deadly laser rays.
Unlike other repairman robots, this is a disposable repairman's robot, as well as all the other High Teques.

For renovation, you will have to go to the game and already there to launch the repairing robot.

Ship repair on the map.

Now you can repair your ship right on the map.
How to do it? Everything is very simple. When you were merged, this window will appear on the screen:

The nickname of your offender will be shown here (in this case, the radiation, specially merged), the cost of repairing the ship. In order to repair the ship, you will need to click "Apply Coupon for Repair" or "for free", "200uri" \\ "700uri" or "300uri" \\ "800uri".

"Free" \\ "500uri" - In this case, you will repair your ship and find yourself on your native base.
Note: In this case, you will have only 1000 units.

"140uri \\ 190uri \\ 200uri" \\ "700uri" - In this case, you will repair your ship and find yourself next to the nearest port.
Note: In this case, you will have only 1000 units, within 10 seconds you will not be able to attack, but if you start an attack, a safe zone will be removed for you.

"210uri \\ 285uri \\ 300uri" \\ "800uri" - In this case, you will repair your ship and instantly find yourself on the spot of your plum.
Note: In this case, you will have only 10%.

After that, you will find yourself on your database \\ on the port \\ on the place of your plum. Next is the same as simple repair:
For renovation, you will have to launch the repairing robot.

Now you have to wait for some time until the full repair of your ship is completed.

Some questions on the game:

What is the honor of?
- Honor is needed for rank and for the cost of resources.

Why not sell sepro or xenomit?
- these are invaluable resources in the game, so you can not sell them

I'm going to GG port and began to lag what to do?
- There is a special script on the return of ports, if there was a crash on the server, the script will return to life. But in most cases, the lags are taking place due to the provider, and in this case the return of life in the port is not envisaged. And it is not necessary to write on the Sapport Forum, you will give a similar answer.

In Skylebe, in the warehouse is not replenished xenomit, what to do?
- Yes, nothing to do, the xeno-module produces synthetic xenomit, it is only suitable for Prommerium.

Why do you need xenomit?
- xenomit is extremely important for some processors.

Here in one of the answers it is said that the honor is needed for the value of Promenmia, that is, you can be unknown to raise the price of Promenium?
- No, the limit of 1000 loans for 1 promenium. In order for the amount of Prommerum to become 1000 per 1stone, it is necessary to 500,000.

I was in camouflage, and the opponent destroyed me, how?
- On the map itself you can not see, but you can see you on the minimar.

Descriptions and characteristics of NPC alien ships in Darkorbit.

All Maps of the Darkorbit Universe Maps are hiding in themselves those or other dangers represented by the so-called NPC ships and martial ships of the Martian and Venusian Corporations, which remain like to make your life in space unbearable.

Aliens ( UFO) There are 12 species in the game. Each type has vehicles of 2 classes: a private ship and boss. Ships are marked, like BOSS, equipped with a more heavy weapon and a more powerful shield. for example - \u003d [BOSS STREUNER] \u003d - has in four large filling and combat characteristics than the ordinary ship - \u003d [StreuNer] \u003d - . The same thing - \u003d [BOSS KRISTALLON] \u003d - and - \u003d [kristallon] \u003d -, Well, etc.
Each type of alien ships can only exist on certain cards. Each has various combat and viable characteristics: damage, strength, the experience that you will receive, destroying it, behavior, movement speed.

Streuner dwell on the first two cards, X-1 and x-2. They fly on Yamato ships, which you can find in your hangar. Behavior Streuner Passive. These are the most innocuous aliens. They will not attack you as long as you do not make aggressive actions against them. Streuner Armed with only a laser. They have such a habit of knocking up a handful next to you and other players. To kill them, they will not make any particular problems even free ship Phoenix. The flight speed of them is comparable with the speed of the Phoenix. Streuner Attacks 20 damage during attack and has a strength of 800 units and a shield for 400 units. By destroying, you will receive 400 experiences, 400 credits and 1 uridium and 2 points of honor. Having raised the box, falling after his death, you will get 10 modsum and 10 endyrium.

(Lords or Loki)

Aggressive ufological object. Represents the danger to a weakly protected shuttle.

These UFONPC live on maps since X-2 to X-5. The behavior of their aggressive. They do not wait for your attack and attack themselves, if not busy attack on another player. Their weapons are a self-based rocket, similar to ... they produce. To dodge the rocket UFOLordakia. It is impossible, but the farther from the attacker, the less damage takes you a rocket. And at a great distance from UFO Lordakia. Damage will be minimal or will be absent at all. Flying UFOLordakia. Alone, but if they accumulate into one pile, it represents a serious danger, especially for a weakly protected ship. The speed is high enough. Their rockets are applied 80 damage, they themselves have strength in 2000 and the same shield in 2000. For the destruction Lordakia. Player will receive 800 experience, 800 credits, 2 uridium and 4 credit. If you choose the box, then it also gets 20 units of mode, endyrium and terbium.

You will find them on the X-3 and X-4 cards. Saimon. Aggressive in most cases, but not always. As a rule, still, attack, without waiting for it, you will do it. Move with a fairly high speed. UFOAlso shoot as Lordikians, self-equipped rockets. May be bored in small flocks. Damage 250 and have a strength of 6000, shield 3000. Destroying Simon you will receive 1600 experience and 8 points of honor. Top up your piggy bank 4 units of uridium and 1600 loans. Having raised the fallen load. You will get: 40 modmetism, 40 endyrium, 2 terbium, 2 dustuum and 2 or 2 meters.

Mordon. Fly on Maps X-3 and X-4. Mordons resemble a round casket. The speed is low, but their shots are unallow, and damage they are decent. Aggressive to call them difficult, but you can. UFO Mordons have a not a big radius of defeat, so in order to kill them with a minimal damage for you, you have to shoot them from afar. Mordon inflicts 500 damage and has a shield in 10,000 and the strength of 20000. By killing it, you get 3200 experiences, 16 credits, 6,400 credits and 8 uridium. Featuring its load, you will receive 80 modsum, 80 endyrium, 80 terbium, 8 dustuum, 8 or 1 Prommerium.

UFO Devolarium. Fly only on the map X-3. Devolarium. The speed is average. They apply shots similar to energy clots blue color On a small distance in 1500 and has a strength of 100,000 and the same shield. For the murder you will receive 6.400 experience, 32 credits, 51.200 credits and 16 Uridium. It will not be easy to raise its cargo, because there is a load from the mob weighs more than 300 units: 100 modsum, 100 endurium. 100 Terbium, 16 Draniumum, 16 or 2 Prommerism.

Speed UFO NPC. Sibelon. very small. They can be found on the X-4 map. They attack you, without waiting for your attack. Shoots exactly as well as devolars, blue energy bunches on a small distance. With its low speed, there are a high paralying ability of 3.000. Strength and shield UFO Sibelon by 200,000. By killing such UFOYou get 12.800 experience, 64 points of honor, 102.000 credits and 32 uridium. It is not possible to raise his cargo completely by the Costroot of the middle class: 200 of the mode, 200 endurium, 200 terbium, 32 Dranuumum, 32 or 4 Promenmium. To destroy such a monster, you need to use it weak Party - low speed and a small radius of defeat.

Can be found on X-5 map. They attack you, without waiting for your attack. Shoots exactly as well as devolars, blue energy bunches on a small distance. Highly affecting the ability in 3175-4350. Strength and shield of 160,000. By killing such UFOYou get 12.800 experience, 64 points of honor, 102.000 credits and 48 uridium. Raise its cargo completely Costor of the middle class will not be able, because Its loading is almost 2 times larger than that of Ziba: 400 Promethium, 400 endurium, 400 terbium, 32 dustuum, 32 months and 4 simryum.

Speed UFOLordakium. High. They can be found on the X-5 card. They attack you, without waiting for your attack. Have a very high striking ability at 10,000-16.000. Strength is striking imagination 1.200.000 and shield 800,000. At first it is recommended to neutralize its shield, parallel to hammer it with rockets and you can use bombs. Draining the shield can be finished with lasers. By killing such UFOYou get 102.400 experience, 512 points of honor, 819.200 credits and 256 Uridium. Raise its cargo completely Costroille of the middle class will not be able to: 32 Promethium, 1200 endurium, 1200 terbium, 256 Dranuumum, 256 or 32 Promenmium.

Characteristic feature UFONPC. Kristallin. is frank studity. Snowflakes accumulate in 5-10 drifts and even 20 individuals. They can be found on the X-7 map. They attack you, without waiting for your attack and cause damage 3600-4700. Strength UFO Kristallin. 200.000 and shield 160.000. By killing such UFOYou get 25.600 experience, 128 points of honor, 51.200 credits and 64 uridium. Raise its cargo completely Costroille of the middle class will not be possible: 400 Promethium, 400 endurium, 400 terbium, 64 Dranuumum, 64 or 4 Promenmium.


Before each gamer, who first began to conquer the Darkorbit Universe, a task appears: to score maximum experience and as many resources as possible.

Consequently, most of the time you will devote to Greendu and Farm.

To reduce the consumption of time, we wrote this guide. In it in a detailed way, we describe the techniques for the destruction of mobs that work most effectively.

Secrets and techniques are divided into four approximately equal parts. Well, let's start.

Use the "Carousel" tactics

The fastest and efficient result shows the tactic, which is called "Carousel". With it, you will quickly overpower enemy ships.

This name fully reflects your actions. Killing mobs, just circle around them and attack them from all guns. If the enemy's shell flew to you, just increase the distance and buzz further.

Tactics works because mobs are not strong in battles at large distances, and players have an advantage in this.

Just decide which distance is the safest for you, take it and shoot it. But I warn you: measurements for a few seconds, you will become easy prey for Mob.

Constantly moving, you do not give the enemy to start an attack, and during this time it is faster to restore protection.

Constantly change the configuration of your ship when attacking. It is especially important when we fight with such strong bosses as zibelon or a crystal.

Just observe someone whom. Each enemy ship has its own attack range. Therefore, choose the distance that is more suitable for a specific battle.

When Mob approaches you, give away from it. Dark game Orbit allows you to retreat, passing by shooting.

Kill mobs in the port.

Tactics allows you to destroy enemy ships using the port. Home Purpose: Attach the mob to the port, kill it and rob it.

But here you are waiting for several dangers, although not such large. One of them - other players can destroy in the port of Mob.

There are two similar methods in this tactics. The first implies jumping, and the second goes like without them. Both methods we will now show.

Kill mobs using jumps. Attit the attention of the mob. Fly to the port, constantly attacking the ship. Flying to the port returns back using acceleration (key J). Consider the possibility that the mob may have protection.

If the mob has full health, then you are likely to lose the battle. Therefore, it recommends demolishing him at least half of the HP.

Kill mobs without using a jump. It is similar to the previous one, but with a feature to facilitate the game of beginners.

Attract the mob to the port, without stopping it to attack. When you find yourself next to the port, stop the attack. When the enemy will retreat - attack it with lasers. Make it several times until you destroy the mob.

Like the mobs one on one

We combine all the knowledge of the past tactics in one and use for the best effect. Tactics is as follows.

You need to choose in the crowd of mobs one and pull it out. And then - just destroy.

The applications described here will give you a space and help in the game. Using them, you quickly gain the necessary experience and improve the ships. And after - you will move on.

Be with us, subscribe to updates. In the following guides, many more secrets will open.

I often see how many players are tormented with the destruction of aliens (mobs). So I decided to write some methods of whining these most mobs for beginners. I want to immediately say that I do not attribute the authorship of these ways in any way, I only generalized and connected to one entire experience and posts of other respected players.

"""1. "Parking". """

You find and "grab" mob (alien), you are tricking it to the port or next to it (you can park in the entire security zone). Then, forcing the mob to stay next to you, at that moment you have damage to you, so you need to arm yourself well. After Mob stopped, carefully leaving right, left or back from it until it turns out to be almost over the edge of the game screen. Starting a message "You avoided the attacks", although the shootings of Moba will still fall in your ship, but the damage will not be afraid, so follow your ship to catch this moment. As soon as we got into this place, you should stop, stand and continue to beat the mob. When he remains just a little back, he will run away, it remains only to finish it. When finished, you can go strictly behind him away and shoot it, if you successfully select the distance, then Mob will not shoot.

1. You can park all mobs, except Lordakium (jellyfish, dumplings), crystallons and cubicon.

2. Learn parking can be started even on a "pipette" with Lordakia, and if you are on the "nostroma", then on Simona, it is possible on Devolarians.

3. During parking, your shields are restored, and there is a chance that we slightly grow up if the processor is installed for repair.

4. It should be noted that during the parking lot with you, the blizzard is removed in the security zone, which means you can attack and attack you.

5. If you will move away from the mob with a little more than you need, then Mob will break off and you have to do parking first

"""2. Circling "Waltz". """

This method is used against all mobs away from the port and secure zone. It is performed so:

We grab a mob and fly away from it a little away, for the distance shot;

Now I shoot on it, we start spinning at high speed around it, clock or oppusion arrow, as comfortable. If you do everything correctly, the mobs will stop shooting you, and your shields will start recovering after a certain period of time;

If still Mob began to shoot for you or suddenly stopped and blurts out with might and on you, it's just a little further fly and continue steep around it;

When the "Waltz" circle can be used with the shooting and rockets, keeping a space, but sometimes the glitch is manifested, the rays of lasers are visible, although in reality the shooting is done and damage is done. This is because you flew off a little further the ranges of rockets, in this case just turn off and turn on again shooting (Ctrl);

This method can be used even in the crowd of mobs, as they also stop shooting for you or only occasionally shooting up, thereby destroying one mob and grabbing the other, you can destroy a much larger amount of mobs than with other ways;

If you are in such a way that we beat a strong mob, such as Devolaryum, Zibelon, Lordakum and Crystallon, then use the change of configurations ("C" key): When the high-speed key is circling, when you finish the shield. Read configuration configurations in relevant topics.

"""3. Drawing for yourself. """

This method is constantly departing from the mob when it approaches with continuous shooting on it, thereby supporting a certain distance between you and mob. The fact is that each mob has its own shooting range, but your ship has dalvalism yet more. In addition, with this method you can simultaneously collect around bonus boxes. Ending occurs just as with all other cases.

"""4. Drawing through the port. """

When battle with a strong mob, you can use the method of dragging through the port.
There are two ways: with a jump and without a jump. But first I will say what happens to the mob with such actions. With the approach of the mob to the safe zone and if at this moment you do not shoot at that moment, although it beat it, it's like "getting silent," losing sight on you, that forces him to stop shooting and fly, where the eyes look. During his "illness" you can be drumped with mighty power, but it should be considered that at any moment he can "recover", and wherever he flies quite difficult to predict. And now the ways themselves.

A) without a jump.
Initially, use a way to drag it, pulling it to the port. When approaching it, it is necessary to turn off the shooting and wait when Mob is approaching the port. As soon as Mob starts to run away from you and from the port, turn on the shooting. The exact time of stopping the shooting you should try in practice, sooner or later you will understand at what point you need to turn off the palm tree. In this way there is a big minus, during your stopping shooting, some other player can start the attack of your mob, which in the end will lead the mob to it. In my opinion, it is preferable to use the second way, with a jump.

B) with a jump.
First, also use dragging for yourself, taking the mob right to the port. At the port, you, without shutting down the shooting, jump into the port and immediately back, immediately click on the shooting (Ctrl), catch up with it and continue to be a "patient" mob. When "recovering" mob can be repeated all this again.

Jumping should be done very quickly, without delay, otherwise your mob can intercept. For jumps, it is better to use the hot key "J";

This way is better to use at the end of the battle with mob, at the beginning using a drainage of it or parking, and when it is almost "ready" quickly use jumping and proceed with the achievement of the "patient" mob.

I told you about some whipping mobs, but everyone can add something to these actions. Very often in the game the mixed complex of all these methods is used: first drag, with the elements of the "Waltza", followed by parking or jumping through the port ... In a word, each player acts in compliance with the specific situation.
I hope the descriptions of all these ways will help many beginners in the game.