WWI teleport. How to get into the class stronghold. Unique means of movement

Of course world world Of Warcraft is huge, but even he has its borders. Every day, players need to move between dozens of locations, but if it is constantly running with their own way, it will take a crazy amount of time. However, players until the 20th level will have to move on their two, but they do not need to be more, because everything will be near, but reaching the 20th level you can already increase your speed by 60%, buying a horse. An exception is a druid, which in the form of cheetah runs under + 40%. Upon reaching the 40th level, your speed will increase by 100%, from the usual one. With the growth of your character will grow and his choice of means of movement. At a 60-level level, you can purchase a flying hypogriff, which gives + 150% speed. At the 80th level - 280%. The fastest class is Paladin, which has not only a speed increase aura, but can pump special passive talents. However, in order to cross all the content for a couple of dozen minutes, it will take a lot of time.

The most common way to move inside the continent are flights for a certain amount silver coins. However, minus such a movement only at the beginning of the game, because to fly, you will have to open the flight. This is not a special problem, because it is only worth talking to the wizard of flights in new location And a new point is added to your list.

For flights between continents, more large-scale transport is used. Each fraction is his own. Alliance loves to use ships, and the Horde is famous for its airships. Thanks to the means of movement, you can get to Nordskall. But how to get into the warrant? For this, there is a special dark portal that is in the scorched lands. You can get into the scorched lands as your own underground and the portal in one of your capitals.

But these difficulties do not touch the magicians who can create portals both in their capitals and small villages. Some even in this way can earn money, because it prevents you from discovering to someone portal, while spending 40 silver into the ingredient, and earning 10 gold? Even the sake of this is already standing for the magician.

For those who are not able to open portals, the ability to use the return stones is available. It is very useful, but there is a huge minus, which is to recharge the stone. Typically, returned stones put on the capital or those places where you are most often.

In addition to other ways, small tricks can be used. The designs are able to make scrolls, but they can only use them. Alchemists in Cataclysm learned to make the potions of dungeons, which teleport straight into the dungeon of the capitals of the Orgrimmar or Stormgrad, which is very useful. Recharge in such potions within minutes. There is also a Kirin Torah ring, which teleports you in Dalaran, and, accordingly, from Dalaran you can get anywhere. But there is one minus rings - a long recharge and a very large amount of money that will have to be placed behind the ring. There are also class skills, for example, shaman who work as a stone return.

From group movements worth noting the bonus Guild "All here". This is available only to Cataclysm players. This ability to move all members of a group or raid to the cilancer.

In general, it is possible to move by any ways, but only you need to know the ways that you, with time, find out everything!

Potions, portals and scrolls: how easier to fly around Azeroth 09.02.2012

Azerosis big. This is really so for those who are not quite high or is not rich enough for the Mount. Even on the Maunta you will take a long time to get from point A to point B, however, this path can almost always be reduced. There are many ways to it.

We all know about ships and airships, points of flights. But we also need to note that the shortest line will be the shortest line between two points. For example, a player of the horde without stone return wants to take away from Silitus to the Orgrimmar. However, it can use the Potion Potion and from there to take the portal in the Orgrimmar. There is a way and without a potion. You can quickly get to the south of Crarat Un "Goro and go to the Nizina Shulazar, from there to the fortress of the song of war, and then on the airship to the Orgrimmar. It's still faster than fly directly.

But this is only a small part of the options. In principle, the player of the 85th level with a normal imagination may well come up with how to reduce his journey.

Class abilities

Many classes can teleport or increase the speed of movement to reduce the time spent on the journey.

Note that warlocks and magicians can move not only.

  • Death KnightThe gates of death can help you get to Akerus, where you can take flight to any point in the eastern kingdoms.
  • DruidTeleportation: Moonloe Polyana will give you the opportunity to get to the moonloe melan. Druids also have access to free flights to Darnass (Alliance) and Thunder Rock (Horde). The campaign form is also considered to increase the speed of movement.
  • HunterThe spirit of the cheetah can increase your vehicle speed by 30%, and the perch of the flock is the speed of movement of the entire group.
  • Mag Oh, yes - this class is perfect for those who do not like to wait and prefers to quickly get from one point to another. You can fly to any main city of your faction (Stormagrad, Stalgorn, Darnass and Exodar for the Alliance; Orgrimmar, Podgorod, Thunder-Rock and Lunovvet for Horde). He can also teleport in not so important cities as the Temomor (Alliance) and Kamenor (Horde). Also in neutral cities: Shattrath and Dalaran. Plus, in not such a neutral city as Tol Barad. Already quite well, but the magician can teleport and other players. Each teleportation requires the rune of teleportation, each portal is the rune of portals that can be easily bought from reagent sellers. If you want to ask the magician of the portal, it would be polite to buy a rune himself. If you are a magician, pumping engineering, you have learned all portals and you have chosen one of the methods offered in the article, you may well be anywhere in Azeroth for, say, 2 minutes.
  • Paladin Although Paladins have a warrior warrior, they have no ability to instantly move.
  • Priest There is no ability to increase the speed of movement and its own movement, but you can be in harmony and use spiritual zeal. Although it is better not necessary.
  • Robber The robbers do not have any ability to increase the speed of movement, not counting the sprint. Although, with some fraction of imagination, you could even use a step through the shadow.
  • ShamanAstral return will return you to a return point of the return, but Culdown has less ability - 15 minutes. You can cut this time to 7.5 minutes using the astral return symbol. A ghostly wolf can also be used to increase the speed of movement.
  • Warlocknikscan help people by creating a portal call a ritual call. This portal (if you have a number of 2 more people) can call for this portal of people in the raid / group. The ability is available at the 42nd level. However, the warlocks cannot increase the speed of their movement and instantly move somewhere using their abilities.
  • Warrior There is no ability to increase the speed of movement. I think you are unlikely to want to use the interception. I would also not use a heroic jump as a pseudo-jump.

Devices, coat of arms and armor

These things need to knock / buy / extract, but you would not prevent you from having a couple of such items in a backpack.

  • The coat of arms of a silver avant-garde knight gives you the opportunity to go to the ristar of the silver tournament. Culdown - 30 minutes. True, to get it, you need to earn 50 champion prints, which takes time.
  • Ates, Big Staff Allows you to create a portal in Karazhan almost without Culdaun. Very few people have it. I would like the staff or at least his model to be returned to the game.
  • The coat of arms of the defenders of Tol Barada (A) / the coat of copper of the hellish scream battalion (o). To get capes, you will need to dial a little reputation. It does not take much time. This cape teleports you in Tol Barad with Culdauna at 4 o'clock. From there you can take teleport to the stormagrad or orgrimar.
  • Blessed medallion Carabora Can teleport you to the place outside the black temple. Very important thing if you need to visit the warranty. However, to obtain this thing you will have to complete a long quest chain, which ends with the murder of Illidan.
  • Boots of the Pirate Bay You can go to the Kaluqua fishing. Culdown is pretty great, but it the only way Get to the southern part of the eastern kingdoms without a return stone.
  • Site control panel . This item is obtained from the treasure chest in the form of a barrel, which can be obtained only once a day during the Criminal Festival. The device will take you and your group in the "sullenage", bar in the depths of the Black Mountain.
  • Jain medallion You can only get if you killed the king Lich with a person who has a dark grief. You can get an unsigned chest. You will learn the task and get an item that can create a portal in Dalaran with Kuldaun in 1 hour.
  • Potion undergroundSuch a potion can create an alchemist with a skill 525, but anyone can use it. This potion will take you to the underworld, in which there are portals in Stormgrad and Orgrimmar.
  • Kirin Torah Ring I did not lay out links to all 4 rings, I just left a reference to the achievement, which shows all the rings. Even with the reputation of "exceeding" these rings will cost you at 6800, because it is not a very cheap purchase. From Dalaran you can get into all the main cities of the faction, including stormagrad or orgrimmar.
  • Cooperation Cape (Alliance / Orda), Unity Cloak (Alliance / Horde), Cooperation Cloak (Alliance / Horde). You need to take respect in your guild before you can buy these capes from the intention of your guild.

One way portals

The obvious minus of these portals is that you cannot go back through the same portal. Make sure you go where it is necessary, because in Wow there is no "Save" button.

  • From major cities in the scorched lands. I am surprised that I almost forgot about these portals. They help pretty quickly get into the warland, because the dark portal is located in the scorched lands.
  • From Shattrata to Tanaris. This is not a portal, but rather a bronze dragon in a human appearance named Zephyr in Shattrath, who will send you to the cave time.
  • From the tentrath to the island of Kel "Danas. This teleport can be taken in the northwestern part of the central building of the Shattrath (where it is ... more precisely, levitizes a "gave). You will get to the top of the sanctuary of the sunny edge, where can fly to anywhere in the eastern kingdoms. You can easily take the task, Which will return you back to Shattrath.
  • From Dalaran to Tanaris. This is another teleport that will send you to the entrance to the time cave, but in this case it is a portal, not NPC. You will find teleport in the building in the southwest of the city. Up the stairs and left.
  • From Stormgrad / Orgrimmar to Vaish "Il
  • From Stormgrad / Orgrimmar in Ulder Located in the circle of shamans in both cities. No back portal.

Portals "Round-back"

Although they are rare, but they meet. You can return back if accidentally teleported.

  • Crater Un "Goro - Nizina Sholazar. If I remember correctly, this portal becomes available after its activation is one of the assignments of the pilot of the Vic. Quest chain begins with the task of the power of nature. As soon as the portal is activated, you can use it forever.
  • Darnass - Exodar. It is only for the alliance and allows you to move between two these cities without difficulties.
  • StormGrad / Orgrimmar - Underland. In principle, this is not the "back-back" portal, but rather 2 set of portals in opposite sides.
  • StormGrad / Orgrimmar - Hygal. The portal is located in the same place where the portals are in Vaish "Il and Ulder. In the circle of shamans. Portals back are located on different sides of the building where you appear.
  • StormGrad / Orgrimmar - Twilight Highlands. The same portal as in the hijan. Located in the same place.
  • Tol Barad - StormGrad / Orgrimmar. Each fraction has portals in Tol Barade, which allows them to go to their cities.

Opportunities movement in professions

In this section, Hyde by class of classes that appeared in Legion.You will learn how each character can get into the stronghold of its class, as well as in which locations they are located.

How to get into class stronghold

When you first visit Dalaran after launch Legion.You will find a representative of your class. The task of this representative will turn into a whole chain, by completing which, you will receive an artifact of your specialization. After receiving the artifact and passing the entire task chain, you will fall into the stronghold of your class.

How to return to class stronghold

    Death Knight: Gate death.

    Demon hunter: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran and plan from the platform straight to the soaring island. On it you will find teleport.

    Druid: Teleport B. class stronghold With the help of a snowder.

    Hunter: Head to the Beauty Playground in Dalaran and talk to Talua. She will give you an eagle who will take you to the class stronghold of hunters.

    Magician: Teleport in class stronghold using Teleportation: Study Stretch.

    Monk: Teleport in class stronghold with a spiritual journey.

    Paladin: You will find a portal in the class stronghold in Dalaran in the refuge of the kidnapper of the Sun (Horde) or Silver Anklava (Alliance).

    Priest: The portal in the class stronghold is located in the zone of your fraction in Dalaran: the refuge of the sun kidnapper (Horde) or a silver enclave (alliance).

    Robber: Go to the store to the right of the fountain in Dalaran. In the left wall of the store there will be a secret corridor straight into the class stronghold of the robbers.

    Shaman: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran. On the platform to the right you will see a teleport in the class stronghold of shamans.

    Witch: Head in Dalaran's drains, and on the left you will see the portal as soon as descend from the stairs.

    Warrior: Go to the Trasta Platform in Dalaran and stand up in a post near Val'kira. Click on the additional button that appears and you will fall into the distribution of soldiers.

Where are class optics

Each stronghold is in meaningful and historical place in the history of the world for one or another class. Here is a list of locations of all class optics:

    Death Knight: Akerus, black stronghold, which in Legion. Moved to the split islands.

    Demon hunter: "Ground Molot" in Mardrum.

    Druid: Ross Dreams, Val'shara.

    Hunter: The shelter arrow, Krutogorye.

    Magician: The fortlies of the keeper, located in Dalaran.

    Monk: The temple of five dawns, which is located on a wandering island.

    Paladin: The abode of light in the eastern plague lands.

    Priest: The temple of the light of emptiness, which, apparently, is located in the city of Karabor in the valley of the Ghost Moon.

    Robber: Chamber of Shadows in Cloake near Dalaran.

    Shaman: The heart of Azeroth over the whirlpool.

    Witch: The fracture of the sinister scar in one of the worlds of the Legion.

    Warrior: Heavenly Citadel in stormheme.

Greetings, reader! Below I will give a list that will help us travel on the expanses of Azeroth!

  • [Returning stone] - appears in the bag, as-only create a character. The destination is determined by what tavern you stopped. Recharge 30 minutes (with Level 8 Guild Bonus, Recharge 15 minutes).
  • [Return Scroll I] is an analogue of the return stone, but for the design. Recharge 20 minutes, does not divide with a stone of return. When using a character, whose level is higher than the 40th, with a high probability will send to the random point of Azeroth.
  • [Return Scroll II] is an analogue of the return stone, just for the design. Recharge 20 minutes, does not divide with xs.. When using a character, whose level above the 70th, with a high probability, will send us the same not by meaning.
  • [Return Scroll III] - Another analog xsa For descriptors. Recharge 20 minutes, does not divide with a stone of return.
  • [Daughter of the innkeeper] - is mined with the help of archeology, the projects of the dvant. So to speak, old tuning xsa. Recharge is common, the guild bonus applies.
  • [Ruby shoes] - are mined with a witch in Karazhan. Chance of Drop - 30%. Recharge is common, the guild bonus applies.
  • [Etherized portal] - is mined from LUT-cards Set IceCrown. Beautiful animation, a surcharge total, the guild bonus spreads.
  • [Orda] - In order to buy this cape. You need: the super-eyed horde champion, 50 champion printing. Teleports the caster in the ristar of the silver tournament. Recharge does not divide with a stone of return.
  • [Alliance] [The coat of arms of the Knight of the Silver Avant-garde] is exactly the same, but for the Alliance.
  • [Orda] [Heb Cold Cold Clamp] - Cape is bought in Tol Barade. Requires respect To the hellish scream battalion. For the purchase requires 40 recommendation badges Tol Barad. Cock on daily tasks And victories for Tol Barade. Recharge 4 hours.
  • [Alliance] [Stroby Cape Defenders Tol Barad] - Again, the current is distinguished by the name of the fraction to which to download the reputation.
  • [Kirin-Torah seal] \\ [Kirin-Torah Loop] \\ [Ring Kirin Torah] \\ [Kirin Torah ring] - Garold Winston is bought (40.34). The price is 8500g (with exceeding - 6800g). Recharge does not divide with a stone return.
  • [Boots of the Pirate Bay] - we get as a reward for this quest. Essence? Just win Kaluak fishing. Recharge 1 day.
  • [Jain Medallion] - The item is mined as a result of a dope from [Chest], which we get for the quest. Creates a portal (analogue of the MAGOV), carrying members of the group in Dalaran entering it. Recharge 1 hour. This item is safe and can be purchased or transmitted.
  • [The blessed medallion of Carabore] - teleports the carrier to the black temple, Illidan fortress. Recharge 15 minutes. Reward for a long chain of quests. Beginning with Tamets Baa "Ri.
  • [Super-safe conveyor: Pribambask] - This item is available only to the dwarf engineers. Creates a portal for 1 minute through which you can get into Prijambassk. Recharge 4 hours. There is a chance that passing through the portal, you will break.
  • [Ultra-safe conveyor: the station was tossed] - only dwarf engineers are available. Recharge 4 hours. You can crash, passing into the portal.
  • [Spatial Pester - Zone 52] - Wheel Bun for Engineers ... can only be used by goblin engineers. Recharge 4 hours, there is a chance to break up when teleportation.
  • [Spatial Pester - Combor] - Only Goblin Engineers is available. Recharge 4 hours. When teleportation, you can crash.
  • [Harvest Generator: Nordskol] - This item is available only to engineers. Creates a portal for 1 minute through which the engineer can travel in Nordskol. Recharge 4 hours. There is a chance that passing through the portal, you will break.
  • [Interdimensional factory] - Another teleport for engineers. Recharge 15 minutes. This subject can you buy it. Ports B. random place. Looks like a compass Jack Sparrow from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • [Interdimensional factory] - analogue of the previous portal, but on the list random locations New locations appealed as a result of cataclysm.
  • [Site control panel] - The remote is dropping from horseradish Kudovore during the celebration of the Cross Festival, with a chance of 30%. Teleports, click on the bar Black Mountain. Recharge 1 hour.
  • [Orda] [Cooking of cooperation] - a raincoat obtained for the guild achievement. Bought at the Guild Venndor. Recharge for 8 hours.
  • [Alliance] [Cooperation Cape] - similar raincoat, but for the alliance.
  • [Orda] [Unity Cloach] - a 05 guild level of the guild. Just at the Guild Venndor. Recharge 4 hours.
  • [Alliance]