How to complete all levels in the Homescapes game. How to pass all levels in the game Homescapes How to pass level 24 of the game

In our 100 Doors: Incredible World, the passage of stages can not always go from simple to more powdered. To put it simply, you can easily go through, for example, the hundredth level, but puzzled over the fourteenth or some other for a long time. At the moment, the application has a hundred levels, but every day their number is growing. Therefore, if there are more of them, write to us and we will start posting the missing answers. Today, this application, without exaggeration, is played by thousands of people from all over the world. The developers delight fans with various modifications and new parts.
Below we give the answers to 100 Doors: An Incredible World Walkthrough. But it is worth resorting to them only in exceptional cases, if other options do not help to cope with the task, only then the game will bring pleasure.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Walkthrough

Level 1: We press the bell.

Level 2: We drag the key to the door.

Level 3: Enter the code that matches the time - 1730.

Level 4: Drag the bolt from the bottom and top side.

Level 5: We turn the smartphone up - there will be a key in one of the bottles.

Level 6: Find all the pieces of the door and put them together like a puzzle.

Level 7: We drive the yellow circle up and down until the top flycatcher (this is a plant) opens.

Level 8: Take the lever and insert it into the box. We scroll the lever.

Level 9: Click on the bumblebees.

Level 10: Move aside the rug and take out the key.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Walkthrough Level 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Level 11: You need to find the numbers for the combination or enter 3719 at once.

Level 12: Spin the top and bottom wheels to get a red heart on top and a peak on the bottom (black heart).

Level 13: Open the flytrap and take the key.

Level 14: You need to move your finger over the left eye of the gnome so that the eye looks at the hand.

Level 15: Shake the phone until the key falls from the tree.

Level 16: Enter the combination 3942.

Level 17: Move the pieces so that there is not a single one in the center.

Level 18: We collect water in a bucket and water the flower.

Level 19: Click on the birds.

Level 20: We collect the puzzle by moving the pillars.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Walkthrough Level 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Level 21: We remember where the card with the key is and follow it.

Level 22: Click on the steps, as shown on the left flag.

Level 23: We put the record in the gramophone and click on the creature.

Level 24: Enter the combination 2430.

Level 25: We transfer the bucket into custody so that it falls and we push it to the left side.

Level 26: Putting the puzzle together.

Level 27: We move the wheels under the throne of the queen and shake the phone.

Level 28: We turn the device so that the key falls out of the pipe.

Level 29: You need to light all the red lights at the door.

Level 30: Find all the mice.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Walkthrough Level 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Level 31: Enter the code 4157.

Level 32: Move the foliage to the right and insert the lever, which we twist several times.

Level 33: On the cart we put the cheese, first large, then medium and small.

Level 34: It is necessary that all the cheese is eaten at the same time - for this, quickly click on the pieces.

Level 35: Turn the cheese as shown in the pictogram above the door.

Level 36: Open the safe based on the rebus - click on the fourth and second. Take the cheese and drag it to the door.

Level 37: Press in a certain sequence on the candies: 2 times on the left, 1 time on the right, 1 time on the left, 2 times on the right, 1 time on the left.

Level 38: We drag a cup of coffee to the door.

Level 39: Spin the wheel with yummy icons as shown on the plate, just turn in a certain direction, which is indicated by the arrows on the same table.

Level 40: We pass the maze. To control the candy, click on the green arrows of the slot machine.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Walkthrough Level 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

Level 41: Press in a certain sequence on the circles: right second, left first, right third, left second, right first, left third.

Level 42: We operate the lever to get the key from the machine.

Level 43: Play Candy Go to beat your opponent (yellow candy) in points.

Level 44: Play the melody on the candies as shown on the pictogram on the door - from the smallest candy to the larger one.

Level 45: We collect the puzzle by transferring objects to their slot.

Level 46: Choose animals: octopus, bird, dog, worm.

Level 47: Enter the code 7193.

Level 48: Drag the kettlebell onto the hook and press the button.

Level 49: Move the candles to find the key. Drag one candle down to the right (key), and the other slightly higher to the left (lock)

Level 50: You need to turn the device over so that the blue squares fall into the field. It is worth noting that you can drag the blocks with arrows in the desired direction with your hand.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Walkthrough Level 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

Level 51: We look at the arrangement of flowers in the left square and make a similar arrangement on the door by clicking on it. Then a flower grows in the lower left corner - click on the flower that is on the door.

Level 52: Enter the combination 7433.

Level 53: You need to fill the squares above the door with certain colors: blue, cyan, dark green, light green and yellow.

Level 54: Putting the puzzle together so that all lines are even and touch only the figure.

Level 55: Click on the totems to open the door.

Level 56: Rotate the central block with numbers until the sum of the numbers is 15.

Level 57: We collect the ingredients in the bowl. The bottle is on the patch.

Level 58: We hang the balls on the edges of the totem. Right side (top to bottom): dark green, brown, green, light brown. Left side: Orange, dark brown, light brown and burgundy.

Level 59: We play tag.

Level 60: Find a pair of identical symbols.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Walkthrough Level 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70

Level 61: Knocking drums in order as dried plants are hung.

Level 62: We take a knife from the bag and cut the exit several times.

Level 63: We collect the elements: in the right patch near the door, in the upper left patch, on the plant. Take a spoon and stir the cauldron to find the last puzzle.

Level 64: Enter 4235.

Level 65: Take the cauldron with a poker, which we put on the floor. We break it with a hammer and take the key.

Level 66: Code 37810.

Level 67: Take the lid and close the barrel. We raise the cork and there. When the liquid rises to the mark, move the barrel aside.

Level 68: Pick up the feather and point it at the guard. We unlock the bolts in the following order. Top: !!! _. Bottom: _! _ !. Where there is a space, there and must be omitted.

Level 69: fill with flowers so that there are no empty cells.

Level 70: With a knife we ​​pluck a red fruit, pick up a puzzle and point it to the door. We collect the rest of the parts: in the chest on top, move the golden lever to the left.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Walkthrough Level 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80

Level 71: Making direction: W N S E.

Level 72: We tap on the sword, open the chest with the key and take the egg. We break the egg with several swings left and right.

Level 73: Move the cabinet in different directions in the directions.

Level 74: Click in the following order on the plates: Schnipp - Schnapp - Schnurr - Baselurre.

Level 75: Several times in a row, remove the dust with a magic wand so that the hieroglyphs above the door are pink.

Level 76: Cut the tarp with a knife. Take the saw and cut the box in half.

Level 77: Connect fairies of the same color.

Level 78: Code 5103.

Level 79: Sweep down the moon, unlock the lock, sweep the sun.

Level 80: Open the top cell and the left one, collect the key together.

100 Doors: The Incredible World Level 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 Walkthrough

Level 81: Code 1440.

Level 82: Click on the circle, light black square, round-straight square and small triangle.

Level 83: You need to connect the gears at the top. The fallen off gear is on the left, and to get it you need to unscrew the valve.

Level 84: Code 745948.

Level 85: Move the stone off the screen and move the chest to the right. Click on the red button.

Level 86: We click on the grate on the right and on the button. We move the numbers until they light up blue, and then we see the code 715.

Level 87: Click on the TV until the icon of the opened lock appears, then in the lower left part of the door. We activate the button, then back to the screen to the icon of horizontal stripes.

Level 88: Click on the combination of the box.

level 89: Collecting the words Lock - Open.

Level 90: You need two lights to be on the same horizontal line. To do this, we adjust the speed with the left knob and the width with the right one. Ideally values ​​are 5 and 2.

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The match 3 genre (often called match 3) has always been popular with casual puzzle lovers. The passage of such games, with all their simplicity and accessibility, are excellent trainers of logical thinking, allowing not only to hone logical connections, but also to train tenacity, attentiveness, and visual acuity. In this article I will talk about the recently released game "Homescapes", I will tell you about the characteristic features of its passage, and also explain how to pass the levels in this exciting game Homescapes from Playrix Games.

We pass difficult levels in "Homescapes"

Features of the game plot Homescapes

The basis game plot the game "Homescapes" is the arrival of a professional butler at his childhood home. During the absence of the hero, his home has become substantially dilapidated, and we will have to make a lot of efforts to decorate the house, update interior items, and make many different purchases.

The source of funds for the renovation of the house will be the passage of various levels of the game "three in a row" Homescapes. For each completed level, you will receive stars and coins, which you will spend on the purchase of interior items and various game bonuses. As you progress, the difficulty of the game will increase, and if the first levels are devoted to getting to know the game, then the subsequent levels can cause difficulties even for experienced players.

A specific feature of this game is the absence of a game timer. Since the time limit is not limited, the player has a good opportunity not to rush anywhere, but to think about more successful game combinations. Various game bonuses- rockets, bombs, airplanes, balls and others game elements that directly affect the playing field, and often change the situation in the most unpredictable way.

When passing the game, it is recommended to always weigh your actions against the ultimate goal. The higher the level of the game, the more optimal and balanced your decisions should be, since at difficult levels the limit of moves is usually limited. Therefore, do not rush to act on difficult levels, think over your next moves, and only then start implementing your plans.

  • Do not act at random, try to think through your decisions;
  • On more difficult levels, do not chase obvious combinations that catch your eye. They can be distracting and dead-end;
  • Try to find the longest possible combinations of elements, do not be minimalist.

Although the gameplay is generally free, there are certain game elements that can be purchased for real money. Making such purchases is an individual choice of each player.

Decorate your home to your liking

How to complete difficult levels in Homescapes

Some game levels Homescapes can be challenging even for experienced players. Below I will list some of these levels, as well as provide a video on their passage:

Level 24

Passing a couple of dozen of the first levels will not cause problems even for beginners. To win the first of the "problematic" - level 24, you need to get 40 blue books and 40 yellow bulbs, which takes 22 moves. Chaotic search for the minimum combinations of three elements is not desirable here, the key to solving this level is in finding the maximum number of matches (from 4-5 or more), which will help you get all kinds of "boosters" in the form of bombs and missiles.

Visually, the passage of level 24 in Homescapes looks like this:

Level 28

At this level, you will also need to collect the required number of combinations of elements (donuts and carpet) in 25 moves. Again, focus on the use of boosters - missiles, bombs, airplanes and other elements, for which you will have to carefully look for possible combinations of 4 or more elements.

How to pass level 37

The next difficulty level in Homescapes, at which users have difficulties, is 37. At this level, in 29 moves, you need to collect 51 rug cells and 6 donuts, and the specifics of the actions are the same as described above. Experienced players manage to pass this level without using any boosters, so if you feel the strength in yourself, then try your luck in this way.

If this option does not work for you, then resort to the help of boosters - for example, a glowing ball that destroys objects of the same color.

Passage of level 45

In 24 moves you will need to collect the required 20 apples. This is one of the most difficult levels, and some players can spend many attempts to complete it. Get rid of interfering obstacles, which will help you with various boosters - a rocket, an airplane and a colorful ball. Try to think ahead, calculate the options, and you will succeed.

Level 48

At this level, you need to collect 4 donuts, for which you are again given 24 moves. The peculiarity of the level is in the movement of air, behind which the chips move. Create successful combinations, use boosters, destroy cookies.

Level 60

At this level, you need to remove the apples (16 pieces) lying on the trays in the playing field, and cover the playing field with a carpet (52 cells). Access to apples and carpet is usually blocked by boxes that will need to be removed. To complete this level of Homescapes, it is necessary to use boosters (the use of two "Rainbow Balls" and "Two Missiles" showed good efficiency among users, the detonation of which gave an excellent effect).

Level 67

At this level, you are given 32 moves, for which you need to collect 38 cherries. As in other cases, it will be necessary to resort to the help of boosters (most often a bomb or a rocket), which are usually found in the second field. And in the first field, pay attention to the blue squares on the left (the input location values ​​may vary), with which you can form an airplane.

Level 75 Secrets

Only seasoned players reach this level, who are not embarrassed by the requirement of this level - the simultaneous collection of apples and cherries, with existing obstacles in the form of walls. Try to start the level with pink buttons - later this will give you the opportunity to create a rocket to destroy the walls.

Level 80 Tricks

At this level, Homescapes will need to remove unnecessary elements from the field in order to cover it with a carpet (87 cells). In achieving this goal, a rocket from blue books or an airplane from green cups will come in handy, but using a rocket will allow us to recreate the rainbow ball we need from the cups.

Level 85

At this level, you will need to lower 4 donuts to the bottom, and destroy the 48 boxes available at the level. In completing the level, creating a bomb will help you, which you will receive from 5 blue books (the option of creating a rocket will be less effective, although you can also try as an attempt).

How to complete stage 114

The most stubborn and thoughtful players will reach level 114, where 46 cookies are waiting for them, which must be collected, as well as spread a carpet on 67 cells. There are generators on the level with which you can get improvements and get around the interfering walls.


The game "Homescapes" has colorful graphics and addictive gameplay, and will undoubtedly please many fans of the genre "three in a row". If you are stuck on a walkthrough on one of the listed Homescapes levels, then I recommend watching the video on the passage of this level - perhaps this will help you in finding the right solution and achieving the set game tasks.

Logic games are quite popular among both adults and children. Their peculiarity lies in the initial simplicity, but after each round the game becomes more exciting and difficult so that it is almost impossible to stop. For a whole day, even outside the game, such puzzles are being solved in the head of a gamer, forcing a person to develop object thinking and attentiveness. This article will focus on the game "100 doors". Level 24 forces many to stop, so this article will show you how to complete the stage without much effort.

Logic game "100 doors"

The concept of the game is that the user has to go through door after door. To open the door, you need to solve certain For example, find the missing part of a 16th century warrior's uniform, find a gear for a watch, and much more. The process is accompanied by soothing music, because during the search for missing components, emotional arousal is very likely. By the way, the game was developed for devices that support OS Android and IOS.

As the name implies, there are exactly 100 doors in the game. Level 24 is quite difficult to find missing components, so we will talk about it in the next part of the article. If we talk about the age limit for the game, then it is practically absent, since the rating of the game is 6+. It is even recommended for children, because it develops thinking, respectively, the child will be more attentive and calm after going through as many as 100 rooms with puzzles.

Game "100 doors": level 24

At this stage, the player is greeted by a safe, albeit a very difficult one. It has special grooves for gears. Each of them should be in its own, strictly defined place.

Algorithm for passing "100 doors" (level 24):

  1. In the first row, you need to install gears, which depict Roman numerals, not Arabic ones.
  2. After them comes the "food chain", that is, first cheese, then a mouse, followed by a snake and an eagle.
  3. Then they go geometric figures, from left to right, you need to increase the number of corners of the object, that is, first a triangle, and at the end a hexagon.
  4. At the end, the evolution of man according to Darwin, that is, from ape to man, will be presented.

The game requires attentiveness and activation of logical thinking, therefore it is recommended to play it when emotions are balanced. As already mentioned, similar logical tasks have a beneficial effect on the child.


We hope this article helped you complete level 24. 100 Doors is an incredible game. A pleasant and useful pastime in it is guaranteed. You can download it to your phone through a special store application.