GTA vice city voodoo mission. Trojan voodoo mission in gta vice city. Description of the video from MODS-FOR-GTA ru

IN GTA: Vice City there are cars that don't stand anywhere. They don't go anywhere. They meet only once in the entire game - in a specific mission. They are extremely difficult to obtain, and generally not easy to spot. Such cars are a challenge for real car thieves. We present a list of these cars, as well as a description possible ways their prey.

It should be clarified right away: in order to get all of them, the game will have to be played again almost from scratch, since many of the unique cars of the car industry are found only during some missions. However, it's worth it! It will be interesting to look at the faces of the military, who fiercely shoot the "Admiral", but it does not explode. Because he is armored. Or Haitians in their dirty brown Voodoo next to your black one.

Attention: list exclusive cars not drawn up in the order in which they become available for theft! You should carefully check the names of the missions, which are indicated at the beginning of each description. So let's get started ...

Mission to intimidate two intractable jurors. In the beginning, you calmly drive north and intimidate the juror who lives next to the Malibu club. Then you return south to the second, but do not hit his car with a hammer, but fire a pistol at it. The jury will drive and try to escape, but will crash into the van. Then it remains to break his car and the mission is completed. Now you can get in the van and drive it to the garage. This is one of the simplest exclusive cars.

A mission where you are given an assignment over the phone to overwhelm the gang members. At the very beginning of it, next to the place where you are offered to replenish stocks of weapons, there is a white motorcycle with gray spots. Get on it and go to the garage. Further, so that he does not disappear, you need to stand the remaining time near him, not turning away in other directions. The mission will fail, but you have a motorcycle.

In the same mission with the phone, you have to finish off two dudes in a black Lynx. Only if you get too close to them, they will sit in the car and rush away, which we do not need at all. We act like this: take a sniper in our hands and approach as shown on the map.

At the designated point, you need to squat down (so the sight will be more accurate) and shoot at one of those guys. The alarmed second will sit in the Lynx and try to leave, but you hit him through the windshield in the head, and he falls out, leaving the door open. You get into an abandoned pickup truck, go to the garage and again wait for the failure of the mission.

Mission to ensure the security of Ricardo Diaz's deal with the Cubans. The drug lord arrives in a white armored "Admiral". Your task - when bikers appear and steal money - not to follow them, but to stay near the car. Mission failed, but you climb into the car and go save in the garage!

A simpler option was suggested by Dark killer. You don't have to wait for bikers. As soon as you arrive at the place of the deal, kill Diaz to fail the mission, get in the car and go to the garage.

Colonel Cortez's farewell assignment. We warn you right away - this is one of the most difficult machines!

A luxury yacht for a military secret lover leaves the dock as French counterintelligence officers arrive at the dock in black Washington DCs. One of them must be stolen. The only difficulty is that Tommy and the cars are separated by a solid strip of water. In order to overcome it, we do the following: we kill all the sailors who help us. Then we jump onto the canopy of the yacht (this will require training). Next, we kill everyone except one of the French on the right boat, and then we jump. The jump is about one out of several dozen attempts, so this car may require a couple of hours of sitting in front of the monitor. Important: the jump must be made before the yacht sails under the first bridge, otherwise cars will disappear!

When you jump, turn the boat around and swim to the pier. You can't get into the car now! Necessary push it to the place where you entered the mission start marker, and place it in such a way that when you are returned to the point in front of the marker, the car does not disappear (that is, so that it can be seen at a distance of no more than 15 and no less than 10 meters from you). Now get into Washington. Mission failed, but if you did everything as in the description, the car will be parked nearby. It remains to drive him to the garage and save.

Avery's mission, where you have to spoil the funeral of their boss with Haitians under the guise of a Cuban. Stock up on full health and body armor and head to the place of the showdown. When the turmoil begins, shoot some of the opponents, and then get behind the wheel of the unique black Voodoo and chase one of the leaders on it, who decided to escape in a hearse. After the fugitive is destroyed, the mission is completed and you can go and put the trophy in the garage.

Attention: there is a way to get this car and the hearse at the same time, it is described below.

The same mission with commemoration as in the previous case. Only now our goal is the Romero "s Hearse hearse. If only it is needed, the problem is solved simply - when you arrive at the pizzeria, quickly change into one of the" necromobiles "and let the hell out, until the haunted Haitians shot this flimsy clunker. most of the defenders, and then chase the leader escaping in the same car. When the mission is completed, all that remains is to drive the Romero to the garage.

In addition, there are several ways to get the above described black "Voodoo" and this coffin in one go.

Method 1: You reach almost the place and remove the driver of the black Voodoo from the sniper rifle, as well as those who are nearby. Then quickly get into the car and drive, but not behind the hearse, but across the bridge to the Golf Club. Once on the eastern island, ambush the escaped Haitian leader. Attention: "Voodoo" must be in plain sight, otherwise the car disappear... The hearse is coming soon. If you haven't used up all your sniper ammo, grab it and try to get a headshot through the windshield. If you're lucky, the leader will fall out dead, and the hearse will ride by inertia for several meters and stop. Further you alternately pushing each car to the nearest garage (and it is not far, near the repainting). As soon as you turn away, one of the cars will disappear! Have patience and everything will work out.

Method 2: First, we hijack one of the Romeroes. We do everything quickly: without shooting at anyone, we jump inside one of the cars and start briskly. We drive the hearse away to any of the garages where there is free space, and leave it there. And we ourselves return to the memorial ceremony of the Haitians, where the black Voodoo and the second Romero were still left - and in most cases they will be waiting for us. So, without wasting time, saddle the Voodoo and get it out of the fire. Then you can firefight with the guards and later follow the trophy car in a standard pursuit of the leader. After completing the mission, take the Voodoo to the garage and survive.

Note: There are three varieties of Romero's Hearse among the game models. Two of them have different variations of the coffin inside, and the third version does not have a “case” for the blind man at all.

This additional mission- a couple of off-road laps at Sanchez in the north of the western island. After you complete it 4 times, bandits will chase you in black Sanchez. Just take the motorcycle away from them.

The same place and a similar additional mission as in the previous case, only on the Rancher. Again 4 times. Again, corny picking up a jeep.

Mission where you have to sew a dude out of a sniper rifle at the airport.

Method 1: After you have "neutralized" him, you go out, take your weapon (highly recommended assault rifle) and go to Sunshine Auto. Along the way, the black "Admirals" with arrows will find you themselves. Having approached Sunshine Auto, get out of the car and try to finish off the shooter before he does you. Perhaps you can do it. Next, your task is to lure the car into the garage (you yourself should have guessed who will become the bait). Keep in mind that as soon as you find yourself directly inside the garage, the driver will, as it were, stop seeing you. That is, the task becomes more complicated: it is necessary to make sure that the car drove into the garage without going into it yourself. Alternatively, you can force him to turn so that the path of the turn goes through the garage. Next, you have to step back, wait until the door closes, then go back up and blow up the car right in the garage. Only after that the doors of the car will be unlocked (before that they are locked and you will not be able to get into it) and the car will be repaired. The car is yours.

Method 2: When the pursuers appear on the "Admirals", lure them into a secluded place (the same "Sunshine Auto" will do) and deal with the shooter. Then set fire to the car with a flamethrower or one Molotov cocktail (do not overdo it and do not destroy future prey), after which the driver will jump out and run away, leaving the door wide open. Drive the car to the garage and save it. Complete the rest of the mission in any other vehicle.

Mission on the payphone behind the ice cream factory. There are black cars on the inner territory of the factory - you will see them right away, because bandits with MP-5 will crawl out of them. Among the "Admirals" (one of which we already have) will be the "Pony" minivan. The difficulty lies in the fact that you cannot go anywhere on it: there is a fence everywhere. You also cannot fly over it by jumping on a springboard, because there are no springboards.

What are we doing? We are going to the port. There is a huge Paker car transporter with comfortable runners. We put one in the Sunshine Auto garage. Back to the dock. We take one more tractor. We go to the Sunshine Auto. Further, alternately changing from car to car (so that they do not disappear), we get on them to the territory of the factory. The rest is simple: we adjust one tractor to the fence, we ourselves sit in the second, we call in on the first - and you are already inside the courtyard. Now we put the “Packer”, which turned out to be in a closed area, to another fence from the inside, climb into the “Pony” and drive along the “Packer” into the wild. It is recommended to kill most of the bandits before starting the operation to "free" the "Pony", as it will be very unpleasant if they blow up the car in the process. It remains to deliver the Pony to the garage.

Phil's mission is to eliminate his economic competitors. Arms dealers move around the city in three white Waltons. Destroy 2 cars in any way convenient for you. Then take a good gun and try to shoot the third driver. If you succeed, get into the car and blow it up in your garage. The mission will be completed, and the car will remain with you.

But this is not a simple machine. But we are not afraid of difficulties. The mission begins at the printing house, where you are told that the courier must deliver the cliché to the port of Vice City. Therefore, after the video you very fast you go to the docks (it is better to put some fast car nearby in advance). You take a tractor (any, but the heavier - the better) and close the western exit from the territory where the courier is supposed to carry out the transfer. Closed. You can beat whoever you need, just don't enter the territory. The courier flew in by helicopter and got into a black Sentinel. If you parked the truck correctly, the courier will crash into your tractor, then make a circle and start accelerating against the wall. This is what we need! We kill the courier so that the car door remains open, we pick up his suitcase and get behind the wheel.

1) if someone else is sitting with the courier in the car, make sure that he can never sit anywhere again;
2) you now have 2 wanted stars. This is not the worst, but it will be unpleasant if the police smash and blow up your car. So go quickly.

Head to the printing house and stop 10-20 meters to the right of the point, near the barrels. Then climb out so that the door does not close after you, that is, Enter (Return) and IMMEDIATELY forward. Come to the point. Mission completed. And on the side is our Sentinel. We sit down and go to the garage. Better to blow it up in the garage, otherwise it is not known how he will behave further. After the explosion, it will be 100% repaired and opened.

Mission where you need to recruit a driver to rob a bank by defeating him in a race. Your opponent's car, Hilary, is indestructible with conventional weapons during the race. In order to get his car without losing its protection, you need to blow it up together with the driver. This can be done with codes or with a tank. But pre-purchase Ocean Heights Apartment for $ 7000.

Method 1 (with codes): Run the race as usual, but when you get to Raphael's store, don't turn off, but keep going straight until you reach the purchased savehouse. Get out of the car. A few seconds later, Hilary will appear from around the corner on her armored car. Enter BIGBANG (code to explode all cars) and shove the remains of the Saber Turbo into your garage. Since you have already entered one cheat code, you can use another one. Type LEAVEMEALONE to get rid of two wanted stars. Be careful when pushing your loot inside the garage - sometimes it can disappear right under your nose.

Method 2 (no codes): This method is much more difficult than the first, but this time you do not have to enter codes. Instead, find a tank before starting the mission and park it in front of the Ocean Heights Apartment garage (since the tank garage itself is too small, leave it outside with open door so it doesn't disappear). Take the mission and, just as described in the first method, drive to your house and change from car to tank. If you do everything quickly, then Hilary in a couple of seconds should again appear around the corner. Ram his car and push what's left of it into your garage. If the police very much bother you to do this, try to get out of the car right after the start of the mission, shoot Hilary at the wheels in order to detain him at least a little and change clothes at Raphael.

The description of how to get the car is provided by Dark killer.

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Description of the video from MODS-FOR-GTA ru:

Passing GTA games Vice City.
Mission name options: Trojan Voodoo, Trojan Voodoo.

First you need to find the "Voodoo" car (it always stands near Anty Poulet's house). Then we eat to the Haitians, and then we slowly move to the plant. When you park your car there, we go inside the building and put three bombs. After installing the third charge, you need to quickly get out of the territory. To do this, you need to use the steps that lead to the roof. They are to the right of the main gate.

Time codes:
0:00 - Mission intro
1:13 - Beginning of action

|| Channel: MODS-FOR-GTA ru
|| Passage of missions: Grand theft Auto: Vice City (GTA Vice City).
|| Shown how to complete the mission: Trojan Voodoo, Trojan Voodoo.
|| Subtitle translation: Russian version.
|| Platform: PC (PC).
|| Link to video:

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About the game:
Grand Theft auto: Vice City is an action-adventure game that combines elements of a third-person shooter with elements of a car simulator in a large and open to exploration game world, with classic controls for this genre. The game develops the basic ideas of the gameplay of the previous games in the series - Grand Theft Auto 2 and Grand Theft Auto III: the player will have to perform mainly criminal and illegal tasks issued by various characters in the game. The player receives most of the missions from criminal bosses and other characters in the game, as well as using several telephone booths located in the city. Also, the player can get Additional tasks if he gets to a certain place in the game world or gets into a certain car. After a player receives a task, he cannot take on other missions until he completes (or fails) the current one.
Outside the vehicle the main character controlled by the player, can walk, run, jump, as well as use weapons and fight hand-to-hand, but cannot swim. Players can control various vehicles, including water and air.
The open environment allows players to move freely and choose what they want to do in the game world. However, in order to complete the game and open new areas of the city, you must complete story missions, otherwise they are optional and can be completed by the player at any time. Outside of missions, the player is free to act and move, and can commit many illegal real world actions: kill passers-by and police, steal and blow up cars, etc. Committing criminal offenses attracts the attention of law enforcement agencies and increases the level of the police wanted the player. In the game interface, it is reflected in the form of "stars" in the right corner of the game screen - a certain number of "stars" corresponding to each level. At the minimum wanted level, the minimum police forces are sent to capture the protagonist, and with an increase in the wanted level to catch the player, the police will be sent to help the police: at 3 wanted level, a police helicopter, at 4 - special forces (SWAT), at 5 - FBI agents, at 6 - US Army with tanks.

Game: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Platform: PC
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Video Walkthrough GTA Vice City: Mission 32 - Trojan Voodoo Channel Game Channel Saints Gamers