How to make a blue color in minecraft. Painting other items

When you play "minecraft", it may come across the objects painted in bright and attractive colors. Naturally, at the same time you may have a completely normal desire - to piss something to the color you like to handle something. But far from everyone knows how to do it. Many do not even imagine that in this game you can get dyes and use them for destination. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in detail how to make a separate attention should be paid to the types of dyes, as they are too different.

Dyes in the game

Everyone who saw something bright in the game is asked about how to make a dye in Mininfest, but not everyone finds the answer to this question. And the unparthalter lies on the surface, because most of them are made in the simplest way - by crafting the sole object. That's just here and the question arises: what exactly do you need to craft to get the dye? After all, it can then be used for a wide variety of purposes, for example, for painting wool, armor and other items. This will allow you to make life much brighter, and at the same time diversified game process. Therefore, it's time to learn how to make the dye in the "minecraft".

Natural dyes

In total, you can paint something more than twenty colors, but not all of them are simple. The fact is that in the game only thirteen shades can be mined in nature, the rest should be obtained more complex ways. How to make a dye in the "minecraft" from what gives you a game? Everything is very simple - you will only need a workbench, because the paint itself is made from specific resources. For example, you can get a red dye if scratch the poppy or tulip, which can be easily found in the field. Yellow color Easy to get from dandelion or sunflower. You can detect a table in which all natural resources will be indicated that simple dyes will give you, and you can not spoil your impressions and experiment. Perhaps, besides interesting colors, you will also get what they did not expect at all. However, it is important not to concentrate exclusively on the workbench, because by burning cactus, for example, you will get a green dye. "Minecraft" provides you with a huge number of opportunities, so use them all.

Composite colors

As mentioned earlier, in nature you can find materials only for the manufacture of thirteen natural dyes. But there are also nine composite, which just do not work. Seven of them are made only a little more complicated than basic. For example, by mixing bone flour and cactus greenery, you can get a lime dye. "Minecraft", however, offers you two more unique colors that make it harder. If you went along the path of experiments and do not look into the table, then you will be very difficult to choose the desired ingredients. After all, for the manufacture of a lilac dye you will need to mix two ready-made shades, purple and pink. What to say about which you need to add to gray bone flour. This is so difficult to make knowledge on painting in the "minecraft". How to make a blue dye is one question, but how to achieve brighter and unusual colors - this is already completely different.

How to paint the subject

It is worth starting with the fact that not all objects in the game can be painted, so you have to come to terms with the fact that some of your experiments will be unsuccessful. The most vivid example of the thing that is constantly painting is wool. It is mined thanks to the sheep, but often painting even before they are exconed, for this, the dye is used directly on the sheep - and its wool becomes a new color. It should be noted that it will continue to be transmitted to her children, and if it crosses it with a rock of another color, then you can get something extraordinary. If you need to paint the subject, then place it in the workbench along with the dye, and if its color can be changed, the process will pass successfully.

Paint armor

Separately, it is worth considering the process of painting armor. It is important to know that you can change only the color of leather armor, so do not try to repaint others, such as metal or gold. Also note that this feature appeared only in one of recent versionsSo if your client has been downloaded for a long time and has not been updated since then, you will not have a chance to change the color of the armor. Well, it is worth noting that much more colors are available for painting of armor than for crafting, so your imagination will have more space for work. In addition, this fact gives hope that in subsequent versions of the game the number of dyes will increase, and you can more originally decorate your home, as well as the surroundings, choking in different colors of the walls, fences, and even sheep.

The world, not painted in thousands of colors and shades, would be very dull. Minecraft cannot complain about the absence of paints. Probably explained by the few of the items and blocks that can be painted using dyes. But they are, and you need to use it. Here are examples of staining items:

  • Armor (leather)
  • Collar Wolf.
  • Star (for salutes)

Painting wool

Minecraft has 13 natural and 9 mixed dyes. Details about the colors you read below, and now more detailed about the use of coloring substances. The main use of "Pigments" is found in wool color. If the wolf collar or saddle will not be decorated, you will not be hot from this very cold. But the multicolored wool can come in handy in huge quantities Cases. It is difficult to imagine the embodiment in Minecraft designer projects without the use of opportunities discovering thanks to dyes.

To paint wool, and other items from the list, it, like the dye, is placed in the crafting grid. The order of the elements is not important. However, you can paint in minecraft only white wool (which is interesting, even white). In one approach, you can make color only one block, and this is a negative moment of this method. It is logical to do differently.

Wool can be extracted not only by crafting, but also a sheep haircut. Not only is the sheep give it at a time 2-3 times more than Kraft, so still the dye is consumed much more efficiently. The fact is that the sheep after haircuts do not remain lys forever. They again grow woolen cover. Moreover, the color in which you once painted the animal. Understood what Profit? Having spent one unit of coloring substance in Minecraft, you can get almost unlimited quantity Wool.

But that's not all. Collecting future mom and dad, sheep and ram, in different colors, you will get a lamb of the color that would come out, mix you parents separately. What to say, Profit fabulous. Here it will be less likely to note that in vivo minecraft can be met, except for white sheep, and also gray, black, pink and brown. It is useful to know not to spend the dye once again. Well, to paint this useful animal, you need to take a dye in your hand, and PCM press on the sheep. Just come to her closer, so as not to spray the substance.

Painting other items

Leather armor in minecraft can be made colored with V. 12W34A. For coloring, it follows in the grid to arrange one unit of armor and one or more dyes. There are several points here:

  • The number of colors is much more basic, since you can paint the already colored armor. That is, the result is always obtained by some mean.
  • The ability to use a lot of coloring substances at once allows you to quickly get the desired result.
  • The color armor in minecraft can be laundered in a water boiler.

It is very useful to use dyes with faucer craffers. Thus, you can make very bright and colorful salutes. And the burned clay is excellent (durable and beautiful) alternative to wool. Like wool, it allows you to achieve a wide variety of designer purposes. True, a sheep product, as shown and proven, is more profitable, as it is easier to do it.

Types of dyes

Well, now more about the "Pigments". Colors in Minecraft are primary, secondary and tertiary. These are the primary dyes (their thirteen), as well as ingredients from which they can be made or get.

First of all, dyes are used for wool coloring, and later dyes can be painted. There are seven natural dyes and nine shades of paint mixing. When coloring the armor is used even more shades.

Color diagram of objects and dyes obtained from these items and mixing various dyes.

Kraft from dyes

To paint wool, it is located on the workbench or in the inventory. You can only paint white wool. Items are arbitrarily, the order is not important here. One block is stained.

To get colored wool, you can still paint the sheep using the dye. The dye should be in hand, go to the sheep, as close as possible, and right-click on the sheep. When cutting the painted sheep with scissors from it, you can get 1-3 blocks painted wool, and when the craft is only one block of color wool. In later versions after haircuts on the sheep, the wool and the player can get an infinite number of wool blocks using only one dye. Using dyes of different colors, you can get an infinite amount of wool of all the necessary player in colors.

A lamb, received from parents with different colors, will get an arbitrary color from mixing the colors of parent wool, for example, a purple lamb will be born from blue and red sheep. IN minecraft world Sheep only saves white, gray, black, light blue, light gray, less often brown and, very rare, pink colors.

Also dyes can be painted collar tamed wolves.

For painting, in the crafting grid there is one element of reservation together with dyes. The order of location is not important. Armor is painted in a variety of shades, with a kraft, you can put a lot of dyes at once, you can repaint already painted armor, new colors are mixed with the previous one and it turns out a certain middle shade. You can wash your painted armor in the boiler, while the water is spent.

Possible shades when painting leather armor dyes.

From version 12W49A (1.4.6), dyes are used to create fireworks.
From version13W41A you can paint the glass.

Dyes and colors

Primary colors

Primary colors can be extracted during the game or make from ingredients, which should also be mined.

IconNameExtracted outGives colorDescription
Redit turns out when the rose crafting, two dye turns out for kraft
Yellowkraft dandelion
Bluelazurick ore is extracted (4-8 dye per unit)
Greenit turns out when cactus firing
The blackfrom the murdered boom, you can not kill the boards, but to hit the bottom, drops 1-3 dye
Whitewhen murdering skeletons, bones fall
Cocoa fruitsBrowncocoa beans fall from jungle trees
Secondary colors

With mixing primary dyes Operate dyes are obtained.

IconNameMixingIt turns out
Rose Color + Yellow DandelionOrange
Cactus Green + UltramarineTurquoise
Rose Color + UltramarinePurple

Well, let's start-with. So, first, you should know that there are 7 main dyes in Minecraft, each of which can be extracted in one way or another.

Major Dyes:

Rose Color (red) - rose flower

It is produced from red rose flowers growing around the world, you can often find in the forests and plains. To get a dye from roses, it is enough to put it in the crafting grid.

Yellow dandeller (yellow) - Dandelion

Similar to the colors of roses are found around the world, crafty also.

Ultramarine (blue) - Ruda Lazurita

Natural mineral is most often located at the 19th level, but the main spawn is located from the 32nd and lower. Getting chick.

Cactus greens (green) - Cactus

Grow in the deserts, but can grow in any biome if there are sand. To get a dye, throw a cactus in the oven and fry.

Ink bag (the black) - Sprudes

Water mob, you can find in any reservoirs from rivers to oceans and seas. For the production of ink bag, you must kill the spruit (unexpectedly, right?).

Bone flour (white) - Bones (skeletons)

Skeletons - hostile night monsters. By killing the skeleton, there is a chance that the bones fall out of it. Putting the bones into the crafting grid, you can get bone flour, which is also used as a fertilizer.

Cocoa beans (brown) - Treasury chests

Search for cocoa beans is necessary in the treasury. The 12W18A snapshot also falls out of the foliage of trees in the jungle.

On the screenshots below, it can be seen what materials match the dyes.

To paint wool with any dye, it is necessary to put white wool and dye into the crafting grid, the location of the value does not have.

In addition to the main seven colors there are also 7 secondary and 2 tertiary colors. If you think it is logical, it is not difficult to guess that for the crafting of secondary dyes we need basic, and for tertiary secondary.


Orange - crafting out rose Colors and Yellow dandelion.

Turquoise - crafting out Cactus Green and ultramarine.

Purple - crafting out rose Colors and ultramarine.

Grey - crafting out ink bag and bone dust.

Light blue - crafting out bone flour and ultramarine.

Pink- crafting out bone flour and rose Colors.

Lime - crafting out cactus Green and bone dust.


Lilac - crafting out purpleand pink dye.

Light gray - crafting out bone flour and gray dye.

That's so! Having made a ton of wool soon running to build a masterpiece pixel art and multicolored houses, however, it's a little nonsense, but fun!

With you was ucozver, thanks for reading while ...