Didactic game on the burden in the senior group. Didactic Games for Obzh for the middle group. Game "Collect a dangerous subject"

Games for the formation of a sense of own security

Games for the formation of legal culture

Games contributing to the adaptation of a person in the social world

"I have a right..."


  • Expand the area of \u200b\u200blegal knowledge of children.

Material. A set of plot pictures to the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Pictures depicting situations not considered in the "Convention" (the child rides a bike, plays a hide and seek, watering flowers, etc.). The template "I have the right" (can be presented, for example, in the form of a "+" sign).

Stroke Game

Children alternately choose those pictures that correspond to the articles of the Convention, and lay out about the template "I have great-in". Then each child explains the cause of his choice, the rest are discussing the rule of decision.

"I do not have..."


  • Teaching to distinguish between the concepts of "I can", "should", "I want."
  • Improve the knowledge of children about social norms.

Material. Series of plot pictures related to acceptable and unacceptable relationships in systems: adult - child; Child is a child; child - the world. The template "I should not" (for example, an image of the "-" sign).

Stroke Game

Children lay out the pictures that depict situations unacceptable in relationships between people, between human and nature, man and the substantive world. Then explain your choice.



  • Teach children if necessary, call in emergency service medical care by phone 03.

Material. Toy machine "Slight". Scene pictures with the image of various situations: a man is lying in bed with a thermometer under the arm; Baby with bruis; Old man who fell on the street (hand at the heart), etc. White doctoral caps and bathrobes - for each participant of the game.

Stroke Game

Scene pictures are laid out on the table. A ambulance brigade (5-6 children) repeats the phone number of its emergency service, travels on "challenges" (children move the machine from the picture to the picture) and takes into a hospital-CSU (collect pictures) only "seriously ill people".

The rest are discussing the actions of the ambulance brigade.

"Help! Police! "


  • To form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat cases should be treated for help in the police.

Material. The cards with the image of the telephone set on which the police service number is written - 02. Sets of plot pictures depicting various life situations requiring and not requiring police intervention.

Stroke Game

Children are divided into three teams. The teacher distributes each team sets of plot pictures and cards with a police call number. Playing trying as possible to decompose cards with

image of a phone near pictures with situations that requiremilling police. After games Children discuss the results of the actions of each team.

"If there is a fire"


  • To acquaint children with the rules of safe handling.
  • Secure the knowledge of the phone number of an ex-trench fire service.

Stroke Game

Children become a circle. In the center - Education Tel with aircraft in hand. He pronounces poetic lines and, without negotiating the last word, transfers the ball one of the children. The child quickly announces the string and transmits the ball to another, etc. If the child is responsible wrong, he

it drops out of the game, and the bowl of PE-REDAGUE.


This ball in hands is not whatever.

If there was a fire before,

I swell alarm ball -

The name of firefighters into battle with a fire.

Where people are careless with fire,

Where the ball will take the sky

There you will always threaten to us

Angry, ruthless ..,

(transfers re-benka balloon)

Child. Fire. (Sends the ball to another.)


One two three four -

who has a fire ...?

Child. In the apartment. (Sends a ball.)


The smoke pillar rose suddenly.

Who did not turn off ...?

Child. Iron (transfers the ball.)


Red defill runs

Who is with matches ...?

Child. Plays. (Sends a ball.)


The table and the cabinet burned down.

Who dried underwear over ...?

Child. Gas. (Sends a ball.)


The flame jumped into the grass.

Who is home to ...?

Child. Foliage. (Sends a ball.)


Smoke saw - do not yaw and firefighters ...

Child. Cause (Transfers the ball)

Educator. Remember every citizen this number - ...!

Child. Zero one.

"If someone else's knocks on the door"

Gaming training


  • Teach children open the door when they are at home alone, only people living with them in the same apartment.

Training move

The educator and children beat situations in which the child, being in an apartment one, should not let the house. Anyone from children standing outside the door, the rest persuades it to open the door, using attractive promises, affectionate words and intonation

Approximate situations:

The postman brought an urgent telegram;

The locksmith came to repair the crane;

The police came to check the alarm;

The nurse brought medicine for grandmother;

Mine girlfriend came guests;

Neighbors are asking for a green for an injured child;

Unfamiliar people ask to leave things for neighbors;

A woman needs to call "ambulance".

Training repeats several times with different participants.

"Where to run, if you chase"


  • Teach children in various ways to respond to the threatening situation.

Material. Pictures depicting a park, deserted road, stop with a bus-waiting bus, fast traffic police.

Structure occupation

Children view pictures, express and justify their opinion about where to run from the pursuers.

"Swimming in the sea"


  • Capture children from accidents while swimming in the sea, river.

Material. Toys (decomposed on the floor) - for each couple of children.

Music design. Audio recording "Sea noise".

Structure occupation

Before "entering the water", children perform several gymnastic exercises.

"Entering into the water" they are distributed over the pairs (one executes the role of an adult, another child) and take hands. The "child" closes his mouth, eyes, lowers his face into imaginary water. After a pause raises the face. The teacher reminds you to lower your face into the water can only closing the mouth.

Then the "child" performs the following exercises: Sats ("leaves with his head under the water"), considers it up to 5, gets up; pulls out the toy from the "bottom"; blowing on "water"; Makes a fast exhalation under "water".

Children in pairs are changing roles.

"Edible fungus put in the body"


  • Secure children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Material. Set of pictures with the image of edible and inedible mushrooms (or uniform). Cut from cardboard trees (or toys). Basket.

Stroke Game

Pictures with mushrooms (dummy) are decomposed under the "trees".

Children collect only "edible mushrooms" in the basket.

At the end of the game, the teacher pulls out all the mushrooms from the basket, children call them.

"The Snow Queen"


  • Help the child see in each person positive character traits.

Stroke Game

The educator asks to remember the fairy tale G.-H. Andersen "Snow Queen".

Children say that there was a mirror in this fairy tale, reflecting in which, everything is kind and beautiful turned into a bad and ugly. How many troubles did the fragments of this mirror, hitting people!

The teacher says that this fairy tale has a continuation: when Kai and Gerd rose, they made magic glasses, in which, unlike mirrors, you can see that good that is in every person. He offers to "try on these glasses": to imagine that they are put on, look carefully on comrades, try to see in each as much as possible and tell about it. The teacher first "puts on glasses" and gives a sample of the description of two or three children.

After the game, children are trying to tell what difficulties they experienced in the role of considering what they felt.

The game can be spent several times, labeled tea with the subsequent discussion, which every year it was possible to see more than good.

Option. You can offer the whole group to "wear glasses" and alternately look at every participant of the game.

"Guess who"


  • Learn to mentally reproduce images of your friends and describe their individual features.
  • Stroke Game

The educator chooses one child - a storyteller. The rest are sitting on the chairs, about the circle. The narrator describes any of the children: appearance, clothing, character, tendency to one or another classes, etc. Children are guessing, about whom we are talking. The one who was previously guessing first, brings the child to the "rebel" in the circle, and together with a teller, holding hands, walk under the song, fulfilled by all children:

Become, children,

Become a circle,

Become a circle,

Become a circle.

I am your friend

And you are my friend,

Good, kind friend!

La la la la la la.

On the words "la-la-la" everyone claps in your hands, and three children inside the circle dance.

The narrator and the "deposit" occupy places on the chairs, guessing becomes a storyteller.



  • Develop communicative skills, imagination.
  • Work on expressive speech.

Stroke Game

Children stand in a circle and ride each other ball-"Bar". The one who gets the "kolobok", should ask him some kind of question or say a few words. For example: "What is your name?", "Kolobok, I know from what kind of tale you are", "Kolobok, let's be friends with you," "when you go to visit me, Kolobok!".

After said phrases, the child reports "Kolobka" to another player.

Option. You can offer to each child the role of any animal, on behalf of which he should contact the "ball".



  • Develop a sense of responsibility for another person.
  • Rail a trusty attitude towards each other.

Material. The eye bandage is by the number of children. Items - "obstacles": stu-lia, cubes, hoops, etc.

Stroke Game

The rooms are laid out and distributed objects - "obstacles". De-ti are distributed over pairs: leading - slave. The driven puts on his eyes the bandage, leading it, telling it, telling how the movement, for example, "crossing through a cube", "here a chair. Walk it. "

Then children change roles.

"Hands get acquainted, the hands quarrels, the hands are laid"

Game exercise


  • Demonstrate children various models of interaction with each other.

Stroke Game

Each exercise is performed by 2 minutes. Children in pairs are sitting opposite each other at a distance of an elongated hand.


  • Close your eyes, stretch to meet friend

friends hands, "Get to know" one hands. Try to get to know your neighbor. Lower your hands.

  • Pull your hands forward, find your neighbor's hands - "Your hands quarrel." Lower your hands.
  • Your hands are looking for each other - "They want to make up." Your hands make up, they ask for forgiveness, you partear your friends.

After the game with the children is discussed, what form of the partner's behavior liked the painful, what feelings arose during the exercise.

"Help se6e himself"

Game exercise


  • Teach children receptions to help remove emotional tension.

Stroke Game

The educator offers:

  • slowly, deep breathe calmly breathe;
  • "Raise the case" feet feet: tossing a ball or dance;
  • "Take a business" all body: run, jump, ponacle, field, etc. (that is, perform exercises requiring major energy costs);
  • "Find a lesson" to vote: Talk, shout, sing.

"Draw a pattern"


  • Move to joint activities to help a comrade.

Material. Paper mittens template - for each child. A set of pencils, and every couple.

Stroke Game

Children are divided into pairs. The educator distributes colored pencils, paper shab-closes of the mobs and asks them to decorate them so that every couple had the same pattern.

After the game, a competition is held, which takes into account the identity of the pair of pair of va lass and the complexity of the ornament.



  • Develop cooperation skills.

Stroke Game

Children, crashing on a pair, fall on the belly opposite each other. Between their heads the ball holds. Touching the ball only head, they are trying to get up and raise the ball from the floor.

When children learn to cope with this task, the game can be complicated: to increase the number of one ball up to

Three, four, five people.



  • Cross children to discuss their desires and choosing any one, more significant.
  • Encourage the desire to take care of others.

Material. Flower-seven-tethkey made of colored paper with removable petals.

Stroke Game

Children are distributed to pairs. Each couple alternately, holding hands, "breaks" one petal and says:

Fly, fly, petal,

West east,

North, south,

Come back by making a circle.

Only touched the land

To be in my opinion.

Thinking and coordinating a common desire with each other, they declare them the rest.

The teacher encourages those desires that are associated with concern about comrades, old people, about those who weaker, assures children that their desires will definitely come true.

"Nice memories"


  • To form the ability to carefully sustate peers, do not rush to talk about yourself and your experiences, if the interlocutor has not spoken yet.

Stroke Game

The educator offers children in turn to tell about what they gave them a birthday, or how they spent the summer. It warns that only the one who knows how to listen to himself will be carefully listened. Children usually willingly talk about themselves, Pepe6I-WAY each other.

After everyone speaks, the teacher asks: "Who remembered, what did Sasha gave?" ("Where was the summer of Seryozha rested?") The correct answer is encouraged.

Game "Collect a dangerous subject"

Purpose: Improve the ability of children to collect out of parts - a whole. Fasten knowledge about hazardous subjects and rules for handling them.

Material: Cutting pictures of dangerous items.

Gaming actions: Collect the dangerous items from the parts, tell the rules of safe handling.

Safety Chain game

Purpose: Repeat security rules.

Material: Chips for each child.

Gaming actions: Any number of children take part in the game, they need to give answers to a question, for example: what kind of fires do you know? Each child in turn must call her reason. For the correct answer, the child is given a chip, he wins the one who scored more chips.

Sample questions: How can I prevent fire? What should I do if a fire originated in the apartment? Name the rules for handling electrical appliances. Name a dangerous subject and explain why he is dangerous. Etc.

Safety Cube game

Purpose:consolidation of knowledge gained in Obzh class.

Material: Cardboard cubes with a picture of various dangerous items and objects of nature.

Gaming actions:The child throws a cube and tells what the resulting object or object of nature is dangerous and the rules for handling it.

Game "fourth extra"

Purpose:Learning to find among items is dangerous, explaining the rules of safe handling them. Develop attention, logical thinking.

Material: Set of cards with the image of various items.

Gaming actions: Select among the depicted items is dangerous and explain your choice.

The game "House in which I live"

Purpose: Fasten the knowledge of home addresses and phone.

Material: ball.

Gaming actions: The teacher throws the ball, the child must catch and clearly call the home address, home phone.

Game "pick up a toy tanyushka"

Purpose:consolidate ideas about life objects that can / cannot play; Develop attention.

Material: Pictures depicting various household items.

Gaming actions: The child chooses from the proposed pictures, only those on which the items you can (cannot be) play.

The game "Once, two three, which can be dangerous - find"

Purpose:fasten ideas about the sources of danger in the house, develop spoutness, attention.

Material: Pictures depicting household items.

Gaming actions:choose from the proposed pictures, those on which the sources of danger are depicted, explain their choice.

Game "Attention: Nature!"

Purpose:to acquaint children with dangers that can happen to people in nature, which can harm human health.

Material: Pictures depicting objects and phenomena of nature.

Gaming actions: Select phenomena or object and tell about what dangers he pays.

The game "Edible - Inedible".

Purpose:secure the idea of \u200b\u200bedible and inedible mushrooms (berries)

Material: ball.

Gaming actions: The teacher throws the ball, the child catches, if the mushroom (berry) is edible, if not, the child beats the ball.

Game "Invite a bear to visit".

Purpose:secure the knowledge of the home address, learn the rules of guest invitation.

Material: houses built by children from building material Or designer, toy bear.

Gaming actions: Each child chooses a house, politely invites you to visit the bear, calling him his home address.

Game "Write a Phone Salvation."

Purpose:intensify in memory of children number telephones salvation telephones.

Material: Cards with numbers "0", "1", "2", "3", the picture with the image "Emergency", "Fire", "Militia". Accounting sticks, plasticine (for complication).

Gaming actions:choose a picture of the rescue service, "Write" a telephone of salvation with digits, counting sticks, plasticine.

The game "Good is bad."

Purpose: Learning to see an object in various manifestations, develop logical thinking.

Gaming actions: The teacher offers any object (fire, scissors, ax, water, etc.) The child should find his good and bad sides.

Title: Didactic Obzh Games for Senior Preschoolers.
Nomination: kindergarten - educational games - didactic

Position: Educator of the First Qualification Category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten Combined View No. 66
Location: Tomsk Oblast, Tomsk

Irina Petrovna Popova
Card Sign Card

"Call the service of salvation»

Purpose: Develop the ability of children to make a small story, adhering to the proposed plan.

Conditions of the game: Participants of the game clearly refer to their name and surname, come up with a small story on the slides about the situation.

Slides appear on the screen, children by phone (toy) "report" about what is happening.

"Young rescuers" "

Purpose: Teach children to memorize, and then find and choose from several pictures necessary; Develop a visual perception.

Conditions of the game: The participants of the game remember the object depicted in the picture (toy, animal, etc.). After that, through the "smoke" (curtain), choose from the proposed pictures of the one on which there is the same image (saved).


Purpose: Teach children correlate the scheme of the subject with a natural subject; Develop a visual perception.

Conditions of the game:Rescuers first consider the scheme, and then find out among the toys that corresponds to this scheme.

"Fire hazard objects"

Purpose: Promoting the development of response and attention in children.

Conditions of the game:ring call various subjects; Children, having heard the words denoting fire-hazardous items, clap your hands.

(Iron, TV, clock, candy, cracker, harmonica, cutlet, soup, knife, socket, matches, lighter and others).

"Fire Masters"

Purpose: Develop the agility and speed of movements, to educate the ability to act consistently.

Conditions of the game: Participants are divided into two teams and are built in Shero. By the signal, the last player transmits members of his bucket team with "water" (4-5 buckets). The player standing at the beginning of the Shero mimics the fire extinguish. The team wins, the first coping with the task.

"Rescuers rush to the rescue"

Purpose: develop the skills of the main types of movements (walking on the inclined board, jumping out of the hoop into the hoop, crawling on a gymnastic bench, walking along a limited surface - between the rods lying close to each other); Relieve courage, desire to help out of trouble.

Conditions of the game: Participants are divided into two teams and in turn, overcoming obstacles, run to toys (several toys), Take one (save from the fire) and return back, trying to no longer drop anyone.

"Meeting with a stranger"

Conditions of the game: Exercise children in proper behavior at a meeting with an unfamiliar man.

Gaming actions: Children tell me a little one, how to behave at a meeting with unfamiliar people.

Unknown guest: Hello, children! I am very happy to meet with you and therefore I want to treat you with candy.

Dunno first treats himself, and then gives candy to children. They take (do not take) A treat. If someone takes candy (or other sweets), the educator asks whether they did right.

An unfamiliar guest: And there are also chocolates in my car, and Kinder surprises! And how many different toys! Let's go with me - enough for everyone!

Dunno is going to go with a stranger.

Educator: Did Dunno come correctly? (Turning to a stranger) And who are you? Why did they come?

The stranger is enough musting for his hand and pulls over. Do not listen to them! I will take you to my parents, they asked you to pick up!

Dunno cries and goes behind a stranger.

Educator: Guys, what should I do if an unfamiliar person drags you with me? (Break out, scream loudly, call for help) Leave melanchka alone! (Repels the stranger, takes some kind of unfounded)

"In order not to be trouble"

Purpose: Develop the ability to make a small story about the dangerous and safe situations depicted on the illustrations.

Conditions of the game: Quickly make a small story about the picture about a dangerous or safe situation.

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game card file Who flies children become in one line. The lead explains the rules of the game: "I will call different items or animals. If I call anything.

Card file of grammatical games Classification of games for the development of various sides of the grammatical system of speech grammatical designs of the game Padege: Maldly "Living -.

Card voice dance games The dance game of the dance games was: Educator MBDOU kindergarten number 10 Guba I. I. 2014. "Gifts" The text of the movement brought you to you.

"Rocket" on the asphalt depicts a rocket on which the numbers are written in 0 to 20. "Classics" 3-4 players participate in the game. For.

Card Safety Same Design "Laying pictures" (ml. Gr.) Consider with children pictures. Suggest finding them familiar geometric figures. Cut out of color.

Card file didactic games According to the basics of life safety

for children of senior preschool age


    "When a danger threatens"

    "I do not have"

    "How would you do?"


    "Our helpers plants"

    "Familiar, your own, strangers"

    "We are rescuers"

    "1, 2, 3, which can be dangerous - find"

    "Choose edible mushrooms and berries"

    "Pick up Tanyushka toy"

    "What do we know about things"

    "I'm not afraid of needle"


    "Basics of security in the house"

    "How to avoid dangers?" (at home)

    "Once, two, three - what can be dangerous, find"

    "So not so"

    "House Snail"

    "Safety hours"

Didactic safety games in kindergarten.


stimulating development in children of independence and responsibility, education in children needs healthy image life;

teaching children by the rules of behavior on the road, on water, in nature, and in various life situations;

formation of skill and out of safe behavior.

Game number 1 "Ambulance"

Purpose: Fastening in children knowledge and practical first aid skills.

Material:: Pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, green).

Description: The teacher beats the situation with the children when a man cut his hand, his foot, broke his knee, elbow, the temperature rose when the throat got sick, hit the sorink to the eye, went to her nose. For each situation, work out the sequence of actions.

Game number 2 "When threatens the danger"

Purpose: Fastening the knowledge of children about the necessary actions in case of danger.

Material: Pictures depicting actions dangerous for a child, telephone.

Description: Children get a picture, call a dangerous situation and gain the necessary phone number, call their name, address, say what happened.

The game number 3 "I should not"

Purpose: Training standards and rules of behavior in relations with people.

Material: Scene pictures associated with acceptable and unacceptable relationships (in systems an adult-child, child-child), the template "I should not" (for example, an image of the sign "-").

Description: Players lay down near the template those pictures that depict situations unacceptable in relationships with people explain their choice.

Game №4 "How would you do?"

Purpose: Fixing the ability to make the right solutions in various life situations, control their behavior in communicating with people.

Material: Scene pictures on the problem, prizes.

Description: Players consider illustrated typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with other people's people outside:

    an unfamiliar adult persuades the child to go with him somewhere, promising to show something interesting, offering a toy;

    an unfamiliar adult opens the door of the car and invites you to ride with him;

    an unfamiliar adult treats candy, ice cream, etc.

For each correctly received decision, the player gets a chip.

Game number 5 "phone"

Purpose: The formation of knowledge of telephone communication, as an essential necessity in critical situations, to acquaint with telephone numbers of services - rescuers.

Material: Illustrations with a picture of a dangerous situation, gaming cars of salvation services, cards with phone numbers.

Description: Pick to illustration with a specific situation phone number, a car of a certain rescue service.

Game number 6 "Our Assistants Plants"

Purpose: Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to help themselves and others remain healthy.

Material: Subject pictures with the image of medicinal plants.

Description: the game is carried out on the principle of lotto. In children, cards with the image of medicinal plants. The tutor shows pictures with similar patterns. A child who has this plant tells about its use for treatment. If I said correctly, gets a picture. Wins the one who first closes his card.

Game number 7 "Familiar, your own, strangers"

Purpose: Formation of the exact concept of one who is "its", "stranger", "familiar".

Material: ball.

Description: Before the start of the game, find out in children who, in their opinion, can be considered "their own", and "alien" who can be called "familiar" than a friend differs from a loved one than from someone else's foreign. Children stand at a short distance from each other, forming a circle. The presenter - in the center alternately throws the ball to everyone, saying: familiar, his own, stranger, highlighting the intonation and the pause of whom to be called. The child who caught the ball calls the corresponding person and returns the ball to the leading.

Game number 8 "We are rescuers"

Purpose: Fastening the idea of \u200b\u200bdangerous situations into everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations, education of a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.

Material: Game card with three empty windows (one -1st, two - bottom); pictures that depict children in specific dangerous situations; A set of cards with the image of the actions that must be performed in one way or another.

Description: On the playing card, the master puts the picture with the image of a dangerous situation, players choose from all the cards with the image of the action two correct, sequentially folds them.

Game number 9 "1,2,3, which may be dangerous - find"

Purpose: Fastening the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sources of danger in the house, the development of intelligence, attention.

Material: Layout or game corner with household items, prizes

Description: The master turns away and considers up to 3-5, and children during this time should take on the layout or in the playing corner those objects that, in their opinion, can be dangerous, then each explains its choice. Answers are encouraged by prizes.

Game number 10 "Choose edible mushrooms and berries"

Purpose: Fastening knowledge about edible and poisonous plants, the ability to distinguish them from each other.

Material: Baskets, dules or cards depicting edible and poisonous mushrooms and berries, chips.

Description: Suggest to collect edible mushrooms and berries in the basket, and "inedible" leave in the forest. For each correctly selected plant-chip. Wins the player who scored the largest chips.

Game №11 "Pick up Tanya toy"

Purpose: Fasten the idea of \u200b\u200bthe objects of life, which can not be played; ; relieve a sense of mutual assistance.

Material: Game card with the image of a girl and "funny little men"; Pictures depicting various items.

Description: The educator proposes to help Tanyushka choose from items shown by "funny little men" those that can be played; Explain why you can not play the rest.

Game №12 "What we know about things"

Purpose: expand the ideas of children about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life; develop attention, memory; Relieve a sense of cooperation.

Material: Four gaming cards depicting cuts, burns, arm arm and fire; Pictures depicting various household items.

Description: 4 children take part in the game, each of them takes themselves game Map With the image of "Injury". Educator (child) - presenter. He alternately picks up a picture with the image of the subject. Participants should guess what injury can bring the wrong handling of this subject, to correlate with their card and take a picture. When selecting the child must explain than a dangerous one or another item, tell the rules for handling it.

Game №13 "I'm not afraid of the needle"

Purpose: fasten the ability to safely handle the needle; develop small motor; Educating attention, perfection.

Material: needles with threads attached to the base of the box; Buttons.

Description: Suggest the children to collect a "pyramid" from the buttons, having riding them on a needle with a thread or collect beads, rubbed a needle with a thread in both holes of buttons.

Game №14 "Caution"

Purpose: To acquaint children with proper conversion with fire, appliances and electrical appliances. Develop attention, household skills, the ability to focus.

Material: Large gaming cards, divided into 4 "caution", small with situations, as needed to do to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Rule: Pick up each "caution" suitable image.


Big cards are distributed to players equally. The leading shows a small card, calls the depicted situation and asks who wants to fix his "caution" by such a card. The player who learned his card closes his plot on the game card. Unclaimed cards are postponed to the side. Wins the one who first will close all the plots on the game card. This player becomes leading.

Option 1

The player learned his card, describes the possible consequences of the situation depicted on big map And then gets small.

Option 2.

Little cards are put in front of playing stack, pictures down. Doing the player takes the top card. If it turned out to be suitable, the player has the right to the next move, if not, the right of the course is transferred to another player.

Game №15 "Basics of security in the house"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the right (safe) and incorrect (dangerous) behavior of a child in the house. Develop perception, attention, memory, thinking of children.

Material: Maps with plots of safe behavior of the heroes of the game and three empty windows, small plot pictures depicting the dangerous behavior of the heroes.

Description: Lead distribution big cards Children. Shows one small card. Children of the "unclear" card closed the corresponding empty window. He wins the one who first closes their windows.

Option 1

Before close the window, the child explains what is happening with the heroes in the picture and why their behavior can be life-threatening.

Option 2.

Large cards are poroving players. Small cards lie with a pile face down. By lotting, one of the players begins to "walk", that is, pull one small card from a common stack. Stretching, puts the front side up, and all the players look, who has an empty cell corresponding to the positive situation at the top. If the player "found out" the situation, he closes the small picture of an empty window at the bottom of his gaming sheet. Then move goes to the next player. Wins the one who will first close all empty windows on their game maps.

Game №16 "How to avoid dangers?" (at home)

Purpose: To acquaint children with dangerous situations that can meet them at home, to form the ability to avoid these situations.

Material: Scene pictures, danger x,! Security rules in verses.

Description: The presenter distributes cards with situations to players equally and reads poems. Players should learn from the content of the poem of their picture and explain how to get out of a dangerous situation and not to get into it. For the correct answer, the player receives a card with a poem.

Option 1

The presenter shows a picture of children, and they must explain what the situation on it is depicted and how to avoid it. Win the one who is better and correct will explain the situation.

Option 2.

The presenter reads the poem and offers near the appropriate picture to put a sign of danger and explain why this is such a sign.

Game №17 "Once, two, three - what can be dangerous, find"

Purpose: Consolidate ideas about the sources of danger in the house; Develop an intelligence, attention to bring up a sense of partnership.

Rule: Do not push, do not select objects from each other.

Material: Layout or game corner with household items, prizes (chips or pictures): signs x - you can not use yourself

Carefully use.

Description: The master turns away and believes to 5-10, and children during this time should take on the layout or in the game corner those objects that, in their opinion, can be dangerous. Then each explains its choice. Answers are encouraged by prizes.

Option 1

Holding a game in the game corner of the senior group.

Option 2.

Every child has two conditional sign X! . The leader thinks children put signs near the dangerous items. For each correct answer, the presenter gives a prize.

Game №18 "So not so"

Purpose: Consolidate the ability to distinguish life-threatening situations from non-hazardous; develop attention; Educating the desire to follow security rules.

Rules: Under the Red Card, put pictures, with the image of a child dangerous for the life of actions, under green - non-hazardous ((permitted).

Material: 2 cards - green and red. Pictures depicting dangerous and safe actions of children; Signs - symbols.

Description: the tutor shows a picture, children in turn, explaining their choice, put a picture or under red or under the green card.

Option 1

Instead of pictures to use photos of children. Children take turns take a photo, say that it is depicted on it if the situation is dangerous, pick up the corresponding sign - a symbol, explaining the rules of safe behavior in this situation.

Game №19 "House Snail"

Purpose: Summarize the presentation of children about the rules of safe behavior; develop a protective self-consciousness; Relieve a sense of cooperation, consolidate account skills.

Rule: Observe the order.

Material: The playing field with the image of the snail, inside the house, which is drawn by various homemade items, chips, a cube.

Description: children take turns throw a cube and move their chip on so many divisions, how many points fell on a cube. Each player calls what is shown in the picture, where his chip is standing.

Option 1

The players are told not only what is shown in the picture, but also the rules for handling this subject.

Option 2.

If the chip stopped in the picture, where the item to which children use is forbidden - the playing passes the move.

Game number 20 "Safety hours"

Purpose: , with whom they meet in everyday life.

Material: Chips, a round field with an arrow, which depict objects.


1 option

The game participates from 1 to 3 people.

Children in turn turn the arrow on the "clock". The child, considering carefully the subject, tells why it is intended than it can be dangerous and the rules for handling it. For the complete and correct answer, the child gets a chip.

Option 2

2 people participate in the game.

The child turns the arrow. Then asks questions to your opponent about how to use this subject, so that there is no trouble. If the child is responsible correctly, then gets the right of the next turn. And if it makes it difficult to answer, then the child who asked the question should answer himself.

Didactic and educational games for formation and development in children of knowledge of safe behavior

Games for children middle group

Section: "Child at home"

"Let's get acquainted"

Purpose: Develop the ability to call their name and surname, age. Develop the ability to call the names of their parents. Visit love for loved ones.

Stroke Game : The teacher suggests that the group to visit the children came " interesting character"(Any toy) and wants to know the guys better. Children sit in a circle, and an interesting character is passed in turn. When the subject in his hands, the child must call his name, last name, the age of his name is his parents.

Topic: "In the world of dangerous things"

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with objects that can be dangerous to life and health, but who are necessary for a person. Warre away from possible accidents in everyday life.

Game traffic: The educator demonstrates household items. Children clap on safe and toggle if the subject can harm.

Subject: "Not shawl with fire."

Purpose: Meet the danger emanating from the fire.

Stroke Game : The teacher informs children that "Spark" came to visit them and she wants to play with them. The tutor shows the cards where the sparkle will be a "good" (plate, stove, torch, etc.) or "bad" (fire, fire without observation, unintended cigarette). Children must define the appointment of "sparks".

Section: "Child and Nature"

Subject: "Cat and dog - our neighbors"

Purpose: teach children that need to be remembered when communicating with pets.

Material: Pictures on which various breeds of dogs and cats are drawn, dog food and cats, workbook, toys: cat and dog.

Game traffic: Conversation on pictures using mysteries. Staging the poem "Homeless Cat" using a toy.

Homeless cat

Once I met a homeless cat:

- How are you?

- Nothing, little by little.

- I heard that you got sick?

- Sick.

- So, it means, lay in bed?

- Lying on the street a lot of weeks. Homeless I have nowhere to put a bed.

I thought: "It is strange that in the world there is no place for dogs and cats homeless."

- You hear a cat, let's go with me. Darks, and therefore it's time to go home!

Hurry up. She did not want to fall behind.

And next to me, Tikhonechko sang: what she sang about? Probably that everyone needs his own home.

Topic: "Nature is our home"

Purpose: teach children with respect to nature, to the animal and vegetable world.

Material: Cards with a broken tree, fire, garbage in the forest,

Game traffic: The educator demonstrates pictures on the topic, the task of children is divided into 2 groups, which can be done, and what is impossible.

Section: "Road Rules"

Topic: "Acquaintance with Transport"

Purpose: give children an idea of \u200b\u200btransport types.

Material: pictures with various types of transport (ground, underground, water, air).

Games: From all the presented transport, children need to choose transport, which they meet on the streets of the city. Try to explain the appointment.

Subject: "Competent Pedestrian"

Purpose: Fasten ideas about the street, roadway and sidewalk.

Material: Riddles about traffic rules, decoration of the street (zebra, traffic light), chips, like in a desktop game.

Game traffic: Imitation of the roadway is performed individually or teams. Children guessing riddles, go to the next "level" - along zebra, on the green light of the traffic light, etc.

Topic: "Traffic light"

Purpose: introduce children with traffic lights, explain the meaning of each color; Teach children rules for behavior when moving the street.

Material: Yellow, red and green cards.

Stroke Game : Children are divided into pedestrians and traffic lights. The traffic light lights up in turn, the task of children to symotize the transition of pedestrians is a zealy traffic light.

Section: "Child and other people"

Subject: "Let's help you find a grandmother"

Purpose: bring children to the concept that it is impossible to leave the house without permission from the group, from the site; Talk with unfamiliar people.

Game traffic: From the group of children, 4 children are selected for the role of 2 grandmothers and 2 granddaughters. The rest of the children are running out, they should not know anyone acting persons With whom in a pair. The task of "granddaughters" explains the rest of the children what the "grandmother" looks like.

Section "Child and Health"

Theme "My Body"

Purpose: - Give children elementary views About yourself as a man;

Become acquainted with the external structure of the body and its capabilities;

Instill interest in knowledge of yourself;

To accustom to distinguish human emotions.

Material: Pictures of body parts and emotions.

Game traffic: 1 part. Collect from the pieces of the little man; 2 part. We consider pictures with emotions and try to repeat them.

Theme "Fruits - Useful Products".

Purpose: To clarify the knowledge of children about the useful products, their health and good mood.

Material: Pictures with useful and harmful food.

Game traffic: Children view pictures and try to divide into 2 relevant groups, it is possible to complicate - try to explain their choice.

The topic "How to dress, not to get sick."

Purpose: Secure the title of clothing and the order of dressing.

Material : Doll and doll clothes.

Game traffic: It is necessary to wear a doll Masha on the weather, the weather features choose - a lead or educator.