Goat card game rules 36. Goat card game rules. Playing with the Queen of Spades

Goat is a common and quite exciting card game. It is known that it was invented in the 20th century in Germany. Over time, this entertainment has not changed much in its idea and structure. The goat is relatively lighter than the well-known fool. How to play goat

Goat game rules for 4 cards

To play the goat, you need a deck of 36 cards. You will need cards from six to aces. If a deck of 54 cards is used, then twos, threes, fours and fives must be removed. Cards with the image of poker and a jester will also be superfluous.

How many people are in the game


Cards are dealt clockwise, one by one. As a result, each player should have 4 pieces. The trump card is opened by randomly splitting the deck and choosing the first card that comes across. It must be returned to the deck so that it does not open on the game table. All players memorize the trump suit.

How to walk

The player who dealt the cards goes first. An exception is if a bribe of 4 trump cards (trump hammer) is on hand. You can move with several cards of the same suit. The more same suits, the less chance the opponent has to beat the entry. Each subsequent move is carried out alternately in the direction of the movement of the clock hand.

How to beat the opponent's cards

You can beat the opponent's move in the goat game with a trump card or the highest card of the same suit. The most important is the cross seven. Next come the lady of the cross, queen of spades, the queen of hearts and the queen of diamonds. They are followed by jacks, respectively in suits. In decreasing order of importance are the remaining cross cards - ace, ten, king, nine and eight. Each covers simple suits. When entering the “simple”, the ace turns out to be the main senior.

If the opponent made a move of several cards, you need to beat them all. Otherwise, you will have to reset the amount from which the opponent entered.

Throw playing cards face down. Try to give the least amount of points. Save the trump suit - it will still come in handy.

After each end, the players alternately take one card from the deck. Each should again have 4 pcs. If your set has only 1-2 trump cards, then you can pass them to your partner, remaining empty.

Goat game rules for 15 cards

First of all, sixes are removed from the deck. The deck is shuffled and divided in half. Each player gets 15 playing cards. The remaining top becomes a trump card.

You can play the goat with two, but four is better. The ace goes to the player who dealt the cards, or the one who last took them.

Each person writes down 12 points for himself. A participant who scores more than 60 points has the right to withdraw 2 points from other players (from the dealer - 1). If after each round you received exactly 12 points from the other players, then you won.

but this version of the game has a feature - it's jacks. The Jack of the Cross can beat all cards, including trump cards.. Jack of spades covers all spades and trump cards, except for the cross jack. The jack of hearts defeats trump cards and the jack of diamonds. The latter can cover only trump cards.

Remember that keeping tens and aces is extremely important to win. Throw low or empty cards to your opponent.

Card value in points

After the goat game has been played, an analysis of the won cards is carried out. The following notation will help you calculate points.

"Kozel" is one of the most popular games in the country. The rules of the "goat" game are quite simple, however, this does not affect the interestingness. "Goat" has many names. The game requires increased attention and concentration, but as a reward, the winner is given a very cheerful sight in the form of rivals bleating under the table.

General principles

This card game is designed for a company of 4 people., play in teams - a pair against a pair. Player placement plays a special role. In order for the players not to collude, they are placed at the table opposite each other, the opponents are placed on the sides.

When distributing, a deck consisting of 36 cards is used, but only 32 are used in the game itself. Before the round, 6 of all suits are laid out - they represent a common “scoreboard”, they count “pairs”. The ultimate goal of the game is to move your own scoreboard six pairs. The one who does it faster gets the title of the winner.

The cards are thoroughly shuffled before being dealt. It is obligatory to ask the first person who enters whether he will "boast". In another option, a simple distribution of 32 cards to all four participants is assumed.

Types of praises

The performer of the first move can become “boasting”, he has the right to indicate how to distribute the deck and how much to distribute to each participant in the horse. If the player does not “boast”, then the deck is dealt out in full, each with 8 cards. "Hvalenki" can be of 3 types:

  1. Mirror. In this situation, the “boasting” is obliged to move the deck anywhere, after which he must take the top layer and turn the very last card towards him. If the bottom one is a trump card, then the player keeps it for himself, laying it face down on the table. When it is not a trump card, the player must be like his opponent in the open. There is no need to hide the card, since the opponent does not have the opportunity to choose an answer. When playing, it is recommended not to look at the next card in the shifted layer, as the “boasting” one can see the next ones. In this situation, you need to put the cards on the tabletop and take out one at a time from the bottom, thus eliminating the receipt of unnecessary information. Once the player has entered, the layer of cards is supposed to be returned to the deck, which is passed to the next player, repeating the actions of the first player.
  2. Trousers. If the “boasting” declared his pants, then he receives two cards from the top from the very bottom of the deck, which are allowed to look at, but you can’t show them to anyone. If aces or trump cards are caught in the issued ones, then he takes them for himself, asking for more and receiving 2 more - a unit above and below the deck. The result of such a process is the advantage of the “boasting” over other players - all good cards in his arms. If the received card is not considered an ace or a trump card, then the player must walk. If he is very lucky and he has 8 excellent ones in his hands, then all the rest that he draws are transferred to a teammate who sifts the cards in the same way as the first one. With this principle of play, the opposing team has less and less chance of a successful confrontation. If the second player draws 2 non-trump cards, then confusion is foreseen, since he does not know what his friend was like. After collecting the maximum number of cards, the deck is transferred to another team, which acts on the same principle as the first player, only lays it out face down.
  3. double pants. The principle is the same as in ordinary pants, only initially the player receives not 2, but 4.

Retake Process

Transfer is carried out in several situations, but only on the condition that the "praise" is not declared. After the first retake, the “praise” cannot be carried out. If a re-deal is required 3 times - the team of the player who shuffled all 3 times is considered the loser.

A re-deal is made if the total value of the dealt cards is less than 12 points, or if all 4 nines hit the side. Transfer is made only upon presentation of cards. After the team loses due to numerous mulligans, the scoreboard of the opponents moves one pair closer to victory, and a new round begins.

Rules of the game

Rules for playing goat cards quite simple, but require increased attention. The owner of the lowest trump moves first, then the players take turns clockwise. The second player is obliged to put the same suit or be like a trump card. The one whose cards are stronger wins the round, a bribe is taken. The next round is opened by the player of the winning team, having previously consulted with a friend after the distribution.

Card Value and Points

Trumps in the goat card game have permanent cards: queens, jacks and all clubs in order of decreasing strength. According to the hierarchy of strength among jacks and ladies, clubs are the highest, followed by spades, hearts and tambourines. By suit, the hierarchy is as follows: ace, 10, king, 9 and so on in decreasing order of number. If all 4 trump cards are caught during a bribe, then the strongest wins.


Each unit of the deck has its own value in points: Ace - 11, tens of any suit - 10, kings, queens and jacks - 4, 3 and 2, respectively, the rest give 0 points to the owner. full deck is 120 points, all of them go to one team as a result of the hand.

Horse results

There are a few rules regulating the results of the game, the game itself is divided into cons. The result of each horse can be:

  1. The team won on the condition that the opponent scored the so-called "rescue" - the scoreboard moves one line. If the opponent did not score "saved", then the scoreboard moves two lines.
  2. If both teams scored a total of 60 points (“eggs”), then the “scoreboard” does not change its position.
  3. "Lyusya" - a set of 120 points, the score of the losing team is reset to zero and transferred to the starting position.
  4. A redeal also shifts the winning team's score by 1 pair.
  5. When a team is convicted of cheating a pair, the opposing team receives a bonus - a shift in the score by two positions in plus. If the convicted team has proved its innocence, then it receives a bonus - 2 pairs.

Command, the one with the most points wins, the score of the losing team does not change, and the winning team receives a scoreboard shift by one or 2 rows. If the losing team scored less than 31 points in total, then the winning team receives a double win and shifts the score by two positions.


This video will help you master all the subtleties of the game.

Number of decks 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: 2 or more
Card seniority: 7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T.
The object of the game is to be the first to score 60 points or more.
Rules of the game. The goat card game has great amount varieties. It is quite difficult to even draw up the rules of the classic Goat, since throughout Russia classic rules in the Goat are different. I also know that they like to play the Goat for money. Today, you can even play online on many sites. Let's try to deduce general rules games. The first dealer in the game is determined by lot, in next games players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed. Then play one of the options:
First- each player is dealt 4 cards, the remaining deck is placed in the center of the table, the top card is revealed as a trump card and placed under the bottom of the deck;
Second- the deck is divided into two parts, from the first part of the deck each player is dealt 4 cards, the second part of the deck is postponed until the second game. Cards are dealt from right to left, so that the last card dealt belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. Last card opens and becomes a trump card for two games. This card remains with the player to the left of the dealer.

This is followed by a draw of bribes. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. A player can move any of his cards, all other players in a clockwise direction can also put any card. The strategy of the game is that the player must discard empty or worthless cards to the opponent by points, while he himself must try to take cards that are worth a lot of points. If you play according to the first option, then after playing the trick, the players draw one card at a time so that there are 4 cards in their hands and continue to play tricks. If they play according to the second option, then only 4 tricks are played. Jacks play a special role in the game. The jack of spades beats out trumps and red jacks. The jack of hearts beats out trump cards and the jack of diamonds. Jack of Diamonds beats only one trump card. When the cards in the first half of the deck are over, the second half is dealt. The seniority of jacks may be different. In our company it is customary to play like this. When the cards in the hands of the players run out, the players begin to count the points for the cards taken. The first option is played until one of the players scores 60 points or more. According to the second option, the players count the points only after the second game, if no player scores 60 points or more, then the game is canceled and the game starts again. In both variants of the game, the winner is the player who scores 60 points or more.

0 points - 9, 8, 7;
2 points - jack;
3 points - lady;
4 points - king;
10 points - 10;
11 points - ace.

Are you a gambling person? Even if you never lost your entire salary, once or twice you could be on the verge of risking a lot. So do not blame someone for being addicted to cards. From time to time you can and even need to play, if in this way you let off steam and can calm down. The abundance of famous card games allows you to diversify your leisure time. For example, the goat game of cards is not known to everyone, but is loved by many. She is truly captivating. What is the meaning of the game?

Starting from the basics

What games have you already mastered? Most often they play "fool", "drunkard". But in the game of "goat" in cards, not many people know. The fact is that there are several equivalents. For example, "vaunted goat", "squirrel" and others. Depending on the sub-option chosen, the rules may also change. Only the basics remain unshakable. In particular, four of them sit down to play, with teams diagonally - Accordingly, the players sit crosswise and each has a pair of opponents on their sides.

The deck uses a standard deck of 36 cards, but you need to choose the six from there. Don't put them away, they will come in handy. The rules of the "goat" game of cards do not oblige the use of sixes for keeping score, but this is very convenient. It is necessary to lay a pair of sixes "face" to each other. When a team wins a "point", the opponent's top six moves down a couple. One win is worth two points.

big goal

Goat game in card is coming until one of the teams scores 12 points. That is, in the most relaxed version, it goes 11 horses. The winners are determined by the number of points. You can get more than two points per round. To do this, the winning team must give the opponents a small number of points. Thirty points is considered a critical mark. If the team gains them, then the loss goes for two points. If not, then it's a double loss. These necessary thirty points are called "withdrawal" or "rescue".

Chasing a lady

And now the main intrigue that attracts the game of cards "Goat". Even if you have a catastrophic shortage of points, you can still win. To do this, you need to "catch" the lady of the crosses with the seven of the crosses. These cards are a priori trump cards, as well as all queens, jacks and cross cards. The game is complicated by the fact that you cannot discard a trump card when a player has cards in a suit in his hands. In the first round, the entry goes only to a simple suit, and in subsequent games, only the pair of players who did not participate in the distribution can enter from the trump card. Thus, a player with a seven of clubs - a "hook" - can assume a player with a queen of a cross and drive him into a corner, forcing him to throw out a dangerous trump card.

Get out of the stalemate

Since a very bad set of cards can be dealt in hand, players can adapt to any situation. If there are only one or two trumps in the set, then you can give them to your partner, while remaining "empty". So the player makes it clear to his partner that he does not have a dangerous lady and definitely will not fall for the "hook". One trump card can be given away in any case, but a pair can be "merge" only if the partner lacks two trump cards to complete the set. The game of "goat" in cards should be thoughtful and accurate, since even with an excellent set of suits you can get into a mess. For example, you should not try to take all the "bribes" without leaving even one to your opponents. If this happens, then the round is called "merged" and is not considered lost.

Arranged by seniority

The game of cards is varied and therefore very complex, but the list of trump cards is always observed. The seven crosses are considered the oldest and most important. Next comes the queen of clubs, the queen of spades, the queen of hearts and the queen of diamonds. Now jacks go according to suit. In decreasing order of importance are all the cross cards, that is, the ace, ten, king, nine and eight. Each of them "beats" simple suits. However, when entering the "simple" the ace turns out to be the eldest. By the way, he goes for 11 points. Ten gives the same 10 points. For the king, 4 points are recorded in the asset, for the jack - two, for the queen - three. Sevens, eights and nines go beyond zero.

Remember that each suit has six cards. You can not hide cards and throw away a trump card when there is a suit. If other players were able to see the deception, they can count it for four points as a loss.

There is another nuance in the distribution of cards. If one of the players has four queens in his hand, but does not have a "hook", then he can qualify for a re-distribution of cards. The fact is that with such a set, he has a very high chance of "getting caught" and, accordingly, losing. Playing "Goat" cards allows you to decide on your own in this situation, that is, the player can announce his position and request a re-deal or try to play with the proposed set.

If a friend was suddenly

Traditionally, the game requires four people. You can, of course, get by, that is, play with one, two or even three "blind", but it will not be a game, but a banal killing of time - there is an atmosphere, but no excitement. In this position, you need to enter the player's cards without looking at them. Is it possible to recommend such an occupation to an adequate person ?! Perhaps only if he sits in solitary confinement and is afraid to go crazy from loneliness.

Another and probably the best way out of the situation when you are alone, but you want to play, is to play Goat cards with a computer. Fortunately, there are plenty of sites offering such a pastime. All you have to do is choose a nice-looking interface and rules that you understand. It is worth recalling that in each particular company the set of rules changes, so you may come across an unusual way on the site. The seniority of jacks and queens can also vary, so be careful. Playing "Goat" cards with a computer can be easier than offline, or even harder if the opponents' places are taken by experienced "goat" masters. A skillful player does not rush, does not triumph ahead of time and keeps track of which cards are out of the game. For such an online version of the "goat" will be as interesting as offline. Reviews from beginners are negative, since a partner in the game may turn out to be a bot and then he does not know how to bluff, but plays almost openly, without fear of a trick from opponents. In this scenario, it is very easy to lose.

There is an implementation network game in the goat.

The card game "Goat" is team game, one pair of partners against another.
Partners of each team sit at opposite sides of the table. The deck is used from 24 cards without 7-ok, 8-ok and 9-ok and is distributed completely, to everyone on 6 cards. The game is played in several hands. In each hand, the team that took the tricks for more points "writes" on the other team. Players of one of the teams "remain goats" when they are "recorded" 12 or more points.

A deck of 24 cards is used; consists of aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens, sixes of clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds. Dealt completely clockwise, one card at a time until the deck runs out and everyone has 6 cards. feature card game"Goat" is unique system trumps.

The seniority of non-trump cards, in descending order: ace, ten, king, six.
Seniority of trump cards, in descending order:
six clubs,
queen of clubs, queen of spades, queen of hearts, queen of diamonds,
jack of clubs, jack of spades, jack of hearts, jack of diamonds,
ace of clubs, ten of clubs, king of clubs.

Points: ace - 11, ten - 10, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2, six - 0.

Distributions and first entry

Before the distribution, it is necessary to allow the next player to move the deck counterclockwise. The team whose player did not allow the deck to be moved, if this is noticed, is “written” 4, and a new distribution is dealt.

At the beginning of the game, anyone distributes, for example, the one who sat down last, but the first call is made by the one who “came” the ace of diamonds, from this card. Then they are dealt out and the first call is made clockwise, continuing from the player who had the ace of diamonds. Thus, the second hand is distributed by the one who had the ace of diamonds in the first hand, and the first call is made by the one following him clockwise, the third hand is distributed by the one who made the first call in the second hand, and the first call is made by the next one clockwise arrow and so on.

The ace of diamonds here has a symbolic meaning, for the pairing of the first run in the first hand.

The only trump card

A player who "came" only one trump card can exchange it with a partner for any non-trump card; if the partner does not have a non-trump card, then - to any trump card. In the first hand, the only trump card is not given away.

The players on the team that didn't "get" a single queen can notice this, and then the next hand is dealt. The first hand is played without queens.

Entry and bribes

The trick consists of 4 entry cards, one from each player. Each player, clockwise, must lay down a card corresponding in suit to the first card of the call; if the first card is a trump card, then it is a trump card. If the player does not have a proper card, then it is allowed to put any. Whoever has a card in the call is older, he takes the bribe. The player who took the bribe starts the next run.

The team whose player, having a proper card, did not put it down, if this was noticed, is “written” 4, and a new distribution is dealt.

Points and records

In each hand, the total number of tricks is 6, for a total of 120 points. On the team that took the bribes for fewer points, 2 is “written” or, if less than 30 points are scored, then 4. When the teams score the same number of points, it is not written on anyone, but “eggs are played”. If the team took all the bribes, then everything is “written off” from it. When the team takes all the tricks in the first hand, then the opponents are “written” 12 and they “remain blind”.

A player who “came” six clubs can catch an opponent who “came” the queen of clubs if he puts it in the same run with her. At the same time, 4 is “written” to the opponents and a new distribution is dealt.


The player can "encrypt" his cards in messages to a partner. For example, "trailer" may mean that the player has more cards of the run suit. In the first hand, the messages are disabled, as "the blind are being played."

End of the game

In each hand, one team can record the other. If a team has a record of 12 or more, then the players of this team “remain goats”. When the entry is over 12, the players "stay tailed". If "eggs were played", then the players of the losing team "remain with the eggs". When the winning team has a record of 0, the players on the losing team are kept clean. If the team took all the tricks in the first hand, then the opponents are “written” 12 and they “remain blind”.