Zombie Manya Polygon. Zombie Farm Secrets. Harvest secret treas

It would seem what can be surprised in the farm genre already brought to the holes? It turns out. Just add zombies and immediately plays everything with other colors. Although, the farm from this farm will not cease to be. Nevertheless, the zombie farm took its place in the genre and uses users considerable popularity.

Ways to get coins in a zombie farm

  • the most reliable I. fast way - It is to create and sell nails. Net income for expenses may be 1,500 coins;
  • rOOM gold shovels on friendly farms;
  • cultivation of mandarins and the production of marmalade. Net income, taking into account expenses for tangerines and roses, will be in the area of \u200b\u200b45 thousand coins;
  • creating damns. Net profit taking into account expenses for cherry jam, halie and bamboo in the area of \u200b\u200b42 thousand coins;
  • laying gingerbread in the tree. Limit 150 gingerbread per day. For each gingerbread we get 2 materials that can be sold for 500 coins each. Total 1000 coins from one gingerbread, i.e. 150 thousand coins per day.

Tips zombie farm

  • give free gifts;
  • do not waste zombix if you can do without them;
  • the Golden Billion is a decor that brings an increase in experience. To obtain it, it is necessary to collect 2 billion coins;
  • do not forget that in the zombie farm there is a limit on stick-cutting sticks: 400-600 pieces per day;
  • stand an important decor only on home island;
  • sale of free gifts can bring a lot of coins;
  • to find collections upload as many buildings as possible and décor of friends;
  • to get a free gift, add friends.
You are very lucky that you are currently reading this article. Because she wrote to you a real player in the "zombie farm". And I did not guessed to read the tips of old men, when he herself began to play. Therefore, do not repeat my mistakes.

The most important secret of this wonderful network game - friends!
Why? Yes, because friends can always help. And not just free gifts. At first, I did not even know that you can ask for friends black marble, ropes, compasses, transformers and other useful things. And bought them for zombax. She spent her blood!

But even immediately disgusting you that, for example, straight and Elvis you have to buy for real money, because they are very expensive, you will not get so much the passage of levels alone. And the watchman and Elvis are very useful guys. The first - guard your bags and chests from the stolen neighbors, and the second help you quickly collect harvest and plant new plants.

Newcomers necessarily need to open the bridge. It gives materials and plants to which you still grow and grow. Find things like roses, garlic, yellow and red paint, eye peas, springs, lilies, red and blue tiles and the marility of other useful pieces. To build a bridge you are not bored with ropes. They can be asked for friends or get for the spring collection. You can land this collection at your neighbors near Valentine, Wardoze, a treasure detector, chief, fountain. We still need nails - they can be made in the pyramid. And you have to ask for the neighbors of the sequoia.

Create friends who are at large levels. They can help both plants and materials that you need for the passage of quests.

Well, the neighbors at the smaller levels will help you too. At least gifts. Here, I think the most important secret.

Friends can be found in the communities of the game for free resources - in Mail.Ru and Odnoklassniki.

The next secret is like Get the right gifts. They need to be indicated in the so-called "Wishlist". You can establish an object or plant in your Wishlist, you can click on the list of recipes, and under the desired plant, press the plus. Or clicking on building. And in the same way to install the necessary material. If you do not put the desired item in the filter - the neighbors will give you gifts at your discretion. Wish to write in the nickname is usually useless.

To earn coins and experience - break the beds daily from friends. First you will do it five shovers per day for each neighbor. But at the 23rd level you will have the opportunity to buy and build eye-diamond. And you will have the opportunity to create your shovels and dig away from the neighbors to 100 shovers daily.

Always send daily free gifts. And the neighbors will answer you reciprocity. Because some send gifts only in response. The reason is a lot of response accounts and clones.

Still secrets zombie farm

To quickly undergo levels, you need to increase your experience. Therefore, it makes sense to collect, and then sell collections.

The most expensive collections by experience:

  • Collection of toys - gives 400 experience
  • Hyper collection - gives 400 experience
  • Spring collection - gives 400 experience
  • Santa Claus collection - gives 500 experience
  • Teenage collection - gives 500 experience
  • Beach Collection - Gives 500 experiences

Other collections also give good bonuses. For example, the emerald gives 1000 experience and 3 zombax! By the way, how to earn zombax you can take place in this article.

But do not hurry to sell your collections that are needed for the passage of quests.

Do not hurry to build some kind of buildings.

Make sure you have the required number of materials.

At the beginning of the game Build a crypt. It will be your first building you build. It will be the main source of resources on initial levels. After that, build a lighthouse and pyramid, they will generate gold and materials.

For performing tasks you will be rewarded zombax. Try not to spend This valuable currency, and collect for the purchase of really valuable and important things, such as the guard. It will guard the territory of your farm from visitors. So your friends will not be able to steal suitcases and bonuses.

One of the most useful buildings will be at the beginning of the game Bridge. Try to build it and then, every 3 hours will appear suitcases. They can find materials and plants to which you still grow and grow. Find things like garlic, roses, yellow and red paint, springs, lilies, eye peas, red and blue tile and many other useful pieces. For building bridge you need ropes. They can be asked for friends or get for Spring collection. Unfortunately, without a guard, they can open them all who came to dig from you.

At the beginning focus on cleaning the territory from unnecessary trees, bushes and stones. It will give an opportunity to plant more. Sounds appear with experience, money and collections. It is best to immediately buy couples of woodcutters and kamenotees, they are faster and quickly accumulated.

Main Council Zaze - need attract a large number of friends to the game and acquaintances. The zombie farm game also encourages the invitation to the game more people. Every day friends give you one free gift that will be extremely useful for successful game. There are no restrictions on the number of invited friends, so you can call how much you need.

Keep all collectionsYou will find, they will come to you. Try to have in stock 15 pieces of each collection. Collection accumulation is often part of any task. So you can collect collections even before the appearance of the official "Tasks"So, when you get the task, you can pass it literally in a few seconds. The only exception - when you strongly need a "prize" for collected collection (For example, to perform another task).

Most useful activitygrowing cherry. This is the most favorable tree of all. It gives the most popular collections from all that fall out of the chests. This is a secret, hellish and hyper collection.

Become a pirate

To become a pirate, you need to execute a pirate quest. After that, you can go on a journey through the sea with your friends. You can also make your own ship, gain a team and go to search for new islands and treasures. On the new island, it is likely to skip the precious items and collections. The main treasure is a Dead Man's Chest.

Update your list of your requests.

You can tell friends what gifts you should give. Perhaps you are asked for some kind of subject or ingredient, but friends do not do what you need. Maybe they do not know what to give you, so let them know about it.

Install your friends (it concerns the game)

Brains, for your employees, you can get free of charge, jumping a friend or several friends. Near the image of the brain, there is an inscription +1. Click on it to bury a friend. Do not worry, nothing bad will not happen to nothing, this is a normal phenomenon in the game Zombie Farm.

Roop treasure

Roop the treasures, on the farm of your friends. Come to visit them and dig, all they have. Under some buildings you can dig up valuable collections and materials. For example, under the "watchman" you can accumulate a lot of love. For convenience, you can view information about what to seek and in what place is to dig, and in what no.

Free gifts every day.

Give friends free gifts and you will do the same. Per day is allowed to send one gift to each other. It is advisable to give what they are asked, because a gift should be useful (remember the advice above). Make it just - choose a free gift, click to give, point out the checkbox "show all who are looking for it." You can also write a comment and ask for help.

Regularly perform tasksThey are not only on the left, but also at the bottom there are several pages with tasks. For their execution you will be rewarded useful resources and bonuses.

Use clicker

Clicker- This is a special program that simulates the mouse button pressing, only with a greater speed. Very necessary thing when you have many friends, and every day more than 300 free gifts come. You can also dig from friends with a clicker. On the Internet you can find many options for these programs.

In order to accelerate the rotation of roulettes Press the "Start" button and go to the next roulette. You still get a winning without waiting for the result. By building a hyperspher, using zombobaks, you can speed up this process several times.

Accompany your gifts signature

Thus, the likelihood of what they will be answered is higher. In the comment, you can specify which object you wish to get in return.

Visit friends below 50 levels

On farms with a higher level, there is a possibility to meet the guard. In this case, you will not find a suitcase, buckets of fishermen, bags of treasures.

Use holidays efficiently

Collect coins for holidays to how to buy as many free festive buildings as possible.

Build Angara on paid islands

Such islands you visit less often, so this territory can be built up with hangars.

Deleting buildings mobile phone and tent you can close access to your friends to the island. Mobile and dense.

Build as much casino as possible, but play there. Crane fortune zombie roulette for 5 chips. So you can replenish the reserves of glue.

Build a business center

Build a business center, in it you can sell lilies and roses at a more favorable price.

Harvest secret treas

Find such a treasure on a friend's farm who has few buildings (for example, Maya Island) will not be much difficult.

Do not unpack all gifts immediately

When you have a task in which the collection is needed, the best way to get this item will unpack a gift packaging.

Answers to popular questions

Where to get zombies

  • Zombax is given for the exchange of collections, such as Emerald and Halloween.
  • Give as a reward for passing missions.
  • Win in roulettes.
  • If you are honored with gift buildings, such as "House of Fear", "Emerald Palace" and others.
  • If you caught a pirate, and he will not have time to sail.
  • Zombax can be made from Zombaxide in Babylon.
  • Buy for real money.

How to become a pirate

You need to go through a pirate quest, buy a tavern and win the chest.

Purpose of Pirate - Fly in the warehouse of the chest and then bury it on the island of treasure, where you can swim on the ship. Regardless of whether you perform this quest on your own or requisited ship, you can collect treasures along the way.

To become a real pirate, it is necessary to take part in a special game roulette, which is held once a week for free and at any time at the request of the player for the dangum. It is here, in a roulette, the pirates won the chest, which will need to be buried on the island.

Swipped treasures need to guard! Losing the vigilance of Corsair, whom 15 and more citizens are caught up, has exactly a day to float. If he does not have time to do this, treasures from the chest are divided between citizens.

Where to dig a treasure

Almost in all cases, the treasure will be under some kind of items on the map. It may be a healthy stone, balloon, some unusual flower. The probability that the treasure will be buried somewhere in the field and without any benchmarks is extremely small.

How to quickly get a lot of coins

  1. The fastest way to earn coins - sell \u200b\u200bnails. This business can enrich you on 3000 coins. But a large number of friends are required.
  2. Use of golden shovel On the territory of farm friends. This method is very profitable in obtaining coins and experience. When finding secret folds, you can get valuable collections and objects.
  3. Growing Mandarin and Cooking Marmalade. The cost of production of one sweetness is 56245, which in turn is the cost of 10 mandarin (55540) and 5 roses (705). Thus, 56245 \u003d 55540 + 705. The cost of selling marmalade is 100842. The cost of production costs will be submitted from the resulting amount and we get 44597 net profit coins.
  4. Cutting Cleverla and creating red paint from it. To do this, it is necessary that the beacon was built. We grow a pumpkin and clover, after which of 1 Thakawhell (worth 40 coins) and 2 clover (10 coins), we boil one portion of the clouella and we get 210 coins. After that, in the lighthouse we produce red paint from Klelella and 1000 coins. Ready paint We sell for 1800th total we get 740 coins of pure benefit (60 + 1000 \u003d 1060. 1800 - 1060 \u003d 740). This option is faster, but you need to be online online and follow the actions of cooks.
  5. Sale of free giftsreceived from friends. The most expensive gift is love. For 1000 Gifts sold Love, you can earn 1 million gold coins. So the more friends you have, the more you sell.
  6. Walking along the tips Also a fairly profitable business. The limit on the investment of free gingerbreads in the Christmas tree - 150 per day. For each gingerbread you will receive a remuneration in the form of 2 units of some material, worth 500 coins. Thus, for each gingerbread you get 1000 coins. If you put all gingerbread that you can only per day, then the amount of 150 thousand is obtained, almost from nothing.

More Soviets I. useful information You will find in the file that you think download the link below. There you will find such information:

  • Tips and tricks for playing zombie farm
  • Vlasts and secret treasures in the game Zombie Farm
  • Where to take more brains in the zombie farm
  • How to get zombies for free
  • Popular collections
  • Passage of the game Zombie Farm
  • How to become a man in a zombie farm
  • Explanatory zombie farm dictionary