For what makes the WOT mark. New gaming achievement - marks on the trunks of the guns. How to get a mark on your tank

Marks on guns - A distinctive sign of strong players.

WORLD OF TANKS is a colorful and exciting game in the genre of MMO-action. The WORLD OF TANKS has a well-developed battle system, the outcome of which depends on the Timple and strategic solutions of each player separately.

As in most games, achievements in WOT play not the last role and reflect the effectiveness of the player even better than the efficiency. For example, if you pay attention to the beginning of the battle bout on the distinctive signs on the trunks of the guns world of Tanks., already on the basis of this, you can assume that your ally stands. To get only one mark, you need to enter 35% of the best players in the middle damage on the same tank, to obtain two marks you need to be among 15%, and to get the third in 5% the strongest. So, if you met a tank with a tank with 3 marks on WOT implements, it can only mean one thing on the battlefield of your business and, if this is an opponent, will better avoid battle with him. Since for the mark you usually need from 120 to 150 battles on one tank, you probably thought, is there a fast and easy way to get distinctive marks on the trunks of WOT?

In order to become our client, you just need to write to the operator, to agree with him the basic provisions in the transaction, for example, the purchase price wOT BOOKS VETERS, game time, payment service, on what tank you want to get a mark, etc. After payment, we immediately begin to fulfill the order with a period of execution of 30 battles per day.

Price for distinctive signs on guns in WOT

On average, to obtain 3 distinctions on the Tank Tank, you need to play from 100 to 200 battles in world of Tanks..

We offer purchase options as zero marks to maximum.
So to raise a certain percentage on your account, in this case the price is negotiable and discussed with the operator in the chat

Price per percentage - negotiable
Price for 3 marks from scratch for ordinary tanks - 3000
Price for 3 marks from scratch for complex tanks (list) - 4000-5500
Price for 2 marks from scratch for ordinary tanks - 1800r
Price for 2 marks from scratch for complex tanks (list) - 2700-3500
Price for 1 marks from scratch for complex tanks (list) - 1000-1400
Price for 1 marks from scratch for ordinary tanks - 800r

Conditions for performing marks on the guns here:

The tank should be in the "top" configuration.

Up to 2.000.000 silver at the disposal of the driver if you make 3 marks (for some tanks and more)

At least 2 perks

The ability to transfer the crew to the choice of the driver if it is not suitable for the skills you are.

The ability to set three additional. equipment to choose a driver.

You must have a premium account (PA).

During the order you do not play on custom equipment. Also you inform the operator when you play.

"Site" performs all orders without using fake battles, we are 100% honest with you, and also provide full focus.

If you are tired of looking where to officially buy marks on WOT implements, contact the best service "Site".

Starting from the update 0.9.1, players who have achieved the best indicators on the damn damage can apply special tank ASA tags to their technique.

Starting from version 0.9.1 in the game appeared the new kind Achievements - distinctive marks on the trunks of the guns. Historically, such marks reflected the number of enemy technicians destroyed - the only possible performance of the combat vehicle crew rate in reality. However, in the conditions of hostilities, tanks were used massively, often with the participation of other generics of troops, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the goal. This was the key reason that the marks were not widespread.

In the game, the destruction of the enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: to deal with heavy tank Alone and finish the enemy who has a strength of one shot, is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of the personal performance of the player - the average experience and the average damage on the tank. Experience for the fight is already taken into account to accrue the signs of grades, and high average damage will be encouraged using the tank marks: the higher the player's indicator compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and more marks on the trunk.

The defective damage is also taken into account, which makes achieving accessible to both light tanks that are designed not so much to apply damage, how much to detect targets for the allies.

I want to stop in more detail on this component of the calculation of the labels, as damage by Assistist. It may be damage to intelligence or damage to beaten caterpillars. In short, the formula is such - (a player damage for the fight) + (maximum damage for the tracking of the caterpillar or behind the light) - (damage caused by allies for the fight). Those. The maximum damage is taken into account by the caterpillar or For the light, and not the sum of these values. This is applied to tanks and PT-SAU.
Regarding SAU, a little needed to supplement - stunning will be taken into account as damage to light / sling of the caterpillar. Those. In this case, the largest indicator will be chosen from three, and not two, like ordinary tanks. It is indirectly written in the pication of 9.19.1 "Damage caused by allies with artillery over a stunned enemy, now goes into the calculation of distinctive marks on tools. Now this damage is also taken into account, as well as damage on a shot down caterpillar or damage across intelligence, as well as damage , applied directly by the enemy car. "
Added A911: RU

Accounting is done separately for each tank starting from the output version 0.9.1. Fights spent before the update do not go to the credit: it is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus take into account any changes in the game.

For calculation, results are taken for the last series of battle on the tank, and not for all fights, which allows you to quickly monitor the success of the player.

Attention! Counting statistics and the assignment of marks act only for technology from V level in random battles. Command, Roat, clan and historical battles do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, the marks were the attribute of tank Asov, so it's not very simple to get them. For example, to get initial level And one mark the player should get in 35% of the best on the same tank; The second degree of achievement (two marks) is assigned to the best 15% of the players, and the highest (three marks) is the best 5% of the players. Appearance Markers recreated by historical prototypes.

In addition to the marks for Acing, all players receive a rating that, unlike the stars on the trunk of WOT and other abstract estimates, directly reflects the effectiveness of the player on a particular tank at the main indicator of personal skills - caused by damage and help in damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the section "Achievements"\u003e "Technique"\u003e "Awards" explicitly: "Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank."

The more stable the player makes damage, the smaller the number of battles is required to calculate its personal indicator. On average, to assign the highest degree of achievement, which will take place on the trunk, may be required from 50 to 100 or more fighting.

The resulting marks and stars on the dulle in WOT are charged on the tank forever and cannot be lowered or selected. Accounting statistics for a series of battles and a big step step for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players optionally can disable the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's markings will be displayed.

Styles marks for different nations
Nation The rate of damage on the tank is more than that ... Screenshots
65% of players 85% of players 95% of players
the USSR

IN lately Wargaming has intensified and began to carefully enter although small, but rather interesting updates for their playing project. Among the entire infinite number of updates, one is worth noting one very interesting thing that is known as the stars on the trunk in WOT. What is this update? Why was it injected, should it be closely following this?

And in order not to wander in doubt, it is necessary to prepare. In this article we will reveal the entire truth about this update and about why it is necessary. True, it is not necessary to rejoice, since it is aesthetic and special advantages in itself.

New aesthetic function

Stars on the trunk in Wot is a new aesthetic update in the game that allows you to visually determine how successfully the user is leading the game on this type of technology. This innovation notes on the barrel of the tools of the star, depending on the effectiveness of the participant in battle on a specific type of technology. That is, the function is not common, but is designed for each tank separately.

Stars on the trunk in WOT is an indicator of the skill to own battle machines, and in more detail, they reflect the effectiveness of the game in terms of damage compared to all players in WOT. For example, one star shows that the player has a great rate of damage, which only 35% of colleagues own, two stars indicate the presence of this result in 15%, and three stars say that a person is included in the top and its result There are only 5% gamers.

How to get stars?

With the characteristic of these stars, everything is clear, now it would be interesting to know, and how exactly they can receive and whether they can be lost at all. To get stars on the trunk in Wot, well and effectively spend fighting with a big damage. If you are constantly falling into the top 3 player on the damage for the fight, then you probably approach the stars on the trunk.

It is damage that assumes the apparent stars on the trunk, your aesthetic statistics will depend on it. But it should be borne in mind that if you begin to negotiate a damage and will lead disgusting battles, then the chance to lose the stars on the trunk will noticeably increase. Try each battle to spend effectively and with the highest possible damage. Only in this way can be held the deserved result and be able to break away from their competitors.

Differences on nations

In addition, you should not forget that in Wot stars on the trunk were introduced in connection with the found historical confirmations. Allegedly tankers themselves applied such indicators to their tank. But it is worth considering the moment that in World of Tanks there are several nations, therefore the designation can be different, although the difference and not so extensive.

For example, the nation China and the USSR are applied to the barrel of the star, while others in Wot stars on the trunk are replaced with simple white stripes, and they are also applied exactly according to the same rules as the stars themselves. Therefore, it is not to be surprised that some tanks have different marking on the trunk. And you should not relax, since the aesthetic statistics entered has its place in the game.

The importance of this indicator

What the stars on the trunk in Wot mean, we figured out, it remains now to understand what weight they have in the game. Oddly enough, but in the game, the gamers began to relate to each other attentively, as the marks on the trunk show how well the player owns his technique, whether he should rely on him, whether it should be feared, etc. After all, if the participant owns 3 stars, he probably plays well, and it is worth thinking before throwing it and doubt his decisions. In addition, many clans introduce their own players assessment system, which takes into account and mark on technology, this allows you to determine exactly as possible how good and what is the player playing. Thanks to the marks on the trunk, it became easier to determine what the gamer represents, whether it is necessary to obey it, cover and generally fear if it is among the opponents. In addition, it is worth noting that the developers have introduced this update as a test and now intend to develop their idea. So far it is not for sure that the developers want to introduce, but it becomes clear that they do not plan to postpone this idea in a long box, work on its development is already underway.

In battles you can see tanks, on the tools of which there are marks. These marks indicate the professionalism of the player in combat efficiency on a specific technique.

How to get marks

The mark is issued for the middle damage caused by the tank. At the same time, the statistics of all players who play on a certain technique for a period of 7 days are constantly being carried out. The situation is similar to the signs of grades, only there is calculated clean experience Player on a specific car. Light tanks can earn marks with the help of lighting enemy techniques and damage on it allies.

Statistics are taken for 1 week, based on which the player receives an appropriate sign on the gun barrel.

There is a specific coefficient that defines the merits of each player:

  • 1 mark - medium damage more than 65% of players;
  • 2 marks - Middle damage more than 85% of players;
  • 3 Mark - Middle Damage more than 95% of players.

To date, you can follow the marks 2 ways:

  1. In-game stats for player.

To view statistics in the game, you need to go to the "Achievements" tab, which is at the top of the screen.

In achievements there will be a clause "Technique".

After passing the tab, a list of all tanks will be displayed on which the user played. To find out the statistics of a particular tank, you need to click on it. On the right there will be a subtitle "Awards".

A window will open with achievements. At the top will be depicted trunk and acting on it. If there are no marks, then it will be blocked.

Having a mouse cursor on the image, the current player statistics will be displayed.

Now knowing how to check your progress on the marks, you can often follow the changes.

The second option is that will indicate progress near the icon of each tank.

Latest mods Picture progress in battle. In addition, the value that needs to be achieved during the battle is to increase the coefficient. Changing the color of numbers indicates the following:
  • red - the coefficient decreases;
  • green - the coefficient remains in place or slightly rises;
  • purple - the coefficient increases significantly.

The mod is very useful because the player will always know how much he needs to cause damage to increase the total percentage.

How to apply a lot of damage

To earn marks on the trunk, it is necessary to apply a large amount of damage every fight. If there is practically no problems with obtaining 1 problem, then CO 2 needs to try, well, and 3 marks can only be obtained only with sufficient experience in the game. It also depends on how well the tankers played on a certain tank. It is easiest to get markers on those tanks that are not very popular in the game.

Before choosing a tank for marks, you need to understand its popularity.

For example, you can see more often in battles. This means that the high mark on this technique will not be easy to get. Since the purpose of only damage is becoming, it is necessary to act as the fire support of the allies. The most important thing is not to be destroyed at the beginning of the battle, otherwise the coefficient will significantly decrease. You always need to remember about the mark and look at the value, so to achieve the desired result, you need to play neatly. If confronting more complex rivals is not forbidden to use premium shells.

Marks on LT.

Light tanks do not have powerful tools, so the developers made a slightly excellent criterion for them - damage to light. The main task of LT to raise the stamp coefficient to the trunk is to cause damage to the allies. But nowhere is not said that LT should only shine. If every opportunity, he also needs to be damaged, preferably in his own way. If the enemy was lined with union technique, then you can use an effective way - shoot down the caterpillars. The damage of the tank, who was shot down by the cam, is assigned to the knocked out similarly as during litters.

A new type of achievements will appear in the game - distinctive marks on the trunks of the guns. Historically, such marks reflected the number of enemy technicians destroyed - the only possible performance of the combat vehicle crew rate in reality. However, in the conditions of hostilities, tanks were used massively, often with the participation of other generics of troops, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the goal. This was the key reason that the marks were not widespread.

In the game, the destruction of the enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: to deal with a heavy tank alone and finish the enemy who has a strength of one shot, is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of the personal performance of the player - the average experience and the average damage on the tank. Experience for the fight is already taken into account to accrue the signs of grades, and high average damage will be encouraged by marks on the barrel: The higher the player's indicator compared with the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and more marks on the trunk.

Tarmers marks

The defective damage is also taken into account, which makes achieving accessible to both light tanks that are designed not so much to apply damage, how much to detect targets for the allies.

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the output version 9.1. Fights spent before the update do not go to the credit: it is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus take into account any changes in the game.

Screenshots with marks on the instruments of tanks of different nations

Tanks on the trunks of the Tank Tanks of the USSR

Photo of stars on guns soviet tank

German marks

Marks on the trunks of the tanks of Germany

Screenshot with marks to guns german tank

American marks

Tanks on the trunks of the US tanks

Snapshot with marks to the guns of the American tank

French marks

Packs on the trunks of French tanks

Screen labels on the trunk of the guns of the French

British marks

Marks on Great British Tanks

Stock Foto Tank Asse Trica on Britain

Chinese marks

Marks on the instruments of China tanks

Snapshot with labels on the trunk chinese tank

Japanese marks

Marks on the trunks of Japan tanks

Screenshot with marks on the trunk of the japanese tank

For calculation, results are taken for the last series of battle on the tank, and not for all fights, which allows you to quickly monitor the success of the player.

Attention! Counting statistics and the assignment of marks act only for technology from V level in random battles. Command, Roat, Clan and do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, the marks were the attribute of tank Asov, so it's not very simple to get them. For example, to get the initial level and one mark, the player should get into 35% of the best on the same tank; The second degree of achievement (two marks) is assigned to the best 15% of the players, and the highest (three marks) is the best 5% of the players. The appearance of marks is recreated by historical prototypes.

In addition to the marks for Acing, all players receive a rating that, unlike other abstract estimates, directly reflects the effectiveness of the player on a particular tank at the main indicator of personal skills - caused damage to the enemy damage.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the "Achievements"\u003e "Technique"\u003e "" explicit form: "Your damage rate is better than N% of players on the same tank."

The more stable the player makes damage, the smaller the number of battles is required to calculate its personal indicator. On average, to assign the highest degree of achievement may be required from 50 to 100 or more fighting.

The resulting marks are accrued on the tank forever and cannot be lowered or selected. Accounting statistics for a series of battles and a big step step for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players optionally can disable the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's markings will be displayed.

Answers to questions about guns in version 0.9.8

Question: why will the distinctive marks on the trunks of the guns?

Answer: Tank marks are assigned by the results of the game in the "Random Fight" mode and display the average number of damage done on a specific player tank in relation to other users.

Question: Is this achievement available to the owners of light tanks?

Answer: Damage from intelligence is also taken into account, which makes achievement available and for that are designed not so much to apply damage, but to detect targets for the allies.

Question: Will the battles spent before updating 9.8 go?

Answer: No, accounting is done separately for each tank starting from the output of version 9.8.

Question: How often is statistics going?