Desktop game Bang Rules. Overview. Board "Bang. When the powder smoke disappeared

Table game

From 4 to 7 (3-8 with extensions)

Party time
From 30 minutes

The complexity of the game

Bang! - table game In the genre of Western, created by Sharro Eminian. In "Bang!" 7 roles and each player gets its own: 3 gangsters, sheriff, two sheriff assistants and renegade. Each player will have to do certain goals to achieve victory in the game.

Objective game Bang!

The goal of the game depends on your role. Sherifa needs to be removed all the gangsters, the assistants will have to help Sherif in the fulfillment of his mission, the bandits eliminate the sheriff, the renegade is waiting for the case to stay alone with the sheriff.

Table game Bang!: Game Rules

  • Before starting the game, each player chooses a role and a corresponding character's card.
  • Each character has a certain number of lives and unique opportunities.
  • Life in this game is determined by a certain number of injuries that can withstand the character.

website - a portal of board games in which they tried to collect the most popular stands, as well as new gaming Industry. On the page "Table game Bang!" A review of the game, photos and rules is presented. If you are interested in "Table Game Bang!", We recommend you to familiarize yourself with the games in other categories with similar characteristics.

What is this game

Table game Bang! It is a hurricane shootout between good (sheriff and sheriff assistant) and bad (gangsters and renegat, and the latter does not be bend to soak all without disaster) cowboy. Rifles and nagans are running, dynamite, prison, salunas, diligences and other attributes of the Wild West. The game begins with the fact that players play the role cards among themselves. Sheriff, Sheriff's assistant - their goal to kill all the gangsters and renegades; Bandits - kill the sheriff and his whip; Rengate - Water all! But remember that the sheriff needs to be killed last, otherwise the gangsters will benefit.

The whole salt is that role cards are played in the closed (sheriff exception), players do not know whom they shoot, everyone follows their little, which does not always lead them to victory. Once the roles are played, there is a turn to choose a hero - there are more dozen in the game, and everyone has its own unique skill, after the distribution of cards is there, the number of which depends on the lives of your character (we look at the bullets, next to the portrait, the sheriff gets an extra life) . If life end, you need to quickly dry the pivashika, yes! Yes! That is how the health of the characters is fill in the game, but see do not overdo it - a drunken cowboy is a dead cowboy.

Game process

The gameplay is most similar to, each player begins with the capture of the card, then draw cards and the shootout itself, in the end if you have more cardsThan lives are discharged too much and transfers the right to the other player. Sheriff is hunted on the gangsters, the gangsters for the sheriff and his assistant, and the tricky maniac is waiting for its o'clock - all this is Bang !!! In the end, only one will remain - bad, good, angry ...

Do you like Sergio Leone and his spaghetti-western? Clint Eastwood for you Reference of a real cowboy? Revised Django liberated? If at least one of the questions you answered yes, then this game is for you and your friends. Charge the colts, please the horse and boldly go buy it!

Bang is a sort of desktop variation of Mafia and lovely gamewhich is perfect for both novice players and experienced tables who wanted to take a little after some kind of long serious party. Party pass quickly and fun, while the game is absolutely calmly coped without fields, and the deck of cards is easy to take with them anywhere.

Play Bang! That is more fun and more interesting, the more people, and here, unfortunately, the restriction of 7 people upsets a little, but hope that the world of the hobby will decide to localize the additions to the game that allow this limit to increase. Localization itself is made on good level. Maps from dense cardboard, the text on them is deprived of incomprehensible and ambiguous phrases, as well as equipped with real-life examples. The box from the game is quite large, but this will allow you to store in it and add-ons to the game.

We meet the card desktop game in Western style

"When a person with a revolver comes against a person with a gun, he should immediately order a wooden McIntosh." Today, consider the desk game Bang! . This real spaghetti-western from the world of card board games, which has developed worldwide edition of more than 750 thousand copies. The middle party will fly for 30 minutes and takes from 4 to 7 cowboys.

What is inside

In the standard spacious box there is a small book of rules, 7 game fields, a handful of tapes bullets and an impressive deck of cards.

At the start of the game, each player receives a role map. A player who fell to play for the sheriff shows his card, everyone else leaves their roles in secret from rivals. Further, each participant pulls the character's card, which is chosen randomly out of 16 available and takes so many bits of bullets, their number is indicated in the upper right corner of the character's card and places them on the game tablet. Sherifa, according to the rules of the board game Bang!, Always gets to one token more due to official powers. Finally, each player takes so much game cards on top of a deck, how much does it burn the bullets.

You can start a pallet. The conditions of victory for each player depend on the role received. Sheriff and his assistants, guided by law should bring all bandits and renegades from the game. Bandits strive to get rid of the sheriff to finally unleash their hands, and the renegat and himself do not mind trying the sheriff icon. For this, he must stay with Sheriff alone and defeat him in a merciless duel.

Starting stroke

At the beginning of his stroke, the player gets two cards from a deer. If the deck came out, the reset is mixed and a new one is formed. Now the player plays any number of cards with the hands, while observing three limitations: no more than one Bang card, not more than one item with the same name on the player and no more than one weapon.

In order to make a shot, the player must play with the hand of the Bang card and choose the purpose of the shot. The goal should be at a distance of a shot, which is indicated on the weapon used by the shooter and the default one is equal to one. The distance is determined by the remoteness of the players from each other behind the playing table, that is, weapons with a range of shooting, equal to one can get into players of sitting on the left and right from the shooter of I.T.D.

If you are shot

The player has the right to respond by the card by Bang, then both played cards are sent to reset and nothing happens. Otherwise, the shot is considered successful and the victim loses one bold bullet. Without cartridges in the wild west, the jokes are bad, and as soon as the player does not have them, he is considered dead and leaves the game party, and his role becomes known to all players.

Naturally, the set of gaming cards is not limited to Bang's cards and by, the kit includes 80 cards with different effects that allow attacking opponents, restore health, steal or drop cards from the hands of players and receive new cards from the deck.

Globally cards are divided into 2 types:

  • Cards S. brown frame have an instant effect and go out of the game after use, as a rule, it is different attacks, healing or effects of discharge or damage cards
  • Maps with a blue frame remain in players and represent their personal property, such as weapons, sights, shelters and others

Among the game cards of the Bang's board game, you can find various weapons that increase the range or even the sequence of shooting, sights, shelters, explosives, personal jumps, as well as the opportunity to plant a player in prison or even rob the bank. Most of these cards are illustrated by special characters, the decoding of which can be found on the cards of tips, outstanding to each player and are all described in detail in the rules of the game.

Baby Beil, Tuko, Lucky Luke, Angel Eye, Maddy dog, Dzhango and d. P .. These names were once on a hearing, they prevailed fear and hatred, honor and respect. Each of them knew perfectly, as it was important to pull out the revolver from the holster and how the road is a quick horse under the saddle.

Some pursued good goals: to protect citizens and respect the law. Others wanted only power. Many interested only a personal fit. And someone could kill just for the sake of entertainment. But all of them were famous personals in certain circles. And everyone connected them one: "Bang".

Schedules, intrigues, duels, apacha indians, priest (my God, what a priest does here). Diligeans, revolvers, hard drives, unmanaged dynamite. Eternally interfering to get into the goal of hats and barrels. Constant horses and fast bullets. Restores from the dead. For everyone, you have to have time to trace to stay alive and not get a "wooden macintus". Sheriff and his team of assistants, ready to die for him. Bandits, ready to help in this matter. And the renegade, which just wants to stay alone. We have to try yourself in all roles. Let them whistle bullets above your head. "Bang" is a game for the company of real cowboys.

Description of the game "Bang / Beng":

As it became clear from a small entry into this review, a game about cowboy disassembly on the background of a cactus with a sombrero mounted on him. And you, my dear reader, direct participant.

The game offers you to become:

  • Sheriff / his task is to destroy all the gangsters and the renegade, if any.
  • One of the bandits / their task is to work together and by any way to fill the sheriff.
  • One of the sheriff's helpers / they have a goal to protect the head in any way and act preferably together.
  • Renegage / This is a single killer, his goal is each in the game. No one should survive besides him.

As for all roles, everything is clear here. But only at first glance everything is clear, urine of all in a row without parsing. But in the game there is one very meaningful rule. The party ends at the moment when at least one of the players fulfilled its task. What is the salt? You ask. Everything is simple, if one of the bandits kill the sheriff, then the game is folded and removed on the shelf, since the gangsters won, and everyone still is already alive. Victory leaves him from under the nose. And it turns out to be a renegage to win and remain the only surviving, you need to withstand the balance on the game battlefield. Watch that the forces are approximately equal. When you need to help the sherif, help urgently, let it still live while you do not decide that the hour of his death has come. But the bandits must be helped, because if they are ruthlessly shoot, then the queue will reach the line. Strong sheriff renegade is also not needed. And helpers need to shoot it during. This builds all the intrigue of the game.

Plus, the Mafia element is present in the game "Bang". At the beginning of the part of the role map, they are distributed in the closed. And no one knows who is who. In addition to the sheriff. He opens his identity immediately and this most shows that in this town, while there is a law of damn it .... "This element" Mafia "does not really act. Since practically immediately becomes clear who your neighbor is. Especially if a person in the game is not much. Next will be more understandable why I came to this conclusion.

There are still characters: Faceless Bill, Ballem Billy, Pat Brennan, José Delgado, Dzo, and others.there are 16 pieces of them. Before the game, along with the role, you also get one of the heroes. They have their own definite properties that some bonuses give you in the game. And the number of hits to you depends on the selected character. For example, U. Happy Luca4 hit and bonus "Whenever checks, opens 2 cards from above and chooses one more successful". Or this person is - Elena Fuente,playing for her, get only 3 lives, but the bonus is tempting "You can play any card with hands as" past "". The significance of bonuses will understand later. They strongly help.

One weapon is always with you, in the process of the game it can be changed to a better and appropriate. By default, everyone starts with a conventional revolver "Colt 45". With him, you can once for your Palp Palp in someone and no further than one person (that is, to the neighbor on the right or left). There may be different trunks in the game, which add or range, or the number of shots. For example, a gun "with kovilda, "it will make me to marvel on two people from myself. That is, you can shoot not only your neighbor, but also a neighbor's neighbor. But with " Volcanicflit as much as you like in your own move, but not further your neighbor. Some characters with their bonuses slightly change the initial properties of the weapon (read on the chart of the character).

Mechanic game itself is very simple:

On the table is a stack of shirt maps up. Each has a certain number of cards. In his move, the player takes two cards from the stack and looks at his fan. In his turn, he can make some actions available to him. And then the move is transmitted to the neighbor in a circle. Actions depend on the maps of his hand. Suppose:

  1. Shoot in another player
  2. change weapons
  3. put a bonus bonus to your game
  4. take more cards from the deck
  5. treat yourself or someone
  6. take the map from another player with the hands or make him reset the card with the game
  7. enemy
  8. Shoot everyone from gatling
  9. Duel
  10. And my favorite - run dynamite in a circle

I will not describe the actions, since everything is extremely clearly written in the rules. And the text on the cards will recall for especially forgetful. You just play the card with your hands and perform that they are specified. The game is simple to master - all that you need to know ... There are many interesting situations in the game for such simple mechanics.

The composition of the game:

  • 87 Cards of Roles: 2 Assistant, 3 Bandita, 1 Renyigat
  • 16 characters cards
  • 7 memo cards
  • 80 gaming cards
  • 30 cartridges (hit)
  • 7 tablets
  • rules of the game

The game is designed for a company of 4-7 people. According to the experience, I will say that it is better to play the full composition. Then I promise fun. Faster is not at all interesting. The age of players is not important. On the box they write from 12 years old, but I think more young players can become cowboys. The game will take 30-60 minutes. More than 30 minutes. But the party is tightened.

If you like the game, you can order it on the link:


  • Mastering the game - 73 points
  • Mechanics game - 57 Points
  • Plot and atmosphere - 75 points
  • Convenience to play - 90 Points
  • Quality and design - 78 Points
  • Received fun - 90 points (if a person is more than 5 - 60 balls)

Total - 77 points (if a person is less than 5 - 72 balls)

Additional Information:

For familiarization. You can download the Bang / Bang desktop game on our portal in PDF format. Print on the printer and play. Link below.

Feedback | Mikhail Fedan, Novosibirsk | 01.12.2017

For those who acquired additions, I would like to offer a new look at the old-kindbang. This is an independent game using a Baneng deck. B EN "R O S C C A I R U L E T K A" 1. The course of the game. 1.1. Remove all cards bagg and past the deck. Based on the number of arrows, determine how much bagg cards and are involved in the game: Bang is 1 smaller, and by 2 more than the total number of shooters. 1.2. Drag the rest of the cards and distribute 4 each arrow. Distribute one map by each arrow. At the beginning of the game, each arrow is 5 cards. You can see your cards on your hand only. 1.3. Mix the remaining 2 cards by in a deck. 1.4. Mix the required amount (1 less than the total number of arrows) Bang cards in a deck. 1.5. Put a deck on the middle of the table and decide who will walk first. The move is transmitted clockwise. 1.6. In his course, the arrows can play with any number of cards or their combinations "Combo" or not to play any. Played cards are put in a reset face up. 1.7. Before playing combo arrows should be loud and clearly declare about it. Blue and green cards of one color and suit and rusty cards of one color, suit and names can participate in combos. 1.8. At the end of the course, if special cards were not played, the shooter makes the check - openly reveals the top card from the deck. Before starting checking, the shooter should be loud and clearly declare. If the open card is not Bang, then he takes it on his hand and completes this move. 1.9. If the card turned out to be opened when checking the card, the arrows can play a map by. Called can not be abolished by beauty. Used by passing into reset. Canceled Bang must be seen in any place in the deck. You can mix the bagg (under the table, behind your back, etc.). 1.10. If the card opened when checking, the card was a card and the shooter cannot (or does not want) to play a card by, then for such an arrow the game ends (it is killed). He drops all his cards with his hands to reset, and the Bang's card should miss anywhere in the deck. You can mix the bagg (under the table, behind your back, etc.). 1.11. If the arrows at the end of the stroke remains in the game and at the beginning of the course he had no one card on his hand or if the shooter is under the action of a panic map, then the shooter is obliged to go again. 1.12. When the arrows played any card or after the announcement played a combo, it should give rivals 5 seconds of time to cancel its action by beauty. If after 5 seconds, the arrows began to perform the action of the card or combo, for example, called the name of the arrow for a robbery, took a deck to shock or take a card from the penny, etc., then the beauty can no longer be played. 1.13. Wins the only surviving shooter. 2. Card values. 2.1. Bang (9 pcs.) - Shot. The deck is mixed on 1 card less than the total number of arrows. Bang can be canceled only by the card by. 2.2. By (9 pcs.) - The deck is mixed on 2 cards more than the total number of arrows. This card and only she saves from Beng. At the beginning of the game, each of the shooters is distributed on one card by, the rest are kneaded in a deck. Having extended Bang, if you can (and want) right there play the card by. The card is impossible to cancel the beauty. Used by passing into reset. Canceled Bang must be seen in any place in the deck. You can mix the bagg (under the table, behind your back, etc.). 2.3. Pretty woman (6 pcs.) - cancels the action of any card or their combination combo except Bang and past. With a beauty, you can cancel the action of another beauty. Can be played at any time, not even in your turn. 2.4. Panic (6 pcs.) - Immediately completes your course without checking. Makes the next arrow in a circle to panic and make 2 moves in a row. If the shooter - the victim of panic during these two "panic" moves will play panic, then he also immediately completes his course without checking and the next arrows in a circle becomes a victim of panic. Opened Bang, canceled by, does not interrupt the "panic" series of moves. 2.5. Beer (6 pcs.) - "Ploy to the Future". Look 3 top cards in the deck, and put them back in the same order. 2.6. Green worms (4 pcs.) - "End of the stroke." Immediately complete your course, you do not do the check, do not pull cards. 2.7. Green Bubi (4 pcs.) - "Tusovka". You can mix the deck in any way convenient for you. 2.8. Green Cross (4 pcs.) - "Pay Taxes". The player you choose is obliged to open one card with his hands on his choice. 2.9. Green peaks (4 pieces) - "pogrom". Pull and reset the card with your hands from any opponent. 2.10. Blue worms (5 pcs.) - Participate in combo. 2.11. Baby Bubi (5 pcs.) - Participate in Combo. 2.12. Blue cross (5 pcs.) - Participate in Combo. 2.13. Blue peaks (5 pcs.) - participate in combo. 3. Combinations "Combo". 3.1. Couple - "Pocket". You pull any card from any opponent from your hand, you show the elongated card with all the arrows. 3.2. Two pairs - "Change the Future". Looking 4 top cards decks, put them back in any order. 3.3. Troika - "Robbery". You can demand one any card from any opponent (for example: in favor of sending me your "past", "beauty", "green worms", "blue peaks", etc.), if he has he is obliged to give away. 3.4. Full House - "Bank Robbery". You can demand two any cards from any opponent if he has he is obliged to give. 3.5. Karea - "Searches of treas". You can pick up any card from the pen.

Bang! - Board game from the discharge of dynamic or fast. Popular worldwide since 2002 and to today's day in the Spaghetti Western Fans. Each player receives a role in a small town in the Wild West, and does not reveal it until the end of the game, as in Mafia.

To detect who is a sheriff's assistant, and who is a criminal, it is necessary to try hard. Tear in a shootout, run from prison, explode opponents and do much more.

Game description

The Bang's Board Game is a modified version of the Mafia with elements of the Wild West, designed for a small company (from 2 to 8 people). After distributing the cards, you are transferred to another world, and become one of the four characters. This is a sheriff, his assistants, renegat or bandits. Each role has its own conditions for victory and each of the players can defeat:

  • Sheriff - to discover and kill apostate and gangsters;
  • Assistants - protect the sheriff and kill all his enemies;
  • Bandits - destroy the sheriff and stay alive until the end of the game;
  • The renegat is to remove everyone, except for the "Guardian order" and cause it to the duel. If the sheriff killed the gangsters, then the loss is counted.

Hide the role

All except the sheriff hide their roles until their disposal from the game. Each pass will accidentally get a new role and a character with unique abilities and the number of bullets. A little changed the plot in the extension "Bang! Sword samurai. " The main roles are occupied by three groups (signes and samurai, ninja and ronines). The winner is considered to be the greatest number of victorious glasses or the last survivor. The average duration of one session is 30-45 minutes.

Depending on the expansion, either new characters are introduced, the number of players increases or decreases, or a location is changed at all as in Bang! Sword samurai. " So, for example, in "Bang! For the hassle of cubes, "actions are determined by throwing cubes. In expanding the board game "Bang! Duel "play two: one collects a group of representatives of the law, the second is grouping bandits.

What's in the box

In the standard configuration of the board game Bang you will find:

  • Cards with basic characters (only 7);
  • 7 tablets with the image;
  • 16 heroes with unique abilities;
  • Tokens on cartridges (30 pieces);
  • 80 cards with action and weapons.

In addition, you will find a multi-page brochure with the rules of the game and 7 memos with the designation of cards for each participant.

In the expansion "Bang! For the handful of cubes, they are added 5 cubes and fabrics with the image of arrows. But in "Bang! Sword samurai "There are 10 additional game cards, stratific and honor tokens for calculating points. In the game "Bang! Golden fever"In total, eight characters cards, but have added 24 equipment cards and 30 gold nuggets.

All maps are divided into two types:

  1. With a brown frame - denoting one-time action. After use, drop in a deck ("past")
  2. With a blue frame - denoting property. Used throughout the game and always remain at the player for a long time ( different kinds Weapons, horse and so on).

Separately, it is worth considering cards with weapons. In the standard configuration, Colt, Carabiner, Skovilde and Volkanik are represented, there are also dynamines, various rifles and cold weapons. In the expansion of "Bang: Samurai's sword" is naturally represented by samurai weapons. Here they will meet a dike, a two-handed sword (nodati), katana or naggin.

Rules and Mechanics Game

At the beginning of all players, the necessary items for the game (tokens, tablet, cartridges) are distributed. After the preparations and layouts of items, cards are selected with roles that can be secretly kept under the table or behind the back. As a rule, they are distributed by rotated face down. From the number of players, distributed roles depend. The order of moves is transmitted clockwise. The first is always starting the sheriff.

The player should at the beginning open and call the card of his character and his unique ability. Next he takes additional map From the deck and turns it to the image of the cartridges up. During the entire game, the unaczzle cards of each player show the health of your character. The sheriff at the beginning of the game is always one cartridge more than the rest of the players. After that, everyone is heard the same number of cards as they have cartridges.


Each move includes 3 actions:

  • Take 2 cards from the deck;
  • Make action according to your cards. You can use any number of cards (except for two identical) per pass. You can also attack once.
  • Throw into a deck used or several cards more mandatory quantity. A deck with a discharge can be kneaded in the game Bang infinitely.

The attack on the player is performed by the cards with a weapon that can be changed throughout the game. But there is a restriction - there should be only one card with it in your hands. Than better weaponsThe farther it shoots (the distance is indicated on it). The shot is made by the "Bang!" Card! Reflect your attack. The enemy can "past!". In addition to the murder of the enemy, you can hide in the shelter, fill your health, rob the bank, etc.


In expanding the board game "Bang! Sword samurai »Rules and the goal of the game is a bit different. Instead of cartridges, fastenness tokens are used. Sogun gets 5, and players 4 pieces. They show how much you can postpone attacks from other players. The course of the game consists of 4 actions:

  1. Restoration of resistance of perseverance (health);
  2. A set of two cards;
  3. Accomplishing action;
  4. Reset.

Attack in this version is a bit more difficult. It is necessary to take into account the complexity of the attack, as well as the protective cards of the enemy. After the victory over the other player, you take the enemy cards.

In the expansion "Bang! For the hassle of cubes, "during his stroke, cubes are thrown with images on their faces of all sorts of objects. If you don't like the combination on them, you can transfer them. If 3 dynamines fell out, the turn is transmitted to another. The arrows of the arrows obliges to take a ton of the arrow. When all the players are will dismiss the attack of the Indians (in the amount of tokens). Who will end the cartridges for reflection - he drops out.

Pending actions

In the rules "Bang! The magnificent eight "appear cards of deferred actions that will work during their discharge into a deck. Also, some cards will require reset one more with it to perform the necessary action. Such actions will result in frequent change of cards, which means a more dynamic game.

Who will like

Board game will delight those who are interested in Westerns. If you like the atmosphere of the Wild West with robbers, duels and eternal shooters of gangsters and sheriff assistants, as well as incredible characters of cowboys, sheriffs, etc. - That is for you. Due to unscrewed roles, the feeling of intrigue will keep you during the entire session.