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Events in Russia 1237 entered the story and affected the future of the Russian people. Historians are confident that it is necessary to pay special attention when studying the history of this time interval.

Mongol invasion on Russia, the date of which refers to 1237, marked the beginning of the Tatar yoke. He led the army the famous commander battered. He commanded the Connection, which many were considered invincible, so one mention could not be imposed on the fear of the enemies of the Horde. It is noteworthy that the attack was not just successful.

The result of the loss for Rus battle was slavery, which lasted two centuries. And although most historians agree that the relationship between the enslavers and those who actually turned into slaves were quite simple, it is not. In fact, the relationship of two powers was difficult to be called simple, since they were formed long enough and with very strange circumstances.

It is noteworthy that Batya's hiking on Rus began long before 1237. Over 14 years before that, the famous battle occurred on Kalka. Then, at the head of the troops of Russia stood Mstislav. The Kiev Prince led a numerous army into battle, wanting to repulse the enemy. His opponents were two military leaders: Jebe-Neuon, Subedei Bagatur.

And although the Russian commander developed a very effective plan, he failed to defeat the enemies. His army was completely destroyed. A peculiar truce reigned for a while. But already in 1236, the Horde has reappeared again, and the first from its raids suffered Polovtsy. Polovtsy failed to hold back the power of the horde, so after a year the Mongolian army was already on the border with the Ryazan principality.

As soon as Polovtsy fell, more than 140,000 Horde warriors under the command of Khan Batiya, who was the descendant of the Great Genghis Khan, began to actively move towards the territory under the rule of the Ryazan Principality. According to some information, the active phase of the invasion began in winter. However, historians also call another date - the autumn of this year. Unfortunately, the data that could confirm or disprove the truthfulness of this information, no.

Note! The exact date of the attack of the Mongolian troops and is currently the unknown.

The cavalry under the leadership of the grandson of Genghis Khan quickly moved to the heart of Russia. None of the princes could give a worthy fiction to the enemy, so the state turned out to be defended in a record short time.

Consider briefly chronology of events:

  • 1237 - a trip to Ryazan. The prince hoped that he would be able to keep the enemy and wait for help. But after 6 days after the start of the siege, Ryazan was in the power of Batya.
  • 1238 year. It became clear that the next goal of Mongols is the conquest of Moscow. Prince Vladimirsky tried to resist. He collected the army and entered into battle with the enemy. The battle took place under Kolomna, and it did not affect the development of events. After all, after the defeat of Prince Khan took Moscow in the siege. The city lasted only 4 days, after which he was conquered.
  • 1238 year. The siege of Vladimir's siege was the longest. The horde stood under the goal of the city exactly 8 days. After that, the city fell under the onslaught of the Ordans.

Mongolian conquest Rus

The conquest of the city of Vladimir was a wise decision. Since after that Khan got a huge power. Under his power turned out to be northern and eastern lands. It was a huge advantage. In 1238, the leader of the Ordans took a tactical move. He managed to conquer Torzhok, thanks to which the path was opened to the Great Novgorod. However, the main trick was to distract attention.

Princes expected the Mongols to move towards Novgorod. But Khan entered more wisely. He sent the army to the siege of Kozelsk. Siege lasted exactly 7 days. It is not known how many days the brave warriors could still hold out, but Baty decided to go with them to the deal, and the princes accepted his conditions. After all, he promised to keep his life. And although the princes fulfilled their obligations, the grandson of Genghis Khan did not restrain the promise. Kozelsk's conquest marked the completion of the first invasion of Batya on Russia.

Although many people believe that the Mongolian conquest of Russia was a one-step event, it is difficult to agree with this.

Historians who have studied all the available materials, argue that the conquest occurred in two stages:

  • The first stage - battles that took place from 1237 and until 1238. During these years, numerous battles passed. As a result, the Ordans managed to capture not only the northern, but also eastern lands.
  • The second stage - battles dated 1239-1242. At that time, Khan carried out a large-scale offensive, which allowed him to get power and over southern territories. It was after the end of the second stage that IHO appeared.

Useful video: The invasion of the Mongolian conquerors on Russia

First stage

The invasion of Batya on Russia began with a campaign to Ryazan. And although all the warriors bravely fought, they failed to stand against 150-thousand troops. As soon as the Ordans burst into the city, they arranged a massive massacre. They killed all residents of the city. Subsequently, Ryazan was another battle that went down in history.

Boyar Evpathy Kolovrat managed to collect a small army under his leadership. He, together with a few army (1,700 warriors), went after the Mongolian army. He managed to break the airship of nomads, but not more. In an unequal battle, everyone who was led by Boyarin, as he himself died.

In the autumn of 1237, the numerous army of Mongol-Tatars, approaching the city of Ryazan, the beginning of the siege. Ambassadors were sent, who demanded from Prince to pay Dani. The claims of the Ordans were impossible, as they asked the tenth of everything that the Prince of Yuri was owned. As soon as the refusal was given, the inhabitants of the city began to prepare for defense.

In the hope of getting support, Ryazan Prince sent news to Yuri Vsevolodovich, who at that time was Vladimir Prince. However, the help did not come on time. And therefore, after the invaders used special tools to break down the high walls, the fortress fell.

Second phase

When a new campaign began on Russia, Batiya's tactics changed. This time Chernigov became his goals, Pereyaslav. Historians note that the change in battle tactics was caused by some difficulties. Now the battered could not carry out rapid attacks. And the guilt was playing two fronts. After all, in parallel with this, he tried to overcome Polovtsy in the Crimean lands. As a result, the power of the horde has become less impressive.

But even despite this, the princes could not hold back the Horde. The next goal of Batya became the majestic Kiev. And although the city was one of the largest in Russia, he quickly fell. It is noted that after the conquest, the city was almost completely destroyed. Capturing Kiev, the Ordans went to Galich and Vladimir-Volynsky. As soon as new lands were captured, Tatar-Mongols went hiking to European lands.

As it was written above, the events during the second invasion developed not so quickly.

And in many ways it became the reason that the civilian seizure had to be gradually:

  1. In 1239, the second campaign of Ordans begins. And again the Horde is under the leadership of Batya, whose influence has increased repeatedly. After all, he managed to significantly advance in expanding land owned by Tatar-Mongols. This year becomes significant, as Khan manages to win Chernigov, Pereyaslav.
  2. Autumn 1240. The army under the leadership of the grandson of Genghis Khan goes to Kiev. The siege begins.
  3. December 1240. The siege of Kiev ends. The city was not able to resist the mighty of a mighty horde for a long time.

The invasion of Batya on South Rus

After the Baty managed to capture and completely destroy Kiev, he decided to divide the Horde into two troops. A similar solution was caused by the need to battle immediately on two fronts. After all, the leader dreamed of seizing Galich and Vladimir-Volynsky. And the dream of Batya quickly came true. As soon as he received power over these lands, another important decision was made - to go on a military campaign to European lands.

Military Forces Mongol-Tatars

Speaking about the beginning of the invasion, it should be noted that it was quite rapid. Although historians are somewhat surprised by the fact that Batyu managed to move around Russia rather quickly. After all, the number of his troops was very impressive.

It is interesting!It is impossible to voicing the exact number of the army. For different versions, in the Hard there were 50,000, 200,000 and even 400,000 soldiers. A reliable answer is unknown.

Of course, it is impossible to say that the number of hordes was small. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the Russians fought violently and killed a lot of nomads. Therefore, it was simply impossible to do with a small amount of warriors. But it remains an open question, how exactly did the leader able to provide a provisionant, for example, 400,000 army?

Khan Khan Batya

Amazes and the possible number of horses. As you know, nomads, going on the battle, took with them a few horses:

  • riding - the rider was constantly moved on it;
  • very used in the case when it was necessary to transport weapons;
  • the fighting always walked without load so that the rider could at any time join the battle in a fresh horse.

And therefore, to determine whether the army has more than 300,000 soldiers, rather problematic. Since there is no evidence that the Horde could provide the province of such a number of people and horses.

Useful video: Invasion of Batya in Russia, shocking facts


Summing up, you can say with confidence that such a large-scale battle really changed the course of history. Of course, denying the merit of Batiya can not. Since it was under his leadership to nomads managed to significantly expand its own territory.

In contact with

When the Russian-Polovtsian struggle was already declining, in the steppes of Central Asia, in the territory of the current Mongolia, an event occurred, which had a serious impact on the course of world history, including fate of Russia: Mongolian tribes who came here were united under the authority of the commander of Genghis Khan. Having created the army better then in Eurasia, he moved it to the conquest of other lights. Under his leadership, Mongols in 1207-1222 won North China, Central and Central Asia, Transcaucasia, which became part of Mongol Empirecreated by Genghis Khan. In 1223, advanced detachments of his troops appeared in the Black Sea steppes.

Battle on Kallet (1223). In the spring of 1223, a 30-thousand detachment from Chingishan's troops, under the leadership of the Jabe commander, and subnedoe invaded the Northern Black Sea and defeated the troops of Polovtsy Khan Katyan. Then Kotyan appealed to help his test - the Russian prince Mstislav delete with the words: "Now they took our land, tomorrow will take your". Mstislav deleted gathered the Council of Princes in Kiev and convinced them in the need to combat new nomads. He sudnually suggested that the subordination of Polovtsy, Mongols will join them to their own army, and then Russia will face much more terrible invasion than before. Mstislav suggested not to wait for such a turn of events, and it is not too late to connect with Polovtsy, to go to the steppe and put the aggressors defeat on their territory. The collected army headed the senior prince Mstislav Kievsky. Russians made a campaign in April 1223.

Crouching on the left bank of the Dnieper, they were broken in the Oshya region Mongolian Avangard, who began to quickly retreat in the steppes. Pursuit lasted eight days. Having achieved river rut (Northern Azovia), the Russians saw large Mongolian forces on the other shore and began to prepare for the battle. However, the princes could not work out a single action plan. Mstislav Kievsky adhered to defensive tactics. He offered to strengthen and wait for the attack. Mstislav removed, on the contrary, wanted to attack on the Mongols first. So without achieving consent, the princes disconnected. Mstislav Kievsky rose a camp on the hill, on the right bank. Polovtsy, under the command of the Tarun commander, as well as Russian shelves, led by Mstislav Delle and Daniel Galitsky, switched the river and entered on May 31 into battle with Mongols. The first fell Polovtsy. They rushed to run and crushed the ranks of Russians. Those, having lost the battle order, also could not resist and fled back towards the Dnieper. Mstislav delete and Daniel Caulus with the remnants of his friends managed to reach the Dnieper. Crouching, Mstislav ordered to destroy all vessels to prevent Mongols to move to the right bank of the river. But thereby he put other Russian parts in a difficult position, saved from the chase.

So far, one part of the Mongolian troops pursued the remnants of the broken regiments of the Mstislav remover, the other surrounded the Mstislava of Kiev, sitting in a fortified camp. Surrounded three days. I have not been able to take a storm camp, the attackers offered to Mstislav Kiev free skipping home. He agreed. But when he left the camp, Mongols destroyed all his army. According to legend, Mstislava Kiev and the two other captured in the camp of the Prince of Mongols strangled under the boards on which a feast was arranged in honor of their victory. According to the chronicler, the Russians never suffered as cruel defeat. At Kalka, nine princes died. And only every tenth warrior returned home. After the battle at Kalka, the Mongolian army made a raid to Dnipro, but did not decide to move on without careful preparation and turned back to connect to the main forces of Genghis Khan. Kalka is the first battle of Russians with Mongols. Its lesson, unfortunately, was not assimilated by princes to prepare a worthy reproach to a new formidable aggressor.

The invasion of Khan Batya (1237-1238)

Battle Ia Kalka was only intelligence in the geopolitical strategy of the leaders of the Mongolian Empire. They were not going to limit their seizures of Asia only, but they sought to subordinate the entire Eurasian continent. These plans tried to realize the grandson of Genghis Khan - Bati, headed by the Tatar-Mongolian army. The main corridor of the movement of nomads to Europe was the Black Sea steppes. However, the battered did not immediately use this traditional way. I knew perfectly through perfectly set about the situation in Europe, Mongolian Khan decided to first secure the rear for his campaign. After all, by removing deep into Europe, the Mongolian army left the ancient Russian state in her rear, the armed forces of which could cut
A blow from the north of the Black Sea Corridor, which threatened the battle of an inevitable catastrophe. Mongolian Han sent his first strike against Northeast Rus.

By the time of the invasion, the Mongola had one of the best armies in the world, which had accumulated the richest thirty-year-old combat experience. It has an effective military doctrine, a significant number of skillful and endless warriors, a strong discipline and coherence of actions, skillful leadership, as well as excellent, diverse weapons (siege machines stuffed with fiery shells, machine self-louchers). If the Polovtsy usually passed before the fortresses, the Mongols, on the contrary, were perfectly owned by siege and assault art, as well as a variety of technology to take cities. In Mongolian army, special engineering parts existed for this, which used China's richest technical experience.

Moral factor played a huge role in the Mongolian army. Unlike most other nomads, Batiya's warriors were inspired by the grand idea of \u200b\u200bthe conquest of the world and sacredly believed in their high destination. This attitude allowed them to act aggressively, vigorously and fearlessly, with a sense of superiority over the enemy. Intelligence played a big role in the campaigns of the Mongolian army, which was in advance the active collection of data on the adversary and studied the intended host theater. Such a strong and numerous army (up to 150 thousand people), enthusiastic with a single idea and an armed advanced technique, approached the eastern borders of Russia, which at that time was in the stage of fragmentation and decline. The collision of political and military weakness with a well-established, volitional and energetic military force gave catastrophic results.

Take (1237). Bati planned his campaign against Northeast Rus in the winter when numerous rivers and swamps were frozen. This made it possible to ensure the mobility and maneuverability of the Mongolian equestrian troops. On the other hand, this was also achieved by the suddenness of the attack, since the princes, accustomed to the summer-autumn attacks of nomads, were not ready for major invasion in the winter.

Late in the fall of 1237, the Khan Batya's army of up to 150 thousand people invaded the limits of the Ryazan Principality. The Khan Ambassadors appeared to the Ryazan prince Yury Igorevich and began to demand a tribute from him in the amount of the tenth of the property (tithe). "When there will be no lively from us, then take everything," the prince answered proudly. Preparing to reflect the invasion, Ryazans turned for help to the Great Prince Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich. But he did not help them. Meanwhile, the troops of Batiya broke the expensive forward by the avant-garde detachment of Ryazantsev and on December 16, 1237 were besieged their capital - the city. The first attacks of the townspeople beat off. Then the precipitated cars were taken into the move and destroyed fortifications with them. Bringing into the city after a 9-day siege, Bati's warriors arranged a mass massacre there. Prince Yuri and almost all residents died.

With the fall, the resistance of the Ryazantians did not stop. One of the Ryazan boyars Evpathy Kolovrat gathered a detachment of 1,700 people. Having overtook the troops of Batya, he attacked him and crushed the rear shelves. Those in amazement thought that it was resurrected by the dead warriors of the land of Ryazan. Baty sent against Kovovrat Bogatyr Hostovullah, but he fell in a duel with Russian twity. However, the forces were still unequal. A huge Batievo arrow surrounded the handful of heroes, which almost all died in the battle (including Kolovrat himself). After the battle, Batie ordered to let go of the remaining Russian warriors as a sign of respect for their courage.

Battle of Kolomna (1238). After taking, Batie began to fulfill the main goal of his campaign - the defeat of the Armed Forces of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. The first blow was caused by the city of Kolomna - an important strategic center, which taking the Tatar-Mongols cut a direct connection between the northeast and southwestern regions of Russia. In January 1238, Batiya's army approached Kolomna, where he was an advanced squad of the troops of the Grand Duke Vladimirsky, under the command of his son of Vsevolod Yuryevich, to whom the prince rushing from Ryazan land joined. Forces were unequal, and Russians suffered a cruel defeat. Prince Roman and most Russian warriors died. Vsevolod Yuryevich with the remains of the squad fled to Vladimir. Behind him, Batiya's army was moved and, which was captured and burned, where the other son of the Grand Prince Vladimirsky was taken captured - Vladimir Yuryevich.

Taking Vladimir (1238). On February 3, 1238, Batiya's army approached the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality - the city of Vladimir. Part of their forces Bati sent to Torogo to cut the connection of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality with Novgorod. Thus, Northeast Russia turned out to be cut off from both the north and from the south. The Grand Prince Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich was absent in his capital. She defended his squad under the command of his sons - the princes of Mstislav and Vsevolod. At first, they wanted to go to the field and fought with the troops of Batya, but they kept them from such a reckless impulse experienced Voivod Peter Oslladyukovich. Meanwhile, confronted opposite the urban walls of the forest and tightening the trumpet guns, Batiya's army on February 7, 1238, stormed Vladimir from three sides. With the help of trumot machines of the warrior, Batya broke the fortress walls and broke into Vladimir. Then his defenders retreated to the old town. Lost by that time, the remnants of the past arrogance Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich tried to stop the bloodshed. With a small detachment, he went to Bat, hoping to go to Hana gives. But he ordered to kill the young prince and continue the assault. After taking Vladimir, famous citizens and part of the simple Luda were burned in the Virgin Church, previously looted by the invaders. The city was subjected to cruel defeat.

Battle on the City River (1238). Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, meanwhile, collected the shelves in the north, hoping for the help of other principalities. But it was too late. I cut off slicing by the army of Yuri from the north and south, the troops of Batiya rapidly approached the place of its deployment on the City River (the influx of the Molot River), in the area of \u200b\u200bdewing roads to Novgorod and Belozersk. On March 4, 1238, the detachment under the command of the Domnik Burundae was the first to reach City and resolutely attacked the shelves of Yuri Vsevolodovich. Russians fought stubbornly and valiantly. None of the parties could not take the top. The outcome of the battle decided to approach the borunda of fresh strength at the head of Khan Batym. Russian warriors could not withstand a new strike and suffered a crushing defeat. Most of them, including the Grand Duke Yuri, died in Brock Sich. The defeat on city laid an end to organized resistance to Northeast Russia.

Crazy with the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, Bati collected all his strength at the trick and on March 17 made a campaign to Novgorod. However, in the yarn yarn, the cross, without reaching about 200 km to Novgorod, the Tatar-Mongolian army turned back. Many historians see the reason for such a waste in the fact that the Bate was afraid of the offensive of the spring dishthele. Of course, a terrain, which was crossed by small rivers, flew through the path of the Tatar-Mongolian troops, could have a unkind service. Another reason is equally important. Probably, Bati was well aware of the strong fortress fortifications of Novgorod and the readiness of Novgorod to the resistant defense. There are consistent losses during the winter campaign, Tatar-Mongols and so far left their rear. Any military failure in the conditions of spill of Novgorod rivers and the swamps could turn the day of the troops of Batya in a catastrophe. Apparently, all these considerations and influenced the decision of the Khan to start waste.

Kozelsk (1238). The fact that Russians are still far from being broken and ready to courageously defend themselves, testified by the heroism of the inhabitants of Kozelsk. His glorious defense became perhaps the most striking event in the tragic for Russian campaigns 1237/38. On the way back the troops of Khan Batiya was besieged by the city of Kozelsk, who ruled the juilateent prince Vasily. For the requirement to surrender the townspeople answered: "Our prince is a baby, but we like the faithful Russians should die for him, so that in the world to leave a good glory, and after the coffin to take the crown of immortality."

For seven weeks, courageous defenders of a small Kozelsk countedly reflected the onslaught of a huge troop. In the end, the attackers managed to break the walls and break into the city. But here the invaders met cruel rebuff. The townspeople were cut with attackers on knives. One of the detachments of Kozelsk defenders escaped from the city and attacked the shelves of Batya in the field. In this battle, the Russians destroyed the cutting machines and destroyed 4 thousand people. However, despite the desperate resistance, the city was taken. Nobody surrendered from the residents, all died, fighting. What happened to the prince of Vasily, unknown. According to one of the versions, he drowned in the blood. Since then, the chronicler celebrates, the Batie gave Kozelsk a new title: "evil city".

In the invasion of Batya (1240-1241) North-Eastern Rus lay in ruins. It seemed nothing prevented Batya to start his trip to Western Europe. But despite the significant military successes, the Winter-Spring Campaign of 1237/38, apparently, was not easy for the troops of Khan. In the next two years, they did not produce large-scale operations and restored the forces in the steppes, engaged in the reorganization of troops and collecting supplies. At the same time, with the help of intelligence raids of individual detachments, Tatar-Mongols strengthened their control over the lands from the shores of Klyazma to Dnipro - captured Chernihiv, Pereyaslavl, Gorokhovets. On the other hand, Mongolian intelligence has led an active data on the situation in Central and Western Europe. Finally, at the end of November 1240, the Battered, headed of 150,000, Hallea took his famous trip to Western Europe, dreaming to walk to the edge of the Universe and overthrow the hooves of his horses in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Taking the troops of Batya Kiev (1240). The princes of South Rus have shown enviable carelessness in this situation. Being within two years next to the Terrible enemy, they not only did nothing to organize joint defense, but also continued to host each other. Without waiting for invasions, Kiev Prince Mikhail fled in advance from the city. This used the Smolensky Prince Rostislav, who captured Kiev. But soon he was knocked out from there by Prince Daniel Galitsky, who also left the city, leaving me instead of himself with a thousand Dmitry. When in December 1240, Batiya's army, going through the ice Dnipro, came to Kiev, to pay for the insignificance of his leaders had to be ordinary Kievans.

The city defense was headed by a thousand Dmitry. But what could actually resist civilians Huge hordes? According to the chronicler's testimony, when the troops of Batiya surrounded the city, the Kievans could not hear each other because of the screenshot of the carts, the reva camels, the rust of the horses. The fate of Kiev was solved. Having destroyed the fortress structures with stencil machines, the attackers broke into the city. But his defenders continued to defend themselves well and under the leadership of their thousands of people managed to raise new wooden strengthening near the Town Church. The next year on December 6, 1240, a cruel battle, which killed the last defenders of Kiev was again boiled here. The wounded Voivode Dmitry was captured. For the courage, Bati gave him life. Batievo army completely destroyed Kiev. Five years later, the Franciscan monk of Carpini's Franciscan monk counted in this before the majestic city no more than 200 houses whose residents were in terrible slavery.
Kiev taking discovered for Batiya path in Western Europe. Without meeting serious resistance, his troops passed through the territory of Galico-Volyn Rus. Leaving a 30-thousand army on the captured lands, in the spring of 1241, the Carpathians were transferred and invaded Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. Having achieved a series of success, the Bate reached the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Here he received news of the death in the Karakorum of the ruler of the Mongolian Empire. According to the laws of Genghis Khan, Bati had to return to Mongolia for the election of the new head of the empire. But most likely, it was only a reason for stopping a campaign, since the offensive gust of the troops he left and touched the troops had already dried up from his rear.

Batha failed to create an empire from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, but he still founded a huge nomadic state - the Horde with the center in the city of Sarai (in the lower houses of the Volga). This horde has become part of the Mongol Empire. Fearing new invasions, Russian princes recognized the vassal dependence on the horde.
The invasions of the 1237-1238 and 1240-1241 were the largest catastrophe in the entire history of Russia. Not only the princess armed forces were defeated, but in a much greater degree of material culture Old Russian state. Archaeologists were calculated that out of the 74 students studied by the Old Russian cities of the Domongolian period 49 (or two thirds) were broken by Batym. Moreover, 14 of them did not rose from the ruins, another 15 could not restore the former value, turning into the village.

The negative consequences of these trips had a protracted character, since, unlike the previous nomads (,), new invaders were already interested in not only mining, but also the subordination of defeated lands. Batya hiking led to the defeat of the East Slavic world and further disagreement of its parts. The dependence on the Golden Horde has influenced the development of northeastern lands (Velikorsia). Here, Tatar orders, morals and customs introduced the most strongly. In the Novgorod lands, the power of Khanov felt less, and the southern and south-western parts of Russia across the century came out of the ORDA subordination by turning into the Grand District of Lithuania. So the ancient Russian lands in the XIV century were separated into two spheres of influence - the Goldenopa (Eastern) and Lithuanian (Western). On the territory conquered by Lithuanians, new branches of Eastern Slavs were formed: Belarusians and Ukrainians.

The defeat of Russia after the invasion of the Batya and the ingenic dominion that followed him was deprived of the East Slavic world of independence and a favorable historical perspective. The centuries of incredible efforts and persistent, sometimes the tragic struggle of the "Mossess Russian tribe", so that it could destroy foreign power, to create a mighty power and to enter the number of great peoples.

According to the materials of the portal "

Russian princely squads were by the excellent army. Their armament was famous far beyond Russia, but these squads were small and their composition had only a few hundred people. In order to organize the defense of the country from a well-prepared aggressive enemy it was too little. Princely squads were unsuitable for the action of large forces under a single command, according to a single plan. The main part of the Russian troops was urban and rural militia, which sank at the time of danger. We can say about their armament and vocational training that they left much to be desired. Russian cities with their fortifications could not be an insurmountable obstacle for the powerful siege technology of nomads. The population of large cities was 20-30 thousand people and in the case of an attack could set up to 10 thousand defenders, and since the city, as a rule, resisted alone, then the 60-70 thousand troops could be broken by the resistance of defenders during the week. Thus, the Russian state was a few large principalities that are constantly competing among themselves, not possessing one large army capable of resisting Armade nomads.

In 1223, the 30-thousand troops of Subdai and Ochuči, completing the defeat of the states of Central Asia, passed through Northern Iran, entered the Caucasus, destroying several ancient and rich cities, breaking the Georgian troops, penetrated through the Shirvan Gorge in the North Caucasus and faced with Alans. Alans united with nomads there by Polovtsy, as evidenced by the Persian historian Rashid-Ad-Dean, fought together, "but none of them remained the winner." Then the Mongol-Tatars bowed the Polovetsky leaders to the departure of the lands of Alanov, and then "won the Alanen, having done everything that was in their forces on the part of the robbery and murder."

"In 1223, the people did not have a damed; came unheard of rhe, godless Tatars, who no one knows about who they come from and what they have, and what kind of tribe they are, and what is their faith ... Polovtsy not They could oppose them and ran to the Dnieper. Han of their Kotyan was a father-in-law of Mstislav Galitsky; he came with a bow to the prince, son-in-law, and to all Russian princes ..., and said: Tatars took our land now, and tomorrow will take it, so Protect us; if you do not help us, then we will now we are excised, and you will be excised tomorrow. "

Princes decided to help kittens. The campaign was started in April with full river spills. The troops were sent down the Dnieper. The command was carried out by the Kiev Prince Mstislav Romanovich good and Mstislav Mstislavich remote, which were cousins. Before the onset of Russians, the Mongol-Tatar ambassadors arrived on Russia, who assured that they would not touch the Russians, if they would not go to help their neighbors.

On the 17th day of the campaign, the army stopped near Olshenya, somewhere on the banks of Russia. There he found the second Tatar embassy. Unlike the first, when the ambassadors were killed, they were released. Immediately after the crossing through the Dnieper, the Russian troops faced the opponent's avant-garde, they chased 8 days after him, and on the eighth, the riverside of the river Kalki (now R. Kalchik, the influx of the village of Calmius, in the Donetsk region, Ukraine). Here Mstislav removed with some princes immediately switched to the rolling, leaving Mstislava Kiev on another bank.

According to the Lavrentiev Chronicles, the battle occurred on May 31, 1223. The troops crossed across the river were almost completely destroyed. Natisk Brabria Mstislava Daughty, who almost broke through the number of nomads, was not supported by other princes and all his attacks were repulsed. Polovtsy squads, not to withstand the blows of Mongolian cavalry, ran, upset the combat orders of Russian troops. Mstislava Kievsky camp, broken on the other shore and strongly fortified, the troops Jebe and Substitus stormed for 3 days and were able to take only a cunning and cunning when the prince, believing the promises of Subedea, stopped resistance. As a result, Mstislav is kind and his surroundings were brutally destroyed, Mstislav fled a removal. Russian losses in this battle were very high, six princes were killed, only the tenth part returned home from warriors.

The battle at Kalka was lost not so much because of the disagreements between the princes-rivals, how much because of the historically existing factors. First of all, the jab tactically and positionally exceeded the connected shelves of Russian princes, who had in their ranks most of their princely squads, reinforced in this case by Polovtsy. All this army had no sufficient unity, there was no battle tactics, based on the personal courage of each warrant. Secondly, such a connected troop was needed and a unified commander, recognized as not only by leaders, but also by the warriors themselves, and who carried out the merged command. Thirdly, the Russian troops, aroused in the assessment of the enemy forces, have not been able to correctly choose the place of battle, the terrain on which the Tatars fully favored. However, justice should be said that at that time not only in Russia, but also in Europe there would be no army capable of competing with the compounds of Genghis Khan.

The jab's army and subemethy, defeating the militia of the southern Russian princes on Kalka, entered Chernihiv Earth, reached Novgorod-Seversky and turned back, carrying fear and destruction everywhere. In the same 1223, Jebe and subemetes made a raid to Volzh Bulgaria, but failed. The Arab historian Ibn-al-Al-Asira described these events: "Bulgars have staged ambushes in several places, made them against them and, luring until they entered the ambusions, attacked them from the rear."

The campaign that lasted two and a half years allowed Mongol-Tatars to directly get acquainted with the Russian troops and the strengthening of Russian cities, from the prisoners received information about the situation inside the Russian principalities - a deep strategic intelligence was carried out.

Conquest of northeastern Russia

The Military Council (Kurultay) was announced by the ledgeongol riding west. Great Han. Othey sent to the reinforcement of Batu, the head of Ulus Juchi, for the conquest of Volga Bulgaria, Diet-Kinchak and Russia, the main forces of the Mongolian troops under the command of the subeciano. In total, 14 "Tsarevichi", descendants of Genghis Khan, with his hordes took part in the campaign. All winter Mongols gathered in the heads of Irtysh, preparing for a big campaign. In the spring of 1236, countless riders, innumerable herds, endless summons with military equipment and siege guns moved to the West.

In the fall of 1236, their army collapsed to the Volga Bulgaria.
Possessing the huge superiority of the forces, they broke through the Bulgarian defense line, the cities were taken one by one. Bulgaria was scary destroyed and burned. In the spring of 1237, the subeciano troops advanced to the Caspian steppes and arranged a cloud at Polovtsy, most of which were killed, the rest were ran into Russian lands. In battles with their fast and unfortunate opponents, Khan was used the tactics of "Clouds": they walked in the steppes a wide front of small detachments, gradually closer in the ring of Polovtsy nomads. The campaign was led by three hindoral Khan: GUUK, MANHE and MENGU. War in the Polovtsy Steppes dragged on all summer. But as a result, Mongol-Tatars submitted to themselves almost all the lands of Mezzani R. Volgi and R. Dona. The strongest Polovtsian Khan Yuri Konchakovich was broken.

Another large army headed by Batym, as well as Khana Horde, Burke, Sturi and Kulman fought on the right bank of Middle R. Volga in the lands of Burats, Arzhanov and Mordvoy. The events of this campaign are little known.

Thus, the peoples of the Lower and Middle Volga region provided stubborn resistance, which delayed the promotion of Batya and only by the fall of 1237 he was able to focus all the main forces for the invasion of Northeast Rus. Russian princes could not not know about the preparing occurrence. They received information from Russian and Bulgarian merchants. Yes, and the situation with the conquest of the southeastern neighbors pumped into certain thoughts. But contrary to this, after the battle on the river, the gravestones between the princes did not stop. Therefore, there was no single troops under a single command to reflect the onslaught of a powerful enemy, and a unified defense system of southern steppe boundaries was broken. Many princes hoped for strong wooden fortresses, not taking into account the complex siege of the Mongol-Tatar.

In the fall of 1237, the Bati was put at the head of the United forces. In December 1237 rivers stood. On Sura, the influx of the Volga, Voronezh, the influx of Don, the troops of Bati appeared. Winter opened the road on the ice of rivers in Northeast Rus.

Based on considerations of geographic and demographic nature, as well as military calculations, it can be assumed that the Baty led to Russia 30-40 thousand riders. Even such, at first glance, the Russian sovereign princes was nothing to oppose.

The first city, which was on the path of the conquerors, was Ryazan. For Ryazan princes it was a complete surprise. They are accustomed to raids on Russia and other nomadic tribes in the summer-autumn period. Khan Bati, invading the limits of the principality, presented an ultimatum where he demanded "tithing in everything: in princes, in the horses, in humans." Prince to unleash the time, sent to Hanu Batu's son Fedor with rich gifts, and meanwhile he began to quickly prepare for battle. He sent the messengers to the Vladimir prince Yuri Vsevolodovich and Chernigov for the help. But both of them refused to Ryazan prince. Despite this, the Ryazans decided to stand for their land for death and they answered the ultimatum: "If we are not all, then everything will be!"

Together with the prince of Ryazan, the Mongol-Tatars moved a few more "primary" princes - Prime, Murom and Kolomomena principalities. But their squads did not have time to reach the fortified lines on the steppe border. Khan Bati interrupted the Embassy of Fedor and moved his Connection to Ryazan Earth. Somewhere "near Ryazan" the battle occurred, described in the "Tale of Ryazan's Relief". During the battle, many "Princes Local, Governor strong and military removal" died. With a few warriors, Prince Yuri Igorevich broke through the rings of enemies and left in Masan, organize the defense of his capital. The victims defeated in battle, Ryazan hoped to sit at strong city walls. Ryazan stood on the high right bank of the river, below the mouth of R. Prony. The city was well fortified: they were surrounded by a river and powerful trees with a height of up to 10 meters around three sides, from the fourth side to R.Oku, a steep coast was broken; Wooden walls with numerous towers stood on the shafts. Under the walls of the city, the population from the surrounding villages of the villages came out, the boyars detachments came from distant victuchin. All urban population took the weapon.

Osada Ryazan began on December 16, 1237. Mongol-Tatars surrounded the city so that no one could get out of it. Urban walls were fired around the clock from vices (kamnymmetal cars). Day and night walked attacks on the city. The label Mongolian archers were continuously shot. A new one came to replace the murdered Mongols, and there was no reinforcement. On December 21, the decisive assault of Ryazan began. The city defense managed to break through at several metas. Heavy battles began on the streets. As a result, all the warriors and most residents were brutally destroyed. Ten days spent the army of nomads under Ryazanu - robbed the city, shared prey, robbed neighboring villages.

Before the battle, there were several roads in the depths of Vladimir-Suzdal Land. Since the task was to conquer all Russia in front of the battle in one winter, he headed for Vladimir on the Oka, through Moscow and Kolomna. On the way, they suddenly attacked the squad under the leadership of Evpathy Kolovrat - Ryazanta. His detachment numbered about 1,700 people. Nomads are so confused that they took them for those who fell out of the dead. But the 5 warriors who came to be captured: "We are the war of the Great Prince Yuri Ingorievich - Ryazan, in the regiment of Evpathiya Kolovrat. They have sent a strong honor and honestly." Battered decided to send his shrinity failed with the shelves to beat the Kolovrat. But she lost himself, and then Bati brought many of his troops to Evpathy. In the battle Kolovrat died, and his head was given to Batu. Khan was surprised by the courage of Russian warriors and ordered to let go of the prisoner of the squad.

Veliky Prince Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich sent reinforcement to Kolomna, who covered the only convenient way in winter to Vladimir - on the rivers Moscow and Klyazma. Prince Vladimir Vsevolod's troops led by the troops. Here came the surviving Ryazan squads led by Prince Roman. The chronicles argue that even Novgorodians came. An experienced Voivode Vladimir Eremee Glebovich was also under Kolomna. The city itself is sufficiently strengthened in case the troops fail in the field. By the number of troops and stubbornness of the battle, the fight under Kolomna can be considered one of the most significant events of invasion. Solovyov writes: "The Tatars were overwhelmed by the Tatars from Kolomna, and fought firmly; there was a Sword; they killed the prince of Roman and the Voyage Yeremy, and the Vsevolod with a little man came running to Vladimir." In the battle of Kolomny, the rangisid Khan Kulkan died - almost the only case in the history of Mongolian conquests.

Having defeated Vladimir-Suzdal Shelves under Kolomna, the Batie came to Moscow, which was defended by the detachment of the son of the Grand Prince Yuri - Vladimir and the Voivode Philip Nyanka. The city was taken by storming on the 5th day. As a result, Moscow was completely destroyed. Prince Vladimir was captured, and the Voyvod was killed. On the way from Ryazan to Vladimir, the conquerors had to take the assault every city, repeatedly beat with Russian warriors in the "pure field"; Defense against sudden attacks from ambushes. The heroic resistance of a simple Russian people constrained the conquerors.

On February 3, the advanced troops of the conquerors approached Vladimir. The city of Vladimir was surrounded by high wooden walls and fortified powerful stone towers. From three sides, he was covered by rivers: from the south - R. Klyazma, from the north and east - R. Lybed. Golden gates were raised over the western wall of the city - the most powerful defensive structure of the ancient Vladimir. The external circuit of Vladimir fortifications was the inner walls and shafts of the middle or monomakhov of the city. And finally, in the middle of the capital, a stone Kremlin was located - a delicate man. Thus, the enemies needed to break through three defensive lines before they could reach the center of the city - the princely courtyard and the Assumption Cathedral. But for numerous towers and walls lacked warriors. At the Princely Council, it was decided to leave the surviving army in the city and supplement it with the urban militia, and the most great princess to go with the neighbor friends to the north and collect new rati. On the eve of the siege, Yuri left with his nephews of Vasilkom, Vsevolod and Vladimir on the river and began to assemble the shelves against the Tatars. The defense of the city was headed by the Sons of the Grand Prince - Vsevolod and Mstislav, as well as the Voevod Peter Oslodyakovich.

Mongol-Tatars came from the West. Before this, the conquerors took the assault of Suzdal, and without much difficulties. On February 4th, a small detachment drove up and offered to surrender. The response flew arrows and stones. Then the Mongols surrounded the city from all sides, cutting it off from the outside world and the siege of the city began. On February 6, the installation of severe throwing guns and shelling began. The walls managed to break in some places, but could not penetrate the city of Mongols. Early in the morning on February 7, the general assault on Vladimir began. The main blow was applied from the West. As a result of the shelling, the wooden wall of the south of the Golden Gate was destroyed and the Mongol-Tatars broke into the city. They broke through the Irinins, the Copper and Volga Gate for the Decity, where warriors were almost left. Princely family, boyars and landing people hid in the Assumption Cathedral. To surrender to the mercy of the winner, they categorically found themselves and were burned. G.Vladimir himself was completely ruined.

Yuri Vsevolodovich stood with troops under Yaroslavl. Having learned about the death of the capital and about the death of loved ones, the prince, according to the chronicle, "rope is great with tears, crying on the orthodox faith of Christian and church." "It would be better for me to die, rather than living in the world," he said, "which I left alone." Vasilko, who came with the Rostov friend, strengthened him on a tump.

Vladimir was the last city Northeast Russia, who was deposited by the United Hana Batya's forces. Mongol-Tatars had to decide that at once three tasks were made: cut off the prince Yuri Vsevolodovich from Novgorod, defeat the remains of Vladimir forces and go through all the river and trade routes, destroying the centers of resistance. Batiy's troops were divided into three parts: the first moved to the north to Rostov and then on the Volga (Rostov surrendered without a fight, as well as Uglich); Separate detachments have advanced to R. Volga and defeated Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ksenin, Kashin, and others. Cities. The second part went east along the ice of R. Klyazma, defeated the city of Staroduub and went to the Middle Volga - to the city of Khardtsu; The third moved to the north-west through Pereyaslavl-Zalegsky, Yuriev, Dimitrov, Wolf Lamsky to Tver and Torogo. As a result of the February campaigns of 1238, the Mongol-Tatars destroyed Russian cities in the territory from Medium Volga to Tver (only fourteen cities).

By the beginning of March, the troops of the invaders went on the line of the Middle Volga. Yuri Vsevolodovich, who collected troops on the River Sit, was in the immediate vicinity of these detachments. An unexpected attack of Mongol-Tatars predetermined the outcome of this battle (March 4, 1238). Few of Russian warriors left alive from this terrible battle, but the enemies for the victory were paid by an expensive price. Saint Yuri was chopped in a desperate fight. Vasilka, wounded, led to Batya's bet.
Tatars forced him to "follow the custom Nogai, be in their will and fight for them." With anger rejected the holy prince thought about treason and Orthodoxy. "Do not answer me from the Christian faith," said the Holy Prince, remembering the ancient Christians confessors. "And there is a lot of tormenting him, the death of the death, he plunge him in the woods of the Shern." So I betrayed the soul of God Holy Prince Vasilko Rostovsky, likes to be in the death of his holy passionwater, Boris, the first of the princes of Rostov, to whom he imitated in life. Like the Holy Boris, there was no thirty years old.
Bishop Rostov Kirill, having come to the battlefield, betrayed the burial of the dead Orthodox soldiers, found the body of St. Prince Yuri (only a chopped head of his head failed to find in his piles of defeated bodies), suffered honest remains in Rostov - to the Assumption Cathedral. The body of St. Vasilka was found in the Shan Son of the Priest and brought to Rostov. There is a spouse Prince, children, Bishop Cyril and the whole people Rostovsky met with bitter crying the body of his beloved prince and buried him under the arches of the Cathedral Church.

At the end of March 1238, the "clouds" invaders moved from the Volga to the south, to Novgorod. Torzhok, standing at Batya on the way lasted 2 weeks, and was taken only on March 23. From there, Bati moved to Seliger's path further, but without reaching Novgorod a hundred miles turned to the south (from the place that in the chronicles was called "Ignach-Cross") and went to Smolensk.

Turn from Novgorod is made to explain to spring floods. But there are other explanations: first, the campaign did not fit on time, secondly, the battered could not defeat the United's union of northeastern Russia in one-two battles using numerical and tactical superiority. A heavy and bloody campaign against the northeastern principalities was exhausted and explored Mongol-Tatars. It is likely that the battered did not dare to fight with intact and full-blooded Novgorod and Pskov.

Smolensk Mongols did not succeed. On the approaches to the city of the enemy met Smolensk shelves and dropped him. Baty decided to turn to the northeast and came out to Kozelsk. In the annals, there is no accurate date of the Mongol-Tatar approach to this city and most scientists argue that in April 1238 he was askedid. 51 day Kozelsk defended, but was taken. Baty called him a "evil city" and ordered to compose from the ground.

Batt did not reach Vologda, nor to Belozer, nor to Velikh Ustyug, and he remained untouched all Chud Zavorotskaya, Novgorod possession.

The defeat of South Russia and Eastern Europe

In 1239, Mongol-Tatars made an invasion of South Rus. At the same time, they went, that way, how do they make raids of the Polovtsy. It was taken Pereyaslavl-South, that before that, no one was able to anyone. The city was well fortified: from three sides it was surrounded by high shores R. Truba and R. Alty, as well as high shafts and walls. But Tatars managed to take, plunder the city and completely destroy the church of St. Michael.

The next blow was sent to the Chernihiv Principality. The Chernihiv Keynets (Kremlin), located on a high hill at a falling river in the gum, was surrounded by "Okolny Grad", followed by a three-kilometer shaft, covered by "Purse". By autumn 1239g. Tatars were surrounded by the city of Chernigov. They met with the army of Prince Mstislav Glebovich (two-brother Mikhail Chernigovsky). There was a "lutty fight", but the Russians lost. October 18, 1239 Chernigov was taken, after which the Tatars destroyed the cities of Putivl, Gluffs, Vyrka, Rylsk.

Invasion of south rus and Eastern Europe Baty began in the fall of 1240, again having collected people under his beginning all the people loyal. Baty approached Kiev in November 1240. "Came to Kiev in force, surrounded the city of Tatarskaya power surrounded the city, and there was nothing heard from the raw cart, from the rav camels, from Rzhana Konya; the land is filled with Russian rather." In Kiev, then Daniel Romanovich Galitsky, who left the city, leaving to defend the city of Voevid Dmitry. Tatars on the other side, where the forest was adjacent to the city gate around the clock shelled walls from a stone guns. As a result, the walls collapsed and Mongol-Tatars burst into the city in the evening. During the night, the Kievans were built a new wall around the tithe church, but Tatars broke through the Defense of Kiev and after the 9 day siege and the assault on December 6, 1240 Kiev fell.

After that, Batiya's core forces moved further to the west to Vladimir Volynsky. Kremenets, Danilov and the Hill, could not take the invaders. Fortress towns were perfectly adapted for defense. Vladimir-Volynsky was taken by Mongol-Tatars after a short siege. All the cities of Volyn and Galician land underwent terrible defeat. (For more information, see "Life-friendly Daniel Galitsky").

In the spring of 1241, Horde Mongol-Tatars switched to Russia's border and invaded Hungary. The brutal resistance of the Hungarian was carried out in the aisles of the Carpathians. But the Bate moved the mountains in April 1241. At this time, the Hungarian king of Bela II gathered 60 thousand warriors and spoke from Pesta. April 11 near R. Sayo began the battle. The king did not receive any support and was broken. After the 3-day siege fell, Prest, and then were ruined by the city of Arat, Perth, Eners, Temeverter.

The same spring Mongol-Tatars moved to Poland. At the head of the Mongolian troops, the Batiy Brothers is standing - Baidar and Horde. Nomads captured Malyublin, Drugs, Sandomer. On the way to a large town of Krakov, they fought with Krakow and Sandomorian shelves (near Krakov). Mongol-Tatars won and captured the city himself, but according to legend, in the cathedral of St. Andrew, a bunch of bravers were hidden, which could not be defeated. They could not capture G.Trotlov.

Czech King Vaclav I sent 40 thousand warriors to the rescue. On April 9, 1241, under the lender, the Allied troops were defeated, but I could not take the Mongols to the G. Mongolam. The Czech Republic was preparing for a stubborn wrestling, in the battle of Olomouc in 1242, Mongol-Tatars suffered defeat.

Then the invaders invaded the Earth of Bukovina, Moldova and Romania. Seriously suffered from their attack Slovakia, who was under the rule of Hungary. The latter has moved to the West to the Adriatic Sea, invaded the Silesia and smashed the duke of Silesian. Thus, the path to Germany was opened, but the troops got out and Han turned his troops back to the east, and without reaching the "Sea of \u200b\u200bFranks" (according to the will of Genghis Khan).

However, the danger of new invasions did not disappear. Battered, returning from an unsuccessful campaign to the West, founded the state "Golden Horde" at Rus. In 1243, Bati "granted and approved the" Grand Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, after this, the prince reached into the Orda and other princes - Uglitsky, Rostov, Yaroslavl. Mongol-Tatar yoke was established.

"From Russia's Russia to the Empire of the Russian." Shishkin Sergey Petrovich, Ufa.

A bright episode in domestic history is the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia.

Union of nomads

The army has formed off the coast of the Oneon River in three decades before his appearance on Russian borders. Mongolian feudals prevailed in its composition and their warriors, who came from all over the stephep. They chose his supreme ruler, who later gave the name of Chingiz Khan. Under his beginning, he united many nomadic tribes. At the same time, the end of the internal crossbursts came, a solid economic base was formed, which ensured the development of a new state. Despite the favorable prospects, the authorities chose not a peaceful way, but led his people along the trop of war and aggression, having organized the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia. The purpose of this campaign was easy to economic enrichment. Since his cattle breeding was low, it was decided to replenish the resources at the expense of the robberies of neighboring peoples and tribes. In the end of the life of Genghis-Khan, Mongol-Tatars belonged to a significant part of the territories from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific Ocean. This was not a reason to stop planning new campaigns. The main secret of the success of Mongol-Tatar was a well-thought-out strategy and political weakness of the conquered countries. The tactics of warriors boiled down to a sudden attack and the fragmentation of the enemy forces in parts followed by their destruction.

Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia

With the coming to power Khan Batya, it was decided to conquer Russian lands. The Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia began with the city of Torzhok. At first, the inhabitants gave significant respite to the enemy, but the number of the enemy was so high that the strength decreased. As a result of the two-week siege, Mongols, Torzok was submitted on March 5, 1238. Ruthless nomads entered the city and began to exterminate local residents. They killed merciless everyone: starting with women with children ending with old people. The fugitives were rejuvenated on the road north and subjected the same fate.

The Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia continued to unsuccessful capture of Novgorod. By the time the approach of the enemy, all approaches to the settlement were blocked. Khan Batya did not remain anything, how to continue his way by. He moved to the south, ruining and burning the city, leaving on their ashes of killed inhabitants. The strip of captive Russians stretched after the invaders. The prey has become harder, the sumizers are inexperienced. With such a terrible defeat, Russia was not familiar.

Heroic spore

The Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia refers to years 1237-1240. During this time, the troops of the invaders stumbled upon a decent fire. The opposition of Russia, Mongol-Tatar invasion, significantly weakened the strength of the enemy and spread plans for the conquest of Western civilization in the fluff and dust. The troops of the invaders were strongly weakened and bleeded due to continuous fighting in Northeast Russia. Russian and other nations of our Motherland saved Europe from the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Even after the Pogrom, the inhabitants of Russia did not submit to the conqueror. Not one decade took Khan to establish control over ruin cities, and then above the state as a whole. Rus resistance prevented Batya to organize a trip to the West.

Attempts by confrontation

The Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia and its consequences forced the peasants and citizens to live in the forests. Only some time after the pogrom, the residents slowly began to return to settlements. The surviving princes gradually restored order. However, this did not exclude the threat of new invasions by Mongol-Tatars. Battle-based in the south of Russia, a powerful state is the Golden Horde - forced all Russian princes to go to Grozny Khan for approval. However, the formal fact of submission has not yet meant the conquest of all Russian Earth. Pskov, Smolensk, Novgorod, Vitebsk remained unprofitable, and consequently, decided not to recognize the dependence on the Khanate Golden Horde.

The first attempt of an open speech against Iga was undertaken by Andrei Yaroslavich after the murder of his father Mongols. Combined with the prince Daniel Galitsky, he organized resistance to conquerors. However, some princes have established mutually beneficial relations with the Golden Horde and did not intend to spoil these ties. Having learned about the plans of the campaign of Andrei Yaroslavich, they conveyed the intentions of Prince Khan. A powerful army was sent to "recalcitable", and Andrei was divided. Desperate resistance continued to provide Prince Daniel Galitsky. Starting from 1254, he firmly beat off Han's attempt to subordinate his possession. Only in 1258, when Baty sent a numerous army to the prince, he was forced to recognize his dependence.

Establishment of IGA

Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia and its consequences reached the climax in 1257. According to Rus, Mongolian officials drove to arrange a census of the population, bypassing all the hard tribute. In fact, this meant establishing in Russia Iga Mongol-Tatars. Princes personally assisted Mongols in the issue of census. After this event began a difficult period of a two hundred years of yoke. Restoration of cities turned out to be alone. Complex crafts undermine and disappear at all for the next hundred and fifty-two hundred years. Trading ties with other subjects are broken.

This is what the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia has led. You can briefly formulate so - to colossal damage in all areas: economic, cultural, political. The natural economy was conserved, the craft was destroyed, and the people are burdened by unbearable payments. The progress of political development was broken, and a retail was deliberately sewed between the princes, which prevented the association of Russia. Dependence on the Golden Horde dropped the Russian people in development for several centuries ago.

Falling iga

The Great role in the association of Russian lands was played by King Ivan III, which rules in 1462-1505. First of all, he joined Moscow Great Novgorod and Rostov Principality. Then it took up the rest of the recalcitrant lands, the year after year collecting a fragmented Rus. 1480 was a decisive stage in liberation: Mongol-Tatar Igo Palo. Thanks to the diplomatic skills of Ivan III, the United States, who received the name of Russia, dropped a heavy Mongolian burden.

Main steps

We repeat how the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russia developed. Briefly list the highlights.

  • XII century - Association of Mongolian tribes, proclaimed by Genghis-Khan aspiration for world domination. Conquesting neighboring countries.
  • 1223 - the battle by the river Kalka, which was ligneled by Russian princes.
  • 1237 - a campaign on Mongol-Tatars.
  • 1240 - Successful invasion of Mongol-Tatars on South Rus.
  • 1243 - Education on the Lower Volga Golden Horde.
  • 1257 - Establishment of yoke in Russia.

Thus, the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Rus led to the formation of an enemy yoke, which lasted several centuries. Despite the weakness and brokenness, the conquered residents did not lose the will to the fight and victory.

Golden Horde and the origin of the Cossacks Gordeev Andrei Andreevich

The invasion of Mongol on Russian Earth (1237-1241)

In 1237, Bati gathered the troops in the upper reaches of Irtysh and moved to them on the middle Volga. Did on the Volga Bulgar, defeated them and took them the capital, then, crushing through the Volga, entered the limits of Russian principalities. The first principality attacked Mongol was Ryazan. In the conditions of general fragmentation and princely interdiscructures, Ryazan could not count on the help of neighboring principalities. After stubborn resistance, Ryazan fell, the city was destroyed and burned, and the population or disperse and disappeared in the forests and impregnable places, or was destroyed.

After the defeat of Ryazan, the Mongols moved to the north-west, cutting off the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality from Smolensk and Chernigov. Going through Kolomna to Moscow, Mongols met the troops of the Suzdal Prince, with the delay of the smoking to help Ryazan; Split his troops and took Moscow.

From Moscow, the Tatars moved to Vladimir-Suzdalsky, a squad of the Torzhok to cut the Tver from Novgorod. On February 3, 1238, Mongols occupied Vladimir, burned him, and the population was beating. The Grand Duke Suzdalsky, Yuri Vsevolodovich at that time collected troops in the north, and met with Tatars on the river. City. In the combat battle, the troops were defeated and he himself was killed.

Defeating Ryazan and Vladimir-Suzdal Principles, Tatars moved towards Novgorod. Battered on the way took Torzhok, but due to the coming spring, the dismieties and incurred losses turned the troops and stopped with them in the lower course of Don and Volga. The army demanded replenishment and a new organization for further campaign and conquest.

According to historians, the number of Bati's troops who conquered Russian land, consisted of 33-threaded or 330,000 fighters. Among these troops, Mongol had only 4,000 and 30,000 Tatars related to them. The main mass of the troops was the Turkic-Mongolian tribes of Kipchakov, or, in Russian - Polovtsy, the total number of the male population of which was estimated at 2 million.

Conquer the northern Russian principalities, Baty put all the detachments of troops with backers, who began to collect the tenth of the property and the tenth of the population. "After referring to ten - one was taken: the same was done with the girls, they took and taught them into their lands, where they established themselves. Men who did not have wives were also taken away, as well as women who did not have husbands, and were also taken away ... In addition, the Father, who had three sons - one took ... "

The polar population was sent within the location of the Khan bet and distributed there depending on physical qualities: A part was on the formation of the army, others on the internal maintenance of the country and the labor force.

Army organization, replenishment and training within the lowerland of Volga and Don demanded for about two years. Extraked by Russians, the Army of Batya was increased doubled and instead of 33 topics that came from Asia was brought to 60, or up to 600,000 fighters.

In 1241, Bati moved to the West. He took Chernigov, who was burned, and moved to Kiev. Mongol's movement was accompanied by all population of ulus, moving on the carts, with families, cattle and terrible dust, which closed the sun. When approaching Mongol Galitsky Prince Daniel Romanovich, who joined Kiev to his possessions, fled to Hungary, leaving the city of Voevod Eykovich.

Kiev was besieged by the Mongols and had a stubborn resistance. The open attack of Mongols could not take it, brought heavy trumpet cars and began to destroy the walls of the defensive shaft.

Kiev was taken, and the population was beating. Voevod Eykovich was made an exception, and for manly defense, Bati not only spared him, but also appointed him with a thousands of Kiev.

After taking Kiev, Baty moved his troops with three columns to Poland, Silesia and Hungary. On the path of Mongols, Vladimir-Volynsky, Hill, Sandomiir and Krakow were destroyed; They defeated by Teutonic knights and German-Polish troops and invaded Moravia. On the way they met the resistance of the troops of the Bohemian king and more strongly repulse in the Czech Republic of the United Austrian and Karling Dukes, in battles with whom the Horde suffered defeat, turned back and went to join the main forces in Hungary.

By this time, Baty defeated the troops of the Hungarian king and invaded Hungary. The king of Bela focused on the troops of Hungary, Croatia, Austria, French knights and other dominated princes of Pest. Mongols came to the foot and, stood up for two months, began to retreat. Allies moved to pursue Mongol; Six days went ahead, without seeing anyone, except for individual riders. On the seventh day, the allies are located on the plain, surrounded by hills covered with vineyards. By morning they saw that all the surrounding hills were occupied by the Mongolian army. The Allies switched to the offensive, but were encountered from the hills of firing from the onions and the chainsing machines. Large losses, the allies began to retreat toward the Danube. For six days of retreat, most of the troops were destroyed, and the Mongols took the foot.

The troops of the king Bela continued to retreat to Dalmatia, and the Mongols, pursuing, destroyed European cities and, having passed Slavonia, Terrational and Serbia, turned back.

The composition of the troops of Batya left the notes of the Hungarian king and the letter to the dad, which says that the Russian troops were as part of the Mongolian troops. "When, - wrote the king, - the state of Hungary from the invasion of Mongol, as from the plague, was to the larger part to the wilderness, and how shepherd was surrounded by various tribes of the wrong things, it was: Russians, apricots from the East, Bulgarians and other heretics from the south" . Baty diluted troops in the lower order of Don and Volga and the fact that he graduated from the conquests to the west.

The ownership of Batiu includes land from r. Obi in the East and to Novgorod and Galich in the West. Galitsky Principality and Novgorod Mongols were not occupied and the Russian population of Priazia and Porodnikov occupied a special position. This part of the Russian population was not conquered by Mongols to a hike to the West, and on the memorization of Pope Grigory, after the end of the campaign were given to tributes, like other peoples. The peoples of the Azov region did not want to be Danitis Mongol and raised against them the uprising. The center of the beginning of the war was Done Dance and the city of Tanais. Mongols could not take the Tanais open storm and decided to flood it. They staged a barrier of numerous branches of Done delta and flooded the city. Resistance was broken and the population was beating. After that, Bati began to the device of an extensive empire with peoples, various on race, religion and culture. Rus for centuries was delivered to political, economic and moral dependence on the Mongol, which was a sharp fracture in its history.

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