GTA by year. History Grand Theft Auto. millions of lemmings can not be wrong

The popular series of games, which is more than 20 years old pleases gamers with their projects. Rockstar is working on it. The story of "GTA" began in 1997. In each part, the gamer is offered to become a criminal who must perform the tasks of the mafia. The player will have to virtually kill, rob banks and earn authority.

Scaligence series

Despite the fact that the last game of the project, published in 2013, became GTA V, the entire developers presented 12 games. Their number does not include a couple of additions to the first and second part. Thanks to the quality and popularity of the entire series of sale Grand Theft. AUTO has long been overlooking 120 million copies.

First part

The history of GTA games began in 1997. It was then that the first came out, called Grand Theft AUTO for PC. At that time it was still difficult to assume that the project would be worldwide popular. It was difficult to imagine that literally after 15-20 years "GTA" will become a brand. The series will often be mentioned not only in the gaming industry, but in other industries.

The first series is a two-dimensional arcade with a top view. Despite the fact that it came out even the 2000s, at that time there were already more advanced projects. Nevertheless, something attracted the attention of players and in the future helped become one of the most popular series in the world.

What was the main reason for success? The fact is that at the end of the last century games were developed, taking into account the fact that children will play in them. Therefore, many were cute, kind and simple. Grand Theft AUTO appeared immediately with the rating of 18+ and, in fact, turned out to be a gangster simulator.

The players also attracted the possibility that it was possible not to follow the game blindly, but also to influence the game process. Although there was no open world, still freedom of movement on the map was then in a novelty. Therefore, many gamers decided to throw assignments and just ride the roads aimlessly.

After the release of the first part, the developers decided to continue the story - "GTA" was replenished with a pair of new series. The addition of London 1969 came out, which made it possible to plunge during the sixties. And later, DLC London 1961 appeared. It was distinguished from the previous part only by the fact that he opened new missions and the area.

The second part of

The history of the creation of GTA continued in 1999, when the second major part was released. A little later she was transferred to Russian, and she was called "GTA 2: chaos". The novelty was released on a three-dimensional engine, but at the same time still had a top view. Thanks to players who left feedback on the first part, the developers tried to do everything that they wanted them.

In the second part, the hero got a name. Claude became a protagonist of the series. It fights for the authority of gang in three districts. Players noted that the story of the new part was interesting. Worked the developers and above the AI. The mechanic changed the gameplay, there was a lot of new opportunities for gameimers.

Breakthrough: third part

Grand Theft Auto III came out in 2002. She became the main breakthrough of the series. The feature of the project was a three-dimensional schedule and a view from a third party. Despite the fact that three-dimensional games were previously represented open world, the players knew that Rockstar would not betray her style and would continue to promote a gangster theme.

Now we can definitely talk about the fact that the project turned out to be a cult, even if I have long been outdated and few people will now seem interesting. Thanks to its new engine, the game was able to attract the attention of newcomers. Therefore, the fan base is noticeably replenished.

History "GTA 3" and its characters interested millions of gamers who helped her beat the sales records previous parts. We immediately began to appear dozens of new games that tried to repeat the success of Grand Theft Auto. And let some of them have become more or less popular, they have failed to become a cooler of the cult series.

For the first year, the third series received a lot of awards and almost the highest scores from authoritative gaming publications. But even this did it the most popular. The new game attracted public attention to himself, and it turned out that not everyone is ready to put up with the fact that teenagers get acquainted with excessive cruelty.

Of course, in this sense, such disputes were justified, since the gameplay and indeed forced the gamer to kill police and peaceful for profit and authority in gangs. Some were outraged by the fact that in the game you can remove a prostitute that will join the protagonist. Some events that occurred in the United States began to associate the influence of the project on the minds of young people. As a result, even politicians started talking about the game. But since the Black PR is also a PR, the number of players increased in geometric progression. All scandals played on the arm Rockstar - the company received so much money that could think about the following developments.

New story

The new project was not to wait. Now the players were able to get acquainted with the story of "GTA: Weiss City". In 2003, a new part was published, which was transferred to Russian only in 2009. Before that, fans had to be content with custom localization.

The player is transferred in Miami 1986. Naturally, that this is Miami, we can only guess, because in the virtual world this city was called Weiss City. Around the palm trees, beaches, half-lit girls and steep cars.

Many players believe that the main character of this story was that this project appeared thanks to the film "face with a scar", because it was too much reference to this film.

The graphics or mechanics of the game practically did not change. The developers made an emphasis on expanding the capabilities of the protagonist, as well as on a new story. By the way, now in the "GTA" it became possible to buy real estate.

Cult project

At that time, few geimers could imagine that it was possible to do something better, since the third series was really successful. But the story of "GTA: San Andreas" proved the opposite. In 2005, this game comes out and instantly captures an even greater audience. The Russian project was transferred in 2010.

This time it was not without a scandal again. It turned out that in the resources of the game it was possible to detect carved erotic mini-games. But they were so bad that hackers from the people easily restored them to go on a virtual date. After the meeting, the lady offered the protagonist "to go to coffee", after which the episode was named HOT COFFEE.

If you do not use a modification, then the player sees only the house from the side of the chanting chamber and characteristic sounds. But when hacking this episode, you can get inside the house where Gamer sees a naked girl. The essence of mini-games is to quickly click on the key to satisfy your lady.

When this spicy story was found in "GTA: SA", the game series immediately received the age limit of 18+, and part of the stores sent the game to the section with pornography. Some sellers have removed the wheels from their shelves.

Since the developers were unprofitable to narrow the audience, they corrected bugs who were forever removed the opportunity to go to the girl. Such an update in the people called no more hot coffee, and the game began to be sold with the rating of the Mature.

Another scandal with GTA: SA

The new scandal again influenced the story of "GTA: San Andreas". In 2006, Prosecutor Jack Thompson spoke against the project. He again and again tried to prove the public that the game provokes violence in reality. He believed that many, "Hanging in Gangster," will go outside and start copying a virtual protagonist.

At the time, as, however, and now, in the United States, there were frequent cases of murder and unjustified aggression from adolescents and adults. Many tied it with computer games. Thompson demanded to ban the sale of Grand Theft Auto. But the scandal was briefly. In 2008, Thompson lost a lawyer license for the fact that in every way tried to substitute Rockstar, insulted the developers and even heaven the judge for refusing him a lawsuit.

How did the scandal affect the project? Although the developers spent a lot of money on the court, he also became their main advertising campaign. The game was interested in everyone who heard the story of Thompson. Many bought a series only to see with their own eyes "cruelty and violence", against whom the lawyer fought. As a result, almost 28 million copies were sold by 2011.

Cities and locations

History "GTA: Sanandress" transfers gameimers in 1992, in a fictional state. About San Andreas Player could hear in the first part. Then this location was founded on real San Francisco. In a new series, things are somewhat different. The fact is that events in the game occur in Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas. As a result, the virtual location has become five times more than in the previous part.

Los Santos is Los Angeles. Developers managed to realize a lot of reference to the real place. Instead of the famous "Hollywood", on the hill the inscription "Weinwood", behind which is the richie area. There is in the city of unfavorable ghetto. In Los Santos, there are many gangs that want to get power over this place and its inhabitants.

San Fierro is San Francisco. The feature of this area is the hills. Many players tried an extreme ride on the hills by car. There are trams in the city that cannot be exploded or stopped. The location turned out to be cult thanks to the collection of cars and round-the-clock races.

Las Venturas is Las Vegas. Here, as in reality, there is a huge street at which there are casinos and hotels everywhere. Protagonist here can play gambling and risk large sums.


The story of the characters "GTA: San Andreas" is very interesting. The developers have tried to make Si-Jay to interesting protagonists, which would cause many emotions at once. Present his name - he was born in Ghetto Los Santos and grew out there. His story begins with the fact that he arrives in Liberty City to bury the mother. But it is arrested sales cops who are trying to substitute the hero.

Commissioning from the police, Si Jay hits the funeral, where it meets with a brother and sister, as well as a couple of friends. He is talking about the burial affairs of the local gang, and the protagonist decides to help.

Of course, the plot is not the coolest. The history of Claude seems much more interesting. But developers managed to make unique characters. Everyone got its own character and can easily fall in love with himself and push the gamer.

The player meets on his way the old Hippie, who behaves strange, lives with paranoia, but knows a lot of what is happening inside the gang. Interesting was the boss of the Chinese triad, fully implementing his image. The references, croupier and many others turned out to be excellent.


In "GTA: San Andreas" terrible stories a little. A couple of times the Si Jay falls into trouble, but can cope with them. All the most dangerous events will be associated with gangs that are in the game. Thanks to them, Si Jay will move through the game. There are four gangs on the game location: one of them includes a protagonist, the second will be friendly, but the other two will be very dangerous.

The essence of passing is to "wake up" card. All location is divided into sectors of different colors. Depending on the shade, you can determine where the territory of rivals is located. Green belongs to "Grub Street" - Banda Carlos. After he unlightens the war, he will need to clean the area from rivals.

So that the passage is easier, the player can invite virtual fellow on disassembly. The more the gamer received the authority, the more the helpers will be stronger. To capture one of the sectors, you need to unleash the war, after which you kill enemies and reflect three attacks from their assistants. When the territory is under the control of "Streeting", it is beginning to patrol the allies.

But after the victory, you should not relax. Over time, the gang will want to pick up their location, so you have to go and now defend yourself. When Game "Wheel" the whole map, the attacks of enemies will stop.

100% passing manual

To cope with the passage of this game by 100%, you need to go through the main story quests. They are in the game six pieces. In addition, the gamer needs to perform missions in the store and auto repair shop. Tasses of the trucker and courier will also be available. After you need to become a parking lot level 5, and then go to the quarry: there the player is waiting for 7 missions.

Next, the player is waiting for a new movement in three gym, several hidden assignments and competitions. Then you will need to get 12 levels as a paramedic, policeman, firefighter, as well as an employee of a weapon store.

The player must dilute 50 taxi passengers, get 10 levels as a pimp and level 2 as a driver. It will also be necessary to end the boat, flying, motorcycle and driving school. All over the location is to buy real estate. Win in all races in the state. After that, it will remain paint graffiti in the city, make 50 pictures of attractions, find 50 horseshoes and oysters.

System requirements

To play "GTA: San Andreas", a Pentium 3 and above processor was required, a 256 MB of RAM, any video card, be sure to sound card and 3.6 GB of a hard disk space. The recommended requirements were also recommended: Pentium 4 processor, RAM from 512 MB, video card, necessarily sound card and 4.7 GB of free space on the railway.

If the fifth of the game turned out to be very demanding, and many PCs could not cope with her, then San Andreas was available to many players.

Exclusive for console

"GTA: Stories of Liberty City" - a console project, which was released in 2005. After a year, this part was recognized as the best selling. At first it could be played on PSP, and then all the subsequent generations PlayStation began to support it. In 2015-2016, this part became available for smartphones.

Practically no fundamental changes with the novelty did not happen. In the new part, the protagonist became which in one of the parts gave the tasks to Claud. All missions player can receive from authorities and other characters. In the new history of "GTA", characters appear, which have already been known to fans of the project.

It is not difficult to guess that the game transfers gamer in Liberty City. This city has already been known for the previous parts. Events begin in 1998. Location is slightly modified and differs from the one that is represented in the third part.

New History for Console

"GTA: History of Wai City" - the video game, which came out in 2006. The developers did not touch the mechanics or gameplay. The only one, what was decided to work on a new plot.

Gamer is postponed in 1984. History tells about Capral Victor Vancy. A man must move to Weiss City to serve on another basis. But there he meets sergeant who is closely connected with the crime. A couple of illegal services, and Victor deprives her work. He remains to go to a familiar Fila Cassidy.

In "GTA: History of Wai City" the player will have to join the gangster business again. In addition, for full passage It will have to get again such level Policeman, Firefighter, Feldscher and Taxi. But these tasks have become more diverse. Now it will be possible to fly on a medical helicopter, extinguish a fire from Wortha and patrol the beach.

You can use cheats to "GTA: Wai City History" to cope with missions faster. For example, if you set the appropriate pack of codes, you can open a specific percentage of multiplayer content. You can also repaint all the machines in the game in black, get armor and necessary weapons.

There are also codes for clear weather, the explosion of all machines, fast time and gameplay, a certain amount of money, etc. With cheats on any part of the GTA, you can noticeably simplify the passage of the game.


In 2008, the game "GTA 4" appears. The project was really not bad because the developers reworked the schedule. But innovations prevented many players to enjoy the project, since high demands for the gland appeared. And if earlier each new series marked noticeably on technology from other projects, but took only the scale and idea itself, then such innovations had a significant impact on sales and popularity.

Gamer again turns out to be in Liberty City. But this is not the location that occurred earlier. Yes, and the new story does not intersect at all with those that were before. This time, the developers tried to make a fine copy of New York from Liberty City, while charging the names of key locations.

In the new part "GTA" horror stories Now occur with Nico Bellik. Protagonist of origin from Eastern Europe. He arrived in the US to start a new life. The authors of the game made it a former military who could not find a job in her homeland, so it was smuggling there. Because of the incident, Niko had to leave the country to avoid reprisals from his boss.

After this part there was a couple for consoles and PCs that were not remembered. But a real breakthrough was the release of the fifth series.


The most terrible stories in GTA began in the fifth part. The game came out in 2013 for consoles, in 2014 - for new consoles and in 2015 - for PC. The player is postponed to San Andreas. Now the passage is available immediately for three people. Each of them is ready for the most terrible things. They rob, kill and arrange chaos.

The world in the new part turned out to be huge, so it is not surprising that many for the passage needed codes. The story of "GTA 5" turned out to be interesting to all. Players were glad that at any moment could switch from one character to another. Landscapes in the district became an idea for hundreds of wallpapers for the desktop. The virtual world was very large-scale. It could be overcome in any type of transport. Many were happy to control the military helicopter and put the car on the tank.

The fifth part was very expensive. The developers have invested a lot of money both in the game itself and in its promotion. As a result, she became the most popular in the series. By 2018, sales of copies of the game exceeded 95 million. Ahead is only Tetris and Minecraft.

Because of such popularity for GTA V, a huge number of mods were invented. They did not affect the gameplay or storyline. For example, it was possible to install the "Toy Story" mod. In GTA 5, the main characters turned into the characters of this cartoon. Modification looks funny, but despite this, still not suitable for children, since the essence of the game does not change. Just the cartoon characters begin to run with weapons and just kill and rob everyone around.

Cult game

Among people who are interested in computer games, not exactly those who have not heard about the Grand Theft Auto series. Many have passed at least 5 major parts of the project. There are those who know almost all series without taking into account console options. Developers managed to create their own style, who remembered to everyone. Despite numerous scandals, the project remains afloat. It does not seem to many players so dangerous as some activists say about him. Yes, and numerous awards speak completely about the opposite.

The developers of the Grand Theft Auto series never stood on the spot. Permanent experiments, often on the edge of the foul, significant changes in the gameplay and the desire to open new horizons - all this made a cult series of games with what it is today.

On the eve of the release of the new part of the game, which, according to the guys from Rockstar, promises to be under the eyepro-filled with innovations, Furfur decided to trace the path of the evolution of one of the most popular game franchises of all time.

How it all began

The concept of the game, which was to become Grand Theft Auto, was born back in 1995. Then the game was supposed to be called Race'n'Chase, and most missions were associated with races in the city.

Nevertheless, the features of the future hit could be seen already in the early stages: three unique cities drawn from real prototypes, a bunch of cars, the ability to crush pedestrians, and some of the mission planned by the authors envisaged the bank's robbery and other illegal acts. But the inlert of the crime in the game was not yet, although the opportunity to stick a wheelbarrow to bother the developers were collected.

Fortunately for all of us, Race'n'Chase remained only a concept on paper, but two years later the light saw a game with a provocative name - Grand Theft Auto.

Grand Theft Auto

Odsely mention deserves DJs, in the role of which were often played by celebrities such as Iggy Pop, Axel Rose, Funkmaster Flex and Karl Lagerfeld.

All the most important chips of the series first appeared here. Full freedom of unlawful actions - from the fulfillment of Mafia's tasks to a worshiper of meaningless massacre on the streets, a rich range of cars and one of the iconic features of the line - radio.

For in-game radio, developers always fit very seriously. A huge number of radio stations, each of which specialized in its style, cynical DJs, dumping jokes on the edge of the foul, and a very high-quality selection of songs.

If in the first parts of the series, the musical filling of the games was the tracks of not the most popular performers, name-olds among which were Symarip and Upsetters, twisted on the radio in GTA: London 1969, then since the third part everything has changed.

The list of eminent artists who have shown in the soundtrack to the games of the series tends to infinity. Everything was here: from Aphex Twin and Slayer to the "Cinema" and "Ranetok".

The favorite entertainment of the players in the first part was the destruction of people in yellow rows, the cities wandering through the streets. If you managed to crush all the krishnaitis, the player received a achive Gouranga. By the word Gauranga - the real Krishnait saint. It is believed that he is one of the embodiments of Krishna, and his name spoken out loud at least once, gives good luck and blessing.

The first part appears three key cities of the series - Liberty City, San Andreas and Weiss City. The truth is to admire their beauties while you can only with a bird's eye view - three-dimensional, and even more so HD graphics in those days did not even smell.

The choice of weapons was poor - only four names: a gun, a gun, a grenade launcher and flamethrower. But the choice of missions, which could take our nameless gangster, was already quite extensive then: registered murders, robbery banks and, of course, hijacking.

Not here and without echoes are popular at the time Arcad. So, for example, all sorts of bonuses are scattered throughout the city, the likes that could be increasingly increasing the number of earmarked points, reduce the level of police attention or get the key from prison.

GTA: London 1969 and London 1961

So far in time and space, the series has not yet been closed. Developed on the first GTA engine, the two additions transferred the player in the Swing sixties.

Of course, the entourage of that time, or rather, the parody of it was created by developers with utmost meticulousness and great love. What are the characters talking on the thick of Cockney and the left-sided movement, which brought many players to the rabies.

Subsequently, nostalgic mockery over different epochs will also turn into corona techniques of GTA series games.

By the way, these are the only games under the GTA brand, where the action takes place in real cities - London and Manchester - and not in the parody of their versions invented by the developers.

The changes in the game were more aispic character: cars and music of the sixties. In general, the gameplay was noticed little from the first game of the series. However, some gamers believe that their acquaintance with the origins of the favorite franchise should be started with this game, and not from the first part.


In the second part, the developers continued to experiment. The game was transferred to Anywhere City 2013. There was a real prototype with the city, the developers are silent, but many are suspected that the game shows the New York of the Future.

The future of the authors of the game saw rather gloomy enough: in aesthetical plan, they were clearly guided by films like "Escape from New York" and aesthetics Cyberpank. However, innovations touched not only pictures. First, the main character now has a name. Secondly, each gang has become different from the other appearance and vehicles. In addition, a reputation appeared at the hero: helping one gang, he brought the anger of others.

Other innovations: the ability to save the game, hijackers and robbers on the streets, hunting for your money and cars, as well as legal work - a taxi driver or a bus. The weapons in the game became not an example more, and the vehicle could be equipped with a machine gun, a tank with butter, pouring onto the road, or turn his car into the "Shahid Mobile" at all.

Arrange chaos in the city is much more fun if you are dressed in a police uniform. In GTA 2 such Masquerade is possible. At the second level, it is necessary to go to the ownership of the Corporation Zaibatts, find the green phone there and take the mission to the name "Flame IT". To fulfill it, you will need to steal a police car. Curing her, the main character will change to the police uniform and will be able to roam in this form around the city. In order not to lose a new outfit just just not completing the mission.


The new millennium raised the bar of the gaming industry. And although the games without three-dimensional graphics have not yet looked an anachronism, but they gave their positions rapidly. Rockstar, however, continued to keep up with the times in all respects: the action of the first three-dimensional GTA occurs during the years of the game - in 2001.

The coolness of the picture added and the system of damage to cars, however, on their technical characteristics of damage until they did not affect. For some reason, the main character lost the name (it will be known only in GTA: San Andreas), and therefore responds either on a derogatory "boy", or on the dog's chickle "Fido."

The series has always been famous for the fact that players can do what in real life can be quickly shielded or a deadline or a bullet. But few know that in the third part of GTA, you can violate not only state laws, but also the laws of physics. To make sure enough to arm the sniper rifle and shoot in the moon. After such a single satellite of the Earth decrease in size. The second shot will return the moon her former sizes. The same can be done in GTA Vice City..

The third part was marked not only completely stunning graphics and habitually steep gameplay, but also the presence of a clear plot. If the hero earlier performed mission aimlessly, working on one or another mafia, now such fools from the gang in a gang are plotted, and follow the adventure of the Unnamed "Fido" becomes really interesting.

It is worth noting the appearance of colorful secondary characterswho spelling the voices of many celebrities. In particular, Kyle Maclahlen, Rapper Guru and Michael Madsen marked here.

Arsenal compared to the past parts expanded again as the park vehicle. The boats and the most real nightmare of all inexperienced gamers - a helicopter and the Dodo aircraft, flying on which is very problematic. There are rumors that the aircraft management was specially complicated by the developers, so that the players did not feel like skyscrapers on it - the game came out a month after the events of September 11th.

GTA Vice City.

Making a game about the criminal world and bypass the film "Face with Scar" truly criminally. Therefore, the action of the next game of the series was transferred to the graceful 1980s, to the city of Weiss City, to the pain resembling the picked Miami for those years.

The main character becomes Tommy Versetti, mafiosa is not the highest flight that strongly narrowing his boss. By the way, talking to Tommy's voice of Ray Liotta. From new products, it is possible to note the opportunity to acquire the means of destroying in weapons stores or at Barygi.

In addition to new cars, the game appeared from half a dozen airplanes and helicopters. In addition, for the first time in the history of the series, the damage to the transport funds directly affects their specifications.

GTA San Andreas.

Gangs of Black and Latinov, Slums, Low Rider and All other attributes of life, about which we told Gangsta-rapper so long - this is what GTA San-Andreas player presented.

Play will have for a simple guy from the ghetto sitting, which after a five-year lack of returns to his native Los Santos on the funeral of the mother, so here it remains, creating its criminal empire.

Gameplay has undergone significant changes. The game has become the real simulator of life: here you can eat, drink, paint the walls from the cylinder, build muscles and even get a girlfriend. It is possible to dress the main character. Now you can literally from my head to the legs, choosing not only clothes and shoes, but also accessories. The game acquired and the role element in the form of pumping skills, which most often uses the protagonist.

There will also add a lot of mini-games from basketball to rates at races, and a worthy number of legal lessons for the main character: in addition to the player's past players, the player will be able to try on the role of fireman and even become Wigilant, destroying criminals.

Hot coffee

Serious roll in the direction of realistic caused many players to distinguish more. In particular, many had to do not like that at the time when Sidi retires with the beloved, the player has to see only the facade of the house, guessing about what is happening only by sounds. For such voyeurists, a special HOT COFFE mod was released, which opened the hidden sex scenes, made in the form of a mini-game.

A terrible scandal broke out, the sales of the game were temporarily suspended, and the rating of the game was a change with "M" ("persons, from 17 years old) to" AO "(" only for adults ").

As a result, the developers announced a free exchange of the scandalous game to the version, where all the indecent was carefully carved. But there were few more than two thousand such wishes.

In GTA SA Hints and merry bugs So much that is enough for a whole book. Here is an example not just performed, but rather spectacular. It is advisable to play together. We bring the search level to the extent when helicopters are sent. We find the hill higher, we wait when the helicopter hangs over you and knock him down. The main thing is that its core fell right on the slope. Then together pushing what remained from the helicopter down the slope, and when his remains crawl themselves alone, jump on top and enjoy the ride.

Finally, the protagonist learned not only to swim, but also to climb through obstacles, as well as lead the shooting "Macedonian" - from two hands.

Surride simply before indecent sizes made a real extension. It is possible to turn criminal divids now not just in different areas, but in different cities: San Fierro (San Francisco), Los Santos (Los Angeles) and Las Venturas (Las Vegas). In addition, the world became "seamless" - when moving from one location to another no longer appears the download screen.

The number of vehicles simply rolls: cars, helicopters, airplanes, bicycles, trains and even a jet quadper. We will add to this the opportunity to pump a wheelbarrow to your liking, turning almost any four-wheeled shorter in a super-high-speed roadster or plugging along the streets of Low Rider. And yes, the mission with the train was here.

GTA Advance.

This game, released specifically for Game Boy Advance, returned to the classic appearance above. Initially, it was planned to publish in this form GTA III specifically for the portable console, but then the developers decided to tell a completely new story.

The plot of the game is preques to the third part, and tells about the misadventures of the small criminal Mike, obsessed with revenge for the death of his companion and mentor Winnie.

Despite the fact that there is an externally playing like two drops of water two-dimensional first two parts, it has elements that have already appeared in the 3D era - the ability to visit the guard of law and order or the ambulance driver and the advanced arsenal.


Spin-off to the third part, also released specifically for consoles. This time, the protagonist of the game was Tony Sipriani, one of the employers of the nameless hero GTA III, and the plot is to spin around the Italian mafiosi Liberty City.

As part of the innovation here is not thick: the developers have expanded a little fleet, especially for PSP refused to renderwire's old engine and made some cosmetic changes to the schedule.

GTA Vice City Stories

Another completely independent game made by a special PSP and PS 2. The protagonist of this part, Victor Vance, is interesting because, unlike the other protagonists of the series, from the very beginning is not the Mother Criminal. He, like Michael Korleon, enters the criminal track of the circumstances that does not prevent him from achieving the glory of one of the most dangerous people of Weiss City.

This time, developers decided to bring the economic component to the game. On the entire city, the attacks, pawnshops and brothels, who own whom the player can strengthen its influence, earn the authority and chop cappust.

The main character is a retired military who is forced to become a gangster. But if such a prospect eats you, you can always go back to the service in the army. To do this, it is necessary to find a small house on the entrance to the military base, jump onto its roof, and from there to jump over the wall. Now you're in the army, son!

Perhaps the closest and relatives of the Russian player part of the line. It is not surprising, because the main character, a simple Balkan guy Niko Bellik, like two drops of water similar to that dude, who sitting on the courts near your entrance, asked: "Is there a phone with a camera to call?".

A fundamentally new engine, cool graphics, a completely new battle system and all this in Himaturge Liberty City, like two drops of water similar to New York.

Shooting began to look very different. Instead of standing a post, watering the lead of the enemy, nico hides behind the machines, partitions and garbage tanks, sometimes shooting blindly. The system of damage to the characters also changed: hit in the hand will force the enemy to raise the weapon, shot down - will slow down it, and the bullet will calm down forever.

In the game you can cut the loot on the light not only by robbing the bank in one of the plot missions. To pinch bankers Liberty City can be in their free time. Armored trucks with an inscription Gruppe 6 on the body drive around the city. This is not a helmet at all, as it may seem at first glance, and collection machines. Case such a car, take it into a quiet place and explode any explosive at hand. After that, it remains only to collect a rich harvest of green packs, poured out of the blown armored personnel.

In this part, the system of relationships with other characters, the rid of which could be observed in San Andreas, blossomed with a buoy. They need to talk on the phone, periodically go to a dive or bar. True, this novelty quickly became annoying many players: situations where Niko on all pairs rushes on the counter, leaving the chase, passing along the phone with the brother Roman, in GTA IV mass.

The role-playing part and the configuration of the simulator of life, which were present in the GTA SA, in the fourth part disappeared. More you can not swing muscles or pump skills. But there was an extensive in-game Internet and a multifunctional mobile phone.

The list of media entertainment complements both television, however, such a big city like Liberty City got only two TV channels. But according to them, you can watch funny rollers paroding modern television and pop culture.

The multiplayer in this part suggested players a wide scope for joint activities: several types of Dassmacy, cooperative tasks, the ability to play "Cossacks-Robbers", taking on the role of SWAT fighters or opposing bandits.

In addition to the basic campaign, two additional episodes telling the story of secondary, but from this no less colorful, characters - the Johnny Biker Biker Glean and the Latin American Blue Tony Bodyguard, Louis Lopeza.

GTA China Town Wars

The Episode Shinatown Wars, also associated with the plot of the fourth part, was released exclusively on consoles and mobile devices. The appearance of the game has changed again. An isometric projection has become something average between the classical view from above and has become the already usual "camera behind the back." Unlike the graphics of previous parts as close to reality, the picture here is completely cartoon.

But the process of hijacking cars approached reality very close. For example, it was possible to start a wheelbarrow in a few ways: kicking out in the ignition lock with a screwdriver, while connecting the wires, or resort to high-tech help in the case of expensive cars.

It is impossible not to mention such an important novelty that appears in this part, as an opportunity to rummage in the garbage tanks in search of various nishtyakov.


It was already a good tradition from each new GTA series of GTA. About what will be in the new part can be judged only according to the developers themselves.

So, in GTA 5, our people are waiting: three characters are immediately, between which it will be possible to switch almost at any time; the biggest map of all the games of the series; Return of sports; Scuba and Batiskof; Hobbies for characters and the ability to rob banks.

The main characters, as was heard - not ordinary scumbags, and dudes with a complex and strange fate. Two former robbers of the bank, one of whom began to lead a quiet life, and the second rolled on the most bottom, and beginners of the gangster, forced to work in the car dealership.

Greetings all readers. Today I would like to tell about, perhaps, the main game series of the planet. About the game, invariably selling huge circulations even in the most severe financial crisis. About the game, the developers of which can afford to spend tens of millions of dollars and several years on one new series. About the game with three cherished letters in the title, and I really hope that you have now pop up not three letters written on the fence in Call     of. Duty. 4: Modern. Warfare. . G .t.a. or Grand Theft AUTO.. The story of the development of the Great Game Series.

I understand that the idea of \u200b\u200ba similar feather, to put it mildly, is unoriginal. In many gaming magazines, with the release of each new part of the series, a list of previous series was drawn up, supplemented by pleasant memories of innovations and dozens of hours of exciting gameplay. Here I will not ship the reader with details, but just tell a little about each part of the series and about your attitude to both the main games of the series and to G.T.A. generally.

I'll start, of course, from the very first parts, the existence of which, as it turned out, many young players did not even guess, sincerely believing that the series started with super successful and revolutionary G.T.A. 3.which loved the whole world. So, let's go.

G.T.A. - The very first

And by and large, I have nothing to tell about it. Gameplay here has not changed at all. Only the city has changed. He was still fictional, but now the names of the districts in it repeated the names of the really existing places in London like the famous Hyde Park. Because "Plot" the game was transferred for several decades ago, the motorcycles disappeared from the transport range. Everything else remained in place. Cars were still fictional, some even wore funny names like

(If someone is not strong in English is a diminutive-lascate name khm ... human life products). Missions have become a bit more difficult, but in general, the meaning of them remained the same. A squeaky cartoon voice has customized you, and the text of the job, as in the first part, is displayed by the running string on the pager screen. Side tasks from the first part moved and in

1969. It was nice to sit in an almost impenetrable tank and starting to blow all around and put the car for a while. Subsequently, such tasks were met in three-dimensional

Also, the game significantly looked, made friends with higher permits, and in general, it was much more interesting to play. Plus, of course, the soundtrack has changed. Yes, even in those distant times

cared about musical accompaniment of the game.

In the same year, the staff visited another addon called. I don't see anyone's sense to paint about him a separate paragraph. As I do not see the point in the addon itself. In addition to the new plot campaign, the city of Manchester, visually not different from London, and cars, there was nothing at all. By the way, with the physics of transport, the developers have a little overwhelmed. Some cars cut the air through the streets of London at such a speed that eyes began to hurt the pictures on the screen. But it was a PC-exclusive.

G.T.A. 2.Being nominally the same game, made a tangible high-quality jerk. For her, my friends and I could sit for several hours, and the gameplay at all was not bored. The thing is that in the Sicle Rockstar improved every aspect about once every hundred. G.T.A. 2 was a project completely different level. She was clearly made on a new 2D engine, looked fantastically bright, beautiful, detailed, with excellent special effects. Plus, with a new lighting system. At night (the time of day it was necessary to include separately) lights lit up on the streets of the city, and cars are headlights. In general, looking at her, it was possible to think that this is a 3D game in which the camera for some reason was placed on the most sky. The weapons have become much more, grenades and a Molotov cocktail appeared. Cars have become much more detailed, diverse, with normal physics. In the second part of G.T.A. It has already become much more like that we play now - there are groups for which the player could perform quests. Moreover, work on one of them inevitably worsening relations on the other. Normal radio stations appeared in the machines. Small innovations in G.T.A. 2 was abound, but still the main thing was a varied gameplay. Dozens of entertainment for every taste in escape from the story campaign. The ability to install upgrades on cars like onboard machine guns. Even run and shoot at all the living was still interesting. The stylistic game resembled the near future, and among the groups there were even the Russians, in which your employer called you "Comrade". By the way, in one of the quests for the Russians, it was necessary to score a full bus of passengers and bring them to the factory for the production of pies with meat, as a filling. Feel? Such fun was not even in the last parts of G.T.A. In general, Sicvel turned out to be perky, wiggy and bright. In addition to the main game regime, there were completely delusional tests like " Embassy 15 vans with ice cream in 5 minutes" And also, in the game, it was finally possible to persist: for this it was necessary come to church and leave a donation of 50 thousand dollars there ...

In general, in G.T.A. 2 It is quite possible to play today, the benefit of the efforts "" she officially entered Russian.

G.T.A. 3. In 2002 (in fact - in 2001, but let's agree here and continue to count on versions for PCs) embodied in the reality of erotic dreams of millions of players around the world, giving the opportunity to participate in all the same pursuit, shootouts and other damage, But already in full 3D. I still remember that the indescribable feeling that caused the first form of a completely three-dimensional city and cars passing by. Any of them could be stopped, throw the driver, after speaking him a couple of blows a baseball bat, and point for the horizon. Despite the fact that the main entertainment was still the opportunity to arrange a total chaos, in the game now there was a normal story campaign, which caused no less interest. We played for a small criminal Unnamed (it was not called in the game, but in one of the subsequent parts it was possible to know what his name was Claude), who gradually began to work for more and more influential personalities of the city of Liberty City. The city clearly hinted on New York in modern entourage - people familiar with the city could learn the quarters of Manhattan and Brooklyn. The scene history itself was already swirling enough, but there was nothing to tell developers by and large. There were many characters, rollers between missions appeared. At the same time, the very character did not pay attention at all - he was even devoid of voice. In the screensavers, you only looked at his employers or partners, who, exchanging the gangster words, were highly intelligent conversations in the spirit " take your trough, drive to that area and bring us three prostitutes - to have fun!"All the most interesting in the story campaign happened at the beginning, when the main character was liberated from a comrade from a prison van and at the end - when you had to kill your former pickel. In the game itself, there was no special development of the plot or relationship between heroes.

However, not a plot was strong G.T.A. 3. The main thing in it was, of course, the gameplay, which then unsuccessfully tried to repeat many clone projects. Free study of the city (at first some of his parts were closed, but with the passage of plot missions, access to them was opened), shootouts (the hero could shoot from light weapons on the run, as well as from the car window) and chase (physics of cars was very pleasant and Simple, doing the tricks did not make much difficulty). The most interesting thing happened in the plot missions, however, there were also side quests, as well as work as a taxi driver, police officer, ambulance car chauffeur and a fireman. The meaning was approximately the same - quickly get from point A to point B and perform a certain action. Also, there were special places in the city, where the player was issued for the car hitch of trickling. Well, on the sweet - on the street it was possible to use the services of Kurtyzanok for a small fee. It was enough to take the priestess of love in a deserted place, after which the car began to characteristically twitch and shaking, just like the bed of newlyweds. And the camera shyly moved everything below, under the wheels of the car, in order to hide the spicy scenes from the rapid gamers. However, it was more like a joke from developers, because At a certain turn of the camera, it was possible to consider that the process of all this disgrace was not even animated - a prostitute continued to sit near the main hero. By the way, many players then killed the unhappy and took their money back. This feature caused one of the dozens of the scandals associated with the game. And also from the second G.T.A. The groupings moved here. Each with its clothing style, car and weapon. At some of them, the player could work on the plot, but no reputation system was no longer.

Graphically G.T.A. 3 nothing specially stand out at that time, but the renderware engine itself, began at one time almost a living legend. It was used in console versions Max Payne 2., Racing Series Burnout. (Actually, it was created by its authors), in fun fighting fighters and, and even in the domestic action " Shadow-boxing"And his sequel. Rockstar itself also actively used it in his projects, like Manhunt. and PS2 -vers Bully.. The full list of games on it can be viewed in the table on this. Thanks to this engine G.T.A. 3 was very simple in modification. The number of cars created for it, airplanes and models of weapons closely approached the population of China. For example, very many Russian players did not like the fact that M-16 in the game was three times more powerful by the Kalashnikov machine. However, even without special programs, any schoolboy could correct this universal injustice by stepping in "Notepad" -phal with a description of the weapons characteristics of the necessary trunks.

In g.t.a. 3 played long. A very long time. This game rightly deserves long lifeand not so long ago reborn on portable platforms. The middle score of the game circled between 9.5 and a strong tenth. In 2002, G.T.A. 3 It was quite nominated for the "game of the year", but then she was the strongest opponent - Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven. Both games perfectly showed themselves, but Mafia because of a tangible complexity extremely unsuccessfully made consoles, leaving good memories only at PC players. As a result, the main computer-game magazine of the country, "", gave the honorary title "Games of the Year" by both projects.

P.S.: The English-language version of G.T.A was published in Russia by the efforts of Buki. 3.

G.T.A. Vice City - the most stylish

A year later, the next part of the Grand Theft AUTO came with the consoles. Came and exactly the same unceremonious manner pushed all other projects to the background, forever remaining in the hearts of the players. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City It was an absolutely the same game, with the same gameplay, with the same mechanics and on the same graphic engine. No figures did not even add to her, clearly giving it clear that this addition to G.T.A. 3, not a full fourth part. However, this "Supplement" managed to grab the same enthusiastic reviews and enviable assessments. The action took place in the Wais City, brought down in the subtitle in the middle of the eighties. The main character was exactly the same small gangster in trouble. Only now he had his own name and voice. Our protagonist, Tommy Versetti, came to the city of Weis City after a long prison sentence to turn the transaction for his boss. However, in the best traditions of criminal cinema, everything broke away at the last moment, and the remaining, without support and with a huge cash duty, Tommy began in Weiss-City life from scratch. After the string, he followed the same scenario as in G.T.A. 3 - new acquaintances, betrayals and attempts to break as high as possible in the criminal world.

Despite the similar scheme of the plot and absolutely identical G.T.A. 3 gameplay, Vice City compared to the third part was an absolutely different game with another mood. Rockstar has manifested themselves with people with an excellent taste and a sense of style. The era of pop music and cocaine was supposed to "five". The city itself turned out to be bright, sunny. I wanted to live in it. He was small and cozy. On all sides - the beach, the sea, sand. Residents, of course, were raised in T-shirts, shorts and swimsuits. Radio stations and music were as bright and sunny.

The gameplay remained the same, but it was supplemented with thousands of pleasant little things. Tommy could buy various real estate. In some buildings it was possible to maintain the game, others - brought a constant cash income. Side quests became greater, and the main became much more original. Also, Tommy learned to change clothes - there was about a dozen suits in the game (however, with the possibility of modifying the game the bill was already tens of thousands). The number of available weapons increased, now Tommy could wear in one type of each class. Car has also become much larger, helicopters and motorcycles have been added, which was not enough in G.T.A. 3. To standard side mission for firefighters, a police station, a taxi driver and a doctor, an ambulance carrier added the opportunity to deliver pizza to customers for a while.

If we talk about my personal impressions, then Vice City forever remained my favorite part in the series. Bright, beautiful, sunny. For this game, I, like many players, spent several years, even after passing. Once, having killed a few evenings in a row for the game, I am horrified and at the same time - with a sense of deep satisfaction I realized that I only did a whole week by dealing with a taxi to the music of the radio station and it absolutely did not bother. After all, after every five passengers, the player was given a monetary bonus !! If seriously, even now I would have installed the game and could like the same seven evenings in a row to work as a taxi driver and listen to music. The city was compact and beautiful, the physics of cars is simple and pleasant. With his mood, the game literally impregnated the player. There were a lot of humor in the rollers, and Tommy himself, as already mentioned above, gained a voice (the actor tried) and could talk to the characters, as well as on a mobile phone, which came to replace the pager from previous parts of G.T.A.

G.T.A. Advance - the most unknown

Between Vice City and the next three-dimensional part, in 2004 the developers decided to remember both Gameboy, which was once one of the platforms for the very first part of the game. Grand Theft AUTO, as well as any project leaving for GBA received an Advance console and was, in fact, a two-dimensional version of G.T.A. 3, with the same city, graphical interface, weapon. It was told a rather unoriginal history of the next criminal named Mike, who was to survive the loss of a faithful friend and in search of retribution to adjust various groups, fulfilling the mission for them. Due to technical restrictions of the console developers (it did not one of the Rockstar studios, but some Digital Eclipse) I had to significantly modify the city.

G.T.A. San Andreas - the biggest and varied

And the next step in the development has become Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 2005 release (and respectively - 2004 on consoles), which high-qualityly improved the mechanics of G.T.A., adding a lot of interesting things to it. The game, in fact, did not bring any innovation, but I gave the player about twenty tons of content, from the diversity of which my eyes scattered first. In this regard, it was subsequently never surpassed even the fourth part.

So, a new game told the story of the young

... an African American named Karl Johnson. For friends - SJ. He came to the city of Los Santos after a long absence, on the funeral of his mother. Already at the very beginning, after the exit from the aircraft was waited for submersible police officers who were clearly happy with the guy with the guy so much that they wanted to roll it in their car, passing his things and wallet. And then - throwing it out for laughter on the territory hostile sitting. So started San Andreas. Returning to the parental house, the protagonist found out that his old gang was almost collapsed, and the city is filled with hostile scumbags and the selling police. The entire storyline is devoted to to revive his gang, get more money and achieve all that can only be achieved. Everything. Further the plot can not be told, because Traditionally, before the final he almost did not give signs of life, and the rollers here still performed by a humorous binder glue between missions. Stylistic game sometimes resembled the "black" comedy like "". The soundtrack, of course, was chosen completely different and consisted mainly from the works of the prominent representatives of Hip-Hop and Gangsta Rap. Although the music of other genres was also present.

So, the first change in San Andreas was the scale. The action occurred in the huge state of San Andreas, where the developers stuffed three of the cities (one of them is the same Los Santos, whose prototype served as the city of Angels), several villages and large open spaces. The territory was really huge, and it seemed that the new gaming world had no borders at all. You could drove around the surrounding meadows and enjoy nature.

Also, the developers have introduced pumping and customization of all that can only be in the game. Tricks on cars and motorcycles increased driving skills, making controls more smooth and obedient. The constant use of the same type of weapons led to the fact that Sidy fired from it without any return. Etc. Part of the pumping was tied to the physical condition of the hero. The fact is that the food in San Andreas not only served to restore energy, but also added secession. We had to visit the gyms to bring the figure to a more or less decent view. Sidy began the game to the skinny and bony, and with such a complex, the muscles were almost useless. But with a normal figure and developed light sydge, it could break for a long time and swim under water, and also - it is more painful. All this only added goggles. After all, the player was what to do in the separation from missions.

However, and without the simulating rooms of the optional entertainment in San Andreas enough. Strip clubs (appeared in Vice City), Bars with billiards, discos, cafes - it was where to go. Also appeared the opportunity to go on dates with girls. After the development of the relationship until a certain moment, the girlfriend invited Sidden to go home to her coffee, which invariably led to the unequivocal sounds of hot love, which the player remaining on the street was forced to listen, without having the opportunity to observe. However, the most stubborn modestrokers managed to correct this disadvantage and released the modification of Hot Coffee, which gives the opportunity to face the spicy scenes and even take an active part in their development, pressing the buttons in time. And the funny thing is that I didn't even have anything to do anything. As it turned out, this mini-game was originally embedded in San Andreas developers, but from sin away is blocked by them. Thus, people who disassemble in the resources of the game, it was enough to change a slightly program code, and voila! Of course, this modification has made a lot of noise and still delivered Rockstar trouble, however, attracted to their already scandalous project even more attention that was They are only on hand.

SJ, unlike the heroes of the previous parts, learned to swim, shoot with two hands, call the gang comrades as a partner and a lot more. Action in the game has become a little better, although still remained primitive. The machines appeared visible gas tanks, shooting on which instantly led to an explosion. It would seem a trifle, but sometimes it significantly influenced the outcome of a shootout, because Hostile gangs sometimes came to the place of "arrows" on cars and used them as shelter. By the way, one of the important additions in the game was the war of groupings for the territory.

For me, San Andreas came out the same long-playing record as Vice City. It was a game that, in principle, could not be deleted at all from the hard disk. Even after passing the story campaign to shoot, ride and explore the world in it was interesting.

G.T.A. Liberty City Storms.

Next part of G.T.A. It was officially announced by the developers with a completely new project and announced only for the then not seen the light Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. However, it was clear that fans want additives and swallow a new series of favorite games in any form. Therefore, Rockstar on the same engine, only with simplified graphics gathered two spin-offs and released them on the PSP portable console (and then on PS2). In 2005 came out Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Storiesin which the player had to return to the city from the third part of G.T.A. and play for one of the secondary characters - Tony Sipriani. The gameplay is not different from the "big" versions, with amendment to the management of the console, on which there was no second analogue. Players waited for a new story campaign, a few new features and a couple of new types of side quests. Weapon Arsenal moved to the game from Vice City, and radio stations from G.T.A. 3. The game received excellent reviews and has become one of the best-selling games for the portable console. And in a few years, the total with the sales of the PS2 version, it overcame the barrier to eight million copies. The PC did not appear.

Six months later, a similar story was repeated and with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesThe events of which occurred in the already mentioned Weiss City over two years before the start of the story of Tommy Versetti. The main character was the Army Capral Victor Vans., Brother of one of the heroes of the original Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Gameplay in the game was the same. Like Liberty City Storms, the new game offered a player familiar decorations, weapons and groupings. A date with the PC, she also missed safely, but at PS2 he watched a year later.

You can get acquainted with projects today. They are more than a decent reason for the purchase of PSP, which in last yearsYes, and now - with the release of PlayStation Vita - fell noticeably cheaper. Faised in the store PlayStation Store. And the games themselves. Also, they can be launched on the PlayStation 2 emulator.

Grand Theft AUTO 4. New round in the development of the series. Develop a completely different level. The game that the whole world waited. The game, expected by all records of sales in the first days of release and repeatedly returned millions invested in it. Almost until the release of Rockstar, a coffin silence was kept and not very readily shared in detail, as if leaving the public more surprises for independent acquaintance. The first in April 2008, the game tried the owners of the consoles of the current generation: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. More ancient platforms were noticeable immediately, because The game came out on an absolutely new graphic engine. In the winter of the same year, G.T.A. 4 Suddenly quickly knocked on PC players.

So, the new Grand Theft Auto told the next gangster history. The main hero was the Serb named Niko Belich, who came to his brother to Roman in the States, in the already appearing in the previous games of Liberty City, reading his letters about good life and great opportunities. Oddly enough, the game did not start with the already familiar business of the gangster stand. The brothers quietly met and sent to the apartments of Roman, which turned out to be a dirty dirty taircuit, sising cockroaches. Niko was convinced that all the letters of his brother were not more than the fruit of unrealistic dreams of the novel. However, everything was not so bad. It turned out that the novel owns a small taxopark and with this has its own modest bread. Niko decided to help him in business and after that it turned out to be drawn into an unpleasant story with one of the local gangsters who kept the novel under the cap. It was only the entry of the game, but it already happened incredibly worked and interesting. And ahead of the player was waiting for no less interesting plot. Yes, it was nominally built on the same schemes as before: new acquaintances, betrayal and friendship. But Rockstar brought its submission and level of drama on a completely different level. The rollers in the game stopped being a set of jokes and reference to the classic of gangster cinema. They sometimes took place really terrible things. Even a simple conversation of the characters "For Life" was perceived quite differently.

Another qualitative change was the schedule. G.T.A. 4 Based on the new Rage engine, which Rockstar has already been used in their sports project Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis. The game looked just fantastic, ranging from models of cars, people and weapons, and ending with sunrises, sunsets and very beautiful water. But at the same time, the computer for his time required very powerful. About 5-6 times more powerful that required for starting Grand. Theft Auto: San Andreas. Moreover, it is obvious, being already a scientific bitter experience of computer piracy, on PC, the developers were drove into a game some completely sadistic protection system. And it's not about the service here (although, and many had small difficulties with him), but that hacked G.T.a. 4 Unbearable slowed down, lost objects on the map, and the camera constantly walked in it, as if Nico imposed a couple of bottles of strong beer. Of course, it was impossible to play it. However, a pirate patch that eliminates the program consequences of the unlimited use of alcohol, arrived quite close enough. Nevertheless, all this allowed to increase the sales of the PC version, which in Jovell cost, in general, small money and well worked well.

To the new graphical engine successfully connected and physical, called Euphoria, previously involved, for example in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Thanks to him, the bodies of opponents adequately reacted to shots and strikes, and also very effectively rolled over the inclined surfaces like stairs. Previously, G.T.A. Could just dream about such a thing.

With the sound of Rockstar, traditionally there was never problems, and the fourth part did not exception. Near a dozen radio stations with music of various directions. On one of them, with a romantic name, even twisted the songs of Russian performers, among which were, for example, even the group "". Previously imagine such a G.T.A. It was impossible.

Yes, the game made a tangible bias towards the theme of Russians and everything connected with them. Here was the Hove Beach area, in which our compatriots emigrated to Liberty City were predominantly. All of them could be found on the streets, hear native speakers, go to the clothing store, where, among other things, soldiers-Ushanki were sold.

Gameplay G.T.A. 4 was a completely different game. Instead of screwing up a dozen new features once again and in order to increase the volume of content, Rockstar decided to deepen and high-quality improved already existing and simply cut off everything too much. Under the knife went pumping, snorkeling, shooting with two hands, tuning cars and some other things. But instead, the fourth part gave the players with high-quality action, more complex and realistic car physics (now their weight was really felt) and the mass of opportunities is interesting to test the time. Shooters have always been the weakest part of the series, and G.T.A. 4 fixed this annoying miscalculation, giving the player a shelter system and the opportunity to shoot on the go or run, as well as from the car (it could be done before, but only in the fourth part the opportunity appeared normally to aim - in San Andreas it was necessary to use the code , the reverse effect of which was crumpled animation).

Hand-to-hand fights also made more detailed - the camera moved to the defendant, so that the player would be better visible to the process, and Niko in the arsenal had a few blows and legs (Sad andreas could learn one of three martial styles - here it was removed by developers).

Mobile phone, which used to serve only to take calls prescribed calls from accomplices, now has become a full-fledged interactive element of the game. With it, it was possible to call friends Niko to friends, to appoint a meeting or make a photo screenshot. Yes, and meetings with friends, like dating girls, now turned into a much more interactive process than before. It was possible to play bowling, billiards, go to the strip club (they cheated and improved this opportunity), and thanks to the new graphics of the model-strippers, at least it looked decently). Also, in the game there was almost a full-fledged Internet, a cabaret with theatrical ideas and a lot more. In g.t.a. 4 really could be interesting to spend your free time in the detachment from the plot missions.

Also, a multiplayer appeared in the game. If in San Andreas he was subsequently added by a modification, then in the fourth part was sewn initially. The police team opposed the teams of bandits and should have shifted them.

If we talk about my impressions, I, of course, do not regret the time spent behind the game. Some of her innovations came to me not in the soul. For example, I really lacked any insane missions in the spirit of old G.T.A. like " mining a van with ice cream and bring it to the database of enemy grouping, changing into a clown" However, I understand that this was part of the program to bring G.T.A. 4 to a full-fledged criminal drama, so I do not consider it a special disadvantage. Moreover, since then the genre " G.T.A. For those who love to fool»Firmly occupied series Saint "S Row. Also, I did not really like the color palette of the game chosen by the developers, lacked bright colors, but again it worked for the atmosphere. Although I misunderstood that after g.t.a. 4 Developers will and Vice City on modern technologies. Well, and a little bitten the fact that even in 2008 the main character did not have learned to automatic health regeneration.


Some time later, the XBOX version of G.T.A. 4 acquired two full-fledged addons called EPISODES FROM LIBERTY CITY. For mechanics and graphics, they did not differ from the original, except for a couple of new features, mini-games, weapons and an updated playlist of radio stations. THE LOST AND DAMNED He told the story of Biker Johnny Cleanitsa, who consisted in a gang of Lost and had a disagreement with her leader because of his desire to conclude a world with a hostile grouping. Plots supplement plotted with G.T.A. 4. One of the innovations were commercials on missions and the need to go on a motorcycle near the comrades, observing the construction. The game was very highly appreciated. The following complement began Ballad Of Gay TonyTelling about the young Latinov named Luis Lopez, running on his boss, blue Tony, in the sphere of nightclubs. Here, Liberty City has already been shown on the other side. From luxury, glamor and promotion. Louisha had to settle things with opponents of his unlucky boss and even work on them. The game was present, among other things, Russian mafia. The list of weapons, cars, mini-games and music tracks was replenished again, the club management missions were added. Both additions extended the life of the already super-successful project. And by and large, Rockstar could continue to rivet addons on the same engine and receive money for it, but, nevertheless, the experiments continued.

P.S.: Both add-ons then reached PS3 and PC.

G.T.A. Chinatown Wars - the most yellow

Because The developers along the development of the series tried not to divide the attention of any console and constantly experimented, in 2009 the Nintendo DS turn came to play on his small screen gangster with car hijacking. Grand Theft AUTO: Chinatown Wars Again the player in Liberty City, this time - to the Chinese quarter. The main characters were mostly Asians. The technical capabilities of the console did not allow to display the city with the usual view from a third party, so in Chinatown Wars a series returned to the roots - played, watching the hero on top, and even in the Cell shading graphics. The video locks were replaced with stylized comics, and the entire control of the entire touch screen involved. Many actions, the player had to perform the movement of the stylus. The story this time spinning around the Chinese Juan Lee, who came from Gong Cong to convey to his uncle, the chapter of one of the clans of Triad Liberty City, the family treasure of his family. And how long has been headed in G.T.A., big trouble begins with small, to then lead to a dramatic junction, during which Juan had to find out the names of the killers of her father and, a little bit of little - to become the head of all the triads of the city. The game got very good reviews and was well sold, visiting the PSP, iPad Redemption , G.T.A. 5 Clear animals, such as dogs that could be seen in the November Trailer Games. I look forward to when the series will change the change of seasons and the visual change in the city from another game of their authorship - school action Bully.

P.S.: Official date There are no exits for the game.

In general, this is the Grand Theft AUTO series. Bright, daring, scandalous, not afraid of prohibitions and acutely ridicuing the actual problems of modern society. The game intoxicating his freedom. The game, no one leaving indifferent: it is equally loved and hate millions of people. The game that replaces all possible genres. The game, every series of which is waiting, for a second, not doubting the success of Rockstar. The brightest gaming phenomenon, long known and outside our favorite industry with you. The game, invariably causing only one interomotion. Wow !! Great car hijacker.

Let's start with the fact that first did not have Rockstar Games. And no GTA even smelled. Under the leadership of David Jones, a DMA studio was created from Scotland, in 1988 by signing a contract with the British Publisher Psygnosis, DMA released her first games to Menace and Blood Money, no one could think that space shooters Can be interested in not only players but also critics. Later, DMA ported her games on Commodore 64, Dos and Atari St.

A real DMA breakthrough in the gaming industry occurred in 1990 after the release of the game Lemmings ( logic game). Lemmings diverged the world with a circulation of more than 20 million copies, and ported on 20 different systems.

While DMA was famous for their games for the whole world, they were interested in the Nintendo team, which offered to help them with the development of Nintendo 64 along with other well-known developers of Rare, Paradigm, Midway Games and Lucasarts.

And finally, in 1997, the first part of the GRAND THEFT AUTO game was published, which opens our article about gTA history.She was similar to the mechanics of the Body Harvest game, which was previously released by developers. The game came out only on two platforms, it is PC and PlayStation. In the game, the user was highlighted by the role of the bandit, which worked for various gangster groups. Naturally there were a lot of disputes and disagreements after the exit, "there is a lot of violence", but thanks to these disputes and disturbances DMA was provided with PR and advertising so lacking a young company. DMA released the most successful game Since Leming'a. The freedom of action! That's what I struck the public in this game, because there was no such thing yet in the gaming industry, definitely, the DMA company became famous for this game.

After successful gRAND THEFT AUTO output, DMA Interested British editions of Gremlin Interactive, GI successfully conducted negotiations with DMA, and bought the company, after which Jones became the creative director of both companies. IN 1999 the year, Gremlin Interactive closed, and was sold for $ 40 million and was renamed Infograms Sheffield House French International Holding Company Infograms. After the company was renamed Rockstar Games. And then, Infogrames sold DMA to the Take-Two publisher. In the same year, Rockstar Games releases GTA 2 for PC, PlayStation and Dreemcast and after the release of the game the company leaves the founder of the former DNA David Jones, and creates a new studio in Dundee (Scotland), one of the branches of Rage Software.

In 2001, there is a new part of the game Grand Theft Auto IIIShe was not similar to his predecessors, in the third part about the car hijacker was made on the new Renderware engine that was developed by all known in our time as criterion games. GTA III It was an exclusive for PlayStation 2, and by doing this PS 2 for the most sold console in the USA and Europe. In 2002, GTA was ported for a pitch, as at that time, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, in which the same engine and hemplays were used as the Grand Theft Auto III added only a few innovations. As well as B. voice acting heroes vice city World stars participated:

Ray Liotta and Tommy Versetti

Tom Simsmor and Sonny Forelli.

William Fitchner and Ken Rosenberg.

Philip Michael Thomas and Lance Vance.

Robert Davi and Huang Garcia Cortenez.

Danny Dyer and Kent Paul.

Danny Triho and Umberto Robin.

Dennis Hopper and Steve Scott.

Lee Myers and Mitch Baker.

Gary Basey and Phil Cassii.

Faruza Balk and Mercedes Cortez.

Jenna Jameson and Candy Sax.

GTA Vice City in 2002 was ported for a pitch, and a collection edition was released in which there was a Grand Theft Auto III Grand and Theft Auto Vice City edition for Xbox. The Rockstar Vienna Studio (Rockstar Games division, which was in Vienna, Austria) was engaged in the Xbox port.

A year later, in October 2004 it comes out Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on PS2, third 3D game in the series, and the fifth in the line of other projects. In 2005, the games were ported on PC and XBOX. The game added the innovations that I really liked the public, added a new vehicle movement, now it was possible to drive a bike in the city, and it will be possible to fight with enemies not only in the doorway and on the streets, now the battle can be guided in auto-transport, you could have been in the car To put the three of its people from the group that also opened fire on the enemy.

After a long break of the company, on April 29, 2008, Rockstar North produces Grand Theft Auto IV, which came out on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Six months after entering the console, the company was pleased with the Gamers PC and released a computer version of GTA IV, December 2 in America, December 3, December 3 in Europe. The new part of the GTA was made on the new Rockstar Advanced Game Engine engine (abbreviated Rage), the game completely updated his appearance, the mechanics changed, Liberty City, externally copied from New York. Also added different options for the ending. The game added new communications: telephone, Internet, police computer, television. Just as in Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories (exclusives for PSP and PS2), there is a multiplayer game. After the exit of the original game, two DLC (Supplement), Theft Auto IV slept behind him: The Lost. And Damned was released on February 17, 2009. The main hero was a biker under the name of Johnny Cleanitsa - the Gang of The Lost. The Ballad Of Gay Tony's second addition came out on October 29, 2009. In this part we will have a fate to play for Louis Lopez. In the first, as in the second supplement, made a change in the form of vehicles and ammunitions, which were not in original GTA IV..

IN DMA stories There were several announced, but not issued projects: ports for Nintendo 64 Wild Metal Country and original GTA; Clan Wars (3D strategy about medieval Scotland); ATTACK! (platformer on cave people for N64); And Port Hit Epic Games Unreal Shooter for Nintendo.

Today it is difficult to imagine a player who has never played some game from the Grand Theft Auto series. She has a multi-million dollar army of fans of different ages around the world. Shared sales have already managed to turn over 125 million copies. Politicians scold this series, judicial claims are being filed against its authors, but she continues to go out. GTA has done a long way from a two-dimensional action with a top view, to one of the most famous franchisees of all time. Therefore, today, when the release of Grand Theft Auto V is no longer outside the corner, but there is already no strength to wait, I suggest you to plunge into nostalgia, or maybe find out something new about this wonderful series.

I draw your attention to the fact that, starting from the third part, the fan modifications will also be met among the screenshots. On the PC, the series formed a powerful community of modmeckers, to pass by which it is impossible. Screenshots with modifications, as a rule, look better than others, or contain elements and brands of the real world.

At the top you see art from the Australian artist Patrick Brown, known for its work based on computer games. Grand Theft AUTO One of his favorite topics for creativity. Specifically, this Art depicted the main characters from the games of the series.

Grand Theft Auto

  • Developer: DMA Design
  • Publisher: BMG Interactive

Platforms and output dates:

  • MS-DOS and Windows: November 8, 1997
  • PlayStation: December 14, 1997
  • Game Boy Color: November 22, 1999
The first game with the title came out on personal computers in the distant 1997. Scottish studio responsible for the development DMA Design.which in 2002 acquired the name of today's name - Rockstar North..

Could anyone be predicted at that time that in the future GTA. will be one of the most famous, popular and scandalous brands in the entire gaming industry? What is its budgets and "cash receipses" will compete with the greatest blockbusters of the world's world? Unlikely. In fact, the first part does not like little on his eminent descendants, and he did not shine for his time.

Grand Theft Auto - This is a two-dimensional arcade with a view from above. Many games at that time were already three-dimensional, so GTA was a representative of the extinction genre. However, the game still managed to stand out and attract the attention of players. To understand why it happened, you need to understand one thing: the vast majority of the games of that time were not ... cruel. They were created with a loaf that the majority of potential players will be children. Of course, there were no teddy bears and pink ponies, but also did not demonstrate the ill-treatment against law-abiding taxpayers. What you can not say about Grand Theft Auto.

GTA had a rare, for its time, the age rating of 18+ and, to tell the truth, was the Hangster simulator. This is: under the leadership of the player, an obviously bad character was provided, which was engaged in various criminal activities. First of all, it is a hijacking of vehicles, for which the game and got its name. As well as shootouts with other gangsters, police, and even attacks on ordinary passersby on the street.

The second key feature of the GTA is freedom of movement in the city, which was even more unusual for the games of the time. Here it was possible to score on all tasks, sobally get a car and go where the eyes look. Yes, and during missions, the city was also not locked: the player is waven to choose the way to the goal. The cities, in fact, were three: Liberty City, San Andreas and Weis City, which are based on real New York, San Francisco and Miami, respectively. During the plot, after a set of the required amount of points, the player was transferred to a new city.

The game begins with the selection of one of the eight characters. Moreover, some of them are women, which is also not typical for the next games of the series. Despite all the scale, the levels in the game are still present. In order to go from one to another, you need to dial a certain number of points. They are given for different actions - for the hijacking of the wheelbarrow, for the accident, murder. But the main source is mandatory plot missions. In addition to them, you can also find a certain number of by-mail, for example, the mission of "rage" (Rampage), during which you need to earn a certain number of points, killing people and exploding machines with the help of weapons issued. What is interesting, the number of lives in GTA was limited: Died several times - start again. Save the game could not, just like in old platformers.

Arsenal in GTA was poorly: a gun, an automatic, flamethrower and a grenade launcher. Yes, another body armor, withstanding three hits. But with the transport of business, much more fun: there were cars, trucks, limousines, as well as motorcycles and holy Trinity - police cars, fire trucks and ambulance.

Relations with police in GTA have always been very interesting. It is worth breaking the law, as the cops immediately begins to persecute. And the more you violate, the more aggressive they become. There are four levels of persecution, the further you choose - the harder it is to survive and escape. To do this, find a police badge, or repaint the car in the car repair shop. But if you failed to escape - the police will arrest you, takes away all weapons and body armor, and scored points of glasses.

The original game was ported on Sony Playstation. and Game Boy Color. But the easiest way to get acquainted with it by downloading her free version from our site:

Either from the official site Rockstar:classic games R * . You will need to introduce your age and email address where the link to download the game will come.

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

London 1969. - This is an addition for the original Grand Theft Auto. In it, as it is easy to guess, the action moves to London. What is amazing, without ordinary clamps, such as changing the name of the city to the fictional (like New York and Liberty City, for example). The stylistics corresponded to the sixties of the 20th century. In the game you can find a lot of reference to the events of that time. For example, an externally, the main character looked like James Bond, the first film about which appeared just in the sixties. The movement of transport in London, by the way, as it should be, was left-hand.

Grand Theft Auto: London 1961

The game was also the third addition - London 1961. of the year. It came out free, but required the installation of London 1969, which in turn requires the original Grand Theft AUTO.

Grand Theft AUTO 2

  • Developer: DMA Design
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games

Platforms and output dates:

  • Windows: September 30, 1999
  • PlayStation: October 25, 1999
  • Dreamcast: July 28, 2000
  • Game Boy Color: November 10, 2000
What is interesting: was translated and published in Russian efforts Buki, entitled GTA 2: Lawlessness. The translation turned out rather funny.

English version of the game can be downloaded free from the site classic games Rockstar

Although the second part received a three-dimensional engine, she still had a top view that she laid down the world recognition. Nevertheless, progress compared to the first part inspires respect. DMA Design. Rightly understood what players want from them: more violence and failed! GTA 2.i got brighter than the first. I had a switch between daytime and night time in the menu. It was more and cooler in it. But first things first.

The main character of the game was already defined in advance - his name is Claude AIDS.. It is difficult to say, the same Claude, which is later the main character GTA IIIand appears in GTA: San Andreas - There is no name in his surname at all. But GTA 2 events occur many years later than the specified games - in the 2013th year. It's funny, because now this year. It is necessary to think, in the 1999 for the developers, he seemed to be distant, which could not be due to the predicted end of the world. Now Claude will have the way to the top of the criminal world of the city " Everywhere» ( Anywhere City.). It is necessary to assume that the developers have tried to divert from any relationship with reality, or the need to more reliably simulate the city.

"WHERE HAVE" is traditionally divided into three parts: downwall, residential and industrial areas. As before, the journey passes from one area to the next. For the transition you need to accumulate $ 1,000,000 in the first area, then $ 3,000,000 in the second, and $ 5,000,000 in the third, to end the game. A new way of spending money appeared: a hike to church. It is possible to find it, seating in minivan news service with antenna, always indicating the church. The cost of the campaign is $ 50,000, but it is worth it: the exclamation of "Hallelujah! Another soul saved! " - And the game will be saved! But if, when a visit to Church, CLOD did not turn out to be the right amount, followed by a crumpled "Curse! There is no offer - no salvation! ".

The key role in GTA 2 is gangs that launched their tentacles to Megapolis: Zaibatsu Corporation (Eng. Zaibatsu Corporation) appears in all areas. Besides her, in the first area died: Yakuza and scumbags. In the second district: scientists of the SRS (sex and reproductive systems) and villagers. In the third district: Krishnaitis and Russian mafia.

Each of the gang has its own characteristics: branded colors, logo, cars and weapons. But most importantly: they have tasks for CLOD, which can be obtained by telephone machine. As can be seen, the developers did not even suspect that by 2013 this year, this type of communication is almost dying. But to get a task from the gang, you need to be with her in good relationships. In the corner of the screen there is a reputation meter in three gangs in the current area of \u200b\u200bthe city. If the counter went to the left, then the tasks of the gang became inaccessible. When the player killed the representatives of the gang, he worsened with her, but improved them with other gangs. At the same time, a gang with a bad attitude towards Claud appeared more powerful weapons (friendly always armed with guns). Also, each gang had a boss, and at the end of the events around the city, these bosses decided to remove Claude, but he did it first.

In addition to representatives of the groupings, there were also two types of independent gangsters on the streets: there are automobiles and thieves. They could act both against ordinary citizens and against gang representatives, and even against the player! You could simply pull out from the car and throw on the asphalt, or to beat, at a rate of $ 10 per second.

Generally speaking, the AI \u200b\u200bin the second part has improved seriously. Some drivers armed with pistols, and after the hijacking the player of the car, they can try to return it to themselves. In the city there may be skirmishes between gangs, police and civilians - without any participation on the player's side!

Vehicles were also undergoing improved. Now their physical qualities are returned: the game learned to take into account their mass. Taxi and buses began to select passengers. Claude also could now work as a taxi driver and a bus driver. But for some reason the motorcycles were removed from the second part.

Relations with the law have become even more interesting. First, the search levels are now 6. With each subsequent level, the authorities are making increasingly stringent measures for catching or killing Claude. They pursue him, install the barricades, comes SWAT, government agents, and then the army is connected - jeeps, armored cars, and even tanks are injected! In order to get away from the police, as before - you need to find an asterisk icon, or repaint the car in the workshop. But you can also hide out of mind, then with the time the search will stop.

Arsenal of the second part has become an order of magnitude richer: a pistol, paired guns, a Uzu machine gun gun, ultrasound with a silencer, shotgun, flamethrower, electric shock, grenade launcher, grenades, Molotov cocktail! You can get a new gun by raising from the ground, or killing the owner. Also, which is very surprising, weapons can be installed on the car! Including: ultrasound, mines, machinery and bomb, which explodes with the car. On some cars, weapons can already be installed: a machine gun on an army jeep and a stationary flamethrower (alas, only in one of the missions). Yes, and in the game you can still find a tank!

Grand Theft Auto III

  • Developer: DMA Design
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games
  • Localizers: Beech (2002) / 1C-Softklab (Reprint 2010)
Platforms and output dates:
  • PC: May 20, 2002
  • PlayStation 2: October 22, 2001
  • Xbox: October 30, 2003
  • iPhone: December 15, 2011
  • Android: December 15, 2011
Finally, we got to the first game in the series, which was three-dimensional and had a view from a third party. Engine called Renderware. allowed DMA Design. (shortly after the release of the game renamed Rockstar North.) Make this small margin for the series, which has become a big step for the gaming industry. Of course, three-dimensional games with an open world were before, for example, or Body Harvest. From the DMA itself. But Grand Theft Auto III differs significantly from all over the fact that she ... Well, simply was all the same GTA., that is, a bunk simulator of a gangster scumbag, which is given by the whole city!

It is possible without exaggeration to say that GTA III left its fat trail in history. Thanks to three-dimensionality (I say, because "3D" - today, more associated with movies and red-blue glasses), much more players paid attention to it than previous parts. Not to mention that so the game looks and is played much cooler. As a result, Grand Theft Auto III diverged a lot of a lot of millpic circulations and acquired a lot of fans. But the essence is not only in this. The game turned out to be so popular that even formed his own genre, whose representatives began to be called simply: "Clone Gta". For example, these are games and a series like: , , , , , , , And many dozens of others.

But not only this is the famous game. And not even numerous awards "game of the year", and an average estimate in 97% out of 100 possible on the site Although it certainly had its influence. But much more interesting - numerous scandals and crusades of the public against the game. She was accused of overly realistic cruelty, in the fact that it negatively affects the minds of children and even adults. It can kill police and peaceful people in it, as well as that I was very outraged by the public, you could remove a prostitute that sat in the car and, in fact, did our job. Allegedly, after playing GTA III, someone can try to repeat what they saw in real life. Some terrible incidents in the United States ranked actions under the vice of cruel games, and in particular Grand Theft Auto. Politicians spoke about it, although scientists could not prove any influence of cruel games to human mind. And about the trial Jack Thompson I did not hear against Rockstar, probably only lazy. Is it worth saying that all this played a game to favor? After all, it is so interesting to see himself, and because of what so much noise? And most of the players probably remained satisfied.

The popularity of GTA III, as well as the ease of unpacking files, led to the creation of one of the most powerful modmaker communities in history. All: models, textures, scripts were subjected. The number of new machines, including well-known real models, has many hundreds. The changes were also subjected to buildings, trees, models of passers-by and other little things. There were a lot of global modifications, for example, who brought in Liberty-City winter, or turn the game in the movie " The matrix", Or the game" ". Well, of course, it is impossible not to remember Multi Theft AUTO. - Multiplayer, which appeared in the game only thanks to fans!

The main hero of GTA III is the silent guy who does not say a word for the whole game. Why, we didn't know the name - we didn't know him - all the name is it just a "guy". True, running forward, the guy appeared also in GTA: San Andreas, where I met S. Catalina On illegal races. And there Catalina calls him Claude. Not Claude AIDSas the name of the hero GTA 2., simply Claude. There is no good reason to believe that this is the same person, although there are no facts that deny such an opportunity.

Grand Theft Auto III takes place in the city Liberty Citybased on New York. Let me remind you that he was also the first city in the first part of the series. Traditionally, the "City of Freedom" is divided into three districts: Portland Islands and Standon, as well as part of the mainland Coastal Valley. Initially, only the first one of them is portland. Later, in the course of the plot (and not after the set of the required amount of points, as before), one other than two more areas open. Moreover, the forced relocation to the next area of \u200b\u200bthe city, did not cover access to the previous one, as it was before. You can move between them in the auto network, mounted bridges and even on the subway. In each of the areas there are one apartment, at the entrance you can save your progress for free and infinitely. The closest of them is always shown on the radar. In contrast to the previous games of the series, the GTA III has a dynamic change of time of day, as well as weather conditions. What is interesting, one day here is equal to 24 minutes.

In Portland, poor classes live, and the main attractions are: a small park, a port (hence and name), a Chinese quarter and a small mansion on the top of the hill, and only in Portland has a railway over the city with several stations. Around the midst of Standon, a business center is located, a lot of skyscrapers, a stadium, a large building station "Standon Plaza" and a small marina. In the "Coastal Valley", private mansions prevail, there is a dam, and the most important thing is "Francis International Airport", in which you can find the only plane in the game that you can use. By the way, so that the players did not try to repeat the incident " 11 September"Dodo had wings, which had greatly complicated management. Well, yes, who prevented this? ..

In fact, due to the tragedy, which happened almost before the easiest of the game, her release was postponed for three weeks, due to the need to change some game moments, in order to reduce the similarity of Liberty City and New York. For example, the white-blue colors of police cars were replaced with black and white. Also, children, school buses, female taxi drivers disappeared from the game. The character disappeared by name Darkel, who issued insane tasks similar to terrorist acts. The last reminder is served by four homeless in Portland Tunnel, "guarding" Molotov's cocktail. However, it is impossible to say for sure whether all changes were made over the past three weeks, the fact is that parts of the beta content of the beta version were carved. And the developers are difficult for it to blame.

GTA III begins with the fact that the same catalina, which was with Claude about 9 years (San Andreas events - 1992, GTA III - 2001), suddenly betrays it when robing the bank, shoots it, and leaves Colombian by name Miguel. So our guy turns out to be behind the bars. He shines ten years, but when transported to prison, unknown persons are attacked to the police convoy to free someone from their. At the same time, they at the same time liberate Claude and his companion with bandaged hands, and then suddenly exploded the Callaohan Bridge, where all this action took place, having taken harslers with him. So alive only Claude and the guy stayed by nickname Bald (in original - 8-ball. - Eighth, black, ball in the pool). Together they leave the bridge and stop in the garage "At Eddie" to change the prison clothes and sit down. After that, Claude, on the recommendation of the bald, comes to work for the Italian mafia. And then - a long road in the footsteps of Catalyna.

At first, Claude is not very trusted, and make the most dirty and small work, such as the desstant, and car hijacking. But then, when he comes across to the eyes of people who occupy a higher position, he gradually acquires authority and honors the attention of the dona himself Salvatore Leone. However, as it is known to be too close to the authorities not only profitable, but also dangerous. This rule Claude will have to feel on its own skin. Later he has to work on many very strange characters, like an amateur torture and man who hides from the FBI in a public toilet. All this case is demonstrated by small rollers at the beginning and end of the mission. By the way, they no longer begin in the telephone booth. Instead, Claude needs to come to the designated on the radar (it, by the way, first appeared in the third part) the point marked with a large red circle.

Although the "telephone missions" in the game also remained. Through them, Claude calls for gang representatives and offer a job that is not associated with the plot. Total three such phones, and at the end of the tasks of each of them, Claude will quarrel with one of the gangs whose representatives will now always be aggressive. Also available to the tasks of "furious", in which they are invited to exterminate the bandits or cars, from the proposed weapons. And if you sit in a van with the inscription "Serious toys" - the task was started using small radio-controlled machines stuffed with explosives, with which you need to undermine the gang machines. And in several cars, it is proposed to overcome the irregularities of the terrain, collecting checkpoints. The case is risky, because Claude can fall into the sea, and by the way, he can not swim. On the city placed 20 springboard, on which it is proposed to perform "unique jumps" - when time slows down, and the jump is demonstrated from the cinematic chamber. In the last district of the city you can find the garage to which certain types of machines are required. The award is given money (the more the machine is the more), as well as the opportunity to order any of the previously stolen machines here. Well, of course, it remains to remember the "professional" missions - they can be activated, sowing in a taxi car, ambulance (now it is clear how they are gaining drivers without rights), fire and police officer. The last of them, "Vochelante", can also be held on some other machines, for example, on army, and even on a tank!

If you think that GTA is played for the sake of performing some tasks there, then you are mistaken. The main distinguishing feature of this game is in the living city. Here passersby walk through the streets, cars ride on the roads, the gangsters shoot each other, the police patrol the city. And they all comply with the rules road: Do not exceed the speed, stop at the intersections. This idyll may last forever. As long as anyone, namely, the player, will not solve. One shot is enough (if you just walk down the street with Kalash, in Nerrevis - this does not touch anyone) so that a chain reaction begins: passersby raise a cry and carry away, armed gangsters can start shooting in response, and the police attempt to arrest the intruder. But after all, the player does not stop on the achieved: you can shoot at the runaway civil, killing them and shooting limbs, from which the fountain is bloody. GRAND THEFT AUTO III is not in vain called a brutal game. At the place immediately comes ambulance, and doctors are trying to resurrect victims. In case of success, those can stand up, and immediately try to take revenge, attack on Claude! But if doctors do not have time (they are also mortals), then the bodies on Earth disappear, and in their place there appears with chalk, as if the police had visited the crime scene and took the body.

But such crimes do not remain unpunished. The police are ready to resolutely attack the criminal, as needed by calling for imaging. There are 6 wanted levels in all: in the beginning it is only the police itself, from the third level - a helicopter is added to them to the rescue, then the forces of special forces, FBI and the US Army with soldiers and tanks. To lower the search level, you can hide out of mind, find the star icon, or repaint the car. However, by itself, the fight with the forces of law enforcement can be very interesting! Copops can be killed, blowing machines, helicopters can be shot down, and tanks can be destroyed from the grenade launcher. And how much time will you hold out in the sixth level of the search? I must say that instead of death, Claude turned out to be in the hospital, where he had selected all the weapons and some money for treatment. And with arrest - similarly, with amendment to the police station and a bribe. About any end of the game speech did not go. And then, no one forbids just download the game, so as not to look for all this weapon again.

Car in the game was 50 pieces, as well as 3 boats and 1 Dodo aircraft. The most famous Pascher GTA III is connected with the latest: the fact is that Dodo can fly to the "Ghost Island" - an area with a bank from the elementary video. Motorcycles, alas, was not at all. But both cars, honestly, were enough. Among them are family-run leaders, simple coupes, pickups, minibuses, buses, trucks, limousine, sports cars and so on. All of them are fictional. The physical model is far from perfection, even by the standards of that time. Damage only visual and on fine quality do not affect. When hitpoints end, the car lights up and explodes. The same happens after the coup on the roof.

The weapon in the third part was the following: own fists, baseball bits (you can always find near the house-Savedels), gun, ultrasound, shotgun, Kalashnikov, M16, sniper rifle, RPG-7, flamethrower, lemon grenade, Molotov cocktail and a detonator for a bomb installed in the car. All this weapon can be carried with you, and the ceiling of the cartridges is set in 9999. It was also possible to find armor, which gave the character additionally 100 points of damage, which he kept, until he was disconnected. All this good can be found on the street, buy in stores or get for nothing - if collecting hidden packages. For every ten found packages, a new weapon appears near each of the apartments of Claude. Total hundred packages, and for their collection it is better to use the card that can be easily found on the Internet.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

  • Developer: Rockstar North
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games
  • Localizer: 1C-Softklab (2009)

Platforms and output dates:

  • PC: May 09, 2003
  • PlayStation 2: October 28, 2002
  • Xbox: October 31, 2003
  • iPhone: December 06, 2012
  • Android: December 06, 2012
I left just a year after the third part. It is amazing but Buka No longer began to translate the game. It had to make fans and, frankly, they coped not very well. Official localization came out only in 2009, when 1C. Acquired the rights to the entire series.

If you remember Vice City. - also called the second city from the first part Grand Theft Auto. The game begins with a screensaver stylized under the computer's command line Commodore 64.. And soon after the launch, you understand what was in the past - in Miami 1986. In the game, however, the city is called a fictional name - Vice City, but doubt about which city served as a sample, can not be. Weiss City. Differently different from Liberty City: It is slightly more divided into two districts, and much more colorful. Semi-arsen girls walk down the streets, palms are swinging in the wind, the yachts stand on the pier, the rich is playing golf, and the main character, Tommy VersettiJudging by clothes, just went on vacation. All here are impregnated here: Music and conversations on radio stations, cars on the streets, clothes on random passers-by.

It is implapically believed that the main inspiration for the creators of the game was the movie " Face with a scar» ( Scarface.). So, on the radio that can be listened in the car, you can hear songs from this film. In it, too, the action took place in Miami. On the airship in the sky you can see the slogan of the film: The World Is Yours. After the acquisition of the Tommy Striptease, the costume of the main character of the film can wear Tony Montana. Club "Malibu" - a copy of the club "Babylon", the estate of Diaz - is very similar to the estate of Tony Montana, and the office and is his copy at all, and the drug trap himself Ricardo Diaz, According to its impulsive character, resembles the main character of the film. Is it worth saying that the final mission reminds the Final "Persons with Scar"?

The basic mechanics for the year has not changed much, but the authors focused on expanding the player's capabilities. So, now it has become possible to buy real estate. Part of it is intended to create additional storage points, and the other brings profit. In the second half of the game, the task of acquiring particularly important enterprises is put in front of the player: a taxi, ice cream factories (cover for drug dealers), Malibu, car dealership club, and even porn studios. There are also issued tasks related to industrial and distribution cases. In order for the player not to be lost in this huge city, in the game, in addition to the Radar, a full-fledged map was finally built.

Unlike Claude, Tommy are not off with time to change the wardrobe, although the standard "Hawaiika" with jeans - very much go to him. Many costumes are becoming available after certain missions. Disguise also reduces the search level of the police.

Perhaps not the most important, but still quite an interesting innovation can be considered a change in the hotel in which Tommy stops. After some plot missions, he brings to the "Trophy" to the room - for example, a mask, after the bank's robbery. And, of course, here you can find "infinite" weapon - which still appears as being hidden things are being found - this time the figurines within which drugs were transported. And for the passage of the game by 100%, the room appears ... T-shirt with the inscription "I passed GTA by 100%, and everything that I got is this idiotic T-shirt."

Weapons also seriously reworked. First, it has now become much more. In this regard, not everything can be carried with you - weapons are divided into several types: Castet (instead of fists), Middle battle (bit, knife, chainsaw, and the assortment of tool store) pistols (9mm-gun and revolver), shotguns and Rouge (gun, shotgun, automatic shotgun), automata (M4, Ingram, Tes 9, Kruger, MP5), as well as heavy weapons (M60, sniper rifle, PSG-1. Gatling, flamethrower, grenade launcher). Taking another weapon from the same cell - threw out old weapons from it.

In addition to hundreds of car models, you can meet six types of motorcycles, seven aircraft (mostly helicopters) and five boats. Swim Tommy, like Claude, can not, but flies perfectly. It must be said that the transport has become more like its real prototypes.

Most of the side tasks moved from the previous parts. First of all, it is "professional" missions on urban services. They added to the task of delivering pizza, insane duration - more than an hour. You can also invite the cars on the list, now it is in the car dealership. Missions of rage have not changed. Racing has become only more, as well as various tasks with overcoming obstacles. In the game there is even a stadium, which occurs truths. To earn money, it was possible to rob the cash desks, after which it was necessary to hide from the police, since Siren worked in the store. Instead of exploding toy machines, in fashion now helicopters and aircraft, as well as "neutralized" racing cars. Racing on them is still fun. At one time, many players with difficulty overcame the mission during the plot, in which it was necessary to place explosives with the help of small, but deadly helicopters on the radio control, inside the building under construction.

Vice City modifications came out more than GTA III. It is also a reasonable number of new vehicles, clothes, weapons, buildings, and even locations. The most famous, perhaps, is Deluxe. - It contains the replacement of the whole (!!!) transport in the game, on real highly aligned models. Among them: Mercedes SLR Cabrio, Aston Martin Vantage, BMW X5, Audi RS6, Ferrari 360 Modena, Mitsubishi Lancer EVO VII, Subaru WRX Sti, Nissan Skyline other! Also, new transport was awarded new physical characteristics. In addition, Deluxe redraws many buildings in the city. Moreover: adds a few new areas, including motor trap motor trap. And finally, produces more hundreds of minor changes. Naturally, the game will not be very comfortable. But for a free game (which, in my opinion, is the most important thing in the Grand Theft AUTO series) - just what you need!

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

  • Developer: Rockstar North
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games
  • Publisher in Russia: 1C-Softklab

Platforms and output dates:

  • PC: June 07, 2005
  • PlayStation 2: October 26, 2004
  • PlayStation 3: December 11, 2012
  • Xbox: June 07, 2005

Not so long ago, the founder of the studio Rockstar Dan Hauser., said: "The best generation games come out at sunset, and not at dawn" - commenting on the fact that Grand Theft Auto V Will out on consoles Xbox 360. and PS3, Before the release of a new generation of consoles. These words have a significant argument, in the form - until now the largest and scandalous game of the series, released at sunset PlayStation 2..

The Russian version appeared quite recently - only in February 2010, almost five years after the release of the game. Traditionally, only subtitles were translated. However, the fans have already managed to translate the game on their own very well. True, it does not concern the very first machine translation, which squeezed the phrase like "spent", "the cacked cock is not yet ready", "signs of chosen", etc.

The game attracted a big public scandal: among the resources of the game, an erotic mini-game was cut out from her. Carved so bad that the folk craftsmen Namig returned her performance - it is enough to throw several files to the folder and click the launch combination in the game, after which you can go on a date with one of the girls. After a successful date, the girl could invite Si-Jia. "For a cup of hot coffee" (for which this episode was named Hot Coffee.). Without a modification - the girl's house will simply be shown, from which the unequivocal sounds are consecrated, and the camera is walking in different directions. With a modification, everything is worse: we can observe an erotic scene inside the house. During her, the girl is completely stripped (although Karl for some reason remains in clothes), after which a mini-game starts to quickly and frequently press the keys, the purpose of which is the satisfaction of the girl. The result, by the way, influenced the final result of a date.

After detection of content on the disks with the game, a large scandal broke out, because the game was sold with the age rating Mature. In the US (17+), which does not provide for such a frank scenes. Rating games quickly changed to Adults ONLY. (18+, that is, it was necessary to wait just a year ...), under which many shops were forced to move the game to the section with pornography, or even return all copies to the publisher. Later, a new edition was published with the previous rating of Mature, which no longer contained controversial content. For a PC version, together with a patch 1.1, containing some fixing gaming bugs, the performance of the HOT COFFEE modification also turned off, due to the patch is also known for the name "No More Hot Coffee".

Rockstar explained this content only as an experiment of its employees, from which it was decided to refuse to favor a lower age rating. In fairness, it should be noted that without the intervention of hackers in the archives of the game, this content would never be available to the player. To activate it, you need to download a modification from the Internet called Hot Coffee and throw the files to the game folder. But, is the process very different from the installation of numerous erotic modifications for many other games? In both cases, the user has been aware of what it is installing, and what changes will occur in the game.

The newly added newly added to the scandal with Hot Coffee: in 2006, the famous prosecutor and lawyer Jack Thompson, opposing cruelty in games, drew attention to GTA. He accused the game that she provokes violence in reality, spurring people to take weapons and go out with him from home. Such episodes were really, and still occur in the United States, but Jack Thompson was seriously convinced: games are to blame. He more than once requested to ban the sale of the Grand Theft Auto. However, already in 2008, the Supreme Court of Florida deprived Thompson of a lawyer license for distorting facts, insults, including judges, after another refusal in his lawsuit. On this public career Jack Thompson ended.

How did all this affect GTA: San Andreas and Rockstar? Oh, they won a unique reputation. And although the court costs are clearly expensive by the publisher, but PR their game received an incomparable. Many bought the game simply then to personally see what is so cruel and terrible in it. To believe Kotaku., then according to information on September 2011, the game was sold by a common circulation 27.5 millions of copies. Perhaps comments are superfluous.

Action GTA: San Andreas occurs in 1992 in the fictional state San Andreas.. It must be assumed, it is named so in honor of the eponymous fault of the earth's crust in the state of Califrony. If you thought that San Andreas, like the third city in the very first part of the Grand Theft Auto, is based on San Franciscothen you are somewhat mistaken. The fact is that there is no longer one city in the game, but three: Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas.. Moreover, in addition to each of them, there is also a countryside (in the case of Las Vernuturas - deserted), which for the most part in the game are used as routes for illegal racing. Thus, the total area of \u200b\u200bgaming san World Andreas is five times more than in GTA III and four than in GTA: Vice City. The city and the locality adjacent to them are divided into a wide river through which many bridges are built. Railway passes between all three cities, where has several stations. You can also quickly move between cities with airports.

Los Santos is based on Los Angeles. It has a lot of absolutely not similar one on another areas. Here is full of full reference to real Los Angeles. What is the alley of glory and a huge inscription " Weinwood"On the hill, which is also located the same area, consisting of rich celebrity villas. But also there is also a disadvantaged ghetto where disadvantaged families live, many of whom are forced to steal from childhood in order to survive. Los Santos breaks the opposition of gangs consisting of blacks and Mexicans. There are many skyscrapers in the business center of the city, from the highest of which you can jump with parachute. At the stadium there are miniature races on the machines of Nascar. Countryside at Los Santos is not too remarkable. Just farm, factory, and several small villages.

San Fierro, which is so called a city based on San Francisco. Most of all he is interested in his hills - on them, very cool, you can jump from top to bottom on a quick car or on a motorcycle, but you can rise for quite a long time. Also there is a private tram system. The tram cannot be destroyed or braked. In the docks there is a ship that buys stolen cars by lists. San Fierro - Car capital state. Here is an extreme driving driving offshochkol, after which Si-Jia is invited to take part in illegal races. As for the legal, then Derby is held at the stadium. The city of the Triad family, as well as pimps and bandits, which have los Santos gangs and gangsters are ruling in the city. Countryside is interesting perhaps that the presence of the real mountain is Chilead, from the top of which the oldest championship is held - a descent on mountain biking.

Las Venturas, how it is not difficult to guess by the title - this is a local Las Vegas. The main and only attraction, like the famous prototype, is a very long majority of casino and hotels. In the casino, by the way, you can play some gambling, winning or losing up to a million dollars at a time. These casinos are managed by three Italian mafia families, Leone, Forelli and Sindakko, as well as familiar to San Fierro Triad. There is also a stadium on which two disciplines are spent immediately, depending on the day of the week: Motocross and Extreme Motorcycle Tricks. Not far from the city there is a huge mining quarry, in which you can earn money on the dump truck (relevant, if you just lost a couple of millions in a casino). But the most interesting starts next, in the hot desert. There is an abandoned airport, which turned into a cemetery of aircraft, strictly classified military base "Zone 69" and a huge hydroelectric station on the dam.

The main hero in GTA: San Andreas is Karl Johnson, or just Si Jay ( CJ.). He is black, and grew up in a disadvantaged family in Ghetto Los Santos. The game begins with the way Si Jay arrives from Liberty Cityin which he lived the last five years, on the funeral of the mother. Upon arrival at him, sales cops immediately attack, accused of killing an officer (which they made themselves) and thrown a hostile gang on the street. Lasting for the funeral, Karl, nevertheless, caresses his brother and sister Kendl on the cemetery, as well as familiar from childhood Ridera and Greater Smuke. From them he learns about the heavy gang of Gang Gang Street, after which decides to stay to help build things. Further, he will be waiting for a few shocks, escape from his native city to rural wilderness, and then in all three cities of San Andreas.

The plot, perhaps, lacks the stars from the sky, but as otherwise it was possible to pull out so many unique characters on the scene! There is an old hippie, everywhere seeing government conspiracies, as well as a government agent who knows very many cases and having impressive ties. There is a strict boss of the Chinese triad, two black enemy repegers, afraid to get out of the house 27-year-old genius, creating very dangerous toys, casino croupier, at night changing a rigorous suit on latex ... you can continue for a long time.

Also in the game there is a lot of reference to the previous parts of the series. In fact, GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas are often called the trilogy, as they occur in the same universe, and their events often intersect. So, hot mexican Catalina meets Karl for the sake of a pair of robbery, after which it throws it for the illegal rider ClaudeWhich will take it in Liberty City. What ended this novel, we know GTA III. One of the owners of the casino in Las Venturas in the future will also go to the "City of Freedom", his name is Salvatore Leone, and in front of Si-Jay in Casino Caligula, he meets the waitress Maria Latatory.on which during the GTA III he is married. Salvator also suits the Si-Jay short visit to Libersi City, in the Bistro "from Marco". And straight out Weiss Las Venturas arrive at the lawyer Ken Rosenberg and producer of sound recording Kent Pol. And this is still not all links.

For the first time, since GTA 2., The series returned the possibility of interaction with the gang. Los Santos share the four of the largest: " Groove Street"(This is a gang of Si-Jia and his family)," Varrio Los Aztecas."(Friendly)," Ballas."And" Los Santos Vagos" With the last two just a war to the war: Los Santos is divided into sectors whose colors are marked on the map, depending on their own gang. The ultimate goal is complete "gardening" of the entire card. Starting will have to be with a small piece, including the streets around the native Si-Jay house. To win at least one new piece, you need to unleash the war with a gang on it: kill a few of its members, then withstand three attacks of this gang, one more powerful than the other.

You can take a few comrades from the gang of "Grub Street" - the higher the authority (increases by the seizure of the territories), the more you can take fighters. They can also climb with Carl in the car, or sit on the back of the motorcycle. After the seizure of the territory, it is beginning to patrol the members of the Gang "Grub Street". Also near the House of Charles, it will be possible to take profits received from the retained areas. But not everything is so simple: enemy gangs are often trying to knock off their territory - you need to go and suppress the riot, otherwise the territory will be lost. But when the entire card becomes green, the rebels will immediately end, and Ballas and Wagosov will not be more in Los Santos.

Interestingly, the strip clubs appeared in the game, which Karl can visit, and where can even order a private erotic dance. Prostitutes that you can "shoot", being in the car, no one also cancels.

But what is even more interesting, now Karl can make girlfriends. They are both in cities and in rural areas. Two of them are found during the storyline, but the rest should be signed on their own. Naturally, none of them suspects the existence of the rest. The benefit of good relationships with girls can be obtained even without modifying hot coffee. So, the girl from San Fierro has connections in the medical institution, thanks to which Karl will no longer take a weapon if he falls into the hospital. The same applies to the girl from a desert village near Las Venturas, it has similar ties with the police. In addition, each of the girls can resolve Karl take her car, and can also give a unique suit. Si Jay looks great in a police suit, next to the selling coupons of Tenpenni and Pulaks, and in a rustic suit only on the tractor and ride.

But in order to get these bonuses, you have to work a lot. Each girl requires personal attention: you need to walk with her on dates (for example, in a bar, restaurant, in the eatery, or in a nightclub, where you have to go through a mini-game with dancing), give gifts and roll on expensive machines at a certain speed. All girls have different tastes and morals.

Side tasks have become much more than before, even moreover, rage missions were lost. But the "professional" tasks were not going anywhere: ambulance, taxi, police, and firefighters still await their hero. They were also joined by pimps (the separation of prostitutes on customers, as well as their protection) and even the driver of local trains (they can be controversial!). In addition, you can earn a housework, a truck driver, a courier, a parking machine, a career driver and a car drip in the stadiums. There are also amazing classes like triathlon (swimming, cycling and running), jumping on a powerful motorcycle in the docks and on the BMX bike at the construction site, as well as a mountain biking descent from Ciliad Mountain. Plus to this everything - several dozen racing roads, including flights on various aircraft.

The game also added in the number of mini-games. So entering the bar, you can play billiards for money. Via slot machine, or home consoles in the Si-Jey house, can be played in several ancient video games. Going to the basketball court, you can take the ball in the hands and try to set the record of hits from different points on the site. In clubs you can dance, and the hydraulic suspension can be installed on some cars, after which you can participate in the competitions of Low Rider.

A separate line can be mentioned gambling. Already in Los Santos, you can find automata taking rates on jumps. But the most interesting awaits Karl in Las Venturas Casino. Here you can play roulette, blackjack, poker, Fortune wheel and numerous "one-hand bandits". At the beginning, Karl is not allowed at the tables with big bets. At first, you need to win or lose a lot of money, thereby won the reputation, after which millions can be put. Of course, the risk of playing is very large, but no one has canceled the ability to download the preservation until Fortuna smiles to you.

It is worth noting that Si Jay knows how much more than the heroes of previous games. Much was borrowed from the previous game Rockstar - (in San Andreas, by the way, there is one location from this game). The sight is no longer hanging constantly in the center of the screen - it appears only when holding the right mouse button. Karl is able to conceal hiddenly moving around, and with a back with a knife, can kill the enemy, cutting the throat. May jump and move through obstacles, like numerous fences. Karl can explore one of three kinds of martial arts at the masters in the gym. He is not afraid to fly on Jetpack, jump with a parachute and even ... can swim and dive!

Karl can expand its wardrobe, making purchases in numerous stores of San Andreas. Bought clothing is immediately duplicated in the cabinets of all (well, almost) houses that can be purchased in the game. What is even more interesting: not costumes are bought, and individual elements: top, bottom, shoes, hats, glasses, clock and chains. They can be worn in any order, thanks to which Karl may look, for example, like a clown, cowboy, or gentleman. Or completely ridiculous - in cowals with hearts, cowboy boots, hockey mask and with a chainsaw in the hands of ...

There are two more ways to make your Si-Jiya unique (or just like fun) - a trip to the hairdresser, where you can choose one of the many hairstyles, as well as the tattoo salon, where you can cover most of the Karl body with different tattoos.

Well, once they were mentioned at home. Si Jay prefers to acquire residential buildings for himself, personally for himself. Both luxurious and cheap village apartments. All of them can be preserved. Yes, during the plot, you can still get accommodation. But also buying a new one is also very desirable: it is convenient, because the world of the game has grown greatly, and dragged through the entire city to the only point of preservation - long and often dangerous.

Perhaps one of the most amazing innovations in GTA: San Andreas became the parameters of the main character. Si-Jey has the following indicators: fat, endurance, respect, lung volume, appearance, musculature, driver skills, pilot skills, motorcyclist skills, cyclist skills, as well as experience of gambling and skills to shoot every type of weapon separately!

If suddenly you imagined the scattering of skills when raising the level, as in some role-playing game, then immediately forget. To build muscles and become rushing, you need to go to the gym and exercises that are in very frequently pressing one or more keys. At this time, Karl on the screen raises dumbbells, or rides at the exercise bike, losing fat. So that the fat is not over (it will draw a health indicator), you need to go to the eatery and to overtake it harmful food. It is done for a long time and tedious, but the results are visible: Carl becomes a muscular. And if you only be out, it will become fat, like a big skunk. With the other parameters by analogy. Part of the side tasks gave bonuses to the characteristics: the ambulance mission increased the health, the housepiece - endless running, and to improve the skills of transport management, you need to visit special schools.

Arsenal Si-Jay is almost no different from what was in GTA: Vice City. Nevertheless, among the explosives now there are things like a gas grenade and C4 with a remote detonator. Some useful things have appeared: fire extinguisher, spray can with paint and film camera. In connection with the advent of girls, you can find gifts for them: a bouquet of flowers, a cane, a dildo and a vibrator. Laughter for the sake of, they can be used in battle. And last: night vision device with thermal imager, as well as parachute (disposable).

As already mentioned earlier, there is a separate skill scale for each of the types of firearms. The higher the skill, the more accurate the weapon shoot, and on maximum level One-handed trunks (9mm pistols, crops, micro-ultrasound and tse-9) - they can be taken one in each hand! You can quickly increase skills in a dash in a network of traditional Armory "Ammu-Nation".

Instead of ordinary hundred hidden things, there were many unique collectibles in San Andreas. Thus, in Los Santos, it is proposed to paint 100 graffiti of enemy gangs, four types of weapons appear in the Si-Jium House. In San Fierro, there are 50 angles for photographs - icons, which are visible only in the camera lens, four types of weapons appear for them near the garage workshop in Doherty. In Las Venturas, 50 happy horseshoes were scattered, for them four types of weapons appear near the casino of four dragons, and the luck will increase in gambling. Also around the state were scattered 50 seashells (they need to dive, and the award is an increase in lungs and attractiveness) and 70 unique jumps for which they pay money.

If suddenly it seemed to you that in previous games of the series - too few vehicles, this is exactly impossible to say about San Andreas. And it's not even about the banal addition of new shells and motorcycles, although with this game in order. The main thing is that there are whole new categories: these are two bikes, many airplanes (including a huge passenger liner, a smaller passenger aircraft, corn, airplane, and a military fighter, armed with homing rockets), trailer trailers that are disconnected and joined by a guided tanker, Combine, quad bike, cards and even train, even if you can ride on it only on rails. And there is still a wonderful thing, called Jetpak. His dress, you can fly, and even shoot, aiming, as if you are outside of transport. So that you understand, in San Andreas, a total of about two hundred vehicles!

All transport is conditionally divided into the following categories: Cars, motorcycles, bicycles and aircraft. For each category, a separate skill is responsible. The more you ride, the better Karl it turns out. It is more visible on bicycles, and in the case of machines and motorcycles, high skill is the key to the stadium entrance. There is, however, another category - swimming agents, but there is no skill.

Starting with San Fierro, you can find special schools of extreme cargo, boats, motorcycles and aviation. Performing tasks in them, Si Jay improves its skills. At each school, you can get medals: bronze, silver and gold. If there is at least one bronze among them, then some kind of breakdown will always stand near the school. If there is no bronze, but there is silver, then something better will be added to the breakdown. And for gold - you can get really cool transport. So, for gold at the driving school, you can get the only game specimen " Hotknife.", based on Ford Model A. (1920-30s), in real world There are only a few units left. And in flight school you can get a military helicopter at your disposal.

In addition to the usual painting station, you can visit the workshop, where most cars can be "pumping" in full. The replacement is subject to body parts, wheels, spoilers, can be installed on the cabriolets, a hydraulic suspension is installed on some machines, it is possible to install nitro-acceleration, separately select the color for the cabin and outdoor painting, and even choose a vinyl drawing!

Relations with the police from Karl differ little from "colleagues around the workshop" from previous games. Is that now for liberation from chase it is not necessary to look for an asterisk - you can hide out of sight, and then they will quickly go out themselves. Also, cops no longer use ribbons with spikes. But, generally speaking, thanks to the scale and expanses of San Andreas, the war with the forces of law enforcement here is Ortre and interesting as anywhere else!

If the previous games of the modifications series were just a lot, then to San Andreas - there are simply a lot of them! More than a few thousand. And after all, they still go out! Among them there are not only numerous replacements of cars, textures of everything and all, but even new locations with their own plots! Of course, the overwhelming majority of them have very low quality, but still. There are many mods on other games and universes, like numerous light swords. And the most interesting and original, in the opinion of the author are modifications containing Russian content - Soviet and Russian cars, clothes, and so on.

A separate line I want to mention a well-known supplement called ENBSERIES.. This is a graphical improvement that adds a lot of new graphics effects to the game, such as Scheders version 3.0 (in the game, only version 2.0 is used) and many others.

Nevertheless, the main achievement of folk craftsmen, you can safely call modifications that add multiplayer modes to the game. The most famous of them: Multi Theft AUTO. and San Andreas Multiplayer.which are also used on website ( and support to hundreds (!!!) players at the same time! Fortunately, the scale of San Andreas is allowed.

In the desert near Las Venturas, near a number of huge satellite antennas, not far from Zone 69, you can find the ebony "at lil samples". Next to her, a flying saucer hinting on the contents of the tavern is spinning on the post. Inside, the walls are decorated with numerous UFO photography, and there is a certain device for the detection of UFO, as well as the San Andreas map with points marked on it.

It must be assumed from something that was born the idea that in GTA: San Andreas really should be a UFO! Or something otherworked, like Big Fut and Nesssey. Many players simply began to invent what was seen in the game or another strange event, forcing other players to spend time on checking these ridiculous legends. But you believe the word: no UFO in San Andreas is not! It's all just fiction. Yes, and no "zone 69" is also not, and can not. It's true, and be otherwise the government would not hide similar information from their taxpayers.

Grand Theft Auto Advance

  • Developer: Digital Eclipse
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games
  • Platform and release date: Game Boy Advance: October 25, 2004
Grand Theft Auto Advance - This is a game designed for a portable console Game Boy Advance. from Nintendo..

The action unfolds B. Liberty City of GTA III, with minor changes, such as the lack of inclined surfaces, tunnels and metro. All because the game was two-dimensional, with a view from above, like GTA. and GTA 2.. Well, what did you wait for Game Boy Advance? Nevertheless, the game should be interesting to the fans of the third part. The action in the GTA Advance occurs per year before GTA III. Among the characters there are old familiar, "eighth ball" and king Courtney, as well as the poorly opened gangs of the yard and Colombian cartel, and others. Play will have for a small criminal T-shirt, who with a friend Winnie tried to earn money to get out of Liberty City. The last case was to work on Mafia Salvatore Lyon, but Winnie was killed, and Mike decides to take revenge on the killers. In the game, everything was also available "flashes of rage", hidden packages and springboards, which were moved. And there were professional missions - police, ambulance and others. As well as an extended set of weapons.

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

  • Developers: Rockstar Leeds
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games

Platforms and output dates:

  • PSP: October 25, 2005
  • PlayStation 2: June 06, 2006

Action occurs in Liberty City 1998, the game is a prequel to GTA III. The main hero is Tony Siprianialready familiar players GTA III. There in the future (relatively LCS.), he held a high position at Don Lyon and gave Claud. Tasks against the triad. He was also a real mamiene son: the elderly mother reported him even at subordinates. What is interesting, he seemed very complete, although he was not so yet in LCS. Apparently, mom fattened.

But back K. Liberty City Storms.. Here Tony only arrives in the city where the service comes to Don Salvatore and other Mafia bosses. Generally speaking, the plot campaign is pleased with the long - 70 missions. In addition to the Salvator, there are other old familiar: Donald Lav., Phil Cassidy, Maria Latators, « Eighth ball"I. Miguel (Colombian, in the future ally Catalins).

Interestingly, Liberty City here is not the way we see it in GTA III. Anyway, the difference in three years. To the great horror, the city's areas are still isolated from each other, but only the tunnels and the metro in the course of this game will not be completed. Like Callahan Bridge, through which you can cross only on the tramplines. It turns out that the islands were quite isolated from each other for quite a while and from the mainland. In addition, many buildings and institutions have undergone changes, which at different times belonged to different owners.

The following side missions were in LCS: the trash truck driver (delivery of bodies in a landfill), Karmageddon (Karmageddon, probably sending to the famous game -) - you need to arrest unrest on the fire engine, delivery of pizza, car sale (it is the sale, and not hijacking ), Sale of motorcycles, Liberty City Guide, "Angel Vesti" - a costume mission for catching the violators of order, shooting from the seating on a motorcycle along the specified machines. In addition, old friends are preserved: professional missions, flashes of rage, race, telephone missions, hijacking, unique jumps, collecting secret packages.

Generally speaking, it is amazing, but there are motorcycles in LCS! Later also explains their absence in GTA III - the public insisted on the ban on motorcycles. The arsenal was almost copied from GTA: San Andreas.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

  • Developer: Rockstar Leeds
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games

Platforms and output dates:

  • PSP: October 31, 2006
  • PS2: March 6, 2007
- prequel to the original GTA: Vice City. Action occurs in Weiss City. In 1984, two years before the events of the original. Play will have to be Viktor Vans, Brother Lance Vansfamiliar to GTA VC.. Moreover: Victor was one of the dealers in the starting roller of the original. He was killed by Diaz people, while Lance and Tommy Versetti Going, throwing drugs and money at the site.

But it will be after, but in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - Victor Vance - an honest guy coming to the urgent service in Fort Baxter, under the command of the sergeant Martinez. Unlike Victor, Martinez is not a sign with the criminal world of Weiss City. He even adjusts Victor for several dirty affairs. At the end of the last task, Martinez substitutes Victor, for which he is fired from the army. After that, he does not have anything else, except to continue to enlighten into the criminal world of Weiss City. IN certain momentHe begins to build his own criminal empire together with Brother Lance. They are together engaged in many cases, including racket, usury, robbery, drug trafficking, pimp and smuggling.

To traditional police officers, ambulance, taxis and fire, new: medical helicopter, helicopter for fire extinguishing, and the work of the beach patrol. It was also necessary to deliver transport by lists, as well as collect 99 balloons to receive free weapons, perform mission rage and unique jumps.

The city in VCS is somewhat different from the original. Part of the buildings can be found unfinished, or not existing at all. There was an opportunity to ride on the ferris wheel, to visit the trailers park. A floating restaurant appeared in the port.

Grand Theft Auto IV

  • Developer: Rockstar North
  • Developer: Rockstar Games
  • Localizer: 1C-Softklab

Platforms and output dates:

  • Xbox 360: April 29, 2008
  • PlayStation 3: April 29, 2008
  • PC: December 19, 2008

The first thing that rushes into the eye when looking at, it is graphics. At the time of the exit, the game was very technological and demanding to the gland. So, having bought a recent system unit for a thousand dollars, I had to put up with the fact that you do not see the maximum settings. However, a number of patches and brakes appeared for the game, for the most part, they disappeared, and the dynamic shadows were only more painted.

What is surprising, because before the games of the series have always seriously lagged behind others in terms of technology, taking scale and gameplay. This was primarily the weakness of the console PlayStation 2.Yes, and the scale was incomparable with other games. Now there were no such restrictions, PlayStation 3. and Xbox 360. allowed to make much more detailed and technological game world. The game used a new engine branded development: Rage (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine). He supported technology DirectX 9. And it used to the full coil. Also, the game had an outstanding physical model of transport behavior, and even certain destroyable objects. For the first time B. GTA. The work of the suspension was felt, and the machines received very realistic external damage.

In addition, an innovative technology was used in the game. Euphoria.on which the animation of the characters was made. For example, now with a frontal collision at high speed, you can fly through the windshield, constantly hitting objects, gradually losing speed and health. What can we talk about realistic pedestrians. Also, very high quality, a reaction was implemented on wounds from firearms.

The action of the game happens again in Liberty City. Not in the one that was in GTA III. IN GTA IV. New "Epoch" starts: the game no longer intersects with the events of the previous parts. There are no old characters in it, even references to them. Although at the same time the game has retained a lot of previously embossed parodies on brands. Mostly it includes the names of vehicles that are now unequivocally similar to some real models. Also preserved trendy brands trading, the names of the eaters like Burger Sheot. or Cluckin Bell., beverages Sprunk. and ecola., and much more.

New Liberty City is much more like a real New York, than ever. It is traditionally divided into three parts: a broker (based on Brooklyn), Algonquin (Manhattan) and Alderney (New Jersey). In addition to them, there are also "islets", like Buchana (Bronx), the largest of them, as well as the island of " Statue of happiness"(Parody on Statue of Liberty - in the game she has a face Hilary Clinton, and in hand holds a glass of coffee). All together they are connected by numerous bridges, tunnels and high railways. In addition, for the first time in the series, it became possible to take a taxi that could take you to any object marked on the map (including player labels anywhere in the map). The main hero was sitting in the car, chose the route and speed (faster - more expensive), after which the taxi began to go, and the player could look at the streets around, throughout the trip. Also at the helicopter station, you can order a tour of Liberty City from a bird's eye view. Well, or sob one, and inspect everything yourself.

The following problem was the subject of jokes and perturbations of the players: one taxi could drive in the city. Thus, it turned out when a shortage of RAM, the diversity of the traffic was directly depended on the number of gigabytes. However, so Liberty City became more like New York - there is also a lot of taxis.

The main character in Grand Theft Auto IV became an emigrant from Eastern Europe - Serb, by name Niko Belllik (In fact, Serbian surname Bellic reads Belich, but Blik is better for English hearing). He sails on the ship in the "country of great opportunities" to start life from a clean leaf. In the past, he happened to fight on this war, where he saw everyone, after which he began to see the world very cynically. And returning to his homeland, I could not find honest work - nobody wanted to take a soldier. Then he had to do criminal affairs - in particular smuggling, transportation of illegal goods, and even ... slaves. But one of the enterprises fell out, the ship sank along with all the goods. Niko miraculously managed to escape, but his boss, by name Ray Bulgarin, I considered that Niko should be money. And then he had to go to Liberty City, where in a luxurious mansion, surrounded by supermodels, and with many sports cars in the garage, for ten years he lives his cousin Roman Bellik. At least, so everything described in the letters he himself.

Stepping from the ship to solid land in the port of Liberty City, I find a novel, dirty, drunk and driving a taxi. Instead of the mansion, he lives in a dirty one-bedroom apartment, and from the cars he has only a taxi from his little taxi. Yes, and that is still just a miracle staying afloat: Roman owed money to the Roshovshchik, and also often played in the card. It is not difficult to guess that now NIKO will have to take care not only about himself, but also about the unborn cousin. The plan to start a new life quickly turns into the same blue dream as the novel mansion. He will have to work for a usurist, then on his boss, and then on drug dealers, mafia ... yes on anyone who has money.

Rockstar loves to disclose topics that are often silent. This time they appealed towards immigrants from Eastern Europe and Russia. South Buchana, the first of the game areas, is completely given to Russian. There are such places such as the Kabar "Perestroika" and the Bar "Comrades". Here, passersby on the street often speak Russian, with Nico or just by phone. And in the first store of clothing you can buy different types of workouts, and even a hat-of-ear with a sickle and a hammer on the forehead. As Niko notes, "this clothing looks as if brought from our homeland." A very pleasant feature of the game has become a radio station Vladivostok fm.where only domestic songs play! DJ made Ukrainian singer Ruslana, and rapper Serega Recorded an exclusive track for the game, called the "invasion".

GTA IV occupied quite a lot of gigabytes. To fit it, it took two two-layer DVDs. In fact, the lion's share went to music for radio and ... television. In his apartment, Niko can just sit in the chair or on the sofa, and start watching TV. It had several channels and television shows, including historical chronicles, animated series, glamor television shows and so on. All this was fulfilled on the engine's engine and voiced with actors. As well as all other in the game, television programs were filled with satire, parodies and just perky humor.

Two more important innovations are a mobile phone and the Internet. If earlier you could only get calls on the phone (and Claude had only a pager at all), now the functions have not become an example more. First, you can now call all familiar characters yourself. So you can invite a girl on a date, or a friend on the break. Another phone has a camera, the pictures of which can be saved. With the help of the mobile phone, you could enter the video editor and the multiplayer game mode. Well, even enter cheat codes.

If GTA: San Andreas and previous games only brought new missions into a series, then GTA IV most of them lost. Only only the tasks of the police and a taxi remained from the professional (for the Roman Taksopark). There are still numerous (although not so unique as in San Andreas) racing and tasks on the hijacking machines. The latter have now changed somewhat: a photo of the car and the name of the street comes to the phone Niko, where it stands. So the player had to initially identify the place and the car, and after to overtake it into the garage. Of the well-forgotten old mission, the missions received through a telephone machine, which were committed by registered killings. That's all. Unless, unique jumps and hidden things remained, in the role of which this time 200 pigeons ("flying rats" - Flying Rats - in the English version), spending when approaching, and which you need to shoot. To a great surprise, no one bonus in the form of free weapons after extermination of pigeons is not provided.

But not everything is so bad: many side tasks appeared with the plot. A lot of characters are placed on the streets who need help Niko Bellica. As a rule, the tasks are single-strokes - to pass, or kill someone. More interesting: during the main storyline there is the opportunity to save life "ordered" characters. In this case, you can find these characters somewhere in the city, and get the task from them.

Tusovka with friends also added to dates from the last part. Niko can get acquainted with friends during the plot. But girls will have to search on a dating site. And those and others practically do not differ, in fact, with the exception of the beginning (each girl has different tastes in terms of clothes and cars in Niko) and the final - Niko does not go home to the cup of coffee. The goal of these activities is to win the location in the numerical equivalent. When it becomes high, the characters begin to provide Niko services: Estrace well-paid work, bring and sell weapons with a discount (therefore, there is now practically no point in looking for it on the streets), he will charge a bomb to the car, will be off the police, organize a discount in the fashion store and in Such a spirit.

To organize a meeting, you need to call the character and specify the place where you intend to bring it (it). You need to meet with different characters at different times, because everyone has a different schedule of life, and if you wake them up, they are offended. Also, they themselves can call and invite to sweat. Dates and meetings can be held in the same places. In the eaters, in the club, in the bar, in the cabaret, where the show shows and even in the striptease club, where you need to order a private dance. There were also mini-games: Bowling, Billiards and Darts. For one meeting or a date you can visit several places, after which you need to take the character home.

The most profitable, in terms of improving relationships, is a trip to the bar. There, nico with a friend or girlfriend drink and begin to tell what they really think. At times very interesting. And at the exit both turn out to be drunk so much that they start to go back and constantly fall. Watch the car in this state is very hard - the camera swinging, the car itself turns where he wants, so also the police begins the chase, if he sees.

Because of this feature, the next small scandal broke out around GTA IV. Some people saw in this propaganda drunk ride. Allegedly, the game teaches people how to go by car, being in a state of intoxication. On the Internet even a video appeared: the man played GTA IV for two weeks, where he led the car drunk Niko. After that, he drank himself and tried to go by car in the game. Result: The game does not give any drunk driving skills.

In terms of customization of the main hero, GTA IV is very inferior to San Andreas. In Liberty City, there are no hairdressing and tattoo salons. Yes, the range of clothing stores does not affect the imagination. However, the campaign is more interesting in them: you can go to any product and try it. All clothes are still available in the wardrobe in the apartment of Niko.

In terms of Arsenal, the fourth part is again inferior to San Andreas in the amount of weapons of only 15 samples. Gifts and almost all kinds of cold and heavy weapons completely disappeared from Arsenal. See what it remains: Knife, Baseball Bit, Glock Pistols 22 and Desert Eagle, Ultrasound and SMG, Pumping and Combat Shotgun, AK-47 and M4, Two Sniper Rifles, RPG-7, Molotov Cocktail and Split Grenade.

But combat system Constracted significant changes. First of all, this applies to the introduction of the popularity of the shelter system from. Niko and his enemies can fall almost any obstacle, including cars. Schedules have become much more realistic, tactful, although they lost at the same time in the excitement and dynamics. However, in free from missions, no one will prevent you from taking RPG and go to blow all the oncoming machines and helicopters, although in this case will live for long. However, it is no longer necessary to leave the car to open the sighting shooting. Niko can break the glass and launch a light weapon (a gun or a gun-machine gun), as well as throw grenades and incendiary mixtures. But as for the shooting: when holding the button, an eye appears on the screen, allowing to shoot 360 degrees, although it used to be only left and right.

Vehicles in GTA IV also became less. All managed airplanes, bicycles, amphibian on an air cushion, parachute, jetpak and even holy saints disappeared from the game. Nevertheless, we have left: cars, motorcycles, boats and helicopters. In GTA IV, they have never been similar to their real prototypes. It became completely obvious where Mercedes, Lamborgini or Ferrari. The physical model has also become much more realistic, the suspension works well, and the accidents have never looked so realistic. And also, from the game disappeared tuning. But the car wash was now added to the paint workshop. Well, will she displaced tuning and customization? Interesting features of transport in GTA IV include the appearance in GPS machines. During missions, the radar marks the shortest way to the goal. Also on the map you can set your own label. In expensive GPS machines even voiced, he can warn about turns in advance.

Military forces disappeared from the fourth part together with the tank. However, the police are also helping the FIB agents (FBI gaming analog) and special forces. And the search system itself has undergone major changes. On the radar during the chase you can notice a circle measuring the search zone. The higher the search level, the territory is greater. To get away from the police, you need to hide from the species, leave the marked zone and some time do not come across the eyes of the law enforcement. If NIKO is noted, the search area moves and centers on it. There are no more police stars, but you can still repaint the car. Now this action will rewind time six hours ahead.

Rockstar finally wanted common sense, and now they have developed a multiplayer mode for the game. It includes 15 interesting modes supporting up to 32 players. Among these regimes there are desmatches, races, performing mafia tasks, gangsters against cops, bandits against special forces, capture of control points, hunting for the "product", industrial hijacking, laying a bomb on the ship, and finally, good old "free regime".

A system was used as a multiplayer platform Microsoft Games for Windows Live. And there was also a mandatory registration in incomprehensible service. Rockstar Games Social Club. As copy protection - Securom. The game also built additional protection against NODVD, nicknamed by players is not otherwise like a "drunk camera and a brick on the pedal of gas." It was as follows: if the game decided that you are using nodvd, then sitting in the car, they soon found it smoking and with disconnected brakes, while the chamber rushed as after the adoption of alcohol! Justice for the sake of such a fate was avoided by all owners of licensed copies, in addition, they could download an alternative triggering file that allowed to run the game without a disk, saving a multiplayer. Registration of the game remains mandatory.

It is no secret that the most frequently produced fan's additions have always been new cars. Many of them you can see here in the screenshots. And if the already existing in the game was very similar to real, then what to talk about the fan models of transport, whose creators did not associate any legal restrictions. For example, now, by the will of the player, the car "Boneyshi" could be not just like Dodge Viper.She literally became her, as if it was.

You can also recall the real tuning created by the craftsmen, with blackjack, vinyl and neon backlight! Well, the most important thing is a huge number of graphic modifications. Self, looking at their screenshots, seriously doubt - and not a photo of it?

Grand Theft AUTO: Episodes from Liberty City

  • Developer: Rockstar North
  • Developer: Rockstar Games
  • Localizer: 1C-Softklab

Platforms and output dates:

  • Xbox 360: October 29, 2009
  • PlayStation 3: April 13, 2010
  • PC: April 13, 2010
Grand Theft AUTO: Episodes from Liberty City - these are two large story supplements to the original Grand Theft Auto IV. The first of them is called THE LOST AND DAMNED, and the second - THE BALLAD OF GAY TONY.

The effect of episodes occurs in the same Liberty Citythat I. GTA IV.. The city is practically identical, with the exception of some important places. Supplements contain their own main characters, new characters and plot tasks. The link is a line of diamonds belonging to Ray Bulgarin. They slip out of his hands, after which they are trying to take possession of each of the heroes - Niko Belllik from GTA IV, Johnny Cleanits of Tlad. and Luis Lopez of Tbogt.For reasons. In addition, all three heroes are also associated with a large drug party, which are closely monitored by the police. Together, three plots form one, shedding light on many white spots, in the plots of each other. According to the duration of the plot lines, each addition is about 1/3 of the plot of GTA IV.

In addition, they add some new features to the game, such as mini-games, additional tasks, new weapons and transport. As well as new websites on the Internet, new programs on TV and new tracks on the radio, including several new radio stations. What is interesting, in episodes all areas of the city are originally and are available for research, unlike GTA IV.

According to the author, Episodes from Liberty City is a great addition that the majority of claims have leveled. It greatly expanded his capabilities, diversified arsenal and park of vehicles. In addition, GTA IV, together with episodes, forms a common story. Each of the heroes has its own point of view on Liberty City. Niko Bellik - an immigrant who is trying to take root in an unfamiliar world without having friends and relatives here, with the exception of cousin, and not owning a peaceful profession. Johnny Cleanits - Biker, for which the motorcycle and well-being of his gangs "lost" are the meaning of existence. The atmosphere in Tlada is so thick that you start to get into your role - a harsh biker, despising four-wheeled transport and Japanese fakes, and the Liberty Rock Radio must play on the radio. Luis Lopez in turn sees Liberty City as one big glamorous jam, full of majors, fagots and whores. Playing for him, you begin to invite only sports cars and dress in expensive costumes. The most wonderful in the ballad is that it has returned a tank in the game!

For many, it became a surprise that Rockstar was originally released the first episode, The Lost and Damned, exclusively for Xbox 360. Only many months later, only an announcement of porting on PC and PS3 appeared. History repeatedly and with the second supplement, The Ballad of Gay Tony. In Russian, two options for episodes have been published: Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City - it contains two workable episodes, without the original GTA IV, as well as in the "full publication", where they were both episodes and the original GTA IV. However, 1C again translated only the text, and besides, not the best way, you can find much more high-quality fan rusifiers.

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned

The plot "" starts at the time when Niko Belllik starts working on Mikhail Faustina. This is evidenced by the story of one of the bikers that he meets with a daughter of some Russian, who is Mr. Faustin.

The main character of the game, Johnny Clean (yes, he is a Jew), is the vice president of the Biker club The Lost. "Lost" is a real gang of armed thugs, preferring motorcycles like Chopper. They are armed with not some doubles, but a true firearm. It is necessary to protect against other gangs, or to attack them, then it will work out. The gang has its own club The Lost Liberty - with drinking, strippers, a billiard table and other attributes of the Biker Club. Johnny sleeps right here, on the mattress in the subsidiary, where the computer and TV are also located.

The President of the Club and Gang is Billy, who just comes out of prison, after passing the course of rehabilitation. Before his return, Johnny coped well with the duties of the manager: he agreed on the world with another powerful gang - "Death Angels", and also supported the business on the afloat. But now, after the return of Bill, he again takes over the brethren's brars, the first thing announcing the "Angels of Death" war. He also forces Johnny to perform black work for Jewish mafia. Thus, in the game a lot of attention is paid to the confrontation of Johnny and Bill. Other gang members also have their own attitude towards both leaders.

The first and most important innovation in Tlada, this appearance of his own gang, ready to appear on the revenue of the first call. These are not faceless clones, like in GTA: San Andreas. You will know the name of each of them, and even ... level. Levels accumulate for survival during raids on enemy gangs, which were also added to Tlad. The deceased comrade is replaced by a newcomer, leaving behind the photograph on the wall, in the club Gang Band.

If the gang left, then the accompanying Johnny will try to go behind him in strict combat order. Also, in some missions, Johnny himself needs to go after Billy, in this case it will restore health and armor, and can also speak with other bikers traveling nearby.

In addition to the "combat comrades", Johnny also has friends with whom he can spend time. From the very beginning they can provide services - customized motorcycles and weapons.

To entertainment and competitions, Aerohokki was added. In addition, the club can be played in the "bigger-smaller" card game and compete in Arreensling. And in the city you can take part in biker races in which you can also use a battle. What is interesting, Johnny does not attend shops. Change its club leather jacket is impossible, and why? It would be ridiculous. The interface was also subjected to changes, it "aged" and acquired in detail. In addition, the city's palette has greatly changed: now she is completely yellowish-gray, and little is disturbing. And instead of pigeons, now you need to kill 50 chas, the innovation motorcycle will be available as a reward.

Addition TLAD is primarily devoted to motorcycles. Therefore, it is not surprising that they were added most of all - as much as 17 pieces. Near Johnny Club is always waiting for his faithful chopper - "Witcher" (Hexer). In addition, 4 cargo cars and 2 passengers were added.

The branded and first accessible weapons of Johnny became the edge of biting, which was not in the original GTA IV. Besides, it was also added: a billiard cue, a new semi-automatic gun, an assault shotgun, shooting a queue, a real grenade launcher, shooting 40mm shells flying on Parabole, and self-made explosives.

Supplement also touched a multiplayer regime, adding five new types of competitions at once: the chase of the armed helicopter for a motorcycle (in the English version of the word game - Chopper VS. Chopper), a number of tasks for the club, "Wolf Hunt" - when all players try to kill one biker , Bang war behind the territory, and the last - the battle of "lost" against the police special forces.

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad Of Gay Tony

"" Begins at the moment when Niko Bellik, together with the Makriri family, robbed Liberty City Bank.

"Ballad" is entirely devoted to all glamorous and dirty. Gay Tony, he is Blue Tony, he is Anthony Prince, the owner of two nightclubs in Liberty City, one for blue, and second for heterosexuals. But we play, fortunately, not for him, but for his bodyguard and partner Luis Lopez, Latin American orientation. Louis helps Tony, working in the clubs of the bouncer and performing many illegal cases according to his decree. The fact is that Tony there and Syam owed a lot of money, and if he does not pay, it can lose his business. In addition, Louis has to take care of his relatives and friends, which then fall into trouble.

A distinctive feature of "ballads" is a bias to the side of realism. Unlike GTA IV and Tlad, it is no longer trying to be serious. TBOGT In this regard, much more reminds Vice City and San Andreas. She is bright, colorful and very cheerful. Finally, she returned the tank! Almost. The BTR is an armored personnel carrier with a tower installed on him with a large-caliber weapon. It is much faster than any tank, and also has high rapidity, so it is just great for the guidance of the rustle in Liberty City.

In the "Balland" Rockstar continued to actively attract the shortage of side missions in the original. Thus, "drugs" were added - tasks for transportation of drugs, for the implementation of every ten pieces in which weapons were delivered to the Luis apartment. In the native district of Luis, hand-to-hand fights without rules are held, in which you can participate for money. There was an opportunity to play a real golf. And the "triathlon" here is not the same as in San Andreas: first Louis jumps with a parachute, then sits down into the boat and floats on it to the car, on which he finishes. Yes, a parachute returned. New tasks are also associated with it - it is necessary to fly through the "crown" marked in the air, after which they land in the specified place, or even on a moving truck. It is also worth mentioning work in a nightclub. Louis can stand on duty bouncer. Also there is a mini-game with champagne drinking, and still dancing (again with the San Andreas handle with the pen), where you can pick up a girl.

Weapon, which Louis is originally carrying with you, is a very powerful gun.44 caliber. Also added: shotgun with discontinuous bullets, assault gun-machine gun, gold (!!!) ultrasound, handmade machine gun, new improved sniper rifle and velcro bomb. In addition to weapons, several dozen vehicles, music tracks, have also been added to the game, and several changes were made to multiplayer regime.

Grand Theft AUTO: Chinatown Wars

  • Developer: Rockstar Leeds
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games
Platforms and output dates:
  • Nintendo DS: March 17, 2009
  • PlayStation Portable: October 20, 2009
  • iPhone and iPod Touch: January 18, 2010
  • iPad: September 10, 2010
- This is a game for portable platforms, at first the exclusive for Nintendo DS. History Liberty City of GTA IV. does not end on Episodes. Act GTA: Chinatown Wars happens a year after the events of the fourth part, in 2009. "Wars in the Chinese Quarter" uses the areas of Broker, Bohan and Algonquin, but Alderney was cut out. The main character, Huang Lie, I flew to Liberty City by plane to pass the uncle's sword of my deceased father, the former boss of the Triad to strengthen the position of the family. But he did not have time to go down from the ladder, as he landed into an armed ambush, was abducted and almost killed. In the Chinese quarter, war is brewing the power in which Juan Li will have to be directly involved. The primary release of DS games could not but affect the graph and the gameplay. So, although the graphics in the game were three-dimensional, but the camera was isometric with a view from above, but with the possibility of horizontal rotation of 360 degrees. In addition, externally, the game looks very cartoon. The plot was transferred in the form of a non-voiced comic. The gameplay of Chinatown Wars places is different from other games of the series. So, to catch a car from the parking lot, you need to go through a mini-game that will be varied depending on the age of the car. Something similar was announced for GTA IV, but the release disappeared from the game. I must say that for the plot tasks they pay very poorly. To appreciate the whole tragedy: Juan can dig in the garbage tanks in search of food, as well as money, weapons and drugs. Also Juan is forced to go to the drug business, buying and reselling goods, finding other dealers using the PDA. You can also try to win the lottery. In addition, the game was attended ambulance, police, taxis, racing, hijacking machines and random meetings. In the game, there is a multiplier on two Chelawakes (Croin is not enough (Nada Istcho)). Six (or moving ya scored): Danka, racing championship, hijacking van (it can only go to one), wars for the territory, or on one side, or against each other and, finally, Dezmatch but there is no DiVew. In addition, the game supported social opportunities Rockstar Games Social Club.